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Ledent, B. (2002). Caryl Phillips. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester University Press. |
Maes-Jelinek, H., & Ledent, B. (2002). Theatre of the Arts: Wilson Harris and the Caribbean. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Donnell, A., & Ledent, B. (Eds.). (April 2020). Festschrift for Evelyn O'Callaghan. Journal of West Indian Literature, 28 (1), 100. |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (Eds.). (2020). Illuminating Lives: The Biographical Impulse in Postcolonial Literatures. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 55 (3), 333-479. |
Munos, D., & Ledent, B. (Eds.). (2020). Minor Genres in Postcolonial Literatures. (1st edition). Routledge Taylor and Francis. |
Ledent, B., & Munos, D. (Eds.). (2018). 'Minor' Genres in Poscolonial Literatures. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 54 (1). |
Ledent, B., O'Callaghan, E., & Tunca, D. (Eds.). (2018). Madness in Anglophone Caribbean Literature: On the Edge. New York, United States - New York: Palgrave. |
Collier, G., Davis, G., Delrez, M., & Ledent, B. (Eds.). (2017). The Cross-Cultural Legacy: Critical and Creative Writings in Memory of Hena Maes-Jelinek. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill/Rodopi. |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (Eds.). (2015). What is Africa to me now? Research in African Literatures, 46 (4), 1-150. |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (Eds.). (2014). What is Africa to me now? Transition, 113, 1-101. |
Ledent, B., Fumagalli, M. C., & Del Valle Alcalá, R. (Eds.). (2013). The Cross-Dressed Caribbean: Writing, Politics, Sexualities. Charlottesville, United States - Virginia: University of Virginia Press. |
Collier, G., Delrez, M., Fuchs, A., & Ledent, B. (Eds.). (2012). Engaging with Literature of Commitment. Volume 1: Africa in the World. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. doi:10.1163/9789401207843 |
Collier, G., Delrez, M., Fuchs, A., & Ledent, B. (Eds.). (2012). Engaging with Literature of Commitment (vol. 2): The Worldly Scholar. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Ledent, B., & Cuder-Domínguez, P. (Eds.). (2012). New Perspectives on the Black Atlantic: Definitions, Readings, Practices, Dialogues. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (Eds.). (2012). Caryl Phillips: Writing in the Key of Life. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Gyssels, K., & Ledent, B. (Eds.). (2010). Présence africaine en Europe et au-delà / African Presence in Europe and Beyond. Paris, France: L'Harmattan. |
Gyssels, K., & Ledent, B. (Eds.). (2008). The Caribbean Writer as Warrior of the Imaginary / L'Ecrivain caribéen, guerrier de l'imaginaire. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Ledent, B. (Ed.). (2007). Familial and Other Conversations: Special Issue on Caryl Phillips. Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings, 7 (1), 123. |
Davis, G. V., Marsden, P. H., Ledent, B., & Delrez, M. (Eds.). (2005). Towards a Transcultural Future: Literature and Society in a 'Post'-Colonial World, Volume 2. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Davis, G. V., Marsden, P. H., Ledent, B., & Delrez, M. (Eds.). (2004). Towards a Transcultural Future: Literature and Society in a 'Post'-Colonial World, Volume 1. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Ledent, B. (Ed.). (2004). Bridges across Chasms: Towards a Transcultural Future in Caribbean Literature. Liège, Belgium: L3 (Liège Language and Literature). |
Burnett, P., Aguilar-Amat, A., Botsho, J. B., Chiavetta, E., Ledent, B., Martino, M. C., Muñoz Valdivieso, S., Pagnoulle, C., Tanzer, H., & Thurmair, M. (Eds.). (2003). The Emlit Project: European Minority Literatures in Translation. Uxbridge, United Kingdom: Brunel University Press. |
Delrez, M., & Ledent, B. (Eds.). (1997). The Contact & the Culmination : Essays in Honour of Hena Maes-Jelinek. Liège, Belgium: Liège Language and Literature (L3). |
Caryl, P., & Ledent, B. (Crit. Ed.). (2023). Caryl Phillips, Radio Plays. London, United Kingdom: Methuen Drama, Bloomsbury. |
Ledent, B. (2022). Unhousing the Archives Around the Zong, Again: Winsome Pinnock's Rockets and Blue Lights and Lawrence Scott's Dangerous Freedom. CR: the New Centennial Review, 22 (3), 141-158. doi:10.14321/crnewcentrevi.22.3.0141 |
Ledent, B. (April 2021). An Archival Exploration of Radio Dramatic Hinterlands: Caryl Phillips’s Hotel Cristobel. Journal of West Indian Literature, 29 (1), 95-107. |
Ledent, B. (April 2020). Breaking Historical and Critical Silences. Journal of West Indian Literature, 28 (1), 93-96. |
Tunca, D., & Ledent, B. (2020). Towards a Definition of Postcolonial Biographical Fiction. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 55 (3), 335-346. doi:10.1177/0021989419881234 |
Ledent, B. (2019). "There is always the other side, always": Britain, the Caribbean and the Ghost of Jean Rhys in Caryl Phillips's Writing. Wasafiri, 34 (1), 61-66. doi:10.1080/02690055.2019.1541207 |
Ledent, B. (2018). Radio drama and its avatars in the work of Caryl Phillips. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 54 (1), 32-42. doi:10.1080/17449855.2017.1417761 |
Munos, D., & Ledent, B. (2018). “Minor” genres in postcolonial literatures: New webs of meaning. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 54 (1), 1-5. doi:10.1080/17449855.2017.1419840 |
Ledent, B. (2017). Introduction: Thinking Caryl Phillips out of the box. Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 48 (3&4), 1-11. doi:10.1353/ari.2017.0034 |
Ledent, B. (2017). Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River and the Chorus of Archival Memory. Commonwealth: Essays and Studies, 40 (1), 11-20. |
Ledent, B., & O'Callaghan, E. (2017). Caryl Phillips’s The Lost Child: A Story of Loss and Connection. Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 48 (3&4), 229-247. doi:10.1353/ari.2017.0032 |
Ledent, B. (2015). Reconfiguring the African Diaspora in Dinaw Mengestu's The Beautiful Things That Heaven Bears. Research in African Literatures, 46 (4), 107-118. doi:10.2979/reseafrilite.46.4.107 |
Ledent, B. (2015). Caryl Phillips’s drama: Liminal fiction under construction? Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 51 (1), 84-94. doi:10.1080/17449855.2014.982924 |
Tunca, D., & Ledent, B. (2015). The Power of a Singular Story: Narrating Africa and Its Diasporas. Research in African Literatures, 46 (4), 1-9. doi:10.2979/reseafrilite.46.4.1 |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (2014). What is Africa to me now? The continent and its literary diasporas. Transition, 113, 1-10. |
Ledent, B. (2009). African American and Caribbean Literatures in Belgium: So Close, Yet So Far Apart. Transatlantica: Revue d'Études Américaines, 1, 1-8. |
Ledent, B. (2008). A Choice of Slaveries: Slavery and Power Dynamics in Karen King-Aribisala's The Hangman's Game (2007). New Mango Season, 2 (1), 59-70. |
Ledent, B. (2007). Family and Identity in Caryl Phillips's Fiction, in Particular A Distant Shore. Commonwealth: Essays and Studies, 29 (2), 67-73. |
Ledent, B. (2007). Caryl Phillips and the Caribbean as Multicultural Paradigm. Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings, 7 (1), 74-84. |
Ledent, B. (2006). L'Afrique dans le roman de la diaspora anglophone. Critique: Revue Générale des Publications Françaises et Etrangères, 711-712, 739-750. |
Ledent, B. (2004). "Of, and not of, this Place": Attachment and Detachment in Caryl Phillips' A Distant Shore. Kunapipi: Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 26 (1), 152-160. |
Ledent, B. (2003). Creolization in Robert Antoni's Blessed Is the Fruit: A Linguistic Analysis. Matatu: Journal for African Culture and Society, 27-28, 433-441. |
Ledent, B. (2003). A New Wor(l)d Order: Language in the Fiction of the New Caribbean Diaspora. Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, 16, 191-200. |
Ledent, B. (2001). The 'Aesthetics of Personalism' in Caryl Phillips's Writing: Complexity as a New Brand of Humanism. World Literature Written in English, 39 (1), 75-85. doi:10.1080/17449850108589346 |
Ledent, B. (January 2001). A Fictional and Cultural Labyrinth: Caryl Phillips's The Nature of Blood. Ariel: A Review of International English Literature, 32 (1), 185-195. |
Ledent, B. (2000). Crossing a "Human River of Shattered Lives": Caryl Phillips's Diasporic Fiction/Visions. Literary Criterion, 35 (1-2), 157-169. |
Ledent, B. (2000). Ambiguous Visions of Home: The Paradoxes of Diasporic Belonging in Caryl Phillips's The Atlantic Sound. EnterText: an Interactive Interdisciplinary e-Journal for Cultural and Historical Studies and Creative Work, 1 (1), 198-211. |
Ledent, B. (1999). From a New-World Poetics to a New-World Vision: African America in the Works of Edouard Glissant and Caryl Phillips. Commonwealth: Essays and Studies, 21 (2), 29-36. |
Ledent, B. (1995). 'Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories': Cross-Culturality in Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 30 (1), 55-62. doi:10.1177/002198949503000106 |
Ledent, B. (1992). Voyages into Otherness: Cambridge and Lucy. Kunapipi: Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 14 (2), 53-63. |
Ledent, B. (1990). L'Afrique du Sud hier et aujourd'hui: le contexte socioculturel. Commonwealth: Essays and Studies, SP2, 5-12. |
Ledent, B. (1996). "Aquí, allá y en todas partes": La (con)version de la Identidad Caribeña por Michelle Cliff (Ortega, M. T., Trans.). Anales del Caribe, 16-18, 297-306. |
Ledent, B. (2007). Pasado, presente y futuro de las literaturas caribeñas. Vetas Digital, 5 (78-79). |
Ledent, B. (2007). Caribbean Literature: Looking Backward and Forward. Vetas Digital, 5 (78-79). |
Ledent, B. (2020). Looking Beyond, Shifting the Gaze: Writers in Motion. In S. Nasta & M. Stein (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Black and Asian British Writing (pp. 296-309). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781108164146.020 |
Ledent, B. (2019). Exotic madness in Caribbean literature: From marginalization to empowerment and indigenization. In M. Bharat & M. Grover (Eds.), Representing the Exotic and the Familiar: Politics and Perception in Literature (pp. 309-322). Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/fillm.12.21led |
Ledent, B., O'Callaghan, E., & Tunca, D. (2018). "Madness is rampant on this island": Writing Altered States in Anglophone Caribbean Literature. In B. Ledent, E. O'Callaghan, ... D. Tunca (Eds.), Madness in Anglophone Caribbean Literature: On the Edge (pp. 1-17). New York, United States - New York: Palgrave Macmillan. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98180-2_1 |
Ledent, B. (2017). Caribbean Writers and the Jewish Diaspora: A Shared Experience of Otherness. In G. Collier, G. Davis, M. Delrez, ... B. Ledent (Eds.), The Cross-Cultural Legacy: Critical and Creative Writings in Memory of Hena Maes-Jelinek (pp. 201-218). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill/Rodopi. |
Ledent, B. (2016). The Many Voices of Post-Colonial London: Language and Identity in Zadie Smith's White Teeth (2000) and Andrea Levy's Small Island (2004). In J. Wilson & C. Ringrose (Eds.), New Soundings in Postcolonial Writing. Critical and Creative Contours (pp. 79-93). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill. |
Ledent, B. (2016). 'Other' Voices and the British Literary Canon. In D. Osborne (Ed.), The Cambridge Companion to British Black and Asian Writing, 1945-2010 (pp. 241-255). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. |
Ledent, B. (2016). "De l'autre côté de la littérature": Dislocations génériques et autres dans Hotel Impala de Baloji. In S. Demart & G. Abrassart (Eds.), Créer en postcolonie: 2010-2015 Voix et Dissidences belgo-congolaises (pp. 233-241). Bruxelles, Belgium: BOZAR. |
Ledent, B. (2015). Of Invisible Men and Native Sons: Male Characters in Caryl Phillips's Fiction. In Horlacher, Stefan (Ed.), Configuring Masculinity in Theory and Literary Practice (pp. 251-269). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill/Rodopi. doi:10.1163/9789004299009_013 |
Ledent, B. (2014). The Dialogic Potential of “Literary Autism”: Caryl Phillips’s Higher Ground (1989) and Marie NDiaye’s Trois femmes puissantes (2009). In Sell, Roger D. (Ed.), Literature as Dialogue: Invitations Offered and Negotiated (pp. 99-114). Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/ds.22.05led |
Ledent, B. (2014). Mind the Gaps: Caryl Phillips’s In the Falling Snow (2009) and the Generational Approach to the Black Diaspora. In J. Misrahi-Barak & C. Raynaud (Eds.), Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, 'Race', Volume 1 'Diasporas and Cultures of Migrations' (Series PoCoPages, pp. 161-175). Montpellier, France: Pulm. |
Fumagalli, M. C., Ledent, B., & del Valle Alcala, R. (2013). Introduction. In B. Ledent, R. del Valle Alcala, ... M. C. Fumagalli (Eds.), The Cross-Dressed Caribbean: Writing, Politics, Sexualities (pp. 1-21). Charlottesville, United States: University of Virginia Press. |
Collier, G., Delrez, M., Fuchs, A., & Ledent, B. (2012). A Memory Trip: Partly in Tandem, Partly Quadrilogical. In G. Collier, M. Delrez, A. Fuchs, ... B. Ledent (Eds.), Engaging with Literature of Commitment (vols. 1 & 2). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. doi:10.1163/9789401207843_001 |
Ledent, B. (2012). 'Look liberty in the face': Determinism and Free Will in Caryl Phillips's Foreigners: Three English Lives (2007). In B. Ledent & D. Tunca (Eds.), Caryl Phillips: Writing in the Key of Life (pp. 75-85). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Ledent, B. (2012). A Play of Significance: Roy Williams's Days of Significance and the Question of Labels. In G. Collier, M. Delrez, A. Fuchs, ... B. Ledent (Eds.), Engaging with Literature of Commitment (vol. 2): The Worldly Scholar (pp. 295-307). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Ledent, B., & Cuder-Domínguez, P. (2012). Introduction. In B. Ledent & P. Cuder-Domínguez (Eds.), New Perspectives on the Black Atlantic: Definitions, Readings, Practices, Dialogues (pp. 9-20). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang. |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (2012). Introduction. In B. Ledent & D. Tunca (Eds.), Caryl Phillips: Writing in the Key of Life (pp. 11-21). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Ledent, B. (2011). Caryl Phillips: The Dignity of the Examined Life. In M. A. Bucknor & A. Donnell (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Anglophone Caribbean Literature (pp. 72-77). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203830352-17 |
Gyssels, K., & Ledent, B. (2010). Introduction (version française). In K. Gyssels & B. Ledent (Eds.), Présence africaine en Europe et au-delà / African Presence in Europe and Beyond (pp. 13-21). Paris, France: L'Harmattan. |
Gyssels, K., & Ledent, B. (2010). Introduction (English version). In K. Gyssels & B. Ledent (Eds.), Présence africaine en Europe et au-delà / African Presence in Europe and Beyond (pp. 23-30). Paris, France: L'Harmattan. |
Ledent, B. (2010). West Indian Fiction. In J. C. Ball & B. W. Shaffer (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Twentieth-Century Fiction, Vol. 3: World Fiction. Chichester, United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell. |
Ledent, B. (2009). Black British Literature. In D. Birch (Ed.), The Oxford Companion to English Literature, seventh edition (pp. 16-22). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. |
Ledent, B., & Phillips, C. (2009). Only Connect: An Interview with Caryl Phillips on Foreigners. In R. T. Schatteman (Ed.), Conversations with Caryl Phillips (pp. 184-191). Jackson, United States - Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi. |
Ledent, B. (2008). Waging the War from the Outside: The Writers of the West Indian Diaspora and their Role in the Future of the Caribbean. In K. Gyssels & B. Ledent (Eds.), The Caribbean Writer as Warrior of the Imaginary / L'écrivain caribéen, guerrier de l'imaginaire (pp. 453-465). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Ledent, B. (2006). Caryl Phillips's Drama: A Blueprint for a New Britishness? In G. V. Davis & A. Fuchs (Eds.), Staging New Britain: Aspects of Black and South Asian British Theatre Practice (pp. 189-201). Brussels, Belgium: Peter Lang. |
Ledent, B. (2005). Slavery Revisited through Vocal Kaleidoscopes: Polyphony in Novels by Fred D'Aguiar and Caryl Phillips. In Misrahi-Barak (Ed.), Revisiting Slave Narratives / Le avatars contemporains des récits d'esclaves (pp. 281-293). Montpellier, France: University de Montpellier III. |
Ledent, B. (2004). The Same, Yet Different: Caryl Phillips's Screen Adaptation of V.S. Naipaul's The Mystic Masseur. In J. Misrahi-Barak (Ed.), V.S. Naipaul: A World in Tension / Une oeuvre sous tension (pp. 155-169). Montpellier, France: Université de Montpellier III. |
Ledent, B. (2004). Caryl Phillips (1958-) (Louwerse, H., Trans.). In E. d'Hoker & O. de Graef (Eds.), Engelstalige literatuur na 1945 : deel 1 : proza, de Britse eilanden (pp. 179-193). Leuven, Belgium: Peeters. |
Ledent, B. (2002). 'One is exiled when one refuses to obey the commandments of Conquest Mission': Religion as Metaphor in Caryl Phillips's Philosophy. In G. Stilz (Ed.), Missions of Interdependence: A Literary Directory (pp. 121-130). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Maes-Jelinek, H., & Ledent, B. (2001). The Novel since 1970. In A. J. Arnold (Ed.), A History of Literature in the Caribbean. Volume 2: English- and Dutch-Speaking Regions (pp. 149-198). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Benjamins. doi:10.1075/chlel.xv.17mae |
Ledent, B. (2000). "Here, There, and Everywhere": Michelle Cliff's (Con)version of Caribbean Identity. In M. Ghosh-Schellhorn (Ed.), Writing Women Across Borders and Categories (pp. 76-90). Münster, Germany: LIT. |
Ledent, B. (2000). Du cauchemar à l'utopie réalisable : Londres dans les nouvelles et romans de la diaspora antillaise anglophone. In C. Duboin & E. Tabuteau (Eds.), La ville plurielle dans la fiction antillaise anglophone : images de l'interculturel (pp. 207-221). Toulouse, France: Presses universitaires du Mirail. |
Ledent, B. (1997). Remembering Slavery: History as Roots in the Fiction of Caryl Phillips and Fred D'Aguiar. In M. Delrez (Ed.), B. Ledent (Ed.), ... J. Dor (Other coll.), The Contact & the Culmination: Essays in Honour of Hena Maes-Jelinek (pp. 271-280). Liège, Belgium: Liège Language and Literature (L3). |
Ledent, B. (1996). Is Counter-Discursive Criticism Obsolescent? Intertextuality in Caryl Phillips's Higher Ground. In H. Maes-Jelinek, G. Collier, ... G. V. Davis (Eds.), A Talent(ed) Digger: Creations, Cameos, and Essays in Honour of Anna Rutherford (pp. 301-308). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Ledent, B. (1993). Caryl Phillips. In Post-War Literatures in English, vol. 19 (pp. 12). Groningen, Netherlands: Wolters-Noordhoff. |
Ledent, B. (1993). New World Nomadism: Exile and the Caribbean 'Architecture of Cultures'. In J. Callens (Ed.), Re-Discoveries of America: The Meeting of Cultures (pp. 129-153). Brussels, Belgium: VUB Press. |
Ledent, B. (1990). Between Conflicting Worlds: Female Exiles in Jean Rhys's Voyage in the Dark and Joan Riley's The Unbelonging. In G. V. Davis & H. Maes-Jelinek (Eds.), Crisis and Creativity in the New Literatures in English (pp. 499-510). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi. |
Ledent, B. (2013). Caryl Phillips. In Encyclopedia of Afroeuropean Studies. Afroeurope@s. |
Ledent, B. (2008). Caryl Phillips (né en 1958). In J. Pouvelle & J.-P. Demarche (Eds.), Guide des littératures d'Irlande et du Commonwealth des origines à nos jours (pp. 259-262). Paris, France: Ellipses. |
Ledent, B. (2006). Phillips, Caryl. In C. Palmer (Ed.), Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas (pp. 1773-1774). Detroit, United States - Illinois: Macmillan. |
Ledent, B. (2005). Caryl Phillips: A Master of Ambiguity. In B. Ledent (Ed.), The Caryl Phillips Bibliography. |
Ledent, B. (2001). Michelle Cliff (1946- ). In J. C. Hawley (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies (pp. 101-102). Westport, United States - Connecticut: Greenwood. |
Ledent, B. (2001). Caryl Phillips (1958- ). In J. C. Hawley (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Studies. Westport, United States - Connecticut: Greenwood. |
Ledent, B. (2023). 'Distant Noises of Other Voices: a Collection of Caryl Phillips's Radio Plays'. In B. Ledent, Caryl Phillips, Radio Plays. London, United Kingdom: Methuen Drama. |
Delrez, M., & Ledent, B. (1997). Introduction. In M. Delrez & B. Ledent (Eds.), The Contact and the Culmination: Essays in Honour of Hena Maes-Jelinek (pp. 1-3). Liège, Belgium: L3. |
Ledent, B. (2021). Review of Tracing Jaja, by Anthony Kellman. Journal of West Indian Literature, 29 (2), 141-143. |
Ledent, B. (2021). Review of Diaspora and returns, edited by Helen Cousins and Pauline Dodgson-Katiyo. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 57 (4), 580-581. |
Ledent, B. (2018). Alecia McKenzie, Sweetheart. Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings, 18 (1), 128-129. |
Ledent, B. (2017). Review of Traversée d'une oeuvre: Crossing the River de Caryl Phillips. Commonwealth: Essays and Studies, 40 (1), 159-160. |
Ledent, B. (2016). Review of Véronique Maisier’s Violence in Caribbean Literature: Stories of Stones and Blood. Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 90 (3&4), 366-367. |
Ledent, B. (2016). Review of Abigail Ward, Caryl Phillips, David Dabydeen, and Fred D’Aguiar: Representations of Slavery. Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings, 16 (2), 114-116. |
Ledent, B. (2014). Review of Postcolonial Ecologies: Literatures of the Environment edited by Elizabeth DeLoughrey and George B. Handley. Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 88 (1-2), 182-184. doi:10.1163/22134360-08801044 |
Ledent, B. (2012). Race and antiracism in black British and British Asian literature. Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 48 (4), 460-461. |
Ledent, B. (2011). Review of Velma Pollard's Considering Woman I & II. Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings, 11 (1), 128-129. |
Ledent, B. (2011). Review of Leah Reade Rosenberg's Nationalism and the Formation of Caribbean Literature (New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007). Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 85 (1-2), 154-156. |
Ledent, B. (2008). Review of June E. Roberts's Reading Erna Brodber: Uniting the Black Diaspora through Folk Culture. Nieuwe West-Indische Gids, 82 (3-4), 325-327. |
Ledent, B. (2008). Review of David Ellis's Writing Home: Black Writing in Britain Since the War. Commonwealth: Essays and Studies, 30 (2), 120-121. |
Ledent, B. (2005). Review of Lawrence Phillips's The Swarming Streets: Twentieth-Century Literary Representations of London and John McLeod's Postcolonial London: Rewriting the Metropolis. European Journal of English Studies, 9 (3), 327-329. doi:10.1080/13825570500364037 |
Ledent, B. (2003). Review of James Procter's Dwelling Places: Postwar Black British Writing. Moving Worlds: A Journal of Transcultural Writings, 3 (2), 138-139. |
Ledent, B. (April 2024). “Broadcast now published”: An Interview with Caryl Phillips on the Publication of His Radio Plays. Journal of West Indian Literature, 32 (2), 64-77. |
Ledent, B., Tunca, D., & Phillips, C. (2020). "A Growth to Understanding": An Interview with Caryl Phillips about Biographical Fiction. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 55 (3), 456-468. doi:10.1177/0021989418814586 |
Ledent, B. (2009). A Treasured Family Album. Wasafiri, 59, 87. |
Ledent, B. (2003). Select Bibliography (Frontières: A Franco-British Writers' Festival about Identity). |
Ledent, B. (1999). The Caryl Phillips Bibliography. |
Cuder-Dominguez, P., & Ledent, B. (2007). European Perspectives on the Black Atlantic: Scientific Report. ESF. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/80515 |
Ledent, B. (2020). H is for The Hangman’s Game (2007) by Karen King-Aribisala. Caribbean Literary Heritage. |
Tunca, D., Ledent, B., & Romdhani, R. (Other coll.). (2016). Dossier "Altered States" (nouvelle d'Alecia McKenzie, interview et poèmes de Kei Miller) (Ziane, C., Trans.). Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (2013). Mixed Zone 3: "What is Africa to me now? The continent and its literary diasporas". Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Ledent, B. (2010). Caraïbes / Royaume-Uni : Caryl Phillips. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Ledent, B. (2024). A Kind of Home: James Baldwin in Paris. |
Ledent, B., & Phillips, C. (2021). "Encountering Chapter One": Caryl Phillips in Conversation with Bénédicte Ledent. British Library. |
Ledent, B. (13 October 2023). Alecia McKenzie's Madwoman Version: Connecting the Global and the Local [Paper presentation]. 41st Annual West Indian Literature Conference. |
Ledent, B. (07 June 2023). Snow and the Black British Imaginary in Caryl Phillips's Writing [Paper presentation]. Imagining Environmental Justice in a Postcolonial World, Paris, France. |
Ledent, B. (27 May 2022). Liberating Structures of Feeling in Caryl Phillips's Cambridge and A Distant Shore [Paper presentation]. GAPS 2022, Contested Solidarities, Frankfurt, Germany. |
Ledent, B. (17 October 2019). Exploring Radio Dramatic Hinterlands: a reading of Caryl Phillips’s Hotel Cristobel [Paper presentation]. 38th Annual West Indian Literature Conference, Georgetown, Guyana. |
Ledent, B. (03 July 2019). Mental Health in the Literary Representations of the Windrush Generation [Paper presentation]. 43rd Annual Conference, Preston, United Kingdom. |
Ledent, B. (22 June 2018). The Haunting Presence of Jean Rhys in Caryl Phillips's Fiction [Paper presentation]. Jean Rhys: Lignes de Transmission/Transmission Lines, Paris, France. |
Ledent, B. (05 June 2018). The Caribbean and its Others in Jean Rhys and Caryl Phillips's Work [Paper presentation]. 43rd Annual Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association, La Havane, Cuba. |
Ledent, B. (10 March 2018). "There is always the other side, always": Britain, the Caribbean and the Ghost of Jean Rhys in Caryl Phillips's Writing [Paper presentation]. Britain in the World: Day Symposium on the work of Caryl Phillips, Norwich, United Kingdom. |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (January 2018). The Postcolonial Biographical Novel: Aesthetics and Ideologies [Paper presentation]. MLA Convention, New York, United States - New York. |
Ledent, B. (May 2017). Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River and the Chorus of Archival Memory [Paper presentation]. Inhabiting the Voids of History: A Conference on Caryl Phillips, Caen, France. |
Ledent, B. (March 2017). The Mad Exotic in Caribbean Literature: Stories of Marginalisation, Commodification and Empowerment [Paper presentation]. The Familiar and the Exotic in Language and Literature: The Politics of Perception and Representation, New Delhi, India. |
Ledent, B. (September 2016). Presentation of contribution to the Cambridge History of Black and Asian British Writing [Paper presentation]. Symposium on The Cambridge History of Black and Asian British Writing, Münster, Germany. |
Ledent, B. (25 August 2016). Competition out of the Ordinary: Roundtable on 'Top Research' in English Studies [Paper presentation]. ESSE Conference 2016, Galway, Ireland. |
Ledent, B. (07 September 2015). “ Extreme consciousness ” : Diaspora and mental states in the work of Jean Rhys and Caryl Phillips [Paper presentation]. Inaugural Convention of the Postcolonial Studies Association, Leicester, United Kingdom. |
Ledent, B., & O'Callaghan, E. (May 2015). Haunted by Loss: Caryl Phillips's Cambridge and The Lost Child [Paper presentation]. Lost Children: the Black Atlantic and Northern Britain, Preston, United Kingdom. |
Ledent, B. (April 2014). 'Other' Voices and the English literary canon: the work of Jackie Kay and Caryl Phillips [Paper presentation]. Uncommon Wealth: Riches and Realities, Innsbruck, Austria. |
Ledent, B. (August 2013). Thematic connections/Generic disconnections: Currents and cross-currents in Caryl Phillips's radio plays [Paper presentation]. 'The current unbroken/the circuits kept open': Connecting Cultures and the Commonwealth, St. Lucia. |
Ledent, B. (October 2012). The Limits of Diasporic Solidarity in Dinaw Mengestu's Fiction [Paper presentation]. Diasporas and 'Race', Winston-Salem, NC, United States. |
Ledent, B. (April 2012). The Dialogic Potential of Literary Autism: Caryl Phillips's Higher Ground (1989) and Marie NDiaye's Trois Femmes Puissantes [Paper presentation]. Dialogue analysis: Literature as Dialogue, Turku, Finland. |
Ledent, B. (June 2011). Mind the Gaps: Caryl Phillips's In the Falling Snow and the Generational Approach to Migration, Diaspora and Globalization [Paper presentation]. Diasporas, Cultures of Mobilities, 'Race', Montpellier, France. |
Ledent, B. (April 2011). Caryl Phillips's Drama: Fiction Under Construction [Paper presentation]. "Under Construction: Gateways and Walls", Istanbul, Turkey. |
Ledent, B. (26 March 2024). The Lineage of Madness in Caribbean Literature [Paper presentation]. Lorand Chair Inaugural Lecture, Brussels, Belgium. |
Ledent, B. (14 January 2019). Windrush: The Second Generation [Paper presentation]. Guest Lecture, Münster, Germany. |
Ledent, B. (09 May 2017). 'A Rainbow Coalition of People': Race, Gender, and Other Categories in Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River [Paper presentation]. Conférence dans le cadre de l'agrégation, Paris, France. |
Ledent, B. (27 April 2017). 'A Rainbow Coalition of People': Race, Gender, and Other Categories in Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River [Paper presentation]. Atelier "Genre, sexualités, décolonialité", Lyon, France. |
Ledent, B. (October 2011). Masculinities in Caryl Phillips's Writing [Paper presentation]. American Writers' Festival, Singapore. |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (2007). Littératures anglophones d'Afrique et des Caraïbes [Poster presentation]. Séance exceptionnelle de l’Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-mer, Liège, Belgium. |
Ledent, B. (2024). Honoring Caribbean Nobel Prize for Literature Winners: Walcott and Naipaul [Paper presentation]. Caribbean Days at Renaissance Brussels. |
Ledent, B. (2019). "Not Just Voices: An Edited Collection of Caryl Phillips's Radio Plays" [Paper presentation]. Visiting Scholars Seminars, New Haven, United States. |
Dony, C., Ledent, B., Munos, D., & Tunca, D. (2015). Identités et stéréotypes postcoloniaux [Paper presentation]. Cycle de conférences "Colonies: Héritages et Tabous", Liège, Belgium. |
Ledent, B., & Tunca, D. (2006). La littérature post-coloniale : l'exemple du Nigeria [Paper presentation]. Conférences proposées par l'Espace Universitaire de Liège, module thématique sur "L'Afrique noire", Liège, Belgium. |