Publications and communications of Vinciane Toppets

Eppe, J., Raguet, E., Pétrossians, P., Czaplicki, S., Bayrou, C., Rollin, F., Toppets, V., & Guyot, H. (2024). From ultrasound to microscopy: Actualities in thyroid investigation in cattle. PLoS ONE, 19 (5), 0302997. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0302997

Delguste, C., Goffart, K., Jans, V., Sferrazza, J., Manfredini, T., & Toppets, V. (15 April 2021). Development of a 3-aspects-model for the teaching of shared decision making in veterinary medicine [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2021 Part 2: Online.

Toppets, V., Goffart, K., Jans, V., Sferrazza, J., Manfredini, T., & Delguste, C. (15 April 2021). Training in communication for veterinary students at the University of Liege, Belgium [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2021 Part 2: Online.

Toppets, V., Schaffer, P., Lecomte, B., Jérôme, F., Amory, H., & Antoine, N. (01 June 2018). Introducing e-learning and imaging technology into histology practical classes in veterinary medicine: Effects on student motivation and learning quality [Poster presentation]. EAEVE General Assembly 2018, Hannover, Germany.

Pesesse, L., Weatherspoon, A., Defaweux, V., QUATRESOOZ, P., Antoine, N., & Toppets, V. (23 November 2017). La microscopie virtuelle [Paper presentation]. Semaine de l'enseignement, Liège, Belgium.

Nemery, E., Gabriel, A., Grulke, S., Piret, J., Toppets, V., & Antoine, N. (2016). Mechanoreceptors in the anterior horn of the equine medial meniscus: an immunohistochemical approach. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 45, 131-139. doi:10.1111/ahe.12181

Toppets, V. (2014). Formasup - Portfolio professionnel [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Toppets, V., Tonus, C., Waroux, O., Schaffer, P., Lecomte, B., Delfosse, C., Jérôme, F., & Antoine, N. (21 March 2014). L’E-learning et les nouvelles technologies de l'image dans les travaux pratiques d‘Histologie en Médecine vétérinaire : Impacts sur la motivation et la maîtrise de l'apprentissage [Poster presentation]. 96e congrès de l'Association des Morphologistes et les 19es journées du Collège des Histologistes, Embryologistes et Cytogénéticiens, Amiens, France.

Toppets, V., Tonus, C., Waroux, O., Schaffer, P., Lecomte, B., Delfosse, C., Jérôme, F., & Antoine, N. (21 March 2014). L’E-learning et les nouvelles technologies de l'image dans les travaux pratiques d'histologie en Médecine Vétérinaire : Impacts sur la motivation et la maîtrise de l'apprentissage [Paper presentation]. 96e congrès de l'Association des Morphologistes et les 19es journées du Collège des Histologistes, Embryologistes et Cytogénéticiens, Amiens, France.

Nemery, E., Gabriel, A., Grulke, S., Piret, J., Toppets, V., & Antoine, N. (2014). Mechanoreceptors in the anterior horn of the equine medial meniscus: an immunohistochemical approach [Poster presentation]. FARAH Day 2014 - Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de Liège.

Toppets, V., & Defaweux, V. (17 December 2013). Deux exemples concrets d'organisation de travaux pratiques: l'Histologie en Faculté de Médecine et de Médecine vétérinaire [Paper presentation]. Formations IFRES- Organiser et animer des séances pratiques en Sciences du vivant, Liège, Belgium.

Toppets, V., Piret, J., Gabriel, A., Grobet, L., Simoens, P., Van Den Broeck, W., Cornillie, P., & Antoine, N. (2013). Three-dimensional reconstruction of the pharyngeal tonsil innervation pattern in sheep. Journal of Neuroimmunology, (262), 79-84. doi:10.1016/j.jneuroim.2013.07.004

Toppets, V., Piret, J., Gabriel, A., Grobet, L., Simoens, P., Van Den Broeck, W., Cornillie, P., & Antoine, N. (19 October 2012). Three-dimensional reconstruction of the pharyngeal tonsil innervation pattern in sheep [Poster presentation]. 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Facultu of Veterinary Medicine.

Toppets, V., Piret, J., Grobet, L., Gabriel, A., Simoens, P., Van den Broeck, W., Cornillie, P., & Antoine, N. (19 October 2012). The three-dimensional reconstruction of the innervation pattern in the lymphoid compartment of the ovine pharyngeal tonsil highlighted a possible way of neuro-invasion by the scrapie agent [Paper presentation]. 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Toppets, V. (2012). L'amygdale pharyngée ovine : site potentiel de lympho- et neuro-invasion par l'agent de la scrapie [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Toppets, V., Piret, J., Kirschvink, N., Lantier, F., Lantier, I., Berthon, P., Daube, G., Massart, L., Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (17 March 2012). Neuroimmune connections in ovine pharyngeal tonsil: potential site for prion neuroinvasion. Cell and Tissue Research, 348, 167-76. doi:10.1007/s00441-012-1376-x

Toppets, V., Piret, J., Defaweux, V., & Lantier, F. (October 2011). Study of the cellular prion protein expression by the follicular dendritic cells in ovine pharyngeal tonsils [Poster presentation]. 1st Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Toppets, V., Defaweux, V., Piret, J., Kirschvink, N., Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (31 January 2011). Features of follicular dendritic cells in ovine pharyngeal tonsil: An in vivo and in vitro study in the context of scrapie pathogenesis. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 141, 26-32. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.01.014

Toppets, V., Piret, J., Defaweux, V., Dorban, G., Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (October 2009). Distribution and frequency of nerves fibres in palatine and pharyngeal tonsils [Poster presentation]. Conférence Prion2009, Thessalonique, Greece.

Defaweux, V., Dorban, G., Antoine, N., Toppets, V., & Heinen, E. (2009). Germinal centre innervation of bovine and human tonsils related to prion diseases. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 23 (1), 10.

Toppets, V., Piret, J., Defaweux, V., Dorban,G, Jacqmot, O., Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (October 2008). Neuroimmune contact between peripheral nervous system and follicular dendritic cells in ovine lymph organs [Poster presentation]. Prion 2008, Madrid, Spain.

Toppets, V., Piret,J, Minne,M, Gabriel, A., Jacqmot, O., Groblet,L, & Antoine, N. (October 2007). Do tonsilar FDCs express PrPc in sheep?

Toppets, V., Piret,J, Minne , M, Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (October 2006). Are CNA42 and FDC-B1 directed against ovine follicular dendritic cells? [Poster presentation]. Prion 2006, Torino, Italy.

Riccio, B., Carstanjen, B., Denoix, J.-M., Jacqmot, O., Toppets, V., & Gabriel, A. (2006). Morphometric study of the equine fetlock and coffin joints. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 111, 132.

Toppets, V., Pastoret, V., Antoine, N., Dessy, C., & Gabriel, A. (July 2005). Histological study of equine interphalangeal joints [Poster presentation]. Third meeting of Young veterinary anatomists, Ghent, Belgium.

Antoine, N., Toppets, V., Florquin, S., Tonus, C., & Lakaye, C. (2004). Manuel de travaux pratiques d'Histologie spéciale des animaux domestiques, Tomes I et II.

Antoine, N., Toppets, V., Florquin, S., Tonus, C., & Lakaye, C. (2004). Manuel de travaux pratiques d'Histologie générale des animaux domestiques.

Toppets, V., & Antoine, N. (2004). CD-rom de Quizz d'histologie spéciale des animaux domestiques, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire.

Toppets, V., Pastoret, V., De Behr, V., Antoine, N., Dessy, C., & Gabriel, A. (2004). Morphology, growth and modelling of bone tissue. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 148 (1), 1-13.