Publications and communications of Michel Delville

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (11 June 2024). Faire éclater le cadre. Débordements et incrustations dans l'œuvre de Tom Phillips [Paper presentation]. Du cadre à la bordure (arts plastiques, musique et cinéma), Lyon, France.

Delville, M. (23 May 2024). Prose Poems, Sudden Essays and Other Microforms [Paper presentation]. ENAG International Meeting: Hybrid Forms and the NAG.

Delville, M. (25 March 2024). The Secret History of Erasurism: Image-Music-Text [Paper presentation]. Bard College, United States - New York.

Delville, M., & Caws, M. A. (23 March 2024). Prosing and Hammering [Paper presentation]. CUNY - City University of New York, New York, United States - New York.

Delville, M. (22 March 2024). Baudelaire’s Monster [Paper presentation]. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphie, United States - Pennsylvania.

Delville, M. (18 March 2024). Hauntological Blurrings and Cancelations [Paper presentation]. SMU Symposium on Poetic Form, Dallas, United States - Texas.

Delville, M. (07 February 2024). Some Thoughts About Boredom and Difficulty [Paper presentation]. The Evergreen State College, United States.

Delville, M. (2024). Jacqueline Guittard et Martine Lavaud (dir.), Romanesques. L’usage du roman-photo. Belphégor : Littérature Populaire et Culture Médiatique, 22. doi:10.4000/11tfv

Delville, M. (2024). Evie Salmon’s ’A Market of the Senses'.

Delville, M. (2024). Beverly Baker.

Delville, M., & Curreri, L. (2024). Tout ce que vous n'auriez jamais voulu lire ou relire sur le roman-photo (Frigerio, V., Trans.). Limoges, France: Presses Universitaires de Limoges.

Delville, M. (04 December 2023). L'invention du poème en prose [Paper presentation]. Colloque international "Du poème en prose au slam : sur l'évolution du récit poétique du XIXe siècle au XXIe siècle".

Delville, M. (2023). Max Jacob, le poème en prose et le cinéma [Paper presentation]. Association des amis de Max Jacob.

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (31 August 2023). Pratiques collagistes et paradoxes du recouvrement dans l'œuvre de Tom Phillips [Paper presentation]. SEDIMENTATION. Towards an Archeology of Word and Image, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Delville, M., Eder, T., & Vandevoorde, H. (15 August 2023). Post-Avant Translation Practices: Language Poetry in Austria & The Low Countries. Modernism/Modernity Print Plus, 8 (1). doi:10.26597/mod.0267

Delville, M. (2023). Radiohead et le jazz [Paper presentation]. Festival de Montreux, Montreux, Switzerland.

Delville, M. (02 June 2023). Frank Zappa’s Them or Us: NAG or not NAG? [Paper presentation]. ENAG International Meeting : The Reception of Literary Neo-Avant-Gardes – Part II.

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (April 2023). Quand l'obscurité s'abat sur le récit. Iconicité, oblitération et engendrement poétique dans l'œuvre de Jochen Gerner. Textimage, 16 (printemps).

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (16 February 2023). Créer, c'est effacer. Approches interdisciplinaires [Paper presentation]. Collège Belgique, Charleroi, Belgium.

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (20 January 2023). "Only Connect" : A Humument (1966-2016) de Tom Phillips en tant qu'inter-œuvre [Paper presentation]. Œuvre ou inter-œuvre ? L'œuvre et ses médiations, Bordeaux, France.

Delville, M. (2023). The Prose Poems of Maxine Chernoff. Denver Quarterly.

Delville, M. (2023). Shadows of the Future: Louis Armand’s Megaphones of Prague. JEASA: Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia.

Delville, M. (2023). Gertrude Stein: ‘A Movie’. In Carole Aurouet (Ed.), Anthologie du cinéma invisible. Paris, Unknown/unspecified: Jean-Michel Place.

Delville, M. (16 December 2022). On Louis Armand’s Multimodal Poetics [Paper presentation]. ENAG International meeting : The Reception of the Neo-Avant-Gardes.

Delville, M. (13 December 2022). Foundism, Collage, Détournement : The Story So Far [Paper presentation]. Englisches Seminar.

Delville, M. (29 June 2022). Erasurist Poetics and Politics in North-America: 1998-2016 [Paper presentation]. “North American Poetry 2000-2020/1: Poetics, Aesthetics, Politics.”.

Curreri, L., & Delville, M. (2022). Ancora qualcosina su fotoromanzo e dintorni. Cuneo, Italy: Nerosubianco.

Delville, M. (2022). Spectralité et hantologie dans A Humument [Paper presentation]. Les Constellations de Tom Phillips.

Delville, M. (2022). National, Transnational.

Delville, M. (2022). A Humument. In Lars Bernaerts (Ed.), Online Encyclopedia of Literary Neo-Avant-Gardes. ENAG.

Delville, M. (29 September 2021). Pour le roman-photo expérimental [Paper presentation]. Un sesto di giornata sul Fotoromanzo.

Delville, M. (24 September 2021). A Portrait of Marjorie Perloff in Fifteen Paragraphs and One Refrain [Paper presentation]. Perloff@90: International Poetics Symposium, Los Angeles, United States.

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (18 September 2021). Les dessous de Mallock. Stratégies de l'effeuillage textuel dans l'œuvre de Tom Phillips [Paper presentation]. Eroticism, Poetic Concretism, and Visuality (1960-1970), Paris, France.

Delville, M. (2021). Pour Antonio Lobo Antunes [Paper presentation]. Share a Light.

Delville, M. (2021). "Critiques politiques du fait poétique".

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (17 June 2021). Tom Phillips : la poésie contre le roman contre la poésie [Paper presentation]. Contre la poésie, la poésie, Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (14 June 2021). Quand l’obscurité s’abat sur le récit Iconicité, oblitération et engendrement poétique dans l’œuvre de Jochen Gerner [Paper presentation]. Quand l'image touche la littérature: Hapticité des rapports icono-poétiques (XXe-XXIes, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (27 May 2021). L'art états-unien entre effacement et dématérialisation [Paper presentation]. La Post-Amérique, Lille, France.

Curreri, L., Delville, M., & Palumbo, G. (2021). Tutto quello che non avreste mai voluto leggere—o rileggere—sul fotoromanzo. Una passeggiata. Bologna, Italy: comma22.

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (2021). Le Livre d'artiste saisi par la bande dessinée : entrecroisements, détournements. Piano B : Arti e Culture Visive, 5 (1), 161-184.

Delville, M. (2021). Who Hates Poetry? [Paper presentation]. Colloque international « Contre la poésie, la poésie ».

Delville, M. (2021). Undisciplined Writing: Postwar American Prose Poetry. In S. G. Axelrod & C. Svonkin (Eds.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Contemporary American Poetry. London, United Kingdom: Bloomsbury.

Delville, M. (2021). Rilke. In M. Delville & M. A. Caws, Early Prose Poems from All Over. Black Widow Press.

Delville, M. (2021). Retour sur Giacomo Joyce. In P. Valesio, F. Manservigi, ... M. Neri (Eds.), Writers Between Worlds / Scrittori Fra più mondi. Florence, Italy: Società Editrice Fiorentina.

Delville, M. (2021). Pour une histoire littéraire de l’odorat. In J. Hennebert (Ed.), Sens et senteur: une question d'expression et de communication. Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion.

Delville, M. (2021). Paul Claudel. In M. Delville & M. A. Caws, Early Prose Poems from All Over. Boston, United States: Black Widow Press.

Delville, M. (2021). Modernism and the Social Politics of Olfaction. In F. Krause & K. Herold, Scents of Value. Smells and Social Life in English, French, and German Literature (1880-1939). München, Germany: iudicium Verlag.

Delville, M. (2021). Marcel Lecomte. In M. Delville & M. A. Caws, Early Prose Poems from All Over. Black Widow Press.

Delville, M. (2021). Le roman de la faim: du Hungerkünstler au schizoflâneur. Macerata, Italy: Quodlibet.

Delville, M. (2021). Jan Baetens, "The Film Photonovel: A Cultural History of Forgotten Adaptations". Visual Studies.

Delville, M. (2021). Introduction. In M. Delville & M. A. Caws, The Edinburgh Companion to the Prose Poem. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press.

Delville, M. (2021). Franz Kafka. In M. Delville & M. A. Caws, Beginnings of the Prose Poem. Black Widow Press.

Delville, M., Arteel, I., Bernaerts, L., Broqua, V., De Geest, D., Eder, T., Félix, B., Innerhofer, R., Logie, I., Müller, S., Vandevoorde, H., Vervaeck, B., & Van Heuckelom, K. (2021). Introduction: Neo-Avant-Garde, Why Bother? In L. Bernaerts, OELN - Online Encyclopedia of Literary Neo-Avant-Gardes. ENAG.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (2021). La poésie visuelle de Tom Phillips: histoire d’un roman traité. In Mathios Bénédicte, Rodrigues Daniel, ... Lavergne Lucie (Ed.), Poésie visuelle: l’expérimentation en question(s). Clermont-Ferrand, Unknown/unspecified: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal.

Delville, M., & Caws, M. A. (Eds.). (2021). The Edinburgh Companion to the Prose Poem. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press.

Delville, M., & Caws, M. A. (2021). Introduction. In M. Delville & M. A. Caws, Beginnings of the Prose Poem. Boston, United States: Black Widow Press.

Delville, M., & Caws, M. A. (Eds.). (2021). Beginnings of the Prose Poem: All Over the Place. Black Widow Press.

Delville, M., & Caws, M. A. (Eds.). (2021). About the French Prose Poem. New York Review Books.

Delville, M., Waltregny, E., & Schellow, A. (2021). Alice in Shreds: A Film.

Delville, M., & Waltregny, E. (2020). InfrAlice. PLACE.

Delville, M., Vandevoorde, H., & Eder, T. (25 February 2020). Avant-Post: from Silliman to Waterhouse [Paper presentation]. 9th ENAG Meeting.

Delville, M. (2020). To Abolish Death. In P. McGuiness, Europe in Poems. Todmorden, United Kingdom: Arc Publications.

Delville, M. (2020). Préface. In S. Cauchy, Figures de la boucle dans les pratiques contemporaines. Rennes, France: Presses Unversitaires de Rennes.

Delville, M. (2020). O’Hara, Cornell, Warhol, Hartigan and the Interartistic Struggle. In D. Daniele (Ed.), On and Around Frank O’Hara. Udine, Italy: Campanotto.

Delville, M. (2020). Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Etude de textes littéraires anglais modernes).

Delville, M. (2020). F. T. Marinetti. In P. McGuiness, Europe in Poems. Todmorden, United Kingdom: Arc Publications.

Delville, M. (2020). ’Broadway the Hard Way’: Over de Literaire Subteksten van Zappa’s Big Note. In F. Mus, Grondtonen: als muzikanten schrijvers worden. Het Spectrum.

Delville, M. (2020). Andy Warhol. In P. McGuiness, Europe in Poems. Todmorden, United Kingdom: Arc Publications.

Delville, M., & Waltregny, E. (2020). Alice in Shreds. Image and Narrative: Online Magazine of the Visual Narrative.

Delville, M. (04 December 2019). Emilio Isgrò: il linguaggio artistico della cancellatura [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de lngue et culture italiennes.

Delville, M., Vandevoorde, H., & Eder, T. (08 November 2019). Language Poetry in Austria [Paper presentation]. 8th ENAG Meeting.

Delville, M., & Curreri, L. (18 October 2019). Le roman-photo (presque) par lui-même [Paper presentation]. International Study Day on Photonovels.

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (October 2019). Les blessures de Mallock. Reprise, réduction et amputation dans "A Humument" de Tom Phillips. Textimage, 11.

Delville, M. (2019). The Poetry of Don Van Vliet [Paper presentation]. The Literary Production of Musician Writers.

Delville, M. (2019). Président de la session "Fictions carcérales et sociétés de contrôle ".

Delville, M. (2019). Philippe Gonin, "Robert Wyatt, Rock Bottom". Volume! La Revue des Musiques Populaires.

Delville, M. (2019). Marcel Duchamp: A Commentary. In P. Johnson, A Cast-Iron Aeroplane That Can Actually Fly. United States: MadHat Press.

Delville, M. (2019). L’antivie triestine de Joyce. In L. Curreri & F. Saenen, Tentati di morire… e di vivere: moderni barbari, esteti armati, indomabili, fratelli separati, camaleonti (pp. 49-60). Cuneo, Italy: Nerosubianco.

Delville, M. (2019). Jimi Hendrix, Are You Experienced. Raris/Rouen, France: Densité.

Delville, M. (2019). Effacement, poésie, critique. Formes Poétiques Contemporaines.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (2019). Oblitérations et traits de réflexivité dans _A Humument_ de Tom Phillips. In T. Raus & G. M. Tore, Comprendre la mise en abyme. Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (2019). Eloge de l’effacement : De Tom Phillips à Martin Arnold [Paper presentation]. Séminaire CREAVIS.

(2019). Paolo Valesio, La mezzanotte di Spoleto (Delville, M., ... Della Casa, M., Trans.). Orizons.

Delville, M., & Purnelle, G. (2019). L'effacement. Formes Poétiques Contemporaines.

Delville, M. (22 November 2018). The Smell of Modernism [Paper presentation]. Common Scents : An International Conference, United Kingdom.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (14 June 2018). Edible Objects of Disgust: Hemingway, Lewis, Stein and the Anti-Vomitive [Paper presentation]. The Third International Conference of the French Society for Modernist Studies (SEM.

Delville, M. (02 May 2018). Joyce/Svevo [Paper presentation]. Tentati di morire… e di vivere: moderni barbari, esteti armati, indomabili, fratelli separati, camaleonti. Una giornata con Maurizio Serra.

Delville, M. (19 April 2018). Défaire l’art : gommages et coupes sombres [Paper presentation]. Rémélice (Réceptions et médiations de littératures et de cultures étrangères et comparées).

Delville, M. (10 March 2018). Erasure and Transmediality [Paper presentation]. Université de Cambridge, Université de Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Delville, M. (2018). The Prose Poem. In R. Clark, The Literary Encyclopedia. The Literary Dictionary Company.

Delville, M. (2018). Radiohead et le rock progressif: histoire d’un malentendu. In D. Haigron & G. Clément, OK Computer, Twenty Years On. Radiohead’s Musical, Political and Cultural Legacies. Presses U Rennes.

Delville, M. (2018). Président de la session “Amériques“.

Delville, M. (2018). Pour une histoire littéraire de l’odorat [Paper presentation]. Colloque international Sens et Senteurs.

Delville, M. (2018). Niklas Salmose, Once Upon a Time: Nostalgic Narratives in Transition. Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory.

Delville, M. (2018). Mary Caponegro and Emily Dickinson. In D. Daniele (Ed.), Mary Caponegro. Campanotto.

Delville, M. (2018). Manifestoes! (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (2018). Lewis Carroll and the Grotesque. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Littérature anglaise B).

Delville, M. (2018). J. G. Ballard, Crash. In collectif, Le guide du rond-point. Editions de la Province de Liège.

Delville, M. (2018). Iain Sinclair, London Orbital. In Le guide du rond-point. Editions de la Province de Liège.

Delville, M. (2018). Hatfield and the North. In M. Delville, Le guide du rond-point. Editions de la Province de Liège.

Delville, M. (2018). H.P. Lovecraft's "The Dunwich Horror". (ULiège - Université de Liège, Littérature anglaise B).

Delville, M. (2018). Gertrude Stein, Tender Buttons. In C. Sandru, The Literary Encyclopedia. The Literary Dictionary Company.

Delville, M. (2018). Frank Zappa et l’avant-garde [Paper presentation]. Colloque international Zappologies, Philharmonie de Paris/Cité de la Musique.

Delville, M. (2018). Belgian Comparativism at the Crossroads. In F. Toudoire-Surlapierre, Comparative Literature in Europe: Challanges and Perspectives. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Delville, M. (2018). A Short Statement. In L. Armand, Alienist. Litteraria Pragensia.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (2018). Objects of Disgust: Hemingway, Lewis, Stein, and the Anti-Vomitive. In D. Gladwin, Gastronomic Modernism: Food, Literature, and Culture. Clemson University Press.

Delville, M., & Purnelle, G. (2018). FPC – Formes Poétiques Contemporaines, Vol. 13 "La phrase". Formes Poétiques Contemporaines.

Delville, M. (30 November 2017). Rubouts, Blackouts and Cover-ups [Paper presentation]. ENAG Meeting 2017.

Delville, M. (24 November 2017). Retour sur Giacomo Joyce [Paper presentation]. Scrittori fra più mondi, Université de Bologne, Italy.

Delville, M., & Bertrand, J.-P. (25 October 2017). Poésie et cosmologie [Paper presentation]. Colloque Art & Science, Regards Croisés, Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (18 October 2017). Pour une poétique de l’effacement: autour de Tom Phillips [Paper presentation]. Les langages syncrétiques: vers une approche énonciative et matérielle.

Delville, M. (28 September 2017). Hamlet et la culture populaire [Paper presentation]. Rencontres du BiLA.

Delville, M. (13 July 2017). Undoing Art [Paper presentation]. XIth International IAWIS/AIERTI Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Delville, M. (2017). Présidence de la session "Réappropriations: recyclages, effacements, détournements".

Delville, M. (22 June 2017). La comparaison en Belgique [Paper presentation]. Colloque international Comparer en Europe, Mulhouse, France.

Delville, M. (18 May 2017). Radiohead and Prog Rock [Paper presentation]. OK Computer, vingt ans après: l’héritage musical, culturel et politique de Radiohead, Rennes, France.

Delville, M. (10 May 2017). Hunger Art and the Sensorium [Paper presentation]. IMS Lecture Series, Sweden.

Delville, M. (2017). Robert Wyatt, Rock Bottom. Culture.

Delville, M. (2017). Président de la session “Réappropriations: recyclages, effacements, détournements“.

Delville, M. (2017). Président de la séance no 3, Colloque international La fiction littéraire contemporaine face à ses pouvoirs.

Delville, M. (2017). Nick Drake. Five Leaves Left. Culture.

Delville, M. (2017). Microessays and Fictocriticism. In M. Carroll, Beyond the line: contemporary prose poetry. Australia: TEXT.

Delville, M. (2017). James, Fabcaro et BenGrrr, Amour, Passion & CX diesel. Culture.

Delville, M. (2017). Francis Édeline, La poésie concrète soixante ans après. Culture.

Delville, M. (2017). David Toop, Into the Maelstrom. Volume! La Revue des Musiques Populaires, 13 (2).

Delville, M., & Bertrand, J.-P. (Eds.). (2017). Edgar Allan Poe, Eureka. Paris, France: Gallimard.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (2017). The Politics and Aesthetics of Hunger and Disgust: Perspectives on the Dark Grotesque. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781315472218

Delville, M., & Waltregny, E. (2017). Ali e t o lo ss. Röstanga, Sweden: Trolltrumma förlaget.

Delville, M. (2016). Présidence de la session "Literature and Destruction".

Delville, M. (16 November 2016). Erasurism, Peritext, Hypertext & Infratext [Paper presentation]. Intermediality and Paratextuality.

Delville, M. (21 October 2016). Hamlet revisité [Paper presentation]. Quatre siècles d’un été éternel—Shakespeare au tournant du vingt-et-unième siècle.

Delville, M. (20 October 2016). What’s Avant about the Poetic Neo-Avant-Garde ? [Paper presentation]. ENAG (European Neo-Avant-Garde) Meeting 2016, Paris, France.

Delville, M. (2016). Présidence de la session "Que fait le cinéma aux genres littéraires?".

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (2016). Oblitérations, contacts et frictions dans "A Humument" de Tom Phillips. In A. Bandry, F. Moghadassi, ... G. Potriquet (Eds.), Defining and Redefining Space in the English-Speaking World : Contacts, Frictions, Clashes (pp. 145-154). Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Delville, M. (2016). William Faulkner's _As I Lay Dying_. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (2016). Senses. In M. Delville, S. Bru, ... B. De Bruyn (Eds.), Literature Now: Key Terms and Methids for Literary History (pp. 87-97). Edniburgh University Press.

Delville, M. (2016). Samuel Beckett and the Theater of the Absurd. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Littérature anglaise B).

Delville, M. (2016). Palahniuk's _Fight Club_: from Novel to Screen. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Littérature anglaise B).

Delville, M. (2016). Melville's Bartleby. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (2016). Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper". (ULiège - Université de Liège, Littérature anglaise B).

Delville, M., Baetens, J., Watthee, M., Callens, J., Peeters, H., Warhol, R., & Gervais, B. (2016). Transformations médiatiques: une analyse comparée du cinéma et de la. Recherches en Communication, 41, 221-32.

Delville, M., & Bertrand, J.-P. (2016). Eureka: du poème en prose au roman métaphysique. In A. Dechene & M. Delville (Ed.), Le thriller métaphysique d'Edgar Allan Poe à nos jours. Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège.

Delville, M., Bru, S., & De Bruyn, B. (Eds.). (2016). Literature Now: Key Terms and Methods for Literary History. Edinburgh University Press.

Delville, M., Bru, S., & De Bruyn, B. (2016). Introduction. In M. DELVILLE, S. Bru, ... B. De Bruyn (Eds.), Literature Now: Key terms for Literary History (pp. 1-23). Edinburgh University Press.

Delville, M., & Caws, M. A. (2016). Undoing Art. Macerata, Italy: Quodlibet.

Delville, M., Cohen, N., Gervais, B., & O'Sullivan, S. (2016). An Example of ‘False Friends’: Literary Genres/Filmic Genres. Revue Belge de Philologie et d'Histoire, 3.

Delville, M., & Dechene, A. (Eds.). (2016). Le thriller métaphysique d’Edgar Allan Poe à nos jours. Presses Universitaires de Liège.

Delville, M., & Dechene, A. (2016). Introduction. In M. Delville & A. Dechene (Eds.), Le thriller métaphysique d'Edgar Allan Poe à nos jours. PULg.

Delville, M. (2016). Anything & Everything: Prose Poems and Microessays (Lombardo, G., Trans.). Niantic, CT, United States: Quale Press.

Delville, M., Mengham, R., Salmon, Y., & Pioro, T. (01 December 2015). Understanding Marc Atkins [Paper presentation]. Understanding Marc Atkins.

Belloi, L., & Delville, M. (17 January 2015). "Oblitérations et mise en abyme dans A Humument de Tom Phillips" [Paper presentation]. "Sonder l'abyme. La mise en abyme dans les textes et les images", Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Belloi, L., Delville, M., Levaux, C., & Pirenne, C. (Eds.). (2015). Boucle et répétition : musique, littérature, arts visuels. Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège.

Curreri, L., & Delville, M. (Eds.). (2015). Il grande «incubo che mi son scelto». Le grand «cauchemar de mon choix». The big «nightmare of my choice». Prove di avvicinamento a Profondo rosso / Les Frissons de l'Angoisse / Deep Red (1975-2015). Piombino (LI), Italy: Il foglio.

Delville, M. (2015). Still Moving. In M. Delville, Marc Atkins. Collections artistiques de l'ULg.

Delville, M. (2015). Radiohead: OK Computer. Paris, France: Densité.

Delville, M. (2015). Pro tempore de Marc Atkins. Culture.

Delville, M. (2015). Preface. In J. Baetens (Ed.) & M. Kasper (Trans.), Correspondance: The Birth of Belgian Surrealism. Peter Lang.

Delville, M. (2015). Preface. In M. Delville, Marc Atkins. Collections artistiques de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2015). On the Giallo Considered as one of the Fine Arts (with Attendant Considerations of the Weird Tale, the Dark Grotesque and Dario Argento’s Philosophy of Composition). In M. Delville & L. Curreri (Eds.), Il grande « incubo che mi son scelto » : Prove di avvicinamento a Profondo Rosso (1975-2015). Piombino, Italy: Il Foglio Letterario.

Delville, M. (2015). Mary Ann Caws, The Modernist Art Cookbook. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2015). Marc Atkins's Pro Tempore. In M. Delville, Marc Atkins. Collections artistiques de l'ULg.

Delville, M. (2015). Marc Atkins : rencontre aux frontières des genres. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2015). Marc Atkins: de la photographie au poème en prose. Culture.

Delville, M. (Ed.). (2015). Marc Atkins. Collections artistiques de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2015). Literary History and the Senses [Paper presentation]. Colloque international MDRN Writing Literary History 1900-1950.

Delville, M. (2015). Le spectre de la répétition dans l'art vidéo. In L. Belloi, M. Delville, C. Levaux, ... C. Pirenne (Eds.), Boucle et répétition : Musique, littérature, arts visuels (pp. 127-144). PULg.

Delville, M. (2015). L’histoire secrète du rock progressif [Paper presentation]. Is this Rock?.

Delville, M. (2015). L'art stercoral. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Questions de littératures modernes comparées).

Delville, M. (2015). Kafka’s Circus Rings and Hunger Walls. In L. Armand (Ed.), Abolishing Prague (pp. 113-124). PU Prague.

Delville, M. (2015). Gertrude Stein’s Unpublished Film Scripts. In D. Thomières (Ed.), Literary Texts: The Power and the Possible. PU de Reims.

Delville, M., & Baetens, J. (2015). 286 jours ou le défi de la réconciliation du portrait et du récit. In M. Uhl (Ed.), Les récits visuels de soi. PU Paris Ouest.

Delville, M., & Curreri, L. (2015). Introduzione a quattro mani e due teste. In M. Delville & L. Curreri (Eds.), Il grande « incubo che mi son scelto » : Prove di avvicinamento a Profondo Rosso (1975-2015). Piombino, Italy: Il Foglio Letterario.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (2015). Schizostrollers and Hungry Clerks. In G. Celant (Ed.), Arts & Foods. Electa/Mondadori.

Delville, M., Norris, A., & Von Hoffmann, V. (Eds.). (2015). Le Dégoût. Histoire, langage, esthétique et politique d'une émotion plurielle. Liège, Belgium: PULG.

Delville, M., Norris, A., & Von Hoffmann, V. (2015). Introduction. Figures du Dégoût. In M. Delville, A. Norris, ... V. Von Hoffmann, Le Dégoût. Histoire, langage, esthétique et politique d'une émotion plurielle (pp. 5-21). Liège, Belgium: PULG.

Delville, M. (14 November 2014). Zappa et le rock progressif [Paper presentation]. Frank Zappa.

Delville, M. (05 November 2014). The New Genres of Prose Poetry [Paper presentation]. American Prose Poetry: An International Conference, Udine, Italy.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (03 October 2014). Recouvrements, contacts, frictions et heurts dans "A Humument" de Tom Phillips [Paper presentation]. Contacts, frictions, heurts dans le monde anglophone / Contacts, Frictions, Clashes in the English-Speaking World, Strasbourg, France.

Levaux, C., & Delville, M. (2014). Chris Cutler, Loops. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (28 May 2014). Closed and Open Bodies: The Political Arts of Hunger and Disgust [Paper presentation]. The Rhetorics of Food.

Delville, M. (2014). Présidence de la session "Food and Ecology".

Delville, M., & Von Hoffmann, V. (22 April 2014). Goûts et dégoûts: Histoire, Art et Nourriture [Paper presentation]. Collège Belgique, Namur, Belgium.

Delville, M. (22 March 2014). Frank Zappa and the history of jazz-rock [Paper presentation]. International Frank Zappa festival.

Delville, M. (2014). Rencontre avec Jonathan Coe: Autour d'_Expo 58_ [Paper presentation]. Littérature, Jazz et Politique.

Delville, M. (2014). Vincent Broqua, A partir de rien : Esthétique, poétique, politique de l’infime. Image and Narrative: Online Magazine of the Visual Narrative.

Delville, M. (2014). Preface. In M. Atkins & R. Mengham (Eds.), Still Moving (pp. 3-4). Veer.

Delville, M. (2014). Paolo Valesio, La Mezzanotte di Spoleto. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2014). La matière du détail. In L. Belloi & M. Hagelstein (Eds.), La Mécanique du détail : Approches transversales (pp. 32-44). Lyon, France: ENS Editions.

Delville, M. (2014). La hiérarchie des sens. (ULiège - Université de Liège, Questions de littératures modernes comparées).

Delville, M. (2014). Jonathan Coe, Expo 58. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2014). Jean-Michel Rabaté, Crimes of the Future: Theory and its Global Reproduction. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2014). InIntroductory talk to Arf festival feat. Brussels Philharmonic, Vlaams Radio Koor & The Wrong Object olv. Alexander Hanson.

Delville, M. (2014). Infinite Jest: Renaissance Drama and the Uses of Comedy.

Delville, M. (2014). Herman Melville, Bartleby le scribe. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2014). Derf Backderf, Mon ami Dahmer. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2014). Daniel Goossens, La reine des mouches. Culture.

Delville, M. (2014). Ars Poetica [Paper presentation]. Ars Poetica Festival.

Delville, M. (2014). Activismes de l’inappétence : Shelley, Melville, Kafka. In B. Marquer & E. Reverzy (Eds.), La cuisine de l'oeuvre au XIXe siècle: rerads d'artistes et d'écrivains. PU de Strasbourg.

Delville, M., Baetens, J., Warhol, R., Watthee, M.* , & Gervais, B.*. (2014). Literature and Media Innovation: A Brief Research Update on a Genre/Medium Project. Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift, 485-492.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Delville, M., & Von Hoffmann, V. (2013). Le Dégoût : Histoire, langage, politique et esthétique d’une émotion plurielle. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M., & Bertrand, J.-P. (26 September 2013). Eureka: Poe et le poème analytique [Paper presentation]. The Metaphysical Thriller.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (24 May 2013). "Sound & Disgust" [Paper presentation]. Le dégoût: Histoire, langage, politique et esthétique d’une émotion plurielle, Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M., Von Hoffmann, V., & Norris, A. (24 May 2013). Conclusions [Paper presentation]. Le dégoût: Histoire, langage, politique et esthétique d’une émotion plurielle, Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M. (23 May 2013). On Disgust and the Curse of Matter [Paper presentation]. Le dégoût: Histoire, langage, politique et esthétique d’une émotion plurielle, Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M. (2013). Allocution d'ouverture du colloque [Paper presentation]. Le dégoût: Histoire, langage, politique et esthétique d’une émotion plurielle, Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M., Von Hoffmann, V., & Norris, A. (23 May 2013). Introduction [Paper presentation]. Le dégoût : histoire, langage, politique et esthétique d'une émotion plurielle, Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M. (18 May 2013). "Poetry and Silent Film" [Paper presentation]. Les mots entre pouvoir et puissance, Reims, France.

Delville, M. (17 May 2013). Poetry and Silent Films [Paper presentation]. Colloque international Literary Texts: The Power and the Possible, Reims, France.

Delville, M. (13 May 2013). Crossroads Poetics and the Loop [Paper presentation]. Prague Micro-fFstival.

Delville, M. (11 May 2013). Crossroads Poetics, Frank Zappa and the Loop [Paper presentation]. Prague Micro Festival, Prague, Czechia.

Delville, M. (2013). Crossroads Poetics: Text, Image, Music, Film & Beyond. Prague, Czechia: Presses Universitaires de Prague.

Delville, M. (04 April 2013). Retour sur _Hot Rats_ [Paper presentation]. Remembering Frank Zappa, Dijon, France.

Delville, M. (04 April 2013). Les relectures contemporaines de Frank Zappa [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études Frank Zappa, Dijon, France.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (21 March 2013). The Violence of Self-Starvation [Paper presentation]. Writing and Dramatising the Body - An International Conference, Lille, France.

Delville, M. (2013). Tolkien et la "high fantasy". Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2013). Manifestoes! (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (2013). In Praise of Boxes. In K. Freitag (Ed.), Memory, the United States, and Transnational Poetics. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Delville, M. (2013). Iain Sinclair, London Orbital. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2013). Gertrude Stein's Melodies. In M. Demoor, S. Posman, ... D. Van Durme (Eds.), Melodies and Modernisms (pp. 72-83). United States: TSLL.

Delville, M. (2013). Frank Zappa and the Historical Avant-Garde. In P. Carr (Ed.), Frank Zappa and the And. Aldershot, United Kingdom: Ashgate.

Delville, M. (2013). Claire et Jake, Francis est malade. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2013). Activismes de l’inappétence : Shelley, Melville, Kafka. In B. Marquer & E. Reverzy (Eds.), La Cuisine de l’œuvre. Regards d’écrivains et d’artistes au XIXe siècle. Strasbourg, France: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg.

Delville, M. (2012). Introduction et animation du débat “La littérature par delà les frontières » du festival littéraire international "Mixed Zone" [Paper presentation]. Festival littéraire international "Mixed Zone".

Delville, M. (14 September 2012). The Prose Poem and the Third Body [Paper presentation]. WGCP (Yale Working Group in Contemporary Poetry), Yale, United States.

Delville, M. (13 September 2012). Revisiting the Loop: Image Music Text [Paper presentation]. The Department of Comparative Literature - Brown University, Providence, United States.

Delville, M. (12 September 2012). Modernism and Melody [Paper presentation]. Comparative Literature Program, New York, United States.

Delville, M. (11 September 2012). Modernism's Musical Dilemmas [Paper presentation]. UPenn Modernism and Twentieth Century Studies Group, Philadelphie, United States.

Delville, M. (2012). Petite histoire du space rock. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (29 June 2012). Remembering Joseph Cornell [Paper presentation]. Memory, the United States, and Transnational Poetics.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (15 June 2012). Empathizing with the disembodied [Paper presentation]. Sensualizing Deformity: An International Conference.

Delville, M. (21 May 2012). Faim de partie: les récits de la privation alimentaire [Paper presentation]. Les récits du sensible.

Delville, M. (2012). Rosmarie Waldrop. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2012). Présidence de la session "Literary Monsters" - colloque international "Monsters : Subject, Object, Abject".

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (12 April 2012). Monstrosity, Hunger, and Resistance [Paper presentation]. Monsters: Subject, Object, Abject - An International Conference.

Delville, M. (06 March 2012). Les artistes de la faim [Paper presentation]. Colloque interdisciplinaire Arts et nourritures.

Delville, M. (05 March 2012). Art et nourriture [Paper presentation]. Colloque interdisciplinaire Arts et nourritures.

Delville, M. (2012). Rencontre avec Iain Sinclair autour de _London Orbital_.

Delville, M. (2012). On & Around Robert Wyatt.

Delville, M. (2012). Francis Edeline. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2012). Art et nourriture. (Questions de littératures modernes comparées).

Delville, M. (2012). André Stas. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (13 October 2011). Activismes de l'inappétence [Paper presentation]. Faims de littérature.

Delville, M. (2011). Présidence du 3ème atelier du colloque international "Boucle et répétition".

Delville, M. (03 March 2011). The Ghost of Repetition in Video Art: Douglas Gordon, Bill Viola, Marc Atkins [Paper presentation]. 5èm Colloque International du CIPA: "Boucle et répétition: Musique, littérature, arts visuels", Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M., Belloi, L., & Pirenne, C. (2011). Allocution d'ouverture du 5ème colloque international du CIPA "Boucle et répétition".

Delville, M. (2011). J.R.R. Tolkien. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2010). Président de session d’ouverture du Colloque International "Quand la littérature fait sens".

Delville, M. (19 November 2010). Les enjeux de l'écriture des sens [Paper presentation]. Colloque International "Quand la littérature fait sens", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Delville, M. (2010). Le poème en prose américain [Paper presentation]. Rencontres du FRAM, Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M., & Dubois, J. (2010). Rencontre-débat avec Antonio Lobo Antunes.

Delville, M. (2010). Retour sur les romans du 11 septembre. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2010). Of Mussels and Moss.

Delville, M. (2010). Manifestes! Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2010). La Poétique du détail. In L. Belloi & M. Hagelstein (Eds.), La mécanique du détail.

Delville, M. (2010). Jan Baetens. Culture.

Delville, M. (2010). J.G. Ballard et la perte du réel. In J.-L. Tillieul (Ed.), Des fictions qui construisent le monde (pp. 98-109). Louvain, Belgium: Presses univ de Louvain.

Delville, M. (2010). Introduction à la recherche bibliographique - partim anglais.

Delville, M. (2010). "Goûter c'est croire": quelques pensées sur la poétique des natures mortes. In M. Watthee-Delmotte (Ed.), Texte, Image, Imaginaire (pp. 139-152). Paris, France: L'Harmattan.

Delville, M. (2010). Dylan Thomas en chansons. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2010). Antonio Lobo Antunes. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2010). A Short Statement about Prose Poetry. Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, 8.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (2010). Understanding the Loop. In L. Armand (Ed.), Hidden Agendas/Unreported Poetics (pp. 198-209). Prague, Czechia: Litteraria Pragensia.

Delville, M., & Carr, P. (2010). King Kong: A Conversational Analysis.

Delville, M., & Dawans, S. (2010). Corps Architectural et poétique de l’organique: le rêve de l’escargot. Formules, 14, 1-13.

Dubois, J., & Delville, M. (2010). Présentation de l'oeuvre et interview d'Antonio Lobo Antunes [Paper presentation]. Antonio Lobo Antunes -lecture et débat.

Delville, M., & Michel, P. (2009). Hamlet.

Delville, M. (2009). Falstaff.

Delville, M. (2009). Allocution d'ouverture du festival "Passeurs de musique" [Paper presentation]. Festival "Passeurs de musique".

Delville, M. (2009). Manger l’avant-garde : de Marcel Duchamp à Wim Delvoye [Paper presentation]. Rencontres du FRAM.

Delville, M. (12 May 2009). J. G. Ballard et la perte du réel [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférences "Des fictions qui construisent le monde", Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Delville, M. (2009). J.G. Ballard. In Memoriam. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (25 February 2009). Introduction à la gastro-esthétique [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférences du séminaire interacadémique « Identités en (re)construction ».

D'Anna, V., & Delville, M. (2009). Le Falstaff de Shakespeare. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2009). The Matter of the Detail. Phrasis: Studies in Language and Literature, 50 (1), 63-83.

Delville, M. (2009). The Genres of American Popular Culture. (Littérature et civilisation américaines).

Delville, M. (2009). Muddy Mouth : Beckett’s Poetics of Tastelessness. Litteraria Pragensia, 17, 73-85.

Delville, M. (2009). Modernism(s). (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (2009). Michael Gizzi, New Depths of Deadpan. Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, 7, 264-267.

Delville, M. (2009). In French.

Delville, M. (2009). Food Poetics.

Delville, M. (2009). Cyrus Console, Brief Under Water. Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, 7.

Delville, M. (2009). Around Robert Wyatt. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (2009). Third Body (Lombardo, G., Trans.). Williamsburg, United States: Quale Press.

Ramais, T., Simons, G., & Delville, M. (2009). Comprendre et éviter le plagiat.

Regueiro, M., Delville, M. (Other coll.), & Von Hoffmann, V. (Other coll.). (2009). L'art et le goût. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M. (04 December 2008). The Art of Erasure.

Delville, M. (2008). Co-président de la session « Images, Identités, Institutions » du Colloque "Les nouvelles voies du comparatisme".

Delville, M. (2008). Allocution d’ouverture du Colloque "Les nouvelles voies du comparatisme" [Paper presentation]. Congrès international de la Société Belge de Littérature Comparée, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Delville, M. (2008). Allocution d’ouverture du Colloque international « Identités en Construction » [Paper presentation]. Colloque international « Identités en Construction », Liège, Belgium.

Delville, M. (2008). The Grotesque.

Delville, M., Pagnoulle, C., Uskalis, E., Norris, A., & Janssens, D. (2008). Writing Skills.

Delville, M. (13 March 2008). Writing Skills [Paper presentation]. Journée d’études du CDS - “Favoriser l’apprentissage des langues en BAC1".

Delville, M., & Michel, P. (12 February 2008). Hamlet et les Renaissances en Europe [Paper presentation]. Espace Universitaire de Liège.

Delville, M. (2008). Uncontrollable Materialities: Experimental Poetry and the Body. In K. Freitag (Ed.), Another Language - The Contemporary US-American Poetic (pp. 271-279). Berlin, Germany: LIT-Verlag.

Delville, M. (2008). The Belly of the Writer. Interval(les), 2.

Delville, M. (2008). P. H. Liotta, the Graveyard of Fallen Monuments. Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, 7, 198-200.

Delville, M. (2008). Morton Marcus, Pursuing the Dream Bone. Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, 7.

Delville, M. (2008). Les Avant-Gardes Contemporaines. (Questions de littératures modernes comparées).

Delville, M. (2008). Four Saints: Gertrude Stein’s Avant-Arrière-Garde. In J. Baetens (Ed.), Littérature et transformation (pp. 85-94). Leuven, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Louvain.

Delville, M. (2008). Food, Poetry, and the Aesthetics of Consumption. New York, United States: Routledge.

Delville, M., Simons, G., & Ramais, T. (2008). Plagiat et citations: fascicule relatif à la rédaction du mémoire. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (21 December 2007). In Anticipation of the Loop : Stein’s Four Saints [Paper presentation]. Melodies and Modernisms.

Delville, M. (2007). Président de la journée d’études Olith (“Literaire Dynamiek – Atelier 3“).

Delville, M. (2007). Détails et catastrophes littéraires. In L. Belloi & M. Hagelstein (Eds.), La mécanique du détail.

Delville, M. (2007). Discours prononcé en l'honneur de Paul Auster - cérémonie de remise des insignes de DHC.

Delville, M. (2007). Le phénomène Borat [Paper presentation]. Conférence-débat Cinéma Le Parc.

Delville, M. (2007). Introduction. Interval(les), 2, 1-3.

Delville, M. (2007). Contro la pastasciutta : Marinetti’s Futurist Lunch. Interval(les), 2.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (2007). Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart: Subject, Meaning, Pleasure. In L. Armand (Ed.), Transversions of the Contemporary (pp. 126-149). Evanston, United States: Northwestern University Press.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (11 October 2006). Comparatisme et transversalité [Paper presentation]. Société Belge de Littérature Comparée.

Delville, M., & Dawans, S. (07 February 2006). Corps Architectural et Utopie Organique.

Delville, M. (2006). Walking on the Wild Side of Modernism. In C. Den Tandt (Ed.), Reading Without Maps? (pp. 135-146). Berne, Switzerland: Peter Lang.

Delville, M. (2006). The Literature of Terror. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (2006). The Deep Image. In J. Gray (Ed.), The Greenwood Encyclopedia of American Poetry (pp. 369-371). New York, United States: Greenwood Press.

Delville, M. (2006). Questions de littérature comparée - partim: "Poésie et poétique contemporaines". (Questions de littérature comparée).

Delville, M. (2006). "Prose" - direction du "Dossier américain" (116 pages). Formes Poétiques Contemporaines, 4, 215-328.

Delville, M. (2006). Poésie, Langage, Antiprose. Formes Poétiques Contemporaines, 4, 315-320.

Delville, M. (2006). Le ventre de l'écrivain. Interval(le)s, 4.

Delville, M. (2006). Le tranchant des modernes (suite). In L. Belloi & M. Delville (Eds.), L'oeuvre en morceaux (pp. 53-66). Paris, France: Les Impressions Nouvelles.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (2006). Préambule. In L. Belloi & M. Delville (Eds.), L'oeuvre en morceaux (pp. 5-9). Paris, France: Les Impressions Nouvelles.

Delville, M., & Belloi, L. (Eds.). (2006). L'oeuvre en morceaux: Esthétiques de la mosaïque. Paris, France: Les Impressions Nouvelles.

Delville, M. (25 November 2005). The Sounds of Rock Poetry and the Avant-Garde [Paper presentation]. The Sounds of Poetry : An American.

Simons, G., & Delville, M. (2005). Séance d'information sur les mémoires (Présentation Powerpoint).

Delville, M. (2005). Walking on the Wild Side of Modernism. In C. Den Tandt (Ed.), Reading Without Maps.

Delville, M., & Michel, P. (2005). An Introduction to Hamlet.

Delville, M. (2005). Uncontrollable Materialities: Experimental Poetry and the Body in Performance. In K. Freitag (Ed.), Another Language.

Delville, M. (2005). Président de l’atelier "The History of Experiment".

Delville, M. (23 February 2005). American Modernism and the Violence of Things.

Delville, M. (2005). Absorption, Sound and Orality. In J. Dierickx (Ed.), On the Sounds and Images of Contemporary Poetry: An American Connection (pp. 27-37). Bruxelles, Belgium: oninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (2005). Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart and the Secret History of Maximalism. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Salt Publishing.

Delville, M., & Norris, A. (2005). Disciplined Excess: The Minimalist / Maximalist Interface in Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart. Interval(les), 3-15.

Delville, M. (2004). Le tranchant des modernes (suite). In L'oeuvre en morceaux: Esthétiques de la mosaïque.

Delville, M., & Michel, P. (23 October 2004). Hamlet : réflexions sur la modernité d’un mythe [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle de l’Association des Germanistes de l'ULg, Belgium.

Delville, M. (2004). Un seul et unique corps. In M. I. Ramalho de Sousa Santos, Poesia do Mundo / 4: Antologia bilingue. Porto, Portugal: Ediçoes Afrontamento.

Delville, M. (2004). The Literature of Terror.

Delville, M. (2004). Soup 'n Old Clothes : Frank Zappa’s Peristaltic Poetics. Oficina de poesia: Revista de palavra e da imagem, 135-155.

Delville, M. (2004). Rapport sur les activités scientifiques du CIPA dans le cadre de l'obtention de crédits classiques.

Delville, M. (2004). Nikki Santilli, Such Rare Citings. Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics.

Delville, M. (2004). Les Sites du Destin Réversible et le sujet poétique chez Madeline Gins et Arakawa. In J. Darras (Ed.), Cinquante ans de poésie américaine 1950-2000 (pp. 187-201). Bruxelles, Belgium: Le Cri.

Delville, M. (2004). Le troisième corps. Liège, Belgium: Le Fram.

Delville, M. (2004). Interruption volontaire. In Maria Irene Ramalho de Sousa Santos (Ed.), Poesia do Mundo / 4: Antologia bilingue. Ediçoes Afrontamento.

Delville, M. (2004). How Not to Die in Venice : The Art of Arakawa and Madeline Gins. In C. dworkin (Ed.), Architectures of Poetry (pp. 77-90). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.

Delville, M. (2004). History/Lyric/Speech.

Delville, M. (2004). From Fantômas to the Dice Cup. In J. Baetens (Ed.), La novellisation : du film au roman (pp. 61-70). Leuven, Belgium: PU Leuven.

Delville, M., Bertrand, J.-P., & Pagnoulle, C. (Eds.). (2004). Le rossignol instrumental: poésie, musique, modernité. Paris, Leuven, Dudley, France: Peeters/Vrin.

Delville, M. (2004). 10 Poems (Leskova, A., Trans.). In M. Solotruk, Ars Poetica 2014. Comenius University.

Delville, M. (2003). From Fantômas to The Dice Cup : Poetry and the Boundaries of Novelization. In J. baetens (Ed.), La novellisation.

Delville, M. (17 October 2003). American Modernism in Transition [Paper presentation]. Conférence inaugurale du colloque Modernisme(n) in Europa 1914-1940, Netherlands.

Delville, M. (11 February 2003). Maximalisme poétique et poétique maximaliste.

Delville, M. (2003). Portrait of the Prose Poet as Glutton. Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, 105-116.

Delville, M. (2003). La violence faite à la viande. In I. Ayres, Van Gogh's Ear. French Connection Press.

Delville, M. (2003). Grown So Ugly : Frank Zappa’s Poetics of Orality. Prague Literary Review, 2.

Delville, M. (2003). From the Lyric Subject to the Embouchured Self. In H. Weinstock (Ed.), Anglistentag Bayreuth (pp. 29-36). Germany: Trier Wissenschaftlicher Verlag.

Delville, M. (2003). Always Last Year. In L. Schwartz, Impossibility of / Necessity of / Speech. Poets & Poets Press.

Delville, M., & Alkhateeb, T. (2003). The Prose Poem Now. AL-QUDS Al-arabi.

Delville, M., & Michel, P. (2003). Shakespeare et Hamlet sur la toile.

Delville, M., & Michel, P. (2003). Hamlet & Co. Liège, Belgium: Les Editions de l'Université de Liège.

Delville, M., & Pagnoulle, C. (Eds.). (2003). Sound as Sense: Contemporary Us Poetry &/In Music. Bruxelles-Berlin- New York, Belgium: P.I.E./Peter Lang.

Delville, M. (2002). The Poetry of Objects. In Anglistentag 2002.

Delville, M. (11 May 2002). On the Uses and Abuses of Degenerate Art [Paper presentation]. Literature and Music in the Study of Culture, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Delville, M. (22 April 2002). Nature morte et poésie [Paper presentation]. Journée d'Etudes du CIPA.

Delville, M. (2002). US Poetry and Politics. (Littérature et civilisation américaines).

Delville, M. (2002). The Marginal Arts. In E. Foster (Ed.), The World in Time and Space: Towards a History of Innovative American Poetry in Our Time. Jersey City, United States: Talisman House.

Delville, M. (2002). The Genres of American Popular Culture. (Littérature et civilisation américaines).

Delville, M. (2002). 'Pretty Happy!'. Literary Review, 46 (1), 196-199.

Delville, M. (2002). Poetry and the Other Arts. (Unilu - University of Luxembourg).

Delville, M. (2002). Modernism(s). (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (2002). Modernism(s).

Delville, M. (2002). 'Love Poems for the Millennium'. Literary Review, 46 (1), 196-199.

Delville, M., & Chernoff, M. (2002). Strange Tales and Bitter Emergencies. In A. Finch (Ed.), An Exaltation of Forms (pp. 262-271). Ann Arbor, United States: U of Michigan Press.

Delville, M. (2001). L'imaginaire de l'objet. In M. Watthee-Delmotte (Ed.), Texte, image, Imaginaire. Presses univ de Louvain.

Delville, M. (2001). Soup 'n Old Clothes : The Arts of Frank Zappa and Captain Beefheart. Oficina de poesia : Revista de palavra e da imagem.

Delville, M. (2001). Président de la session "The Poetics of Rock 'n Roll".

Delville, M. (03 April 2001). Breaking You Down [Paper presentation]. Poetry & Music: An International Conference, Belgium.

Delville, M. (2001). When the Time Comes: An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry. In G. Lombardo (Ed.), When the Time Comes: An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry. Quale Press.

Delville, M. (2001). Umetnost Čarlsa Simića. ProFemina : Časopis za żensku knjiżevnost I kulturu, 27, 87-98.

Delville, M. (2001). The Secret History of Belgian Surrealism. Samizdat, 10-12.

Delville, M. (2001). The Great Return of the Flesh. In G. Lombardo (Ed.), When the Time Comes: An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry. Quale Press.

Delville, M. (2001). Story of a Presence. In G. Lombardo (Ed.), When the Time Comes: An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry. Quale Press.

Delville, M. (2001). Richard Caddel and Peter Quartermain, eds, Other: British and Irish Poetry Since 1970. Verse, 17, 335-338.

Delville, M. (2001). Peter Johnson, "Pretty Happy ! Literary Review.

Delville, M. (2001). Peter Johnson, Love Poems for the Millenium. Literary Review.

Delville, M. (2001). On Friendship. In G. Lombardo, When the Time Comes: An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry. Niantic, United States: Quale Press.

Delville, M. (2001). Metodologia generale dell’insegnamento della letteratura inglese in contesto europeo. (Université de la Vallée d'Aoste).

Delville, M. (2001). Les mots pour le dire. 15e Jour du Mois.

Delville, M. (2001). Kenneth Koch, New Addresses. Verse.

Delville, M. (2001). Invisible fences: Prose poetry as a genre in French and American literature. Modernism/Modernity, 8 (4), 705-706. doi:10.1353/mod.2001.0081

Delville, M. (2001). Heroic Fantasy et modernité: la problématique de la quête chez Michael Moorcock et Samuel R. Delany. Sources: Revue d'Etudes Anglophones, 11.

Delville, M. (2001). Detachement. In G. Lombardo (Ed.), When the Time Comes: An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry. Quale Press.

Delville, M. (2001). Carbonate Further Hope for Spread. In G. Lombardo (Ed.), When the Time Comes: An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry. Quale Press.

Delville, M. (2001). But We. In G. Lombardo (Ed.), When the Time Comes: An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry. Quale Press.

Delville, M. (2001). "Always Last Year". In G. Lombardo (Ed.), When the Time Comes: A Selection of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry (pp. 2-10). Florence, MA, United States: Quale Press.

Delville, M. (2001). All That. In G. Lombardo (Ed.), When the Time Comes: An Anthology of Contemporary Belgian Prose Poetry. Quale Press.

Delville, M., & Dworkin. (2001). The Rain in Spain: Report on the Salamanca American Poetry Conference. Jacket.

Delville, M. (2000). Président de la session "Salman Rushdie".

Delville, M. (2000). Reversible Destiny and the Poetic Subject: The Art of Madeline Gins and Arakawa. In C. Dworkin (Ed.), Architextures of Poetry. Rodopi.

Delville, M. (2000). The Bureaucracy of Crime : J. G. Ballard’s Cocaine Nights and the Speculative Thriller. Analele Universităţii Oradea - Seria Filologie, Fascicola Limba şi literatura, 8, 31-43.

Delville, M. (2000). Shakespeare’s Tragedies. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (2000). Rapport scientifique portant sur les activités du CIPA.

Delville, M. (2000). La littérature de heroic fantasy [Paper presentation]. Institut des Hautes Etudes de Belgique.

Delville, M. (2000). John Milton. Voir, 21, 71-73.

Delville, M., & Pagnoulle, C. (2000). The Mechanics of the Mirage. Postwar American Poetry. Liège, Belgium: L3.

Delville, M., Pagnoulle, C., Norris, A., & Uskalis, E. (2000). Etude de Textes Littéraires Anglais Modernes.

Delville, M. (10 December 1999). Towards a Definition of Multidimensional Poetics [Paper presentation]. Cinquante ans de poésie américaine, Amiens, France.

Delville, M. (22 April 1999). The Deep Image and Beyond.

Delville, M. (1999). Président de la session "On and Around Rosmarie Waldrop".

Delville, M. (1999). Writing Poetry in the Age of Prose [Paper presentation]. Post-war American Poetry: An International Conference.

Delville, M. (1999). The Ideology of Genre. United States: Web del Sol.

Delville, M. (1999). Stephen Berg's Shaving. Prose Poem, 8, 139-141.

Delville, M. (1999). Poésie et poétique contemporaines. (Questions de littératures modernes comparées).

Delville, M. (1999). Modernist Literature and the Other Arts. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (1999). Marie Harris's Weasel in the Turkey Pen. The Prose Poem : an International Journal, 8.

Delville, M. (1999). J.G. Ballard's Dystopias.

Delville, M. (1999). J.G. Ballard. (ULiège - Université de Liège).

Delville, M. (1999). Charles Tomlinson. In H. Bertens (Ed.), Postwar Literatures in English (pp. 3-18). Groningen, Netherlands: Wolters-Noordhoff.

Delville, M. (1999). Ben Watson, Art, Class and Cleavage. Textual Practice, 13, 583-587.

Delville, M. (1999). At the center, what?’ Giacomo Joyce, Roland Barthes and the Novelistic Fragment. James Joyce Quarterly, 36 (4), 765-780.

Michel, P., & Delville, M. (1999). US English. (Anglais des Etats-Unis).

Delville, M. (1998). Président de la session "Tennyson's Treatment of Arthurian Women".

Delville, M. (1998). William Faulkner and the Literature of the American South”.

Delville, M. (1998). The Prose Poem and the Critics. Prose Poem, 115-122.

Delville, M. (1998). The Bureaucracy of Crime : J. G. Ballard’s Cocaine Nights and the Speculative Thriller. In Analele Universităţii Oradea, Seria Filologie, Fascicola Limba şi literatura.

Delville, M. (1998). The American Prose Poem. Gainesville, United States: University Press of Florida.

Delville, M. (1998). Postwar British Poetry.

Delville, M. (1998). Popular Modernism and The American Prose Poem : From Sherwood Anderson to Kenneth Patchen. Prose Poem, 7.

Delville, M. (1998). Madeline Gins' Helen Keller or Arakawa. The Germ: A Journal of Poetic Research, 2, 226-228.

Delville, M. (1998). Les avant-gardes. (Questions de littératures modernes comparées).

Delville, M. (1998). Language Poetry and the Ideology of Form : Without Syntax Is No Politics ? [Paper presentation]. European Association for American Studies Biennial Conference, Portugal.

Delville, M. (1998). J.G. Ballard. Plymouth, United Kingdom: Northcote House/ the British Council.

Delville, M. (1998). 18 Mésostiches en guise de préliminaire. L3.

Delville, M. (1997). Président de la session “Twentieth Century Poetry (I)".

Delville, M. (1997). The Wrong Object. In J. Seldess (Ed.), Antennae - Vol. 3. Madison, United States: Antennae.

Delville, M. (1997). The Civility of Relationships: Charles Tomlinson and the Conversion of American Modernism. Symbiosis: a Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations, 135-49.

Delville, M. (1997). The Borderline of Prose: T.S. Eliot and the Anglo-American Prose Poem [Paper presentation]. The Borderline of Prose: T.S. Eliot and the Anglo-American Prose Poem, United Kingdom.

Delville, M. (1997). Pop Meets the Avant-Garde: Music and Muzak in Michael Moorcock's Jerry Cornelius Stories. In M. A. Morrison (Ed.), Trajectories of the Fantastic (pp. 117-128). United States: Greenwood Press.

Delville, M. (1997). On the Edge of Genre: The Prose Poem and the Short Short Story. In C. Pagnoulle (Ed.), Writing (On) Short Stories (pp. 75-87). Liège, Belgium: L3.

Delville, M. (1997). Murdering the Text: Genre and Gender Issues in Margaret Atwood's Recent Short Short Fiction. In B. Ledent (Ed.), The Contact and the Culmination: Essays in Honour of Hena Maes-Jelinek (pp. 57-67). Liège, Belgium: L3.

Delville, M. (1997). Fiona Templeton. In P. Shelton (Ed.), Contemporary Women Poets (pp. 336-37). Londres, United Kingdom: St James Press.

Delville, M. (1997). Anne-Marie Albiach. In P. Shelton (Ed.), Contemporary Women Poets (pp. 12-14). Londres, United Kingdom: St James Press.

Delville, M. (1996). Président de la session “Heroic Fantasy”.

Delville, M. (1996). Writing at the Boundaries: The Contemporary Prose Poem in English [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Delville, M. (1996). In Defense of J. G. Ballard: Entropy and the Symptomatology of Contemporary Culture [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Delville, M. (1996). Writing against the Referent: Ron Silliman's 'New Sentence' [Paper presentation]. BLASA American Poetry Day, Belgium.

Delville, M. (1996). Vardaman's Fish and Addie's Jar: Faulkner's Tales of Mourning and Desire. HJEAS, Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies, 85-91.

Delville, M. (1996). Renaissance Drama.

Delville, M. (1996). Marsilio Ficino and Political Syncretism in Ian McEwan's Black Dogs. Notes on Contemporary Literature, XXIV (3), 11-12.

Delville, M. (1996). La problématique de la quête chez Moorcock et Delany. Sources: Revue d'Etudes Anglophones.

Delville, M. (1996). Diane Ward. In T. Riggs (Ed.), Contemporary Poets (pp. 1161-1162). Londres, United Kingdom: St James Press.

Delville, M. (1996). Cécité et illusion théâtrale dans le Roi Lear de Shakespeare. Voir, 154-157.

Delville, M. (1995). J.G. Ballard. In H. Bertens (Ed.), Post-war Literatures in English (pp. 1-17). Groningen, Netherlands: Wolters-Noordhoff.

Delville, M. (1995). Fra Stein til Waldrop: sprogdigtningen og de nye prosadigtere (Schatz-Jakobsen, C., Trans.). Den Blå Port: Tidsskrift for Litteratur, 17-30.

Delville, M. (1994). The Moorcock / Hawkwind Connection: Science Fiction and Rock & Roll Culture. Foundation: The Review of Science Fiction, 64-71.

Delville, M. (1994). Selected Bibliography of Criticism on the Prose Poem. Prose Poem, 3, 116-118.

Delville, M. (1994). Mourning the Signified: Language as Symptom in Faulkner's Interior Monologues [Paper presentation]. BAAHE Annual Conference.

Delville, M. (1994). Meaningful Interiors: An Interview with Clark Coolidge. BELL. Belgian Essays on Language and Literature.

Delville, M. (1994). Margaret Atwood's Good Bones. Prose Poem, 4, 90-94.

Delville, M. (1994). Giacomo Joyce: fragments d'un discours inachevé. Editions Faculté Ouverte.

Delville, M. (1994). Giacomo Joyce: fragments d'un discours inachevé. In Giacomo Joyce: fragments d'un discours inachevé. Liège, Belgium: Editions Faculté Ouverte.

Delville, M. (1994). Alienating Language and Darl's Narrative Consciousness in As I Lay Dying. Southern Literary Journal, 61-72.

Delville, M. (19 March 1993). The Moorcock/Hawkwind Connection: A Rock-SF Multiverse [Paper presentation]. The Fourteenth International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, Fort Lauderdale, Floride, United States.

Delville, M. (1993). Président de la session “Visual Fantasies in the History of Art”.

Delville, M. (1993). Voices of Absence: Darl's Symbolic Failure in Faulkner's As I Lay Dying [Paper presentation]. Michigan Academy Conference, University of Michigan-Flint, Michigan, United States.

Delville, M. (1993). The Aesthetics of Perception and the Quest for Vision in Faulkner's As I Lay Dying [Paper presentation]. XXth-Century Literature Conference, University of Louisville, Kentucky, United States.

Delville, M. (1991). The Aesthetic of Perception and the Quest for Vision in Faulkner's As I Lay Dying. BELL. Belgian Essays on Language and Literature, 81-87.

Delville, M. (1991). Voice and Vision in William Faulkner's As I Lay Dying [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.