Publications and communications of Jacques Mainil

Boko, K. C., Challaton, K. P., Salifou, C. F. A., Aguidissou, N. O., Duprez, J.-N., Thiry, D., Mainil, J., & Farougou, S. (28 March 2024). Caractérisation des gènes de virulence des souches d’Escherichia coli isolées de veaux souffrant de diarrhée dans la commune de Nikki au Bénin. Revue d'Élevage et de Médecine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux, 77, 1-6. doi:10.19182/remvt.37197

Ikeda, R., Laforêt, F., Antoine, C., Adachi, M., Nakamura, K., Habets, A., Kler, C., De Rauw, K., Hayashi, T., Mainil, J.* , & Thiry, D.*. (29 June 2023). Virulence of Shigatoxigenic and Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O80:H2 in Galleria mellonella Larvae: Comparison of the Roles of the pS88 Plasmids and STX2d Phage. Veterinary Sciences, 10 (7), 420. doi:10.3390/vetsci10070420
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Navez, M., Antoine, C., Laforêt, F., Goya-Jorge, E., Douny, C., Scippo, M.-L., Vermeersch, M., Duprez, J.-N., Daube, G., Mainil, J., Taminiau, B., Delcenserie, V., & Thiry, D. (25 April 2023). In Vitro Effect on Piglet Gut Microbiota and In Vivo Assessment of Newly Isolated Bacteriophages against F18 Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC). Viruses, 15 (5), 1053. doi:10.3390/v15051053

Nakamura, K., Seto, K., Lee, K., Ooka, T., Gotoh, Y., Taniguchi, I., Ogura, Y., Mainil, J., Piérard, D., Harada, T., Etoh, Y., Ueda, S., Hamasaki, M., Isobe, J., Kimata, K., Narimatsu, H., Yatsuyanagi, J., Ohnishi, M., Iyoda, S., & Hayashi, T. (March 2023). Global population structure, genomic diversity and carbohydrate fermentation characteristics of clonal complex 119 (CC119), an understudied Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) lineage including O165:H25 and O172:H25. Microbial Genomics, 9 (3). doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000959

Ikeda, R.* , Nakamura, K.* , Saulmont, M., Habe, A., Duprez, J.-N., Korsak, N., Hayashi, T., Thiry, D.* , & Mainil, J.*. (17 January 2023). Escherichia coli O80 in Healthy Cattle: Absence of Shigatoxigenic and Enteropathogenic E. coli O80:H2 and (Phylo) Genomics of Non-Clonal Complex 165 E. coli O80. Microorganisms, 11 (2), 230. doi:10.3390/microorganisms11020230
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Morales Yánez, F. J., Maalouf, R., Vandevenne, M., Kerff, F., Guérin, V., Mainil, J., Thiry, D., Saulmont, M., Vanderplasschen, A., Lafaye, P., Aymé, G., Bogaerts, P., Dumoulin, M., & Galleni, M. (2023). Development of Nanobodies as Theranostic Agents against CMY-2-Like Class C b-Lactamases. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. doi:10.1128/aac.01499-22

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Touzain, F., Fergestad, M., De Visscher, A., L'Abee-Lund, T., De Vliegher, S., Wasteson, Y., Blanchard, Y., Argudín, M. A., Mainil, J.* , & Thiry, D.*. (January 2023). Identification of staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec in Staphylococcus aureus and non-aureus staphylococci from dairy cattle in Belgium: Comparison of multiplex PCR and whole genome sequencing. Research in Veterinary Science, 155, 150-155. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2023.01.011
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Habets, A., Antoine, C., Wagemans, J., Vermeersch, M., Laforêt, F., Diderich, J., Lavigne, R., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (14 December 2022). Impact of Shiga-toxin encoding gene transduction from O80:H2 Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) on non-STEC strains. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 21587. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-26198-8

Antoine, C., Laforêt, F., Blasdel Bob, Fall Abdoulaye, Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., Delcenserie, V., & Thiry, D. (23 September 2022). In-Vitro Characterization and in vivo Assessment of Newly Isolated Phages against Escherichia coli K1 [Paper presentation]. Inaugural BSVoM Symposium, Leuven, Belgium.

Habets, A., Touzain, F., Lucas, P., Huong, N. T. T., Iguchi, A., Crombé, F., Korsak, N., Piérard, D., Saulmont, M., Cox, E., Engelen, F., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (10 September 2022). Identification of Five Serotypes of Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli from Diarrheic Calves and Healthy Cattle in Belgium and Comparative Genomics with Shigatoxigenic E. coli. Veterinary Sciences, 9 (9), 492. doi:10.3390/vetsci9090492

Guérin, V., Farchi, A., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Lucas, P., Blanchard, Y., Saulmont, M., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (07 September 2022). A three-year evolution and comparison of the bla CTX-M genes in pathogenic and non-pathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from young diarrheic and septicaemic calves in Belgium. Research in Veterinary Science, 152, 647-650. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2022.09.037

Antoine, C., Laforêt, F., Blasdel Bob, Fall Abdoulaye, Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., Delcenserie, V., & Thiry, D. (2022). In Vitro Characterization and Assessment in Galleria mellonella of Newly Isolated Phages against Escherichia coli K1 [Poster presentation]. Viruses of Microbes 22 (VoM), Portugal.

Antoine, C., Laforêt, F., Blasdel Bob, Fall Abdoulaye, Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., Delcenserie, V., & Thiry, D. (2022). Caractérisation In Vitro et Evaluation de l'Efficacité In Vivo dans le Modèle Galleria mellonella de Bactériophages Nouvellement Isolés contre Escherichia coli K1 [Paper presentation]. CIFMIA, Canada.

Guérin, V., Farchi, A., Thiry, D., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Galleni, M., Mainil, J., & Saulmont, M. (2022). Seven-Year Evolution of β-Lactam Resistance Phenotypes in Escherichia coli Isolated from Young Diarrheic and Septicaemic Calves in Belgium. Veterinary Sciences. doi:10.3390/vetsci9020045

Habets, A., Antoine, C., Wagemans, J., Vermeersch, M., Laforêt, F., Lavigne, R., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (2022). Phage-mediated Shiga-toxin (Stx2d) gene transduction from O80:H2 Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) to non-STEC strains and in vivo virulence assessment [Poster presentation]. Viruses of Microbes 2022, Portugal.

Habets, A., Antoine, C., Wagemans Jeroen, Lavigne Rob, Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (2022). Transduction du gène de la toxine de Shiga médiée par les phages (Stx2d) isolés d’Escherichia coli O80:H2 producteurs de Shigatoxines (STEC) vers des souches non-STEC et évaluation in vivo de la virulence [Paper presentation]. CIFMIA.

Ikeda, R., Nakamura Keiji, Korsak Koulagenko, N., Duprez, J.-N., Saulmont Marc, Hayashi Tetsuya, Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (2022). Essais d’isolement et d’identification de souches d’Escherichia coli O80:H2 productrices de toxines de Shiga et entéropathogènes chez des bovins adultes sains à l’abattoir et en ferme [Paper presentation]. CIFMIA.

Leurs, K., Goossens, E., Christensen, H., Mainil, J., Vancraeynest, D., Ducatelle, R., & Van Immerseel, F. (2022). Development of a duplex qPCR for the differentiation of a live attenuated Escherichia coli aroA mutant vaccine strain from field isolates in chickens. PLoS ONE, 17 (12), 0278949. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0278949

Crettels, L., Champon, L., Burlion, N., Breyer, R., Mainil, J., Servais, P., Korfer, J., & Thiry, D. (19 November 2021). Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from freshwaters and hospital effluents in Belgium [Paper presentation]. FARAH-day.

Antoine, C., Laforêt, F., Blasdel, B., Fall, A., Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., Delcenserie, V., & Thiry, D. (2021). In Vitro Characterization and In Vivo Efficacy Assessment in Galleria mellonella Larvae of Newly Isolated Bacteriophages against Escherichia coli K1. Viruses. doi:10.3390/v13102005

Frippiat, T., Paindaveine, C., Duprez, J.-N., Delguste, C., Mainil, J., & Art, T. (August 2021). Evaluation of the Bactericidal Effect of Nebulized Silver Nanoparticles on Common Respiratory Bacteria in Horses–In Vitro Studies. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science, 103, 103635. doi:10.1016/j.jevs.2021.103635

Antoine, C., Laforêt, F., Blasdel, B., Glonti, T., Kutter, E., Pirnay, J. P., Mainil, J., Delcenserie, V., & Thiry, D. (2021). Efficacy assessment of PEV2 phage on Galleria mellonella larvae infected with a Pseudomonas aeruginosa dog otitis isolate. Research in Veterinary Science, 136, 598-601. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2021.04.010

Antoine, C., Laforêt, F., Blasel Bob, Fall Abdoulaye, Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., Delcenserie, V., & Thiry, D. (2021). In Vitro Characterization and In Vivo Efficacy Assessment in Galleria mellonella Larvae of Newly Isolated Bacteriophages against Escherichia coli K1 [Paper presentation]. 8th FARAH-Day.

Crettels, L., Burlion, N., Breyer, R., Mainil, J., Servais, P., Korfer, J., & Thiry, D. (2021). Antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolated from freshwaters and hospital effluents in Belgium. Letters in Applied Microbiology. doi:10.1111/lam.13625

Ekeland Fergestad, M., Touzain, F., De Vliegher, S., De Visscher, A., Thiry, D., Ngassam Tchamba, C., Mainil, J., L’Abee-Lund, T., Blanchard, Y., & Wasteson, Y. (2021). Whole Genome Sequencing of Staphylococci Isolated From Bovine Milk Samples. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.715851

Fergestad, M. E., De Visscher, S., L’Abee-Lund, T., Ngassam Tchamba, C., Mainil, J., Thiry, D., De Vliegher, S., & Wasteson, Y. (2021). Antimicrobial resistance and virulence characteristics in 3 collections of staphylococci from bovine milk samples. International Journal of Dairy Science, 104 (8). doi:10.3168/jds.2020-19988

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Lucas, P., Blanchard, Y., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Galleni, M., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (2021). Identification of b-Lactamase-Encoding (bla) Genes in Phenotypically b-Lactam-Resistant Escherichia coli Isolated from Young Calves in Belgium. Microbial Drug Resistance: Mechanism, Epidemiology, and Disease. doi:10.1089/mdr.2020.0472

Habets, A., Crombé, F., Nakamura, K., Guérin, V., De Rauw, K., Piérard, D., Saulmont, M., Hayashi, T., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (January 2021). Genetic characterization of Shigatoxigenic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O80:H2 from diarrheic and septicemic calves and relatedness to human Shigatoxigenic E. coli O80:H2. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 130 (1), 258-264. doi:10.1111/JAM.14759

IKEDA, R., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Duprez, J.-N., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (2021). Escherichia coli O80 isolated from healthy cattle at slaughterhouse [Poster presentation]. Belgian Society for Food Microbiology.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Duprez, J.-N., Lucas, P., Blanchard, Y., Boyen, F., Haesebrouck, F., Argudín, M., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (2021). Comparison of the Staphylococcal Chromosome Cassette (SCC) mec in Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Non-aureus Staphylococci (MRNAS) from Animals and Humans. Antibiotics, 10, 256. doi:10.3390/antibiotics10030256

Nishida, R., Nakamura, K., Taniguchi, I., Murase, K., Ooka, T., Ogura, Y., Gotoh, Y., Itoh, T., Toyoda, A., Mainil, J., Piérard, D., Seto, K., Harada, T., Isobe, J., Kimata, K., Etoh, Y., Hamasaki, M., Narimatsu, H., Yatsuyanagi, J., ... Tetsuya, H. (2021). The global population structure and evolutionary history of the acquisition of major virulence factor-encoding genetic elements in Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O121:H19. Microbial Genomics. doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000716

Thiry, D., Billen, F., Boyen, F., Duprez, J.-N., Quenault, H., Touzain, F., Blanchard, Y., Clercx, C., & Mainil, J. (2021). Genomic relatedness of a canine Lactococcus garvieae to human, animal and environmental isolates. Research in Veterinary Science, 137, 170-173. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2021.04.032

Thiry, D., Billen, F., Boyen Filip, Duprez, J.-N., Quenault Hélène, Touzain Fabrice, Blanchard Yannick, Clercx, C., & Mainil, J. (2021). Genomic relatedness of a canine Lactococcus garvieae to human, animal and environmental isolates [Paper presentation]. 3rd ECVM, Italy.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Duprez, J.-N., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (December 2020). Triplex PCR to detect CTX M 1, CTX M 2 and CTX M 9 groups of extended spectrum β lactamase encoding genes in bovine Escherichia coli isolates [Poster presentation]. 40ème Réunion interdisciplinaire de chimiothérapie anti-infectieuse, Paris, France.

Frippiat, T., Paindaveine, C., Duprez, J.-N., Delguste, C., Mainil, J., & Art, T. (20 November 2020). In vitro assessment of the bactericidal effect of nebulized silver nanoparticles on Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus and Actinobacillus equuli subsp. equuli [Paper presentation]. 7th FARAH Day, Liege, Belgium.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Duprez, J.-N., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (20 November 2020). Triplex PCR to detect CTX-M-1, CTX-M-2 and CTX-M-9 groups of extended-spectrum-β-lactamase encoding genes in bovine Escherichia coli isolates [Poster presentation]. 7th FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium.

Laforêt, F., Antoine, C., Glonti, T., Kutter, E., Pirnay, J.-P., Mainil, J., Delcenserie, V., & Thiry, D. (20 November 2020). Efficacy assessment of PEV2 phage on Galleria mellonella larvae survival after inoculation with a Pseudomonas aeruginosa dog otitis isolate [Poster presentation]. FARAH Day édition 2020.

Thiry, D., Ngassam Tchamba, C., Cassart, D., De Vliegher, S., De Visscher, A., L’Abee-Lund, T., Wasteson, Y., Fergestad, M., Blanchard, Y., Touzain, F., Chanishvili, N., Lavigne, R., & Mainil, J. (October 2020). In vitro and in vivo assessment of phage therapy against Staphylococcus aureus causing bovine mastitis [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Conference of the European College of Veterinary Microbiology.

Antoine, C., Laforêt, F., Glonti, T., Kutter, E., Pirnay, J.-P., Mainil, J., Thiry, D., & Delcenserie, V. (2020). Assessment of the efficiency of the phage PEV2 against Pseudomonas aeruginosa by titration in the Galleria mellonella model [Poster presentation]. FARAH Day.

Bertschinger, H., Duchesnes, C., Mainil, J., Pospischil, & Nagy, B. (2020). Harley William Moon (1936-2018). FEMS Microbiology Letters, 367 (fnz012). doi:10.1093/femsle/fnz012

Engelen, F., Thiry, D., Devleesschauwer, B., Heyndrickx, M., Mainil, J., De Zutter, L., & Cox, E. (2020). Pathogenic potential of Escherichia coli O157 and O26 isolated from young Belgian dairy calves by recto-anal mucosal swab culturing. Journal of Applied Microbiology. doi:10.1111/jam.14909

Engelen, F., Thiry, D., Devleesschauwer, B., Mainil, J., De Zutter, L., & Cox, E. (2020). Occurrence of ‘gang of five’ Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli serogroups on Belgian dairy cattle farms by overshoe sampling. Letters in Applied Microbiology, (702), 415-419. doi:10.1111/lam.13434

Habets, A., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., Saulmont, M., Lucas, P., Blanchard, Y., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (2020). Identification of Shigatoxigenic (STEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli O80 in young calves with diarrhea [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAHday.

Habets, A., Engelen, F., Duprez, J.-N., Devleesschauwer, B., Heyndrickx, M., De Zutter, L., Thiry, D., Cox, E., & Mainil, J. (2020). Identification of Shigatoxigenic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli serotypes in healthy young dairy calves in Belgium by recto-anal mucosal swabbing. Veterinary Sciences, 7(4).E167. doi:10.3390/vetsci7040167

Nakamura, K., Murase, K., Sato, M. P., Toyoda, A., Itoh, T., Mainil, J., Piérard, D., Yoshino, S., Kimata, K., Isobe, J., Seto, K., Etoh, Y., Narimatsu, H., Saito, S., Yatsuyanagi, J., Lee, K., Iyoda, S., Ohnishi, M., Ooka, T., ... Hayashi, T. (2020). Differential dynamics and impacts of prophages and plasmids on the pangenome and virulence factor repertoires of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O145:H28. Microbial Genomics, 6 (1). doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000323

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Duprez, J.-N., Fergestad, M., De Visscher, A., L'Abee-Lund, T., De Vliegher, S., Wasteson, Y., Blanchard, Y., Lavigne, R., Chanishvili, N., Cassart, D., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (2020). In vitro and in vivo assessment of lytic bacteriophages against Staphylococcus aureus causing bovine mastitis [Poster presentation]. Phage Futures Congress, United States.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Duprez, J.-N., Fergestad, M., De Visscher, A., L'Abee-Lund, T., De Vliegher, S., Wasteson, Y., Touzain, F., Blanchard, Y., Lavigne, R., Chanishvili, N., Cassart, D., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (2020). In vitro and in vivo assessment of phage therapy against Staphylococcus aureus causing bovine mastitis. Journal of Global Antimicrobial Resistance, 22, 762-770. doi:10.1016/j.jgar.2020.06.020

Thiry, D., L’Abee-Lund, T., Wasteson, Y., De Vliegher, S., Blanchard, Y., Chanishvili, N., Debarbieux, L., Brisse, S., Lavigne, R., & Mainil, J. (2020). Usefulness of Galleria mellonella larvae model for a safety and efficacy preliminary assessment of lytic phages [Paper presentation]. Oxford Bacteriophage Conference - Phages 2020, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (December 2019). Escherichia coli bovines β-lactames résistantes : gènes identifiés par microarrays [Poster presentation]. 39ème Réunion Interdisciplinaire de Chimiothérapie Anti-infectieuse (RICAI), Paris, France.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Duprez, J.-N., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (08 November 2019). Triplex PCR to detect CTX-M-1, CTX-M-2 and CTX-M-9 extended-spectrum-β- lactamase-encoding genes in bovine Escherichia coli isolates [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAH DAY, Liège, Belgium.

Arimizu, Kirino, Y., Sato, M., Uno, K., Sato, T., Gotoh, Y., Auvray, F., Brugere, H., Oswald, E., Mainil, J., Anklam, K., Döpfer, D., Yoshino, S., Ooka, T., Tanizawa, Y., Nakamura, Y., Iguchi, A., Morita-Ishihara, T., Ohnishi, M., ... Ogura, Y. (22 August 2019). Large-scale genome analysis of bovine commenal Escherichia coli reveals that bovine-adapted E. coli lineages are serving as evolutionary sources of the emergence of human intestinal pathogenic strains. Genome Research, 29, 1495-1505. doi:10.1101/gr.249268.119

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Mainil, J., & Saulmont, M. (July 2019). A two-year comparison of β-lactam resistance phenotypes at the disk diffusion assay of Escherichia coli from young calves in Wallonia, Belgium [Poster presentation]. 8th Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and the Environment (ARAE), Tours, France.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (July 2019). bla gene identification by microarrays in phenotypically resistant Escherichia coli from young calves in Wallonia, Belgium [Poster presentation]. 8th Symposium on Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and the Environment (ARAE), Tours, France.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Mainil, J., & Saulmont, M. (19 June 2019). Comparaison des phénotypes de résistance aux β-lactamines observés sur deux ans à l’antibiogramme d’Escherichia coli isolées de veaux en Wallonie [Poster presentation]. Un an de plus dans la lutte contre la résistance aux antibiotiques chez les animaux. Derniers résultats relatifs à l’utilisation des antibiotiques et à l’antibiorésistance dans une large perspective, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Cawez, F., Mercuri, P., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (19 June 2019). Escherichia coli bovines beta-lactames résistantes : gènes identifiés par microarrays [Poster presentation]. Un an de plus dans la lutte contre la résistance aux antibiotiques chez les animaux. Derniers résultats relatifs à l’utilisation des antibiotiques et à l’antibiorésistance dans une large perspective, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Habets, A., Duprez, J.-N., Engelen, F., Devleesschauwer, B., De Zutter, L., Cox, E., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (June 2019). Virulotyping of Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli isolated from recto-anal mucosal swabs of young diarrheic and non-diarrheic calves [Poster presentation]. E.Coli and Mucuosal Immune System, Ghent, Belgium.

Habets, A., Duprez, J.-N., Saulmont, M., Thiry, D., Iguchi, A., & Mainil, J. (June 2019). Identification of non-conventional serotypes of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) isolated from diarrheic calves [Poster presentation]. E.Coli and the Mucosal Immune System, Ghent, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Passet, V., Danis-Wlodarczyk, K., Lood, C., Wagemans, J., De Sordi, L., van Noort, V., Dufour, N., Debarbieux, L., Mainil, J., Brisse, S.* , & Lavigne, R.*. (03 May 2019). New Bacteriophages against Emerging Lineages ST23 and ST258 of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Efficacy Assessment in Galleria mellonella Larvae. Viruses, 11 (5). doi:10.3390/v11050411
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

De Rauw, K., Thiry, D., Caljon, B., Saulmont, M., Mainil, J., & Piérard, D. (2019). Characteristics of Shiga toxin producing- and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli of the emerging serotype O80:H2 isolated from humans and diarrhoeic calves in Belgium. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 25, 111.e5-111.e8. doi:10.1016/j.cmi.2018.07.023

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Duprez, J.-N., & Mainil, J. (2019). Triplex PCR to detect CTX-M-1, CTX-M-2 and CTX-M-9 extended-spectrum-β-lactamase-encoding genes in bovine Escherichia coli isolates [Poster presentation]. Belgian Society for Microbiology.

Habets, A., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., Saulmont, M., Lucas, P., Blanchard, Y., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (2019). Identification of Shigatoxigenic (STEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli O80 in young calves with diarrhea [Poster presentation]. Belgian Society for Microbiology.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Duprez, J.-N., Fergestad, M., De Visscher, A., L'Abee-Lund, T., De Vliegher, S., Wasteson, Y., Blanchard, Y., Lavigne, R., Chanishvili, N., Cassart, D., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (2019). In vitro and in vivo assessment of lytic bacteriophages against Staphylococcus aureus causing bovine mastitis [Poster presentation]. Belgian Society for Microbiology.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Duprez, J.-N., Fergestad, M., De Visscher, A., L'Abee-Lund, T., De Vliegher, S., Wasteson, Y., Blanchard, Y., Lavigne, R., Chanishvili, N., Cassart, D., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (2019). In vitro and in vivo assessment of lytic bacteriophages against Staphylococcus aureus causing bovine mastitis [Poster presentation]. 6th FARAHday.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Rao, A.-S., Boyen, F., Haesebrouck, F., Duprez, J.-N., Théron, L., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (2019). Comparison of quantitative PCR and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry assays for identification of bacteria in milk samples from cows with subclinical mastitis. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 127, 683-692. doi:10.1111/jam.14358

Paindaveine, C., Frippiat, T., Mainil, J., Duprez, J.-N., & Art, T. (2019). In vitro bactericidal activity of nebulized silver on equine common respiratory bacteria. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 33, 1554. doi:10.1111/jvim.15447

Thiry, D., Berrah, A., Evrard, J., Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., & Saulmont, M. (2019). Evaluation de deux milieux gélosés sélectifs pour isoler des souches d’Escherichia coli résistantes à la colistine: corrélation avec la concentration minimale inhibitrice et la présence de gènes mcr [Poster presentation]. AMCRA – Journée d’étude.

Thiry, D., Berrah, A., Evrard, J., Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., & Saulmont, M. (2019). Assessment of two selective agar media to isolate colistin-resistant bovine Escherichia coli: Correlation with minimal inhibitory concentration and presence of mcr genes. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 159, 174-178. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2019.03.004

DIDESSE, E., Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (26 October 2018). CHROMAgar Mastitis medium: assessment of the new formulation and comparison with the previous one [Poster presentation]. FARAH DAY 5th edition, Liege, Belgium.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Galleni, M., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (26 October 2018). β-lactamase-encoding gene identification by microarrays in phenotypically resistant Escherichia coli from young calves in Wallonia, Belgium [Paper presentation]. 5th FARAH DAY.

Habets, A., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., Saulmont, M., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (26 October 2018). Isolation of sero-pathotype specific bacteriophages against unconventional Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli from diarrheic calves [Paper presentation]. Farah Day, Liège, Belgium.

Ikeda, R., Habets, A., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (26 October 2018). Identification of unconventional O serotypes of enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli from intestinal contents of healthy cattle at slaughterhouse [Poster presentation]. Farah Day, Liège, Belgium.

Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., Thiry, D., Volpe, R., & Linden, A. (October 2018). Adaptation and assessment of the L.O.U.I.S test for a fast detection of Salmonella sp. and Yersinia sp. in veterinary medicine [Poster presentation]. 5th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Engelen, F., Mainil, J., Thiry, D., Habets, A., Iguchi, A., Devleesschauwerd, B., De Zutter, L., & Cox, E. (October 2018). Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli on Flemish dairy cattle farms [Poster presentation]. 23rd conference of the Belgian Society for Food Microbiology, Brussels, Belgium.

Habets, A., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., Saulmont, M., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (October 2018). Identification of unconventional Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli from diarrheic calves [Poster presentation]. Belgian Society for Food Microbiology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Habets, A., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., Saulmont, M., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (October 2018). Identification of serotypes of enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli isolated from diarrheic calves [Poster presentation]. MedVet Pathogens, Prato, Italy.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Duprez, J.-N., Fergestad, M., De Visscher, A., L’Abee-Lund, T., De Vliegher, S., Wasteson, Y., Blanchard, Y., Lavigne, R., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (October 2018). In vitro and in vivo susceptibility of methicillin resistant Staphylococci isolated from cow mastitis to lytic bacteriophages [Poster presentation]. 5th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Galleni, M., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (August 2018). Beta-lactamase-encoding gene identification by micro-arrays in phenotypically resistant pathogenic Escherichia coli from young calves in Wallonia, Belgium [Paper presentation]. The 30th World Buiatric Congress 2018 Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Duprez, J.-N., Fergestad, M., De Visscher, A., L’Abee-Lund, T., De Vliegher, S., De Vliegher, Y., Blanchard, Y., Lavigne, R., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (July 2018). Susceptibility to lytic bacteriophages and comparison of methicillin resistant staphylococci from samples collected in European and African countries, Japan and Canada [Poster presentation]. EMBO Workshop Viruses of Microbes 2018, Wroclaw, Poland.

Thiry, D., Passet, V., Danis-Wlodarczyk, K., Lood, C., Wagemans, J., De Sordi, L., Dufour, N., Debarbieux, L., Mainil, J., Brisse, S., & Lavigne, R. (July 2018). Implementation of the Galleria mellonella larvae model to evaluate phage therapy against Klebsiella pneumonia [Poster presentation]. EMBO Workshop Viruses of Microbes 2018, Wroclaw, Poland.

Saegerman, C., Leinartz, L., Amory, H., Bolen, G., Busoni, V., Cassart, D., Claeys, S., Dufrasne, I., Duprez, J.-N., Gabriel, A., Gommeren, K., Grulke, S., Guyot, H., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Laitat, M., Losson, B., Mainil, J., Marlier, D., Rollin, F., ... Humblet, M.-F. (01 June 2018). Teaching biosecurity standard operating procedures in the Veterinary Faculty, University of Liege, using eCampus learning platform [Poster presentation]. EAEVE General Assembly, Hannover, Germany.

De Rauw, K., Thiry, D., Caljon, B., Saulmont, M., Mainil, J., & Piérard, D. (May 2018). Comparison Of The Emerging O80:H2 Shiga Toxin-Producing And Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli From Human and Bovine Origin [Poster presentation]. 10th International VTEC Symposium, Florence, Italy.

Engelen, F., Mainil, J., Thiry, D., Devleesschauwer, B., De Zutter, L., & Cox, E. (May 2018). Presence Of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichi coli (Ehec) On Flemish Dairy Cattle Farms [Poster presentation]. 10th International VTEC Symposium, Florence, Italy.

Guérin, V., Thiry, D., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (May 2018). Virulotypes of Escherichia coli growing on MacConkey-Cefotaxime agar plates, isolated from young calves in Wallonia, Belgium [Poster presentation]. First PhD student Day, Liège, Belgium.

Habets, A., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Saulmont, M., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (May 2018). Identification of unconventional Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli from diarrheic calves [Poster presentation]. First PhD student Day, Liège, Belgium.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Duprez, J.-N., Fergestad, M., De Visscher, A., L'abee-Lund, T., De Vliegher, S., Wasteson, Y., Lavigne, R., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (May 2018). Susceptibility to lytic bacteriophages and comparison of methicillin resistant staphyloccci from samples colected in European and African Countries, Japan and Canada [Paper presentation]. First PhD student Day, Liège, Belgium.

Thiry, D., De Rauw, K., Tataki, S., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., Piérard, D., Korsak Koulagenko, N., & Mainil, J. (March 2018). Low prevalence of the 'gang of seven' and absence of the O80:H2 serotypes among Shigatoxigenic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (STEC and EPEC) in intestinal contents of healthy cattle at two slaughterhouses in Belgium in 2014. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 124 (3), 867-873. doi:10.1111/jam.13677

Thiry, D., Passet, V., Danis-Wlodarczyk, K., De Sordi, L., Dufour, N., Debarbieux, L., Mainil, J., Brisse, S., & Lavigne, R. (March 2018). Implementation of the Galleria mellonella larvae model to evaluate phage therapy against Klebsiella pneumoniae [Paper presentation]. Challenges and new concepts in antibiotics research, Paris, France.

Berrah, A., Thiry, D., Muylaert, A., Duprez, J.-N., & Mainil, J. (2018). Detection of mcr genes conferring colistin resistance in Escherichia coli isolated from different animal species in Belgium between 2008 and 2011 [Poster presentation]. 5th FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Saulmont, M., Takaki, S., De Rauw, K., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., Piérard, D., & Mainil, J. (December 2017). Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli O80:H2 in Young Calves with Diarrhea, Belgium. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 23 (12), 2093-2095. doi:10.3201/eid2312.170450

Thiry, D., Passet, V., Danis-Wlodarczyk, K., De Sordi, L., Dufour, N., Debarbieux, L., Mainil, J., Brisse, S., & Lavigne, R. (20 October 2017). Implementation of the Galleria mellonella larvae model to evaluate phage therapy against Klebsiella pneumoniae [Paper presentation]. Belgian Society for Microbiology symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Mainil, J., Muylaert, A., Saulmont, M., Vanrobaeys, M., Duprez, J.-N., Ngassam Tchamba, C., Dierick, K., Vanneste, K., Verhaegen, B., Thiry, D., & Botteldoorn, N. (October 2017). Identification of plasmid-located mcr-like genes in collections of colistin-resistant bovine and porcine Escherichia coli [Poster presentation]. 4th FARAH-day, Liège, Belgium.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Rao, A.-S., Duprez, J.-N., Argudin, M. A., Denis, O., Hanzen, C., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (October 2017). Staphyloccocal chromosome cassette mec typing of methicillin resistant stapyhococci from different samples collected in European, African and North-American countries [Poster presentation]. Belgian Society for Microbiologu symposium, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Rao, A.-S., Duprez, J.-N., Argudin, M., Denis, O., Hanzen, C., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (October 2017). Staphyloccocal chromosome cassette mec typing of methicillin resistant stapyhococci from different samples collected in European, African and North-American countries [Paper presentation]. 4th FARAH-day, Liège, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Fakih, I., Takaki, S., Duprez, J.-N., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Iguchi, A., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (October 2017). Identification of O80:H2 enteropathogenic and shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (EPEC and STEC) from intestinal contents of healthy cattle and diarrhoeic calves in Belgium [Poster presentation]. 4th FARAH-day, Liège, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Passet, V., Danis-Wlodarczyk, K., De Sordi, L., Dufour, N., Debarbieux, L., Mainil, J., Brisse, S., & Lavigne, R. (October 2017). Implementation of the Galleria mellonella larvae model to evaluate phage therapy against Klebsiella pneumoniae [Poster presentation]. 4th FARAH-day, Liège, Belgium.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Thiry, D., Bardiau, M., Duprez, J.-N., Argudin, M. A., Denis, O., & Mainil, J. (September 2017). Identification of methicillin resistant staphylococci in milk samples of cows with mastitis from European, African and North-American countries [Poster presentation]. Twenty-Second Conference on food Microbiology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Takaki, S., Duprez, J.-N., Iguchi, A., & Mainil, J. (September 2017). Absence of the O80:H2 serotype amongst STEC and EPEC isolated from intestinal contents of healthy cattle at two slaughterhouses in Belgium [Poster presentation]. Twenty-Second Conference on food Microbiology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Takaki, S., Duprez, J.-N., Saulmont, M., Iguchi, A., & Mainil, J. (23 June 2017). Sérogroupes non conventionnels de souches shigatoxigènes et entéropathogènes d'Escherichia coli (EPEC et STEC) isolées de veaux diarrhéiques [Poster presentation]. AESA sympsium, Liège, Belgium.

Fergestad, M., de Visscher, A., L'Abee-Lund, T., de Vliegher, S., Wasteson, Y., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (May 2017). Resisto and virulotyping of staphylococci from bovine milk samples in Belgium and Norway [Poster presentation]. 2nd seminar on coagulase-negative staphylococci, Gand, Belgium.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Rao, A.-S., Thiry, D., Duprez, J.-N., Theron, L., Hanzen, C., & Mainil, J. (May 2017). Phenotypic genotypic and biochemical identification of coagulase negative staphylococci in milk samples from cows with chronic mastitis in Wallonia (Belgium) [Paper presentation]. 2nd seminar on coagulase-negative staphylococci, Gand, Belgium.

Fakih, I.* , Thiry, D.* , Duprez, J.-N., Saulmont, M., Iguchi, A., Piérard, D., Jouant, L., Daube, G., Ogura, Y., Hayashi, T., Taminiau, B., & Mainil, J. (April 2017). Identification of Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli in diarrhoeic calves and comparative genomics of O5 bovine and human STEC. Veterinary Microbiology, 202, 16-22. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2016.02.017
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Darimont, T., Duprez, J.-N., De Visscher, A., De Vliegher, S., Haesebrouck, F., Boyen, F., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (March 2017). Evaluation et comparaison avec la méthode classique d'un nouveau milieu chromogène pour l'analyse bactériologique du lait de mammites : le CHROMagarTM Mastitis [Poster presentation]. 7 ème Colloque International Francophone de Microbiologie Animale, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J., Muylaert, A., Saulmont, M., Vanrobaeys, M., Duprez, J.-N., Ngassam Tchamba, C., Dierick, K., Thiry, D., & Botteldoorn, N. (March 2017). Identification de souches bovines et porcines d'Escherichia coli résistantes à la colistine et porteuses de gènes mcr-1 ou mcr-2 [Poster presentation]. 7 ème Colloque International Francophone de Microbiologie Animale, Liège, Belgium.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Thiry, D., Bardiau, M., Duprez, J.-N., Argudin, M. A., Denis, O., & Mainil, J. (March 2017). Identification des Staphylocoques résistant à la méticilline chez les bovins d'origines européenne, africaine et nord-américaine par des méthodes de typage phénotypiques et génotypiques [Poster presentation]. 7 ème Colloque International Francophone de Microbiologie Animale, Liège, Belgium.

Takaki, S., Duprez, J.-N., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Igushi, A., Mainil, J., & Thiry, D. (March 2017). Virulotypes et sérogroupes des souches shigatoxinogènes et entéropathogènes d'Escherichia coli (EPEC et STEC) isolées de bovins sains à l'abattoir de Wallonie [Poster presentation]. 7 ème Colloque International Francophone de Microbiologie Animale, Liège, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Passet, V., Dufour, N., De Sordi, L., Mainil, J., Debarbieux, L., & Brisse, S. (March 2017). Isolement de bactéripohages dirigés contre Klebsiella pneumonae et activité in vivo [Paper presentation]. 7 ème Colloque International Francophone de Microbiologie Animale, Liège, Belgium.

Ogura, Y., Gotoh, Y., Itoh, T., Sato, M., Seto, K., Yoshino, S., Isobe, J., Etoh, Y., Kurogi, M., Kimata, K., Maeda, E., Piérard, D., Kusumoto, M., Akiba, M., Tominaga, K., Kirino, Y., Kato, Y., Shirahige, K., Ooka, T., ... Hayashi, T. (2017). Population structure of Escherichia coli O26 : H11 with recent and repeated stx2 acquisition in multiple lineages2017. Microbial Genomics, 3 (11). doi:10.1099/mgen.0.000141

Thiry, D., Takaki, S., Duprez, J.-N., Saulmont, M., Iguchi, A., & Mainil, J. (2017). Sérogroupes non conventionnels de souches shigatoxigènes et entéropathogènes d'Escherichia coli (EPEC et STEC) isolées de veaux diarrhéiques [Poster presentation]. 7 ème Colloque International Francophone de Microbiologie Animale, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J., Muylaert, A., Saulmont, M., Vanrobaeys, M., Duprez, J.-N., Ngassam Tchamba, C., Dierick, K., Thiry, D., & Botteldoorn, N. (October 2016). Identification of bovine and porcine colistin-resistant mcr1-positive Escherichia coli [Poster presentation]. Third FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J., Muylaert, A., Saulmont, M., Vanrobaeys, M., Duprez, J.-N., Ngassam Tchamba, C., Dierick, K., Thiry, D., & Botteldoorn, N. (September 2016). Identification of bovine and porcine colistin-resistant mcr1-positive Escherichia coli [Paper presentation]. AESA international congress “25 years of animal epidemiology: past, present and future”, Liège, Belgium.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Thiry, D., Bardiau, M., Duprez, J.-N., Argudin, M. A., Denis, O., & Mainil, J. (September 2016). Identification of bovine methicillin resistant staphylococci from Europe, Africa and North America by colony hybridization, PCR and antibiotic sensitivity [Paper presentation]. AESA international congress “25 years of animal epidemiology: past, present and future”, Liège, Belgium.

Takaki, S., Duprez, J.-N., Fakih, I., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Thiry, D., & Mainil, J. (September 2016). Identification of virulotypes and serotypes of enteropathogenic (EPEC) and Shigatoxigenic (STEC) Escherichia coli from healthy cattle at slaughterhouses in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. AESA international congress “25 years of animal epidemiology: past, present and future”, Liège, Belgium.

Thiry, D., Passet, V., Dufour, N., De Sordi, L., Mainil, J., Debarbieux, L., & Brisse, S. (September 2016). Isolation of bacteriophages against Klebsiella pneumoniae and in vivo activity [Poster presentation]. AESA international congress “25 years of animal epidemiology: past, present and future”, Liège, Belgium.

Detilleux, J., Theron, L., Duprez, J.-N., Reding, E., Moula, N., Detilleux, M., Bertozzi, C., Hanzen, C., & Mainil, J. (2016). Mediation analysis to estimate direct and indirect milk losses associated with bacterial load in bovine subclinical mammary infections. Animal, 1-7. doi:10.1017/S1751731116000227

Issa Ibrahim, A., Duprez, J.-N., Bada-Alambedji, R., Djika, M., Mainil, J., & Bardiau, M. (February 2016). A 3-year long study of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from subclinical mastitis in three Azawak zebu herds at the Sahelian experimental farm of Toukounous, Niger. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 48 (2), 321-329. doi:10.1007/s11250-015-0955-8

Bardiau, M., Caplin, J., Detilleux, J., Graber, H., Moroni, P., Taminiau, B., & Mainil, J. (2016). Existence of two groups of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitis based on biofilm formation, intracellular survival, capsular profile and agr-typing. Veterinary Microbiology, 185, 1-6. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2016.01.003

Mainil, J. (2016). Point d'actualité : Chlamydia ou Chlamydophila ?

Mainil, J., & Gustin, P. (2016). Description d'un nouveau mécanisme de résistance aux polymyxines médié par des gènes à localisation plasmidique.

Mainil, J., & Gustin, P. (2016). Description d'un nouveau mécanisme de résistance aux polymyxines médié par des gènes à localisation plasmidique.

Thiry, D., Passet, V., Dufour, N., De Sordi, L., Mainil, J., Debarbieux, L., & Brisse, S. (2016). Isolation of bacteriophages against Klebsiella pneumoniae and in vivo activity [Poster presentation]. Third FARAH-Day, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (December 2015). Antibiothérpaie chez le chien : choix raisonné et raisonnable [Paper presentation]. Formation continuée, Charleroi, Belgium.

Mainil, J., Monseur, C., Saegerman, C., & Dal Pozzo, F. (13 November 2015). Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Q Fever in Animals and Humans in the 21st Century [Paper presentation]. Center for Animal Disease Control International Symposium, Miyazaki, Japan.

Mainil, J. (November 2015). Update on Shigatoxigenic (STEC) and Attaching/Effacing (AEEC) Escherichia coli in Europe [Paper presentation]. Lecture to the 4th year veterinary students of the Veterinary School of Osaka Prefectural University, Osaka, Japan.

Duprez, J.-N., Tchuenkam Kamdem, N., Volpe, R., Fett, T., Lesenfants, C., Paternostre, J., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (16 October 2015). Use of RAL stainer for the detection of Mycobacterium sp. in veterinary medicine. comparison with the reference method [Poster presentation]. FARAH DAY 5th edition, LIEGE, Belgium.

Fakih, I., Thiry, D., Ogura, Y., Pierard, D., Saulmont, M., Daube, G., Hayashi, T., Mainil, J., & Taminiau, B. (16 October 2015). Phylogenomic comparison of 16 O5 Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) isolated from young calves and humans with diarrhoea [Poster presentation]. 2nd FARAH Day, Liège, Belgium.

Marlier, D., Soubbotina, A., & Mainil, J. (16 October 2015). Evidence of an immune reaction in Tec4 inoculated SPF rabbits that survive to the challenge [Paper presentation]. Farah Day 2015, Liège, Belgium.

Fakih, I., Duprez, J.-N., Thiry, D., Jouant, L., Iguchi, A., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (October 2015). O serogroups of enteropathogenic (EPEC) and Shigatoxigenic (STEC) Escherichia coli from <1 month-old diarrhoeic calves in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. Twentieth Conference on Food Microbiology, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Fakih, I., Duprez, J.-N., Thiry, D., Jouant, L., Iguchi, A., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (July 2015). O serogroups of enteropathogenic (EPEC) and Shigatoxigenic (STEC) Escherichia coli from <1 month-old diarrheic calves in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. Second International ECMIS Symposium, Gand, Belgium.

Fakih, I., Thiry, D., Ogura, Y., Pierard, D., Saulmont, M., Daube, G., Hayashi, T., Mainil, J., & Taminiau, B. (July 2015). Phylogenomic comparison of 16 O5 Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) isolated from <1 month-old calves and humans with diarrhea [Poster presentation]. Second International ECMIS Symposium, Gand, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (July 2015). Veterinary Medicine education in Europe, Belgium and Wallonia : history and evolution [Paper presentation]. "Café scienfifique" at the Veterinary School of Osaka Prefectural University, Osaka, Japan.

Mainil, J. (July 2015). The overlooked role of enteropathogenic and Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli causing diarrhoea in young calves [Paper presentation]. English seminar to the Professors and Assistants, Veterinary Faculty, Veterinary School of Osaka Prefectural University, Osaka, Japan.

Mainil, J. (July 2015). Resistance to antibiotics in animals and human public health [Paper presentation]. Lecture to the 5th Veterinary students of the Veterinary School of Osaka Prefectural University, Osaka, Japan.

Mainil, J. (July 2015). Leptospirosis in dogs and cattle and their impact on human health [Paper presentation]. Lecture to the 5eh veterinary students of the Veterinary School of Osaka Prefectural University, Osaka, Japan.

Sartelet, A., Rao, A.-S., Pirard, B., Bayrou, C., Cassart, D., Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., & Rollin, F. (06 June 2015). Epidemy of Bovine Cutaneous and Uterine Botryomycosis after Cesarean Sections [Paper presentation]. XV Middle European Buiatric Congress, 10th Symposium of the ECBHM, 25th Conference of the Slovenian Buiatric Association, Maribor, Slovenia.

Fakih, I., Duprez, J.-N., Thiry, D., Jouant, L., Iguchi, A., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (June 2015). O serogroups of enteropathogenic (EPEC) and Shigatoxigenic (STEC) Escherichia coli from <1 month-old diarrhoeic calves in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. 6th Congress of European Microbiologists, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Fakih, I., Ogura, Y., Thiry, D., Pierard, D., Saulmont, M., Daube, G., Hayashi, T., Mainil, J., & Taminiau, B. (June 2015). Phylogenomic comparison of 16 O5 Shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) isolated from <1 month-old calves and humans with diarrhoea [Poster presentation]. 6th Congress of European Microbiologists, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Rao, A.-S., Duprez, J.-N., Thiry, D., Hanzen, C., Theron, L., & Mainil, J. (June 2015). Comparison of bacteriological and genetic identification of mammary pathogens in milk samples from cows with chronic mastitis in Wallonia (Belgium) [Poster presentation]. 6th Congress of European Microbiologists, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Detilleux, J., Theron, L., Duprez, J.-N., Reding, E., Moula, N., Detilleux, M., Bertozzi, C., Hanzen, C., & Mainil, J. (April 2015). Direct and indirect losses in milk yield associated with subclinical mammary infections in dairy cows under field conditions in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. I£DF/ISO Analytical Week and Opti£MIR Scientific and Expert Meeting, Namur, Belgium.

Issa Ibrahim, A., Bada-Alambedji, R., Duprez, J.-N., Moula, N., Bardiau, M., & Mainil, J. (11 February 2015). Efficacy of Antisepsis Measures during Manual Milking on the Prevalence of Bacterial Mastitis at the Sahelian Experimental Station of Toukounous (Niger). African Journal of Microbiology Research, 9 (6), 348-354.

Laitat, M., Antoine, N., Cabaraux, J.-F., Cassart, D., Mainil, J., Moula, N., Nicks, B., Wavreille, J., & Philippe, F.-X. (January 2015). Influence of sugar beet pulp on feeding behavior, growth performance, carcass quality and gut health of fattening pigs. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 19 (1), 20-31.

Pujol, J., Bouillenne, F., Farnir, F., Dufrasne, I., Mainil, J., Galleni, M., Lekeux, P., Bureau, F.* , & Fievez, L.*. (2015). Generation of a soluble recombinant trimeric form of bovine CD40L and its potential use as a vaccine adjuvant in cows. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 168 (1), 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2015.09.011
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Yue, M., Han, X., De Masi, L., Zhu, C., Ma, X., Zhang, J., Wu, R., Schmieder, R., Kaushik, R., Fraser, G., Zhao, S., McDermott, P., Weill, F.-X., Mainil, J., Arze, C., Fricke, W. F., Edwards, R., Brisson, D., zhang, N., ... Schifferli, D. (2015). Allelic variation contributes to bacterial host specificity. Nature Communications, (6), 8754. doi:10.1038/ncomms9754

Duprez, J.-N., Boko, C., Muylaert, A., & Mainil, J. (October 2014). Minimal inhibitory concentrations of basil esesntial oil (Ocinum basilicum) against Salmonella enterica from livestock and application of the agar diffusion method [Poster presentation]. 4th FARAH day, Liège, Belgium.

Duprez, J.-N., Jouant, L., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Saulmont, M., & Mainil, J. (October 2014). Range of O-serogroups of Shiga toxin-producing (STEC) and enteropathogenic (EPEC) Escherichia coli in cattle in Wallonia [Poster presentation]. 4th FARAH day, Liège, Belgium.

Ngassam Tchamba, C., Rao, A.-S., Theron, L., Mainil, J., & Hanzen, C. (October 2014). Comparison of bacteriological, immunological and genetic identification approaches of mammopathogenic bacteria and typing of Staphylococcus [Poster presentation]. FARAH Day, Liège, Belgium.

Taminiau, B., Ogura, Y., Hayashi, T., Daube, G., & Mainil, J. (October 2014). Phylogenomic comparison of 18 clinical Escherichia coli strains belonging to serogroups O5 and O118 isolated from bovine and human [Paper presentation]. FARAH Day, Liège, Belgium.

Issa Ibrahim, A., Duprez, J.-N., Bada-Alambedji, R., Moula, N., Mainil, J., & Bardiau, M. (27 August 2014). Antibiotic resistance trend of Staphylococcus aureus isolated between 2010 and 2012 from mastitis cases in Azawak zebu in Niger. African Journal of Microbiology Research, 8 ((35)), 3271-3275.

Bardiau, M., Detilleux, J., Farnir, F., Mainil, J., & Ote, I. (2014). Associations between properties linked with persistence in a collection of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from bovine mastitis. Veterinary Microbiology, 169, 74-79. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2013.12.010

Issa Ibrahim, A., Bada-Alambedji, R., & Mainil, J. (2014). Le Zébu Azawak dans l'élevage bovin au Sahel. Revue Africaine de Santé et de Productions Animales, 12, 71-77.

Mainil, J. (January 2014). Two recent topics in bacterial zoonosis in Europe [Paper presentation]. Lecture to the Veterinary students of Osaka Prefectural University, Osaka, Japan.

Mainil, J. (January 2014). Resistance to antibiotics : bacterial disease or doping [Paper presentation]. Lecture to the 5th year Veterinary students of Miyazaki University, Miyazaki, Japan.

Mainil, J. (January 2014). My work with Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli [Paper presentation]. English seminar to Post-graduate students and Post-Docs, Miyazaki, Japan.

Mainil, J. (January 2014). My story as a veterinarian and a molecular bacteriologist [Paper presentation]. English seminar to the Professors and Assistants, Osaka, Japan.

Mainil, J., & Fairbrother, J. (2014). Escherichia coli in domestic mammals and birds. In S. Morabito (Ed.), Pathogenic Escherichia coli : Molecular and cellular microbiology (pp. 2). Norwich, United Kingdom: Horizon Scientific Press and Caister Academic Press.

Muylaert, A., & Mainil, J. (2014). Quinolones et fluoroquinolones : des décennies de développement et d'utilisation : Le point sur les molécules vétérinaires : partie 2, le regard du vétérinaire. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire.

Mainil, J. (October 2013). Escherichia coli de la fourche à la pipette : (mé)connaissances sur les souches pathogènes [Paper presentation]. Formavet, formation continuée, Libramont, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (September 2013). Strepto, Staphylo, Coli... et les autres dans les mammites bovines [Paper presentation]. Journées Pluridisciplinaires vétérinaires, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Flament, A., Soubbotina, A., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (2013). Prevalence of Campylobacter spp infection in male mule ducks in Belgium. In Abstracts of the XVIIIth World Veterinary Poultry Association Congress.

Bardiau, M., Yamazaki, K., Ote, I., Duprez, J.-N., Misawa, N., & Mainil, J. (July 2013). Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus intermedius and pseudintermedius (MRSI and MRSP) isolated from dogs and cats in Japan [Poster presentation]. 5th symposium on antimicrobial resistance in animals and the environment (ARAE 2013).

Bardiau, M., Yamazaki, K., Duprez, J.-N., Taminiau, B., Mainil, J., & Ote, I. (May 2013). Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolated from milk of bovine mastitis. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 57, 181-186. doi:10.1111/lam.12099

Bardiau, M., Yamazaki, K., Ote, I., Duprez, J.-N., Misawa, N., & Mainil, J. (May 2013). Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus intermedius and pseudintermedius (MRSI and MRSP) isolated from dogs and cats in Japan [Poster presentation]. Knowledge for growth 2013.

Mainil, J. (May 2013). My story as a veterinarian, a bacteriologist and a molecular infectiologist [Paper presentation]. Lecture to the 3rd year Veterinary students of Miyazaki University, Miyazaki, Japan.

Mainil, J. (April 2013). My story as a veterinarian, a bacteriologist and a molecular infectiologist [Paper presentation]. Lecture to the 2nd year Veterinary students of Miyazaki University, Miyazaki, Japan.

Bardiau, M., Yamazaki, K., Ote, I., Misawa, N., & Mainil, J. (2013). Characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolated from dogs and cats. Microbiology and Immunology, 57, 496-501. doi:10.1111/1348-0421.12059

Boko, C., Kpodekon, T., Duprez, J.-N., Imberechts, H., Taminiau, B., Bertrand, S., & Mainil, J. (2013). Identification and typing of Salmonella serotypes isolated from guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) farms in Benin during four laying seasons (2007-2010). Avian Pathology, 42, 1-8. doi:10.1080/03079457.2012.751484

Boseret, G., Losson, B., Mainil, J., Thiry, E., & Saegerman, C. (2013). Zoonoses in Pet 1 birds: review and perspectives. Veterinary Research, 44, 36. doi:10.1186/1297-9716-44-36

Detilleux, J., Theron, L., Duprez, J.-N., Reding, E., Humblet, M.-F., Planchon, V., Delfosse, C., Bertozzi, C., Mainil, J., & Hanzen, C. (2013). Structural equation models to estimate risk of infection and tolerance to bovine mastitis. Genetics, Selection, Evolution, 45. doi:10.1186/1297-9686-45-6

Huybens, N., Houeix, J., Licois, D., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (2013). Pyrosequencing of epizootic rabbit enteropathy inocula and rabbit caecal samples. Veterinary Journal, 196, 109-110. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2012.08.014

Issa Ibrahim, A., Bada-Alambedji, R., Duprez, J.-N., Djika, M., Moula, N., Ote, I., Bardiau, M., & Mainil, J. (2013). Bacterial mastitis in the Azawak zebu breed at the Sahelian experimental station in Toukounous (Niger) : Identification and typing of Staphylococcus aureus. International Research Journal of Microbiology, 4, 168-178.

Mainil, J. (2013). Résistance aux antibiotiques : maladie ou dopage bactérien? Heurs et malheurs de l'antibiothérapie en buiâtrie et en santé publique vétérinaire : L'antibiorésistance ; rôle des bovins dans la transmission à l'homme [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude conjointe de la Société belge francophone de Buiâtrie et de la "World Association of Veterinary Food Hygienists", Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2013). Escherichia coli virulence factors. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 152, 2-12. doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2012.09.032

Muylaert, A., & Mainil, J. (2013). Résistances aux fluoroquinolones: la situation actuelle. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 157, 15-26.

Muylaert, A., & Mainil, J. (2013). Résistance bactériennes aux antibiotiques, les mécanismes et leur "contagiosité". Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 156, 109-123.

Philippe, F.-X., Antoine, N., Cabaraux, J.-F., Cassart, D., Mainil, J., Nicks, B., Wavreille, J., & Laitat, M. (2013). Effect of a fibrous diet on growth performance, carcass characteristics and gut health of fattening pigs. In Proceedings of the 3rd Scientific Meeting of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.

Tchokponhoue Kpodekon, M., Boko, K. C., Mainil, J., Farougou, S., Sessou, P., Yehouenou, B., Gbenou, J., Duprez, J.-N., & Bardiau, M. (2013). Composition chimique et test d'efficacité in vitro des huiles essentielles extraites de feuilles fraîches du basilic commun (Ocimum basilicum) et du basilic tropical (Ocimum gratissimum) sur Salmonella enterica sérotype Oakland et Salmonella enterica sérotype Legon. Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie, 035, 41-48.

Bardiau, M., Yamazaki, K., Ote, I., Duprez, J.-N., Misawa, N., & Mainil, J. (October 2012). Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus intermedius and pseudintermedius (MRSI and MRSP) isolated from dogs and cats in Japan [Poster presentation]. 2nd FMV Scientific Meeting.

Bardiau, M., Yamazaki, K., Ote, I., Duprez, J.-N., Misawa, N., & Mainil, J. (October 2012). Genotypic and phenotypic characterisation of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus intermedius and pseudintermedius (MRSI and MRSP) isolated from dogs and cats in Japan [Poster presentation]. 1st AMCRA meeting.

Bardiau, M., Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., & Ote, I. (July 2012). Comparison of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from bovine mastitis [Poster presentation]. General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology 2012.

Mainil, J. (July 2012). Two recent topics in bacterial zoonosis in Europe [Paper presentation]. The open seminar by Center for Animal Disease Control, Miyazaki, Japan.

Boseret, G., Saegerman, C., Mainil, J., & Jauniaux, T. (26 March 2012). WATER-BORNE EMERGING ZOONOSE? CASE REPORT ON ERYSIPELAS (ERYSIPELOTHRIX RHUSIOPATHIAE) IN HARBOUR PORPOISES (PHOCOENA PHOCOENA) AND HARBOUR SEAL (PHOCA VITULINA) [Poster presentation]. 26th Conference of European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland.

Ooka, T., Seto, K., Linden, A., Bardiau, M., Mainil, J., & Hayashi, T. (March 2012). Clinical significance of Escherichia albertii. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 18 (3), 488-492. doi:10.3201/eid1803.111401

Bardiau, M., Taminiau, B., Duprez, J.-N., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (2012). Comparison between a bovine and a human enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli strain of serogroup O26 by suppressive substractive hybridization reveals the presence of atypical factors in EHEC and EPEC strains. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 330 (2), 132-139.

Boko, C., Kpodekon, T., Dahouda, M., Marlier, D., & Mainil, J. (2012). Contraintes techniques et sanitaires de la production traditionnelle de pintade en Afrique subsaharienne. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 156, 25-36.

Flament, A., Soubbotina, A., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (2012). Prevalence of Salmonella serotypes in male mule ducks in Belgium. Veterinary Record, 170 (12), 311-314. doi:10.1136/vr.100156

Mainil, J. (January 2012). Main virulence factors and pathogenesis of enteric and urinary tract pathogenic Escherichia coli [Paper presentation]. International Seminar Series, Göteborg, Sweden.

Mainil, J. (2012). Escherichia coli de la fourche à la pipette : (mé)connaissances sur les souches pathogènes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire dans le cadre de la formation continuée, Liège - Charleroi, Belgium.

Philippe, F.-X., Cabaraux, J.-F., Mainil, J., Nicks, B., & Laitat, M. (2012). Effect of a fibrous diet for fattening pigs on growth performance, carcass characteristics and gut health. In 4th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (pp. 145).

Piérard, D., De Greve, H., Haesebrouck, F., & Mainil, J. (2012). O157:H7 and O104:H4 Vero/Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli outbreaks: respective role of cattle and humans. Veterinary Research, 43, 13. doi:10.1186/1297-9716-43-13

Schouler, C., Schaeffer, B., Brée, A., Mora, A., Dahbi, G., Biet, F., Oswald, E., Mainil, J., Blanco, J., & Moulin-Schouleur, M. (2012). Diagnostic strategy for identifying avian pathogenic Escherichia coli based on four patterns of virulence genes. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 50 (5), 1673-1678. doi:10.1128/JCM.05057-11

Wallemacq, H., Bedoret, D., Pujol, J., Desmet, C., Drion, P., Farnir, F., Mainil, J., Lekeux, P., Bureau, F., & Fievez, L. (2012). CD40 triggering induces strong cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses to heat-killed Staphylococcus aureus immunization in mice: a new vaccine strategy for staphylococcal mastitis. Vaccine, 30 (12), 2116-2124. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2012.01.039

Bardiau, M., Ogura, Y., Mainil, J., & Hayashi, T. (December 2011). Comparison of bovine and human O26 EHEC strains by the Whole Genome PCR Scanning [Paper presentation]. 1st FMV Scientific Meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Bardiau, M., Ogura, Y., Mainil, J., & Hayashi, T. (December 2011). Comparison of bovine and human O26 EHEC strains by the Whole Genome PCR Scanning [Paper presentation]. 1st FMV Scientific Meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (2011). Study of polymorphisms in tir, eae and tccP2 genes in enterohaemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli of serogroup O26. BMC Microbiology, 11, 124. doi:10.1186/1471-2180-11-124

Boko, C. K., Kpodekon, M. T., Farougou, S., Dahouda, M., Youssao, A. K. I., Aplogan, G. L., Zanou, J., & Mainil, J. (2011). Farmer perceptions and pathological constraints in helmeted guinea fowl farming in the Borgou department in North-East Benin. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6, 2348-2357.

Boko, C. K., Kpodekon, M. T., Farougou, S., Youssao, A. K. I., & Mainil, J. (2011). In vivo assessment of the virulence of five Salmonella enterica serotypes isolated from helmeted guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) in Benin. International Research Journal of Microbiology, 2, 356-364.

Huybens, N., Houeix, J., Licois, D., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (2011). Epizootic rabbit enteropathy inoculum (TEC4) antibiograms and antibiotic fractionation. Veterinary Research Communications, 35, 13-20. doi:10.1007/s11259-010-9446-6

Huybens, N., Houeix, J., Licois, D., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (2011). Epizootic rabbit enteropathy: Comparison of PCR-based RAPD fingerprints from virulent and non-virulent samples. Veterinary Journal, 190 (3), 416-417. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2010.10.010

Mainil, J. (2011). E.coli virulence factors [Paper presentation]. ECMIS 2011 Symposium : E. coli and the Mucosal Immune System, Ghent, Belgium.

Mainil, J., Bardiau, M., Ooka, T., Ogura, Y., Murase, K., Etoh, Y., Ichihara, S., Horikawa, K., Buvens, G., Pierard, D., Itoh, T., & Hayashi, T. (2011). Typing of O26 enterohaemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli isolated from humans and cattle with IS621 multiplex PCR-based fingerprinting. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 111 (3), 773-86. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2011.05089.x

Mainil, J., Porter, S., Czaplicky, G., & Saegerman, C. (2011). Epidemiology of Q fever in animals and humans in the 21st century [Paper presentation]. IUMS Congress : Current Topics on Zoonoses Symposium, Sapporo, Japan.

Ote, I., Taminiau, B., Duprez, J.-N., Dizier, I., & Mainil, J. (2011). Genotypic characterization by polymerase chain reaction of Staphylococcus aureus isolates associated with bovine mastitis. Veterinary Microbiology, 153, 285-292. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2011.05.042

Porter, S., Czaplicki, G., Mainil, J., Guatteo, R., & Saegerman, C. (2011). Q Fever: Current State of Knowledge and Perspectives of Research of a Neglected Zoonosis. International Journal of Microbiology, 1-22. doi:10.1155/2011/248418

Porter, S., Czaplicki, G., Mainil, J., Horii, Y., Misawa, N., & Saegerman, C. (2011). Q fever in Japan: an update REVIEW. Veterinary Microbiology, 149, 298-306. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2010.11.017

Verwilghen, D., Mainil, J., Mastrocicco, E., Hamaide, A., Detilleux, J., Van Galen, G., Serteyn, D., & Grulke, S. (2011). Surgical hand antisepsis in veterinary practice: evaluation of soap scrubs and alcohol based rub techniques. Veterinary Journal, 190 (3), 372-377. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2010.12.020

Mainil, J. (November 2010). La maladie de l'oedème du porcelet : Qui? Comment? Pourquoi? [Paper presentation]. Journée AVPO, Rennes, France.

Verwilghen, D., Mastrocicco, E., Mainil, J., Serteyn, D., & Grulke, S. (02 July 2010). Evaluation of a hydro-alcoholic solution as pre-surgical hand antisepsis in a veterinary setting [Paper presentation]. 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the ECVS, Helsinki, Finland.

Bardiau, M., Ogura, Y., Mainil, J., & Hayashi, T. (April 2010). Comparison of bovine and human O26 EHEC strains by the Whole Genome PCR Scanning [Poster presentation]. JSPS meeting, Yokohama, Japan.

Bardiau, M., Grégoire, F., Muylaert, A., Nahayo, A., Duprez, J.-N., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (2010). Enteropathogenic (EPEC), enterohaemorragic (EHEC) and verotoxigenic (VTEC) Escherichia coli in wild cervids. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 109 (6), 2214-2222. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2010.04855.x

Bardiau, M., Muylaert, A., Duprez, J.-N., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (2010). Prevalence, molecular typing, and antibiotic sensitivity of enteropathogenic, enterohaemorrhagic, and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolated from veal calves. Tijdschrift voor Diergeneeskunde, 135 (14-15), 554-8.

Bardiau, M., Szalo, I. M., & Mainil, J. (2010). Initial adherence of EPEC, EHEC and VTEC to host cells. Veterinary Research, 41 (5), 57. doi:10.1051/vetres/2010029

Duchesnes, C., Vandeweerd, J. M., & Mainil, J. (2010). Final year thesis at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Liège : A new requirement, a new challenge! [Paper presentation]. VI Congreso Internacional Docencia Universitaria e Innovacion : Nuevos Espacios de calidad en la Educacion Superior : Un analisis comparado y de Tendencias, Barcelona, Spain.

Kadja, M. C., Kpodekon, M., Kane, Y., Tchassou, K., Kaboret, Y., Mainil, J., & Taminiau, B. (2010). Typing of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from milk of cows with subclinical mastitis in Dakar, Senegal. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, 58, 95-205.

Lebrun, M., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (2010). Cattle enterotoxaemia and Clostridium perfringens: description, diagnosis and prophylaxis. Veterinary Record, 167 (1), 13-22. doi:10.1136/vr.167.1.12

Mainil, J. (2010). Principales maladies bactériennes zoonotiques des animaux de compagnie (chiens et chats) [Paper presentation]. Symposium de l'AESA : risques zoonosiques liés aux animaux de compagnie (chiens et chats), Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2010). Mécanismes de résistance des bactéries aux antibiotiques [Paper presentation]. Journées nationales GTV : Antibiothérapie - Santé animale et santé publique, Lille, France.

Mainil, J., Duchesnes, C., & Muylaert, A. (2010). Antibiorésistance: une maladie génétique des bactéries [Paper presentation]. Journées nationales GTV : Antibiothérapie - Santé animale et santé publique, Lille, France.

Muylaert, A., Lebrun, M., Duprez, J.-N., Labrozzo, S., Theys, H., Taminiau, B., & Mainil, J. (2010). Enterotoxaemia-like syndrome and Clostridium perfringens in veal calves. Veterinary Record, 167, 64-65. doi:10.1136/vr.b4869

Mainil, J. (December 2009). Escherichi coli : a versatile pathogen bacterium [Paper presentation]. Cours aux étudiants de 1er Master en Sciences Bilogiques des Facultés Universitaire Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (December 2009). Dialogues moléculaires entre bactéries pathogènes et cellules hôtes : l'exemple des souches pathogènes d'Escherichia coli [Paper presentation]. Cours aux étudiants de 1er Master en Sciences Bilogiques des Facultés Universitaire Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (November 2009). Zoonoses for the Medicval Students by a Veterinarian [Paper presentation]. Cours aux étudiants vétérinaires de 5ème année du département de Médecine vétérinaire de la faculté des Sciences agricoles de l'Université de Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan.

Mainil, J. (November 2009). Q Fever for the Veterinarian and Medical Students [Paper presentation]. Cours aux étudiants vétérinaires de 5ème année du département de Médecine vétérinaire de la faculté des Sciences agricoles de l'Université de Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan.

Bardiau, M., Grégoire, F., Labrozzo, S., Hanrez, D., Nahayo, A., Pirot, P., Mousset, B., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (September 2009). Prevalence of enteropathogenic (EPEC), enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) and verotoxigenic (VTEC) Escherichia coli in the faeces of wild ruminants in Belgium [Poster presentation]. PEN meeting “Control and Management of Pathogenic E. coli'.

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (September 2009). Study of polymorphisms in tir and eae genes of enterohemorrhagic and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli of serogroup O26 [Poster presentation]. PEN meeting “Control and Management of Pathogenic E. coli'.

Huybens, N., Houeix, J., Licois, D., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (01 April 2009). Biomolecular comparison of bacteriological caecal flora with and without Epizootic Rabbit Enteropathy (ERE) contamination [Poster presentation]. Biomedica 2009, Liège, Belgium.

Bardiau, M., Ogura, Y., Mainil, J., & Hayashi, T. (March 2009). Comparison of bovine and human O26 EHEC strains by the Whole Genome PCR Scanning [Poster presentation]. PEN meeting.

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (2009). Putative adhesins of enteropathogenic and enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli of serogroup O26 isolated from humans and cattle. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 47 (7), 2090-2096. doi:10.1128/JCM.02048-08

Huybens, N., Houeix, J., Licois, D., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (2009). INInoculation and bacterial analyses of fractions obtained from the reference inoculum tec4 which experimentally reproduces epizootic rabbit enteropathy. World Rabbit Science, 17 (4), 185-193.

Huybens, N., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (2009). Les techniques de biologie moléculaire d'analyse des populations bactériennes complexes. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 153 (2), 112-128.

Loret, S., Rusu, D., Moualij, B. E., Taminiau, B., Heinen, E., Dandrifosse, G., & Mainil, J. (2009). Preliminary characterization of jejunocyte and colonocyte cell lines isolated by enzymatic digestion from adult and young cattle. Research in Veterinary Science, 87 (1), 123-32. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2008.12.002

Mainil, J. (January 2009). Leptospirosis of domestic animals and hazards for humans [Paper presentation]. Cours aux étudiants vétérinaires de 5ème année du département de Médecine vétérinaire de la faculté des Sciences agricoles de l'Université de Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan.

Mainil, J. (January 2009). Infections from bites and scratches from dogs, cats and rats [Paper presentation]. Cours aux étudiants vétérinaires de 5ème année du département de Médecine vétérinaire de la faculté des Sciences agricoles de l'Université de Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan.

Nobe, R., Nougayrede, J.-P., Taieb, F., Bardiau, M., Cassart, D., Navarro-Garcia, F., Mainil, J., Hayashi, T., & Oswald, E. (2009). Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli serogroup O111 inhibits NF-(kappa)B-dependent innate responses in a manner independent of a type III secreted OspG orthologue. Microbiology, 155, 3214-25. doi:10.1099/mic.0.030759-0

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (September 2008). Prevalence of putative adhesins in enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) Escherichia coli of serogroup O26 isolated from humans and cattle [Poster presentation]. PEN meeting “Epidemiology & Transmission of Pathogenic E. coli”, Sweden.

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (September 2008). Distribution d’adhésines potentielles au sein de souches d’Escherichia coli entérohémorragiques de sérogroupes O26 [Poster presentation]. 4ème Colloque International Francophone de microbiologie animale.

Huybens, N., Houeix, J., Szalo, I. M., Licois, D., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (2008). IS EPIZOOTIC RABBIT ENTEROPATHY (ERE) A BACTERIAL DISEASE? In Proceeding of the 9th World Rabbit Congress (pp. 971 - 976).

Bardiau, M., Ogura, Y., Hayashi, T., & Mainil, J. (June 2008). Comparison of bovine and human O26 EHEC strains by the Whole Genome PCR Scanning [Paper presentation]. Meeting of Eadgene.

Bardiau, M., Ogura, Y., Hayashi, T., & Mainil, J. (June 2008). Comparison of bovine and human O26 EHEC strains by the Whole Genome PCR Scanning [Paper presentation]. Meeting of Eadgene, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Mainil, J. (April 2008). La leptospirose du chien : actualités d'une vieille maladie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire dans le cadre de la formation continuée, Liège - Charleroi, Belgium.

Huybens, N., HOUEIX, J., Mainil, J., & Marlier, D. (04 March 2008). Nouveautés sur l’étiologie de l’entéropathie épizootique du lapin [Paper presentation]. Symposium « Santé animale », Tervuren, Belgium.

Bardiau, M., Ogura, Y., Hayashi, T., & Mainil, J. (March 2008). Comparison of bovine and human O26 EHEC strains by the Whole Genome PCR Scanning [Paper presentation]. PEN meeting “E. coli: Pathogenicity, Virulence and Emerging Pathogenic Strains Conference”, Rome, Italy.

Bardiau, M., Ogura, Y., Hayashi, T., & Mainil, J. (March 2008). Comparison of bovine and human O26 EHEC strains by the Whole Genome PCR Scanning [Paper presentation]. PEN meeting “E. coli: Pathogenicity, Virulence and Emerging Pathogenic Strains Conference”, Rome, Italy.

Ruth, N., Quinting, B., Mainil, J., Hallet, B., Frère, J.-M., Huygen, K., & Galleni, M. (2008). Creating hybrid proteins by insertion of exogenous peptides into permissive sites of a class A beta-lactamase. FEBS Journal, 275, 5151-5160. doi:10.1111/j.1742-4658.2008.06646.x

Mainil, J. (November 2007). Pathogenesis of bacterial infections : Development of the disaese : Bacterial toxins and their interactions with the host cells [Paper presentation]. Cours aux étudiants vétérinaires de 5ème année du département de Médecine vétérinaire de la faculté des Sciences agricoles de l'Université de Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan.

Mainil, J. (November 2007). Pathogenesis of bacterial infections : Colonisation of the mucosa : Adherence factors and their interactions with the host cells [Paper presentation]. Cours aux étudiants vétérinaires de 5ème année du département de Médecine vétérinaire de la faculté des Sciences agricoles de l'Université de Miyazaki, Miyazaki, Japan.

Lebrun, M., Filée, P., Galleni, M., Mainil, J., Linden, A., & Taminiau, B. (September 2007). Purification of the recombinant beta2 toxin (CPB2) from an enterotoxaemic bovine Clostridium perfringens strain and production of a specific immune serum. Protein Expression and Purification, 55 (1), 119-131. doi:10.1016/j.pep.2007.04.021

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (June 2007). Application of suppressive subtractive hybridization to identify specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26 [Paper presentation]. Meeting of Eadgene and SABRE.

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (June 2007). Application of suppressive subtractive hybridization to identify specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26 [Paper presentation]. Meetinf od Eadgene and SABRE, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (May 2007). Identification, par hybridation suppressive soustractive (SSH) et par microarray, de facteurs de virulence impliqués dans l’attachement initial et dans la spécificité d’hôte de souches entérohémorragiques d’Escherichia coli (EHEC) appartenant au sérogroupe O26 [Paper presentation]. 7ème congrès National de la Société Française de Microbiologie, Nantes, France.

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (May 2007). Identification, par hybridation suppressive soustractive (SSH) et par microarray, de facteurs de virulence impliqués dans l’attachement initial et dans la spécificité d’hôte de souches entérohémorragiques d’Escherichia coli (EHEC) appartenant au sérogroupe O26 [Paper presentation]. 7ème congrès National de la Société Française de Microbiologie.

Bardiau, M., Labrozzo, S., & Mainil, J. (April 2007). Application of suppressive subtractive hybridization to identify specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26 [Poster presentation]. 1st PEN meeting, Dublin, Ireland.

Boulanger, D., Brouillette, E., Jaspar, F., Malouin, F., Mainil, J., Bureau, F.* , & Lekeux, P.*. (2007). Helenalin reduces Staphylococcus aureus infection in vitro and in vivo. Veterinary Microbiology, 119 (2-4), 330-338. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2006.08.020
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Lebrun, M., Filée, P., Mousset, B., Desmecht, D., Galleni, M., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (2007). The expression of Clostridium perfringens consensus beta2 toxin is associated with bovine enterotoxaemia syndrome. Veterinary Microbiology, 120 (1-2), 151-157. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2006.10.020

Mainil, J. (2007). La tuberculose à Mycobacterium bovis : le point de vue du bactériologiste [Paper presentation]. Séminaire dans le cadre de la formation continuée, Liège - Mons - Charleroi, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2007). Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. : an introduction [Paper presentation]. ColiSalm workshop, EADGENE NoE and SABRE Days, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Mainil, J. (2007). EHEC dialogue with eucaryotic cells [Paper presentation]. ColiSalm workshop, EADGENE NoE and SABRE Days, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Martin, N., Mousset, B., Duprez, J.-N., Grégoire, F., Hoyoux, A., Linden, A., & Mainil, J. (2007). Profils de résistance aux antibiotiques de souches d'Enterococcus sp et d'Escherichia coli isolées dans les matières fécales de sangliers et cervidés sauvages. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 151, 55-60.

Moulin-Schouleur, M., Schouler, C., Tailliez, P., Kao, M. R., Bree, A., Germon, P., Oswald, E., Mainil, J., Blanco, M., & Blanco, J. (October 2006). Common virulence factors and genetic relationships between O18 : K1 : H7 Escherichia coli isolates of human and avian origin. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 44 (10), 3484-3492. doi:10.1128/JCM.00548-06

Bardiau, M., & Mainil, J. (September 2006). Identification of specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26 by substractive suppressive hybridyzation [Paper presentation]. Meeting of Eadgene, Paris, France.

Bardiau, M., & Mainil, J. (September 2006). Identification of specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26 by substractive suppressive hybridyzation [Paper presentation]. Meeting of Eadgene and SABRE, Paris, France.

Bardiau, M., & Mainil, J. (July 2006). Identification de facteurs de virulence spécifique d’hôte de souches entérohémorragiques d’Escherichia coli (EHEC) appartenant au sérogroupe O26, par hybridation soustractive d’ADN [Poster presentation]. 3ème Colloque International Francophone de Bactériologie Vétérinaire, Liège, Belgium.

Chahed, A., China, B., Mainil, J., & Daube, G. (July 2006). Prévalence d’Escherichia coli enterohémorragiques du sérotype O157 et d’autres Escherichia coli attachantes et effaçantes sur des carcasses bovines en Algérie [Poster presentation]. Troisième colloque international francophone de bactériologie vétérinaire, Liège, Belgium.

Bardiau, M., & Mainil, J. (June 2006). Identification of specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26 by substractive suppressive hybridyzation [Poster presentation]. Meeting of Eadgene, Denmark.

Bardiau, M., & Mainil, J. (May 2006). Identification of specific host virulence factors of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli strains of serogroup O26 by substractive suppressive hybridization [Poster presentation]. 10th Bioforum.

Chahed, A., China, B., Mainil, J., & Daube, G. (2006). Prevalence of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli from serotype O157 and other attaching and effacing Escherichia coli on bovine carcasses in Algeria. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 101 (2), 361-368. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2006.02954.x

Mainil, J. (2006). Soft issue infections in animals. In J. Mainil (Ed.), Genus Clostridium - Clostridia in medical, veterinary and food microbiology : Diagnosis and typing (pp. 37-43). Bruxelles, Belgium: European Commission.

Mainil, J. (2006). Grande et petites histoires des microbes et des microbilogistes sur Terre [Paper presentation]. 3ème Colloque International francophone de Bactériologie vétérinaire, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (Ed.). (2006). Genus Clostridium - Clostridia in medical, veterinary and food microbiology : Diagnosis and typing. Bruxelles, Belgium: European Commission.

Mainil, J. (2006). Clostridia and enterotoxaemia [Paper presentation]. Symposium international de la Filière Veau, Saint-Malo, France.

Mainil, J., Janssen, L., Bimazubute, M., Dizier, I., & Gustin, P. (2006). Fluctuations dans la sensibilité à l’enrofloxacine des populations nasales chez le porcelet au cours d’un traitement parentéral. In Proceedings: 3ème Colloque International Francophone de Bactériologie Vétérinaire.

Mainil, J., Menozzi, M., Pelkonen, S., & Delmée, M. (2006). Bacteriological identification and antibiotic sensitivity testing. In J. Mainil (Ed.), Genus Clostridium - Clostridia in medical, veterinary and food microbiology : Diagnosis and typing (pp. 106-117). Bruxelles, Belgium: European Commission.

Malik, A., Toth, I., Beutin, L., Scmidt, H., Taminiau, B., Dow, M. A., Oswald, E., Mainil, J., & Nagy, B. (2006). Serotypes and intimin types of intestinal and faecal strains of eae+ Escherichia coli from weaned pigs. Veterinary Microbiology, 114, 82-93. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2005.11.044

Marlier, D., Dewrée, R., Lassence, C., Licois, D., Mainil, J., Coudert, P., Meulemans, L., Ducatelle, R., & Vindevogel, H. (2006). Infectious agents associated with epizootic rabbit enteropathy: Isolation and attempts to reproduce the syndrome. Veterinary Journal, 172 (3), 493-500. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2005.07.011

Szalo, I. M., Taminiau, B., & Mainil, J. (2006). Le lipopolysaccharide d’Escherichia coli : structure, biosynthèse et rôles. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 150 (2), 108-124.

Mainil, J. (December 2005). Le genre Clostridium chez les ruminants [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Schering Plough, Ciney, Belgium.

Rusu, D., Loret, S., Peulen, O., Mainil, J., & Dandrifosse, G. (01 December 2005). Immunochemical, biomolecular and biochemical characterization of bovine epithelial intestinal primocultures. BMC Cell Biology, 6, 42-53. doi:10.1186/1471-2121-6-42

Ruth, N., Mainil, J., Roupie, V., Frère, J.-M., Galleni, M., & Huygen, K. (May 2005). DNA vaccination for the priming of neutralizing antibodies against non-immunogenic STa enterotoxin from enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Vaccine, 23 (27), 3618-3627. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2004.11.080

Thomas, A., Linden, A., Mainil, J., Bischof, D. F., Frey, J., & Vilei, E. (15 April 2005). Mycoplasma bovis shares insertion sequences with Mycoplasma agalactiae and Mycoplasma mycoides subsp mycoides SC: Evolutionary and developmental aspects. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 245 (2), 249-255. doi:10.1016/j.femsle.2005.03.013

Boutet, P., Detilleux, J., Motkin, M., Deliège, M., Piraux, E., Depinois, A., Debliquy, P., Mainil, J., Czaplicki, G., & Lekeux, P. (2005). Comparaison du taux cellulaire et de la sensibilité antimicrobienne des germes responsables de mammite subclinique bovine entre les filières conventionnelles et biologique. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 149, 173-182.

Boutet, P., Detilleux, J., Motkin, M., Deliege, M., Piraux, E., Depinois, A., Debliquy, P., Mainil, J., Czaplicki, G., & Lekeux, P. (2005). A comparison of somatic cell count and antimicrobial susceptibility of subclinical mastitis pathogens in organic and conventional dairy herds. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 149 (3), 173-182.

Halloy, D. J., Kirschvink, N., Mainil, J., & Gustin, P. (2005). Synergistic action of E. coli endotoxin and Pasteurella multocida type A for the induction of bronchopneumonia in pigs. Veterinary Journal, 169 (3), 417-426. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2004.02.010

Mainil, J. (2005). Regulation of Virulence Gene Expression by “Quorum-sensing” - Science or Science-fiction ? Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 149C (Special issue), 33-40.

Mainil, J. (2005). Regulation of virulence gene expression by "quorum-sensing": science or science-fiction? [Paper presentation]. Chaire Francqui au titre belge, Merelbeke, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2005). Necrotoxigenic Escherichia coli : study of the roles of CNF2 and CDT-III toxins in an experimental model of infection in calves. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 149 (Sp. Iss. SI), 46-48.

Mainil, J. (2005). Maladies infectieuses et micro-organismes : de la préhistoire aux postulats de Koch - grande et petite histoire. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 149C (Special issue), 3-4.

Mainil, J. (2005). Infectieziekten en microorganismen - Vanaf de prehistorie tot aan de postulaten van Koch [Paper presentation]. Chaire Francqui au titre belge, Merelbeke, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2005). Hygiène médicale et les microbes au 3eme millénaire: avons-nous vraiment progressé depuis le 19eme siècle [Paper presentation]. 18ste Symposium "Evolutie van de wetenschappelijke deken" - Thema "Hygiëne in de Lage landen door de eeuwen heen", Antwerpen, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2005). Genetics and regulation of bacterial virulence: towards the molecular version of Koch's postulates [Paper presentation]. Chaire Francqui au titre belge, Merelbeke, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2005). Genetics and Regulation of Bacterial Virulence - Towards the Molecular Version of Koch’s Postulates. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 149C (Special issue), 24-32.

Mainil, J. (2005). Family relationship between human, animal and food verotoxigenic Escherichia coli (VTEC) [Paper presentation]. Meeting of safefood research network on Verocytotoxigenic E.coli (VTEC), Jordanstown, United Kingdom.

Mainil, J. (2005). Development of disease : bacterial toxins and their interaction with host cells [Paper presentation]. Chaire Francqui au titre belge, Merelbeke, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2005). Development of Disease - Bacterial Toxins and their Interaction with Host Cells. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 149C (Special issue), 15-23.

Mainil, J. (2005). Colonisation of the Mucosae - Adherence Factors and their Interaction with Host Cells. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 149C (Special issue), 5-14.

Mainil, J. (2005). Colonisation of the mucosae - Adherence factors and their interaction with host cells [Paper presentation]. Chaire Francqui au titre belge, Merelbeke, Belgium.

Mainil, J., & Daube, G. (2005). Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli from animals, humans and foods: who's who? Journal of Applied Microbiology, 98 (6), 1332-1344. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.2005.02653.x

Mainil, J., & De Graef, E. (2005). Grote en kleine geschiedenis van de infectieziekten en micro-organismen. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 74, 169-181.

Mainil, J., Stordeur, P., & Moulin-Schouleur, M. (2005). Specific virulence properties of avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) [Paper presentation]. EADGENE European Network of Excellence, Industry days, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Thomas, A., Leprince, P., Dizier, I., Ball, H., Gevaert, K., Van Damme, J., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (2005). Identification by two-dimensional electrophoresis of a new adhesin expressed by a low-passaged strain of Mycoplasma bovis. Research in Microbiology, 156 (5-6,), 713-718. doi:10.1016/j.resmic.2005.02.008

Thomas, A., Linden, A., Mainil, J., Dizier, I., Baseman, J. B., Kannan, T. R., Fleury, B., Frey, J., & Vilei, E. M. (09 December 2004). The p40* adhesin pseudogene of Mycoplasma bovis. Veterinary Microbiology, 104 (3-4), 213-217. doi:10.1016/j.vetmic.2004.09.009

Thomas, A., Dizier, I., Linden, A., Mainil, J., Frey, J., & Vilei, E. (July 2004). Conservation of the uvrC gene sequence in Mycoplasma bovis and its use in routine PCR diagnosis. Veterinary Journal, 168 (1), 100-102. doi:10.1016/S1090-0233(03)00186-2

Mainil, J. (June 2004). Résistances bactériennes aux antibiotiques : origine et épidémiologie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire A.E.S.A, Ciney, Belgium.

Stordeur, P., Bree, A., Mainil, J., & Moulin-Schouleur, M. (June 2004). Pathogenicity of pap-negative avian Escherichia coli isolated from septicaemic lesions. Microbes and Infection, 6 (7), 637-645. doi:10.1016/j.micinf.2004.03.006

Mainil, J. (May 2004). Clostridies humaines et animales [Paper presentation]. Séminaire au C.H.U. de Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Szalo, I. M., Taminiau, B., Goffaux, F., Pirson, V., McCappin, J., Ball, H., & Mainil, J. (May 2004). 2F3 Monoclonal Antibody Recognizes the O26 O-Antigen Moiety of the Lipopolysaccharide of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Strain 4276. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 11 (3), 532-537. doi:10.1128/CDLI.11.3.532-537.2004

Halloy, D. J., Bouhet, S., Oswald, I. P., Goret-Nicaise, M., Kobisch, M., Mainil, J., & Gustin, P. (2004). Pathophysiological changes occurring during Escherichia coli endotoxin and Pasteurella multocida challenge in piglets: relationship with cough and temperature and predicitive value for intensity of lesions. Veterinary Research, 35 (3), 309-324. doi:10.1051/vetres:2004012

Imberechts, H., Decostere, A., Dierickx, K., Thiry, E., Mainil, J., & Saegerman, C. (2004). Caseuse lymfadenitis bij kleine herkauwers. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 73, 103-111.

Linden, A., Manteca, C., Daube, G., Lebrun, M., & Mainil, J. (2004). Enterotoxaemia in foods animals [Paper presentation]. 22nd Annual ACVIM Forum, Minneapolis, United States.

Mainil, J. (2004). Virulence and other specific properties of enteropathogenic ans enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli [Paper presentation]. Minisymposium "Pathogenic Escherichia coli : from virulence factors to immune activation, Merelbeke, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2004). Verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli : Who's who? [Paper presentation]. Annual Conference of the Society for Applied Microbiology, Cork, Ireland.

Mainil, J. (2004). Morsures et griffures des chats, chiens et rats : étiologies et attitude. (Folia Veterinaria , 1).

Mainil, J., & Van Bost, S. (2004). Facteurs de virulence et propriétés spécifiques des souches invasives d’Escherichia coli : IV) Les souches nécrotoxinogènes. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 148 (3), 121-132.

Manteca, C., Ginter, A., Limbourg, B., Coppe, P., Mainil, J., & Daube, G. (2004). Etude de l'entérotoxémie bovine en Belgique. III. Comparaison de différents protocoles d'immunisation contre la toxine alpha de Clostridium perfringens. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 148 (3), 147-152.

Thomas, A., Dizier, I., Ball, H., Sachse, K., Frey, J., Linden, A., & Mainil, J. (2004). Prévalence des mycoplasmes dans les troubles respiratoires chez les bovins et propriétés spécifiques d'adhérence de Mycoplasma bovis. Belgium: Service Public Fédéral, Ministère de la Santé publique.

Mainil, J. (December 2003). Résistances bactériennes aux antibiotiques : le cas des pathogènes respiratoires du bovin [Paper presentation]. Conférence AESA, Ciney, Belgium.

Marches, O., Ledger, T. N., Boury, M., Ohara, M., Tu, X. L., Goffaux, F., Mainil, J., Rosenshine, I., Sugai, M., De Rycke, J., & Oswald, E. (December 2003). Enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli deliver a novel effector called Cif, which blocks cell cycle G(2)/M transition. Molecular Microbiology, 50 (5), 1553-1567. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2958.2003.03821.x

Van Bost, S., Roels, S., Oswald, E., & Mainil, J. (November 2003). Putative roles of the CNF2 and CDTIII toxins in experimental infections with necrotoxigenic Escherichia coli type 2 (NTEC2) strains in calves. Microbes and Infection, 5 (13), 1189-1193. doi:10.1016/j.micinf.2003.08.005

Thomas, A., Nicolas, C., Dizier, I., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (04 October 2003). Antibiotic susceptibilities of recent isolates of Mycoplasma bovis in Belgium. Veterinary Record, 153 (14), 428-431. doi:10.1136/vr.153.14.428

Van Bost, S., Jacquemin, E., Oswald, E., & Mainil, J. (September 2003). Multiplex PCRs for Identification of Necrotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41 (9), 4480-4482. doi:10.1128/JCM.41.9.4480-4482.2003

Boulanger, D., Bureau, F., Melotte, D., Mainil, J., & Lekeux, P. (April 2003). Increased nuclear factor kappa B activity in Milk Cells of Mastitis-Affected Cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 86 (4), 1259-1267. doi:10.3168/jds.S0022-0302(03)73710-2

Thomas, A., Sachse, K., Farnir, F., Dizier, I., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (March 2003). Adherence of Mycoplasma bovis to bovine bronchial epithelial cells. Microbial Pathogenesis, 34 (3), 141-148. doi:10.1016/S0882-4010(03)00003-2

Mainil, J. (2003). Thèse principale : "Les souches nécrotoxinogènes d'Escherichia coli (NTEC) animales et humaines : identification et comparaison des propriétés générales et potentielles de virulence" [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mainil, J. (2003). Thèse annexe 3 : "Identification, clonage et typage des gènes eae codant pour l'adhésine intimine des souches entéropathogènes et entérohémorragiques bovines d'Escherichia coli (EPEC et EHEC)" [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mainil, J. (2003). Thèse annexe 2 : "Détection et localisation des gènes codant pour les adhésines fimbriaires F18 et afimbriaires AIDA des souches vérotoxinogènes porcines d'Escherichia coli (VTEC)" [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mainil, J. (2003). Thèse annexe 1 : "Identification des pathotypes et des réplicons de base des plasmides de virulence de souches entérotoxinogènes d'Escherichia coli (ETEC)" [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mainil, J. (2003). Les résistances aux antibiotiques : des maladies contagieuses des bactéries? [Paper presentation]. VIIIth Conference on Food Microbilogy, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (2003). Leçon publique : "Quorum-sensing chez les bactéries ou quand les bactéries dialoguent" [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mainil, J. (2003). Genus Clostridium and diseases [Paper presentation]. Whorshop "Clostridial enterotoxaemia and enteritis in farm animals", Budapest, Hungary.

Mainil, J. (2003). Facteurs de virulence et propriétés spécifiques des souches invasives d'Escherichia coli : II) Franchissement des muqueuses et propriétés invasives. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147 (3, JUN-JUL), 159-171.

Mainil, J. (2003). Facteurs de virulence et propriétés spécifiques des souches invasives d'Escherichia coli : I) les adhésines et facteurs de colonisation. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147 (2, APR-MAY), 105-126.

Mainil, J. (2003). Enterotoxaemia and enteritis in ruminants. Field example in cattle in Belgium [Paper presentation]. Whorshop "Clostridial enterotoxaemia and enteritis in farm animals", Budapest, Hungary.

Mainil, J., Jacquemin, E., & Oswald, E. (2003). Prevalence and identity of cdt-related sequences in necrotoxigenic Escherichia coli. Veterinary Microbiology, 94, 159-165. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(03)00102-0

Stordeur, P., Beaupain, N., & Mainil, J. (2003). Caractérisation génotypique de souches invasives aviaires d'Escherichia coli isolées en Belgique. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147 (4, AUG-SEP), 275-280.

Thomas, A., Dizier, I., SACHSE, K., Ball, H., Linden, A., & Mainil, J. (2003). Les mycoplasmes respiratoires bovins: prévalence et propriétés de cyto-adhésion. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147 (4), 267-272.

Thomas, A., Dizier, I., Sachse, K., Ball, H., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (2003). Mycoplasma bovis dans le complexe respiratoire bovin et propriétés de cyto-adhésion in vitro. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147 (4, AUG-SEP), 267-272.

Thomas, A., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (2003). Mycoplasma bovis : synthèse des connaissances actuelles. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147 (1, FEB-MAR), 23-39.

Thomas, A., Sachse, K., Dizier, I., Grajetzki, C., Farnir, F., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (2003). Adherence to various host cell lines of Mycoplasma bovis strains differing in pathogenic and cultural features. Veterinary Microbiology, 91 (2-3), 101-113. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(02)00303-6

Van Bost, S., & Mainil, J. (2003). Facteurs de virulence et propriétés spécifiques des souches invasives d'Escherichia coli : III) Production de toxines. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147 (5, OCT-NOV), 327-342.

Thomas, A., Ball, H., Dizier, I., Trolin, A., Bell, C., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (19 October 2002). Isolation of Mycoplasma species from the lower respiratory tract of healthy cattle and cattle with respiratory disease in Belgium. Veterinary Record, 151 (16), 472-476. doi:10.1136/vr.151.16.472

Boseret, G., Jauniaux, T., & Mainil, J. (05 September 2002). Septicémie à Edwardsiella tarda: rapport de deux cas chez le marsouin commun (Phocoena phocoena) [Poster presentation]. Deuxième colloque International de Bactériologie vétérinaire.

Thomas, A., Dizier, I., Trolin, A., Mainil, J., & Linden, A. (July 2002). Comparison of sampling procedures for isolating pulmonary mycoplasmas in cattle. Veterinary Research Communications, 26 (5), 333-339. doi:10.1023/A:1016291208229

Boseret, G., Jauniaux, T., & Mainil, J. (2002). Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae infection in stranded harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and harbour seal (Phoca vitulina). In E. anton (Ed.), Proceedings of the 4th scientific meeting of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians and 5th meeting of the European Wildlife Disease Assocation : Heidelberg, Germany 2002 / editor Anton ERKEN.

Boseret, G., Linden, A., & Mainil, J. (2002). Bacillus anthracis. (Faculté de médecine vétérinaire - ULg, Taxonomie bactérienne).

Fekete, P., Gérardin, J., Jacquemin, E., Mainil, J., & Nagy, B. (2002). Replicon typing of the F18 fimbriae encoding plasmids of enterotoxigenic and verotoxigenic Escherichia coli strains from porcine postweaning diarrhoea and oedema disease. Veterinary Microbiology, 85, 275-284. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(01)00515-6

Mainil, J. (2002). Les souches pathogènes d'Escherichia coli chez les chiens et les chats : IV) Discussion générale. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 146 (4, AUG-SEP), 219.

Mainil, J., & Devriese, L. (2002). Divers problèmes bactériens rencontrés chez les animaux domestiques.

Mainil, J., & Duchesnes, C. (2002). Clostridium in health and diseases : an overview [Paper presentation]. First Meeting de l'Action Concertée QLK2-2001-01267 "Pathology and ecology of the genus Clostridium in humans, animals and foodstuffs : Identification epidemiology and pathogenesis, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J., & Gustin, P. (2002). L'émergence des résistances aux antibiotiques influence-y-elle le choix thérapeutique : le cas des pathologies respiratoires du porc.

Mainil, J., Jacquemin, E., Pohl, P., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Benz, I. (2002). DNA sequences coding for the F18 fimbriae and AIDA adhesin are localized on the same plasmid in Escherichia coli isolates from piglets. Veterinary Microbiology, 86, 303-311. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(02)00019-6

Manteca, C., Daube, G., Jauniaux, T., Linden, A., Pirson, V., Detilleux, J., Ginter, A., Coppe, P., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Mainil, J. (2002). A role for the Clostridium perfringens beta 2 toxin in bovine enterotoxaemia? Veterinary Microbiology, 86 (3), 191-202. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(02)00008-1

Stordeur, P., & Mainil, J. (2002). La colibacillose aviaire. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 146 (1, FEB-MAR), 11-18.

Stordeur, P., Marlier, D., Blanco, J., Oswald, E., Biet, F., Dho-Moulin, M., & Mainil, J. (2002). Examination of Escherichia coli from poultry for selected adhesin genes important in disease caused by mammalian pathogenic E. coli. Veterinary Microbiology, 84 (3), 231-241. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(01)00464-3

Szalo, I. M., Goffaux, F., Pirson, V., Piérard, D., Ball, H., & Mainil, J. (2002). Presence in bovine enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic (EHEC) Escherichia coli of genes encoding for putative adhesins of human EHEC strains. Research in Microbiology, 153 (10), 653-658. doi:10.1016/S0923-2508(02)01379-7

Goffaux, F., China, B., & Mainil, J. (26 November 2001). Organisation and in Vitro Expression of Esp Genes of the Lee (Locus of Enterocyte Effacement) of Bovine Enteropathogenic and Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia Coli. Veterinary Microbiology, 83 (3), 275-86. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(01)00418-7

Mainil, J. (November 2001). La virulence bactérienne : puis-je travailler uniquement in vitro? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire au Centre d'Ingéniérie des Protéines, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (November 2001). Du bon usage des antiobiotiques en Médecine vétérinaire [Paper presentation]. Séminaire au Centre Hospitalier Peltzer - La Tourelle, Verviers, Belgium.

Van Bost, S., Babe, M. H., Jacquemin, E., & Mainil, J. (01 October 2001). Characteristics of Necrotoxigenic Escherichia Coli Isolated from Septicemic and Diarrheic Calves between 1958 and 1970. Veterinary Microbiology, 82 (4), 311-20. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(01)00395-9

Van Bost, S., Roels, S., & Mainil, J. (20 August 2001). Necrotoxigenic Escherichia Coli Type-2 Invade and Cause Diarrhoea During Experimental Infection in Colostrum-Restricted Newborn Calves. Veterinary Microbiology, 81 (4), 315-29. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(01)00360-1

Boseret, G., & Mainil, J. (2001). Bacillus anthracis.

Goffaux, F., China, B., Stordeur, P., & Mainil, J. (2001). Pathogenic aspects of VTEC infections in ruminants. In G. Duffy, P. Garvey, ... D. McDowell (Eds.), Verocytotoxigenic Escherichia coli (pp. 213-226). Trumbull, United States: Food and Nutrition Press Inc.

Linden, A., & Mainil, J. (2001). Résistance aux antibiotiques des principaux pathogènes respiratoires chez le bovin.

Mainil, J., Wilbaux, M., Jacquemin, E., Oswald, E., Imberechts, H., & Van Bost, S. (2001). Les souches pathogènes d'Escherichia coli chez les chiens et les chats: III) Données bactériologiques et cliniques sur les souches nécrotoxinogènes et sur celles positives pour des adhésines. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 145 (6), 343-354.

Manteca, C., Daube, G., Pirson, V., Limbourg, B., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Mainil, J. (2001). Bacterial Intestinal Flora Associated with Enterotoxaemia in Belgian Blue Calves. Veterinary Microbiology, 81 (1), 21-32. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(01)00329-7

Manteca, C., Jauniaux, T., Daube, G., Czaplicki, G., & Mainil, J. (2001). Isolation of Clostridium perfringens from three neonatal calves with haemorrhagic abomasitis. Revue de Médecine Vétérinaire, 152, 637-639.

Mellata, M., Bakour, R., Jacquemin, E., & Mainil, J. (2001). Genotypical and phenotypical characterization of potential virulence of intestinal avian Escherichia coli strains isolated in Algeria. Avian Diseases, 45, 670-679.

Vandekerckhove, D., Chow, T., Callebaut, A., Mainil, J., Jacquemin, E., Kerr, P., Ball, H., Stakenborg, T., Mariën, J., & Peeters, J. (2001). Detectie van enteropathogene Escherichia coli bij vleeskonijnen : Een nieuwe diagnostische test. Ministère de l'Agriculture et des Classes Moyennes.

Goffaux, F., China, B., Janssen, L., & Mainil, J. (December 2000). Genotypic Characterization of Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli (Epec) Isolated in Belgium from Dogs and Cats. Research in Microbiology, 151 (10), 865-71. doi:10.1016/S0923-2508(00)01153-0

Gérardin, J., Lalioui, L., Jacquemin, E., Le Bouguénec, C., & Mainil, J. (2000). The afa-related gene cluster in necrotoxigenic and other Escherichia coli from animals belongs to the afa-8 variant. Veterinary Microbiology, 76, 175-184. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(00)00234-0

Goffaux, F., Janssen, L., Jacquemin, E., Pirson, V., China, B., & Mainil, J. (2000). Typing of the pathogenicity islands type III (Locus LEE) of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli [Paper presentation]. Fifth Internzational Meeting on Bacterial Epidemiological Markers, Netherlands.

Goffaux, F., Janssen, L., Pirson, V., China, B., & Mainil, J. (2000). Comparaison des Escherichia coli entéropathogènes (ECEP) et vérotoxinogènes (ECVT) humaines et animales par typage de l'îlot de pathogénicité de type III (locus LEE) [Paper presentation]. Premier colloque francophone de Bactériologie vétérinaire, Montréal, Canada.

Mainil, J. (2000). Wegwijs in de vele benamingen van de veelvormige pathogeen Escherichia coli. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 69, 64-67.

Mainil, J. (2000). Le point des connaissances sur les entérites à Escherichia coli chez le veau. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 144, 121-136.

Mainil, J., Gérardin, J., & Jacquemin, E. (2000). Identification of the F17 fimbrial subunit-and adhesin-encoding (F17A and F17G) gene variants in necrotoxigenic Escherichia coli from cattle, pigs and humans. Veterinary Microbiology, 73, 327-335. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(00)00179-6

Mainil, J., Janssen, L., Charlier, G., Jacquemin, E., China, B., & Goffaux, F. (2000). Les souches pathogènes d'Escherichia coli chez les chiens et chats : II) Données cliniques et bactériologiques sur les souches entéropathogènes. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 144, 335-343.

Manteca, C., Daube, G., Jauniaux, T., Limbourg, B., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Mainil, J. (2000). L'entérotoxémie bovine en Belgique. II. Epizootiologie élémentaire et pathologie descriptive. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 145, 75-82.

Marchès, O., Nougayrede, J. P., Boullier, S., Mainil, J., Charlier, G., Raymond, I., Pohl, P., Boury, M., De Rycke, J., Milon, A., & Oswald, E. (2000). Role of Tir and Intimin in the Virulence of Rabbit Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (REPEC) Serotype O103:H2. Infection and Immunity, 68, 2171-2182. doi:10.1128/IAI.68.4.2171-2182.2000

Marlier, D., Mainil, J., Boucraut-Baralon, C., Linden, A., & Vindevogel, H. (2000). The Efficacy of Two Vaccination Schemes against Experimental Infection with a Virulent Amyxomatous or a Virulent Nodular Myxoma Virus Strain. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 122 (2-3,), 115-22. doi:10.1053/jcpa.1999.0346

Marlier, D., Mainil, J., Boucraut-Baralon, C., Linden, A., & Vindevogel, H. (2000). Comparison of the efficacy of 2 vaccination schemes against an experimental infection with a virulent amyxomatous or a virulent nodular Myxoma virus strain. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 122, 115-122.

Marlier, D., Mainil, J., Linden, A., & Vindevogel, H. (2000). Infectious Agents Associated with Rabbit Pneumonia: Isolation of Amyxomatous Myxoma Virus Strains. Veterinary Journal, 159 (2), 171-8. doi:10.1053/tvjl.1999.0413

Marlier, D., Mainil, J., Sulon, J., Beckers, J.-F., Linden, A., & Vindevogel, H. (2000). Study of the Virulence of Five Strains of Amyxomatous Myxoma Virus in Crossbred New Zealand White/Californian Conventional Rabbits, with Evidence of Long-Term Testicular Infection in Recovered Animals. Journal of Comparative Pathology, 122 (2-3, Feb-Apr), 101-13. doi:10.1053/jcpa.1999.0345

Nagy, B., Toth, I., Mainil, J., & Oswald, E. (2000). Nekrotoxikus Escherichia coli (NTEC) törzsek magyarorszagi elöfordulasa és jellemzése. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja, 122, 751-758.

Schreiber, P., Thomas, A., Linden, A., Limbourg, B., Mainil, J., & Collard, A. (2000). Bactériologie comparée des liquides de lavage pulmonaire obtenus par voie transtrachéale ou par voie nasotrachéale chez le veau. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 144, 173-177.

Stordeur, P., China, B., Charlier, G., Roels, S., & Mainil, J. (January 2000). Clinical Signs, Reproduction of Attaching/Effacing Lesions, and Enterocyte Invasion after Oral Inoculation of an O118 Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia Coli in Neonatal Calves. Microbes and Infection, 2 (1), 17-24. doi:10.1016/S1286-4579(00)00290-2

Toth, I., Oswald, E., Mainil, J., Awad-Masalmeh, & Nagy, B. (2000). Characterization of intestinal cnf1+ Escherichia coli from weaned pigs. International Journal of Medical Microbiology, 290, 539-542. doi:10.1016/S1438-4221(00)80019-3

China, B., Goffaux, F., Pirson, V., & Mainil, J. (01 September 1999). Comparison of Eae, Tir, Esp a and Esp b Genes of Bovine and Human Attaching and Effacing Escherichia Coli by Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 178 (1), 177-82. doi:10.1016/S0378-1097(99)00352-3

Kerr, P., Ball, H., China, B., Mainil, J., Finlay, D., Pollock, D., Wilson, I., & Mackie, D. (July 1999). Use of a Monoclonal Antibody against an Escherichia coli O26 Surface Protein for Detection of Enteropathogenic and Enterohemorrhagic Strains. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 6 (4), 610-614. doi:10.1128/cdli.6.4.610-614.1999

Marlier, D., Linden, A., Mainil, J., & Vindevogel, H. (1999). Etude du rôle présomptif des souches atypiques du virus de la myxomatose dans l’étiologie des lésions du système respiratoire chez le lapin. In Proceedings of the 8èmes Journées de la Recherche Cunicole.

China, B., Jacquemin, E., Devrin, A. C., Pirson, V., & Mainil, J. (June 1999). Heterogeneity of the eae Genes in Attaching/Effacing Escherichia Coli from Cattle: Comparison with Human Strains. Research in Microbiology, 150 (5), 323-332. doi:10.1016/S0923-2508(99)80058-8

Mainil, J. (May 1999). L'antibiorésistance chez l'animal et ses conséquences [Paper presentation]. Séminaire dans le cadre de la formation continuée, Liège et Hainaut, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (May 1999). De la fourche à la fourchette. Utilisation des médicaments vétérinaires : Faut-il avoir peur des antibiotiques dans nos assiettes? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire AVPL et Comices agricoles du Nord Luxembourg, Marche, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (April 1999). Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli in animals : Epidemiology and pahtogenesis [Paper presentation]. Seminar of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

Mainil, J. (April 1999). Clostridium enterotoxemie bij kalveren [Paper presentation]. Symposium voor de vleeskalverhouderij, Vught, Netherlands.

Goffaux, F., China, B., Janssen, L., Pirson, V., & Mainil, J. (1999). The Locus for Enterocyte Effacement (Lee) of Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli (Epec) from Dogs and Cats. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 473, 129-136.

Kerr, P., China, B., Mainil, J., & Ball, H. J. (1999). Development of a monoclonal antibody-based sandwich ELISA for the détection of bovine enteropathogenic and enterohaemorrhagic strains of Escherichia coli O26. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 6, 610-614.

Mainil, J. (1999). Shiga/Verocytotoxins and Shiga/Verotoxigenic Escherichia coli in Animals. Veterinary Research, 30 (2-3), 235-257.

Mainil, J. (1999). O157 Verocytotoxigenic Escherichiacoli : Which name for a new (?) pathogenic Escherichia coli? [Paper presentation]. Studiegroep VTEC O157 (E.coli O157 :H7: een gevaar voor U en mij?), Merelbeke, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (1999). Les bonnes pratiques de l'antibiothérapie vues par un bactériologiste.

Mainil, J., Jacquemin, E., Pohl, P., Fairbrother, J. M., Ansuini, A., Le Bouguénec, C., Ball, H. J., De Rycke, J., & Oswald, E. (1999). Comparison of necrotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from farm animals and humans. Veterinary Microbiology, 70, 123-135. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(99)00134-0

Manteca, C., Daube, G., & Mainil, J. (1999). Etude du role de Clostridium perfringens dans l'entérotoxémie bovine. Bulletin et Mémoires de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, 154 (6, Pt 2).

Manteca, C., Daube, G., & Mainil, J. (1999). Etude du rôle de Clostridium perfringens dans l'entérotoxémie bovine [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Buiâterie, Paris, France.

Nougayrède, J. P., Marchès, O., Boury, M., Mainil, J., Charlier, G., Pohl, P., De Rycke, J., Milon, A., & Oswald, E. (1999). The long-term cytoskeletal rearrangement induced by rabbit enteropathogenic Escherichia coli is Esp-dependent but intimin-independent. Molecular Microbiology, 31, 19-30. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2958.1999.01138.x

Thomas, A., Hardy, N., De Mol, P., Henroteaux, M., & Mainil, J. (1999). Les hélicobactéries chez les animaux mythe ou réalité? 2. Etudes bactériologique et clinique préliminaires chez les carnivores domestiques. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 143, 31-39.

Van Bost, S., & Mainil, J. (1999). Reproduction of Lesions and Clinical Signs with a Cnf2-Producing Escherichia Coli in Neonatal Calves. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 473, 125-128.

China, B., Pirson, V., & Mainil, J. (October 1998). Prevalence and Molecular Typing of Attaching and Effacing Escherichia Coli among Calf Populations in Belgium. Veterinary Microbiology, 63 (2-4), 249-259. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(98)00237-5

Mainil, J. (June 1998). Progrès dans la connaissance et la prévention des gastro-entérites néonatales d'origine bactérienne [Paper presentation]. Conférence CESAM - objectif 1, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (February 1998). Les souches attachantes et effaçantes d'escherichia coli chez le bovin: pathogénie et prophylaxie [Paper presentation]. Séminire Mérial, Lyon, France.

Griffiths, N. J., Walton, J. R., Edwards, G. B., Bennett, M., China, B., Mainil, J., Vandevenne, S., & Hart, C. A. (1998). The prevalence of Clostridium perfringens in the horse. Rev Med Microbiol, 9, 52-64.

Linden, A., Thomas, A., & Mainil, J. (1998). Les mycoplasmes respiratoires des bovins : I. Clinique, diagnostic et traitement. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 142, 397-404.

Mainil, J. (1998). Les mécanismes de résistances aux antibiotiques [Paper presentation]. IIIrd Conference on Food Microbiology, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (1998). Les adhésines des Escherichia coli vérotoxinogènes et nécrotoxinogènes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de bactériologie " Colibacilles producteurs de cytotoxines : vérotoxinogènes et nécrotoxinogènes, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Mainil, J., Bez, S., Jacquemin, E., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1998). Les souches pathogènes d'Escherichia coli chez le chien et le chat : I) Détection des souches entérotoxinogènes (ETEC), entéropathogènes (EPEC) vérotoxinogènes (VTEC), entérohémorragiques (EHEC) et nécrotoxinogènes (NTEC). Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 142, 39-46.

Mainil, J., Daube, G., Jacquemin, E., Pohl, P., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1998). Virulence Plasmids of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia Coli Isolates from Piglets. Veterinary Microbiology, 62 (4), 291-301. doi:10.1016/S0378-1135(98)00225-9

Mainil, J., Thomas, A., & Linden, A. (1998). Les mycoplasmes respiratoires des bovins : II. Propriétés de virulence et vaccination. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 142, 405-410.

Mellata, M., Bakour, R., Jacquemin, E., Mohamed Ou Saïd, A., & Mainil, J. (1998). Caractérisation phénotypique et génotypique de la virulence potentielle de souches d'Escherichia coli bovines isolées en Algérie. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 142, 207-214.

Mellata, M., Jacquemin, E., Bakour, R., & Mainil, J. (1998). Résistance aux antibiotiques de souches d'Escherichia coli bovines et aviaires isolées en Algérie. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 142, 129-138.

Thomas, A., & Mainil, J. (1998). Les hélicobactéries chez les animaux domestiques. Mythe ou réalité? Synthèse des connaissances. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 142, 233-246.

Goffaux, F., Mainil, J., Pirson, V., Charlier, G., Pohl, P., Jacquemin, E., & China, B. (15 September 1997). Bovine Attaching and Effacing Escherichia Coli Possess a Pathogenesis Island Related to the LEE of the Human Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli Strain E2348/69. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 154 (2), 415-421. doi:10.1016/S0378-1097(97)00362-5

Mainil, J., Jacquemin, E., Hérault, F., & Oswald, E. (1997). Presence of pap-, sfa- and afa-related sequences in necrotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from cattle : evidence for new variants of the AFA family. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 61, 193-199.

Pohl, P., Cleenwerk, I., Imberechts, H., Jacquemin, E., Marin, M., China, B., & Mainil, J. (1997). Différences entre les pathotypes et les sérogroupes des Escherichia coli vérotoxinogènes isolées de veaux sains et celles isolées de veaux souffrant de diarrhée. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 141, 155-159.

Van Regenmortel, M., Tellam, R., Manteca, C., Mainil, J., & Pastoret, P.-P. (1997). Antigens. In P. Pastoret, J. Blancou, P. Vannier, ... C. Verschueren (Eds.), Veterinary Vaccinology (pp. 23-54). Elsevier.

China, B., Pirson, V., & Mainil, J. (September 1996). Typing of Bovine Attaching and Effacing Escherichia Coli by Multiplex in Vitro Amplification of Virulence-Associated Genes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62 (9), 3462-3465. doi:10.1128/aem.62.9.3462-3465.1996

Daube, G., Ginter, A., Manteca, C., Limbourg, B., Coppe, P., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1996). L'entérotoxémie bovine: rôle de Clostridium perfringens. Ministère de l'Agriculture et des Classes Moyennes.

Daube, G., Simon, P., Limbourg, B., Manteca, C., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1996). Hybridization of 2,659 Clostridium Perfringens Isolates with Gene Probes for Seven Toxins (Alpha, Beta, Epsilon, Iota, Theta, Mu, and Enterotoxin) and for Sialidase. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 57 (4), 496-501.

Mainil, J. (November 1995). Plotselinge sterfte bij kalveren : rol van Clostridium perfringens [Paper presentation]. Werkcollege voor de Post-Universitair Onderwijs Diergeneeskunde, Ghent, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (1995). La vaccination anticolibacillaire en pathologie digestive [Paper presentation]. Congrès annuel de la Société Française de Buiâterie, Paris, France.

Mainil, J. (1995). Attachnig/Effacing Escherichia coli (AEEC) from man and animals [Paper presentation]. Séminaire à l'Institut supérieur de santé de Rome, Rome, Italy.

Mainil, J., Daube, G., Jacquemin, E., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Pohl, P. (1995). Typage des Escherichia coli isolées d'intestins de porcelets en Belgique au moyen de sondes génétiques : souches entérotoxinogènes, vérotoxinogènes ou entéropathogènes. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 139, 5-13.

Pohl, P., Contrepois, M., Imberechts, H., Van Muylem, K., Jacquemin, E., Oswald, E., & Mainil, J. (1995). Recherche de structures d'attachement et de facteurs de virulence chez des Escherichia coli adhérentes aux villosités intestinales du veau, mais qui ne produisent pas les adhésines F5 (K99), F17 ni Att111 in vitro. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 139, 421-425.

Pohl, P., & Mainil, J. (1995). F 17-positive Escherichia coli. Veterinary Record (Letter).

Vandevenne, S., Caudron, I., Serteyn, D., & Mainil, J. (1995). Infection respiratoire équine à Bordetella bronchiseptica. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 139, 349-353.

Daube, G., China, B., Simon, P., Hvala, K., & Mainil, J. (December 1994). Typing of Clostridium Perfringens by in Vitro Amplification of Toxin Genes. Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 77 (6), 650-655. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2672.1994.tb02815.x

Daube, G., Simon, P., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (06 April 1994). Study of ribosomal ribonucleic acid gene patterns of different Clostridium perfringens toxinotypes [Poster presentation]. Third IMBEM congress, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Daube, G., Simon, P., Manteca, C., Limbourg, B., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (17 March 1994). Répartition spécifiques des différents pathotypes de Clostridium perfringens [Poster presentation]. Colloque "Microbiologie Anaérobie", Villeneuve d'Ascq, France.

Mainil, J. (1994). La maladie de Lyme : une nouvelle maladie? Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 138, 373-383.

Mainil, J., & Pohl, P. (1994). Les souches attachantes et effaçantes d'Escherichia coli d'origine bovine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 138, 419-429.

Oswald, E., Pohl, P., Jacquemin, E., Lintermans, P., Van Muylem, K., O'Brien, A. D., & Mainil, J. (1994). Specific DNA probes to detect Escherichia coli strains producing cytotoxic necrotising factor type 1 or type 2. Journal of Medical Microbiology, 40, 428-434. doi:10.1099/00222615-40-6-428

Pohl, P., Marin, M., Imberechts, H., & Mainil, J. (1994). Fréquence des séquences d'ADN impliquées dans les lésions d'attachement-effacement des microvillosités des entérocytes (séquences eae) chez les Escherichia coli vérotoxinogènes isolées à partir de veaux souffrant de diarrhée et leur rareté chez celles isolées de veaux sains. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 138, 597-599.

Mainil, J. (December 1993). The identity card of Attaching/Effacing Escherichia coli (AEEC) from animals [Paper presentation]. Séminaire à la faculté de Médecine vétérinaire de Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.

Mainil, J. (1993). Les colibacilloses dans l'espèce bovine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 137, 343-350.

Mainil, J. (1993). Les colibacillose dans l'espèce bovine [Paper presentation]. Colloque "Escherichia coli hier et aujourd'hui : 100 ans de pathologie, Liège, Belgium.

Mainil, J., Jacquemin, E., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Pohl, P. (1993). Association between the effacing (eae) gene and the Shiga-like toxin-encoding genes in Escherichia coli isolates from cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 54, 1064-1068.

Pohl, P., Mainil, J., Devriese, L., Haesebrouck, F., Broes, A., Lintermans, P., & Oswald, E. (1993). Escherichia coli productrices de la toxine cytotoxique nécrosante de type 1 (CNF1) isolées à partir de processus pathologiques chez des chats et des chiens. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 137, 21-25.

Pohl, P., Oswald, E., Van Muylem, K., Jacquemin, E., Lintermans, P., & Mainil, J. (1993). Escherichia coli producing CNF1 and CNF2 cytotoxins in animals with different disorders. Veterinary Research, 24, 311-315.

Pohl, P., Oswald, E., Van Robaeys, G., Stockmans, F., Lintermans, P., & Mainil, J. (1993). Tests simples pour le diagnostic présumé des Escherichia coli isolées principalement chez les bovins et productrices des cytotoxines nécrosantes (CNF). Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 137, 503-505.

Pohl, P., Peeters, J. E., Jacquemin, E. R., Lintermans, P. F., & Mainil, J. (1993). Identification of eae genes in rabbit attaching and effacing enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). Infection and Immunity, 61, 2203-2206.

Mainil, J. (October 1992). Colibacillosis in newborn calves : link between classical bacteriology and molecular biology [Paper presentation]. Seminar at the Veterinary School of University of Glasgow, Bearsden, United Kingdom.

Daube, G., Marot, M.-P., Collin, N., Simon, P., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (April 1992). Génotypage de souches de Clostridium perfringens : application à des cas d'entérotoxémie bovine [Poster presentation]. Troisième congrès de la Société Française de Microbiologie, Lyon, France.

Clercx, C., Coignoul, F., Jakovlevic, S., Balligand, M., Mainil, J., Henroteaux, M., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1992). Tuberculosis in dogs : a case report and review of the literature. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association, 28, 207-211.

Daube, G., Mainil, J., Limbourg, B., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1992). Etude de l'antibiorésistance de Clostridium perfringens par l'emploi de sondes génétiques. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 136, 53-56.

Mainil, J., Bex, F., Dreze, P., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Couturier, M. (1992). Replicon typing of virulence plasmids of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from cattle. Infection and Immunity, 60, 3376-3380.

Pohl, P., Daube, G., Lintermans, P., Imberechts, H., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Mainil, J. (1992). Infection multiple des veaux par des Escherichia coli vérotoxinogènes (VTEC). Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 136, 259-262.

Pohl, P., Daube, G., Mainil, J., Lintermans, P., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Oswald, E. (1992). Facteurs de virulence et phénotypes de soixante et une souches d'Escherichia coli d'origine bovine, productrices de la toxine cytotoxique nécrosante de type 1 (CNF 1). Annales de Recherches Vétérinaires, 23 (1), 83-91.

Pohl, P., Van Muylem, K., Lintermans, P., Imberechts, H., & Mainil, J. (1992). Adhésines connues et inconnues chez les Escherichia coli isolées de cas de diarrhée du veau. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 136, 479-481.

Daube, G., Mainil, J., Limbourg, B., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (December 1991). Study of antibiotic resistance in Clostridium perfringens isolates from cattle by the colony hybridization assay [Poster presentation]. Journée de la réunion interdisciplinaire de chimiothérapie antiinfectieuse, Paris, France.

Daube, G., Simon, P., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (December 1991). Genetic characterisation of Clostridium perfringens [Poster presentation]. Symposium of macromolecular identification and classification of organisms, Anvers, Belgium.

Daube, G., Simon, P., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (November 1991). Genetic characterisation of Clostridium perfringens [Poster presentation]. Symposium of molecular approach of microbial diversity, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Daube, G., Simon, P., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (25 March 1991). Is the gene encoding Clostridium perfringens epsilon-toxin present on an extrachromosomal replicon ? [Paper presentation]. Annual conference, Scaborough, United Kingdom.

Mainil, J. (1991). Les vérocytotoxines d'Escherichia coli et leur diagnostic par sondes génétiques [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de bactériologie "les Escherichia coli vérotoxinogènes (VTEC)", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (1991). Les vérocytotoxines d'Escherichia coli et leur diagnostic par sondes génétiques. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 135, 579-586.

Oswald, E., De Rycke, J., Lintermans, P., Van Muylem, K., Mainil, J., Daube, G., & Pohl, P. (1991). Virulence Factors Associated with Cytotoxic Necrotizing Factor Type Two in Bovine Diarrheic and Septicemic Strains of Escherichia coli. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 29, 2522-2527. doi:10.1128/jcm.29.11.2522-2527.1991

Pohl, P., Daube, G., Lintermans, P., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Mainil, J. (1991). Description de 70 souches d'Escherichia coli d'origine bovine possédant les gènes des vérotoxines. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 135, 267-272.

Pohl, P., Lintermans, P., Mainil, J., Daube, G., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1990). Enterohaemolysin and Shiga-like toxin genes in E.coli [letter to the editor]. Veterinary Record, 585-586.

Mainil, J., Daube, G., Jacquemin, E., Urbain, B., Pohl, P., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (April 1990). Identification of virulence plasmids in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli from cattle and pigs [Poster presentation]. 2nd International Meeting on Bacterial Epidemiological Markers, Rhodes, Greece.

Daube, G., Kaeckenbeeck, A., Mainil, J., Coppe, P., Ginter, A., & Limbourg, B. (1990). Etude du rôle de Clostridium perfringens dans l'entérotoxémie du veau et prophylaxie [Paper presentation]. Biotechnologie et Santé animale, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Losson, B., & Mainil, J. (1990). Les maladies contagieuses transmissibles du cheval à l'homme.

Mainil, J., Bex, F., Jacquemin, E., Pohl, P., Couturier, M., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1990). Prevalence of four entérotoxin (STaP, STaH, STb, and LT) and four adhesin subunit (K99, K88, 987P, and F41) genes among Escherichia coli isolates from cattle. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 51, 183-190.

Mainil, J., Daube, G., Bex, F., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Couturier, M. (October 1989). DNA hybridization to identify virulence plasmids of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli from animal origin [Poster presentation]. Philippe Laudat Conference on Bacterial Pathogenesis, from Molecular Genetics to Cell Biology, Le Bischenberg, Obernai, France.

Pohl, P., Mainil, J., Lintermans, P., Daube, G., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (30 September 1989). ETEC-like strains from cattle. Veterinary Record, 30, 382. doi:10.1136/vr.125.14.382

Mainil, J., Daube, G., Jacquemin, E., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (April 1989). Identification of pathotypes of non enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli of bovine origin using six virulence gene probes [Poster presentation]. Annual Conference of the Association of Veterinars Teachers and Research workers, Scarborough, United Kingdom.

Mainil, J. (February 1989). Plasmid replicon typing in veterinary medicine [Paper presentation]. Pathology Research Meeting, Bearsden, United Kingdom.

Mainil, J., Daube, G., Deprez, P., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Pohl, P. (1989). Detection and Identification of Pathotypes of Verocytotoxigenic Escherichia Coli Isolated from Weaned Piglets Using Gene Probes for Seven E. Coli Toxins. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 50 (3), 345-349. doi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.1989.tb03136.x

Pohl, P., Daube, G., Lintermans, P., Van Muylem, K., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Mainil, J. (1989). Description de 21 souches d'Escherichia coli O157 isolées de bovins et d'une chèvre. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 673-680.

Pohl, P., Lintermans, P., Mainil, J., & Deprez, P. (1989). Production de vérocytotoxine par les Escherichia coli du porc. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 29-37.

Pohl, P., Lintermans, P., Van Muylem, K., Kaeckenbeeck, A., Daube, G., & Mainil, J. (1989). Fréquence et caractères des Escherichia coli 987P et F41 isolées chez les porcelets en Belgique. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 431-434.

Pohl, P., Mainil, J., Lintermans, P., Daube, G., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1989). Découverte en Belgique de quatre souches d'Eschérichia coli toxigènes de type S 102-9. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 133, 619-621.

Mainil, J. (November 1988). Escherichia coli entérotoxinogènes bovins : identification des facteurs et des plasmides de virulence par hybridation ADN-ADN [Paper presentation]. Séminaire à la faculté de Médecine de Médecine de l'Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada.

Broes, A., Fairbrother, J. M., Mainil, J., Harel, J., & Larivière, S. (1988). Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli serotypes O8:KX105 and O8:K"2829" strains isolated from piglets with diarrhea. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 26, 2402-2409. doi:10.1128/jcm.26.11.2402-2409.1988

Mainil, J. (1988). Escherichia coli entérotoxinogènes bovins : identification des facteurs et des plasmides de virulence par hybridation ADN-ADN [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mainil, J., Pohl, P., Jacquemin, E., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1988). Recherche par hybridation ADN et par réaction sérologique de l'adhésine K99 des Escherichia coli entérotoxinogènes bovins : comparaison des résultats. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 132, 415-421.

Pohl, P., Lintermans, P., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1988). Phénotypes des Escherichia coli K99. Etude de souches d'Europe, d'Amérique et d'Asie. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 132, 65-67.

Gerday, C., Pennetreau-Césa, D., Gérardin-Otthiers, N., Art, D., Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1987). Heat-stable enterotoxin from a pathogenic canine strain of Escherichia coli. Biochem, 6, 15-19.

Mainil, J., Duchesnes, C., Whipp, S. C., Marques, L. R. M., O'Brien, A. D., Casey, T. A., & Moon, H. W. (1987). Shiga-like toxin production and attaching and effacing activity of Escherichia coli associated with calf diarrhea. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 48, 743-748.

Mainil, J., Sadowski, P. L., Tarsio, M., & Moon, H. W. (1987). In vivo emergence of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli variants lacking genes for K99 fimbriae and heat-stable enterotoxin. Infection and Immunity, 55, 3111-3116.

Pohl, P., Lintermans, P., Mainil, J., Kaeckenbeeck, A., & Bertels, A. (1987). Etude des phénotypes et des facteurs de virulence des Escherichia coli Att25. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 131, 429-439.

Pospischil, A., Mainil, J., Baljer, G., & Moon, H. W. (1987). Attaching and effacing bacteria in the intestines of calves and cats with diarrhea. Veterinary Pathology, 24, 330-334. doi:10.1177/030098588702400407

Mainil, J. (April 1986). Production de toxines de Shiga par des Escherichia coli entéropathogènes : études des propriétés d'attachement et d'effacement [Paper presentation]. Séminiares de génétique, immunologie et microbiologie, Woluwé St Lambert, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (1986). Exemples of new virulence factors : EPEC attachment and toxins [Paper presentation]. CEC Seminar on Virulence Factors, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Mainil, J., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1986). Les souches d'Escherichia coli entérotoxinogènes du veau produisent un seul type de toxine active chez le souriceau : STaP. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 130, 531-534.

Mainil, J., Moseley, S. L., Schneider, R. A., Sutch, K., Casey, T. A., & Moon, H. W. (1986). Hybridization of bovine Escherichia coli isolates with genes probes for four enterotoxins (StaP, STaH, STb, LT) and one adhesive factor (K99). American Journal of Veterinary Research, 47, 1145-1148.

Mainil, J. (September 1985). Use of iron-depleted medium for the production of Shiga and Shiga-like toxins [Paper presentation]. NADC, Ames, Iowa, United States.

Mainil, J. (September 1985). Evidence for loss of virulence genes during enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection [Paper presentation]. Monday Noon Seminars, Ames, Iowa, United States.

De Bisschop, H. C., Mainil, J., & Willems, J. L. (1985). In vitro degradation of the four isomers of Soman in human serum. Biochemical Pharmacology, 34, 1895-1900. doi:10.1016/0006-2952(85)90305-3

Mainil, J., Bex, F., Couturier, M., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1985). Hybridization on bovine enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli with two heat-stable enterotoxin gene probes. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 46, 2582-2584.

Mainil, J., Bex, F., Couturier, M., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1984). Diagnostic de la colibacillose entérotoxique du veau au moyen de deux sondes ST : application sur le contenu intestinal. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 128, 467-470.

Mainil, J., Bex, F., Couturier, M., & Kaeckenbeeck, A. (1984). Caractérisation d'Escherichia coli entérotoxinogène d'origine bovine par hybridation ADN-ADN sur colonies. Annales de Recherches Vétérinaires, 128, 467-470.

Mainil, J. (November 1983). Etude d'Escherichia coli entérotoxinogènes d'origine bovine par hybridation ADN-ADN sur colonies [Paper presentation]. Séminiares de génétique, immunologie et microbiologie, Woluwé St Lambert, Belgium.

Mainil, J. (1983). Les avortements d'origine bactérienne dans l'espèce canine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 127, 321-338.

Mainil, J. (1983). Etude d'Escherichia coli entérotoxinogènes d'origine bovine par hybridation ADN-ADN sur colonies [Specialised master, ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mainil, J. (1981). Traitement de la fibrillation auriculaire chez le cheval par les sels de quinidine : essais de traitement en un jour [Master’s dissertation, Université de Liège FMV]. ORBi-University of Liège.