Pourkiaei, S. M., Rahif, R., Falzone, C., Elnagar, E., Doutreloup, S., Martin, J., Fettweis, X., Lemort, V., Attia, S., & Romain, A.-C. (15 September 2024). Systematic Framework for Quantitative Assessment of Indoor Air Quality Under Future Climate Scenarios: 2100s Projection of a Belgian Case Study. Journal of Building Engineering, 93, 109611. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2024.109611 |
Falzone, C., Jupsin, H., El Jarroudi, M., & Romain, A.-C. (13 June 2024). Advancing Methodologies for Investigating PM2.5 Removal Using Green Wall System. Plants, 13 (12), 1633. doi:10.3390/plants13121633 |
Martin, J., Falzone, C., & Romain, A.-C. (2024). How well does your E-nose detect cancer? Application of artificial breath analysis for performance assessment. Journal of Breath Research. doi:10.1088/1752-7163/ad1d64 |
Pourkiaei, S. M., & Romain, A.-C. (2023). Scoping review of indoor air quality indexes: Characterization and applications. Journal of Building Engineering. doi:10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106703 |
Martin, J., & Romain, A.-C. (2022). Building a Sensor Benchmark for E-Nose Based Lung Cancer Detection: Methodological Considerations. Chemosensors. doi:10.3390/chemosensors10110444 |
Rahif, R., Norouziasas, A., Elnagar, E., Doutreloup, S., Pourkiaei, S. M., Amaripadath, D., Romain, A.-C., Fettweis, X., & Attia, S. (30 September 2022). Impact of climate change on nearly zero-energy dwelling in temperate climate: Time-integrated discomfort, HVAC energy performance, and GHG emissions. Building and Environment, 223, 109397. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2022.109397 |
Falzone, C., & Romain, A.-C. (10 September 2022). Establishing an Air Quality Index Based on Proxy Data for Urban Planning Part 1: Methodological Developments and Preliminary Tests. Atmosphere, 13 (9), 1470. doi:10.3390/atmos13091470 |
Luo, Y., Ly, A., Lahem, D., Martin, J., Romain, A.-C., Zhang, C., & Debliquy, M. (2022). Role of cobalt in Co-ZnO nanoflower gas sensors for the detection of low concentration of VOCs. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 131674. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2022.131674 |
Falzone, C., Muller, J., & Romain, A.-C. (12 October 2021). Influence of the Lockdown on PM2.5 Concentrations around an Urban School in the South of Belgium. Atmosphere, 12 (10). doi:10.3390/atmos12101333 |
Martin, J., & Romain, A.-C. (15 May 2021). Experimental Evaluation of Gas Sensors Array for the Identification of Complex VOC Mixtures in Human Breath. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 85, 199-204. doi:10.3303/CET2185034 |
Taguem Ngoualadjio, E. M., Mennicken, L., & Romain, A.-C. (May 2021). Quantile regression with a metal oxide sensors array for methane prediction over a municipal solid waste treatment plant. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 334, 129590. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2021.129590 |
Bokowa, A., Diaz, C., Koziel, J. A., McGinley, M., Barclay, J., Schauberger, G., Guillot, J., Sneath, R., Capelli, L., Zorich, V., Izquierdo, C., Bilsen, I., Romain, A.-C., Cabeza, M. D. C., Liu, D., Both, R., van Belois, H., Higushi, T., & Wahe, L. (2021). Summary and Overview of the Odour Regulations Worldwid. Atmosphere, 12 (2), 206. doi:10.3390/atmos12020206 |
Deshmukh, S., & Romain, A.-C. (2018). Factorial Experimental Design to Optimize a Methodology to Analyse Odorous Chemical Mixtures: Effect on a Sensors Array and on Odour Concentration. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 68, 343-349. doi:10.3303/CET1868058 |
Cors, M., Cobut, P., Fanlo, J.-L., Romain, A.-C., Delva, J., & Thomas, J.-F. (2017). L'observatoire des odeurs : un outil de résolution des conflits ? Réflexions d'un acteur de terrain. Pollution Atmosphérique: Climat, Santé, Société, (234). |
Romain, A.-C., Molitor, N., Adam, G., Bietlot, E., & Collard, C. (2016). Comparison low cost chemical sensors analytical instruments for odour monitoring in a municipal waste plant. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 54, 211-216. doi:10.3303/CET1654036 |
Adam, G., Lemaigre, S., Goux, X., Delfosse, P., & Romain, A.-C. (02 January 2015). Upscaling of an electronic nose for continuously stirred tank reactor stability monitoring from pilot-scale to real-scale agricultural co-digestion biogas plant. Bioresource Technology, 178, 285-296. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2014.09.106 |
Clarke, K., Redon, N., Romain, A.-C., & Locoge, N. (19 September 2014). Chemical Mass Balance model applied to an olfactory annoyance problematic. Environmental Science and Technology, 48 (20). doi:10.1021/es5028458 |
Gutierrez, M. C., Chica, A. F., Martin, M. A., & Romain, A.-C. (June 2014). Compost Pile Monitoring Using Different Approaches:GC-MS, E-nose and dynamic olfactometry. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 5 (3), 469-479. doi:10.1007/s12649-013-9240-0 |
Adam, G., Lemaigre, S., Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Delfosse, P. (2013). Evaluation of an electronic nose for the early detection of organic overload of anaerobic digesters. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 36 (1). doi:10.1007/s00449-012-0757-6 |
Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., Cobut, P., Delva, J., Nicks, B., & Philippe, F.-X. (2013). Continuous odour measurement from fattening pig units. Atmospheric Environment, 77, 935-942. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.06.030 |
Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (29 April 2010). Long term stability of metal oxide-based gas sensors for e-nose environmental applications : an overview. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 146, 502-506. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2009.12.027 |
Nicolas, J., Cors, M., Romain, A.-C., & Delva, J. (2010). Identification of odour sources in an industrial park from resident diaries statistics. Atmospheric Environment, 44, 1623-1631. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.01.046 |
Nicolas, J., Delva, J., Cobut, P., & Romain, A.-C. (2008). Development and validating procedure of a formula to calculate a minimum separation distance from piggeries and poultry facilities to sensitive receptors. Atmospheric Environment, 42 (30), 7087-7095. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.06.007 |
Romain, A.-C., Delva, J., & Nicolas, J. (2008). Complementary approaches to measure environmental odours emitted by landfill areas. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 131 (1), 18-23. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2007.12.005 |
Kuske, M., Padilla, M., Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., Rubio, R., & Marco, S. (2006). Detection of diverse mould species growing on building materials by gas sensor arrays and pattern recognition. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 119 (1), 33-40. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2005.02.059 |
Nicolas, J., Craffe, F., & Romain, A.-C. (2006). Estimation of odor emission rate from landfill areas using the sniffing team method. Waste Management, 26 (11), 1259-1269. doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2005.10.013 |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Ledent, C. (2006). The electronic nose as a warning device of the odour emergence in a compost hall. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 116 (1-2), 95-99. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2005.11.085 |
Romain, A.-C., Godefroid, D., Kuske, M., & Nicolas, J. (29 April 2005). Monitoring the exhaust air of a compost pile as a process variable with an e-nose. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 106 (1), 29-35. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2004.05.033 |
Kuske, M., Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (2005). Microbial volatile organic compounds as indicators of fungi. Can an electronic nose detect fungi in indoor environments? Building and Environment, 40 (6), 824-831. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2004.08.012 |
Kuske, M., Rubio, R., Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Marco, S. (2005). Fuzzy k-NN applied to moulds detection. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 106 (1), 52-60. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2004.05.066 |
Ledent, C., Dauby, B., Nicolas, J., & Romain, A.-C. (2004). Adaptation et test d'un nez électronique pour suivre en continu la nuisance olfactive générée par un centre de compostage. Revue scientifique des instituts supérieurs industriels libres francophones, 18, 101-117. |
Nicolas, J., & Romain, A.-C. (2004). Establishing the limit of detection and the resolution limits of odorous sources in the environment for an array of metal oxide gas sensors. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 99 (2-3), 384-392. doi:10.1016/j.snb.2003.11.036 |
Bourgeois, W., Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Stuetz, R. M. (2003). The use of sensor arrays for environmental monitoring: interests and limitations. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 5 (6), 852-860. doi:10.1039/b307905h |
Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Andre, P. (2002). Three years experiment with the same tin oxide sensor arrays for the identification of malodorous sources in the environment. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, (84), 271-277. doi:10.1016/S0925-4005(02)00036-9 |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., Wiertz, V., Maternova, J., & Andre, P. (2000). Using the classification model of an electronic nose to assign unknown malodours to environmental sources and to monitor them continuously. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 69 (3), 366-371. doi:10.1016/S0925-4005(00)00487-1 |
Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., Wiertz, V., Maternova, J., & Andre, P. (2000). Use of a simple tin oxide sensor array to identify five malodours collected in the field. Sensors and Actuators. B, Chemical, 62 (1), 73-79. doi:10.1016/S0925-4005(99)00375-5 |
Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Andre, P. (1997). In situ measurement of olfactive pollution with inorganic semiconductors : Limitations due to humidity and temperature influence. Seminars in Food Analysis, 2, 283-296. |
Cloots, R., Romain, A.-C., Rulmont, A., Diko, P., Duvigneaud, P. H., Hannay, C., Gillet, F., Godelaine, P. A., & Ausloos, M. (1993). STUDY OF THE CRYSTALLIZATION PROCESS IN BI2-XPBXSR2CA2CU3O10-Y GLASS SYSTEMS - OPTICAL POLARIZED-LIGHT MICROSCOPY, ELECTRICAL AND MAGNETIC-PROPERTIES. Superconductor Science and Technology, 6 (12), 850-857. doi:10.1088/0953-2048/6/12/008 |
Bui Thi Ngoc Phuong, Falzone, C., Romain, A.-C., Hauglustaine, J.-M., & Bouland, C. (29 November 2024). Effectveness of Indoor Air Polluton Reducton on the Health of Chronic Respiratory Diseases Patents: A Case Study in Ho Chi Minh City [Paper presentation]. The University of Liège and Vietnam: lasting partnerships, Liege, Belgium. |
Romain, A.-C. (08 December 2023). À la croisée de l’IA et de l’analyse multivariée pour l’identification d’atmosphères complexes par des réseaux de capteurs [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de clôture du projet INTELLO Intégrer l'INTElligence artificielle dans les outils de suivi de l'environnement WalLOn, Liège, Belgium. |
Pourkiaei, S. M., & Romain, A.-C. (07 September 2021). IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON THE INDOOR AIR OF RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS IN BELGIUM [Paper presentation]. Online Symposium IEA EBC - Annex 86 - Energy Efficient Indoor Air Quality Management in Residential Buildings. |
Romain, A.-C. (23 March 2021). Interests of automatic odour sampling devices, illustration with a wallonia study [Paper presentation]. Webinar "odorprep, new frontiers in odour control, Spain. |
Romain, A.-C. (06 June 2018). Microcapteurs gaz et capteurs électrochimiques [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Microcapteurs pour la mesure de la qualité de l'air, Liège, Belgium. |
Falzone, C., & Romain, A.-C. (22 March 2018). Innover pour la qualité de l'air : autour du projet Ecocitytools [Paper presentation]. Luxembourg creative, Arlon, Belgium. |
Romain, A.-C. (01 December 2017). Confort et bien-être dans les constructions : la qualité de l'air intérieur [Paper presentation]. Cycle OAI-HoT Confort et bien-être dans les constructions, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Romain, A.-C. (22 January 2015). Sick Building Syndrome : Analyse et prévention [Paper presentation]. Cycle de formation pour architectes et ingénieurs conseils. |
Romain, A.-C. (28 August 2014). L'odeur : question de sens ou de chimie [Paper presentation]. 52 Congrès des Sciences, Liège, Belgium. |
Romain, A.-C. (27 February 2014). La problématique de la qualité de l'air intérieur [Paper presentation]. cycle de conférences de l'OAI (ordre des architectes et des ingénieurs), Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Romain, A.-C. (19 April 2013). La problématique de la qualité de l’air [Paper presentation]. SÉMINAIRE TRANSFRONTALIER "efficacité énergétique des bâtiments", Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Rosiers, M., Coheur, P., Martin, J., Clarisse, L., Van Damme, M., Falzone, C., & Romain, A.-C. (2024). Monitoring atmospheric ammonia with satellite and on-field gas sensor array measurement techniques. In ISOEN 2024 - International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, Proceedings. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. doi:10.1109/ISOEN61239.2024.10556265 |
Falzone, C., Romain, A.-C., Broun, V., & Gérard, G. (2020). PM2.5 low-cost sensor perfomance in ambient conditions. In A. Kamilaris, V. Wohlgemuth, K. Karatzas, ... I. Athanasiadis (Eds.), Environmental Informatics: New perspectives in Environmental Information Systems: Transport, Sensors, Recycling (pp. 129-138). |
Falzone, C., Simon, F., Lenartz, F., & Romain, A.-C. (2019). Evaluation of traffic's influence nearby school front doors with low-cost PM2.5 monitoring. In M. Jovasevic-Stojanovic & A. Bartonova (Eds.), Abstracts of Keynote Invited Lectures and Contributed Papers (pp. 78). |
Taguem Ngoualadjio, E. M., & Romain, A.-C. (2019). MOS SENSORS ARRAY FOR METHANE MONITORING WITH UAS. IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN), 302-305. doi:10.1109/ISOEN.2019.8823371 |
Deshmukh, S., Purohit, H. J., Vaidya, A. N., & Romain, A.-C. (2017). MSW odor quantification using electronic nose and chemical analyzers : relative exploration of prediction capabilities and robust model development. In Olfaction and electronic nose (ISOEN), 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on. Montréal, Canada: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ISOEN.2017.7968853 |
Falzone, C., Dinne, K., Kuske, M., & Romain, A.-C. (2017). First step to build on index to detect microbial volatile organic compounds emitted by moulds growing on building materials. In Olfaction and electronic nose (ISOEN), 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on. Montréal, Canada: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ISOEN.2017.7968854 |
Romain, A.-C., Capelli, L., & Guillot, J.-M. (2017). Instrumental odour monitoring : actions for a new european standard. In Olfaction and electronic nose (ISOEN), 2017 ISOCS/IEEE International Symposium on. Montréal, Canada: IEEE. doi:10.1109/ISOEN.2017.7968868 |
Vieira, M., Guillot, J.-M., Filho, P., & Romain, A.-C. (2015). Applicability of field olfactometry to improve the plume method: potentialities and limitations. In IWA, 6th IWA Conference on Odours & Air Emissions proceedings. |
Adam, G., Lemaigre, S., Delfosse, P., & Romain, A.-C. (2014). Electronic nose for reactor stability monitoring of an agricultural co-digestion biogas plant. In Progress in Biogas III - Biogas Production from agricultural biomass and organic residues (pp. 157). |
Uhrner, U., Grosso, G., Romain, A.-C., Hutsemekers, V., Delva, J., De groof, A., Valoggia, P., Johannsen, L., Stevenot, B., & Ledent, P. (2014). Development of an Environmental Information System for Odour using Citizen and Technology Innovative Sensors and Advanced Modelling. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1322. |
Nicolas, J., Adam, G., Ubeda, Y., & Romain, A.-C. (2013). Multi-method monitoring of odor emissions in agricultural biogas facilities. In Proceedings of the 5th IWA conference on odours and air emissions, San Francisco, USA, March, 4-7, 2013. |
Clarke, K., Romain, A.-C., Locoge, N., & Redon, N. (2012). APPLICATION OF CHEMICAL MASS BALANCE METHODOLOGY TO IDENTIFY THE DIFFERENT SOURCES RESPONSIBLE FOR THE OLFACTORY ANNOYANCE AT A RECEPTOR-SITE. In R. Del Rosso (Ed.), Chemical engineering transactions : NOSE2012 International Conference on Environmental Odour (pp. 79-84). Milan, Italy: AIDIC. doi:10.3303/CET1230014 |
Giuliani, S., Zarra, T., Nicolas, J., Naddeo, V., Belgiorno, V., & Romain, A.-C. (2012). AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH OF THE E-NOSE TRAINING PHASE IN ODOUR IMPACT ASSESSMENT. In R. Del Rosso (Ed.), Chemical engineering transactions : NOSE2012 International Conference on Environmental Odour (pp. 139-144). Milan, Italy: AIDIC. doi:10.3303/CET1230024 |
Nicolas, J., Cerisier, C., Delva, J., & Romain, A.-C. (2012). Potential of a network of electronic noses to assess in real time the odour annoyance in the environment of a compost facility. In R. Del Rosso (Ed.), Chemical engineering transactions : NOSE2012 International Conference on Environmental Odour (pp. 133-138). Milan, Italy: AIDIC. doi:10.3303/CET1230023 |
Gutierrez, M. C., Chica, A. F., & Romain, A.-C. (2012). Compost pile monitoring with GC-MS, e-nose and olfactometry : comparison of different approaches. In A. Trémier, P. Dabert, C. Druilhe, M.-N. Maudet, J. Barth, S. Siebert, ... H. W. Bidlingmaier (Eds.), Book of abstracts of the 8th international conference ORBIT2012 (pp. 87). Weimar, Germany: Verlag Orbit. |
clarke, K., Redon, N., Locoge, N., & Romain, A.-C. (2011). Identification of the different sources responsible for olfactory annoyance, using an e-nose. In G. Perena (Ed.), OLFACTION AND ELECTRONIC NOSE: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OLFACTION AND ELECTRONIC NOSE (pp. 294-295). NY, United States: SUNY Stony Brook. |
Adam, G., Lemaigre, S., Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Delfosse, P. (2011). Anaerobic digestion process monitoring: focus on the gas phase using electronic nose technology. In GERBIO (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Congress Progress in Biogas 2011 - part 1 (pp. 247-252). Kirchberg, Germany: GERBIO. |
Adam, G., Neyrinck, R., Lemaigre, S., Romain, A.-C., Delfosse, P., & Nicolas, J. (2010). Potential of the Electronic Nose as a Tool for the Detection of Disturbances in Anaerobic Digestion Processes. In IWWG (Ed.), Venice 2010 Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste. Cisa Publisher. |
Nicolas, J., Cors, M., Delva, J., & Romain, A.-C. (September 2010). Relevance of the resident diary method to map odour sources. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 23. doi:10.3303/CET1023032 |
Lor, M., Vause, K., Dinne, K., Goelen, E., Maes, F., Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Degrave, C. (2009). Horizontal evaluation method for the implementation of the construction products directive - emissions from construction products into indoor air. In 9th International Conference and Exhibition on Healthy Buildings 2009. Santa Cruz, United States - California: Curron associates. |
Romain, A.-C., Degrave, C., Nicolas, J., Lor, M., VauSe, K., Dinne, K., Maes, F., & Goelen, E. (2009). Olfactory, chemical and e-nose measurements to characterize odors emission of construct materials for the implementation of the European construction products directive (CPD) on a Belgian level [Paper presentation]. OLFACTION AND ELECTRONIC NOSE, Brescia, Italy. doi:10.1063/1.3156605 |
Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (2009). Long Term Stability Of Metal Oxide-Based Gas Sensors For E-nose Environmental Applications: an overview. In M. Pardo & G. Sberveglieri (Eds.), OLFACTION AND ELECTRONIC NOSE: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (pp. 443-445). New York, United States: AIP. doi:10.1063/1.3156576 |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., Delva, J., Collart, C., & Lebrun, V. (June 2008). Odour annoyance assessments around landfill sites:methods and results. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 15, 29-37. |
Collart, C., Lebrun, V., Fays, S., Salpeteur, V., Nicolas, J., & Romain, A.-C. (2008). Air survey around MSW landfills in Wallonia: feedback of 8 years field measurements. In Proceedings ORBIT 2008, 6th Biomass and Organic Waste as Sustainable. |
Nicolas, J., Cobut, P., Otte, B., & Romain, A.-C. (2007). Formules de calcul de distances à respecter entre bâtiments d'élevage et habitations pour que l'odeur soit acceptable. Comparaisons et proposition, puis validation d'une formule pour la Wallonie (Belgique). In Actes des septièmes journées de la recherche avicole. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Ledent, C. (2005). The electronic nose as a warning device of the odour emergence in a compost hall. In S. Marco & I. Montoliu (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on olfaction and electronic nose (ISOEN 2005). |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Kuske, M. (2004). The electronic nose : a tool for controlling the industrial odour emission. Application to the compost processing. In VDI, VDI Report 185 international conference "environmental odour management". |
Kuske, M., Padilla, M., Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., Rubio, R., & Marco, S. (2004). Detection of moulds growing on building materials by gas sensor arrays and pattern recognition. In Technical digest of eurosensors : proceedings. Rome, Italy: Palombi Publishers. |
Kuske, M., Rubio, R., Nicolas, J., Marco, S., & Romain, A.-C. (2003). Fuzzy K-NN applied to moulds detection. In Proceedings of ISOEN'03 (pp. 151-154). |
Romain, A.-C., Kuske, M., & Nicolas, J. (2003). Monitoring the odour of compost as a process variable. In J. Kleperis (Ed.), book of abstracts of the 10th international symposium on olfaction and electronic nose (pp. 248-251). |
Nicolas, J., & Romain, A.-C. (2002). Assessment of detection thresholds of metal oxide sensors based e-nose to the pollution emitted by odorous sources. In Proceedings of the Ninth international symposium on olfaction and electronic nose ISOEN'02 (pp. 5). Rome, Italy: Aracne Editrice. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Andre, P. (2002). Applying the electronic nose in the environment : requirements for the sensors. In J. Szuber (Ed.), Papers from the 3rd international seminar on semiconductor gas sensors-SGS 2002, Ustron, Poland, 19-22 september 2002. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. |
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Maternova, J., Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (2001). Solvent detection in indoor air with a sensor array. In Proceedings of the 8th conference Eurodeur. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., Monticelli, D., Maternova, J., & Andre, P. (2000). Choice of a suitable E-nose output variable for the continuous monitoring of an odour in the environment. In J. Gardner & K. Persaud (Eds.), Electronic noses and olfaction 2000. Proceedings of abstracts ISOEN 2000 (pp. 127-128). Institute of Physics Publishing. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., Wiertz, V., Maternova, J., & Andre, P. (1999). Utilisation élémentaire d'un réseau de capteurs "SnO2" pour la reconnaissance d'odeurs environnementales [Paper presentation]. Eurodeur 99, Paris, France. |
Negri, M., Reich, S., Fernandez, D., Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Lamagna, A. (1999). Identification of pollutant gases with a multisensorial arrange. In U. Weimar, proceedings of ISOEN 99 (pp. 372-375). Rottenburg, Germany: Druckerei Maier. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., Wiertz, V., Maternova, J., & Andre, P. (1999). First trends towards a field odour detector for environmental applications. In U. Weimar, Proceedings of ISOEN 99 (pp. 368-371). Germany: Druckerei Maier. |
Falzone, C., Lenartz, F., & Romain, A.-C. (17 September 2024). Multi-Sensor devices to monitoring urban air quality as a support for the official network: development, selection and calibration [Paper presentation]. NOSE, Naples, Italy. |
Pourkiaei, S. M., & Romain, A.-C. (08 July 2024). Quantitative analysis of indoor air quality under future climate scenarios: Projection till 2100’s for a Belgian case-study [Paper presentation]. Indoor Air 2024 Sustaining the Indoor Air Revolution: Raise Your Impact, Honolulu, United States. |
Rosiers, M., Coheur, P., Falzone, C., Martin, J., & Romain, A.-C. (12 May 2024). Monitoring atmospheric ammonia emission with satellite & on-field measurement techniques [Poster presentation]. 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose (ISOEN). |
Romain, A.-C. (18 January 2024). From Environmental Monitoring to Breath Analysis: Leveraging Sensor arrays for Healthcare – Lessons from the PATHACOV project – [Paper presentation]. ISOCS winter school, bormio, Italy. |
Rosiers, M., Romain, A.-C., Viatte, C., Clerbaux, C., Van Damme, M., Clarisse, L., & Coheur, P. (2024). Towards a Mechanistic Ammonia Volatilization Model Based on IASI Data [Poster presentation]. IASI Conference 2024, Nancy, France. |
Chelin, P., Caville, S., Guendouz, N., Michoud, V., Bergé, A., Fortineau, A., Decuq, C., Buysse, P., Loubet, B., Esnault, B., Génermont, S., Ciuraru, R., Burban, M., Depuydt, J., Durand, B., Viatte, C., Cailteau-Fischbach, C., Petit, J.-E., Crunaire, S., ... Scheuren, M. (15 May 2023). Measurements of ammonia in ambient air and over a controlled artificial source during the AMICA field campaign at a rural site in the Ile-de-France region [Paper presentation]. EGU General assembly. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-4564 |
Falzone, C., & Romain, A.-C. (20 October 2022). Présentation du développement méthodologique d’un nouvel indicateur de la qualité de l’air en zone urbaine – AQOI – Air Quality Observed Index [Paper presentation]. Changements Globaux et Gestion de la Transition : Au singulier ou au pluriel ?, Liège, Belgium. |
Martin, J., Debliquy, M., Luo, Y., Lahem, D., Ly, A., & Romain, A.-C. (21 September 2022). Use of experimental sensors for discrimination of artificial breath mixtures in a lung cancer screening context [Poster presentation]. MNE Eurosensors 2022, Leuven, Belgium. |
Pourkiaei, S. M., & Romain, A.-C. (16 June 2022). Exploring the Indoor Air Quality in the context of changing climate in a naturally ventilated residential Building using CONTAM [Paper presentation]. Indoor Air 2022, Kuopio, Finland. |
Martin, J., & Romain, A.-C. (29 May 2022). Commercial metal oxide sensor sensitive to higher alkane [Paper presentation]. ISOEN, Aveiro, Portugal. |
Martin, J., & Romain, A.-C. (29 May 2022). Commercial Metal Oxide Gas Sensors For Breath Analysis Sensitive to Higher Alkane Vapours [Poster presentation]. ISOEN, Aveiro, Portugal. |
Pourkiaei, S. M., Falzone, C., & Romain, A.-C. (05 May 2022). Exploring the Indoor Air Quality in the context of changing climate in residential buildings. Part A: developed measurement devices of low-cost sensors [Paper presentation]. IAQ 2020: Indoor Environmental Quality Performance Approaches Transitioning from IAQ to IEQ, Athens, Greece. |
Scheuren, M., Daigneux, B., Felten, V., Gennen, J., & Romain, A.-C. (24 November 2021). Surveillance des flux d’azote en zone de captage : Premières avancées du projet RIVE [Poster presentation]. 15ème RENCONTRES Comifer-Gemas. |
Scheuren, M., & Romain, A.-C. (26 October 2021). FIRST DEVELOPMENT OF A GAS SENSOR ARRAY FOR MONITORING AMMONIA SURFACE EMISSION FLUX FROM GRASSLANDS [Paper presentation]. 9th IWA Odour & VOC/Air Emission Conference. |
Romain, A.-C., & Fays, S. (21 April 2021). Odour sampling system with remote triggering: feedback from a Belgian experience [Paper presentation]. NOSE2020, 7th International Conference on ENVIRONMENTAL ODOUR MONITORING & CONTROL, Italy. |
Martin, J., & Romain, A.-C. (12 February 2021). A Gas sensor array to Identify complex VOC mixtures in breath [Poster presentation]. BIOSTEC 2021, Vienne, Austria. |
Taguem Ngoualadjio, E. M., & Romain, A.-C. (05 February 2021). Biogas Recognition over Landfill with MOS Gas Sensors Array and PCA-quantile Regression [Paper presentation]. ICPRAM - 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Apllications and Methods, Vienna (visio), Austria. |
Falzone, C., & Romain, A.-C. (05 June 2019). Développement d'un indicateur de la qualité de l'air en milieu urbain comme outil de planification [Paper presentation]. Congrès Atmos'Fair : Pollution de l'air extérieur et intérieur, Lyon, France. |
Romain, A.-C. (17 October 2018). L'épuration de l'air intérieur : que faut-il en penser? [Paper presentation]. Atmos'fair, Mons, Belgium. |
Daigneux, B., Romain, A.-C., Gennen, J., Debbaut, V., & Tsachidou, B. (September 2018). Analysis of the nitrate leaching risk for different fertilizers on premanent grassland in the Persephone project [Poster presentation]. 21st International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO) Conference in Paris, Paris, France. |
Vieira, M. M., Guillot, J.-M., Belli Filho, P., Romain, A.-C., Adam, G., Delva, J., Baron, M., & Van Elst, T. (2018). Can we combine field olfactometry and plume method measurements ? [Paper presentation]. 7th IWA conference on odours and air emissions, Warsaw, Poland. |
Bokowa, A., Diaz, C., Izquierdo, C., Koziel, J. A., Mcginley, M., Barclay, J., Schauberger, G., Guillot, J. M., Sneath, R., Capelli, L., Zorich, V., Bilsen, I., Romain, A.-C., & Cabeza, M. C. (September 2017). Revision de la legislacion sobre olores en varias partes del mundo, un trabajo de 14 expertos internacionales [Paper presentation]. IV Conferencia Internacional sobre Gestion de Olores y COVs en el Medio Ambiente 2017, Valladolid, Spain. |
Alsafra, Z., Scholl, G., Romain, A.-C., & Eppe, G. (07 July 2016). Development and optimization of a TD-GC/MS methodology for detection and quantification of furan released in air using of an experimental design [Poster presentation]. The 14th international conference of Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Ghent, Belgium. |
Romain, A.-C. (08 December 2015). Le volet sanitaire de l'habitat et les performances énergétiques [Paper presentation]. Colloque interrégional : Territoire et Santé, Attert, Belgium. |
Romain, A.-C. (05 May 2015). Pollution de l'air intérieur : ma santé est-elle en danger? [Paper presentation]. Les mardis du développement durable série défi climatique et santé, Confédération de la Construction », rue Fleurie 2 à Libramont, Belgium. |
Adam, G., Lemaigre, S., Goux, X., Romain, A.-C., & Delfosse, P. (17 March 2015). Electronic nose Technology for reactor state and biogas quality assessment in anaerobic digestion [Poster presentation]. 2nd Conference on “Monitoring & process control of anaerobic digestion plants”, Leipzig, Germany. |
Romain, A.-C. (04 December 2014). Outline of ULg chemical sensors applications for IAQ evaluation [Paper presentation]. third scientific COST meeting EunetAir, Istanbul, Turkey. |
Omniscientis, P., & Romain, A.-C. (December 2014). Omniscientis project-final report [Paper presentation]. Omniscientis : final event. |
Romain, A.-C. (23 September 2014). Odour measurement networks: e-noses and emission data [Paper presentation]. Conference: Citizens Involvement and Technology at the Service of Odour Monitoring, Brussel, Belgium. |
Hutsemekers, V., & Romain, A.-C. (24 April 2014). E-noses and integrated measurement networks [Paper presentation]. Citizens’ Observatories for monitoring the Environment- Scd Omniscientis workshop, graz, Austria. |
Adam, G., Romain, A.-C., Lemaigre, S., Delfosse, P., & Gennen, J. (April 2014). Ecobiogaz Projet - Biogas as a prerequisite to reduce both greenhouse gas and agriculture’s energy dependence: is it a profitable alternative ? [Poster presentation]. Eunet-air training School, Saarbrucken, Germany. |
Romain, A.-C. (18 December 2013). Odour monitoring by sensors technology [Paper presentation]. Second scientific meeting Eunetair Cost, Cambridge, United Kingdom. |
Adam, G., Gennen, J., Ubeda Sanchez, Y., Cerisier, C., Neyrinck, R., Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (06 December 2013). Odour emissions impact of on-farm biogas production with co-digestion : a case study in four European farms of the Great Region [Paper presentation]. ManuREsource 2013, Bruges, Belgium. |
Romain, A.-C. (03 October 2013). Project FP7 OMNISCIENTIS for Odour Monitoring Applications in Industrial Plants and Communities [Paper presentation]. New Sensing Technologies and Methods for Air-Pollution Monitoring:WG1-WG4 Cost Meeting, Copenhagen, European Environment Agency, Denmark. |
Romain, A.-C., Hutsemekers, V., DELVA, J., Ledent, P., Stevenot, B., Uhrner, U., Arnaud, Y., De Groof, A., Grosso, G., Valoggia, P., & Johannsen, L. (04 July 2013). Environmental information system and odour monitoring based on citizen and technology innovative sensors : first investigation [Poster presentation]. 15 th Internationla symposium on Olfactio & e-nose, Daegu, South Korea. |
Adam, G., Lemaigre, S., Romain, A.-C., Delfosse, P., & Nicolas, J. (July 2013). Recursive PCA of e-nose data for anaerobic digestion reactor state monitoring [Poster presentation]. 15 th International symposium on Olfaction & e-nose, Daegu, South Korea. |
Romain, A.-C. (30 January 2013). Use of specific in-situ sensors : enose [Paper presentation]. First Citizens' Observatories Projects Coordination Workshop. |
Romain, A.-C. (2013). Protocols, Standards and Methods for Odour Monitoring by Sensor Technologies [Paper presentation]. 3rd International AirMonTech Workshop on Current and Future Urban Air Quality Monitoring In conjunction with COST Action EunetAir, Duisburg, Germany. |
Adam, G., Lemaigre, S., Romain, A.-C., Delfosse, P., & Nicolas, J. (May 2011). Gas sensor array applied to the monitoring of biogas process [Paper presentation]. Internation Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose, New York, United States. |
Romain, A.-C. (April 2011). Principales techniques de diagnostic des polluants intérieurs : illustration au cas des odeurs [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "Les méthodes de diagnostic de la pollution intérieure". |
Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (05 November 2010). E-nose development to predict odour annoyance in a receptor site [Paper presentation]. Séminaire internationale "Value added products from organic resource management", Rennes, France. |
Romain, A.-C. (04 November 2010). Expertise of the Research Unit"Environmental Monitoring" [Paper presentation]. International Seminar Value added products from organic ressource management, Rennes, France. |
Degrave, C., Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (21 January 2010). Relation between emission and olfactory tests [Paper presentation]. Workshop "Building material emissions to indoor air - Opportunities/consequences for Belgian companies, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Romain, A.-C., Degrave, C., & Nicolas, J. (21 January 2010). Statistical analysis of chamber VOCs emission data [Paper presentation]. Workshop Building material emissions to indoor air. Opportunities/consequences for Belgian compagnies, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., Degrave, C., Neyrinck, R., Adam, G., Lor, M., & Goelen, E. (September 2009). La mesure des émissions gazeuses, et plus particulièrement des odeurs, comme outil de caractérisation de matériaux et de processus [Paper presentation]. Salon-Conférence SINAL 2009, Châlons-en-Champagne, France. |
Léonard, A., Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Crine, M. (June 2008). The problem of odours when drying sewage sludges [Paper presentation]. Business meeting of the Drying Working Party of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering, Copenhague, Denmark. |
Degrave, C., & Romain, A.-C. (2008). Various approaches to evaluate odour emissions of building materials [Poster presentation]. Emissions and odours from materials, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Lor, M., Vause, K., Goelen, E., Maes, F., Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (2008). Implementation of health aspects (ER N°3) in the Construction Products; Directive (CPD) regarding emissions to indoor air [Poster presentation]. 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, Denmark. |
Léonard, A., Martin, G., Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Crine, M. (October 2007). Study of VOC and odour emissions during the convective drying of urban residual sludges [Paper presentation]. Symposium International sur les Ecotechnologies appliquées aux boues résiduaires - Eco-process et Eco-utilisation, Montoldre, France. |
Nicolas, J., & Romain, A.-C. (05 February 2007). Issues around field measurements with electronic noses : low concentration and specificity of odorous compounds [Paper presentation]. Gospel Workshop on selectivity enhancement through sampling and preconcentration technologies, Lyon, France. |
Lor, M., Vause, K., Dinne, K., Goelen, E., Maes, F., Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (2007). Horizontal Evaluation Method for the Implementation of the Construction Products Directive (HEMICPD). |
Nicolas, J., Delva, J., & Romain, A.-C. (2007). Applying the electronic nose in the environment [Poster presentation]. 3rd GOSPEL School, Analipsi, Greece. |
Romain, A.-C., Delva, J., & Nicolas, J. (January 2007). Monitoring an odour in the environment with an electronic nose : requirements for the signal processing [Paper presentation]. Gospel Workshop on bioinspired signal processing, Barcelone, Spain. |
Romain, A.-C., Delva, J., & Nicolas, J. (2007). Different approaches to measure environmental odours emitted by landfill areas [Paper presentation]. ISOEN 2007, St Petersburg, Russia. |
Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (26 November 2006). Echantillonnage et mesure des odeurs générées dans un centre de compostage [Paper presentation]. Journées de rencontre CEMAGREF sur les émissions des centres de compostage. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Delva, J. (01 June 2006). Applying the electronic nose in the environment : requirements for the instrument [Paper presentation]. Gospel associates Showcase and workshop, Tuebingen, Germany. |
Romain, A.-C. (21 March 2004). e-nose for malodour monitoring [Poster presentation]. Third European Network of excellence on artificial olfactory sensing II course, Alpbach, Austria. |
Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Kuske, M. (2002). Assessment of odour annoyance by e-nose in the field : some results [Poster presentation]. 1st NOSE II short course, Bressanone, Italy. |
Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Maternova, Y. (02 June 2001). Identification of several environmental odours with tin oxide sensor array : three years later [Paper presentation]. third NOSE I course. |
Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Maternova, J. (2001). Identification of several environmental odours with tin oxide sensor array : three years later [Poster presentation]. Third NOSE course, S Cesarea Terme, Italy. |
Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Maternova, J. (2001). Evaluation of tin oxide sensor array for on-line assessment of odor annoyance [Poster presentation]. Field screening with electronic nose" within the 2nd international conference "Field Screening Europe, Karlsruhe, Germany. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Andre, P. (2000). Measurement requirements for environmental monitoring : application of the electronic nose principle [Paper presentation]. IBERsensor, Buenos Aires, Argentina. |
Romain, A.-C. (June 1997). In situ measurement of olfactive pollution with inorganic semiconductors : Limitations due to humidity and temperature influence [Poster presentation]. Olfaction and electronic nose. 4e symposium, Nice, France. |
Romain, A.-C. (07 November 1996). Odeurs de stations d'épuration : principaux composés odorants et lutte contre les odeurs [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "Métrologie dans les stations d'épuration. |
Barclay, J., Nietzsche Diaz, C., Romain, A.-C., & et al. (2023). International Handbook on the Assessment of Odour Exposure using Dispersion Modelling. (1ère éd). Bilbao, Spain: Asociación Medioambiental Internacional de Gestores del Olor (AMIGO). doi:10.5281/zenodo.8367724 |
Romain, A.-C. (2013). 8.3 Landfill of Solid Waste. In V. Belgiorno (Ed.), Odour Impact Assessment Handbook (pp. 232-250). Chichester, United Kingdom: Wiley. |
Romain, A.-C., & Nicolas, J. (2009). Monitoring an Odour in the Environment with an Electronic Nose: Requirements for the Signal Processing. In A. Gutierrez & S. Marco (Eds.), Biologically Inspired Signal Processing for Chemical Sensing (pp. 121-134). Berlin, Germany: Springer. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Delva, J. (2007). Electronic nose : a promising tool for landfill odour monitoring. In E. C. Lehmann (Ed.), Landfill research focus (pp. 1-3). New York, United States: Nova Science publishers. |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Maternova, J. (2001). Chemometrics methods for the identification and the monitoring of an odour in the environement with an electronic nose. In M. T. Ramirez-Silva, Sensors and chemometrics (pp. 75-90). India: Research Signpost. |
Romain, A.-C. (2006). Adaptation de systèmes non-sensoriels de caractérisation d'odeurs à la mesure sur site de la pollution olfactive : Utilisation de capteurs sensibles aux gaz [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/132107 |
Romain, A.-C. (1993). Participation à la surveillance de l'environnement de la sidérurgie Arbed-Luxembourg [Specialised master, ULiège. Arlon Campus Environnement - Liège Université. Arlon Campus Environnement]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/151536 |
Romain, A.-C. (1992). Caractéristiques structurales et électriques des composés Bi2-xPbxSr2Ca2Cu3O10-y préparés par réaction à l'état solide et par recristallisation à partir d'un état vitreux. Étude de l'influence de la substitution Bi/Pb sur la stabilisation de la phase 2223 [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/151533 |
Hens, L., Bouland, C., Fraeyman, N., Godderis, L., Int Panis, L., Romain, A.-C., Steurbaut, W., Stranger, M., & Vaes, B. (2021). conseil supérieur de la santé - Aspects environnementaux et durables de la pandémie de Covid-19. (Avis n°9617). CSS. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/263666 |
Bladt, S., Bouland, C., Casimir, G., Chasseur, C., Charlier, C., De Brouwere, K., Dehandschutter, B., Dewolf, M.-C., Dinne, K., Goelen, E., Kuske, M., Lor, M., Michel, O., Poffijn, A., Roger, M., Romain, A.-C., Stranger, M., Steurbaut, W., & Vanmarcke, H. (2017). Qualité de l'air intérieur en Belgique. (8794). Bruxelles, Belgium: Conseil supérieur de la santé. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/217414 |
Nicolas, J., Romain, A.-C., & Delva, J. (February 2008). Les odeurs dans l'environnement : dimensions sensorielles et méthodes d'évaluation. Journal des Ingénieurs, 109, 12-15. |
Romain, A.-C. (2006). Monitoring the exhaust air of a compost pile with an e-nose and comparison with GC-MS data. Chemoreception Abstracts database from CSA. |
Falzone, C., Abrahams, P., Davin, E., Jupsin, H., & Romain, A.-C. (2023). Green 4 Indoor - Wallonia Présentation AG SPHERES 18/12/2023 [Paper presentation]. Assemblée générale de l'UR SPHERES, Arlon, Belgium. |
Romain, A.-C., & Falzone, C. (2021). La qualité de l’air : enjeux de la mesure en milieu urbain [Paper presentation]. Lancement de la campagne d'évaluation de la qualité de l'air à Marche en Famenne, Marche en Famenne, Belgium. |
Romain, A.-C. (2009). un nez électronique [Paper presentation]. comité scientifique de la spin-off Odometric. |
Nicolas, J., & Romain, A.-C. (2007). Les nuisances olfactives à habay. |
Romain, A.-C. (2007). De l'odeur à la qualité de l'air. |
Romain, A.-C. (2006). La pollution olfactive et ses caractéristiques [Paper presentation]. Nuisance olfactive dans l'industrie alimentaire. |
Romain, A.-C., Nicolas, J., & Degraeve, C. (2008). Methods of sensory evaluation of odour and 50 m3 test facility at Arlon laboratory. |