Messina, A., Radicchi, S., Dozo, B.-O., Schyns, M., & Denis, B. (November 2024). "Circuler" dans la jeunesse liégeoise de Simenon. Enjeux de création et de réception d'un dispositif de médiation, muséalisation et patrimonialisation du littéraire par le biais de la réalité augmentée. Traces, 26. |
Etienne, E., Ristorcelli, M., Saufnay, S., Quilez, A., Casanova, R., Schyns, M., & Ochs, M. (2024). A Systematic Review on the Socio-affective Perception of IVAs' Multi-modal behaviour. In IVA '24: Proceedings of the 24th ACM International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (pp. 10). New-York, United States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3652988.3673943 |
Bettahi, L., Leclercq, A.-L., Schyns, M., Etienne, E., & Remacle, A. (07 September 2024). Public speaking : Acoustic characteristics of voice in giving a speech compared to a reading condition [Paper presentation]. Pan European VOice Conference 15 (PEVOC 15), Santander, Spain. |
Etienne, E., & Schyns, M. (2024). Les dispositifs pédagogiques de réalité virtuelle [Paper presentation]. Les dispositifs pédagogiques de réalité virtuelle à la Faculté de Droit, Science politique et Criminologie, Liège, Belgium. |
Tonka, J., & Schyns, M. (13 June 2024). Air cargo ground service vehicle coordination: A responsive algorithm and some numerical evidence [Paper presentation]. AGIFORS Airline Operations Conference, Hambourg, Germany. |
Etienne, E., Remacle, A., Leclercq, A.-L., & Schyns, M. (10 June 2024). EVE : Emotional Voice Expressions, an acted audiovisual corpus [Paper presentation]. AIRSI2024 The Metaverse Conference goes offline. |
Saufnay, S., Etienne, E., & Schyns, M. (10 June 2024). Development and evaluation of Virtual Reality environments for public speaking training [Paper presentation]. AIRSI2024 The Metaverse Conference goes offline, Spain. |
Saufnay, S., Etienne, E., & Schyns, M. (2024). Les nouvelles technologies au service de la recherche et de l’éducation [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Stareso, Calvi, France. |
Cho, J., Etienne, E., Schyns, M., & Jung, T. (22 May 2024). Towards a framework for the implementation of virtual reality in legal education and training [Paper presentation]. 9th International XR-Metaverse Conference. |
Evers, J., & Schyns, M. (16 May 2024). A Deep Reinforcement Learning approach for the 3D Multiple-Bin Packing Problem [Poster presentation]. HEC Research Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Tonka, J., & Schyns, M. (16 May 2024). How can digital twins optimize the air cargo industry? A combination of operational research and machine learning techniques [Poster presentation]. HEC Liège - Research day. |
Stassart, C., Thines, N., Evrard, V., & Schyns, M. (26 April 2024). Exercice de relaxation en réalité virtuelle: faisabilité et application dans une population d’enfants tout venants [Paper presentation]. 1er Congrès de la Research Unit for a life-Course perspective on Health and Education: Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie Regards transdisciplinaires au service de la qualité de vie, Liege, Belgium. |
Bettahi, L., Remacle, A., Schyns, M., Etienne, E., Etienne, A.-M., & Leclercq, A.-L. (25 April 2024). Prise de parole en public : Analyse du sentiment de présence et d’immersion face à une audience virtuelle et mise en relation avec l’anxiété [Poster presentation]. 1er Congrès Interdisciplinaire de RUCHE - Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie, Liège, Belgium. |
Etienne, E., Remacle, A., Leclercq, A.-L., & Schyns, M. (25 April 2024). EVE : un corpus audio-visuel émotionnel acté [Poster presentation]. 1er Congrès Interdisciplinaire de RUCHE - Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie. |
Evers, J., & Schyns, M. (April 2024). A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for the 3D Multiple-Bin Packing Problem [Paper presentation]. 20th ESICUP Meeting, Guimarães, Portugal. |
Dessart, L., Kostyk, A., Schyns, M., & Cowan, K. (2024). Musée et réalité virtuelle: une nouvelle ère pour la culture? The Conversation. |
Kostyk, A., Cowan, K., Dessart, L., & Schyns, M. (2024). Memories of tourism brands in virtual reality. Annals of Tourism Research: A Social Sciences Journal, 109. doi:10.1016/j.annals.2024.103824 |
Saufnay, S., Etienne, E., & Schyns, M. (2024). Improvement of Public Speaking Skills using Virtual Reality: Development of a Training System. In 2024 12th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction Workshops and Demos (ACIIW) (pp. 125-127). New-York, United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. |
Tonka, J., Paquay, C., & Schyns, M. (2024). A Recursive Algorithm for Synchronized Rich Vehicle Routing in Air Cargo Ground Handling. |
Tonka, J., Paquay, C., & Schyns, M. (2024). A Recursive Algorithm for Synchronized Rich Vehicle Routing in Air Cargo Ground Handling. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Etienne, E., & Schyns, M. (08 November 2023). Le pouvoir du Metavers dans l'aérien. Cas d'utilisation : prise de parole en public [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Data Science. |
Evers, J., & Schyns, M. (08 November 2023). Le Deep Reinforcement Learning à la rescousse des problèmes combinatoires: Une nouvelle approche pour le 3DBPP en logistique [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Data Science, Paris, France. |
Saufnay, S., & Schyns, M. (08 November 2023). Jumeau numérique et Réalité Virtuelle : aide à la décision, monitoring et formation [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Data Science, Paris, France. |
Tonka, J., & Schyns, M. (08 November 2023). Optimisation des opérations au sol : Un problème de coordination des véhicules de service [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Data Science, Paris, France. |
Etienne, E., & Schyns, M. (02 November 2023). Le Pouvoir du Machine Learning, du NLP, et de la Réalité Virtuelle pour la Prise de Parole en Public [Paper presentation]. Séminaire TALEP - Traitement Automatique du Langage Écrit et Parlé 2023, Marseille, France. |
Etienne, E., Saufnay, S., & Schyns, M. (2023). De nouvelles technologies au service de l’optimisation logistique dans le domaine du cargo aérien [Paper presentation]. Accueil MBA Maroc HEC, Liège, Belgium. |
Tonka, J., & Schyns, M. (02 October 2023). Air cargo ground operations optimization: A service vehicles coordination problem - Algorithmic approach [Paper presentation]. AGIFORS 63rd Symposium, Montréal, Canada. |
Stassart, C., Schyns, M., Wagener, A., Vizzini Aurélie, Questiaux Jean-François, & Etienne, A.-M. (05 August 2023). Applicabilité et efficacité d'un exercice de respiration profonde en réalité virtuelle sur l’anxiété d’enfants hospitalisés dans un service de pédiatrie [Paper presentation]. 12ème congrès de l'Association Francophone de Psychologie de la Santé (AFPSA), Montpellier, France. |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., Dessart, L., & Schyns, M. (15 July 2023). Perception of avatars nonverbal behaviors in virtual reality. Psychology and Marketing, 40 (11), 2464-2481. doi:10.1002/mar.21871 |
Stassart, C., Schyns, M., Wagener, A., Vizzini, A., Questiaux, J.-F., & Etienne, A.-M. (11 July 2023). Validation of a virtual reality environment with a relaxing breathing exercise in a population of children hospitalized in a pediatric unit [Poster presentation]. 26th Annual Cyberpsychology, Cybertherapy and Social Networking Conference. |
Etienne, A.-M., Farra Pauline, & Schyns, M. (05 July 2023). Impact d’une Intervention en Réalité Virtuelle sur la dissonance cognitive, chez des personnes en surcharge pondérale [Paper presentation]. Promouvoir des comportements de santé favorables pour la santé : enjeux théoriques et méthodologiques. |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., & Schyns, M. (04 July 2023). Intégration d’une base de données EmoVox et de la Réalité Virtuelle pour l’entrainement à la prise de parole en public [Paper presentation]. Journée ACAI (Plate-forme Intelligence Artificielle) 2023, Strasbourg, France. |
Etienne, E., Schyns, M., Cho, J., & Jung, T. (29 June 2023). Exploring interactions, immersion, and presence in a Virtual Reality experience for mooting [Paper presentation]. 8th International XR-Metaverse Conference, Las Vegas, United States. |
Etienne, E., & Schyns, M. (20 June 2023). Integrating EmoVox Dataset and Virtual Reality for Public Speaking Training [Paper presentation]. Marketing Seminar, Liège, Belgium. |
Evers, J., & Schyns, M. (26 May 2023). Deep Reinforcement Learning for Combinatorial Problems: A new approach for the 3DBPP container loading problem in logistics [Paper presentation]. ORBEL 37. |
Tonka, J., & Schyns, M. (26 May 2023). Air cargo ground operations optimization: A service vehicles coordination problem - Problem definition [Paper presentation]. ORBEL 37. |
Cho, J., Jung, T., tom Dieck, M., MacLeod, K., Etienne, E., & Schyns, M. (24 May 2023). Virtual Reality Simulation in Legal Education [Poster presentation]. MMU Business and Law Doctoral Symposium, Manchester, United Kingdom. |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., & Schyns, M. (15 May 2023). EmoVox: Creation of a speech database for emotion analysis [Paper presentation]. AIRSI2023 The Metaverse Conference, Zaragoza, Spain. |
Evers, J., & Schyns, M. (05 May 2023). Deep Reinforcement Learning for Combinatorial Problems: A new approach for the 3DBPP container loading problem in logistics [Paper presentation]. 19th ESICUP Meeting, Bologna, Italy. |
Defaweux, V., Schyns, M., Fries, A., Bonnet, P., Quatresooz, P., Grabs, D., & Sobczak, S. (May 2023). ARanatomy, une application de réalité augmentée dédiée à l’enseignement de l’anatomie et de l’histologie : une innovation pédagogique à haut potentiel dans différentes scénarisation [Paper presentation]. congrès de l'ACFAS. |
Defaweux, V., Schyns, M., Fries, A., Bonnet, P., Quatresooz, P., Dozo, B.-O., Grabs, D., & Sobczak, S. (March 2023). ARanatomy, an Augmented Reality Application Dedicated to Anatomy and Histology Teaching. an Educational Innovation with High Potential in Different Educational Strategies [Poster presentation]. american anatomist association, Washington, United States. |
Messina, A., Schyns, M., Dozo, B.-O., Denoël, V., Van Hulle, R., Etienne, A.-M., Delroisse, S., Bruyère, O., D'Orio, V., Fontaine, S., Guillaume, M., Lange, A.-C., Louppe, G., Michel, F., Nyssen, A.-S., Bureau, F., Haubruge, E., Donneau, A.-F., Gillet, L., & Saegerman, C. (2023). Developing a video game as an awareness and research tool based on SARS-CoV-2 epidemiological dynamics and motivational perspectives. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. doi:10.1155/2023/8205408 |
Georges, A., Lavergne, A., Mandai, M., Lepiemme, F., Karim, L., Demeulenaere, L., Aguilar Ortmans, D., Schyns, M., Nguyen, L., Rakic, J.-M., Takahashi, M., Georges, M., & Takeda, H. (21 January 2023). Comparing the transcriptome of developing native and iPSC-derived mouse retinae by single cell RNA sequencing. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 1223. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-28429-y |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., & Schyns, M. (11 July 2022). Perception of avatar attitudes in Virtual Reality [Paper presentation]. AIRSI2022, Zaragoza, Spain. |
De Lemos Esteves, F., Schyns, M., Jacquemin, A., Fettweis, X., & Doutreloup, S. (05 May 2022). Utilisation d’un MOOC et d’une animation 3D interactive en RA pour faciliter la compréhension des mécanismes du climat et de son réchauffement [Paper presentation]. 9e colloque international en éducation, Montréal, Canada. |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., & Schyns, M. (29 April 2022). Validation of a virtual framework for public speaking training [Paper presentation]. 7th International AR-VR Conférence, Lisbon, Portugal. |
Sepulchre, E., Pittie, G., Stojkovic, V., Haesbroeck, G., Crama, Y., Schyns, M., Paridaens, H., de Marchin, J., Degesves, S., Biemar, C., Boccar, S., Senterre, J.-M., & Minon, J.-M. (2022). Covid-19: contribution of clinical characteristics and laboratory features for early detection of patients with high risk of severe evolution. Acta Clinica Belgica, 77 (2), 261-267. doi:10.1080/17843286.2020.1822078 |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., & Schyns, M. (29 November 2021). Validation of a virtual audience in VR environments [Paper presentation]. SeminVR, Liège, Belgium. |
Tonka, J., & Schyns, M. (2021). The digital twin concept: a definition attempt. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., & Schyns, M. (28 May 2021). SpeakInVR : validation of a virtual audience [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Menjot, P., Remacle, A., Schyns, M., Etienne, E., & Leclercq, A.-L. (28 May 2021). Validation of a virtual audience for public speaking: Preliminary results [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., & Schyns, M. (27 May 2021). Optimization of business processes thanks to machine learning and virtual reality. Use-case : SpeakInVR [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences : Junior Day, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. |
Chaabane, S., Etienne, A.-M., Schyns, M., & Wagener, A. (2021). The Impact of Virtual Reality Exposure on Stress Level and Sense of Competence in Ambulance Workers. Journal of Traumatic Stress. doi:10.1002/jts.22690 |
Menjot, P., Remacle, A., Schyns, M., Etienne, E., & Leclercq, A.-L. (2021). Une audience virtuelle pour l’entrainement de la fluence de parole lors d’une prise de parole en public : Etude pilote. Cahiers de l'ASELF, 18 (2), 13-18. |
Menjot, P., Leclercq, A.-L., Schyns, M., Etienne, E., & Remacle, A. (01 December 2020). A virtual audience for public speaking: A pilot study [Poster presentation]. Meeting of the Groupe de Contact de Psycholinguistique et Neurolinguistique (GCPN), Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Etienne, E., & Schyns, M. (2020). Optimization of Business Processes thanks to Machine Learning and Virtual Reality : Use-case : SpeakInVR [Paper presentation]. Discussion - Digital Transformation: A Multidisciplinary Research Agenda. |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., Peters, F., & Schyns, M. (2020). SpeakInVR : Validation d'une audience virtuelle [Paper presentation]. Lunch Talk : UER Operations. |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., Peters, F., & Schyns, M. (30 April 2020). SPEAKinVR: validation of a virtual audience [Paper presentation]. 6th International AR VR Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. |
Peters, F., & Schyns, M. (30 April 2020). Improving e-commerce logistics with Augmented Reality and Machine Learning: The case of the 3D bin packing problem [Paper presentation]. 6th International AR VR Conference. |
Etienne, E., Leclercq, A.-L., Remacle, A., Peters, F., & Schyns, M. (12 March 2020). SPEAKInVR : Validation d’une audience virtuelle [Paper presentation]. Semin VR. |
GEORGES, A., Lavergne, A., Mandai, M., Lepiemme, F., Karim, L., Demeulenaere, L., Aguilar Ortmans, D., Schyns, M., Nguyen, L., RAKIC, J.-M., Takahashi, M., Georges, M., & Takeda, H. (2020). Combined analysis of single cell RNA-Seq and ATAC-Seq data reveals putative regulatory toggles operating in native and iPS-derived retina. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2020.03.02.972497 |
Peters, F., Aerts, S., & Schyns, M. (30 January 2020). Predictive Maintenance of Technical Faults in Aircraft [Paper presentation]. 34th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, Lille, France. |
Peters, F., Aerts, S., & Schyns, M. (2020). Predictive Maintenance of Technical Faults Using Machine Learning : A Case Study in Air Transport. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Gantjimirov, H., Leblanc, P., Schyns, M., & Jancart, S. (November 2019). The contribution of augmented reality in architectural education [Paper presentation]. Matters of Abstraction. |
Schyns, M. (2019). Comment placer l'humain au centre de mon projet en réalité augmentée ou virtuelle [Paper presentation]. Comment et pourquoi intégrer la réalité augmentée/virtuelle dans mon entreprise, Liege, Belgium. |
Billen, R., Dozo, B.-O., Etienne, A.-M., & Schyns, M. (19 December 2018). Développer des environnements virtuels pour l'enseignement. Teaching with VR [Paper presentation]. Séance de cours interdisciplinaire autour des usages de la réalité virtuelle dans l'enseignement, en présence du Ministre de l'Enseignement supérieur de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. |
Ruffault, A., Cloes, M., Schyns, M., Bouchard, S., Fournier, J., Bossard, C., Valembois, Q., Czernichow, S., & Etienne, A.-M. (August 2018). Experimental investigation of decision-making processes in daily physically active behaviors using a virtual reality set-up [Poster presentation]. 32nd annual conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland. |
Lurkin, V., Garrow, L. A., Higgins, M. J., Newman, J. P., & Schyns, M. (July 2018). Modeling competition among airline itineraries. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 113, 157-172. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2018.04.001 |
Etienne, A.-M., Ruffault, A., Stassart, C., Quertemont, E., Grogna, D., Schyns, M., & Bouchard, S. (June 2018). L’utilisation des nouvelles technologies dans l’étude des comportements de santé [Paper presentation]. V congrès de Psychologie de la Santé de Langue Française (AFPSA), Metz, France. |
Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (16 May 2018). A tailored two-phase constructive heuristic for the three-dimensional Multiple Bin Size Bin Packing Problem with transportation constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, 267 (1), 52-64. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.11.010 |
Etienne, A.-M., Bouchard, S., Billen, R., Dozo, B.-O., Schyns, M., & Haubruge, E. (2018). UNITÉ DE RECHERCHE LIÈGE – QUÉBEC SUR LE NUMÉRIQUE EN SANTÉ GLOBALE, EN ENSEIGNEMENT ET EN FORMATION CONTINUE UNIVERSITAIRE [Paper presentation]. PROJET DE COOPERATION Wallonie-Bruxelles/Québec, Gatineau, Canada. |
Hoffait, A.-S., Ittoo, A., & Schyns, M. (2018). Assessing and predicting review helpfulness: Critical review, open challenges and research agenda. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., Schyns, M., & Oliveira, J. F. (2018). MIP-based constructive heuristics for the three-dimensional Bin Packing Problem with transportation constraints. International Journal of Production Research, 56 (4), 1581-1592. doi:10.1080/00207543.2017.1355577 |
Crama, Y., Goossens, D., Leus, R., Schyns, M., & Spieksma, F. (Eds.). (December 2017). Special issue: Twelfth Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems (MAPSP 2015). Journal of Scheduling, 20 (6), 543-711. doi:10.1007/s10951-017-0548-7 |
Billen, R., Dozo, B.-O., Etienne, A.-M., Schyns, M., & Haubruge, E. (23 November 2017). Teaching with VR. Développer des environnements virtuels pour l'enseignement en sciences humaines [Paper presentation]. Semaine de l'enseignement. Atelier 2 - Les outils numériques « made in ULiège », Liège, Belgium. |
Billen, R., Dozo, B.-O., Etienne, A.-M., & Schyns, M. (2017). Teaching with VR. Développer des environnements virtuels au service de l’enseignement en sciences humaines et sociales [Paper presentation]. La réalité virtuelle, outil de décloisonnement. Focus sur les environnements 3D : usages et défis. |
Hoffait, A.-S., & Schyns, M. (September 2017). Early Detection of University Students with Potential Difficulties. Decision Support Systems, 101, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.dss.2017.05.003 |
Hoffait, A.-S., & Schyns, M. (July 2017). Early detection of university students with potential difficulties [Paper presentation]. IFORS 2017, Québec, Canada. |
Lurkin, V., Garrow, L., Higgins, M., Newman, J., & Schyns, M. (June 2017). Accounting for Price Endogeneity in Airline Itinerary Choice Models: An Application to Continental U.S. Markets. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 100, 228–246. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2017.04.007 |
Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2017). Instances for the 3D Multiple Bin Size Bin Packing Problem. |
Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2017). A best fit heuristic for the three-dimensional Bin Packing Problem with practical constraints from an air transportation application. In Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2017. |
Hoffait, A.-S., & Schyns, M. (July 2016). Early detection of university students in potential difficulty [Paper presentation]. 28ème conférence européenne sur la recherche opérationnelle (EURO 2016), Poznan, Poland. |
Lurkin, V., Garrow, L., Higgins, M., Newman, J., & Schyns, M. (20 May 2016). Accounting for price endogeneity in airline itinerary choice models [Paper presentation]. AGIFORS RM Study Group, Frankfurt, Germany. |
Hoffait, A.-S., & Schyns, M. (2016). Early Detection of University Students in Potential Difficulty. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Lurkin, V., Garrow, L., Higgins, M., Newman, J., & Schyns, M. (2016). A Comparison of Departure Time of Day Formulations. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Lurkin, V., Garrow, L., Higgins, M., Newman, J., & Schyns, M. (2016). Continuous Departure Time of Day Preferences for Continental U.S. Airline Markets Segmented by Distance, Direction of Travel, Number of Time Zones, Day of Week and Itinerary Type. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (2016). A Mixed Integer Programming formulation for the three dimensional bin packing problem deriving from an air cargo application. International Transactions in Operational Research, 23 (1-2), 187-213. doi:10.1111/itor.12111 |
Schyns, M. (16 September 2015). An Ant Colony System for Responsive Dynamic Vehicle Routing. European Journal of Operational Research, 245 (3), 704-718. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.04.009 |
Lurkin, V., Garrow, L. A., Higgins, M. J., & Schyns, M. (2015). Estimation of Airline Itinerary Choice Models Using Disaggregate Ticket Data. In 55th AGIFORS Annual Proceedings 2015 (pp. 1). |
Lurkin, V., & Schyns, M. (01 August 2015). The Airline Container Loading Problem with Pickup and Delivery. European Journal of Operational Research, 244 (3), 955-965. doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2015.02.027 |
Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (July 2015). A best fit decreasing algorithm for the three dimensional bin packing problem [Paper presentation]. XI International Workshop on Cutting and Packing problems and Related Topics, Portugal. |
Marchetti-Spaccamela, A., Crama, Y., Goossens, D., Leus, R., Schyns, M., & Spieksma, F. (Eds.). (2015). Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems. KU Leuven. |
Lurkin, V., Schyns, M., & Garrow, L. (08 May 2015). What the heck is Revenue Management [Paper presentation]. Journée de la recherche, Liège, Belgium. |
Lurkin, V., Garrow, L., & Schyns, M. (25 March 2015). What is the impact of ticket-level fare information on classic itinerary choice models ? [Paper presentation]. Revenue Management Colloquium, Aachen, Germany. |
Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., Oliveira, J. F., & Schyns, M. (March 2015). Several constructive heuristics for the three dimensional Multiple Bin Size Bin Packing Problem with air transportation constraints [Paper presentation]. 12th ESICUP Meeting. |
Aerts, S., Haesbroeck, G., & Schyns, M. (2015). Doc'Data: mesure de la persévérance au doctorat à l'Université de Liège. ULg - Université de Liège. |
Hoffait, A.-S., & Schyns, M. (February 2015). Early detection of university students in potential difficulty [Paper presentation]. 16e conférence de la Roadef (Société Française de Recherche Opérationelle et Aide à la Décision), Marseille, France. |
Lurkin, V., & Schyns, M. (09 November 2014). The Airline Container Loading Problem with Pickup and Delivery [Paper presentation]. 2014 INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States. |
Hoffait, A.-S., & Schyns, M. (November 2014). Early detection of university students in potential difficulty : a case study [Paper presentation]. 22nd meeting of the Belgian Statistical Society, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium. |
Lurkin, V., & Schyns, M. (2014). The Airline Container Loading Problem with Pickup and Delivery. In Airline Group of the Intl Federation of Operational Research Soc ( AGIFORS ) (Ed.), 54th AGIFORS Annual Proceedings 2014 (pp. 1-63). |
Lurkin, V., Schyns, M., Garrow, L. A., & Jacobs, T. L. (16 May 2014). A 'price balance statistic' for optimizing pricing strategies: a better estimation of elasticities and cross-elasticities [Paper presentation]. Pricing and Revenue Management Workshop, Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
Lurkin, V., Schyns, M., Garrow, L. A., & Jacobs, T. L. (15 May 2014). A 'price balance statistic' for optimizing pricing strategies: a better estimation of elasticities and cross-elasticities [Paper presentation]. AGIFORS Revenue Management 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (30 January 2014). A relax-and- fix heuristic for the three-dimensional bin-packing model with transportation constraints [Paper presentation]. 28th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society. |
Hoffait, A.-S., & Schyns, M. (January 2014). Early detection of university students in potential difficulty [Paper presentation]. 28th annual conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, Mons, Belgium. |
Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2014). Instances for 3D bin packing (designed for MILP). |
Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (2014). A relax-and- fix heuristic for the three-dimensional bin-packing model with transportation constraints. In 11th ESICUP Meeting proceedings. |
Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (2014). A constructive heuristic for the three dimensional Bin Packing Problem with transportation constraints [Paper presentation]. 20th Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS), Barcelone, Spain. |
Schyns, M., & Lurkin, V. (2013). The Airline Container Loading Problem with Pickup & Delivery and Multi Doors. In 53rd AGIFORS Annual Proceedings 2013: Annual Symposium and Study Group Meeting. AGIFOR. |
Lurkin, V., & Schyns, M. (02 July 2013). The Airline Container Loading Problem with Pickup and Delivery [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research, ROME, Italy. |
Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (July 2013). An exact formulation for the three-dimensional bin-packing with transportation constraints [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research. |
Schyns, M. (July 2013). A branch and price approach for an airport vehicle routing problem [Paper presentation]. 26th European Conference on Operational Research (Euro 2013), Roma, Italy. |
Lurkin, V., & Schyns, M. (15 March 2013). Automatic Aircraft Cargo Load Planning with Pick-up and Delivery [Paper presentation]. 14ème conférence ROADEF de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et Aide à la Décision, Troyes, France. |
Lurkin, V., & Schyns, M. (07 February 2013). Automatic Aircraft Cargo Load Planning with Pick-up and Delivery [Paper presentation]. 27th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operational Research Society, Kortrijk, Belgium. |
Kleyntssens, T., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2012). Automatic Cargo Load Planning: Special shipments. In ILS 2012 Proceedings (pp. 7). |
Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (2012). Three dimensional Bin Packing Problem applied to air cargo. In ILS 2012 Proceedings (pp. 9). |
Paquay, C., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2012). Optimisation 3D du chargement de conteneurs pour le transport aérien. In LigéRO (Ed.), Proceedings ROADEF 2013 (LigéRO - Université d'Angers). |
Schyns, M., Limbourg, S., & Kleyntssens, T. (April 2012). Chargement de marchandises dans un avion cargo: le cas des marchandises nécessitant des précautions particulières [Paper presentation]. 13ème Congrès de la Société française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF), Angers, France. |
Kleyntssens, T., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (02 February 2012). An Integer Programming model for air transport of hazardous and special shipments [Paper presentation]. 26th annual conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society, Brussels, Belgium. |
Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (02 February 2012). Three dimensional Bin Packing Problem applied to air transport [Paper presentation]. 26th Annual Conference of the Belgian Operations Research Society, Brussels, Belgium. |
Schyns, M., Limbourg, S., & Laporte, G. (2012). How to optimally load a set of containers into an aircraft. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Limbourg, S., Schyns, M., & Laporte, G. (2012). Automatic Aircraft Load Planning. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 63, 1271–1283. doi:10.1057/jors.2011.134 |
Kleyntssens, T., Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (15 December 2011). Chargement d’un avion cargo : le cas des marchandises nécessitant des précautions particulières [Paper presentation]. 3è Colloque International "Systèmes Industriels et Logistiques" 2011, Casablanca, Morocco. |
Paquay, C., Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (15 December 2011). Three Dimensional Bin Packing Problem applied to air cargo [Paper presentation]. Le Colloque International sur les Systèmes Industriels et Logistiques « SIL 2011 », Casablanca, Morocco. |
Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2011). Les défis du transport de fret. La Libre Belgique. |
Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (2011). Automatic Cargo Load Planning: Special shipments. In E. Cornelis (Ed.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day 2011. Namur, Belgium: University Press. |
Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (25 May 2011). Automatic Cargo Load Planning: Special shipments [Paper presentation]. Transport Research Day, Namur, Belgium. |
Schyns, M., & Limbourg, S. (May 2011). Aircraft Cargo AutoLoad [Paper presentation]. UGR-GreatRoad (Interreg IV), Liège, Belgium. |
Limbourg, S., & Schyns, M. (18 April 2011). Planification automatique de chargements d'avions cargo [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du GRT, Namur, Belgium. |
Schyns, M. (April 2011). Identification du profil du consommateur par datamining. |
Limbourg, S., Schyns, M., & Laporte, G. (2011). Automatic Cargo Load Planning. In Proceedings (pp. 22). |
Schyns, M. (2010). Introduction à l'informatique en Sciences Sociales. (ULiège - Université de Liège, INFO0112-1 Introduction à l'informatique en sciences sociales). Liège, Belgium: Presses de l'Université de Liège. |
Schyns, M., Haesbroeck, G., & Critchley, F. (April 2010). RelaxMCD: smooth optimisation for the Minimum Covariance Determinant estimator. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54 (4), 843-857. doi:10.1016/j.csda.2009.11.005 |
Critchley, F., Schyns, M., Haesbroeck, G., Fauconnier, C., Lu, G., Atkinson, R. A., & Wang, D. Q. (January 2010). A relaxed approach to combinatorial problems in robustness and diagnostics. Statistics and Computing, 20 (1), 99-115. doi:10.1007/s11222-009-9119-x |
Schyns, M. (2010). A robust heuristic for the optimal selection of a portfolio of stocks. International Journal of Operational Research, 9 (3), 258-271. doi:10.1504/IJOR.2010.035520 |
Schyns, M., Crama, Y., & Hübner, G. (2010). Optimal selection of a portfolio of options under Value-at-Risk constraints: a scenario approach. Annals of Operations Research, 181, 683-708. doi:10.1007/s10479-009-0636-y |
Schyns, M. (2009). Informatique en Sciences de Gestion et en Sciences Economiques - Niveau 2. (ULiège - Université de Liège, INFO0074-1 Informatique en sciences économiques et de gestion). Liège, Belgium: Presses de l'Université de Liège. |
Schyns, M., Hübner, G., & Crama, Y. (2009). Alternative to the Mean-Variance Asset Allocation Analysis: A Scenario Methodology for Portfolio Selection. In G. N. Gregoriou (Ed.), Stock Market Volatility (pp. 231-254). Boca Raton, United States: Taylor & Francis Group. doi:10.1201/9781420099553-18 |
Pironet, T., Crama, Y., Arda, Y., Schyns, M., Rosso, V., & Kronus, D. (2009). RAPPORT DE RECHERCHE SUR L’OPTIMISATION DU ROUTAGE ET DU CHARGEMENT DE VEHICULES. |
Schyns, M. (December 2008). Systèmes d'information de gestion modernes. |
Schyns, M. (2008). Robust Portfolio Selection. In JSM Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section. Alexandria, United States: American Statistical Association. |
Schyns, M. (2005). Informatique en Sciences de Gestion. (ULiège - Université de Liège, INFO2043-1 Introduction à l'informatique en Sciences de Gestion - Niveau 1). Liège, Belgium: Presses de l'Université de Liège. |
Schyns, M., Crama, Y., & Hübner, G. (2005). Grafting Information in Scenario Trees: Application to Option Prices. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Louveaux, F., & Schyns, M. (2004). Solving the m-TSP Problem with Stochastic or Time Dependent Demands. In S. Opasanon & E. Miller-Hooks (Eds.), Proceedings of TRISTAN V (Triennial Symposium on Transportation Analysis) (pp. 2). |
Critchley, F., Schyns, M., Haesbroeck, G., Kinns, D., Atkinson, R. A., & Lu, G. (2004). The case sensitivity function approach to diagnostic and robust computation: a relaxation strategy. In J. Antoch, COMPSTAT 2004: Proceedings in Computational Statistics (pp. 113-125). Heidelberg, Germany: Physica-Verlag. |
Crama, Y., & Schyns, M. (01 November 2003). Simulated annealing for complex portfolio selection problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 150 (3), 546-571. doi:10.1016/S0377-2217(02)00784-1 |
Farebrother, R. W., & Schyns, M. (2002). Visualizing Statistical Models and Concepts. New York, United States: Marcel Dekker, Inc. |
Schyns, M. (2001). Modelling Financial Data and Portfolio Optimization Problems [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Schyns, M. (1997). Les réseaux de neurones: principes et applicatioàn à la détection financière des faillites. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Justens, D., & Schyns, M. (1997). Théorie stochastique de la décision d'investissement. Bruxelles, Belgium: De Boeck & Larcier. |
Schyns, M. (1993). Prétraitement de données en reconnaissance de formes par RNA [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |