Eppe, J., Raguet, E., Pétrossians, P., Czaplicki, S., Bayrou, C., Rollin, F., Toppets, V., & Guyot, H. (2024). From ultrasound to microscopy: Actualities in thyroid investigation in cattle. PLoS ONE, 19 (5), 0302997. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0302997 |
Delguste, C., Goffart, K., Jans, V., Sferrazza, J., Manfredini, T., & Toppets, V. (15 April 2021). Development of a 3-aspects-model for the teaching of shared decision making in veterinary medicine [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2021 Part 2: Online. |
Toppets, V., Goffart, K., Jans, V., Sferrazza, J., Manfredini, T., & Delguste, C. (15 April 2021). Training in communication for veterinary students at the University of Liege, Belgium [Poster presentation]. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare 2021 Part 2: Online. |
Toppets, V., Schaffer, P., Lecomte, B., Jérôme, F., Amory, H., & Antoine, N. (01 June 2018). Introducing e-learning and imaging technology into histology practical classes in veterinary medicine: Effects on student motivation and learning quality [Poster presentation]. EAEVE General Assembly 2018, Hannover, Germany. |
Pesesse, L., Weatherspoon, A., Defaweux, V., QUATRESOOZ, P., Antoine, N., & Toppets, V. (23 November 2017). La microscopie virtuelle [Paper presentation]. Semaine de l'enseignement, Liège, Belgium. |
Nemery, E., Gabriel, A., Grulke, S., Piret, J., Toppets, V., & Antoine, N. (2016). Mechanoreceptors in the anterior horn of the equine medial meniscus: an immunohistochemical approach. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 45, 131-139. doi:10.1111/ahe.12181 |
Toppets, V. (2014). Formasup - Portfolio professionnel [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/217229 |
Toppets, V., Tonus, C., Waroux, O., Schaffer, P., Lecomte, B., Delfosse, C., Jérôme, F., & Antoine, N. (21 March 2014). L’E-learning et les nouvelles technologies de l'image dans les travaux pratiques d‘Histologie en Médecine vétérinaire : Impacts sur la motivation et la maîtrise de l'apprentissage [Poster presentation]. 96e congrès de l'Association des Morphologistes et les 19es journées du Collège des Histologistes, Embryologistes et Cytogénéticiens, Amiens, France. |
Toppets, V., Tonus, C., Waroux, O., Schaffer, P., Lecomte, B., Delfosse, C., Jérôme, F., & Antoine, N. (21 March 2014). L’E-learning et les nouvelles technologies de l'image dans les travaux pratiques d'histologie en Médecine Vétérinaire : Impacts sur la motivation et la maîtrise de l'apprentissage [Paper presentation]. 96e congrès de l'Association des Morphologistes et les 19es journées du Collège des Histologistes, Embryologistes et Cytogénéticiens, Amiens, France. |
Nemery, E., Gabriel, A., Grulke, S., Piret, J., Toppets, V., & Antoine, N. (2014). Mechanoreceptors in the anterior horn of the equine medial meniscus: an immunohistochemical approach [Poster presentation]. FARAH Day 2014 - Faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de Liège. |
Toppets, V., & Defaweux, V. (17 December 2013). Deux exemples concrets d'organisation de travaux pratiques: l'Histologie en Faculté de Médecine et de Médecine vétérinaire [Paper presentation]. Formations IFRES- Organiser et animer des séances pratiques en Sciences du vivant, Liège, Belgium. |
Toppets, V., Piret, J., Gabriel, A., Grobet, L., Simoens, P., Van Den Broeck, W., Cornillie, P., & Antoine, N. (2013). Three-dimensional reconstruction of the pharyngeal tonsil innervation pattern in sheep. Journal of Neuroimmunology, (262), 79-84. doi:10.1016/j.jneuroim.2013.07.004 |
Toppets, V., Piret, J., Gabriel, A., Grobet, L., Simoens, P., Van Den Broeck, W., Cornillie, P., & Antoine, N. (19 October 2012). Three-dimensional reconstruction of the pharyngeal tonsil innervation pattern in sheep [Poster presentation]. 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Facultu of Veterinary Medicine. |
Toppets, V., Piret, J., Grobet, L., Gabriel, A., Simoens, P., Van den Broeck, W., Cornillie, P., & Antoine, N. (19 October 2012). The three-dimensional reconstruction of the innervation pattern in the lymphoid compartment of the ovine pharyngeal tonsil highlighted a possible way of neuro-invasion by the scrapie agent [Paper presentation]. 2nd Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. |
Toppets, V. (2012). L'amygdale pharyngée ovine : site potentiel de lympho- et neuro-invasion par l'agent de la scrapie [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/126811 |
Toppets, V., Piret, J., Kirschvink, N., Lantier, F., Lantier, I., Berthon, P., Daube, G., Massart, L., Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (17 March 2012). Neuroimmune connections in ovine pharyngeal tonsil: potential site for prion neuroinvasion. Cell and Tissue Research, 348, 167-76. doi:10.1007/s00441-012-1376-x |
Toppets, V., Piret, J., Defaweux, V., & Lantier, F. (October 2011). Study of the cellular prion protein expression by the follicular dendritic cells in ovine pharyngeal tonsils [Poster presentation]. 1st Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. |
Toppets, V., Defaweux, V., Piret, J., Kirschvink, N., Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (31 January 2011). Features of follicular dendritic cells in ovine pharyngeal tonsil: An in vivo and in vitro study in the context of scrapie pathogenesis. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 141, 26-32. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.01.014 |
Toppets, V., Piret, J., Defaweux, V., Dorban, G., Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (October 2009). Distribution and frequency of nerves fibres in palatine and pharyngeal tonsils [Poster presentation]. Conférence Prion2009, Thessalonique, Greece. |
Defaweux, V., Dorban, G., Antoine, N., Toppets, V., & Heinen, E. (2009). Germinal centre innervation of bovine and human tonsils related to prion diseases. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 23 (1), 10. |
Toppets, V., Piret, J., Defaweux, V., Dorban,G, Jacqmot, O., Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (October 2008). Neuroimmune contact between peripheral nervous system and follicular dendritic cells in ovine lymph organs [Poster presentation]. Prion 2008, Madrid, Spain. |
Toppets, V., Piret,J, Minne,M, Gabriel, A., Jacqmot, O., Groblet,L, & Antoine, N. (October 2007). Do tonsilar FDCs express PrPc in sheep? |
Toppets, V., Piret,J, Minne , M, Grobet, L., & Antoine, N. (October 2006). Are CNA42 and FDC-B1 directed against ovine follicular dendritic cells? [Poster presentation]. Prion 2006, Torino, Italy. |
Riccio, B., Carstanjen, B., Denoix, J.-M., Jacqmot, O., Toppets, V., & Gabriel, A. (2006). Morphometric study of the equine fetlock and coffin joints. Italian Journal of Anatomy and Embryology, 111, 132. |
Toppets, V., Pastoret, V., Antoine, N., Dessy, C., & Gabriel, A. (July 2005). Histological study of equine interphalangeal joints [Poster presentation]. Third meeting of Young veterinary anatomists, Ghent, Belgium. |
Antoine, N., Toppets, V., Florquin, S., Tonus, C., & Lakaye, C. (2004). Manuel de travaux pratiques d'Histologie spéciale des animaux domestiques, Tomes I et II. |
Antoine, N., Toppets, V., Florquin, S., Tonus, C., & Lakaye, C. (2004). Manuel de travaux pratiques d'Histologie générale des animaux domestiques. |
Toppets, V., & Antoine, N. (2004). CD-rom de Quizz d'histologie spéciale des animaux domestiques, Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire. |
Toppets, V., Pastoret, V., De Behr, V., Antoine, N., Dessy, C., & Gabriel, A. (2004). Morphology, growth and modelling of bone tissue. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 148 (1), 1-13. |