Joshi, M., Rodler, A., Musy, M., Guernouti, S., & Teller, J. (01 October 2024). Influence of urban morphology on potential of green roofs in regulating local microclimate: A case study of Liège, Belgium. Urban Climate, 58, 102144. doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2024.102144 |
Gong, S., Saadi, I., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2024). Tensor Decomposition for Spatiotemporal Mobility Pattern Learning with Mobile Phone Data. Transportation Research Recordv: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. doi:10.1177/03611981241270166 |
Joshi, M., & Teller, J. (2024). Assessing urban heat island mitigation potential of realistic roof greening across local climate zones: A highly-resolved weather research and forecasting model study. Science of the Total Environment, 173728. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.173728 |
Chakraborty, A., Mustafa, A. M. E. S., & Teller, J. (31 May 2024). Modelling multi-density urban expansion using Cellular Automata for Brussels Metropolitan Development Area. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, X-4/W4-2024, 29-34. doi:10.5194/isprs-annals-x-4-w4-2024-29-2024 |
Ginzarly, M., Joshi, M., & Teller, J. (2024). A multidimensional framework for assessing cultural heritage vulnerability to flood hazards. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 1-20. doi:10.1080/13527258.2024.2378438 |
Uyttebrouck, C., Schelings, C., Van Doosselaere, S., & Teller, J. (2023). Implementing empowerment projects in urban neighbourhoods: actors and interactions. Town Planning Review, 1-26. doi:10.3828/tpr.2023.15 |
Durrant, L., Vadher, A. N., & Teller, J. (15 April 2023). Disaster risk management and cultural heritage: The perceptions of European world heritage site managers on disaster risk management. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 89, 103625. doi:10.1016/j.ijdrr.2023.103625 |
Moretto, L., Faldi, G., Rosati, F. N., & Teller, J. (18 January 2023). Coproduced urban water services: When technical and governance hybridisation go hand in hand. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4. doi:10.3389/frsc.2022.969755 |
El Boujjoufi, M., Mustafa, A., & Teller, J. (2023). Does mosque location matter? Mosque and Islamic shops in the European context. Journal of Islamic Marketing. doi:10.1108/JIMA-01-2021-0007 |
Chakraborty, A., Omrani, H., & Teller, J. (December 2022). A Comparative Analysis of Drivers Impacting Urban Densification for Cross Regional Scenarios in Brussels Metropolitan Area. Land, 11 (12), 2291. doi:10.3390/land11122291 |
Flas, M., Halleux, J.-M., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (08 September 2022). Identifying housing vacancy using data on registered addresses and domestic consumption. Housing Studies, 40. doi:10.1080/02673037.2022.2119212 |
Joshi, M., Rodler, A., Musy, M., Guernouti, S., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2022). Identifying urban morphological archetypes for microclimate studies using a clustering approach. Building and Environment. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109574 |
Chakraborty, A., Sikder, S., Omrani, H., & Teller, J. (July 2022). Cellular Automata in Modeling and Predicting Urban Densification: Revisiting the Literature since 1971. Land, 11 (7), 1113. doi:10.3390/land11071113 ![]() |
Uyttebrouck, C.* , Wilmotte, P.-F.* , & Teller, J.*. (10 February 2022). Le télétravail à Bruxelles avant la crise de la Covid-19. Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine, 2022 (1), 115-142. doi:10.3917/reru.221.0115 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Durrant, L., Vadher, A., Mirza, S., Duygu, B., & Teller, J. (17 January 2022). Using Organigraphs to Map Disaster Risk Management Governance in the Field of Cultural Heritage. Sustainability, 14 (2). doi:10.3390/su14021002 |
Nguyen, B. N., Prevedello, C., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2022). Factors influencing residential water consumption in Wallonia, Belgium. Utilities Policy. doi:10.1016/j.jup.2021.101281 |
Rosati, F. N., Moretto, L., & Teller, J. (2022). An incremental approach to service co-production: unfolding the co-evolution of the built environment and water and sanitation infrastructures. International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development. doi:10.1080/19463138.2020.1818085 |
Uyttebrouck, C., De Decker, P., & Teller, J. (2022). Ontologies of live-work mix in Amsterdam, Brussels and Stockholm: an institutionalist approach drawing on path dependency. European Planning Studies. doi:10.1080/09654313.2021.2007858 |
Joshi, M. Y., & Teller, J. (09 November 2021). Urban Integration of Green Roofs: Current Challenges and Perspectives. Sustainability, 13 (22), 33. doi:10.3390/su132212378 |
Labdaoui, K., Mazouz, S., Moeinaddini, M., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (November 2021). The Street Walkability and Thermal Comfort Index (SWTCI): A new assessment tool combining street design measurements and thermal comfort. Science of the Total Environment, 795, 148663. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148663 |
Joshi, M., Rivière, L., Mahy, G., & Teller, J. (03 September 2021). EFFECTIVENESS OF GREEN ROOFS IN STRENGTHENING ECOLOGICAL NETWORK. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLVI-4/W1-2021, 51-54. doi:10.5194/isprs-archives-xlvi-4-w1-2021-51-2021 |
Puente Sotomayor, F. X., Mustafa, A., & Teller, J. (20 August 2021). Landslide Susceptibility Mapping of Urban Areas: Logistic Regression and Sensitivity Analysis applied to Quito, Ecuador. Geoenvironmental Disasters, 8 (19). doi:10.1186/s40677-021-00184-0 |
Gong, S., Saadi, I., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (25 May 2021). Validation of MCMC-Based Travel Simulation Framework Using Mobile Phone Data. Frontiers in Future Transportation, 2, 10. doi:10.3389/ffutr.2021.660929 |
Labdaoui, K., Mazouz, S., Acidi, A., Cools, M., Moeinaddini, M., & Teller, J. (15 April 2021). Utilizing thermal comfort and walking facilities to propose a Comfort Walkability index (CWI) at the neighbourhood level. Building and Environment, 193, 107627. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2021.107627 |
Matallah, M. E., Djamel, A., Teller, J., Ahriz, A., & Attia, S. (10 March 2021). Quantification of the Outdoor Thermal Comfort within Different Oases Urban Fabrics. Sustainability, 13 (3051). doi:10.3390/su13063051 |
Poussard, C., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., & Teller, J. (March 2021). Environmental Inequalities in Flood Exposure: A Matter of Scale. Frontiers in Water, 3 (633046), 1-14. doi:10.3389/frwa.2021.633046 |
Teller, J. (March 2021). Regulating urban densification: what factors should be used? Buildings & Cities, 2 (1), 302–317. doi:10.5334/bc.123 |
Uyttebrouck, C., Remøy, H., & Teller, J. (March 2021). The governance of live-work mix: actors and instruments in Amsterdam and Brussels development projects. Cities, 113 (June 2021), 11. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2021.103161 |
Afaifia, M., Djiar, K. A., Nguyen, B. N., & Teller, J. (2021). An energy consumption model for the Algerian residential building’s stock, based on a triangular approach: Geographic Information System (GIS), regression analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. Sustainable Cities and Society. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2021.103191 |
Cabrera, J. E., & Teller, J. (2021). La tragédie d'un commun urbain : le cas des petits opérateurs privés de services d'eau à Cochabamba. Flux: Cahiers Scientifiques Internationaux Réseaux et Territoires, 2021/2-3 (124-125), 59-76. doi:10.3917/flux1.124.0059 |
Labdaoui, K., Mazouz, S., Reiter, S., & Teller, J. (2021). Thermal perception in outdoor urban spaces under the Mediterranean climate of Annaba, Algeria. Urban Climate, 39. doi:10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100970 |
Puente Sotomayor, F. X., Egas, A., & Teller, J. (2021). Land policies for landslide risk reduction in Andean cities. Habitat International, 107. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2020.102298 |
Ramiaramanana, F. N., & Teller, J. (January 2021). Urbanization and Floods in Sub-Saharan Africa: Spatiotemporal Study and Analysis of Vulnerability Factors—Case of Antananarivo Agglomeration (Madagascar). Water, 13 (149). doi:10.3390/w13020149 |
Teller, J. (2021). Urban density and Covid-19: towards an adaptive approach. Buildings & Cities, 2 (1), 150-165. doi:10.5334/bc.89 |
Zięba-Kulawik, K., Skoczylas, K., Węzyk, P., Teller, J., Mustafa, A., & Omrani, H. (2021). Monitoring of urban forests using 3D spatial indices based on LiDAR point clouds and voxel approach. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 65. doi:10.1016/j.ufug.2021.127324 |
Saganeiti, L., Mustafa, A., Teller, J., & Murgante, B. (2020). Modeling Urban Sprinkling with Cellular Automata. Sustainable Cities and Society. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2020.102586 |
Zieba-Kulawik, K., Skoczylas, K., Mustafa, A., Wezyk, P., Gerber, P., Teller, J., & Omrani, H. (2020). Spatiotemporal Changes in 3D Building Density with LiDAR and GEOBIA: A City-Level Analysis. Remote Sensing. doi:10.3390/rs12213668 |
Nguyen, B. N., & Teller, J. (October 2020). Potential Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic through Changes in Outbound Tourism on Water Demand: The Case of Liège (Belgium). Water, 12 (10), 2820. doi:10.3390/w12102820 |
Uyttebrouck, C., van Bueren, E., & Teller, J. (2020). Shared housing for students and young professionals: evolution of a market in need of regulation. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. doi:10.1007/s10901-020-09778-w |
Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Zhang, X. W., Aliaga, Bruwier, M., Nishida, G., Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Pirotton, M., & Teller, J. (June 2020). Procedural generation of flood-sensitive urban layouts. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 47 (5), 889-911. doi:10.1177/2399808318812458 |
Mustafa, A., & Teller, J. (2020). Self-Reinforcing Processes Governing Urban Sprawl in Belgium: Evidence over Six Decades. Sustainability. doi:10.3390/su12104097 |
Bruwier, M., Maravat, C., Mustafa, A., Teller, J., Pirotton, M., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., & Dewals, B. (March 2020). Influence of urban forms on surface flow in urban pluvial flooding. Journal of Hydrology, 582, 124493. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124493 |
Ginzarly, M., & Teller, J. (2020). Online communities and their contribution to local heritage knowledge. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development. doi:10.1108/JCHMSD-02-2020-0023 |
Selmi, W., Selmi, S., Teller, J., Weber, C., Rivière, E., & Nowak, D. D. (2020). Prioritizing the provision of urban ecosystem services in deprived areas, a question of environmental justice. AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment. doi:10.1007/s13280-020-01438-1 |
Faldi, G., Rosati, F. N., Moretto, L., & Teller, J. (October 2019). A comprehensive framework for analyzing co-production of urban water and sanitation services in the Global South. Water International, 44 (8), 886–918. doi:10.1080/02508060.2019.1665967 |
Ginzarly, M., Farah, J., & Teller, J. (2019). Claiming a role for controversies in the framing of local heritage values. Habitat International. doi:10.1016/j.habitatint.2019.05.001 |
Nguyen, N. L., Embrechts, J.-J., & Teller, J. (2019). Colour in the city: a chromatic typology for the quantitative analysis of spatial coherence. Landscape Research. doi:10.1080/01426397.2019.1589437 |
Desdemoustier, J., Crutzen, N., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2019). Smart City appropriation by local actors: An instrument in the making. Cities, 92, 175-186. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2019.03.021 |
Ginzarly, M., Houbart, C., & Teller, J. (2019). The Historic Urban Landscape approach to urban management: a systematic review. International Journal of Heritage Studies. doi:10.1080/13527258.2018.1552615 |
Ginzarly, M., Pereira Roders, A., & Teller, J. (2019). Mapping historic urban landscape values through social media. Journal of Cultural Heritage. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2018.10.002 |
Kameni Nematchoua, M., Teller, J., & Reiter, S. (2019). Statistical life cycle assessment of residential buildings in a temperate climate of northern part of Europe. Journal of Cleaner Production, 229, 621-631. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.04.370 |
Laouar, D., Mazouz, S., & Teller, J. (2019). L’accessibilité spatiale comme indice de fragmentation urbaine dans les villes coloniales. Le cas de la ville d’Annaba. Cybergeo: Revue Européenne de Géographie. doi:10.4000/cybergeo.31539 |
Saadi, I., Farooq, B., Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (15 November 2018). An efficient hierarchical model for multi-source information fusion. Expert Systems with Applications, 110, 352-362. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2018.06.018 |
Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Bruwier, M., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., Dewals, B., & Teller, J. (November 2018). Effects of spatial planning on future flood risks in urban environments. Journal of Environmental Management, 225, 193-204. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.07.090 |
Saadi, I., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (15 September 2018). Investigating the impact of river floods on travel demand based on an agent-based modeling approach: The case of Liège, Belgium. Transport Policy, 67, 102-110. doi:10.1016/j.tranpol.2017.09.009 |
Saadi, I., Eftekhar, H., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (30 July 2018). Investigating scalability in population synthesis: a comparative approach. Transportation Planning and Technology, 41 (7), 724-735. doi:10.1080/03081060.2018.1504182 |
Bruwier, M., Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Aliaga, D. G., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Nishida, G., Zhang, X., Pirotton, M., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (01 May 2018). Influence of urban pattern on inundation flow in floodplains of lowland rivers. Science of the Total Environment, 622–623. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.325 |
Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Rienow, A., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (March 2018). Comparing support vector machines with logistic regression for calibrating cellular automata land use change models. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 51 (1), 391-401. doi:10.1080/22797254.2018.1442179 |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Heppenstall, A., Omrani, H., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (January 2018). Modelling built-up expansion and densification with multinomial logistic regression, cellular automata and genetic algorithm. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 67, 147-156. doi:10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2017.09.009 |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2018). Understanding urban development types and drivers in Wallonia. A multi-density approach. International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, 13 (Nos. 1/2/3), 309–330. doi:10.1504/IJBIDM.2017.10004788 |
Ginzarly, M., & Teller, J. (2018). Eliciting cultural heritage values: landscape preferences versus representative images of the city. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 8 (3), 257-275. doi:10.1108/JCHMSD-06-2017-0031 |
Moretto, L., Faldi, G., Ranzato, M., Rosati, F. N., Boozi, P. I., & Teller, J. (2018). Challenges of water and sanitation service co-production in the global South. Environment and Urbanization, 30 (2), 425-443. doi:10.1177/0956247818790652 |
Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Ebaid, A., & Teller, J. (2018). Benefits of a multiple‐solution approach in land change models. Transactions in GIS. doi:10.1111/tgis.12482 |
Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2018). A Time Monte Carlo method for addressing uncertainty in land-use change models. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 32 (11), 2317-2333. doi:10.1080/13658816.2018.1503275 |
Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Van Rompaey, A., Cools, M., Saadi, I., & Teller, J. (2018). Addressing the determinants of built-up expansion and densification processes at the regional scale. Urban Studies, 55 (15), 3279–3298. doi:10.1177/0042098017749176 |
Saadi, I., Bruwier, M., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Peltier, Y., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Orban, P., Dassargues, A., Dewals, B., Pirotton, M., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2018). Development trajectory of an integrated framework for the mitigation of future flood risk: results from the FloodLand project. Transportation Letter, 10 (5), 243-256. doi:10.1080/19427867.2016.1256120 |
Amer, M., Mustafa, A., Teller, J., Attia, S., & Reiter, S. (20 November 2017). A Methodology to Determine the Potential of Urban Densification through Roof Stacking. Sustainable Cities and Society, 35, 677-691. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2017.09.021 |
Saadi, I., Wong, M., Farooq, B., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (08 March 2017). An investigation into machine learning approaches for forecasting spatio-temporal demand in ride-hailing service. Computing Research Repository (CoRR), abs/1703.02433. |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Cools, M., Saadi, I., & Teller, J. (2017). Coupling agent-based, cellular automata and logistic regression into a hybrid urban expansion model (HUEM). Land Use Policy, 69C, 529-540. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.10.009 |
Lejeune, Z., & Teller, J. (December 2016). Incentives and barriers to environmental inequality mobilization: A case-study analysis in Wallonia, Belgium. Environmental Science and Policy, 66, 208-216. doi:10.1016/j.envsci.2016.07.016 |
Lejeune, Z., Xhignesse, G., Kryvobokov, M., & Teller, J. (September 2016). Housing Quality as Environmental Inequality: The Case of Wallonia, Belgium. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 31 (3), 495-512. doi:10.1007/s10901-015-9470-5 |
Ruelle, C., & Teller, J. (August 2016). Guided group purchases of energy renovation services and works in deprived urban neighbourhoods. Energy Efficiency, 9 (4), 861-874. doi:10.1007/s12053-015-9401-z |
Saadi, I., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (August 2016). Forecasting travel behavior using Markov Chains-based approaches. Transportation Research. Part C, Emerging Technologies, 69, 402-417. doi:10.1016/j.trc.2016.06.020 |
Aoun, O., & Teller, J. (June 2016). Planning urban megaprojects in the Gulf: The international consultancy firms in urban planning between global and contingent. Frontiers of Architectural Research, 5 (2), 254–264. doi:10.1016/j.foar.2016.01.003 |
Singh, M. K., Attia, S., Mahapatra, S., & Teller, J. (18 January 2016). Assessment of thermal comfort in existing pre-1945 residential building stock. Energy, 98 (March), 122-134. doi:10.1016/ |
Nguyen, N. L., & Teller, J. (2016). Color in the urban environment: A user-oriented protocol for chromatic characterization and the development of a parametric typology. Color Research and Application. doi:10.1002/col.22022 |
de Smet, F., & Teller, J. (January 2016). Characterizing the morphology of suburban settlements: a method based on a semi-automatic classification of building clusters. Landscape Research, 41 (1), 113-130. doi:10.1080/01426397.2015.1045464 |
Saadi, I., Boussauw, K., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2016). Trends in regional jobs-housing proximity based on the minimum commute: The case of Belgium. Journal of Transport Geography, 57, 171-183. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.10.010 |
Saadi, I., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., Farooq, B., & Cools, M. (2016). Hidden Markov Model-based population synthesis. Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 90, 1-21. doi:10.1016/j.trb.2016.04.007 |
Saadi, I., Liu, F., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2016). A framework to identify housing location patterns using profile Hidden Markov Models. Advanced Science Letters, 22 (9), 2117-2121. doi:10.1166/asl.2016.7053 |
Kiuri, M., & Teller, J. (2015). Olympic stadiums and Cultural heritage: on the nature and status of heritage values in large sport facilities. International Journal of the History of Sport. doi:10.1080/09523367.2015.1037745 |
Farah, J., & Teller, J. (2015). De la territorialisation des controverses : métropolisation, déterritorialisation et (re)territorialisation à Beyrouth. Métropoles, 16, 1-26. |
Marique, A.-F., Delbar, C., Loiseau, V., Godard, F., & Teller, J. (2015). Vers une généralisation des quartiers durables ? Présentation du référentiel d’aide à la conception et à l’évaluation développé en Wallonie et analyse prospective de douze quartiers. Urbia, 18. |
Singh, M. K., Mahapatra, S., & Teller, J. (2015). Development of thermal comfort models for various climatic zones of North-East India. Sustainable Cities and Society, 14, 133–145. doi:10.1016/j.scs.2014.08.011 |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (12 December 2014). Measuring the Effect of Stochastic Perturbation Component in Cellular Automata Urban Growth Model. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 22 (Winter), 156–168. doi:10.1016/j.proenv.2014.11.016 |
Esclapés Jover, F. J., Ferreiro Prieto, I., Piera Llodrá, J., & Teller, J. (March 2014). A method to evaluate the adaptability of photovoltaic energy on urban facades. Solar Energy, 105, 414-427. doi:10.1016/j.solener.2014.03.012 |
Dujardin, S., Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2014). Spatial Planning as a driver of change in mobility and residential energy consumption. Energy and Buildings, 68, 779–785. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2012.10.059 |
Singh, M. K., Mahapatra, S., & Teller, J. (2014). Relation Between Indoor Thermal Environment and Renovation in Liege Residential Buildings. Thermal Science, 18 (3), 889-902. doi:10.2298/TSCI1403889S |
Lacasta, J., Nogueras-Iso, J., Falquet, G., Teller, J., & Zarazaga-Soria, F. J. (November 2013). Design and evaluation of a semantic enrichment process for bibliographic databases. Data and Knowledge Engineering, 88, 94-107. doi:10.1016/j.datak.2013.10.001 |
Singh, M. K., Mahapatra, S., & Teller, J. (04 September 2013). An analysis on energy efficiency initiatives in the building stock of Liege, Belgium. Energy Policy, doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2013.07.138 |
Beckers, A., Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Dujardin, S., Detrembleur, S., Teller, J., Pirotton, M., & Archambeau, P. (September 2013). Contribution of land use changes to future flood damage along the river Meuse in the Walloon region. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13, 2301-2318. doi:10.5194/nhess-13-2301-2013 |
Nguyen, N. L., & Teller, J. (2013). La couleur dans l'environnement urbain - Validation d'un protocole de caractérisation chromatique. Ambiances: Revue Internationale sur l'Environnement Sensible, l'Architecture et l'Espace Urbain. |
Xhignesse, G., Bianchet, B., Bourgeois, M., Gathon, H.-J., Teller, J., & Jurion, B. (June 2013). Zones d'activité économique en Wallonie : quelles retombées fiscales pour les communes ? Revue de Fiscalité Régionale et Locale, 2. |
Marique, A.-F., Dujardin, S., Teller, J., & Reiter, S. (February 2013). Urban sprawl, commuting and travel energy consumption. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Energy, 166 (1), 29-41. doi:10.1680/ener.12.00002 |
Marique, A.-F., Dujardin, S., Teller, J., & Reiter, S. (2013). School commuting: the relationship between energy consumption and urban form. Journal of Transport Geography, 26, 1-11. doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2012.07.009 |
Ruelle, C., Halleux, J.-M., & Teller, J. (2013). Landscape quality and brownfield regeneration: a community investigation approach inspired by landscape preference studies. Landscape Research, 38 (1). doi:10.1080/01426397.2011.647898 |
Lejeune, Z., Chevau, T., & Teller, J. (December 2012). La qualité du logement comme variable environnementale : l'exemple de la région urbaine de Liège (Wallonie). Flux: Cahiers Scientifiques Internationaux Réseaux et Territoires, 89/90, 30-45. doi:10.3917/flux.089.0030 |
Dujardin, S., Boussauw, K., Brévers, F., Lambotte, J.-M., Teller, J., & Witlox, F. (2012). Sustainability and change in the institutionalized commute in Belgium: exploring regional differences. Applied Geography, 35, 95-103. doi:10.1016/j.apgeog.2012.05.006 |
Dujardin, S., Pirart, F., Brevers, F., Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2012). Home-to-work commuting, urban form and potential energy savings: A local scale approach to regional statistics. Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 46, 1054–1065. doi:10.1016/j.tra.2012.04.010 |
Kiuri, M., & Teller, J. (2012). Olympic stadiums in their urban environment: A question of design and cultural significance. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 2 (2), 115-129. doi:10.1108/20441261211273626 |
Lejeune, Z., Marique, A.-F., Teller, J., Michel, Q., & Halleux, J.-M. (May 2010). Des coûts de transaction et de développement incompressibles ? L’exemple du remembrement urbain en Wallonie. Études Foncières, 145, 10-12. |
Guyot, J., Falquet, G., & Teller, J. (February 2010). Incremental development of a shared urban ontology: the Urbamet experience. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 15. |
Teller, J., Billen, R., & Cutting-Decelle, A.-F. (February 2010). Bringing Urban Ontologies into Practice. Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 15. |
Guyot, J., Falquet, G., & Teller, J. (2010). Incremental development of a shared urban ontology: the Urbamet experience. Formamente, 171-186. |
Teller, J. (2009). Développement de l'entre-soi communautaire dans les espaces résidentiels périurbains. Déviance et Société, 33, 547-556. doi:10.3917/ds.334.0547 |
Laplanche, F., Teller, J., & Billen, R. (2008). Méthode de relevé rapide de scènes urbaines tridimensionnelles dans le cadre d’évaluations environnementales stratégiques. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 18(2), 147-167. doi:10.3166/geo.18.147-167 |
Dumont, E., & Teller, J. (2007). Cultural diversity and Subsidiarity: more of the same or conflicting principles ? The case of cultural tourism in the European Union. European Studies: A Journal of European Culture, History and Politics, 24, 45-64. |
Sarradin, F., Siret, D., Couprie, M., & Teller, J. (2007). Comparing sky shape skeletons for the analysis of the visual dynamics along routes. Environment and Planning. B, Planning and Design, 34/5, 840-857. doi:10.1068/b32143 |
Teller, J. (2007). Etudes de cas comparatives et bonnes pratiques. Lieux Communs, 10. |
Teller, J., Keita, A., Roussey, C., & Laurini, R. (2007). Urban Ontologies for an improved communication in urban civil engineering projects. Cybergeo: Revue Européenne de Géographie. |
Teller, J., Dumont, E., & Origet du Cluzeau, C. (2005). Pour une définition européenne du tourisme culturel. Espaces, 14-17. |
Teller, J. (May 2003). A spherical metric for the field-oriented analysis of complex urban open spaces. Environment and Planning. B, Planning and Design, 30 (3), 339-356. doi:10.1068/b12930 |
Teller, J., & Bond, A. (2002). Review of present European environmental policies and legislation involving cultural heritage. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 22, 611-632. doi:10.1016/S0195-9255(02)00009-4 |
Teller, J. (2001). An On-line Glossary as a way to foster the construction of a common culture among urban experts, stakeholders and decision-makers. Construction Innovation, 1/4, 259-271. doi:10.1108/14714170110814640 |
Teller, J., & Azar, S. (2001). TOWNSCOPE II - A computer system to support solar access decision-making. International Journal of Solar Energy, 70/3, 187-200. doi:10.1016/S0038-092X(00)00097-9 |
Dupagne, A., & Teller, J. (1999). La place Saint-Lambert et l’œil liégeois. Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, (1), 33-44. |
Dupagne, A., & Teller, J. (1997). Représentation de l'espace ouvert dans un système d'information de projet urbain. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information, 5 (2), 219-240. |
Teller, J. (1995). Évaluation de l’impact de la végétation sur le rayonnement énergétique (aide à la conception architecturale et urbanistique). Publications de l'Association Internationale de Climatologie, 8. |
Durrant, L., Teller, J., Santangelo, A., & Baldassarre, B. (11 March 2024). Policy matrices -A tool for reviewing the effectiveness of risk management policies across scales and disciplines [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna, Austria. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8951 |
Joshi, M., & Teller, J. (28 August 2023). Green roof's role in mitigating heatwave in Liege, Belgium: A highly resolved WRF-based study with LCZ [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Urban Climate, Sydney, Australia. |
Uyttebrouck, C., & Teller, J. (28 June 2023). Shared housing for students and young adults and the urban- regeneration process of second-tier cities [Paper presentation]. ENHR Conference. |
Rodriguez Castro, D., Roucour, S., Archambeau, P., Dessers, C., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., Cools, M., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (16 June 2023). Flood loss prediction: model calibration and interpretation based on a comprehensive field survey in the Vesdre valley (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. Detailing Urban Flood Impact (DEUFI), Lyon, France. |
Rodriguez Castro, D., Roucour, S., Archambeau, P., Cools, M., Erpicum, S., Habchi, I., Hardy, J., Pirotton, M., Weber, L., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (20 May 2022). Collection of consistent field data on flood features, buildings characteristics and damage during the July 2021 flood in the Meuse basin [Paper presentation]. DEUFI project: Urban floods, annual scientific meeting, Montpellier, France. |
Joshi, M. Y., Rohon, S., Nys, G.-A., & Teller, J. (30 March 2021). Potential of green roofs in the East bank of Liege, Belgium [Paper presentation]. EARSeL Joint Workshop 2021, Liege, Belgium, Belgium. |
El Boujjoufi, M., Mustafa, A., & Teller, J. (09 May 2020). The role of the Mosque in structuring European cities - The case of Liège (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Urban Studies: "Celebrations, Aspirations and Expectations", Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
Dewals, B., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Bruwier, M., Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Li, X., Teller, J., & Pirotton, M. (07 December 2017). Résilience urbaine et risque d’inondation : apports du numérique et de l’expérimental [Paper presentation]. Inauguration du Laboratoire d'hydraulique de l'ESTP, Paris, France. |
Dewals, B., Bruwier, M. (Other coll.), El Saeid Mustafa, A. M. (Other coll.), Archambeau, P. (Other coll.), Erpicum, S. (Other coll.), Teller, J. (Other coll.), & Pirotton, M. (Other coll.). (25 July 2017). Modèles de porosité pour les inondations urbaines [Paper presentation]. Séminaire invité à Laboratoire d'Hydraulique Saint-Venant, Chatou, France. |
Ginzarly, M., & Teller, J. (June 2016). Network Theory Framework for Urban Cultural Heritage Conservation [Paper presentation]. Managing Change: Urban Heritage Between Conservation and Development, Canterburry, United Kingdom. |
Singh, M. K., Mahapatra, S., & Teller, J. (05 August 2013). Study on indoor thermal comfort in the residential buildings of Liege, Belgium [Paper presentation]. CISBAT 2013, Lausanne, Switzerland. |
Teller, J., & Marique, A.-F. (14 May 2013). Des quartiers durables en Wallonie. Etat d'avancement des travaux relatifs à l'évaluation des projets de quartiers durables [Paper presentation]. Eco-quartiers : enjeux et opportunités. |
Beckers, A., Detrembleur, S., Dewals, B., Dujardin, S., Erpicum, S., Teller, J., Pirotton, M., & Archambeau, P. (28 February 2013). Evolution du risque lié aux inondations de la Meuse : Influences relatives du climat et de la croissance des zones résidentielles [Paper presentation]. Les jeudis de l'Aquapôle, Liège, Belgium. |
Teller, J. (2012). Figures et enjeux de la ville durable : éléments de cadrage [Paper presentation]. Colloque Habitat durable. Le rôle des villes, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Dujardin, S., Labeeuw, F., Melin, E., Pirart, F., & Teller, J. (20 October 2010). COSW et mesures de densité pour l’évaluation de l’impact de la structure du territoire wallon sur les émissions de GES [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude sur l'occupation du sol en Wallonie, Gembloux, Belgium. |
Teller, J., Warnotte, A., Tinant, M., Hupet, P., & Wilson, V. (2006). The APPEAR Method for guiding the valorisation of urban archaeological sites [Paper presentation]. 7th European Commission Conference Safeguarded Cultural Heritage: Understanding and Viability for the Enlarged Europe. |
Teller, J. (1998). Design tools for outdoor comfort assessment [Paper presentation]. Proc. of EPIC’98, Lyon, France. |
Schelings, C., Elsen, C., Bianchet, B., & Teller, J. (2024). Making participation sustainable: developing and testing a permanent participatory model in Verviers (Belgium). In ECCE '24: Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2024. New York, United States: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3673805.3673812 |
Chakraborty, A., Mustafa, A. M. E. S., & Teller, J. (2024). City Planning Dynamics: A Theoretical Framework of Urban Development Scenario of Belgium Provinces Using Logit Based Cellular Automata. In City Planning Dynamics: A Theoretical Framework of Urban Development Scenario of Belgium Provinces Using Logit Based Cellular Automata. GEOProcessing 2024. |
Chakraborty, A., Omrani, H., & Teller, J. (2022). Modelling the Drivers of Urban Densification to Evaluate Built-up Areas Extension: A Data-Modelling Solution Towards Zero Net Land Take. In O. Gervasi (Ed.), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2022 - 22nd International Conference, Proceedings. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-10450-3_21 |
Doppagne, A., Archambeau, P., Teller, J., Scorzini, A. R., Molinari, D., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., & Dewals, B. (2021). What is the value of a multi-decadal regional database of compensation claims for flood damage modelling and risk management? Geophysical Research Abstracts. |
Joshi, M., Selmi, W., Binard, M., Nys, G.-A., & Teller, J. (2020). Potential for urban greening with green roofs: A way towards smart cities. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, VI-4 (W2-2020), 87–94. doi:10.5194/isprs-annals-VI-4-W2-2020-87-2020 |
Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Zhang, X. W., Aliaga, D. G., Bruwier, M., Dewals, B., & Teller, J. (2019). Investigating the Impact of Urban Layout Geometry on Urban Flooding. Proceedings of GEOProcessing 2019, 23-25. |
Nguyen, B. N., & Teller, J. (2018). A Review of Residential Water Consumption Determinants. In O. Gervasi, B. Murgante, S. Misra, E. Stankova, C. M. Torre, A. M. A. C. Rocha, D. Taniar, B. O. Apduhan, E. Tarantino, ... Y. Ryu (Eds.), Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2018 (pp. 685-696). Springer International Publishing AG. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-95174-4_52 |
Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Saadi, I., Ebaid, A., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2018). Comparison among three automated calibration methods for cellular automata land use change model: GA, PSO and MCMC. In Proceedings of AGILE conference 2018. |
Nguyen, N. L., & Teller, J. (2017). Managing the urban colour: similarities and differences between European and Asian strategies. In IUFRO 8.01.02 Landscape Ecology Conference 2017 - The Green-Blue Nexus: Forests, Landscapes and Services - Book of Abstracts. |
Bruwier, M., Mustafa, A., Aliaga, D., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Nishida, G., Zhang, X., Pirotton, M., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (2017). Influence of urban patterns on flooding. In Proceedings of the 37th IAHR World Congress (pp. 2039-2047). |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Nishida, G., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2017). A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Cellular Automata Model to Simulate Urban Growth. In GEOProcessing 2017 proceedings, The Ninth International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems, Applications, and Services. Nice, France: ThinkMind. |
Dewals, B., Bruwier, M., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Teller, J., & Pirotton, M. (2017). Urbanization and changing flood risk: a multi-level analysis. In A. Bronstert, A. Thieken, T. Petrow, ... J. A. López-Tarazón (Ed.), The Effects of Global Change on Floods, Fluvial Geomorphology and Related Hazards in Mountainous Rivers (pp. 37-39). Postdam, Germany: Universität Potsdam. |
Saadi, I., Mustafa, A., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2017). Mitigating the Error Rate of an IPF-Based Population Synthesis Approach by Incorporating more Heterogeneity into the Initial Seed. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, D.C., United States: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. |
Saadi, I., Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2017). A bi-level Random Forest based approach for estimating O-D matrices: Preliminary results from the Belgium National Household Travel Survey. Transportation Research Procedia, 25, 2566-2573. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2017.05.301 |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Rienow, A., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2016). Cellular automata urban expansion model based on support vector machines. In M. A. Mostafavi & N. Pinto (Eds.), PROCEEDINGS of Second International Symposium on Cellular Automata Modeling for Urban and Spatial Systems (pp. 100-104). |
Ginzarly, M., & Teller, J. (2016). Deriving cultural heritage values: the use of social media. In Old and New Media for the Image of the Landscape (e-book revised edition, pp. 11). Naples, Italy: CIRICE, Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca sull’Iconografia della Città Europea. |
Meliani, H., Teller, J., & Attia, S. (2016). Architectural and Environmental Housing Typology Analysis in Huamachuco, Peru. In P. La Roche & M. Schiler, Passive and Low Energy Architecture Conference (1st). Los Angeles, United States: PLEA. |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2016). Modelling Urban Expansion: A Multiple Urban-Densities Approach. Proceedings of GEOProcessing 2016, 22-25. |
Mustafa, A., Bruwier, M., Teller, J., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., & Dewals, B. (2016). Impacts of urban expansion on future flood damage: A case study in the River Meuse basin, Belgium. In S. Erpicum, B. Dewals, P. Archambeau, ... M. Pirotton, Sustainable Hydraulics in the Era of Global Change: Advances in Water Engineering and Research. London, United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis Group. doi:10.1201/b21902-143 |
Nguyen, N. L., & Teller, J. (2016). colour in the urban environment: a tool for the chromatic analysis of spatial coherence. In XII Conferenza del Colore : Book of Abstracts. |
Saadi, I., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2016). Évaluation des impacts économiques indirects selon un scénario de risque d’inondation. In Recueil des articles des 34èmes Rencontres Universitaires de Génie Civil de l'AUGC. Liège, Belgium: University of Liège. |
Saadi, I., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2016). Calibration of MATSim in the context of natural hazards in Liège (Belgium): Preliminary results. Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Transport Engineering. doi:10.4995/CIT2016.2016.4098 |
Saadi, I., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2016). An integrated framework for forecasting travel behavior using Markov Chain Monte-Carlo simulation and profile Hidden Markov Models. In Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board. Washington, United States - District of Columbia: Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (2015). Modelling Uncertainties in Long-Term Predictions of Urban Growth: A Coupled Cellular Automata and Agent-Based Approach. In J. Ferreira & R. Goodspeed (Eds.), Proceedings of CUPUM 2015 (pp. 18). |
Dewals, B., Bruwier, M., Mohamed El Saeid Mustafa, A., Peltier, Y., Saadi, I., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Orban, P., Cools, M., Dassargues, A., Teller, J., & Pirotton, M. (2015). Landuse change and future flood risk: an integrated and multi-scale approach. In E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress. |
Maldague, H., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2015). Modeling accessibility to schools: the case of Wallonia, Belgium. In S. Rasouli & H. Timmermans (Eds.), Current Issues in Transportation Research, Proceedings of the BIVEC/GIBET Transport Research Days 2015 (pp. 96-104). Zelzate, Belgium: University Press. |
Xhignesse, G., Bianchet, B., Cools, M., Gathon, H.-J., Jurion, B., & Teller, J. (July 2014). An Econometric Analysis of Homeownership Determinants in Belgium. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8581, 65-79. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09150-1_6 |
Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2014). Towards sustainable neighbourhoods: a new handbook and its application. In M. Marchettini, C. A. Brebbia, ... R. M. Pulselli (Eds.), The Sustainable City IX : Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. WIT Press. |
Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2014). Le référentiel quartiers durables : un nouvel outil d'aménagement durable en Wallonie. In 2èmes Rencontres de l'Urbanisme Durable : Retour d'expériences. |
Saadi, I., Eftekhar, H., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2014). An agent-based micro-simulation framework to assess the impact of river floods on transportation systems: implementation trajectory for an assessment in the Brussels metropolitan area. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Traffic and Transport Engineering. |
Xhignesse, G., & Teller, J. (2013). Inland navigation and Land use planning: A multi-criteria approach. In P. Rigo & M. Wolters (Eds.), Proceedings of PIANC - SMART Rivers Conference 2013. |
Singh, M. K., Mahapatra, S., & Teller, J. (2013). Relation between indoor thermal environment and renovation in Liege residential buildings. In S. Matijašević & M. Ban (Eds.), Conference Digital proceedings (pp. 0757-1 to 757-12). Dubrovnik, Croatia: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb. |
Ruelle, C., Stangherlin, G., & Teller, J. (2013). Nouveaux modes d’action publique en faveur de la transition des quartiers urbains vers un développement durable. In J.-P. Van Ypersele & M. Hudon (Eds.), 1er Congrès Interdisciplinaire du Développement Durable - Thème 5: Rôle des pouvoirs publics dans la transition. Service Public de Wallonie. |
Cools, M., Tormans, H., Briers, S., & Teller, J. (2013). Unravelling the determinants of carpool behaviour in Flanders, Belgium: Integration of qualitative and quantitative research. In M. Hesse, G. Caruso, P. Gerber, ... F. Viti (Eds.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2013 (pp. 128-140). Zelzate, Belgium: University Press. |
Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2013). A journey across scales, borders and data sources: minimum commute distance (MCD) analysis of home-to-work trips in Belgium. In M. Hesse, G. Caruso, P. Gerber, ... F. Viti (Eds.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2013 (pp. 169-171). Zelzate, Belgium: University Press. |
Nguyen, N. L., Teller, J., & Reiter, S. (2012). Chromatic mutations in suburban areas. In T.-R. Lee & J. Shyu (Eds.), AIC 2012 Interim Meeting of the International Colour Association (AIC). In Color We Live: Color and Environment. Book of Abstracts. |
Kiuri, M., & Teller, J. (2012). The Stadium of Olympia, from the perspective of the dialogical architecture. In International Workshop COAC Barcelona 2012 - Jornadas Cientificas COAC Barcelona 2012. |
Dujardin, S., Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (2011). Spatial Planning as a Driver for Change in Both Mobility and Residential Energy Consumptions. In Proceedings of the International Conference CISBAT 2011 - Clean Tech for sustainable buildings - From Nano to urban scale (2011) (pp. 635-640). |
Labeeuw, F.-L., Dujardin, S., Lambotte, J.-M., & Teller, J. (2011). Morphologie urbaine et consommation énergétique du bâti résidentiel pour répondre aux objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre [Paper presentation]. The Eighteenth International Seminar on Urban Morphology and the Post-Carbon City, Montréal, Canada. |
Marique, A.-F., Dujardin, S., Teller, J., & Reiter, S. (2011). Urban Sprawl and Travel Energy Consumption: the Case of the Walloon Region of Belgium. In Irish Transport Research Network Conference, Energy & Transport, Programme and Proceedings. |
Nguyen, N. L., Reiter, S., & Teller, J. (2011). Chromatic characterization of urban fragments: Validation of a user-oriented protocol through the study of Hors-Château street (Liège, Belgium). In V. M. Schindler & S. Cuber (Eds.), AIC 2011, Interaction of Colour & Light in the Arts and Sciences, Midterm Meeting of the International Color Association, Zurich, Switzerland, 7-10 June 2011: Book of Abstracts (pp. 153). Zurich, Switzerland: Pro/colore. |
Dujardin, S., Boussauw, K., Brévers, F., Lambotte, J.-M., Teller, J., & Witlox, F. (2011). Home-to-work commuting, spatial structure and energy consumption: A comparative analysis of Wallonia and Flanders, Belgium. In E. Cornelis (Ed.), Proceedings of the BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Day 2011. Zelzate, Belgium: University Press BVBA. |
Lacasta, J., Nogueras-Iso, J., Teller, J., & Falquet, G. (2011). Transformation of a keyword indexed collection into a semantic repository: applicability to the urban domain. In Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Theory and practice of digital libraries: research and advanced technology for digital libraries (pp. 372-383). Springer. |
Dujardin, S., Labeeuw, F., Melin, E., Pirart, F., & Teller, J. (2010). Structuration du territoire pour répondre aux objectifs de réduction des émissions des gaz à effets de serre. In J. Teller (Ed.), La dimension territoriale des politiques énergétiques et de réduction des GES (pp. 43-57). |
Saint-Pierre, C., Becue, V., Teller, J., & Diab, Y. (2010). Prospective Strategies of High-rise Buildings Siting: Assessment of Impacts from Typological and Contextual Criteria. In K. Zilch, High rise towers and tall buildings 2010. Design and construction of safe and sustainable highrise structures (pp. 7 p. 1-8). |
Saint-Pierre, C., Becue, V., Diab, Y., & Teller, J. (2010). Case study of mixed-use high-rise location at the Greater Paris scale. In C. A. Brebbia, S. Hernandez, ... E. Tiezzi, The Sustainable City VI. WIT Press. |
Maïzia, M., Sèze, C., Berge, S., Teller, J., Reiter, S., & Ménard, R. (2009). Energy requirements of characteristic urban blocks. In Proc. of CISBAT 2009 - Renewables in a changing climate - From Nano to urban scale. |
Teller, J., & Cremasco, V. (2009). Impact des infrastructures de transport sur les paysages ordinaires : application au cas de l’espace périurbain liégeois en Belgique. In R. Kerbachi, R. Joumard, M. Boughedaoui, ... T. Goger, Environnement et Transports dans des contextes différents (pp. 51-59). |
Ruelle, C., & Teller, J. (2008). Tensions entre planification stratégique et prise d’opportunité dans le cadre de l’aménagement des villes moyennes. In D. Cadé & Y. Diab, La Ville durable : Décision, Action, Financement, Communication (pp. 79-93). |
Pham, T., Musy, M., Siret, D., & Teller, J. (2007). Methodology for Integrating and Analyzing Environmental and Urban Data in 3D GIS. In Proc. of 10th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science. |
Cardenas-Jirón, Azar, S., & Teller, J. (2006). Thermal characterisation of urban fabrics using GIS and Townscope modelling tool. In Proc. of 4th European Conference on Energy Performance & Indoor Climate in Buildings (EPIC). |
Chaidron, C., Teller, J., & Billen, R. (2006). Investigating a bottom-up approach for extracting domain ontologies from urban databases. In Proceedings of the 1st Workshop of COST Action C21 Towntology. |
Teller, J., Cutting-Decelle, Bourey, & Selle. (2006). PSL : an ontology based language for the representation of multi-lingual urban permitting systems. In Proceedings of World Conference on Accelerating Excellence in The Built Environment (WCAEBE). |
Teller, J., & Drdacky, T. (2006). Strategic assessment of urban cultural heritage : the case of Old Town Square in Prague. In European research on cultural heritage : state of the art studies - Vol. 4 (pp. 195-202). |
Teller, J. (2005). Paysage et projets urbains. In Actes du Colloque de la CPDT – Territoire, urbanisation et paysages du 19 novembre 2004 (pp. 122-125). éditions de la CPDT. |
Teller, J., & Becue, V. (2005). Comment concevoir un quartier « multifonction » pour promouvoir un développement urbain durable ? In Proc. du colloque Développement urbain durable, gestion des ressources et gouvernance. |
Teller, J., Dumont, E., & Ruelle, C. (2005). Cultural tourism in European Cities: Towards a strategic planning approach. In Proc. of the conference Life in the Urban Landscape. |
Teller, J., & Lefert, S. (2004). L’intégration architecturale et urbaine des vestiges archéologiques. In Actes du Colloque International APPEAR. |
Cremasco, V., Ruelle, C., & Teller, J. (2003). Coupling EIA and SEA of large urban infrastructures: the Liege-Guillemins case study. In Proc. of COST C8 final conference, Sustainable Urban Infrastructure, approaches – solutions – networking. |
Teller, J., Sarradin, F., & Siret, D. (2003). Visual urban space assessment from sky shape analysis. In A. Gnauck & R. Heinrich, Informatics for Environmental Protection: The Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union (EnviroInfo 2003) (Part 1: Concepts and Methods, pp. 231-238). |
Littlefair, P., Teller, J., Klisikas, N., & Álvarez, S. (2000). Renewables in the city environment. In Renewable energy for Europe : campaign for take-off (pp. 339-341). |
Teller, J. (1999). Spherical instrumentation for the urban morphology analysis. In Proc. of 21st Urban Data Management Symposium. |
Desmecht, J., Dupagne, A., Hauglustaine, J.-M., & Teller, J. (1998). Low-energy social housings Marchin (BE): A case study revisited. In E. Maldonado & S. Yannas, Environmentally Friendly Cities (pp. 237-240). |
Teller, J., & Dupagne, A. (1998). The St-Michel reconstruction-project in Liège : A morphological regulation case study. In Proc. of COST Urban Civil Engineering - Action C4 Final Conference. |
Teller, J., & Dupagne, A. (1998). Hypergraph formalism for urban form specification. In Proc. of COST Urban Civil Engineering - Action C4 Final Conference. |
Teller, J., & Italiano, P. (1998). L’éclairage public peut-il favoriser une réappropriation de l’espace urbain par les personnes âgées. In J. Yerpes, Actes du colloque La ville des vieux - Recherche sur une cité à humaniser (pp. 305-313). éd. de l'Aube. |
Teller, J. (1996). POLIS : a Project Information System for Urban Environmental Design. In U. Schiavoni, Proc. of COST UCE Action C4 conf. on Information Systems and Processes for Urban Civil Engineering Applications (pp. 158-166). Publ. by the European Commission DG Science, Research and Development. |
Teller, J. (1995). Deux modes de représentation de l’espace urbain : l’expérience de CAMUR et de SeReBa. In Miramond, Le Gauffre, Beheshti, ... Zreik, Proc. of fifth Europ’IA conf. on A critical Review of the Application of Advanced Technologies in Architecture, Civil and Urban Engineering (pp. 497-510). Publ. by Europ’IA. |
De Paoli, C., Orban, P., N'Depo, Y., Dupont, N., Martin, T., Fernandez Acevedo, E., Moermans, G., Neven, T., Schelings, C., Teller, J., Kaufmann, O., Harcouët-Menou, V., & Dassargues, A. (13 September 2024). Simulating heat transfer for geothermal energy and heat storage in a flooded legacy coal mine in Liège (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. World Groundwater Congress IAH 2024, Davos, Switzerland. |
Orban, P., De Paoli, C., N'Depo, Y., Dupont, N., Martin, T., Fernandez Acevedo, E., Moermans, G., Neven, T., Schelings, C., Teller, J., Kaufmann, O., Harcouët-Menou, V., & Dassargues, A. (11 September 2024). Using old coal mines for geothermal energy: underground flow and heat transfer simulations as a pre-feasibility study in Liège (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. Geologica Belgica Luxemburga Congress 2024, Liège, Belgium. |
Chakraborty, A., Mustafa, A., Omrani, H., & Teller, J. (October 2023). Unraveling the Complexities of Urban Densification: Stepwise Regression Insights for Regional Planning on Belgium [Paper presentation]. International Land use symposium, India. |
Rodriguez Castro, D., Roucour, S., Cools, M., Dessers, C., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., Teller, J., Anarita Scorzini, Daniela Molinari, & Dewals, B. (10 July 2023). How does the local context influence flood impacts? [Paper presentation]. Panta Rhei symposium, Potsdam, Germany. |
Joshi, M., Rivière, L., Mahy, G., & Teller, J. (28 June 2023). Contribution of green roofs to urban ecological network at a city scale [Paper presentation]. World Green Infrastructure Congress 2023, Berlin, Germany. |
Schelings, C., Barcelloni Corte, M., Privot, J., Bianchet, B., Joshi, M., & Teller, J. (08 June 2023). Vulnérabilité et chemin de dépendance : quelle est notre marge d’adaptation au changement climatique ? [Paper presentation]. 24èmes rencontres internationales en urbanisme de l'APERAU, Lausanne, Switzerland. |
Gong, S., Saadi, I., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (01 June 2023). How comparable are mobile phone data and travel survey data? [Paper presentation]. BIVEC-GIBET Transport Research Days 2023, Leuven, Belgium. |
Rodriguez Castro, D., Roucour, S., Archambeau, P., Dessers, C., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., Cools, M., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (24 April 2023). Contrasting levels of surprise and levee effect between municipalities in the 2021 flood in Belgium [Paper presentation]. EGU conference 2023, Vienna, Austria. |
Gong, S., Ismaïl Saadi, Teller, J., & Cools, M. (11 January 2023). Tensor Decomposition for Spatiotemporal Mobility Pattern Learning with Mobile Phone Data [Poster presentation]. TRB 102rd Annual Meeting, Washington, United States - District of Columbia. |
Chakraborty, A., Mustafa, A., Omrani, H., & Teller, J. (2023). A Multivariate Sensitivity approach for urban densification modelling [Paper presentation]. European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography - ECTQG 2023, Portugal. |
Chakraborty, A., Omrani, H., & Teller, J. (2023). Cross provincial comparison of drivers impacting urban densification: A case study of Brussels capital region, Flemish and Walloon Brabant [Paper presentation]. 2023 AAG Annual Meeting, Denver, United States - Colorado. |
Gong, S., Saadi, I., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (08 November 2022). Time-Dependent Origin-destination Estimation from Land Use and Mobile Phone Data [Poster presentation]. Urban Transitions 2022 Integrating urban and transport planning, environment and health for healthier urban living, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain. |
Joshi, M., & Teller, J. (November 2022). Impact of green roofs on surface urban heat island using random forest regression: A case study in Liege, Belgium [Poster presentation]. Urban Transitions, Sitges, Spain. |
Rodriguez Castro, D., Roucour, S., Archambeau, P., Cools, M., Erpicum, S., Habchi, I., Hardy, J., Pirotton, M., Weber, L., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (30 June 2022). Modelling direct flood losses: what can we learn from the July 2021 flood in the Meuse basin (Belgium)? [Paper presentation]. KAHR Science Conference, Germany. |
Gong, S., Saadi, I., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (31 May 2022). Calibration of MATSim in the District of Liège (Belgium) using Mobile Phone-based OD-matrices: Preliminary Results [Paper presentation]. MATSim User Meeting 2022, Leuven, Belgium. |
Rivière, L., Kazemi, M., Joshi, M., Mahy, G., Courard, L., & Teller, J. (04 May 2022). CityRoof -Analogous green roofs for cities in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. DS²BE, Ghent, Belgium. |
Nguyen, B. N., & Teller, J. (06 April 2022). Reassessing the social equity objective of currently popular water tariffs [Paper presentation]. Online Youth Water Congress: Emerging water challenges since COVID-19. |
Nguyen, B. N., Teller, J., Jean-Michel Compère, & Alain Palmans. (11 January 2022). Social equity in water tariff design [Poster presentation]. Second International Conference on Water, Megacities and Global Change. |
Chakraborty, A., Mustafa A, Omrani H, & Teller, J. (2022). Addressing the effect of image classification techniques and its impact on modelling the causative factors of urban densification [Paper presentation]. The International Environmental Modelling and Software Society and Hydrology Department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. |
Chakraborty, A., Mustafa, A., Omrani.Hichem, & Teller, J. (2022). Evaluating the impact of drivers of urban densification [Poster presentation]. Doctoral Seminars on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment, Ghent, Belgium. |
Joshi, M., & Teller, J. (October 2021). Analogous green roofs for cities and citizens [Poster presentation]. UEE Day, Liege, Belgium. |
Joshi, M., & Teller, J. (09 June 2021). Identifying urban typologies to analyze impact of green roofs on microclimate regulation [Paper presentation]. The 17th International Conference on CUPUM - Computational Urban Planning and Urban Management, Helsinki, Finland. |
Nguyen, B. N., & Teller, J. (May 2021). Temporal and Spatial Variation in Domestic Water Consumption: The Case of Wallonia, Belgium [Poster presentation]. IWA Digital World Water Congress. |
Chakraborty, A., Liu, H., Aligaga, D. G., Omrani, H., & Teller, J. (2021). Automatic Building extraction and quantification from Remote sensing images by machine learning [Paper presentation]. IÖR-Jahrestagung 2021. |
Nguyen, B. N., & Teller, J. (November 2019). Mô hình dự đoán nước sạch tiêu thụ tại Wallonia (Bỉ) và tiềm năng ứng dụng cho Việt Nam [Poster presentation]. Global Young Vietnamese Scholars Forum 2019. |
Dewals, B., Bruwier, M., Mustafa, A., Erpicum, S., Teller, J., Pirotton, M., & Archambeau, P. (19 September 2019). A multi-level, multi-scenario perspective on the interplay between urban planning and flood risk management [Paper presentation]. System-Risk Conference 2019 - Flood hazard and risk: Interactions, temporal changes and system approaches, Potsdam, Germany. |
Uyttebrouck, C., van Bueren, E., & Teller, J. (29 August 2019). New ways of working, new ways of housing issues ? [Paper presentation]. ENHR 2019 - Housing for the next European social model, Athens, Greece. |
Dewals, B., Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Bruwier, M., Zhang, X. W., Aliaga, D. G., Nishida, G., Erpicum, S., Archambeau, P., Pirotton, M., & Teller, J. (2019). Automatic design of flood-resilient urban layouts [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria. |
Uyttebrouck, C., Remoy, H., & Teller, J. (27 June 2018). Working – living mix: from urban development strategy to market initiatives [Paper presentation]. ENHR Conference, Uppsala, Sweden. |
Uyttebrouck, C., van Bueren, E., & Teller, J. (18 May 2018). Mixing working and living spaces in buildings: implementation and upscaling [Paper presentation]. Workshop on young urban singles and shared housing, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Bruwier, M., Mustafa, A. M. E. S., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (April 2018). Does urban flood resilience compete with sustainable urban planning as a whole? [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. |
Uyttebrouck, C., & Teller, J. (04 September 2017). Spatial hybridization and its implications on housing in Brussels and Amsterdam [Paper presentation]. ENHR Conference 2017, Tirana, Albania. |
Schelings, C., Reiter, S., Teller, J., & Elsen, C. (02 May 2017). Wal-e-Cities [Poster presentation]. Department Day UEE. |
Uyttebrouck, C., & Teller, J. (27 April 2017). Hybrid places : a conceptual framework [Poster presentation]. DS2BE, Liège, Belgium. |
Bruwier, M., Mustafa, A., Aliaga, D., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Nishida, G., Zhang, X., Pirotton, M., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (April 2017). Systematic flood modelling to support flood-proof urban design [Paper presentation]. European Geosciences Union 2017, Vienne, Austria. |
Godart, M.-F., Lambotte, J.-M., Bianchet, B., Maldague, H., Hendrickx, S., Copée, P., Wilmotte, P.-F., Ruelle, C., Bastin, F., Mercenier, C., Sandu, R., Vazquez Parras, J., Devillet, G., Sérusiaux, E., Teller, J., Ernst, D., Halleux, J.-M., Bottiau, V., Romain, J., ... Verelst, S. (08 December 2016). ETAT DU TERRITOIRE WALLON - PARTIE 2 : DYNAMIQUES SECTORIELLES TERRITORIALISÉES [Paper presentation]. Colloque 2016 de la CODT : Territoire(s) wallon(s) : tendances et perspectives, Mons, Belgium. |
Ginzarly, M., & Teller, J. (July 2016). Heritage Conservation in River Corridor Cities. The Case of Tripoli, Lebanon [Paper presentation]. International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF 2016), Nanjing, China. |
Bruwier, M., Mustafa, A., Archambeau, P., Erpicum, S., Pirotton, M., Teller, J., & Dewals, B. (April 2016). Contribution of future urbanisation expansion to flood risk changes [Paper presentation]. EGU General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria. |
Saadi, I., Liu, F., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (April 2016). Uncertainty quantification in profile Hidden Markov Models (pHMM)-based activity sequences characterization [Poster presentation]. 6th European Transport Research Conference, Warsaw, Poland. |
Marique, A.-F., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2016). Modelling children’s mobility and school commuting: a review and key challenges for further research [Poster presentation]. mobil.TUM 2016: Transforming Urban Mobility, Munich, Germany. |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Saadi, I., Cools, M., & Teller, J. (12 November 2015). Spatial variations of urban development drivers. Comparing an administrative logit approach with a geographically weighted regression model [Paper presentation]. International Land Use Symposium (ILUS) 2015, Dresden, Germany. |
Saadi, I., El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Teller, J., Limbourg, S., & Cools, M. (September 2015). Modelling Agents’ Behavior in the Context of River Floods: An Ant Colony based Approach [Paper presentation]. 11th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS 2015), Cebu City, Philippines. |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Dewals, B., Archambeau, P., Pirotton, M., & Teller, J. (April 2015). Sustainable integrated land-use plan and flood risk management: A review [Paper presentation]. The 2015 Doctoral Seminar on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment (DS²BE-2015), Belgium. |
Ruelle, C., & Teller, J. (10 September 2014). Guided Group Purchases of Energy Renovation Services and Works in Deprived Urban Neighborhoods [Paper presentation]. International Energy Policy & Programme Evaluation Conference, Berlin, Germany. |
Xhignesse, G., Bianchet, B., Cools, M., Gathon, H.-J., Jurion, B., & Teller, J. (July 2014). Which are the determinants of homeownership ? A logit analysis for the case of Belgium [Paper presentation]. 2014 European Network for Housing Research Conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. |
Bianchet, B., Xhignesse, G., Bourgeois, M., Gathon, H.-J., Jurion, B., & Teller, J. (26 November 2013). La fiscalité communale [Poster presentation]. Colloque 2013 de la Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial, Liège, Belgium. |
Farah, J., & Teller, J. (17 October 2013). À la recherche d’un rôle : appropriation et bricolage des méthodologies et indicateurs des organisations internationales par les observatoires urbains locaux dans le monde arabe [Paper presentation]. Usage des chiffres dans l'action publique territoriale, Nantes, France. |
Saint-Pierre, C., Becue, V., Diab, Y., & Teller, J. (30 May 2013). Une méthode d’implantation de tours pour favoriser leur insertion dans le tissu urbain [Poster presentation]. 31e rencontres universitaires de l'AUGC, Cachan, France. |
Marique, A.-F., Loiseau, V., Godard, F., & Teller, J. (30 April 2013). Le référentiel "quartiers durables" [Poster presentation]. HERA Awards 2013. |
Ruelle, C., Marique, A.-F., Reiter, S., & Teller, J. (30 April 2013). Les projets SUN et SOLEN : Soutenir la régénération durable des quartiers [Poster presentation]. HERA Awards 2013. |
Farah, J., & Teller, J. (February 2012). Ask the Periphery – a vantage point for understanding city and nationalism relations [Paper presentation]. City and Nationalism, Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
Teller, J. (November 2011). Les nouveaux défis du développement territorial [Paper presentation]. Colloque CPDT. |
Halleux, J.-M., Marique, A.-F., & Teller, J. (13 May 2008). Urban renewal through a location-specific way to streamline procedures: the Walloon disposal of « Urban Remembrement » [Paper presentation]. Joint Working Group Session on Urban sprawl (Cost Action TU062: Land Managment for Urban Dynamics), Oslo, Norway. |
Teller, J., Flas, M., Moulana, M. L., Onan, L., Privot, J., & Archambeau, P. (2022). RÉFÉRENTIEL Constructions et aménagements en zone inondable. Namur, Belgium: SPW territoire. |
Bruggeman, D., Defer, V., Hendrickx, S., Legrand, A., Verelst, S., Godart, M.-F., & Teller, J. (2020). Infrastructures vertes : Pourvoyeuses de services écosystémiques. CPDT. |
Teller, J., Marique, A.-F., Loiseau, V., Godard, F., & Delbar, C. (2014). Référentiel Quartiers Durables. (Guides méthodologiques). Namur, Belgium: SPW DGO 4. |
Attia, S., Teller, J., & Mahy, G. (Eds.). (2017). 4th Doctoral Seminar on Sustainability Research in the Built Environment Book of Abstracts. Liège, Belgium: SBD Lab. |
Cawoy, V., Droeven, E., Grandjean, M., Teller, J., Godart, M.-F., & Hanin, Y. (Eds.). (2011). Diagnostic territorial de la Wallonie (2011). Namur, Belgium: Service Public de Wallonie. |
Falquet, G., Métral, C., Teller, J., & Tweed, C. (Eds.). (2011). Ontologies in Urban Development Projects. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-0-85729-724-2 |
Teller, J., Cutting-Decelle, A.-F., & Billen, R. (Eds.). (2009). Urban ontologies for an improved communication in urban development projects. Liège, Belgium: Les éditions de l'Université de Liège. |
Teller, J., & Saarinen, J. (2024). Urban Resilience in Post-industrial Urban Landscapes: Necessity or Destiny? In Applied Innovation and Technology Management (pp. 149-159). Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-75649-8_11 |
Chakraborty, A., Ahmed Mustafa, Hichem Omrani, & Teller, J. (2023). A Framework to Probe Uncertainties in Urban Cellular Automata Modelling Using a Novel Framework of Multilevel Density Approach: A Case Study for Wallonia Region, Belgium. In Intelligence for Future Cities. Springer Nature Switzerland. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-31746-0_17 ![]() |
Joshi, M., Aliaga, D. G., & Teller, J. (2023). Predicting Urban Heat Island Mitigation with Random Forest Regression in Belgian Cities. In Urban Book Series. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-31746-0_16 |
Tomaz, E., Moriset, B., & Teller, J. (2022). Rural coworking spaces in the covid-19 era: A window of opportunity? In The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Future of Working Spaces (pp. 122-135). Taylor and Francis. doi:10.4324/9781003181163-12 |
Barcelloni Corte, M., & Teller, J. (2022). L’arrondissement de Verviers : vers un projet de territoire ? In N. Nelles & Curien Émeline, Guide d'architecture moderne et contemporaine 1868-2022 Verviers, Spa, Ostbelgien, Pays de Herve & Vallée de l'Amblève. Bruxelles, Belgium: Editions Cellule de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. |
Faldi, G., Rosati, F. N., Moretto, L., & Teller, J. (2020). A Multi-perspective Discourse on the Sustainability of Water and Sanitation Service Co-production in Global South Cities. In J. Martinez, C. A. Mikkelsen, ... R. Phillips, Handbook of Quality of Life and Sustainability. International Handbooks of Quality-of-Life. Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-50540-0_4 |
Saadi, I., Teller, J., & Cools, M. (2016). Belgium: The Use of MATSim within an Estimation Framework for Assessing Economic Impacts of River Floods. In A. Horni, K. Nagel, ... K. W. Axhausen (Eds.), The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim (pp. 399–404). London, United Kingdom: Ubiquity Press. doi:10.5334/baw.63 |
El Saeid Mustafa, A. M., Cools, M., Saadi, I., & Teller, J. (2015). Urban Development as a Continuum: A Multinomial Logistic Regression Approach. In O. Gervasi, B. Murgante, S. Misra, M. L. Gavrilova, A. M. A. C. Rocha, C. Torre, D. Taniar, ... B. O. Apduhan (Eds.), Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2015, Part III (pp. 729-744). Cham, Switzerland: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-21470-2_53 |
Kiuri, M., & Teller, J. (2015). The stadium of Olympia: a dialogical composition. In J. Montanola (Ed.), International Journal Arquitectonics: Architecture, phenomenology & social dialogics (pp. 253-264). Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Iniciativa Digital Politècnica. |
Lejeune, Z., Xhignesse, G., Kryvobokov, M., & Teller, J. (2014). Milieuongelijkheden: een onderzoek naar de woonomstandigheden in Wallonië. In D. Dierckx, J. Coene, ... P. Raeymaeckers (Eds.), Armoede en Sociale Uitsluiting, Jaarboek 2014 (pp. 250-266). Leuven, Belgium: Acco. |
Farah, J., Cabrera Quispe, J. E., & Teller, J. (2014). Bridging the gap between Do-It-Yourself urban practices and urban systems. In Y. Schoonjans, K. Scheerlinck, D. Pinheiro, M. Greene, ... F. Cooper (Eds.), Creative Adjacencies (pp. 396-409). GHENT, Belgium: KULeuven. |
Breuer, C., Halleux, J.-M., & Teller, J. (2014). Urban governance adaptation in an old industrial city: Liège (Belgium). In A. Lucarelli & D. Francese (Eds.), Napoli Citta Metropolitana (pp. 83-91). Naples, Italy: Luciano Editore. |
Loopmans, M., Minon, C., Perrin, N., & Teller, J. (2014). Onderzoek van de private huisvestingsmarkt in België in het kader van de Diversiteitsbarometer. In Interfederaal Gelijke Kansen Centrum (Ed.), Diversiteitsbarometer Huisvesting (pp. 136-245). Brussel, Belgium: Interfederaal Gelijke Kansen Centrum. |
Loopmans, M., Minon, C., Perrin, N., & Teller, J. (2014). Étude concernant le secteur du logement privé en Belgique, dans le cadre du Baromètre de la diversite. In Centre Interfédéral pour l'Egalité des Chances (Ed.), Baromètre de la diversité - Logement (pp. 136-244). Bruxelles, Belgium: Centre Interfédéral pour l'Egalité des Chances. |
Cabrera Quispe, J. E., & Teller, J. (2013). Agua, poder y territorio: Estrategias Locales de Gestión Urbana. In R. Caracciolo (Ed.), La metrópolis iberoamericana en sus propios términos:Opciones al crecimiento infinito y a la crisis internacional (pp. 65-90). Barcelona, Spain: riURB. |
Farah, J., & Teller, J. (2012). Bricolage Planning: Understanding Planning in a Fragmented City. In S. Polyzos (Ed.), Urban Development (first, pp. 93-126). Rijeka, Croatia: In-Tech. |
Vauchel, B., Lejeune, Z., Launoy, S., Rousseaux, V., Harou, Dawance, S., Francq, Mormont, M., & Teller, J. (2011). Les relations villes-campagnes. In G. Geron (Ed.), 2011 Diagnostic territorial de la Wallonie (D/2011/11802/59, pp. 276-287). Namur, Belgium: SPW. |
Halleux, J.-M., Lejeune, Z., Marique, A.-F., Michel, Q., & Teller, J. (2011). Urban renewal through a location-specific way to streamline procedures: the walloon tool of "urban remembrement". In M. Tira, E. van der Krabben, ... B. Zanon (Eds.), Land managment for urban dynamics. Innovative methods and practices in a changing Europe (pp. 283-290). Milan, Italy: Maggioli Editore. |
Nogueras-Iso, J., Lacasta, J., Teller, J., Falquet, G., & Guyot, J. (2011). Transformation of Urban Knowledge Sources to Ontologies. In G. Falquet, C. Métral, J. Teller, ... C. Tweed (Eds.), Ontologies in Urban Development Projects (pp. 153-166). Heidelberg, Germany: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-0-85729-724-2_10 |
Nogueras-Iso, J., Lacasta, J., Teller, J., Falquet, G., & Guyot, J. (2010). Ontology Learning from Thesauri: An Experience in the Urban Domain. In F. Gargouri & W. Jaziri, Ontology Theory, Management and Design: Advanced Tools and Models (pp. 248-261). Hershey, United States: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-61520-859-3.ch011 |
Ruelle, C., & Teller, J. (2009). Transposition du dispositif du plan lumière au contexte de la Région Wallonne et cas du Plan Lumière de Liège. In J.-M. Deleuil (Ed.), Eclairer la ville autrement : Innovations et expérimentations en éclairage public (Première édition, pp. 216-232). Lausanne, Switzerland: Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes. |
Chaidron, C., Billen, R., & Teller, J. (2007). Investigating a Bottom-up Approach for Extracting Ontologies from Urban Databases. In J. Teller, J. Lee, ... C. Roussey (Eds.), Ontologies for Urban Development (pp. 131-141). Berlin Heidelberg, Germany: Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-71976-2_12 |
Teller, J. (2007). Ontologies for an Improved Communication in Urban Development Projects. In J. Teller, J. Lee, ... C. Roussey, Ontologies for an Improved Communication in Urban Development Projects (pp. 1-14). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-71976-2_1 |
Teller, J. (2006). Peut-on gérer la forme urbaine ? Les enjeux de la régulation morphologique (France, Angleterre, Etats-Unis). In S. Descat & D. Siret, La ville durable au risque de l’histoire (pp. 145-162). Jean Michel Place. |
Teller, J., & Vauchel, B. (2001). Approche spatiale de l’exclusion. In B. Bawin-legros & J.-F. Stassen, L’exclusion et l’insécurité d’existence en milieu urbain (pp. 123-149). Liège, Belgium: ULg - Université de Liège. |
Teller, J. (1998). St-Michel reconstruction project in Liège: A case study of morphological regulation. In D. Dubina, I. Vayas, ... V. Ungureanu, Proc. of New technologies and structures in civil engineering. Case studies on Remarkable Constructions (pp. 63-89). TEMPUS project 011297. |
Teller, J. (2001). La régulation morphologique dans le cadre du projet urbain. Spécification d’instruments informatiques destinés à supporter les modes de régulation performantiels [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Teller, J. (2021). Consultation des citoyens affectés par les inondations de juillet 2021. |
Bianchet, B., Xhignesse, G., Gathon, H.-J., Jurion, B., & Teller, J. (2012). Analyse des retombées des zones d'activité économique au niveau communal. (Expertise E3, Rapport final). Namur, Belgium: Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial. |
Teller, J., Gathon, H.-J., Rigo, P., Danoh, C., Xhignesse, G., & De Wispelaere, F. (2011). Identification du potentiel territorial permettant le développement de nouveaux projets le long du réseau wallon des voies navigables. |
Teller, J. (2012). Management Stratégique du carbone. Outils : Outils de planification, aménagement du territoire, infrastructures. (Master Interuniversitaire UCL ULg). |
Delnoy, M., Defer, V., & Teller, J. (December 2023). L'infrastructure verte en milieu urbain. Aménagement - Environnement, numéro spécial, 60-76. |
Barcelloni Corte, M., Bianchet, B., Privot, J., Schelings, C., & Teller, J. (2022). Après qui, le déluge ? Ruimte en Planning, 55, 74-77. |
Renaux, J., & Teller, J. (August 2012). La cité-jardin du Domaine de Neuville-en-Condroz. Stratégies d’intervention sur un lotissement existant. Cahiers Nouveaux (Les), 82, 49-54. |
Teller, J. (2005). Le tourisme culturel, moteur de la renaissance urbaine ? Cahiers de l'Urbanisme, 57, 74-79. |
Teller, J., & Warnotte, A. (2004). La mise en valeur des vestiges archéologiques urbains. Le projet européen Appear. Cahiers de l'Urbanisme, (50). |
Teller, J., & Dupagne, A. (2002). The application of EIA/SEA procedures to the urban cultural heritage active conservation. Proc. of 5th European Commission Conference on Research for Protection, Conservation and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage, 127-130. |
Teller, J., & Bond, A. (2002). Prise en compte du patrimoine culturel dans les politiques européennes actuelles en matière d'environnement. Cahiers de l'Urbanisme, (38). |
Teller, J. (2020). Built area in Belgium in 1950, 1960, 1970, 1990, 2000, 2010. |
Nguyen, N. L., Jouretz, R., & Teller, J. (2017). "Urba Khroma" an application for the chromatic characterization of the urban environment. |
Lamarche, C., Leprince, P., Outers, J.-L., Ozer, P., Pécasse, J.-P., Ruwet, A., Teller, J., & van Ypersele, J.-P. (2007). Liaison autoroutière « CHB » : la Wallonie s’empêtre dans des choix dépassés. Le Soir, p. 21. |
Dassargues, A., Orban, P., De Paoli, C., Teller, J., Schelings, C., Harcouët-Menou, V., Moermans, G., Neven, T., Dupont, N., N'Depo, Y., & Kaufmann, O. (2023). Géothermie minière sur Liège associée à un réseau de chaleur (Glain-Mont-Légia) : projet pilote de faisabilité [Paper presentation]. Atelier Géothermie en Province de Liège, Liège, Belgium. |
Teller, J. (2023). Schéma Stratégique du Bassin Versant de la Vesdre : approche planologique [Paper presentation]. Webinaire SPW. |
Xhignesse, G., & Teller, J. (2016). Analyse du potentiel de développement des voies navigables en Wallonie : Cadastre des sites existants et identification du potentiel [Paper presentation]. Séminaire AM/FM-GIS Belux, Liège, Belgium. |
Teller, J. (2012). Changer la ville au XXIème siècle : une utopie ? [Paper presentation]. Chaire VilleSup organisée dans le cadre de la semaine du développement durable, Namur, Belgium. |
Teller, J. (2011). Mobilité et transition urbaine [Paper presentation]. Séminaire AILg "Quelle mobilité dans les villes du XXIème sciècle ?", Liège, Belgium. |
Teller, J. (2011). Influence du territoire sur le bâti existant en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Formation Facilitateur énergie. |
Halleux, J.-M., & Teller, J. (2005). Présentation générale du projet CSI [Paper presentation]. Premier séminaire régional du projet Interreg CSI « Creating a Setting for Investment. Browfield regeneration and environmental quality », Liège, Belgium. |