Nyns, S., & Schmitz, S. (December 2024). Focus sur les impacts des hébergements de type Airbnb dans les campagnes wallonnes. Une forme invisible de l’hébergement touristique ? Géographie, Économie, Société, 26 (4), 545-576. doi:10.1684/ges.2024.26 |
Chuma Basimine, G., Mondo, J. M., Wellens, J., Majaliwa, J. M., Egeru, A., Bagula, E. M., Lucungu, P. B., Kahindo, C., Mushagalusa, G. N., Karume, K., & Schmitz, S. (16 September 2024). Effectiveness of wetlands as reservoirs for integrated water resource management in the Ruzizi plain based on water evaluation and planning (WEAP) approach for a climate-resilient future in eastern D.R. Congo. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), 21577. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-72021-x |
Chuma Basimine, G., Wellens, J., Gustave, M. N., & Schmitz, S. (17 August 2024). How Rural Communities Relate to Nature in Sub-Saharan Regions: Perception of Ecosystem Services Provided by Wetlands in South-Kivu. Sustainability, 16 (16), 7073. doi:10.3390/su16167073 |
Dallatorre, G., Pepe, L., & Schmitz, S. (August 2024). Rediscovering Valley Hillslopes: Their Forms, Uses, and Considerations in Urban Planning Documents. Land, 13 (9), 1353. doi:10.3390/land13091353 |
Nicola, S.-E., & Schmitz, S. (May 2024). From mining to tourism: assessing the destination’s image, as revealed by travel-oriented social networks. Tourism and Hospitality, 5, 395-415. doi:10.3390/tourhosp5020025 |
Pepe, L., & Schmitz, S. (May 2024). Top-down and bottom-up initiatives for the Walloon landscapes and their inhabitants. Landscape Research, 49 (5), 616-634. doi:10.1080/01426397.2024.2341170 |
Ayoun, S., & Schmitz, S. (01 April 2024). Green Consumer Orientation in Cosmetic Sector: Construct Definition, Measurement Scale Development, and Validation. Cogent Business and Management, 11 (1), 1-22. doi:10.1080/23311975.2024.2316922 |
Bruckmann, L., Lekane Tsobgou, D., Marcoty, P., & Schmitz, S. (2024). Local perception of climate change and adaptation in the highlands of Cameroon. African Geographical Review, 43 (2), 262-277. doi:10.1080/19376812.2022.2144918 |
M'barki, R., & Schmitz, S. (November 2023). Les coopératives au Maroc, entre bricolage et développement rural : le cas des regroupements de fromage de chèvre de Chefchaouen. Belgeo, 2023 (1), 62626. doi:10.4000/belgeo.62626 |
Chuma Basimine, G., Gustave, M. N., & Schmitz, S. (17 October 2023). Mapping small inland wetlands in the South-Kivu province by integrating optical and SAR data with statistical models for accurate distribution assessment. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 17626. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-43292-7 |
Pepe, L., & Schmitz, S. (2023). The Sense of Place of Local Mining Heritage in Wallonia. Heritage and Society. doi:10.1080/2159032X.2023.2254967 |
Ocampo, L. A., & Schmitz, S. (February 2023). Accumulation by Dispossession and Hazardscape Production in Postcorporate Gold Mining Itogon, Philippines. Geographical Research, 61 (1), 44-57. doi:10.1111/1745-5871.12565 |
Schmitz, S., & Pepe, L. (01 January 2023). The Precariousness of Walloon Peri-Urban Agricultural Lands. Land, 12 (1), 105. doi:10.3390/land12010105 |
Boussaïd, A., & Schmitz, S. (December 2022). The social driving forces of desertification in the high Algerian steppe plains. Croatian Geographical Bulletin, 84 (2), 75-91. doi:10.21861/hgg.2022.84.02.05 |
Nicola, S.-E., & Schmitz, S. (December 2022). Discordant agendas on a just transition in Romanian coal mining areas: The case of the Jiu Valley. Moravian Geographical Reports, 30 (4), 257-269. doi:10.2478/mgr-2022-0017 |
Chuma Basimine, G., Mugumaarhahama, Y., Mondo Mubalama, J., Bagula Mukengere, E., Ndeko Byamungu, A., Lucungu, P. B., Katcho, K., Mushagalusa Nachigera, G., & Schmitz, S. (2022). Gully erosion susceptibility mapping using four machine learning methods in Luzinzi watershed, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 103295. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2022.103295 |
Chuma, G. B., Mondo, J. M., Sonwa, D. J., Karume, K., Mushagalusa, G. N., & Schmitz, S. (September 2022). Socio-economic determinants of land use and land cover change in South-Kivu wetlands, eastern D.R. Congo: Case study of Hogola and Chisheke wetlands. Environmental Development, 43, 100711. doi:10.1016/j.envdev.2022.100711 |
Latorre, S., Hollenstein, P., González-Rodríguez, M., & Schmitz, S. (July 2022). Ecuadorian peasantries amidst the agri-food globalization: Social differentiation and diverse livelihoods strategies in a cut flower exporting territory. Journal of Rural Studies, 93, 28-42. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2022.05.005 |
Chuma, G. B., Mondo, J. M., Ndeko, A. B., Bagula, E. M., Lucungu, P. B., Bora, S. F., Karume, K., Mushagalusa, G. N., Schmitz, S., & Bielders, C. L. (2022). Farmers' knowledge and Practices of Soil Conservation Techniques in Smallholder Farming Systems of Northern Kabare, East of D.R. Congo. Environmental Challenges, 100516. doi:10.1016/j.envc.2022.100516 |
Boulhila, S., Alouat, M., Rezzaz, M. A., & Schmitz, S. (January 2022). Towards a development model of local cultural tourism through the involvement of local actors (Province of Constantine, Algeria). Geojournal of Tourism and Geosites, 40 (1), 9-19. doi:10.30892/gtg.40101-797 |
Nyns, S., & Schmitz, S. (2022). Using mobile data to evaluate unobserved tourist overnight stays. Tourism Management, 89. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2021.104453 |
Schmitz, S. (December 2021). Le métier d’agent de développement rural en Wallonie. Pour, 240-242 (2-3), 453-459. doi:10.3917/pour.240.0453 |
Chuma Basimine, G., Mubalama Mondo, J., Karume, K., Mushagalusa, N., & Schmitz, S. (September 2021). Factors driving utilization patterns of marshlands in the vicinity of South-Kivu urban agglomerations based on Rapid Assessment of Wetland Ecosystem Services (RAWES). Environmental Challenges, 5. doi:10.1016/j.envc.2021.100297 |
Chuma Basimine, G., Cirési, N., Mondo, J., Mugumaarhahama, Y., Ganza, D., Katcho, K., Mushagalusa, G., & Schmitz, S. (July 2021). Suitability for agroforestry implementation around Itombwe Natural Reserve (RNI), eastern DR Congo: Application of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) approach in geographic information system tool. Trees, Forests and People, 6 (December), 100125. doi:10.1016/j.tfp.2021.100125 |
Schmitz, S. (June 2021). Michaël Pouzenc, Bernard Charlery de la Masselière (dir.), « Etudier les ruralités contemporaines » Presses universitaires du Midi, Toulouse, 2020. Belgeo, 2021 (2), 49263. doi:10.4000/belgeo.49263 |
Schmitz, S., & Dulce, P. (June 2021). In Memoriam Ana Firmino (1954-2020). Belgeo, 2021 (2), 48349. doi:10.4000/belgeo.48349 |
Chuma Basimine, G., Bora, S., Byamungu Ndeko, A., Mugumaarhahama, Y., Cirezi, N., Mondo Mubalama, J., Mukengere Bagula, E., Katcho, K., Nachigera Mushagalusa, G., & Schmitz, S. (April 2021). Estimation of soil erosion using RUSLE modeling and geospatial tools in a tea production watershed (Chisheke in Walungu), eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment, 7. doi:10.1007/s40808-021-01134-3 |
Nicola, S.-E., Zickgraf, C., & Schmitz, S. (April 2021). The Romanian white-collar immigrants in Brussels: a transnational community under construction. Belgeo, 2021 (1). doi:10.4000/belgeo.46679 |
Schmitz, S., & Pepe, L. (February 2021). Does local rural heritage still matter in a global urban world? Geographical Review, 122 (3), 353-370. doi:10.1080/00167428.2021.1890996 |
Nyns, S., Crespin-Noël, E., & Schmitz, S. (2021). La notion de destination touristique urbaine à travers les pratiques des touristes à Liège. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 76. |
Schmitz, S., & Bruckmann, L. (2020). The quest for new tools to preserve rural heritage landscapes. Documents d'Analisi Geografica, 66 (2), 445-463. doi:10.5565/rev/dag.593 |
Stirbu, S., Schmitz, S., & Greco, N. (2020). Visibilité des publications des géographes de ULiège dans les bases de données bibliographiques commerciales et Google Scholar. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 75 (2), 143-155. |
Boussaid, A., Souiher, N., Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2018). L’amplification de la désertification par les pratiques agro-sylvopastorales dans les hautes plaines steppiques algériennes : les modes d’habiter de la Wilaya de Djelfa. Cybergeo: Revue Européenne de Géographie, (863), 34. doi:10.4000/cybergeo.29257 |
Frantal, B., Van der Horst, D., Martinat, S., Schmitz, S., Teschner, N. A., Silva, L., Golobic, M., & Roth, M. (September 2018). Spatial targeting, synergies and scale: Exploring the criteria of smart practices for siting renewable energy projects. Energy Policy, 120, 85-93. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2018.05.031 |
Schmitz, S. (2018). La participation citoyenne via un appel à projets: interprétation libre ou imposée de la participation, de l’identité et de la convivialité villageoise. Geotema, 56, 116-122. |
Ciervo, M., & Schmitz, S. (2017). Sustainable biofuel: a question of scale and aims. Moravian Geographical Reports, 25 (4), 220-233. doi:10.1515/mgr-2017-0019 |
Dubois, C., Cawley, M., & Schmitz, S. (2017). The Tourist on the farm: a 'muddled' image. Tourism Management, 59, 298-311. doi:10.1016/j.tourman.2016.08.016 |
Scatton, L., & Schmitz, S. (2017). L'image de marque des villes wallonnes. Belgeo, 2016 (1). doi:10.4000/belgeo.18616 |
Schmitz, S., & Dubois, C. (2017). Tensions sur le devenir des campagnes wallonnes: notes de terrain. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 69, 81-94. |
Schmitz, S., & Dubois, C. (2017). Editorial: Sustainability of rural systems: balancing heritage and innovation. Belgeo, 2016 (4). |
Schmitz, S., & Lekane Tsoubgou, D. (May 2016). Developing Tourism Products and new Partnerships through Participative Action Research in Rural Cameroon. Geographical Research, 54 (2), 143-152. doi:10.1111/1745-5871.12174 |
Schmitz, S., & Vanderheyden, V. (May 2016). Reflexive Loops on Scaling issues in Landscape Quality Assessment. Land Use Policy, 53, 3-7. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.07.020 |
Stirbu, S., Thirion, P., Schmitz, S., Haesbroeck, G., & Greco, N. (13 May 2015). The utility of Google Scholar when searching geographical literature: comparison with three commercial bibliographic databases. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 41 (3), 322-329. doi:10.1016/j.acalib.2015.02.013 |
Vanderheyden, V., van der Horst, Van Rompaey, A., & Schmitz, S. (2014). Perceiving the ordinary : a study of everyday landscapes in Belgium. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 115 (5), 591-603. doi:10.1111/tesg.12066 |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2013). What is the position of agritourism on the Walloon tourist market? European Countryside, 5 (4), 295-307. doi:10.2478/euco-2013-0019 |
Potočnik Slavič, I., & Schmitz, S. (2013). Farm Tourism across Europe. European Countryside, 5 (4), 265-274. doi:10.2478/euco-2013-0017 |
Lekane Tsobgou, D., & Schmitz, S. (2012). Le tourisme dit « ethnique » : multiples usages d’un concept flou. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 59, 5-16. |
Schmitz, S. (2012). Un besoin de territoire à soi : quelques clés pour un aménagement des espaces communs. Belgeo, 2012 (1-2). doi:10.4000/belgeo.6627 |
Schmitz, S., Vanderheyden, V., Vanden Broucke, S., & Loopmans, M. (2012). The Shaping of Social attitudes toward Energy-Parks in the Belgian Countryside. Horizons in Geography, 81-82, 83-93. |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2011). Familiarité spatiale dans deux communes périurbaines belges. Cahiers de Géographie du Quebec, 55 (154), 51-65. |
Schmitz, S. (2011). In Memoriam : Charles Christians (30.10.1930 - 20.05.2011). Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 57, 95-96. |
Schmitz, S. (2008). Du “new urbanism » au « new ruralism” : un débat en cours sur de nouvelles visions de l’avenir des campagnes aux Etats-Unis. Géocarrefour, 83 (4), 331-336. |
Schmitz, S., & Banini, T. (2008). Vivre à quarante kilomètres de Rome : Juxtaposition des modes d’habiter dans les campagnes romaines. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 50, 37-44. |
Gochel, F., Schmitz, S., & Ozer, A. (2004). Des géoindicateurs pour l'analyse et l'évaluation des voies romaines. Etude de la voie romaine Bavay-Tongres. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 44, 65-70. |
Gochel, F., Schmitz, S., & Ozer, A. (2004). Des géoindicateurs pour l'analyse et l'évaluation des voies romaines. Étude de la voie Bavay-Tongres. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 44 (1), 65-70. |
Schmitz, S. (2003). La géographie humaine et ses revues « internationales » : globalisation ou fragmentation. Annales de Géographie, 112 (632), 402-411. doi:10.3406/geo.2003.946 |
Schmitz, S. (2002). Walloon Region: An agro-forestry landscape without farmers? Dela, 17, 174-182. |
Schmitz, S., & Halleux, J.-M. (2002). Eclatement des mobilités d'achats et recomposition des territoires : le cas de l'Ardenne du Nord-Est. Mosella, 26 (3-4), 425-432. |
Schmitz, S. (2001). Micro-analyse des mécanismes de la reprise démographique des villages de l'Ardenne du Nord-Est : le cas de Burtonville. Espace, Populations, Sociétés, 171-179. doi:10.3406/espos.2001.1986 |
Schmitz, S. (2001). La recherche de l'environnement pertinent, contribution à une géographie du sensible. Espace Géographique, 30 (4), 321-332. doi:10.3917/eg.304.0321 |
Schmitz, S. (2000). Portée heuristique des analyses de la territorialité et méthodes de mise en évidence des teritoires. Bulletin de la Société Géographique de Liège, 39, 31-39. |
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Schmitz, S. (1995). Un cimetière, une communauté, un espace : l’exemple liégeois. Géographie et Cultures, 16, 93-104. |
Schmitz, S. (21 November 2024). A detour by the concept of steppification [Paper presentation]. Climate Change and Steppe Land Degradation, Djelfa, Algeria. |
Schmitz, S. (27 October 2023). Revolución Epistemológica tras el uso de la Big Data. Un ejemplo en el caso de estudios turísticos [Paper presentation]. Conferencia Magistral del Colegio de Veracruz, Xalapa, Mexico. |
Schmitz, S. (08 March 2023). Comment le Big Data modifie-t-il la recherche en géographie? [Paper presentation]. Les séminaires du LERMA, Marrakech, Morocco. |
Schmitz, S. (March 2023). De la juxtaposition des modes d'habiter à la création d'un nouveau patrimoine villageois [Paper presentation]. Projet d'architecture: Projets en espace rural, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Schmitz, S. (04 November 2022). How can big data change our practices in regional research in geography? [Paper presentation]. Programa de Doctorado en Ciudad, Territorio y Planificación Sostenible, Granada, Spain. |
Schmitz, S. (July 2022). Table ronde sur le temps des revues de géographie [Paper presentation]. The Centennial Conference of the IGU: Time for Geogrpaphers, Paris, France. |
Schmitz, S. (30 May 2022). A la recherche d'indicateurs pour mesurer la qualité paysagère [Paper presentation]. Conférence du Département des sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers, Djelfa, Algeria. |
Schmitz, S. (April 2022). The usual mistakes to avoid in local tourism development [Paper presentation]. Jiu Valley: The Lab of transitions, Petrosani, Romania. |
Ayoun, S., & Schmitz, S. (02 July 2021). Consommation verte : Quel rôle pour rétablir une justice spatiale Nord-Sud ? [Paper presentation]. Nouvelles perspectives pour la justice spatiale, Liège, Belgium. |
Nicola, S.-E., & Schmitz, S. (In press). Geographical and cultural limitations in the post-mining development strategy. Case study from the Jiu Valley coal basin, Romania. In Beatrice Mariolle, Architecture, Landscape, and Design in Post-Mining Territories. New York, United States - Delaware: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. |
Dallatorre, G., & Schmitz, S. (2024). Rediscovering valley slopes in urban and peri-urban landscape. identification and discussion in Liège's agglomeration. In Krukowska Renata, Jóźwik Jolanta, Dymek Dorote, ... Skowronek Ewa, 30th Jubillee Session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of Rural Landscapes (pp. 43). Lublin, Poland: Printika Lech Jakub Bezdek. |
Schmitz, S., & Pepe, L. (2024). Discovering the places beyond the scenery of the valley slopes surrounding the city. In Krukowska Renata, Jozwik Marta, Dymek Dorota, ... Skowronek Ewa (Eds.), 30th Jubillee Session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of Rural Landscapes (pp. 43-44). Lublin, Poland: Printika Lech Jakub Bezdek. |
Nicola, S.-E., & Schmitz, S. (2022). Le besoin d'arbitrage dans la gouvernance pour une transition équitable. In S. Schmitz & S.-E. Nicola, Changements globaux et gestion de la transition : au singulier ou au pluriel ? (pp. 96). Liège, Belgium: Atelier des Presses. |
Ocampo, L. A., & Schmitz, S. (2015). Making "Place" count in Risk perception studies. In A. Firmino, Book of Abstracts and Programme: 23rd Annual Colloquium on Sustainable Rural Systems: Smart Answers for a smiling future (pp. 28-29). Lisbon, Portugal: Universidade Nova de Lisboa. |
Schmitz, S., & Crozat, D. (2015). We forgot to pay attention to ordinary tourism! A call to revise the research agenda for rural tourism. In A. Firmino (Ed.), Book of Abstracts and Programme: 23rd Annual Colloquium on Sustainable Rural Systems: Smart Answers for a smiling future (pp. 23). Lisbon, Portugal: Universidade Nova de Lisboa. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (2015). Are there different analysis paterns when people assess rural landscapes? In A. Firmino, Book of Abstracts and Programme: 23rd Annual Colloquium on Sustainable Rural Systems: Smart Answers for a smiling future (pp. 10-11). Lisbon, Portugal: Universidade Nova de Lisboa. |
Schmitz, S. (2014). Reflexive Introduction to the Categorisation of the European Countryside. In Z. Siljkovic, A. Cuka, ... A. Pejdo (Eds.), Contempory development of European rural areas, Book of Abstracts (pp. 8). Zadar, Croatia: University of Zadar. |
Lekane Tsobgou, D., & Schmitz, S. (2014). Mise en réseau des acteurs, des activités et des produits touristiques dans les chefferies de l’Ouest -Cameroun. In A. Bokwa (Ed.), Changes, Challenges, Responsability. IGU 2014 Book of Abstracts (pp. 1808). Krakow, Poland: Jogiollonian University. |
Schmitz, S. (2014). The quest for rurality in Wallonia in 2013 (Belgium). In A. Bokwa (Ed.), Changes, Challenges Responsability. IGU 2014 Book of Abstarcts (pp. 1038). Krakow, Poland: Jogiollonian University. |
Schmitz, S. (2014). The Call for project proposals « Let’s live my village »: between free interpretations and compulsory readings regarding innovation and convivial village ambiance in Wallonia. In Les campagnes: espaces d'innovation dans un monde urbain (pp. 79). Nantes, France: Espaces et sociétés (ESO). |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (2013). Landscape Quality Assessment: from place to utopia. In Changing European Landscapes. Landscape ecology, local to global. Proceedings. Manchester, United Kingdom: IALE-Europe. |
Schmitz, S., Vanderheyden, V., Teleuca, A., & Patru-Stupariu, I. (2013). Multiple Viewpoints on Landscape Quality Assessment: some evidence from a survey in Wallonia and Romania. In T. Morimoto, Y. Ichikawa, ... D.-C. Kim (Eds.), Globalization and New Challenges of Agricultural and Rural Systems (pp. 13). Nagoya, Japan: CSRS. |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2013). Smart agritourism: How to take advantage of local and regional assets? In G. Helgadóttir (Ed.), NAF 2013 – Rural Tourism, Challenges in Changing Times (pp. 33). Holar, Iceland: Holar University College. |
Schmitz, S. (2012). The landscape charter issue in Walloon nature parks: an opportunity to revisit notions of landscape conformity and visual integrity. In J. Van Der Vaart & H. Palang (Eds.), Reflection on Landscape Change: The European Perspective (pp. 71-72). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Fryske Akademy. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (2012). Belgian Rural Ordinary Landscapes Seen By Belgians. In J. Van Der Vaart & H. Palang (Eds.), Reflection on Landscape Change: The European Perspective (pp. 88-89). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Fryske Akademy. |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2012). What is the position of agritourism on the Walloon tourist market? In I. Potocnik (Ed.), Agritourism between embeddedness and internationalization. |
Schmitz, S., & PotočnikSlavič, I. (2012). Development Factors and Local Impacts of Agritourism: Comparison Between Slovenia and Walloon Region. In C. Dubois (Ed.), Agritourism between embeddedness and internationalization (pp. 4-9). |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2012). Le touriste à la ferme : de la thématisation au simulacre ? In Rendez-vous Champlain sur le Tourisme, l'expérience touristique : ULB, Bruxelles 21-23 mai 2012. |
Schmitz, S. (2012). Au-delà des mauvaises pratiques autour du développement touristique local; Quelques réflexions sur le cadre théorique de "community based tourism". In H. Azzi (Ed.), Tourisme rural et développement des territoires. La région de l'Oriental marocain, une destination touristique (pp. 1-5). Oujda, Morocco: Université Mohamed Premier. |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2011). Agritourism at the crossroad of the socio-ecological European transition. In J.-J. Girardot & G. Devillet (Eds.), Papers of the 10th Annual International Conference of Territorial Intelligence of INTI “Territorial Intelligence and Sustainable economics within the new culture of development (Coll. INTI, HAL-SHS, http://halshs.archives-ouvertes.fr/halshs-00665775, pp. 289). |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2011). The way to agritourist development from constraints to opportunities. In Cawley, Mary (Ed.), The Sustainability of Rural Systems: Local and Global Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 34-35). Galway, Ireland: School of Geography and Archaeology, National University of Ireland Galway. |
Schmitz, S. (2011). Do local Authorities Face the Dutch Way of Consuming the Ardennes ? In M. Cawley (Ed.), The sustainability of Rural Systems : Local and Global Challenges and Opportunities (pp. 29). Galway, Ireland: School of Geography and Archaeology, National University of Ireland Galway. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (2011). Variations in Landscape Sensitivity towards Wind Energy in Belgium. In J. Bruce & F. Bojie (Eds.), Proceedings. The 8th IALE World Congress : Landscape Ecology for Sustainable Environment and Culture (pp. 537-538). Beijing, China: IALE. |
Schmitz, S., & Vanderheyden, V. (2010). Does the local embeddedness of energy production contribute to sustainable rural development? Some evidence and propositions concerning the spreading of wind energy parks in Belgium. In Ecological and Social innovation - 9th International conference of territorial intelligence, ENTI, Strasbourg 2010., Strasbourg : France (2010) -. Besançon, France: ENTI. |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2010). Which Countryside for which Agritourism? A comparative Analysis. In I. Amit-Cohen (Ed.), Sustainability in Transition and the Changing Faces of Rural Areas: Enviuronmental, Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions (pp. 36). Ramat-Gan, Israel: Department of Geography and Environment, Bar Ilan University. |
Schmitz, S., Vanderheyden, V., Vanden Broeck, S., Loopmans, M., & Kestellot, C. (2010). Social Attitudes and Landscape Capacity towards Wind energy Parks in the Belgian Countryside. In I. Amit-Cohen (Ed.), Sustainability in Transition and the Changing Faces of Rural Areas: Enviuronmental, Social, Cultural and Economic Dimensions (pp. 32-33). Ramat-Gan, Israel: Department of Geography and Environment, Bar Ilan University. |
Schmitz, S. (2009). Conformity in landscape: a theoretical approach and the Attert Valley Belgian Nature Park case study. In G. Pungetti (Ed.), European culture expressed in agricultural landscapes, book of abstracts of the Eucaland Project Conference (Gloria Pungetti ed) : Corpus Christi College, Cambridge University 22-23 September 2009 (pp. 20). |
Schmitz, S., De Graef, S., Ericx, M., Scheers, L., Noirhomme, S., Dalimier, I., Verheyen, C., Philippot, M., Partoune, C., & Van Hecke, E. (2009). Territorial intelligence is also networking! Which strategies could be adopted to create a learning community regarding a public place? In J. J. Girardot (Ed.), Acts of the Annual International Conference of Territorial Intelligence, Besançon 2008 (pp. 543-546). |
Schmitz, S., & Van Rompaey, A. (2009). Wind Turbines in my landscape. In A new methodology to assess the landscape capacity and social attitude, Territorial intelligence and culture of development : Università de Salerno 4-7 November 2009. |
Schmitz, S. (2008). The adding value to agriculture local products is also a question of social capital. Some not so good practices by the Local Action Groups Leader+ in Walloon Region. In New ruralities and sustainable use of territory : Universidad de Zaragoza, August 4-8 2008 (pp. 39-40). |
Schmitz, S. (2008). Les sables mouvants de la recherche action comme terrain géographique. In A travers l’espace de la méthode : les dimensions du terrain en géographie : Université d'Artois, 18-20 juin 2008. Arras, France: Université d'Arras. |
Schmitz, S. (2008). Le second résident néerlandais en Ardenne, un étranger parmi d‘autres. In J.-P. Diry (Ed.), Les étrangers dans les campagnes, Actes du colloque franco-britanique de géographie rurale (pp. 319-327). Clermont-Ferrand, France: Presses universitaires Blaise Pascale. |
Schmitz, S., & De Graef, S. (2008). A self-critical analysis of a running research project to improve the sustainability of public place management. In J. J. Girardot & B. Miedes (Eds.), International Conference of territorial intelligence, Papers on Territorial Intelligence and Governance, Participatory Action-Research and Territorial Development (pp. 591-597). Huelva, Spain: Observatorio Local de Empleo. |
Van Rompaey, A., Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (2008). Modelling the impact of wind turbines on the visual attractivity of landscapes at a regional scale. In European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition : Brussels Expo 31 March-3 April 2008. |
Vanderheyden, V., Vanden Broucke, S., & Schmitz, S. (2008). Wind Turbine in my landscape. How people may accept a disturbance of their backyard? In Landscape, identities and development : Lisbon/Obidos 1-5 Septembre 2008. |
Schmitz, S. (2007). Is territorial sensitivities method acceptable in the territorial intelligence approaches? In J. J. Girardot, P. Mihai, ... I. Ileana (Eds.), International Conference of territorial intelligence, Alba Iulia 2006, Papers on Region, Identity and sustainable development (pp. 165-167). Alba Iulia, Romania: Aeternitas Publishing House. |
Schmitz, S. (2006). Imlil (High Atlas), the Toubkal, the track, the local community, and the tour operators. In Sustainable Development in Tropical Far North Queensland : IGU, University of New England, July 9-13 (pp. 7-8). |
Schmitz, S., & Schepers, J.-F. (2006). Using Cellular automata for the analysis of the dynamics of a landscape unit: discussions about the study of a suburban area in the East of Liège. In European rural future: landscape as an interface : Berlin/Brandenburg, 4-9 Septembre 2006. |
Schmitz, S. (2005). Qualité de l'environnement versus qualité de l'offre en services dans les campagnes belges. Le bonheur est-il vraiment dans le pré ? In S. Fleuret (Ed.), Espaces, Qualité de vie et Bien-Etre (pp. 247-255). Angers, France: Presses de l'Université d'Angers d'Angers. |
Schmitz, S. (2005). Introduction aux paysages ordinaires. In Territoires, urbanisation et paysages (pp. 116-117). Namur, Belgium: CPDT. |
Schmitz, S. (2004). Rencontres avec des agriculteurs slovènes. In Journal de l'Europe. |
Schmitz, S. (2004). Le paysage invisible. In A. Rivière-Honegger & D. Puech (Eds.), L'évaluation du paysage : une utopie nécessaire ? (pp. 27-33). Montpellier, France: Université Paul Valéry. |
Schmitz, S. (2000). Les fusions de communes en Belgique : Nouvelles communes, nouveaux territoires de projets ? In Territoires prescrits, territoires vécus : inter-territorialité au coeur des recompositions des espaces ruraux : ARF, Toulouse 25-27 octobre 2000 (pp. 36-40). Toulouse, France: Toulouse le Mirail. |
Schmitz, S. (1997). Le temps et les représentations des modifications de l'environnement. In M. Barrué-Pastor & G. Bertrand (Eds.), Les temps de l'environnement (pp. 353-358). Toulouse, France: PIREVS CNRS. |
Schmitz, S. (18 November 2024). Why should we talk of steppification? [Paper presentation]. Land Degradation and Sustainable Development in the Steppes, Djelfa, Algeria. |
Ayoun, S., & Schmitz, S. (15 March 2024). Tell me where you live, and I will tell you how green you are: Algerian citizens case study in Belgium and Algeria [Paper presentation]. Belgian Geographers Days 2014 : Geographers in Transition, Namur, Belgium. |
Kouyaté, M., & Schmitz, S. (15 March 2024). Challenges of transitioning a traditional mining region into a community-based tourism destination [Poster presentation]. Belgian Geographers Day 2024, Namur, Belgium. |
Nicola, S.-E., & Schmitz, S. (December 2023). Evaluation de l'image d'une destination grâce aux réseaux sociaux orientés voyage [Paper presentation]. Tourisme Technologie et Transition, Tétange, Luxembourg. |
Schmitz, S., Pepe, L., & Faustine Roger-Lheureux. (June 2023). A silent transformation of landscape functions due to horsing in Wallonia [Paper presentation]. 30th Annual Colloquium Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (CSRS) International Geographical Union (IGU) CLASHES OF KNOWLEDGE: "Green deal" concepts and challenges for sustainable rural systems, Lodz, Poland. |
Nicola, S.-E., & Schmitz, S. (04 October 2022). Du sous-développement urbain à la durabilité rurale : Une piste pour des anciens bassins miniers européens ? [Paper presentation]. Journées « Développement rural, nouvelles ruralités, nouveaux référentiels », Lyon, France. |
Nyns, S., & Schmitz, S. (October 2022). La redistribution du tourisme rural à l'aire des plateformes d'échanges de logements à court terme [Paper presentation]. Journées Rurales annuelles de la Commission de géographie rurale du CNFG, Lyon, France. |
Pepe, L., & Schmitz, S. (26 September 2022). The Top-Down and Bottom-Up protectionist initiatives for Walloon landscapes [Paper presentation]. 29th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscapes, Jaén, Spain. |
Nicola, S.-E., & Schmitz, S. (20 July 2022). Governance of the just transition in the Jiu Valley, Romania [Paper presentation]. UGI Centennial Congress, Paris, France. |
Pepe, L., & Schmitz, S. (19 July 2022). Quels outils pour renforcer la pérennité des espaces agricoles aux portes des villes wallonnes ? [Paper presentation]. UGI-IGU Paris 2022. Le temps des géographes, Paris, France. |
Pepe, L., & Schmitz, S. (13 July 2022). A comparative analysis of the evolution of landscape protection system in Apulia (IT) and Wallonia (BE) [Paper presentation]. IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress. Making the future, learning from the past, Varsovie, Poland. |
Schmitz, S. (July 2022). Retour sur un siècle de géographie rurale en Belgique [Paper presentation]. The Centennial Conference of the IGU: Time for Geogrpaphers, Paris, France. |
Schmitz, S., & Ciervo, M. (July 2022). How can the concept of landscape-grabbing provide a reflection on sustainable rural systems? [Paper presentation]. The Centennial Congress UGI-IGU: Time for geographers, Paris, France. |
Schmitz, S., & Pepe, L. (March 2022). Precariousness and multifunctionality of the agricultural lands next to urban conurbations [Paper presentation]. The 29th Colloquium of the IGU Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems. Necessities and implementations for Sustaining Rural Systems in both Developped and less Developed Environments, Cairo, Menoufia, Egypt. |
Chuma Basimine, G., Mushagalusa Nachigera Gustave, & Schmitz, S. (2022). Biophysical and socio-economic factors driving changes in South-Kivu wetlands, eastern D.R. Congo [Poster presentation]. Global changes and transition management: in the singular or plural from?, Liège, Belgium. |
Nyns, S., & Schmitz, S. (2022). Can mobile phone data assess the impact of sanitary crises on tourism ? The cases of Covid-19 and swine fever in Wallonia [Paper presentation]. Mobile Tartu - Summer School, Tartu, Estonia. |
Pepe, L., Hendrickx, S., & Schmitz, S. (29 September 2021). Precariousness of the agricultural landscape at the edge of Walloon cities [Paper presentation]. 29th Session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscapes, Jaén, Spain. |
Nyns, S., & Schmitz, S. (16 August 2021). Informal tourist accommodation, Airbnb and much more, in Wallonia : an approach via mobile telephony data [Paper presentation]. 34th International Geographical Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Boussaid, A., & Schmitz, S. (August 2021). The increase in desertification by agro-sylvo-pastoral practices in the high algerian steppe plains: the ways of living in the wilaya of djelfa [Poster presentation]. 34th International Geographical Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Schmitz, S., & Bousbaine, A. (August 2021). A Food Relocation Strategy for Everyone, Everywhere? Reflections on Walloon Inititatives (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 34th International Geographical Congress, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Schmitz, S., & Boussaïd, A. (August 2021). Puzzling out the driving forces of desertification in the high Algerian steppe plains [Paper presentation]. 28th Colloquium of the Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems of the International Geographical Union, Zagreb, Croatia. |
Ayoun, S., & Schmitz, S. (02 July 2021). Consommation verte : Quel rôle pour rétablir une justice spatiale Nord-Sud ? [Paper presentation]. Nouvelles perspectives pour la justice spatiale, Liège, Belgium. |
Pepe, L., Ciervo, M., & Schmitz, S. (28 May 2021). Discords around heritage landscapes: A comparative study of Apulia and Wallonia [Paper presentation]. IGU Thematic Conference "Heritage Geographies: Politics, Uses and Governance of the Past", Lecce, Italy. |
Bousbaine, A., & Schmitz, S. (March 2021). Une stratégie wallonne de relocalisation alimentaire : Pour tous? Partout? [Paper presentation]. Journées rurales 2021 – Les relations villes campagnes face à la question alimentaire, 4th Rural Conference – Thinking Urban-Rural interactions through Food and Land Uses issues, Montpellier, France. |
M'barki, R., & Schmitz, S. (March 2021). La revalorisation des produits de terroir au Maroc : la construction d'un patrimoine alimentaire favorise-t-elle l'émancipation des productrices ? [Paper presentation]. Journées rurales 2021 – Les relations villes campagnes face à la question alimentaire, 4th Rural Conference – Thinking Urban-Rural interactions through Food and Land Uses issues, Montpellier, France. |
Ayoun, S., & Schmitz, S. (November 2019). Lieu de vie et Orientation verte : comportement de consommation des algériens face aux cosmétiques verts [Paper presentation]. 18ème Journées Normandes sur la Recherche et la Consommation, Angers, France. |
Ayoun, S., & Schmitz, S. (18 October 2019). A question of Place! Exploring consumption of green products: Algerian citizens case study [Paper presentation]. Belgian Geographers Days, Ghent, Belgium. |
Bruckmann, L., Lekane Tsogbou, D., Marcoty, P., & Schmitz, S. (18 October 2019). Perception of climate change by farmers in Cameroon highlands [Paper presentation]. 6th Belgian Geographers Day, Gand, Belgium. |
Nyns, S., & Schmitz, S. (18 October 2019). Using mobile data to study location and spatial expansion schemes of informal tourist accommodation in Wallonia [Paper presentation]. The Belgian geographers days, Gand, Belgium. |
Schmitz, S. (October 2019). The End of the Sense of Local Heritage among Rural People [Paper presentation]. The Belgian Geographer Days, Ghent, Belgium. |
Nyns, S., & Schmitz, S. (10 September 2019). Hébergements touristiques informels: distribution spatiale en Wallonie à partir de données mobiles [Paper presentation]. 5ème édition des Rencontres Internationales des Jeunes Chercheurs en Tourisme, Paris, France. |
Schmitz, S., & Ocampo, L. A. (September 2019). Quand savoirs locaux et globaux se rencontrent à propos des risques socio-naturels aux Philippines [Paper presentation]. VIème Colloque de l'Association francophone de Géographie physique. Géographie physique et gestion des risques et des catastrophes, Arlon, Belgium. |
Schmitz, S. (July 2019). The Evolution of the Sense of Heritage in the Walloon Countryside (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 27th Colloquium of the IGU Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems, Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States - Minnesota. |
Nyns, S., & Schmitz, S. (17 May 2019). Informal tourist accommodation: geographic and ethical issues [Paper presentation]. 7th Eugeo Congress on the Geography of Europe, Galway, Ireland. |
Schmitz, S., & Ocampo, L. A. (April 2019). Bridging the gap between PLace Based and Global Knowledge on Socio-Natural Hazards. Some geographical insights based on fieldworks in the Philippines [Paper presentation]. International Conference: Disasters, Indigenous Knowledge, and Resilience, Quezon city, Philippines. |
Bruckmann, L., Tchokouagueu, F. A., Ozer, P., & Schmitz, S. (07 December 2018). Assessing perception and adaptation to socio-ecological changes in rural Africa : first results from a case study in Cameroon [Poster presentation]. Young Researchers’ Overseas Day, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Schmitz, S., & Chirita, V. (October 2018). Who own the Mining Brownfields? [Paper presentation]. TRAMIN2018, Socio-Environmental trajectories of mining territories, Chambéry, France. |
Schmitz, S., & Bruckmann, L. (September 2018). The management of cultural heritage landscapes as new challenge in Wallonia [Paper presentation]. 28th session of the Permanent European Conference for the Study of the Rural Landscape, European Landscapes for Quality of Life, Clermont-Ferrand, Mende, France. |
Schmitz, S., & Ocampo, L. A. (August 2018). Place-based knowledge and belief systems on socio-natural hazards in the Philippines [Paper presentation]. 18 Regional IGU Conference: Apprieciating Difference, Québec, Canada. |
Schmitz, S. (July 2018). A new kind of heritage site in Wallonia? What are protected landscapes used for? [Paper presentation]. 26th Annual Colloquium of the Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems (International Geographical Union), Santiaguo de Compostella, Spain. |
Schmitz, S. (November 2017). What does "Smart" mean in Rural Development? [Paper presentation]. 7th Belgium Geography Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Schmitz, S., Dubois, C., Vanderheyden, V., & Chirita, V. (September 2017). Past mining areas as rural capital – Perspectives from Bucovina and Wallonia [Paper presentation]. Sixth EUGEO Congress on the Geography of Europe, Brussels, Belgium. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (September 2017). Assessing Landscape Quality: is there a consensus among experts? [Paper presentation]. IALE 2017 European Landscape Ecology, Ghent, Belgium. |
Dubois, C., Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (June 2017). Heritage mining landscapes as rural capital: the case of two heavy metals mining wastelands in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. European Rural Geography Conference: New rural geographies in Europe: actors, processes, policies, Braunschweig, Germany. |
Schmitz, S. (June 2017). Draw me a sheep: a pedagogical tool to discover the complexity of rural planning [Paper presentation]. European Rural Geographies Conference, Braunschweig, Germany. |
Schmitz, S. (May 2017). Des friches minières comme capital rural ? [Paper presentation]. La dynamique des paysages culturels intégrant des aires avec des friches minières. Retrospectives et perspectives géographiques en Bucovine (Roumanie) et en Wallonie (Belgique), Vatra Dornei, Romania. |
Schmitz, S. (April 2017). Debating on ideal rural settlement: from the classroom to the field [Paper presentation]. Rural Spaces in a Multifunctional Transition: Experience and Adaptation, 25th Colloquium of IGU - CSRS, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. |
Schmitz, S., & Dubois, C. (July 2016). Pressions urbaines et résistances d'une campagne périurbaine belge : L'Entre-Vesdre-et-Meuse [Paper presentation]. 24th Colloquium of the Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems of hte International Geographical Union, Liège, Belgium. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (July 2016). Changing Attitudes Towards Wind Turbines in Walloon Landscapes [Paper presentation]. Sustainability of Rural Systems: Balancing Heritage and Innovation (24th Colloquium of the Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems), Liège, Belgium. |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (September 2015). Fabriquer la nature pour la récréation des citadins : le tourisme à la ferme, la « renaturation » d’un service dénaturé ? [Paper presentation]. Nature des villes, nature des champs : Synergies et controverses, Valenciennes, Belgium. |
Schmitz, S. (September 2015). RELY – short term scientific missions [Paper presentation]. Energy Landscapes: Perception, Planning, Participation and Power. European Conference of the Landscape Research Group, Dresden, Germany. |
Schmitz, S., Cornut, P., Dubois, C., & Negrinotti, T. (September 2015). Nature des villes, nature des champs : Synergies et controverses. Journée de terrain à La Louvière (Belgique) [Paper presentation]. Nature des villes, nature des champs : Synergies et controverses, Valenciennes, Belgium. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (September 2015). Changing public viewpoints on wind energy development in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Energy Landscapes: Perception, Planning, Participation and Power. European Conference of the Landscape Research Group, Dresden, Germany. |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (August 2014). Which agritourism for which suburban countryside? A heuristic and comparative analysis in Wallonia and Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg (part 2) [Paper presentation]. 22nd Annual Colloquium Commission on the Sustainability of Rural Systems International Geographical Union, Bucarest & Sibiu, Romania. |
Vanderheyden, V., & Schmitz, S. (09 December 2013). Oppositions et arguments paysagers dans le projet éolien en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. LE POUVOIR DES RIVERAINS: RÉSISTANCES, ACCOMMODATIONS, ILLUSIONS? HISTOIRE ET ANTHROPOLOGIE DES MOBILISATIONS CITOYENNES (18E-21E S.), Namur, Belgium. |
Estrada Orozco, N. K., Schmitz, S., Demoulin, A., Cornet, Y., & Dewitte, O. (26 September 2013). Susceptibilidad a deslizamiento una aproximación estadística en la parte alta de la cuenca del rio Naranjo [Paper presentation]. Seminario internacional: Organización comunitaria y ordenamiento territorial en la prevension de desastres, Quetzaltenango, GuatemalaCUNOC-PIC Guatemala, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. |
Lekane Tsobgou, D., & Schmitz, S. (20 September 2013). Perception du pouvoir entre visiteurs et visités dans la pratique du tourisme dit « ethnique »: Au-delà des oppositions, authentique / simulacre [Poster presentation]. Rencontres internationales de jeunes chercheurs de la Chaire Unesco « Culture, Tourisme et Développement », Paris, France. |
Stirbu, S., Thirion, P., Schmitz, S., Binard, M., & Greco, N. (May 2012). Reference visualization and download analysis of the “geographical literature” in the Open Repository of ULg (ORBi) [Poster presentation]. 4th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries, Limerick, Ireland. |
Schmitz, S. (November 2011). Inventario, tipología y filosofía de herramientas para la adaptación al Cambio climático [Paper presentation]. 1er Foro Gestion de recursos hidricos y adaptacion al cambio climatico, Quetzaltemango, Guatemala. |
Schmitz, S. (January 2011). Le "mode d'habiter": histoire d'une notion émergente en géographie [Paper presentation]. Habiter : vers un nouveau concept, Amiens, France. |
Schmitz, S. (September 2009). Conformity in Landscape: a theoretical approach and the Attert Valley Nature Park case study, Belgium [Paper presentation]. European culture expressed in agricultural landscapes, Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
Bruggeman, D., Courtois, X., Defer, V., Haine, M., Nouri, M., Nyns, S., Quériat, S., Cawoy, V., Decroly, J.-M., Diekmann, A., & Schmitz, S. (2022). Fiches touristiques, Recueil – Volume 2. Namur, Belgium: Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial. |
Bruggeman, D., Courtois, X., Defer, V., Haine, M., Nouri, M., Nyns, S., Quériat, S., Cawoy, V., Decroly, J.-M., Diekmann, A., & Schmitz, S. (2022). Fiches touristiques, Recueil – Volume 1. Namur, Belgium: Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial. |
Van Rompaey, A., Schmitz, S., Kesteloot, C., Peeters, K., Moens, B., Van Hemelrijck, H., Vanderheyden, V., Loopmans, M., & Vanden Broucke, S. (2011). Landscape Capacity and Social Attitudes towards Wind Energy Projects in Belgium. Brussels, Belgium: Belgian Science Policy. |
Van Hecke, E., Antrop, M., Schmitz, S., Van Eetvelde, V., & Sevenant, M. (2010). Atlas van België, deel 2: Landschap, platteland en landbouw. Gent, Belgium: Academia Press. |
Van Hecke, E., Antrop, M., Schmitz, S., Van eetvelde, V., & Sevenant, M. (2010). Atlas de Belgique: tome 2, Paysages, monde rural et agriculture. Gent, Belgium: Academia. |
Schmitz, S. (2006). La valortisation des produits issus de l'agriculture locale chez les GAL wallons : guide de bonnes pratiques. Namur, Belgium: Leader + Wallonie. |
Schmitz, S., & Nicola, S.-E. (Eds.). (2022). Colloque international "Changements globaux et gestion de la transition : au singulier ou au pluriel ? Liège, Belgium: Atelier des Presses. |
Barcus, H., Jones, R., & Schmitz, S. (Eds.). (2022). Rural Transformations: Globalization and its Implications for Rural People, Land, and Economies. London, United Kingdom: Routledge. |
Roth, M., Eiter, S., Röhner, S., Kruse, A., Schmitz, S., Frantal, B., Centeri, C., Frolova, M., Buchecker, M., Storber, D., Karan, I., & Van Der Horst, D. (Eds.). (2018). Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality. Berlin, Germany: Jovis. |
Chiriță, V., & Schmitz, S. (Eds.). (2017). Les friches minières : paysage culturel et enjeu de développement rural. Regards croisés entre Bucovine et Wallonie. Liège, Belgium: Atelier des Presses. |
Dubois, C., Firmino, A., Kim, D. C., & Schmitz, S. (Eds.). (2017). Balancing Heritage and Innovation: Pathways towards the Sustainability of Rural Systems. Liège, Belgium: Société Géographique de Liège. |
Schmitz, S., Dubois, C., Cawley, M., & Ciervo, M. (Eds.). (2016). Sustainability of Rural Systems: Balancing Heritage and Innovation. Liège, Belgium: Atelier des Presses. |
Hermesse, J., Servais, O., Schmitz, S., Tobar Gramajo, A., & Montes Santiago, M. (Eds.). (2015). Ordenamiento territorial en la prevención de desastres. Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Louvain. |
Schmitz, S., & Decroly, J. M. (Eds.). (2011). Questionner le tourisme rural. Liège, Belgium: Société géographique de Liège. |
Montulet, B., Hubert, M., Jemelin, C., & Schmitz, S. (Eds.). (2005). Mobilités et temporalités. Bruxelles, Belgium: Publications des Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis. |
Schmitz, S. (2024). Agriculture. In M. Meadows & B. Gönençgil (Ed.), Geography and the Anthropocene (pp. 151-162). Istanbul, Turkey: Istanbul University Press. doi:10.26650/b/ss19.2024.001.07 |
Barcus, H.* , Jones, R.* , & Schmitz, S.*. (2022). Introduction. In H. Barcus, R. Jones, ... S. Schmitz (Eds.), Rural Transformations. Globalization and Its Implications for Rural People, Land, and Economies (1st edition, pp. 1-12). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003110095-1 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Barcus, H., Jones, R., & Schmitz, S. (2022). Conclusion. In S. Schmitz, H. Barcus (Ed.), ... R. Jones (Ed.), Rural Transformations. Globalization and Its Implications for Rural People, Land, and Economies (1st edition, pp. 231-238). London, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003110095-17 |
Bousbaine, A., & Schmitz, S. (2022). Relocalizing Food Systems for Everyone, Everywhere? Reflections on Walloon Initiatives (Belgium). In H. Barcus, R. Jones, ... S. Schmitz, Rural Transformations. Globalization and its Implications for Rural People, Land and Economies (pp. 217-230). Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. doi:10.4324/9781003110095-16 |
Dubois, C., & Schmitz, S. (2018). Fabriquer la nature pour la récréation des citadins : L'agritourisme, la renaturation d'un service dénaturé ? In N. Rouget & G. Schmitt, Nature des villes, nature des champs (pp. 353-370). Valenciennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes. |
Eiter, S., & Schmitz, S. (Crit. Eds.). (2018). National Overviews. In M. Roth, S. Eiter, S. Röhner, A. Kruse, S. Schmitz, B. Frantal, C. Centeri, M. Frolova, M. Buchecker, D. Storber, I. Karan, ... D. van der Horst (Eds.), Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality (pp. 16-97). Berlin, Germany: Jovis. |
Frantal, B., Van der Horst, D., Martinat, S., Schmitz, S., Techner, N. A., Silva, L., Golobic, M., & Roth, M. (2018). Developing Renewables in Crowded Landscapes: in Search of International Smart Practice. In M. Roth, S. Eiter, S. Röhner, A. Kruse, S. Schmitz, B. Frantal, C. Centeri, M. Frolova, M. Buchecker, D. Storber, I. Karan, ... D. van der Horst (Eds.), Renewable Energy and Landscape Quality (pp. 145-151). Berlin, Germany: Jovis. |
Nyns, S., Van Noordt, A., & Schmitz, S. (2018). Belgium. In M. Roth, S. Eiter, S. Röhner, A. Kruse, S. Schmitz, F. Bohumil, C. Csaba, M. Frolova, M. Buchecker, D. Stober, I. Karan, ... D. Van der Horst, Renewable energy and landscape quality (pp. 24-25). Berlin, Germany: Jovis Verlag. |
Schmitz, S., & Vanderheyden, V. (2018). Quels usages pour les paysages patrimoniaux ? Réflexion à partir des grands sites paysagers wallons. In V. Paül Caril, R. Lois Gonzàles, J. M. Trillo Santamaria, ... F. Haslam McKenzie (Eds.), Infinite Rural Systems in a Finite Planet: Bridging Gaps towards Sustainability (pp. 228-233). Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. |
Chirita, V., & Schmitz, S. (2017). Introduction. In V. Chirita & S. Schmitz, Les friches minières : paysage culturel et enjeu de développement rural (pp. 9-13). Liège, Belgium: Atelier des Presses. |
Schmitz, S. (2017). La friche minière comme capital rural. In V. Chirita & S. Schmitz (Eds.), Les friches minières : paysage culturel et enjeu de développement rural (pp. 15-19). Liège, Belgium: Atelier des Presses. |
Schmitz, S. (2017). Inscription territoriale et esprit du lieu. In F. Lempereur (Ed.), Patrimoine culturel immatériel (pp. 55-64). Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège. |
Schmitz, S. (2017). Héritage et potentiel d'un ancien site minier : la mine de manganèse du Rouge-Thier à Rahier. In V. Chirita & S. Schmitz (Eds.), Les friches minières : paysage culturel et enjeu de développement rural (pp. 185-191). Liège, Belgium: Atelier des Presses. |
Schmitz, S. (2017). Analyse spatiale et cartographie thématique. In F. Lempereur (Ed.), Patrimoine culturel immatériel (pp. 173-184). Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège. |
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Schmitz, S. (2015). La resiliencia comunitaria en el centro de la mitigacion de amenazas naturales: un breve estado del arte. In O. Servais, S. Schmitz, A. Tobar Gramajo, M. Montes, ... J. Hermesse (Eds.), Ordenamiento territorial en la prevención de desastres (pp. 181-186). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Louvain. |
Schmitz, S., Vanderheyden, V., Teleuca, A., & Patru-Stupariu, I. (2014). Qu'entend-on par paysage de qualité? Résultats d'une enquête auprès d'experts roumains et wallons. In D.-C. Kim, A. M. Viegas Firmino, ... Y. Ichikawa (Eds.), Globalization and New Challenges of Agricultural and Rural Systems (pp. 35-44). Nagoya, Japan: Nagoya University Publisher. |
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Schmitz, S. (2013). The prohibition of dogcarts in Belgium: a hidden agricultural policy? In P. Moser & T. Varley (Eds.), Integration through Subordination. The politics of Agricultural Modernisation in Industrial Europe (pp. 289-299). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols. |
Schmitz, S. (2013). A ‘Dutch vision’ of Community Based Tourism: Dutch People in the Belgian Ardennes. In M. Cawley, A. M. Bicalho, ... L. Laurens (Eds.), The Sustainability of Rural Systems: global and local challenges and opportunities (pp. 218-225). Galway, Ireland: Whitaker Institute, NUI Galway and CSRS of the International Geographical Union. |
Schmitz, S. (2012). Le "mode d'habiter" : analyse de l'usage d'une notion émergente en géographie. In B. Frelat-Kahn & O. Lazzarotti (Eds.), Habiter : Vers un nouveau concept ? (pp. 37-49). Paris, France: Armand Colin. |
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Schmitz, S. (2023). Vingt ans de Convention Européenne du Paysage: A la recherche d'indicateurs pour mesurer la qualité paysagère [Paper presentation]. Université du 3ème âge: Section Sciences et Nature, Liège, Belgium. |
Schmitz, S. (2022). Marketing des villes et des communes: se distinguer à tout prix ? [Paper presentation]. Observatoire politique du CIET. |