Publications and communications of Claire Remacle

Caccamo, A., Lazzarotto, F., Margis-Pinheiro, M., Messens, J.* , & Remacle, C.*. (09 October 2024). The ascorbate peroxidase–related protein: insights into its functioning in Chlamydomonas and Arabidopsis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15. doi:10.3389/fpls.2024.1487328
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Perez Saura, P., Gerin, S., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (October 2024). Xylose, glucose and acetate as feedstock for three microalgal species cultivated in heterotrophy. Algal Research, 83, 103689. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2024.103689

Kairis, A.* , Das Neves, B.* , Couturier, J., Remacle, C., & Rouhier, N. (20 July 2024). Iron‑sulfur cluster synthesis in plastids by the SUF system: A mechanistic and structural perspective. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Cell Research, 1871 (7), 119797. doi:10.1016/j.bbamcr.2024.119797
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Le, T. T., Corato, A., Gerards, T., Gerin, S., Remacle, C., & Franck, F. (24 April 2024). Heterotrophy Compared to Photoautotrophy for Growth Characteristics and Pigment Compositions in Batch Cultures of Four Green Microalgae. Plants, 13 (9), 1182. doi:10.3390/plants13091182

Caccamo, A.* , Vega de Luna, F.* , Misztak, A., Pyr Dit Ruys, S., Vertommen, D., Cardol, P., Messens, J.* , & Remacle, C.*. (2024). APX2 Is an Ascorbate Peroxidase-Related Protein that Regulates the Levels of Plastocyanin in Chlamydomonas. Plant and Cell Physiology. doi:10.1093/pcp/pcae019
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Dauvrin, T., Joris, B., Franck, F., Remacle, C., Amoroso, A. M., & Gerards, T. (02 February 2024). Chlorophyllide derivatives for use in the prevention or treatment of bacterial infection.

Dauvrin, T., Joris, B., Franck, F., Remacle, C., Amoroso, A. M., & Gerards, T. (31 January 2024). CHLOROPHYLLIDE DERIVATIVES FOR USE IN THE PREVENTION OR TREATMENT OF BACTERIAL INFECTION.

Gerin, S., & Remacle, C. (2024). Efficient secretion of a true laccase by the acidophilic green microalga Chlamydomonas pitschmannii switched to alkaline pH. Journal of Applied Phycology. doi:10.1007/s10811-024-03299-7

Kairis, A., Caccamo, A., Remacle, C., & ROUHIER Nicolas. (2024). Role of the of high-chlorophyll fluorescence 101 (HCF101), a chloroplastic Fe-S cluster transfer protein in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Journées de la Société Française de Photosynthèse 2024.

Kairis, A., Caccamo, A., Remacle, C., & ROUHIER Nicolas. (2024). Role of the of high-chlorophyll fluorescence 101 (HCF101), a chloroplastic Fe-S cluster transfer protein in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. XI International Conference on Fe-S Proteins: Function, Biogenesis, and Regulation, United States - North Carolina.

Remacle, C. (2024). Heterotrophic and/or anoxic metabolism in two microalgae of the Archaeplastida lineage, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Galdieria sulphuraria [Paper presentation]. seminar, Saudi Arabia.

Kairis, A., Remacle, C., Caccamo, A., & Rouhier, N. (14 November 2023). Functional characterization of high-chlorophyll fluorescence 101 (HCF101), a chloroplastic Fe-S cluster transfer protein in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Paper presentation]. The 7th Annual Meeting on Plant Ecology and Evolution.

Caccamo, A., Vega de Luna, F., Wahni, K., Volkov, A. N., Przybyla-Toscano, J., Amelii, A., Kriznik, A., Rouhier, N., Messens, J.* , & Remacle, C.*. (31 October 2023). Ascorbate Peroxidase 2 (APX2) of Chlamydomonas Binds Copper and Modulates the Copper Insertion into Plastocyanin. Antioxidants, 12 (11), 1946. doi:10.3390/antiox12111946
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Cecchin, M., Simicevic, J., Chaput, L., Hernandez Gil, M., Girolomoni, L., Cazzaniga, S., Remacle, C., Hoeng, J., Ivanov, N. V., Titz, B., & Ballottari, M. (17 August 2023). Acclimation strategies of the green alga Chlorella vulgaris to different light regimes revealed by physiological and comparative proteomic analyses. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74 (15), 4540 - 4558. doi:10.1093/jxb/erad170

Van Breusegem, F., & Remacle, C. (01 August 2023). Oxidative stress responses in plants. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 204, 394. doi:10.1016/j.freeradbiomed.2023.05.012

Bonnefoy, N., & Remacle, C. (2023). Biolistic Transformation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Saccharomyces cerevisiae Mitochondria. In Mitochondrial DNA Methods. New York, United States: Humana. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-2922-2

Caccamo, A., Vega de Luna, F., Whani, K., Przybyla-Toscano, J., Pyr dit Ruys, S., Misztak, A., Kriznik, A., Volkov, A., Cardol, P., Rouhier, N., Vertommen, D., Messens, J., & Remacle, C. (2023). Metal homeostasis in Chlamydomonas chloroplasts [Paper presentation]. Groupe français de Bioénergétique.

Martinez Villarreal, S. A., Breitenstein, A., Nimmegeers, P., Perez Saura, P., Hai, B., Asomaning, J., Alizadeh Eslami, A., Billen, P., Van Passel, S., Bressler, D. C., Debecker, D. P., Remacle, C., & Richel, A. (30 August 2022). Drop-in biofuels production from microalgae to hydrocarbons: Microalgal cultivation and harvesting, conversion pathways, economics and prospects for aviation. Biomass and Bioenergy, 165, 106555. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2022.106555

Caccamo, A., Sébastien Pyr dit Ruys, Gaetan Herinckx, Kate S. Carroll, Joris Messens, Didier Vertommen, & Remacle, C. (August 2022). Optimizing the trapping and identification of sulfenylated proteins in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Redox Biology Congress 2022 - Plant Oxygen Group (POG) 2022, Ghent, Belgium.

Corato, A., Le, T. T., Baurain, D., Jacques, P., Remacle, C.* , & Franck, F.*. (23 February 2022). A Fast-Growing Oleaginous Strain of Coelastrella Capable of Astaxanthin and Canthaxanthin Accumulation in Phototrophy and Heterotrophy. Life (Basel, Switzerland), 12 (3), 334. doi:10.3390/life12030334
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Hamel, P. P., Salinas-Giegé, T., Przybyla-Toscano, J., Caccamo, A., Subrahmanian, N., Rouhier, N., Drouard, L., Cardol, P., Gonzalez-Halphen, D., & Remacle, C. (2022). The mitochondrion: from genome to proteome. In The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-821430-5.00011-0

Perez Saura, P., Chabi, M., Corato, A., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (2022). Cell adaptation of the extremophilic red microalga Galdieria sulphuraria to the availability of carbon sources. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 978246. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.978246

Remacle, C. (2022). Role of the iron-sulfur transfer protein NFU1 in the chloroplast metabolism of the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Paper presentation]. Acclimation & Chloroplast Biology: from Genes to Systems TR175, Kloster Irsee, Germany.

Remacle, C. (2022). Integration of the iron-sulfur transfer protein NFU1 of the microalga C. reinhardtii in chloroplast metabolism [Paper presentation]. Spring redox meeting, Gent, Belgium.

Remacle, C., Przybyla-Toscano, J., Caccamo, A., Pyr dit Ruys, S., Vertommen, D., & Rouhier, N. (2022). Integration of the iron-sulfur transfer protein NFU1 of the microalga C. reinhardtii in chloroplast metabolism [Paper presentation]. 20th International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants ISINIP 2022.

Schroda, M., & Remacle, C. (2022). Molecular Advancements Establishing Chlamydomonas as a Host for Biotechnological Exploitation. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 911483. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.911483

Caccamo, A., Vega de Luna, F., Iacono, F., Messens, J., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (August 2021). The photoprotective role of APX2 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. 19th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Six-Fours-les-Plages, Ile des Embiez, France.

Gain, G., Al-Zokany, M., Corato, A., Godaux, D., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (August 2021). Characterization of the pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PFO) role in the green microalga C. reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. 19th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Ile des Embiez, France.

Phua, S. Y., De Smet, B., Remacle, C., Chan, K. X., & Van Breusegem, F. (19 May 2021). Reactive Oxygen Species and Organellar Signaling. Journal of Experimental Botany, 72. doi:10.1093/jxb/erab218

Caccamo, A., Vega de Luna, F., Iacono, F., Messens, J., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (08 April 2021). Characterization of the apx2 mutant in Chlamydomonas [Poster presentation]. Sfphi2021 : Journées de la Société Française de Photosynthèse.

Gain, G., Berne, N., Corato, A., Godaux, D., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (08 April 2021). Fermentation pathways and their interactions with photosynthesis in the marine diatom T. pseudonana: proteomic and biophysics approaches [Paper presentation]. Journées Françaises de Photosynthèse - SFPHI2021.

Przybyla-Toscano, J., Couturier, J., Remacle, C.* , & Rouhier, N.*. (March 2021). Occurrence, Evolution and Specificities of Iron-Sulfur Proteins and Maturation Factors in Chloroplasts from Algae. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22 (6), 3175. doi:10.3390/ijms22063175
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Caccamo, A., Larosa, V., Messens, J., & Remacle, C. (16 February 2021). Characterization of the apx2 mutant in Chlamydomonas [Poster presentation]. 1st International Bioenergy and Environment Congress (I-BE-C) "From Photosynthesis to Biotechnology".

Curien, G., Lyska, D., Guglielmino, E., Westhoff, P., Janetzko, J., Tardif, M., Hallopeau, C., Brugière, S., Dal Bo, D., Decelle, J., Gallet, B., Falconet, D., Carone, M., Remacle, C., Ferro, M., Weber, & Finazzi, G. (2021). Mixotrophic growth of the extremophile Galdieria sulphuraria reveals the flexibility of its carbon assimilation metabolism. New Phytologist, 231. doi:10.1111/nph.17359

Remacle, C., Kselikova, V., Przybyla-Toscano, J., & Rouhier, N. (2021). Role of the chloroplastic NFU3 iron-sulfur transfer protein in the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Paper presentation]. INTERNATIONALBIOENERGY & ENVIRONMENTCONGRESS, online meeting.

Remacle, C., Przybyla-Toscano, J., Caccamo, A., Pyr dit Ruys, S., Ragnoli, I., Bruckert, V., Alsafra, Z., Godaux, D., Eppe, G., Vertommen, D., & Rouhier, N. (2021). Integration of the iron-sulfur transfer protein NFU1 of the microalga C. reinhardtii in chloroplast metabolism in the light, in the dark and in anaerobiosis [Paper presentation]. Groupe français de Bioénergétique, online meeting.

Remacle, C., Przybyla-Toscano, J., Caccamo, A., Pyr dit Ruys, Vertommen, D., Gain, G., Alsafra, Z., Godaux, D., Eppe, G., Vertommen, D., & Rouhier, N. (2021). Integration of the iron-sulfur transfer protein NFU1 of the microalga C. reinhardtii in chloroplast metabolism in the light, in the dark and in anaerobiosis [Paper presentation]. Chlamy2021.

Godaux, D., Lorge, P., Ghysels, B., Job, N., Franck, F., Caldarella, G., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (18 November 2020). Polypeptide monomérique présentant une activité hydrogénase, en particulier polypeptide monomérique recombinant présentant une activité hydrogénase.

Subrahmanian, N., Castonguay, A., Remacle, C., & Hamel, P. (April 2020). Assembly of Mitochondrial Complex I Requires the Low-Complexity Protein AMC1 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Genetics, 214 (4), 895-911. doi:10.1534/GENETICS.120.303029

Luu Thao Nguyen, Alsafra, Z., Corato, A., Daniele, C., Hung Anh, L., Eppe, G., & Remacle, C. (18 February 2020). Isolation and Characterization of Two Microalgal Isolates from Vietnam with Potential for Food, Feed, and Biodiesel Production. Energies, 13. doi:10.3390/en13040898

Gain, G., Berne, N., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (2020). Thalassiosira pseudonana: study of fermentation pathways and their interactions with photosynthesis [Poster presentation]. InBioS Day 2020, Belgium.

Gerin, S., Delhez, T., Corato, A., Remacle, C., & Franck, F. (2020). A novel culture medium for freshwater diatoms promotes efficient photoautotrophic batch production of biomass, fucoxanthin, and eicosapentaenoic acid. Journal of Applied Phycology, 32, 1581-1596. doi:10.1007/s10811-020-02097-1

Remacle, C. (2020). Mitochondria of green and red microalgae [Paper presentation]. Seminar at Stockholm University, Science for Life Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden.

Caccamo, A., Vertommen, D., Pyr dit Ruys, S., Larosa, V., Messens, J., & Remacle, C. (07 December 2019). H2O2 signalling from mitochondria and chloroplast to the nucleus in the green microalga Chlamydomonas: in vivo and in vitro approaches [Poster presentation]. 12th Annual Brussels centre for Redox Biology - Fall Symposium", Brussels, Belgium.

Luu Thao Nguyen, Remacle, C., Eppe, G., Corato, A., Alsafra, Z., & Hung Anh, L. (03 December 2019). ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A DESMODESMUS SPECIES FROM VIETNAM WITH POTENTIAL FOR THE PRODUCTION OF ANIMAL FEEDSTOCKS AND NUTRACEUTICALS [Poster presentation]. AlgaEurope Conference, Paris, France.

Carone, M., Corato, A., Dauvrin, T., Thanh, T. L., Durante, L., Joris, B., Franck, F., & Remacle, C. (2019). Heterotrophic growth of microalgae. In P. H. Rampelotto & A. Hallman, Heterotrophic growth of microalgae (Grand challenges in biology and biotechnology). Springer.

Gain, G., Berne, N., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (15 November 2019). Characterization of fermentation pathways and their interactions with photosynthesis in three different microalgae [Paper presentation]. Photosynthesis and Symbiosis Day, Belgium.

Gain, G., Berne, N., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (October 2019). Fermentation pathways and their interactions with photosynthesis in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana [Poster presentation]. International Congress of Biophysics of Photosynthesis: From molecules to the field, Roma, Italy.

Caccamo, A., Nguyen, H. T. D., Vertommen, D., Pyr dit Ruys, S., Fanara, S., Motte, P., Larosa, V., Messens, J., & Remacle, C. (17 September 2019). H2O2 signaling from mitochondria and chloroplast to the nucleus in the green microalga Chlamydomonas: in vivo and in vitro approaches [Poster presentation]. 17th International SPP1710 conference on Thiol-switches in San Feliu, San Feliu, Spain.

Gain, G., Berne, N., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (September 2019). Fermentation pathways and their interactions with photosynthesis in the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana [Poster presentation]. ICES 2019 - 14th International Colloquium on Endocytobiology and Symbiosis, Lille, France.

Caccamo, A., Larosa, V., Messens, J., & Remacle, C. (11 July 2019). Defining H2O2 signaling from chloroplast and mitochondria to the nucleus in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. 14th Plant Oxygen Group - POG Conference, Munich, Germany.

Durante, L., Hübner, W., Lauersen, K. J., & Remacle, C. (10 June 2019). Characterization of the GPR1/FUN34/YaaH protein family in the green microalga Chlamydomonas suggests their role as intracellular membrane acetate channels. Plant Direct, 3 (6). doi:10.1002/pld3.148

Gain, G., Berne, N., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (07 February 2019). Characterization of fermentation pathways and their interaction with photosynthesis in different microalgae [Poster presentation]. 3rd InBiOs'Day.

Remacle, C. (17 January 2019). Acetate assimilation in the microalga Chlamydomonas [Paper presentation]. seminar at the Institut de Biosciences et biotechnologies CEA, Cadarache.

Bogaert, K. A., Perez, E., Rumin, J., Giltay, A., Carone, M., Coosemans, N., Radoux, M., Eppe, G., Levine, R. D., Remacle, F., & Remacle, C. (2019). Metabolic, physiological, and transcriptomics analysis of batch cultures of the green microalga Chlamydomonas grown on different acetate concentrations. Cells, 8, 367. doi:10.3390/cells8111367

Kose, A., Remacle, C., Kim, Y.-W., Oncel, S., & Elibol, M. (2019). Bioactive metabolites: genetic regulation and potential market implications. In G. Ravishankar & A. Rao, Handbook of Algal Technologies and Phytochemicals Volume I: Food, Health and Nutraceutical Applications (Taylor & Francis group, pp. 273-279). CRC Press.

Remacle, C. (2019). Mitochondria in green microalgae: genome manipulation, respiratory chain analysis and retrograde signaling [Paper presentation]. MITOCHONDRIA IN LIFE, DEATH AND DISEASE, HERCEG NOVI, Montenegro.

Remacle, C. (Other coll.). (01 January 2019). Large expert-curated database for benchmarking document similarity detection in biomedical literature search. Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation, 2019, 1 - 67. doi:10.1093/database/baz085

Remacle, C. (2019). Chlamydomonas acetate assimilation under different growth conditions [Paper presentation]. Acclimation & Chloroplast Biology: from Genes to Systems, Kloster Irsee, Germany.

Remacle, C. (27 November 2018). Acetate metabolism in the unicellular green microalga Chlamydomonas [Paper presentation]. Siino-German 2nd workshop for Algae Bioenergy, Qingdao, China.

Remacle, C. (12 November 2018). Analysis of acetate assimilation pathways in Chlamydomonas cells cultivated in the light [Paper presentation]. Final Algactive meeting.

Remacle, C. (10 July 2018). Isolation of a mutant inactivated in NDUFAF3, an assembly factor involved in mitochondrial complex I assembly, by in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence screening in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. GRC Mitochondria and Chloroplasts, Lucca, Italy.

Durante, L., Lauersen, K. J., Hübner, W., Hanikenne, M., & Remacle, C. (17 June 2018). The GPR1/FUN34/YaaH(/SatP) members in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, are they novel peroxisomal transporters? [Poster presentation]. 18th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas.

Fattore, N., Remacle, C., Morosinotto, T., Szabo, I., & Larosa, V. (May 2018). Regulation of mitochondrial respiration by modulating calcium fluxes in the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Sfphi2018 : Journées de la Société Française de Photosynthèse.

Miranda Astudillo, H. V., Colina-Tenorio, L., Jiménez-Suárez, A., Vázquez-Acevedo, M., Salin, B., Giraud, M.-F., Remacle, C., Cardol, P., & González-Halphen, D. (10 March 2018). Oxidative phosphorylation supercomplexes and respirasome reconstitution of the colorless alga Polytomella sp. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1859, 434-444. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2018.03.004

Bogaert, K. A., Manoharan-Basil, S. S., Perez, E., Levine, R. D., Remacle, F., & Remacle, C. (2018). Surprisal analysis of genome-wide transcript profiling identifies differentially expressed genes and pathways associated with four growth conditions in the microalga Chlamydomonas. PLoS ONE, 13 (4). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0195142

Cenci, U., Qiu, H., Pillonel, T., Cardol, P., Remacle, C., Colleoni, C., Kadouche, D., Chabi, M., Greub, G., Bhattacharya, D., & Ball, S. G. (2018). Host-pathogen biotic interactions shaped vitamin K metabolism in Archaeplastida. Scientific Reports, 8 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-018-33663-w

Fattore, N., Remacle, C., Morosinotto, T., Szabo, I., & Larosa, V. (2018). Regulation of mitochondrial respiration by modulating calcium fluxes in the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Paper presentation]. Jacques-Monod Conference on Retrograde signalling from endosymbiotic organelles.

Fattore, N., Remacle, C., Morosinotto, T., Szabo, I., & Larosa, V. (2018). Regulation of mitochondrial respiration by modulating calcium fluxes in the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. 18th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF CHLAMYDOMONAS.

Larosa, V., & Remacle, C. (2018). Insights into the respiratory chain and oxidative stress. Bioscience Reports. doi:10.1042/BSR20171492

Willamme, R., Bogaert, K. A., Remacle, F., & Remacle, C. (2018). Surprisal analysis of the transcriptomic response of the green microalga Chlamydomonas to the addition of acetate during day/night cycles. Chemical Physics. doi:10.1016/j.chemphys.2018.04.015

Willamme, R., Bogaert, K. A., Remacle, F., & Remacle, C. (2018). RNA-seq data and surprisal analysis of icl mutant and control strain of the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii during day/night cycles. Data in Brief, 21, 351-353. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2018.09.104

Remacle, C. (05 December 2017). Chloroplast-mitochondria interactions in Chlamydomonas: in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence screening allows the identification of mutants affected in respiratory complex I [Paper presentation]. Claire Remacle, Liege, Belgium.

Lorge, P., Remacle, C., Gerin, S., Job, N., Franck, F., Caldarella, G., Ghysels, B., Godaux, D., & Cardol, P. (30 November 2017). Dispositif pour la production d'hydrogène gazeux.

Remacle, C. (25 September 2017). Analysis of acetate assimilation pathways in Chlamydomonas cells cultivated in the light [Paper presentation]. International Cebitec Rsearch Symposium "Prospects and challenges for the development of algal biotechnology", Bielefeld, Germany.

Fattore, N., Remacle, C., Morosinotto, T., Szabo, I., & Larosa, V. (04 September 2017). Regulation of mitochondrial respiration by modulating calcium fluxes in the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Plant calcium signaling conference.

Larosa, V., Meneghesso, A., La Rocca, N., Remacle, C., Szabo, I., & Morosinotto, T. (September 2017). A mitochondrial mutation increases high light resistance in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Int. CeBiTec Research conference 2017.

Lorge, P., Remacle, C., Gerin, S., Job, N., Franck, F., Caldarella, G., Ghysels, B., Godaux, D., & Cardol, P. (31 August 2017). DISPOSITIF PHOTO-CATALYTIQUE POUR LA PRODUCTION D'HYDROGENE GAZEUX.

Massoz, S., Hanikenne, M., Bailleul, B., Coosemans, N., Radoux, M., Miranda Astudillo, H. V., Cardol, P., Larosa, V., & Remacle, C. (21 August 2017). In vivo chlorophyll fluorescence screening allows the isolation of a Chlamydomonas mutant defective for NDUFAF3, an assembly factor involved in mitochondrial complex I assembly. Plant Journal, 92 (4), 584-595. doi:10.1111/tpj.13677

Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (2017). Effect of Enzymatic Beech Fagus Sylvatica Wood Hydrolysate on Chlorella Biomass, Fatty Acid and Pigment Production. Applied Sciences. doi:10.3390/app7090871

Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (16 June 2017). Wood hydrolysates as potential feedstocks for microalgae biomass, fatty acid and pigment production [Paper presentation]. BioTech 2017, Prague, Czechia.

Remacle, C. (06 June 2017). Isolation of a mutant inactivated for NUOAF3, a complex I assembly factor, by in vivo fluorescence screening in the microalga Chlamydomonas [Poster presentation]. GRC Bioenergetics, Andover, United States.

Remacle, C. (05 May 2017). Isolation and characterization of mutants corresponding to the MENA, MENB, MENC, and MENE enzymatic steps of 5’-monohydroxyphylloquinone biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Paper presentation]. Conference on invitation, University of Lille, France.

Laterre, R., Pottier, M., Remacle, C., & Boutry, M. (2017). Photosynthetic trichomes contain a specific Rubisco with a modified pH9 dependent activity. Plant Physiology, 00062.

Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (25 January 2017). Beech wood Fagus sylvatica dilute-acid hydrolysate as a feedstock to support Chlorella sorokiniana biomass, fatty acid and pigment production. Bioresource Technology, 230 (April 2017), 122–131. doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2017.01.034

Yadav, K. N. S., Miranda Astudillo, H. V., Colina-Tenorio, L., Bouillenne, F., Degand, H., Morsomme, P., González-Halphen, D., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (12 January 2017). Atypical composition and structure of the mitochondrial dimeric ATP synthase from Euglena gracilis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1858 (4), 267-275. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2017.01.007

Durante, L., Lauersen, K. J., Joris, M., Hanikenne, M., & Remacle, C. (2017). Characterization of putative acetate transporters in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. 19eme Congrès du Groupe Français de Bioénergétique (GFB2017).

Laterre, R.* , Pottier, M.* , Remacle, C., & Boutry, M. (2017). Photosynthetic Trichomes Contain a Specific Rubisco with a Modified pH-Dependent Activity. Plant Physiology, 173 (4), 2110-2120. doi:10.1104/pp.17.00062
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Massoz, S., Cardol, P., Gonzalez-Halphen, D., & Remacle, C. (2017). Mitochondrial Bioenergetics Pathways in Chlamydomonas. In M. Hippler, Chlamydomonas molecular genetics and physiology (pp. 59-95). Springer.

Remacle, C. (2017). Chloroplast-mitochondria interactions in Chlamydomonas: in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence screening allows the identification of mutants affected in respiratory complex I [Paper presentation]. 10th FALL SYMPOSIUM REDOX BIOLOGY, Gent, Belgium.

Salinas-Giegé, T., Cavaiuolo, M., Cognat, V., Ubrig, E., Remacle, C., Duchêne, A.-M., Vallon, O., & Maréchal-Drouard, L. (2017). Polycytidylation of mitochondrial mRNAs in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Nucleic Acids Research, 45 (22), 12963-12973. doi:10.1093/nar/gkx903

Sánchez-Vásquez, L., Vázquez-Acevedo, M., de la Mora, J., Vega-deLuna, F., Cardol, P., Remacle, C., Dreyfus, G., & González-Halphen, D. (2017). Near-neighbor interactions of the membrane-embedded subunits of the mitochondrial ATP synthase of a chlorophycean alga. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1858 (7), 497-509. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2017.04.004

Emonds-Alt, B., Coosemans, N., Gerards, T., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (2016). Isolation and characterization of mutants corresponding to the MENA, MENB, MENC, and MENE enzymatic steps of 5'-monohydroxyphylloquinone biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Journal. doi:10.1111/tpj.13352

Remacle, C. (14 August 2016). In vivo chlorophyll fluorescence screening allows the isolation of a Chlamydomonas mutant defective for NUOAF3, an assembly factor involved in early stage mitochondrial complex I assembly [Paper presentation]. A satellite meeting to the 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research, Verviers, Belgium.

Larosa, V., Meneghesso, A., Szabo, I., La Rocca, N., Remacle, C., & Morosinotto, T. (10 August 2016). A mitochondrial mutation increases high light resistance in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Paper presentation]. 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research.

Remacle, C. (10 August 2016). Transcriptomics analysis of isolated Chlamydomonas colonies cultivated on agar plates under mixotrophic and heterotrophic conditions [Poster presentation]. The 17th International Congress on Photosynthesis Research, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Subrahmanian, N., Remacle, C., & Hamel, P. (July 2016). Plant mitochondrial complex I composition and assembly: a review. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1857 (7), 1001-1014. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2016.01.009

Willamme, R., Perez, E., & Remacle, C. (27 April 2016). Impact of the glyoxylate cycle on central carbon metabolism in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultivated under day/night conditions [Paper presentation]. European Networks Conference on Algal and Plant Photosynthesis (ENCAPP), Qawra, Malta.

Emonds-Alt, B., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (26 April 2016). Isolation and characterization of mutants deficient in four steps of the phylloquinone biosynthesis pathway in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. European Networks Conference on Algal and Plant Photosynthesis - 2016, Qawra, Malta.

Emonds-Alt, B., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (26 April 2016). Isolation and characterization of mutants deficient in four steps of the phylloquinone biosynthesis pathway in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. European Networks Conference on Algal and Plant Photosynthesis - 2016, Qawra, Malta.

Lauersen, K. J., Willamme, R., Coosemans, N., Joris, M., Kruse, O., & Remacle, C. (16 March 2016). Peroxisomal microbodies are at the crossroads of acetate assimilation in the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Algal Research, 16, 266-274. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2016.03.026

Larosa, V., Meneghesso, A., Remacle, C., Szabo, I., & Morosinotto, T. (15 January 2016). A mitochondrial mutation increases high light resistance in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. School on molecular and biophysical aspect of photosynthesis, Venezia 2016.

Colina-Tenorio, L., Miranda Astudillo, H. V., Cano-Estrada, A., Vázquez-Acevedo, M., Cardol, P., Remacle, C., & González-Halphen, D. (2016). Subunit Asa1 spans all the peripheral stalk of the mitochondrial ATP synthase of the chlorophycean alga Polytomella sp. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1857 (4), 359-369. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2015.11.012

Durante, L., Hanikenne, M., & Remacle, C. (January 2016). Characterization of putative acetate transporters in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. XX school of pure and applied biophysics.

Vázquez-Acevedo, M., Vega de Luna, F., Sánchez-Vásquez, L., Colina-Tenorio, L., Remacle, C., Cardol, P., Miranda Astudillo, H. V., & González-Halphen, D. (2016). Dissecting the peripheral stalk of the mitochondrial ATP synthase of chlorophycean algae. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1857 (8), 1183-90. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2016.02.003

Miazek, K., Iwanek, W., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (09 October 2015). Effect of Metals, Metalloids and Metallic Nanoparticles on Microalgae Growth and Industrial Product Biosynthesis: A Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 16, 23929-23969. doi:10.3390/ijms161023929

Larosa, V., Meneghesso, A., Remacle, C., Szabo, I., & Morosinotto, T. (15 September 2015). A mitochondrial mutation increases high light resistance in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Plant Organellar signaling FEBS workshop, Primosten Croatia.


Miazek, K., Goffin, D., Richel, A., & Remacle, C. (24 June 2015). Wood Acid Hydrolysate as a Feedstock for Chlorella Growth [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Conference: Tailor-Made Fuels from Biomass, Aachen, Germany.

Miazek, K., Goffin, D., Richel, A., & Remacle, C. (June 2015). Effect of light and beech Fagus sylvatica wood acid hydrolysate on Chlorella growth [Poster presentation]. International Plant and Algal Phenomics Meeting IPAP 2015, Prague, Czechia.

Massoz, S., Cardol, P., Remacle, C., Larosa, V., & bailleul, B. (19 May 2015). A novel forward genetic screen to identify respiratory complex I mutants in Chlamydomonas [Poster presentation]. 9th International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology 2015 (ICPMB 2015).

Willamme, R., Alsafra, Z., Arumugam, R., Eppe, G., Remacle, F., Levine, R. D., & Remacle, C. (2015). Metabolomic analysis of the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cultivated under day/night conditions. Journal of Biotechnology. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2015.04.013

Willamme, R., Alsafra, Z., Alsafra, R., Eppe, G., Remacle, F., Levine, R. D., & Remacle, C. (13 March 2015). The living of the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in day/night cycles [Poster presentation]. 3rd UniGR Systems Biology Workshop and 2nd BioComp Symposium, Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Massoz, S., Larosa, V., Horrion, B., Matagne, R.-F., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (2015). Isolation of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutants with altered mitochondrial respiration by chlorophyll fluorescence measurement. Journal of Biotechnology. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2015.05.009

Wobbe, L., & Remacle, C. (2015). Improving the sunlight-to-biomass conversion efficiency in microalgal biofactories. Journal of Biotechnology, 201, 28-42. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2014.08.021

Remacle, C. (10 November 2014). Complex I analysis in the green microalga Chlamydomonas [Paper presentation]. Seminar at the Technische Universität Kaiserslautern.

Perez, E., Lapaille, M., Degand, H., Cilibrasi, L., Villavicencio-Queijeiro, A., Morsomme, P., Gonzalez-Halphen, D., Field, M. C., Remacle, C., Baurain, D., & Cardol, P. (November 2014). The mitochondrial respiratory chain of the secondary green alga Euglena gracilis shares many additional subunits with parasitic Trypanosomatidae. Mitochondrion, 19 Pt B, 338-349. doi:10.1016/j.mito.2014.02.001

Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (14 October 2014). Chlorophyll: natural sources, extraction methods and application for textile industry [Paper presentation]. 1st International Conference - Science for Business: Innovations for textiles, polymers and leather, Lodz, Poland.

Willamme, R., Eppe, G., & Remacle, C. (24 September 2014). Metabolomic analyses of the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii under day/night cycles [Paper presentation]. International CeBiTec Algal Biotechnology Research Conference 2014, Bielefeld, Germany.

Massoz, S., Larosa, V., Bailleul, B., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (21 September 2014). A novel forward genetic screen to identify respiratory complex I mutants in Chlamydomonas [Poster presentation]. International CeBiTec Research Conference.

Perez, E., Lapaille, M., Degand, H., Cilibrasi, L., Gilsoul, M., Morsomme, P., Field, M. C., Remacle, C., Cardol, P., & Baurain, D. (August 2014). Transcriptomics and Proteomics of a Secondary Green Alga [Poster presentation]. Protist 2014, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Miazek, K., Remacle, C., Richel, A., & Goffin, D. (11 July 2014). Effect of lignocellulose related compounds on microalgae growth and product biosynthesis: a review. Energies, 7 (2014), 4446-4481. doi:10.3390/en7074446

Remacle, C. (02 July 2014). Isocitrate lyase in the microalga Chlamydomonas: localization and role under different growth conditions [Paper presentation]. Collège doctoral européen Strasbourg.

Miazek, K., Goffin, D., Richel, A., & Remacle, C. (19 June 2014). Growth of Chlorella in the presence of organic carbon: A photobioreactor study [Paper presentation]. Procesni Technika 2014, Prague, Czechia.

Emonds-Alt, B., Godaux, D., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (15 June 2014). A forward genetic screen to identify hydrogenase-deficient mutants in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. The 20th World Hydrogen Energy Conference, Gwangju Metropolitan city, South Korea.

Franck, F., & Remacle, C. (22 May 2014). Applications des microalgues [Paper presentation]. La biotechnologie blanche: une industrie d'avenir, Gembloux, Belgium.

Massoz, S., Larosa, V., Bailleul, B., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (06 May 2014). Nouvelle méthode de criblage de mutants respiratoires du complexe I chez Chlamydomonas [Paper presentation]. journée phytosystem.

Perez, E., Degand, H., Morsomme, P., Remacle, C., Cardol, P., & Baurain, D. (06 May 2014). Mitochondrial Proteomics of a Secondary Green Alga [Poster presentation]. PhytoSystems Day.

Remacle, C. (06 March 2014). Proteomic and metabolomic analysis of acetate utilization in Chlamydomonas under different light regimes and carbon sources [Paper presentation]. Kick off meeting project européen BAMBI, Paris, France.

Franck, F., Remacle, C., Wilmotte, A., Joris, B., Thonart, P., & Hiligsmann, S. (2014). Summary of ARC Final Report – MicroH2 - A collaborative project on algal and bacterial H2 production. ULg - Université de Liège.

Miranda Astudillo, H. V., Cano-Estrada, A., Vázquez-Acevedo, M., Colina-Tenorio, L., Downie-Velasco, A., Cardol, P., Remacle, C., Domínguez-Ramírez, L., & González-Halphen, D. (2014). Interactions of subunits Asa2, Asa4 and Asa7 in the peripheral stalk of the mitochondrial ATP synthase of the chlorophycean alga Polytomella sp. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1837 (1), 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2013.08.001

Plancke, C., Vigeolas, H., Hohner, R., Roberty, S., Emonds-Alt, B., Larosa, V., Willamme, R., Duby, F., Onga Dhali, D., Thonart, P., Hiligsmann, S., Franck, F., Eppe, G., Cardol, P., Hippler, M., & Remacle, C. (2014). Lack of isocitrate lyase in Chlamydomonas leads to changes in carbon metabolism and in the response to oxidative stress under mixotrophic growth. Plant Journal, 77 (3), 404-417. doi:10.1111/tpj.12392

Remacle, C., Eppe, G., Coosemans, N., Fernandez, E., & Vigeolas, H. (January 2014). Combined intracellular nitrate and NIT2 effects on storage carbohydrate metabolism in Chlamydomonas. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65, 23-33. doi:10.1093/jxb/ert339

Massoz, S., Larosa, V., Plancke, C., Lapaille, M., Bailleul, B., Pirotte, D., Radoux, M., Leprince, P., Coosemans, N., Matagne, R.-F., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (2013). Inactivation of genes coding for mitochondrial Nd7 and Nd9 complex I subunits in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Impact of complex I loss on respiration and energetic metabolism. Mitochondrion. doi:10.1016/j.mito.2013.11.004

Larosa, V., & Remacle, C. (October 2013). Transformation of the mitochondrial genome. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 57, 659-665. doi:10.1387/ijdb.130230cr

Godaux, D., Ghysels, B., Berne, N., Franck, F., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (18 June 2013). Induction of photosynthesis electron transfer upon anoxia in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: role of hydrogenase activity and PSI-cyclic electron flow [Paper presentation]. Colloque de la société française de photosynthèse, Paris, France.

Remacle, C. (22 March 2013). Co-Evolution of Mitochondrial tRNA Import and Codon Usage Determines Translational Efficiency in the Green Alga Chlamydomonas [Paper presentation]. Seminar of Institute.

Godaux, D., Berne, N., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (2013). Induction of photosynthetic electron transfer upon anoxia in Chlamydomonas: role of hydrogenase activity and PSI-cyclic electron flow [Poster presentation]. the 16th international congress on photosynthesis research.

Godaux, D., Emonds-Alt, B., Berne, N., Ghysels, B., Alric, J., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (2013). A novel screening method for hydrogenase-deficient mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii based on in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence and photosystem II quantum yield. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38, 1826-1836. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2012.11.081

Salinas, T., Larosa, V., Cardol, P., Marechal-Drouard, L., & Remacle, C. (2013). Respiratory-deficient mutants of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas: A review. Biochimie. doi:10.1016/j.biochi.2013.10.006

Salinas, T., Remacle, C., & Maréchal-Drouard, L. (2013). Mitochondrial Translation in Green Algae and Higher Plants. In A.-M. Duchêne (Ed.), Translation in mitochondria and other organelles (pp. 181-205). Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-39426-3_8

Godaux, D., Emonds-Alt, B., Alric, J., Ghysels, B., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (15 June 2012). Light induced photosynthetic electron transfer upon anaerobiosis in Chlamydomonas: Kinetics, electron sinks and setup of a fluorescence screen to identify new players [Paper presentation]. 1st international Young Algaeneers Symposium, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Godaux, D., Emonds-Alt, B., alric, J., Ghysels, B., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (06 June 2012). Light-induced photosynthetic electron transfer upon anaerobiosis in Chlamydomonas : kinetics, electron sinks and setup of a fluorescence screen to identify new players [Paper presentation]. 15th Conference on the Cell & Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Potsdam, Germany.

Beckers, L., Calusinska, M., Hamilton, C., Hiligsmann, S., Wilmotte, A., Remacle, C., Franck, F., Joris, B., & Thonart, P. (04 June 2012). The MicroH2 project:an association of four laboratories to improve theknowledge on biohydrogen production precesses [Poster presentation]. 18th World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC), Toronto, Canada.

Perez, E., Degand, H., Morsomme, P., Remacle, C., Cardol, P., & Baurain, D. (June 2012). Mitochondrial Proteomics of a Secondary Green Alga [Poster presentation]. Systems Biology Workshop of the Greater Region University, Lultzhausen, Luxembourg.

Remacle, C. (2012). Characterization of an internal type-II NADH dehydrogenase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondria. In 15th International Conference on the Cell & Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas.

Remacle, C. (2012). Reconstruction of a Human Mitochondrial Complex I Mutation in the Green Microalga Chlamydomonas. In Mitochondria in life, death and disease.

Vigeolas, H., Duby, F., Kaymak, E., Niessen, G., Motte, P., Franck, F., & Remacle, C. (28 March 2012). Isolation and partial characterization of mutants with elevated lipid content in Chlorella sorokiniana and Scenedesmus obliquus. Journal of Biotechnology, 162, 3-12. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2012.03.017

Bassi, R., Cardol, P., Choquet, Y., de Marchin, T., Economou, C., Franck, F., Goldschmidt-Clermont, M., Jacobi, A., Loizeau, K., Mathy, G., Plancke, C., Posten, C., Purton, S., Remacle, C., Vejrazka, C., Wei, L., & Wollman, F.-A. (2012). Finding the bottleneck: a research strategy for improved biomass production. In C. Posten & C. Walter (Eds.), Microalgal Biotechnology: integration and economy (pp. 227-249). Berlin, Germany: de Gruyter.

Larosa, V., Coosemans, N., Motte, P., Bonnefoy, N., & Remacle, C. (January 2012). Reconstruction of a human mitochondrial complex I mutation in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas. Plant Journal, 70, 759-768. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2012.04912.x

Lecler, R., Vigeolas, H., Emonds-Alt, B., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (2012). Characterization of an internal type-II NADH dehydrogenase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondria. Current Genetics, 58, 205-216. doi:10.1007/s00294-012-0378-2

Mignolet, E., Lecler, R., Ghysels, B., Remacle, C., & Franck, F. (2012). Function of the chloroplastic NADP(H) dehydrogenase NDA2 for the H2 photoproduction in sulphur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Biotechnology, 162, 81-88.

Mignolet, E., Lecler, R., Ghysels, B., Remacle, C., & Franck, F. (2012). Function of the chloroplastic NAD(P)H dehydrogenase Nda2 for H(2) photoproduction in sulphur-deprived Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Journal of Biotechnology, 162 (1), 81-8. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2012.07.002

Remacle, C., Hamel, P., Larosa, V., Salinas, T., Bonnefoy, N., & Kempken, F. (2012). Mitochondrial transformation and in vitro DNA delivery. In R. Bock & V. Knoop (Eds.), Genomics of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria (pp. 443-458). Springer.

Remacle, C., Hamel, P., Larosa, V., Subrahmanian, N., & Cardol, P. (2012). Complexes I in the green lineage. In L. Sazanov (Ed.), A structural perspective on complex I (pp. 219-244). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-94-007-4138-6_11

Rodriguez-Salinas, E., Remacle, C., & Gonzalez-Halphen, D. (2012). Green Algae Genomics: A Mitochondrial Perspective. In L. Maréchal-Drouard (Ed.), Mitochondrial Genome Evolution (pp. 187-214). Elsevier Science.

Salinas, T., Duby, F., Larosa, V., Coosemans, N., Bonnefoy, N., Motte, P., Maréchal-Drouard, L., & Remacle, C. (2012). Co-Evolution of Mitochondrial tRNA Import and Codon Usage Determines Translational Efficiency in the Green Alga Chlamydomonas. PLoS Genetics, 8 (9). doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1002946

Godaux, D., Emonds-Alt, B., Cardol, P., Franck, F., & Remacle, C. (18 September 2011). Insertional mutagenesis to select mutants for modified hydrogen photoproduction in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Microorganisms for Bio-fuel Production from Sunlight, Bielefeld, Germany.

Godaux, D., Emonds-Alt, B., Cardol, P., Franck, F., Remacle, C., Vertruyen, B. (Other coll.), & Compère, P. (Other coll.). (17 May 2011). Insertional mutagenesis to select mutants for modified hydrogen photoproduction in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Colloque annuel de la Société Francaise de Potosynthèse, Paris, France.

Remacle, C. (16 May 2011). Import of tRNA in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondria [Paper presentation]. JOURNEES DE LA SOCIETE FRANÇAISE DE PHOTOSYNTHESE, Paris, France.

Barbieri, M. R., Larosa, V., Nouet, C., Subrahmanian, N., Remacle, C., & Hamel, P. (2011). A Forward Genetic Screen Identifies Mutants Deficient for Mitochondrial Complex I Assembly in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. Genetics, 188, 349-358. doi:10.1534/genetics.111.128827

Larosa, V., Coosemans, N., Bonnefoy, N., & Remacle, C. (2011). Chlamydomonas can play a role in the study of a heteroplasmic human mitochondrial mutation [Paper presentation]. International days of the french photosynthesis society, Paris, France.

Lecler, R., Godaux, D., Vigeolas, H., Hiligsmann, S., Thonart, P., Franck, F., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (2011). Functional analysis of hydrogen photoproduction in respiratory-deficient mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36, 9562-9570. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2011.04.229

Remacle, C. (2011). Characterization of a knock-down mutant deficient for isocitrate lyase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. In Microorganisms for bio-fuel production from sunlight, ESF conference.

Larosa, V., Barbieri, R., Coosemans, N., Nouet, C., Bonnefoy, N., Hamel, P., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (10 July 2010). Characterization of complex I mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii : Role of structural subunits and identification of assembly factors [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference, Lucca (Barga), Italy.

González-Halphen, D., Vázquez-Acevedo, M., Cano-Estrada, A., Villavicencio-Queijeiro, A., Cordeiro, Y., Mignaco, J., Foguel, D., Cardol, P., Remacle, C., & Wilkens, S. (July 2010). 3D-reconstruction and overall topology of the dimeric mitochondrial ATP synthase of the colorless alga Polytomella sp. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1797 (Supplement 1), 32. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2010.04.113

Lapaille, M., Escobar-Ramirez, A., Degand, H., Baurain, D., Rodriguez-Salianas, E., Coosemans, N., Boutry, M., Gonzalez-Halphen, D., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (July 2010). Atypical subunit composition of the chlorophycean mitochondrial F1FO ATP synthase and role of Asa7 protein in stability and oligomycin resistance of the enzyme. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 27 (7), 1630-1644. doi:10.1093/molbev/msq049

Remacle, C. (28 June 2010). Mitochondrial Complex I in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: a forward genetic screen allows to isolate a mutant deficient for the PSDW subunit [Paper presentation]. Semina of Institute.

Lecler, R., Godaux, D., Hamilton, C., Hiligsmann, S., Franck, F., & Remacle, C. (27 June 2010). (Functionnal) analysis of hydrogen production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondrial mutants [Poster presentation]. 9th International Hydrogenase conference, Uppsala, Sweden.

Lecler, R., Mignolet, E., Franck, F., & Remacle, C. (May 2010). On the relative contributions of the PSII-dependent and Nda2-dependent pathways to the hydrogen photoproduction in S-depleted cells of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Colloque annuel de la SFP (Société Française de Photosynthèse), Paris, France.

Larosa, V., Barbieri, R., Coosemans, N., Nouet, C., Wydouw, G., Bonnefoy, N., Hamel, P., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (26 January 2010). Characterization of complex I mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii : Role of structural subunits and identification of assembly factors [Paper presentation]. Journée annuelle de l'Ecole doctorale 'Plant Science', Liege, Belgium.

Cano-Estrada, A., Vázquez-Acevedo, M., Villavicencio-Queijeiro, A., Figueroa-Martínez, F., Miranda Astudillo, H. V., Cordeiro, Y., Mignaco, J. A., Foguel, D., Cardol, P., Lapaille, M., Remacle, C., Wilkens, S., & González-Halphen, D. (2010). Subunit-subunit interactions and overall topology of the dimeric mitochondrial ATP synthase of Polytomella sp. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1797 (8), 1439-1448. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2010.02.024

Lapaille, M., Escobar-Ramírez, A., Degand, H., Baurain, D., Thiry, M., Perez, E., Boutry, M., Gonzalez-Halpen, D., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (2010). F1FO ATP synthase mutants in Chlamydomonas: Stability and oligomycin resistance mediated by atypical Asa7 protein; interaction between chloroplastic and mitochondrial bioenergetics. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1797 (Supplement 1), 29. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2010.04.104

Lapaille, M., Escobar-Ramirez, A., Degand, H., Baurain, D., Thiry, M., Perez, E., Boutry, M., Gonzalez-Halphen, D., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (2010). F1FO ATP synthase mutants in Chlamydomonas: Stability and oligomycin resistance mediated by atypical Asa7 protein; interaction between chloroplastic and mitochondrial bioenergetics [Poster presentation]. 16th European Bioenergetics Conference, Warsaw, Poland.

Lapaille, M., Thiry, M., Perez, E., Gonzalez-Halphen, D., Remacle, C., & Cardol, P. (2010). Loss of mitochondrial ATP synthase subunit beta (Atp2) alters mitochondrial and chloroplastic function and morphology in Chlamydomonas. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1797, 1533-1539. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2010.04.013

Mathy, G., Cardol, P., Dinant, M., Blomme, A., Gérin, S., Ghysels, B., Cloes, M., De Pauw, E., Leprince, P., Remacle, C., Sluse-Goffart, C., Franck, F., Matagne, R.-F., & Sluse, F. (2010). Proteomic and functional characterization of a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant lacking the mitochondrial alternative oxidase 1. Journal of Proteome Research, 9, 2825-2838. doi:10.1021/pr900866e

Remacle, C., Coosemans, N., Jans, F., Hanikenne, M., Motte, P., & Cardol, P. (2010). Knock-down of the COX3 and COX17 gene expression of cytochrome c oxidase in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Molecular Biology, 74 (3), 223-2363. doi:10.1007/s11103-010-9668-6

Remacle, C. (June 2009). Complex I analysis in Chlamydomonas: role of mitochondria and nucleus-encoded subunits [Paper presentation]. Gordon Research Conference on Bioenergetics, Proctor Academy, United States - New Hampshire.

Cardol, P., Figueroa, F., Remacle, C., Franzen, L.-G., & Gonzalez-Halphen, D. (2009). Oxidative phosphorylation: Building blocks and related components. In D. Stern, E. Harris, ... G. Witman, The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook 3-vol set, 1-3 (pp. 470-492). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-370873-1.00021-6

Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (2009). The mitochondrial genome. In D. Stern, E. Harris, ... G. Witman, The Chlamydomonas Sourcebook 3-vol set, 1-3 (pp. 446-461). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-370873-1.00020-4

Larosa, V., Barbieri, R., Bonnefoy, N., Hamel, P., Cardol, P., & Remacle, C. (2009). Characterization of complex I mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii : Role of structural subunits and identification of assembly factors [Paper presentation]. FNRS contact group : plants and their soil environment, Gembloux, Belgium.

Remacle, C., Cline, S., Boutaffala, L., Gabilly, S., Larosa, V., Barbieri, M. R., Coosemans, N., & Hamel, P. P. (2009). The ARG9 Gene Encodes the Plastid-Resident N-Acetyl Ornithine Aminotransferase in the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Eukaryotic Cell, 8 (9), 1460-1463. doi:10.1128/EC.00108-09

Villavicencio-Queijeiro, A., Vazquez-Acevedo, M., Cano-Estrada, A., Zarco-Zavala, M., de Gomez, M. T., Mignaco, J. A., Freire, M. M., Scofano, H. M., Foguel, D., Cardol, P., Remacle, C., & Gonzalez-Halphen, D. (2009). The fully-active and structurally-stable form of the mitochondrial ATP synthase of Polytomella sp is dimeric. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 41 (1), 1-13. doi:10.1007/s10863-009-9203-0

Vinogradova, E., Salinas, T., Cognat, V., Remacle, C., & Marechal-Drouard, L. (2009). Steady-state levels of imported tRNAs in Chlamydomonas mitochondria are correlated with both cytosolic and mitochondrial codon usages. Nucleic Acids Research, 37 (5), 1521-1528. doi:10.1093/nar/gkn1073

Franck, F., Dinant, M., Cardol, P., Remacle, C., & Matagne, R.-F. (June 2008). Importance of the alternative pathway of respiration for avoidance of ROS production and for optimisation of photosynthesis in Chlamydomonas [Paper presentation]. 13th International Chlamydomonas Conference, Hyères-les-Palmiers, France.

Remacle, C. (May 2008). Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: a promising system to reconstruct human pathogenic mutations in mitochondrial complex I genes [Paper presentation]. 13th EMBO workshop on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Hyères-les-Palmiers, France.

Cardol, P., Boutaffala, L., Memmi, S., Devreese, B., Matagne, R.-F., & Remacle, C. (16 January 2008). In Chlamydomonas, the Loss of Nd5 Subunit Prevents the Assembly of Whole Mitochondrial Complex I and Leads to the Formation of a Low Abundant 700 Kda Subcomplex. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1777, 388-396. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2008.01.001

Cognat, V., Deragon, J.-M., Vinogradova, E., Salinas, T., Remacle, C., & Marechal-Drouard, L. (2008). On the evolution and expression of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii nucleus-encoded transfer RNA genes. Genetics, 179 (1), 113-123. doi:10.1534/genetics.107.085688

Jans, F., Mignolet, E., Houyoux, P.-A., Cardol, P., Ghysels, B., Cuiné, S., Cournac, L., Peltier, G., Remacle, C., & Franck, F. (2008). A type II NAD(P)H dehydrogenase mediates light-independent plastoquinone reduction in the chloroplast of Chlamydomonas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105 (51), 20546-51. doi:10.1073/pnas.0806896105

Larosa, V., Remacle, C., Cline, S., Boutaffala, L., Gabilly, S., & Hamel, P. (2008). Relocating the Nuclear Gene for Acetylornithine Aminotransferase (ARG9) to the Chloroplast in the Green Alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. 10th Annual symposium of the plant molecular biology and biotechnology research, Columbus - Ohio, United States.

Remacle, C., Barbieri, R., Cardol, P., & Hamel, P. (2008). Eukaryotic complex I: functional diversity and experimental systems to unravel the assembly process. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 280, 93-110. doi:10.1007/s00438-008-0350-5

Remacle, C. (October 2007). Manipulating the mitochondrial genome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii : site-directed mutagenesis of the ND5 subunit of respiratory complex I.

Remacle, C. (September 2007). Biolistic transformation of the mitochondrial genome of Chlamydomonas : Introduction of a human pathogenic mutation in the ND5 subunit of the respiratory chain.

Remacle, C. (May 2007). Manipulating the mitochondrial genome in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Remacle, C. (March 2007). Chlamydomonas : a promising system to reconstruct human pathogenic mutations in mitochondrial complex I genes.

Bonnefoy, N., Remacle, C., & Fox, T. D. (2007). Genetic transformation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mitochondria. Methods in Cell Biology, 80, 525-548. doi:10.1016/S0091-679X(06)80026-9

Cardol, P., Lapaille, M., Minet, P., Franck, F., Matagne, R.-F., & Remacle, C. (September 2006). ND3 and ND4L subunits of mitochondrial complex I, both nucleus encoded in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, are required for activity and assembly of the enzyme. Eukaryotic Cell, 5 (9), 1460-1467. doi:10.1128/EC.00118-06

Remacle, C. (April 2006). High efficiency biolistic transformation can be used to insert complex I mutations in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Remacle, C., Cardol, P., Coosemans, N., Gaisne, M., & Bonnefoy, N. (21 March 2006). High-efficiency biolistic transformation of Chlamydomonas mitochondria can be used to insert mutations in complex I genes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 103 (12), 4771-4776. doi:10.1073/pnas.0509501103

Vazquez-Acevedo, M., Cardol, P., Cano-Estrada, A., Lapaille, M., Remacle, C., & Gonzalez-Halphen, D. (2006). The mitochondrial ATP synthase of chlorophycean algae contains eight subunits of unknown origin involved in the formation of an atypical stator-stalk and in the dimerization of the complex. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 38 (5-6), 271-282. doi:10.1007/s10863-006-9046-x

Remacle, C. (May 2005). Proteomic and genetic analysis of Chlamydomonas complex I [Paper presentation]. International Congres on Plant Mitochondrial Biology, Obernai, France.

Cardol, P., Gonzalez-Halphen, D., Reyes-Prieto, A., Baurain, D., Matagne, R.-F., & Remacle, C. (February 2005). The mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation proteome of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii deduced from the genome sequencing project [letter to the editor]. Plant Physiology, 137 (2), 447-459. doi:10.1104/pp.104.054148

Tillemans, V., Dispa, L., Remacle, C., Collinge, M., & Motte, P. (February 2005). Functional distribution and dynamics of Arabidopsis SR splicing factors in living plant cells. Plant Journal, 41 (4), 567-582. doi:10.1111/j.1365-313X.2004.02321.x

Remacle, C. (2005). Mitochondrial genetics and alternative oxidases in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Bourges, I., Ramus, C., de Camaret, B. M., Beugnot, R., Remacle, C., Cardol, P., Hofhaus, G., & Issartel, J. P. (01 November 2004). Structural organization of mitochondrial human complex I: role of the ND4 and ND5 mitochondria-encoded subunits and interaction with prohibitin. Biochemical Journal, 383 (Part 3), 491-499. doi:10.1042/BJ20040256

Cardol, P., Vanrobaeys, F., Devreese, B., Van Beeumen, J., Matagne, R.-F., & Remacle, C. (04 October 2004). Higher plant-like subunit composition of mitochondrial complex I from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: 31 conserved components among eukaryotes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1658 (3), 212-224. doi:10.1016/j.bbabio.2004.06.001

Remacle, C. (July 2004). Role of the ND4L and the ND9 subunits in the activity and assembly of complex I in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Remacle, C. (July 2004). Inactivation of the nuclear Nd4L and Nd9 genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii:impact on the activity and assembly of the respiratory-chain complex I.

Remacle, C., Gloire, G., Cardol, P., & Matagne, R.-F. (May 2004). Impact of a mutation in the mitochondrial LSU rRNA gene from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii on the activity and the assembly of respiratory-chain complexes. Current Genetics, 45 (5), 323-330. doi:10.1007/s00294-004-0490-z

Cardol, P., Vanrobaeys, F., Devreese, B., VanBeeumen, J., Matagne, R. V., & Remacle, C. (2004). Proteomic and genomic analysis of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii complex 1: conserved components in eukaryotes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Bioenergetics, 1657 (Suppl. 1), 41-42.

Cardol, P., Gloire, G., Havaux, M., Remacle, C., Matagne, R.-F., & Franck, F. (December 2003). Photosynthesis and state transitions in mitochondrial mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii affected in respiration. Plant Physiology, 133 (4), 2010-2020. doi:10.1104/pp.103.028076

Hanikenne, M., Cardol, P., Matagne, R.-F., & Remacle, C. (14 November 2003). Expression and inactivation of Cox11 and Cox17, two genes encoding proteins involved in copper transport to cytochrome c oxidase in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. 184th meeting, Namur, Belgium.

Cardol, P., Pirotte, D., Hanikenne, M., Loppes, R., Matagne, R.-F., & Remacle, C. (09 May 2003). Looking for an inducible RNA silencing strategy in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Poster presentation]. Bioforum 2003, Liège, Belgium.

Remacle, C. (2003). Mutations du génome mitochondrial de Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: impact sur l'activité et l'assemblage des complexes de la chaîne respiratoire.

Remacle, C. (September 2002). Complex I assembly in mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii defective in mitochondria-encoded ND1, ND4, ND5 and ND6 subunits.

Remacle, C. (August 2002). Mitochondrial mutations that affect complex I activity and assembly in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Cardol, P., Matagne, R.-F., & Remacle, C. (21 June 2002). Impact of mutations affecting ND mitochondria-encoded Subunits on the activity and assembly of complex I in chlamydomonas. Implication for the structural organization of the enzyme. Journal of Molecular Biology, 319 (5), 1211-1221. doi:10.1016/S0022-2836(02)00407-2

Matagne, R.-F., & Remacle, C. (2002). The genetics and molecular biology of mitochondria in Chlamydomonas. In S. Pandalai, Recent Research Development in Plant Biology (pp. 15-32). Kerala, India: Research Signpost.

Duby, F., Cardol, P., Matagne, R.-F., & Remacle, C. (September 2001). Structure of the Telomeric Ends of Mt DNA, Transcriptional Analysis and Complex I Assembly in the Dum24 Mitochondrial Mutant of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 266 (1), 109-14. doi:10.1007/s004380100529

Remacle, C., Duby, F., Cardol, P., & Matagne, R.-F. (August 2001). Mutations Inactivating Mitochondrial Genes in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. Biochemical Society Transactions, 29 (Pt 4), 442-6. doi:10.1042/BST0290442

Remacle, C., Baurain, D., Cardol, P., & Matagne, R.-F. (July 2001). Mutants of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii deficient in mitochondrial complex I: Characterization of two mutations affecting the nd1 coding sequence. Genetics, 158 (3), 1051-60.

Remacle, C. (2001). Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: organisme photosynthétique modèle pour l'étude de la génétique mitochondriale.

Remacle, C. (2001). Abnormal gene expression and assembly of the multimeric complex I in the dum24 deletion mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Remacle, C., Baurain, D., Colin, M., & Matagne, R.-F. (2000). Isolation and characterization of respiratory NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) mutants in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Archives of Physiology and Biochemistry, 108 (Supplement 1), 10.

Remacle, C., Colin, M., & Matagne, R.-F. (August 1998). Suppression of a +1 T Mutation by a Nearby Substitution in the Mitochondrial Cox1 Gene of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii: A New Type of Frameshift Suppression in an Organelle Genome. Molecular and General Genetics, 259 (3), 294-8. doi:10.1007/s004380050815

Remacle, C. (June 1998). A new type of frameshift mutation in a mitochondrial genome.

Remacle, C., & Matagne, R.-F. (1998). Mitochondrial genetics. In J.-D. Rochaix, M. Goldschmidt-Clermont, ... S. Merchant, The Molecular Biology of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria in Chlamydomonas (pp. 661-674). Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Remacle, C. (August 1996). Biochemical, genetic and molecular characterization of respiratory-deficient mutants in the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Remacle, C. (May 1996). Point mutations of mitochondrial genes of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.

Lelandais, C., Gutierres, S., Mathieu, C., Vedel, F., Remacle, C., MarechalDrouard, L., Brennicke, A., Binder, S., & Chetrit, P. (1996). A promoter element active in run-off transcription controls the expression of two cistrons of nad and rps genes in Nicotiana sylvestris mitochondria. Nucleic Acids Research, 24 (23), 4798-4804. doi:10.1093/nar/24.23.4798

MarechalDrouard, L., Cosset, A., Remacle, C., Ramamonjisoa, D., & Dietrich, A. (1996). A single editing event is a prerequisite for efficient processing of potato mitochondrial phenylalanine tRNA. Molecular and Cellular Biology, 16 (7), 3504-3510. doi:10.1128/MCB.16.7.3504

MarechalDrouard, L., Kumar, R., Remacle, C., & Small, I. (1996). RNA editing of larch mitochondrial tRNA(His) precursors is a prerequisite for processing. Nucleic Acids Research, 24 (16), 3229-3234. doi:10.1093/nar/24.16.3229

Remacle, C. (1996). Transcription de gènes d'ARN de transfert dans les mitochondries de plantes supérieures.

Remacle, C., & MarechalDrouard, L. (1996). Characterization of the potato mitochondrial transcription unit containing 'native' trnS (GCU), trnF (GAA) and trnP (UGG). Plant Molecular Biology, 30 (3), 553-563. doi:10.1007/BF00049331

Colin, M., Dorthu, M. P., Duby, F., Remacle, C., Dinant, M., Wolwertz, M. R., Duyckaerts, C., Sluse, F., & Matagne, R.-F. (15 November 1995). Mutations Affecting the Mitochondrial Genes Encoding the Cytochrome Oxidase Subunit I and Apocytochrome B of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. Molecular and General Genetics, 249 (2), 179-84. doi:10.1007/BF00290364

Remacle, C., Colin, M., & Matagne, R.-F. (15 November 1995). Genetic Mapping of Mitochondrial Markers by Recombinational Analysis in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii. Molecular and General Genetics, 249 (2), 185-90. doi:10.1007/BF00290365

Remacle, C. (1994). La transcription de gènes mitochondriaux d'ARN de transfert chez les plantes supérieures.

Remacle, C. (1993). Transmission et recombinaison du génome mitochondrial chez l'algue verte unicellulaire Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Remacle, C. (1993). Transmission, recombination and conversion of mitochondrial markers in Chlamydomonas.

Remacle, C. (1993). Transmission, recombinaison et conversion de marqueurs mitochondriaux chez Chlamydomonas.

Remacle, C. (1993). Transmission, recombinaison et conversion de marqueurs mitochondriaux chez Chlamydomonas.

Remacle, C., & Matagne, R.-F. (1993). Transmission, Recombination and Conversion of Mitochondrial Markers in Relation to the Mobility of a Group I Intron in Chlamydomonas. Current Genetics, 23 (5-6, May-Jun), 518-25. doi:10.1007/BF00312645

Matagne, R.-F., Remacle, C., & DINANT, M. (1991). CYTODUCTION IN CHLAMYDOMONAS-REINHARDTII. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 88 (16), 7447-7450. doi:10.1073/pnas.88.16.7447

Remacle, C., Bovie, C., Michel-Wolwertz, M. R., Loppes, R., & Matagne, R.-F. (September 1990). Mitochondrial Genome Transmission in Chlamydomonas Diploids Obtained by Sexual Crosses and Artificial Fusions: Role of the Mating Type and of a 1 Kb Intron. Molecular and General Genetics, 223 (2), 180-4. doi:10.1007/BF00265051