THONON, F., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Fontes, R. S., Touati, K., & Beckers, J.-F. (2023). In vitro maturation, fertilization and development rates of bovine oocytes connected with the reproductive status of the donor. Theriogenology, 39 (1), 330. |
Szenci, O., Touati, K., De Sousa, N. M., Hornick, J.-L., Van der Weyden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., & Beckers, J.-F. (28 August 2020). Development of a surgical technique for long-term catheterisation of bovine fetuses. Acta Veterinaria Hungarica, 68 (2), 212 - 220. doi:10.1556/004.2020.00033 |
Coria, E., Moula, N., Touati, K., Casalta, H., Bayrou, C., Gille, L., Bossaert, P., Sartelet, A., & Djebala, S. (08 November 2019). Non-Steroid Anti-Inflammatory Drugs utilization during bovine elective caesarean section in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. 6 th FARAH-day (Fundamental and Applied Research for Animals and Health), Liège, Belgium. |
Casalta, H., Djebala, S., Lagamme, C., Malcata, F., Vandeloise, M., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (August 2018). Use of blood L-lactate as a prognosis factor for the management of surgical digestive disorders in cattle [Paper presentation]. 30th World Buiatrics Congress 2018 SAPPORO, Sapporo, Japan. |
Saegerman, C., Leinartz, L., Amory, H., Bolen, G., Busoni, V., Cassart, D., Claeys, S., Dufrasne, I., Duprez, J.-N., Gabriel, A., Gommeren, K., Grulke, S., Guyot, H., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Laitat, M., Losson, B., Mainil, J., Marlier, D., Rollin, F., ... Humblet, M.-F. (01 June 2018). Teaching biosecurity standard operating procedures in the Veterinary Faculty, University of Liege, using eCampus learning platform [Poster presentation]. EAEVE General Assembly, Hannover, Germany. |
Lagamme, C., Casalta, H., Djebala, S., Malcata, F., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (13 October 2017). Evolution of pre and post-operative lactatemia as prognostic indicator of digestive surgeries in cattle [Poster presentation]. 4th FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
M'Boumba, J., Ectors, F., Van Laere, A.-S., Connan, D., Deleuze, S., Touati, K., delahaut, P., & Desmecht, D. (13 October 2017). Surgical co-transfers of genetically engineered pig embryos produced in vitro by ICSI-SMGT [Paper presentation]. FARAH day 2017, Sart-Tilman (Liège), Belgium. |
Casalta, H., Bayrou, C., Denis, M., Djebala, S., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (05 October 2017). Abdominal steatonecrosis in a twelve-year old Highland bull [Poster presentation]. 5th European Buiatrics Forum, Bilbao, Spain. |
Casalta, H., Greban de Saint Germain, C., Djebala, S., Sartelet, A., Theron, L., & Touati, K. (04 October 2017). Developing a prognosis tool for urolithiasis with obstruction in Belgian blue cattle breed [Paper presentation]. European Buiatrics Forum, Bilbao, Spain. |
Casalta, H., Couffin, C., Bayrou, C., Djebala, S., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (October 2017). Diagnostic et traitement de la péricardite chez les bovins. Point Vétérinaire, 379, 60-67. |
Maquet, C., Casalta, H., Sartelet, A., Touati, K., & Djebala, S. (July 2017). Réalisation d'une attelle de Thomas modifiée chez le bovin. Point Vétérinaire, 377, 52-57. |
Maquet, C., Casalta, H., Touati, K., Sartelet, A., & Djebala, S. (July 2017). Réalisation d'une attelle de Thomas modifiée pour un membre postérieur. Point Vétérinaire, 377, 61. |
Maquet, C., Casalta, H., Touati, K., Sartelet, A., & Djebala, S. (July 2017). Réalisation d'une attelle de Thomas modifiée pour un membre antérieur. Point Vétérinaire, 377, 59. |
Sartelet, A., Casalta, H., Djebala, S., Frisee, V., Knapp, E., Rao, A.-S., Theron, L., & Touati, K. (2016). La gestion des urgences en médecine bovine: la fiabilité du pronostic avant l'action ! Quels examens mettre en oeuvre au chevet de l'animal? [Paper presentation]. Vétérinexpo, Libramont, Belgium. |
Casalta, H., Knapp, E., Evrard, L., Marolf, V., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (21 October 2016). Surgical treatment of mucometra in an Alpine Goat [Poster presentation]. 3rd FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Djebala, S., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (May 2016). Arthrodèse du carpe chez le veau. Point Vétérinaire, 365, 50-54. |
Djebala, S., Sartelet, A., Moula, N., & Touati, K. (April 2016). Classification de la rigidité articulaire congénitale chez les veaux de race Blanc-bleu Belge. Point Vétérinaire, 364, 68-72. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (2015). Les déplacements de caillette : des facteurs de risques aux techniques chirurgicales [Paper presentation]. Formation continuée, Belgium. |
Gaillot, C., Claeys, S., Douffet, F., Frisee, V., Theron, L., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (17 October 2014). Wound management of a pregnant Belgian blue cow with severe toxic cutaneous necrosis affecting the limbs [Paper presentation]. 1st FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Genart, M., Evrard, L., Garcia de Fonseca, R., Touati, K., Bayrou, C., & Sartelet, A. (17 October 2014). Plantigrady due to a MRSI localized myopathy in a newborn Belgian blue calf [Paper presentation]. 1st FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Ronzoni, A., Bayrou, C., Evrard, L., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (17 October 2014). Hepatocholecystitis due to Salmonella Dublin in a crossbred calf [Paper presentation]. 1st FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium. |
Genart, M., Evrard, L., Garcia da Fonseca, Touati, K., Bayrou, C., & Sartelet, A. (26 June 2014). PLANTIGRADY DUE TO A LOCALIZED MYOPATHY IN TWO NEWBORN BELGIAN BLUE CALVES [Poster presentation]. XIX Congreso Internacional Anembe de Medecina Bovina & IX ECBHM Symposium, Oviedo, Spain. |
Ronzoni, A., Bayrou, C., Evrard, L., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (30 August 2013). Hepatocholecystitis due to Salmonella Dublin in a crossbred calf [Paper presentation]. Buiatrissima - 8th ECBHM Symposium, Berne, Switzerland. |
Djebala, S., Ronzoni, A., Sartelet, A., Theron, L., & Touati, K. (29 August 2013). Evaluation of the treatment of the congenital articular rigidity in calves depending on the grade of severity [Poster presentation]. Buiatrissima - 8th ECBHM Symposium, Berne, Switzerland. |
Gaillot, C., Claeys, S., Douffet, F., Frisee, V., Theron, L., Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (29 August 2013). Wound management of a pregnant Belgian blue cow with severe toxic cutaneous necrosis affecting the limbs [Poster presentation]. Buiatrissima - 8th ECBHM Symposium, Berne, Switzerland. |
Gaillot, C., Detilleux, J., Touati, K., Rollin, F., & Guyot, H. (2013). Accuracy of clinical examination and field tests for diagnosis of traumatic reticulo-peritonitis in cattle : a preliminary study. In Proceedings of the Buiatrissima 8th ECBHM Symposium. Bern, Switzerland: Université de Berne. |
Sartelet, A., Dahmani, A., & Touati, K. (06 June 2012). Partial penile amputation after traumatic injury in a Holstein friesian sire [Poster presentation]. XXVIIth Wolrd Buiatrics Congress, Lisbonne, Portugal. |
Theron, L., Tabaran, F., Cassart, D., Guyot, H., Dahmani, A., Frisee, V., Lamain, G., Touati, K., Desmecht, D., & Rollin, F. (2012). Granulomatous meningo-encephalitis caused by Toxoplasma gondii in three bulls, a possible explanation for unexplained sporadic bovine meningo-encephalitis. Revista Portuguesa de Buiatria, (Special Edition). |
Lamain, G., Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (September 2011). Tail amputation in a Belgian blue bull [Poster presentation]. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health Management, Liège, Belgium. |
Evrard, L., Bolen, G., Etienne, A.-L., Touati, K., Frisee, V., & Busoni, V. (2011). The use of external ultrasound for the diagnosis of coxofemoral joint disease in blue belgian cattle [Poster presentation]. 6th European Congress of Bovine Health Management. |
Lamain, G., Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (January 2011). Caudectomie haute pour traiter une fracture vertébrale avec ostéolyse. Point Vétérinaire, 312, 44-45. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (February 2010). Arthrotomie chez le veau. Point Vétérinaire, 302, 62-63. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (February 2010). Approche de l'arthrite septique chez le veau. Point Vétérinaire, 302, 53-57. |
Alvarez Oxiley, A. V., Melo de Sousa, N., Hornick, J.-L., Touati, K., van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A., Szenci, O., & Beckers, J.-F. (2010). Effect of exogenous circulating anti-bPL antibodies on bovine placental lactogen measurements in foetal samples. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 52, 9. doi:10.1186/1751-0147-52-9 |
Sartelet, A., Lamain, G., & Touati, K. (2010). Intussuscepzione: intervento chirurgico nel bovino. Summa. Animali da Reddito, 5 (2), 63-65. |
Sartelet, A., Lamain, G., & Touati, K. (2010). Approccio all'intussuscepzione nella specie bovina. Summa. Animali da Reddito, 5 (1), 19-24. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (2010). Artrotomia nel vitello. Summa. Animali da Reddito, 5 (7), 64-66. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (2010). Approccio all'artrite settica nel vitello. Summa. Animali da Reddito, 5 (7), 7-12. |
Sartelet, A., Lamain, G., & Touati, K. (June 2009). Intussusception : Chirurgie chez le bovin. Point Vétérinaire, 296, 44-45. |
Sartelet, A., Lamain, G., & Touati, K. (June 2009). Approche de l'intussusception dans l'espèce bovine. Point Vétérinaire, 296, 39-42. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (14 May 2009). Traitements des arthrites septiques chez le veau [Paper presentation]. Journées Nationales des GTV, Nantes, France. |
Knapp, E., Chapaux, P., Istasse, L., & Touati, K. (2009). Key indicators and decision-making trees to analyse reproduction problems linked to environmental factors : data from a commercial dairy unit. British Society of Animal Sciences, 014. |
Sartelet, A., Dive, M., Touati, K., Rollin, F., Georges, M., & Charlier, C. (10 July 2008). Crooked tail and muscular hypertrophy syndrome, an emerging inherited defect in Belgian blue breed [Paper presentation]. XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Sartelet, A., Guyot, H., Vandeputte, S., & Touati, K. (10 July 2008). Intestinal intussusceptions in cattle: a retrospective study (22 cases) [Paper presentation]. XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Sartelet, A., & Touati, K. (10 July 2008). Evaluation of the treatment of septic arthritis by arthrotomy in calves [Paper presentation]. XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Touati, K., & Sartelet, A. (10 July 2008). Chronic septic arthritis of the carpus : Surgical approach [Paper presentation]. XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Rollin, F., Vandeputte, S., Guyot, H., Touati, K., Desmecht, D., Charlier, C., & Georges, M. (2008). Congenital muscular dystony in the Belgian Blue breed [Paper presentation]. XXV World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary. |
Alvarez-Oxiley, A. V., Melo de Sousa, N., Hornick, J.-L., Touati, K., van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., Szenci, O., Sulon, J., Debliquy, P., & Beckers, J.-F. (2007). Radioimmunoassay of bovine placental lactogen using recombinant and native preparations: determination of fetal concentrations across gestation. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 19 (7), 877-885. doi:10.1071/RD06173 |
Vandeputte, S., Brihoum, M., Guyot, H., Touati, K., & Rollin, F. (16 October 2006). Atypical localisation of spinal compression caused by a sporadic lymphosarcoma in a calf [Poster presentation]. XXIV World Buiatrics Congress, Nice, France. |
Ayad, A., Melo de Sousa, N., Hornick, J.-L., Touati, K., Iguer-Ouada, M., & Beckers, J.-F. (2006). Endocrinology of pregnancy in the cow: embryonic signals, placental hormones and proteins. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 150 (4), 212-226. |
Janda, J., Uyttenhoef, A., Vandeputte, S., Brihoum, M., Guyot, H., Rollin, F., & Touati, K. (2006). Combined spastic paresis of both gastrocnemius and femoral quadriceps muscles in Belgian blue calves [Paper presentation]. XXIV World Buiatrics Congress, Nice, France. |
Touati, K., Melo de Sousa, N., Van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., Szenci, O., & Beckers, J.-F. (2006). Cannulation of bovine fetuses for a long period blood collection: the chirurgical approach. In Proceedings: 24th World Buiatrics Congress. |
Guyot, H., Vandeputte, S., Sandersen, C., Touati, K., & Rollin, F. (2005). Emergence of bovine Ehrlichiosis in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Buiatrissima (1st Swiss Buiatrics Congress), Berne, Switzerland. |
Alvarez-Oxiley, A. V., Melo de Sousa, N., Touati, K., Revy, D., Van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., Hornick, J.-L., & Beckers, J.-F. (2004). Radioimmunoassay of bovine placental lactogen (bPL) using an antiserum raised in guinea pigs: measurement in foetal plasma. |
Beckers, J.-F., Touati, K., Alvarez-Oxiley, A. V., & Melo de Sousa, N. (2004). Embryonic signals and pregnancy diagnosis in ruminants. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 39 (4), 252. |
Touati, K., Melo de Sousa, N., Gangl, M., Alvarez-Oxiley, A. V., Revy, D., Van der Weijden, G. C., Taverne, M. A. M., Serteyn, D., & Beckers, J.-F. (2004). Investigation on prenatal endocrinology: preliminary results on long term catheterisation of bovine foetuses. Reproduction. Abstract Series, 31, 26. |
Touati, K., Müller, P., Gangl M., Grulke, S., Peters F., & Serteyn, D. (22 November 2003). La parésie spastique du quadriceps fémoral : Une nouvelle entité clinique chez le veau de race Blanc Bleu Belge. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147. |
Gonzalez, F., Cabrera, F., Rodriguez, N., Remy, B., Meurens, F., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (November 2003). Insémination artificielle et transfert embryonnaire pour limiter la dissémination des maladies contagieuses chez les animaux de rente [Paper presentation]. Vétérinexpo, Marche-en-Famenne, Belgium. |
Delval, A., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1996). Vitrification of bovine embryos produced in vitro: survival, hatching and pregnancy rates. Theriogenology, 45 (1), 178. |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Smith, L., Sulon, J., Touati, K., Remy, B., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1996). Trophoblastic disregulations in pregnancies resulting from transfer of cloned embryos in the bovine species. In 12e Colloque Scientifique de l'Association Européenne du Transfert Embryonnaire (pp. 95-102). |
Delval, A., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Remy, B., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). Survival and pregnancy rates, after vitrification, of bovine embryos produced in vitro. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 162). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe. |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Smith, L. C., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). First and second cycle nuclear transfer in cattle: comparison of efficiency in embryo development and ongoing pregnancies. Theriogenology, 40 (1), 204. |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Smith, L., Touati, K., Remy, B., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). Viability of cloned bovine embryos after one or two cycles of nuclear transfer and in vitro culture. Theriogenology, 44, 925-933. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(95)00280-L |
Thonon, F., Lens, H., Touati, K., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1995). A step-wise procedure for cryoprotectant equilibration emproves the survival rate after thawing of in vitro produced embryos. Theriogenology, 40 (1), 338. |
Thonon, F., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Lenz, H., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (January 1994). Le point sur la production d’embryons in vitro: limitations et perspectives de la recherche. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 138 (1), 33-40. |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Touati, K., Thonon, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (December 1993). Clonage par greffe de blastomère: naissance d'un premier veau. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 137 (8), 573-574. |
Ectors, F., Delval, A., Touati, K., Thonon, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1993). Clonage par transfert de noyau dans l'espèce bovine: premiers résultats. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 137 (6), 427-431. |
Ectors, F., Thonon, F., Delval, A., Fontes, R. S., Touati, K., & Beckers, J.-F. (1993). Comparison between culture of bovine embryos in vitro versus development in rabbit oviducts and in vivo. Livestock Production Science, 36, 29-34. doi:10.1016/0301-6226(93)90134-4 |
Touati, K., Ectors, F., Thonon, F., Figueiredo, J. R., Fontes, R. S., Delval, A., Ectors, F., & Beckers, J.-F. (1993). Ruminant embryo exchanges using cryopreservation: current and future possibilities [Paper presentation]. 20th BCLAS Symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Grobet, L., Schwers, A., Charlier, C., Marcq, F., Ectors, F., Touati, K., & Hanset. (1992). Le sexage d'embryons bovins par la technique de l'amplification en chaîne par la polymérase (acp) d'une séquence Y-spécifique bovine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 136, 119-124. |
Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., Ectors, F., Delval, A., & Touati, K. (1989). Multiplication des embryons chez les bovins: possibilités actuelles et futures. Biotechnologie en Sélection animale - IRSIA, 188-211. |
Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., & Ectors, F. (09 September 1989). Demonstrationof somatogenic receptors in bovine corpus luteum: conjectural effect of trophic hormone on follicular growth and development [Poster presentation]. 4th Annual Meeting AETE, Lyon, France. |
Beckers, J.-F., Ballman-Wouters, P., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Bormans, M., Delval, A., & Ectors, F. (1989). Variable composition of bovine fetal calf serum: a prospective study for in vitro oocytes and embryos culture. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Meeting AETE. |
Beckers, J.-F., Ballman-Wouters, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., Doem, G., Lhoes, B., Lambert, E., Laurent, Y., Ectors, F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low doses of FSH stimulate follicular growth and maturation in anestrous heifers. Theriogenology, 172. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(89)90580-3 |
Beckers, J.-F., Ballman-Wouters, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Touati, K., Lambert, E., Doem, G., Lhoest B., Laurent Y., Ectors, F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low doses of FSH stimulate follicular growth and maturation in anestrous heifers. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 128). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe. |
Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Delval, A., Borman, M., & Ectors, F. (1989). Relation inverse entre la concentration des sérums foetaux bovins en hormone chorionique somatomammotrope et leur âge. Reproduction Nutrition Development, 29 (1), 29. |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). In vitro maturation and fertilization of bovine oocytes. Theriogenology, 31 (1), 188. |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). In vitro maturation and fertilization of bovine oocytes. In Proceedings of Association of Embryo Technology in Europe (AETE) (pp. 148). Association of Embryo Technology in Europe. |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Delval, A., & Beckers, J.-F. (1989). Maturation et fécondation in vitro chez les bovins: naissance d'un veau. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 435-436. |
Touati, K., Bormans, M., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low doses of FSH in early estrous cycle stimulate follicular growth and maturation as confirmed by subsequent superovulatory response. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting AETE. |
Touati, K., Bormans, M., Ectors, F., Delval, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Effet d'une préstimulation ovarienne en début de cycle sur la réponse au traitement de superovulation chez la vache. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 435-436. |
Touati, K., Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Mise au point sur la folliculogenèse. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 583-588. |
Touati, K., Vanderzwalmen, P., Ectors, F., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Low dose of FSH early in estrous cycle enhances superovulatory response in heifers. Theriogenology, 31 (1), 269. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(89)90677-8 |
Vanderzwalmen, P., Touati, K., Ectors, F., Massip, A., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1989). Vitrification of bovine blastocysts. Theriogenology, 31 (1), 270. |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (13 December 1988). Research work for an optimization of an in vitro maturation and fertilization method of the bovine oocytes [Paper presentation]. 3rd Franco-Czechoslovak Meeting, Jouy-En-Josas, France. |
Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Donnay, I., Touati, K., & Ectors, F. (1988). Demonstration of somatogenic receptors in bovine corpus luteum. In Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Animal Reproduction and Artificial Insemination. |
Ectors, F., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Touati, K., Beckers, J.-F., & Ectors, F. (1988). Obtention de blastocystes après maturation et fécondation in vitro d'ovocytes de bovin: premiers résultats. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 132, 517-519. |
Van Der Zwalmen, P., Gaurois, B., Ectors, F., Touati, K., Massip, A., & Ectors, F. (1988). Some factors affecting successful vitrification of mouse blastocysts. Theriogenology, 30 (6), 1177-83. doi:10.1016/0093-691X(88)90293-2 |
Beckers, J.-F., Wouters-Ballman, P., Viviers-Donnay, I., Demoustier, M., Touati, K., Van Der Zwalmen, P., Massip, A., & Ectors, F. (04 September 1987). Induction of superovulation in cattle [Paper presentation]. 3rd Annual Meeting of Association Européenne de Transfert Embryonnaire (AETE), Lyon, France. |