Publications and communications of Vincent Geenen

Burniat, A., Noël, A., Colige, A., Vanderplasschen, A., de Kerchove d'Exaerde, A., Kupper Cardozo, A., Van Keymeulen, A., Moens, A., Bondue, A., Herpain, A., Marchant, A., Loumaye, A., Beck, B., Van den Heyden, B., Corvilain, B., Lakaye, B., Rogister, B., Malgrange, B., Michiels, C., ... Brunko, E. (2023). Cent scientifiques répliquent à SEA (Suppression des Expériences sur l’Animal vivant) et dénoncent sa désinformation. La Libre Belgique.

GEENEN, V. (2022). Sur les pas de géants liégeois de la science biomédicale [Paper presentation]. Conférence au Grand Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Perrier d'Hauterive, S., Close, R., Gridelet, V., Mawet, M., Nisolle, M., & Geenen, V. (25 January 2022). Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and Early Embryogenesis: Review. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 1380. doi:10.3390/ijms23031380

Geenen, V., & Nekrassoff, S. (2022). Léon Fredericq : son engagement essentiel pour la science et pour les Hautes Fagnes [Paper presentation]. Grandes Conférences ULiège - Verviers.

Halouani, A., Michaux, H., Jmii, H., Trussart, C., Chahbi, A., Martens, H., Renard, C., Aouni, M., Hober, D., Geenen, V., & Jaïdane, H. (2021). Coxackievirus B4 transplacental infection severely disturbs central tolerogenic mechanisms in the fetal thymus. Microorganisms, 1537. doi:10.3390/microorganisms9071537

Geenen, V. (20 June 2021). Les arbres à croissance lente embellissent bien plus longtemps que les herbes folles. Le Patient, 55.

Alhazmi, A., Nekoua, M.-P., Michaux, H., Sane, F., Halouani, A., Engelmann, I., Alidjinou, E. K., Martens, H., Jaïdane, H., Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (2021). Effect of Coxsackievirus B4 Infection on the Thymus: Elucidating Its Role in the Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes. Microorganisms. doi:10.3390/microorganisms9061177

Michaux, H., Halouani, A., Trussart, C., Jaïdane, H., Martens, H., Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (15 February 2021). Modulation of IGF2 expression in the murine thymus and thymic epithelial cells following coxsackie-B4 infection. Microorganisms, 9 (402), 1-21. doi:10.3390/microorganisms9020402

Geenen, V. (2021). The thymus and the science of Self. Seminars in Immunopathology, 1-10. doi:10.1007/s00281-020-00831-y

Araklioti, E., Herman, L., Nguyen, N. Q. N., Roohi Ahangarani, R., Erak, M., Lauwerys, B., Durez, P., Geenen, V., Winkler, A., Van Mechelen, M., Vander Elst, L., & Carlier, V. (December 2020). Modified peptides as a novel immunotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis [Poster presentation]. Translational Immunology conference.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., Gonzales-Aguilera, B., & Geenen, V. (2020). Letter to the Editor from Hernan Valdes-Socin: “Genetic Study in a Large Cohort Supported Different Pathogenesis of Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism”. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. doi:10.1210/clinem/dgaa456

Araklioti, E., Herman, L., Nguyen, N. Q. N., Roohi Ahangarani, R., Erak, M., Lauwerys, B., Durez, P., Geenen, V., Winkler, A., Van Mechelen, M., Vander Elst, L., & Carlier, V. (June 2020). Modified peptides as a novel immunotherapy for rheumatoid arthritis [Poster presentation]. EULAR European Congress of Rheumatology 2020.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., RENARD, J. D. C., & Trussart, C. (02 April 2020). A unifying model of self-tolerance and autoimmunity to the neuroendocrine system [Paper presentation]. 5th International Multidisciplinary Medical Congress, Tirana, Albania.

Halouani, A., Jmii, H., Bodart, G., Michaux, H., Renard, C., Martens, H., Aouni, M., Hober, D., Geenen, V., & Jaïdane, H. (02 April 2020). Assessment of thymic output dynamics after in utero infection of mice with coxsakievirus B4. Frontiers in Immunology, 11, 481. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.00481

Gridelet, V., PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Polese, B., Foidart, J.-M., Nisolle, M., & Geenen, V. (11 March 2020). Human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG): new pleiotropic functions for an "old" hormone during pregnancy. Frontiers in Immunology, 11, 343. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2020.00343

Halouani, A., Jmii, H., Michaux, H., RENARD, J. D. C., Martens, H., Pirottin, D., Mastouri, M., Aouni, M., Geenen, V., & Jaïdane, H. (03 March 2020). Housekeeping Gene Expression in the Fetal and Neonatal Murine Thymus Following Coxsackievirus B4 Infection. Genes, 11, 279. doi:10.3390/genes11030279

Geenen, V. (12 February 2020). L'influence de Charles Darwin sur la biologie aujourd'hui [Paper presentation]. Darwin Day 2020, Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (21 January 2020). L'Héritage[s] de Charles Darwin [Paper presentation]. Forum des Savoirs de l'ULiège, Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (16 December 2019). Le clonage : quelles limites aujourd'hui et demain ? [Paper presentation]. Conférence du service d'Ophtalmologie du CHU de Liège, Liège Colonster, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (2019). A grateful tribute to Professor Helen KORNEVA. In Homage Book to Helen Korneva. University of St Petersburg.

Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (December 2019). Programing of the autoimmune diabetogenic response in the thymus during fetal and perinatal life. Pediatric Endocrinology Reviews, 17, 35-40. doi:10.17458/

Geenen, V. (29 November 2019). "Petits" inconvénients de l'immunothérapie anti-tumorale [Paper presentation]. Enseignement de formation continue de l'AMLg, Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (2019). Vers un nouveau type de vaccin contre le diabète de type 1 ? (ULiège - Université de Liège). Bruxelles, Belgium: ABD.

Geenen, V. (2019). Vers un vaccin belge contre le diabète ? Le Vif. L'Express.

Daniel, S., LOMMERS, E., HANSEN, I., DIVE, D., GEENEN, V., Beckers, A., & VALDES SOCIN, H. G. (2019). Thyroid dysfunction after Alemtuzumab treatment for multiple sclerosis : diagnostic and therapeutic modalities. In Endocrine Abstracts - ECE 2019.

Geenen, V. (2019). La longue et fascinante épopée de la vaccination. ORBi-University of Liège.

Geenen, V. (2019). Chapter 1 - History of the thymus: from a vestigial organ to the programming of immunological self-tolerance. In G. Passos (Ed.), Thymus Transcriptome and Cell Biology (pp. 1-18). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-12040-5

Geenen, V., Trussart, C., Michaux, H., Halouani, A., Jaïdane, H., RENARD, J. D. C., Collée, C., Daukandt, M., Ledent, P., & Martens, H. (2019). The presentation of neuroendocrine self-peptides in the thymus: An essential event for individual life and vertebrate survival. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1111/nyas.14089

Halouani, A., Jmii, H., Bodart, G., Renard, C., Aouni, M., Hober, D., Martens, H., Mastouri, M., Geenen, V., & Jaïdane, H. (March 2019). Évaluation de la fonction thymique suite à une infection in utero par CV-B4 [Paper presentation]. 1ères journées internationales de Microbiologie, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Halouani, A., Jmii, H., Michaux, H., Renard, C., Martens, H., Pirottin, D., Aouni, M., Geenen, V., & Jaïdane, H. (March 2019). Expression des gènes de ménage dans le thymus foetal et néonatal suite à une infection in utero à Coxsackievirus B4 [Poster presentation]. Aymen Halouani, Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (2019). Les géants de la science en Outremeuse.

Geenen, V. (2019). La Seconde Guerre Mondiale - La science biomédicale qui sauve [Paper presentation]. Espace Universitaire 2018-2019, Liège, Belgium.

Parent, A.-S., Zoeller, R. T., Geenen, V., Demeneix, B., Skakkebaek, N. E., & Santen, R. J. (2019). Remembering Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, MD, PhD. ORBi-University of Liège.

Pérez, A., Mendes-da-Cruz, D., Geenen, V., & Savino, W. (2019). Editorial: Hormones, Neurotransmitters, and T-Cell Development in Health and Disease. Frontiers in Endocrinology. doi:10.3389/fendo.2019.00454

Daniel, S., HANSEN, I., Dive, D., Geenen, V., Beckers, A., & VALDES SOCIN, H. G. (December 2018). Thyroid dysfunction after Alemtuzumab treatment for multiple sclerosis : a report of four cases. Acta Clinica Belgica, 73 (2).

Farhat, K., Bodart, G., Moutschen, M., Salvatori, R., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (December 2018). Growth hormone (GH) deficient mice with GHRH ablation are severely deficient in vaccine and immune responses against Streptococcus pneumoniae. Acta Clinica Belgica, 73 (6 (Suppl.2)).

Geenen, V. (2018). De la tolérance à l'auto-immunité : l'exemple du diabète de type 1 [Paper presentation]. Cours de l'Espace Universitaire de Liège - Module sciences de la santé, Liège, Belgium.

Farhat, K., Bodart, G., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Desmet, C., Moutschen, M., Beguin, Y., Baron, F., Melin, P., Quatresooz, P., Parent, A.-S., Desmecht, D., Sirard, J.-C., Salvatori, R., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (02 October 2018). Growth hormone (GH) deficient mice with GHRH ablation are severely deficient in vaccine and immune responses against Streptococcus pneumoniae. Frontiers in Immunology, 9, 2175. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2018.02175

Geenen, V. (September 2018). Session: Presentation of self-peptides in the thymus as an essential event of life [Paper presentation]. 22nd International symposium on Regulatory Peptides (RegPep2018), Acapulco, Mexico.

Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (September 2018). Historical introduction to the history of the thymus and the concept of immune self-tolerance [Paper presentation]. 22nd Internnational Symposium on Regulatory Peptides (RegPep2018), Acapulco, Mexico.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., HARVENGT, J., Pintiaux, A., JONAS, C., PARENT, A.-S., Geenen, V., CORMAN, V., DEBRAY, F.-G., Dideberg, V., T'sjoen, G., De Leerner, A., Beckers, D., Destree, A., Roland, D., Lederer, D., Boscolo, M., Burlacu, C., VROONEN, L., Bours, V., ... Beckers, A. (September 2018). Etude multicentrique belge chez 56 patients avec hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope congénital (HHC) : caractérisation des anomalies génétiques et cérébrales [Poster presentation]. 35ème Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie, Nancy, France.

Bodart, G., Farhat, K., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Becker, G., Plenevaux, A., Salvatori, R., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (06 June 2018). The severe deficiency of the somatotrope GHRH/GH/IGF1 axis of Ghrh-/- mice is associated with an important splenic atrophy and relative B lymphopenia. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9 (Art. 296). doi:10.3389/fendo.2018.00296

Geenen, V. (2018). Les progrès en immunologie sont à la base des plus grands succès médicaux. ORBi-University of Liège.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LIBIOULLE, C., HARVENGT, J., PINTIAUX, A., JONAS, C., Parent, A.-S., GEENEN, V., CORMAN, V., Debray, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., T'Sjoen, G., De Leerner, A., Beckers, D., Destree, A., Roland, D., Lederer, D., Boscolo, M., Bours, V., Maiter, D., & Beckers, A. (May 2018). The first Belgian series of 56 patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) : genetics and brain abnormalities [Poster presentation]. 20th European Congress of Endocrinology.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LIBIOULLE, C., HARVENGT, J., Pintiaux, A., JONAS, C., PARENT, A.-S., GEENEN, V., CORMAN, V., Debray, F.-G., DIDEBERG, V., T'Sjoen, G., De Leerner, A., Beckers, D., Destree, A., Roland, D., Lederer, D., Boscolo, M., BOURS, V., Maiter, D., & BECKERS, A. (2018). Brain imaging and genetics in patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: a multicenter Belgian study. In J. O. Jorgensen, NENEG Abstract Book Communications (pp. 64). Aarhus, Denmark: Pfizer.

Farhat, K., Bodart, G., Desmet, C., Moutschen, M., Beguin, Y., Baron, F., Salvatori, R., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (20 March 2018). GHRH-deleted Mice Are Severely Deficient in Vaccine And Immunological Responses Against Streptococcus Pneumoniae [Paper presentation]. ENDO 2018, Chicago, United States.

Geenen, V. (28 February 2018). Le thymus, d'un vestige de l'évolution à un organe essentiel pour la survie de l'individu et de l'espèce [Paper presentation]. Collège Belgique - Cours "Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le thymus sans avoir jamais osé le demander, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (08 February 2018). De la métaphore créative à l'innovation thérapeutique [Paper presentation]. Liège Créative, Liège, Belgium.

Polese, B., Gridelet, V., Perrier d'Hauterive, S., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Munaut, C., Martens, H., Vermijlen, D., King, I. L., Jacobs, N., & Geenen, V. (29 January 2018). Accumulation of IL-17+ Vgamma6+ gamma-delta T cells in pregnant mice is not associated with spontaneous abortion. Clinical and Translational Immunology, 7, 1008. doi:10.1002/cti2.1008

Gonzalez-Aguilera, B., BETEA, D., LUTTERI, L., CAVALIER, E., GEENEN, V., Beckers, A., & VALDES SOCIN, H. G. (2018). Conversion to Graves disease from Hashimoto thyroiditis : a study of 24 patients. Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism. doi:10.20945/2359-3997000000086

Moutschen, M., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (2017). Immunosenescence and infectious diseases. In J.-P. Michel, B. L. Beattie, F. C. Martin, ... J. D. Walston (Eds.), Oxford Textbook of Geriatric Medicine - 3rd Edition (10.1093/med/9780198701590.001.0001, pp. 1-17). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/med/9780198701590.003.0079

Amorim, C., Andris, F., Arckens, L., Arnould, T., Aron, S., Bakker, J., Balligand, M., Balthazart, J., Baron, F., Beck, B., Beguin, Y., Behets, C., Bellefroid, E., Bertrand, L., Bettendorff, L., Bindels, L., Blankert, B., Blanpain, C., Bondue, A., ... Wittamer, V. (2017). L’expérimentation animale reste indispensable (OPINION). La Libre Belgique.

Geenen, V. (13 November 2017). The Physiology of The Thymus [Paper presentation]. Course in Biomedical sciences, Maastricht, Netherlands.

Geenen, V. (25 October 2017). Processus cognitifs communs aux créativités scientifique et artistique [Paper presentation]. Art et science : regards croisés, Liège, Belgium.

DE VOEGHT, A., Martens, H., RENARD, J. D. C., VAIRA, D., Debruche, M., Simonet, J., Geenen, V., MOUTSCHEN, M., & DARCIS, G. (2017). Exploring the link between innate immune activation and thymic function by measuring sCD14 and TRECs in HIV patients living in Belgium. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0185761

Geenen, V. (17 October 2017). Development of a negative self-vaccine against type 1 diabetes based on central tolerogenic properties of the thymus [Paper presentation]. Flanders vaccines & BioWin, Ghent, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (June 2017). Histoire du thymus : d'un organe vestigial à la programmation de la tolérance immunitaire. MS. Medecine Sciences, 33 (6-7), 634-644. doi:10.1051/medsci/20173306024

Moreno-Reyes, R., Bex, M., Corvilain, B., Daumerie, C., Decallonne, B., GEENEN, V., Gruson, D., Lapauw, B., Poppe, K., & Van den Bruel, A. (2017). World Thyroid Day 2017 - Press annoucement. Commentary.

Farhat, K., Bodart, G., RENARD, J. D. C., Desmet, C., MOUTSCHEN, M., Beguin, Y., Baron, F., Salvatori, R., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (23 May 2017). A surprising and dramatic neuroendocrine-immune phenotype of mice deficient in Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH) [Poster presentation]. European Congress of Endocrinology, Lisbonne, Portugal. doi:10.1530/endoabs.49.EP883

Halouani, A., Jmii, H., El Mastour, F., Abdelkefi, S., Mokni, M., Geenen, V., Aouni, M., & Jaïdane, H. (11 May 2017). IMPACT OF IN UTERO INFECTION WITH COXSACKIEVIRUS B4 ON THE MOUSE THYMUS [Poster presentation]. Interuniversity PhD student day, Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (2017). Y a-t-il une limite à la longévité de l'Homme ? L'Homme peut-il être immortel ? [Paper presentation]. Cycles de cours de l'ULiège à Verviers, Verviers, Belgium.

Farhat, K., Bodart, G., Renard, C., Desmet, C., MOUTSCHEN, M., BARON, F., Beguin, Y., Salvatori, R., Martens, H., & GEENEN, V. (May 2017). A surprising and dramatic neuroendocrine-immune phenotype of mice deficient in Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH) [Poster presentation]. The 19th European Congress of Endocrinology, Lisbon, Portugal.

Luong, J., & GEENEN, V. (2017). Le boom des maladies auto-immunes. Femmes d'aujourd'hui, p. 29-30.

Michaux, H., Charlet-Renard, C., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (12 March 2017). Mechanisms of Igf2 inhibition in thymic epithelial cells infected with CVB4 E2 [Poster presentation]. IGF & Insulin System in Physiology & Disease, Ventura, United States - California.

Geenen, V. (2017). L'ocytocine et la biologie du coup de foudre [Paper presentation]. Doc'Café, Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (2017). Voyage[s] à travers le thymus. Science et Culture, (465), 14-15.

Bodart, G., Farhat, K., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Salvatori, R., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (2017). The somatotrope Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone/Growth Hormone/Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 axis in immunoregulation and immunosenescence. In W. Savino & F. Guaraldi (Eds.), Endocrine Immunology (pp. 147-159). Basel, Switzerland: Karger. doi:10.1159/000452913

Farhat, K., Bodart, G., Martens, H., Baron, F., Beguin, Y., Moutschen, M., Salvatori, R., & Geenen, V. (2017). A surprising and dramatic neuroendocrine-immune phenotype of mice deficient in Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH). Neuroimmunomodulation.

Geenen, V. (2017). Les écoles liégeoises de physiologie et de médecine aux 19e et 20e siècle [Paper presentation]. Cycle de cours "Histoire de Liège", Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (2017). L'Homme peut-il devenir immortel ?

Saveri, M., Stefenatto, N., BONHOMME, V., GEENEN, V., & BRICHANT, J.-F. (2017). The role of the oxytocinergic system in pain physiology : new data and possible therapeutic strategies. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 68 (4), 157-166.

Tauber, M., Boulanouar, K., Gwenaelle, D., Cabal-Berthoumieu, S., Ehlinger, V., Fichaux-Bourin, P., Molinas, C., Faye, S., Valette, M., Pourrinet, J., Cessans, C., Viaux-Sauvelon, S., Bascoul, C., Guedeney, A., Delhanty, P., Geenen, V., Martens, H., Muscatelli, F., Cohen, D., ... Salles, J.-P. (2017). The use of oxytocin to improve feeding and social skills in infants with Prader-Willi syndrome. Pediatrics, 139 (2). doi:10.1542/peds.2016-2976

Farhat, K., Bodart, G., Desmet, C., Moutschen, M., Salvatori, R., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (07 November 2016). Severe deficiency of the somatotrope GHRH/GH/IGF-1 axis induces a dramatic susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae infection [Poster presentation]. Growth Hormone Research Society (GRS) and IGF Society, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Farhat, K., Bodart, G., RENARD, J. D. C., Desmet, C., Moutschen, M., Baron, F., Beguin, Y., Salvatori, R., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (November 2016). Severe deficiency of the somatotrope GHRH/GH/IGF1 axis induces a dramatic susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae infection [Paper presentation]. 50e Congrès de la Société Française d'Immunologie (SFI), Paris, France.

Halouani, A., Jmii, H., Elmastour, F., Abdelkefi, S., Mokni, M., Geenen, V., Aouni, M., & Jaïdane, H. (November 2016). Etude de l'effet de l'infection in utero par le Coxsackievirus B4 sur le thymus, dans un modèle murin [Paper presentation]. XIIèmes Journées Scientifiques, Hammamet, Tunisia.

Jaïdane, H., Halouani, A., Jmii, H., Elmastour, F., Abdelkefi, S., Bodart, G., Michaux, H., Chakroun, T., Sane, F., Mokni, M., Geenen, V., Hober, D., & Aouni, M. (26 October 2016). In-utero coxsackievirus B4 infection of the mouse thymus. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, Sous presse. doi:10.1111/cei.12893

Polese, B., Gridelet, V., Munaut, C., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (14 October 2016). Treg, Th17 and γδ T cells during normal and abortive pregnancy [Poster presentation]. Treg symposium, Leuven, Belgium.

Polese, B., Gridelet, V., Munaut, C., Martens, H., Perrier d'Hauterive, S., & Geenen, V. (14 October 2016). Treg, Th17 and γδ T cells during normal and abortive pregnancy [Paper presentation]. Treg symposium.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., DEBRAY, F.-G., LIBIOULLE, C., Pintiaux, A., Parent, A.-S., CORMAN, V., Gellner, K., Geenen, V., VROONEN, L., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., & BECKERS, A. (2016). Caractérisation clinique, neuroendocrinienne, génétique et résultats thérapeutiques dans le syndrome de Kallmann et de l'hypogonadisme normosmique idiopathique : expérience liégeoise. In Annales d'Endocrinologie : 33ème congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie.

Daubenbüchel, A., Hoffmann, A., Eveslage, M., Özyurt, J., Lohle, K., Reichel, J., Thiel, C. M., Martens, H., Geenen, V., & Müller, H. L. (2016). Oxytocin in survivors of childhood-onset craniopharyngioma. Endocrine. doi:10.1007/s12020-016-1084-5

Geenen, V. (2016). Voyage[s] à travers le thymus. Liège, Belgium: Presses Universitaires de Liège.

Geenen, V. (2016). Thymectomy in myasthenia gravis: removal of the defective 'sick' organ? ORBi-University of Liège.

Polese, B., Gridelet, V., Legrand, C., Munaut, C., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (27 May 2016). Treg, Th17 and γδ T cells during normal and abortive pregnancy [Poster presentation]. 2016 Immunology day FNRS - Immunology Doctoral School, Belgium.

Michaux, H., Charlet-Renard, C., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (03 May 2016). Mechanisms of Igf2 inhibition in thymic epithelial cells infected with CV-B4 E2 [Poster presentation]. Keystone Symposium Positive-strand RNA Viruses, Austin, United States - Texas.

Geenen, V. (16 April 2016). Drug-induced thyroid dysfunction [Paper presentation]. 48th Meeting of the Belgian Thyroid Club, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (24 March 2016). Voyage[s] through the thymus, the small central 'brain' of the adaptive immune system [Paper presentation]. Biotrail training and tutorial, Marseille, Centre d'Immunologie Marseille-Luminy (CIML), France.

Geenen, V. (24 March 2016). Thymus and Type 1 diabetes: Where are we now? [Paper presentation]. Conférence invitée, Marseille, Centre d'Immunologie Marseille-Luminy (CIML), France.

Bodart, G., Farhat, K., RENARD, J. D. C., Becker, G., Plenevaux, A., Martens, H., Salvatori, R., & Geenen, V. (25 January 2016). Disturbed dexamethasone-induced thymus atrophy and recovery in Ghrh-/- mice with severe deficiency of the somatotrope GHRH/GH/IGF-1 axis [Paper presentation]. GIGA-Day 2016, Liège, Belgium.

Polese, B., Gridelet, V., Munaut, C., Martens, H., PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., & Geenen, V. (25 January 2016). Treg, Th17 and γδ T cells during normal and abortive pregnancy [Poster presentation]. GIGA Day 2016, Liège, Belgium.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LIBIOULLE, C., Debray, F.-G., Pintiaux, A., Parent, A.-S., CORMAN, V., Gellner, K., Geenen, V., Burlacu, C., JONAS, C., Maiter, D., T'Sjoen, G., Poppe, K., Brachet, C., DIDEBERG, V., Bours, V., & Beckers, A. (2016). Neuroendocrine phenotype, genetics and hormonal treatment outcome in idiopathic normosmic hypogonadism and Kallman syndrome patients : A multicenter Belgian Study. In Acta Clinical Belgica.

Maiga, I., BETEA, D., Geenen, V., LUYCKX, F., Beckers, A., & VALDES SOCIN, H. G. (2015). Switch from Hashimoto Thyroiditis (HT) to Graves Basedow (GB) disease : a controlled study in a series of 15 patients. In Abstract book - 20th Annual Congress of the Belgian Society of Internal Medicine.

Bodart, G., Farhat, K., CHARLET-RENARD, J. D. C., Salvatori, R., GEENEN, V., & Martens, H. (09 September 2015). Thymic and immunological phenotype of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)-deficient mice in basal conditions [Poster presentation]. 4th European Congress of Immunology 2015, Vienne, Austria.

Geenen, V. (June 2015). The central role of the thymus in the programming of immunological tolerance to neuroendocrine self: Implications for the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases
 [Paper presentation]. International Symposium”Interactions of the nervous and immune systems in health and disease”, Saint Petersburg, Russia.

Geenen, V. (May 2015). L'école liégeoise de physiologie aux 19e et 20e siècles. Histoire des Sciences Médicales, XLIX (2), 209-218.

Polese, B., Gridelet, V., Araklioti, E., Legrand, C., Munaut, C., Lédée, N., Martens, H., Perrier d'Hauterive, S., & Geenen, V. (March 2015). Treg/Th17 balance in murine embryo implantation and pregnancy [Poster presentation]. 16th world congress on human reproduction, Berlin, Germany.

Bodart, G., Goffinet, L., Morrhaye, G., de Saint-Hubert, M., Debacq-Chainiaux, F., Swine, C., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (2015). Somatotrope GHRH/GH/IGF-1 axis at the crossroad between immunosenescence and elder frailty. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1351, 61-67. doi:10.1111/nyas.12857

Geenen, V. (Ed.). (2015). Neuroimmunomodulation in Health and Disease. Hoboken, United States: Wiley Company. doi:10.1111/nyas.12711

Geenen, V. (2015). Introduction à l'embryologie animale. (ULiège - Université de Liège, BIOL019-1).

Michaux, H., Martens, H., Jaïdane, H., Halouani, A., Hober, D., & Geenen, V. (2015). How does thymus infection by coxsackievirus contribute to the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes? Frontiers in Immunology, 6 (Article 338), 1-6. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2015.00338

Scantamburlo, G., Hansenne, M., Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., & Ansseau, M. (January 2015). Additional intranasal oxytocin to escitalopram improves depressive symptoms in resistant depression: An open trial. European Psychiatry, 30 (1), 65-68. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2014.08.007

Alidjinou, E. K., Sané, F., Engelmann, I., Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (November 2014). Enterovirus persistence as a mechanism in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. Discovery Medicine, 18, 273-282.

Polese, B., Gridelet, V., Araklioti, E., Munaut, C., Lédée, N., Martens, H., Perrier d'Hauterive, S., & Geenen, V. (November 2014). Treg/Th17 balance during murine embryo implantation and pregnancy [Poster presentation]. 32nd Scientific meeting organized by the Belgian Society for Reproductive Medicine, Liège, Belgium.

Bodart, G., Conrad, C., Goffinet, L., CHARLET-RENARD, J. D. C., Salvatori, R., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (26 September 2014). Thymic and immunological phenotype of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH)-deficient mice in basal conditions [Paper presentation]. 9th congress of the International Society for NeuroImmunoModulation, Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (25 September 2014). 9th Congress of the International Society of NeuroImmunoModulation (ISNIM) [Paper presentation]. 9th Congress of ISNIM, Li§ge, Belgium.

Bodart, G., Conrad, C., Goffinet, L., CHARLET-RENARD, J. D. C., Salvatori, R., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (September 2014). Thymic and immunological phenotype of Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH)-deficient mice in basal conditions [Poster presentation]. 9th congress of the International Society for NeuroImmunoModulation, Liège, Belgium.

Polese, B., Gridelet, V., Arakioti, E., Martens, H., Perrier d'Hauterive, S., & Geenen, V. (07 July 2014). The endocrine milieu and CD4 T-lymphocyte polarization during pregnancy. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 5 (Article 106), 1-11. doi:10.3389/fendo.2014.00106

Geenen, V. (27 March 2014). Programming of neuroendocrine self-tolerance in the thymus and its defect in the development of neuroendocrine autoimmunity [Paper presentation]. 9th International Congress on Autoimmunity, Nice, France.

Geenen, V. (2014). The thymus in 2013: from a 'vestigial' organ to immunological self-tolerance and autoimmunity. Proceedings of the Belgian Royal Academies of Medicine, 3, 171-193.

Hayez, A., Malaisse, J., Rogiers, E., Reynier, M., RENARD, J. D. C., Haftek, M., Geenen, V., Serre, G., Simon, M., Lambert de Rouvroit, C., Michiels, C., & Poumay, Y. (2014). High TMEM45A expression is correlated to epidermal keratinization. Experimental Dermatology, 23, 339-344. doi:10.1111/exd.12403

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LUTTERI, L., Cavalier, E., POLUS, M., Geenen, V., Louis, E., & Beckers, A. (2014). El sindrome tirogastrico autoinmune : sus efectos sobre los micronutrientes y la tumorigenesis gastrica. Revista Argentina de Endocrinologia y Metabolismo, 51, 37-43.

Geenen, V. (08 November 2013). New Insights into Thymus Physiology [Paper presentation]. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Immunological Society (BIS), Liége, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (01 November 2013). The central role of thymus insulin-related genes in programming self-tolerance to islet ß cells [Paper presentation]. Insulin Club: from basic science to clinical practice, Berlin, Germany.

Geenen, V. (26 October 2013). Le thymus en 2013 : d’un organe ‘vestigial’ à la tolérance immunitaire vis-à-vis du Soi et à l’auto-immunité [Paper presentation]. Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique (ARMB), Bruxelles, Belgium.

Geenen, V., Bodart, G., Henry, S., Michaux, H., Dardenne, O., RENARD, J. D. C., Martens, H., & Hober, D. (16 October 2013). Programming of neuroendocrine self in the thymus and its defect in neuroendocrine autoimmunity. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 7. doi:10.3389/fnins.2013.00187

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., Tudorescu, A., LUTTERI, L., Geenen, V., & Beckers, A. (October 2013). Hypothyroïdie infraclinique non auto-immune et statut iodé : étude prospective d'intervention. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 74, 352.

Geenen, V. (17 June 2013). The presentation of neuroendocrine self in the thymus: a sheer necessity for a peaceful coevolution of the neuroendocrine and adaptive immune systems [Paper presentation]. Conferences of the Gladstone Institutes at UCSF, San Francisco, United States.

Geenen, V. (2013). Le thymus aujourd'hui : d'un organe 'vestigial' à la tolérance au Soi et à l'auto-immunité.

Gridelet, V., Tsampalas, M., Berndt, S., Hagelstein, M.-T., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Ectors, F., Hugé, F., Munaut, C., Foidart, J.-M., Geenen, V., & Perrier d'Hauterive, S. (2013). Evidence for cross-talk between the LH receptor and LH during implantation in mice. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 25, 511-522. doi:10.1071/RD11241

Scantamburlo, G., Ansseau, M., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (2013). INTRANASAL OXYTOCIN IN THE TREATMENT OF MAJOR DEPRESSION: A PILOT STUDY [Poster presentation]. GIGA-Day.


Geenen, V., Bakker, J., Hoekzema, E., & Scantamburlo, G. (2012). Deregulation of Oxytocin and Vasopressin in Williams Syndrome: A New Model For Exploring Neurogenetics and Neurobiology of Human Social Behavior. ORBi-University of Liège.

Gridelet, V., GASPARD, O., Polese, B., RUGGERI, P., RAVET, S., Munaut, C., Geenen, V., Foidart, J.-M., Ledée, N., & Perrier d'Hauterive, S. (2012). The actors of human implantation: gametes, embryo and endometrium. In L. A. Violin Pereira (Ed.), Embryology - Updates and Highlights on Classic Topics (pp. 5, 85-126). InTech. doi:10.5772/32831

Geenen, V. (2012). Thymus and type 1 diabetes: An update. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. doi:10.1016/j.diabres.2012.05.023

Geenen, V. (2012). The presentation of neuroendocrine self in the thymus: a necessity for an integrated evolution of the immune and neuroendocrine systems. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1261, 42-48. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2012.06624.x

Geenen, V. (2012). The appearance of the thymus and the integrated evolution of adaptive immune and neuroendocrine systems. Acta Clinica Belgica, 67, 209-213.

Gridelet, V., Polese, B., Berndt, S., Conrath, V., Ectors, F., Munaut, C., Foidart, J.-M., Geenen, V., & PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S. (2012). Evidence for Luteinizing Hormone- Luteinizing Hormone Receptor Dialogue at the time of implantation in mice [Poster presentation]. Giga Day, Liège, Belgium.

Jaïdane, H., Caloone, D., Lobert, P.-E., Sane, F., Dardenne, O., Naquet, P., Gharbi, J., Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (2012). Persistent infection of thymic epithelial cells with coxsackievirus B4 results in a decreased expression of insulin-like growth factor 2. Journal of Virology, 86, 11151-11162. doi:10.1128/JVI.00726-12

Jaïdane, H., Sane, F., Hiar, R., Goffard, A., Gharbi, J., Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (2012). Immunology in the clinic review series. Focus on type 1 diabetes and virus: enterovirus, thymus and type 1 diabetes pathogenesis. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 168, 39-46. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2249.2011.04558.x

Kermani, H., Goffinet, L., Mottet, M., Bodart, G., Morrhaye, G., Dardenne, O., Overbergh, L., Baron, F., Beguin, Y., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (2012). Expression of growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis during Balb/c ontogeny and effects of GH upon ex-vivo T-cell differentiation. Neuroimmunomodulation, 19, 137-147.

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., TOME, M., LUTTERI, L., Reenaers, C., POLUS, M., Geenen, V., LOUIS, E., & Beckers, A. (2012). Auto-immune gastritis characteristics in a large series of patients with auto-immune thyroiditis. In XXIVth Belgian Week of Gastroenterology 2012 - Abstract book.

Vermeire, S., Carbonnel, F., Coulie, P., Geenen, V., Hazes, J. M. W., Masson, P., de Keyser, F., & LOUIS, E. (2012). Management of inflammatory bowel disease in pregnancy. Journal of Crohn's and Colitis, 6 (8), 811-23. doi:10.1016/j.crohns.2012.04.009

Chentoufi, A. A., Geenen, V., Giannokakis, N., & Amrani, A. (2011). Editorial. In A. A. Chentoufi, V. Geenen, N. Giannokakis, ... A. Amrani (Eds.), Type 1 Diabetes Immunological Tolerance and Immunotherapy. Hindawi. doi:10.1155/2011/103738

Geenen, V. (03 December 2011). Thyroid and the thymus [Paper presentation]. 39th Meeting of the Belgian Thyroid Club (BTC), Brussels, Belgium.

Goffinet, L., Bodart, G., Renard, C., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (18 November 2011). Investigations on the mechanisms underlying the thymotropic properties of the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis [Poster presentation]. 30th Meeting of the Belgian Immunological Society (BIS), Universiteit Hasselt, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (20 October 2011). The presentation of neuroendocrine self in the thymus: a necessity for an integrated evolution of the adaptive immune response and the neuroendocrine system. Neuroimmunomodulation, 18 (6), 375.

Deblon, N., Veyrat-Durebex, C., Bourgoin, L., Caillon, A., Bussier, A.-L., Petrosino, S., Piscitelli, F., Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., Foti, M., Wahli, W., Di Marzo, V., & Rohner-Jeanrenaud, F. (27 September 2011). Mechanisms of the anti-obesity effects of oxytocin in diet-induced obese rats. PLoS ONE, 6, 25565. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0025565

Geenen, V. (2011). Impact of the thymus emergence on integrated evolution of the adaptative immune and neuroendocrine systems. ORBi-University of Liège.

Geenen, V. (2011). Claude Bernard (1813-1878), the father of modern physiology and experimental medicine. ORBi-University of Liège.

Geenen, V. (2011). Embryologie générale et moléculaire. (ULiège - Université de Liège, ANAT0223-1).

Hazes, J. M. W., Coulie, P. G., Geenen, V., Vermeire, S., Carbonnel, F., LOUIS, E., Masson, P., & De Keyser, F. (2011). Rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy: evolution of disease activity and pathophysiological considerations for drug use. Rheumatology. doi:10.1093/rheumatology/ker302

Geenen, V. (17 August 2011). The presentation of neuroendocrine self in the thymus: a necessity for a peaceful evolution of the neuroendocrine and adaptive immune systems [Paper presentation]. The thymus and T-cell biology in health and diseases, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

ALAMI CHENTOUFI, A., GIANNOUKAKIS, N., & Geenen, V. (Eds.). (2011). Type 1 diabetes immunological tolerance and immunotherapy. United States: Hindawi.

Alami Chentoufi, & Geenen, V. (2011). Thymic self-antigen expression for the design of a negative/tolerogenic self-vaccine against type 1 diabetes. Clinical and Developmental Immunology. doi:10.1155/2011/349368

Goffinet, L., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (June 2011). Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) stimulates interleukin 7 (IL-7) synthesis and secretion in primary cultures of human thymic epithelial cells [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (ENDO 2011), Boston, United States.

Mottet, M., Martens, H., Dardenne, O., & Geenen, V. (June 2011). Preliminary characterisation of a transgenic mouse with selective Igf2 depletion in the thymic epithelium [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (ENDO 2011), Boston, United States.

Geenen, V. (27 May 2011). Développement d'une vaccination tolérogène contre le diabète de type 1 : approches et protocoles en cours [Paper presentation]. 5e Journée-Rencontre avec le Réseau national d'Investigation clinique en Vaccinologie (REIVAC), Paris, France.

Goffinet, L., Renard-Charlet, C., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (April 2011). Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) promotes interleukin 7 (IL-7) synthesis and secretion by primary cultures of human thymic epithelial cells. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 73, 351.

Mottet, M., Martens, H., Renard-Charlet, C., Drion, P., Dardenne, O., & Geenen, V. (2011). Preliminary characterisation of a transgenic mouse with selective Igf2 depletion in the thymic epithelium. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology.

Deblon, N., Veyrat-Durebex, C., Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., Foti, M., Wahli, W., Di Marzo, V., & Rohner-Jeanreanud, F. (23 March 2011). L'infusion chronique et centrale d'ocytocine améliore la résistance à l'insuline induite par une nourriture riche en lipides chez le rat [Paper presentation]. Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabète, Genève, Switzerland.

CASTERMANS, E., Hannon, M., Dutrieux, J., Humblet, S., Seidel, L., Cheynier, R., Willems, E., Gothot, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Geenen, V., Sandmaier, B. M., Storb, R., Beguin, Y., & Baron, F. (2011). Thymic recovery after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation with nonmyeloablative conditioning is limited to patients younger than 60 years of age. Haematologica, 96(2), 298-306. doi:10.3324/haematol.2010.029702

de Saint-Hubert, M., Jamart, J., Morrhaye, G., Martens, H., Geenen, V., Duy Vo, T. K., Toussaint, O., & Swine, C. (2011). Serum IL-6 and IGF-1 improve clinical prediction of functional decline after hospitalization in older patients. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 23, 106-111. doi:10.3275/7028

Goffinet, L., Mottet, M., Kermani, H., Renard-Charlet, J. D. C., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (2011). Impact of the somatotrope Growth Hormone (GH)/Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) axis upon thymus function: Pharmacological implications in regeneration of immune functions. Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents - Medicinal Chemistry, 11, 10-20. doi:10.2174/187152211794519421

Mottet, M., Goffinet, L., Beckers, A., Bodart, G., Morrhaye, G., Kermani, H., RENARD-CHARLET, J. D. C., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (2011). The role of the thymus in integrated evolution of the recombinase-dependent adaptive immune response and the neuroendocrine system. Neuroimmunomodulation, 18, 314-319. doi:10.1159/000329498

PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Huge, F., Polese, B., Berndt, S., GASPARD, O., Munaut, C., Foidart, J.-M., Geenen, V., & GRIDELET, V. (2011). Immune tolerance and angiogenesis during embryo implantation: the role of hCG. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 90 (2), 161-162. doi:10.1016/j.jri.2011.06.057

Scantamburlo, G., Ansseau, M., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (2011). Intranasal oxytocin as an adjunct to escitalopram in major depression. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 23 (2), 5. doi:10.1176/jnp.23.2.jnpe5

TOME GARCIA, M., VALDES SOCIN, H. G., LUTTERI, L., BETEA, D., VROONEN, L., PETROSSIANS, P., Geenen, V., Louis, E., & Beckers, A. (2011). The Thyro-gastric syndrome : its prevalence, clinical, pathological and predictive factors in a prospective series of 360 patients with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis. In Abstract book - 21st Meeting of the Belgian Endocrine Society.

Vo, T. K. D., de Saint-Hubert, M., Morrhaye, G., Godard, P., Geenen, V., Martens, H., Debacq-Chainiaux, F., Swine, C., & Toussaint, O. (2011). Transcriptomic biomarkers of the response of hospitalized geriatric patients admitted with heart failure. Comparison to hospitalized geriatric patients with infectious diseases or hip fracture. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development, 132, 131-139. doi:10.1016/j.mad.2011.02.002

Vo, T. K. D., Godard, P., de Saint-Hubert, M., Morrhaye, G., Debacq-Chainiaux, F., Swine, C., Geenen, V., Martens, H., & Toussaint, O. (2011). Differentially abundant transcripts in PBMC of hospitalized geriatric patients with hip fracture compared to healthy aged controls. Experimental Gerontology, 46, 257-264. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2010.10.012

Geenen, V. (23 November 2010). Immunological principles relevant for immune-mediated inflammatory diseases and pregnancy [Paper presentation]. AIC Symposium, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Goffinet, L., Renard, C., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (September 2010). Thymic interleukin 7 (IL-7) is involved in the thymotropic properties of the somatotrope growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) axis [Poster presentation]. Congress 2010 of the European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA), Liège, Belgium.

Kermani, H., Goffinet, L., Mottet, M., Renard, Dardenne, O., Baron, F., Beguin, Y., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (September 2010). Expression of components of the growth hormone (GH)/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) axis during Balb/c mouse thymus ontogeny and effects of GH upon ex-vivo T-cell differentiation [Poster presentation]. Congress 2010 of the European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA), Liège, Belgium.

Mottet, M., Renard, C., Martens, H., Geenen, V., & Dardenne, O. (September 2010). Development and preliminary characterisation of a transgenic mouse with selective Igf2 deletion in the thymic epithelium [Poster presentation]. Congress 2010 of the European Neuroendocrine Association (ENEA), Liège, Belgium.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Lutteri, L., Latta, A., Vroonen, L., Betea, D., Petrossians, P., Geenen, V., & Beckers, A. (September 2010). Prévalence de gastrite auto-immune et études histologiques dans une série prospective de 240 patients avec thyroïdite de Hashimoto. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 71 (5), 416-417.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Lutteri, L., Latta, A., Vroonen, L., Betea, D., Petrossians, P., Geenen, V., & Beckers, A. (2010). Hypergastrinemia, parietal cell antibodies and vitamine B12 deficiency in a prospective series of 240 patients with autoimmune thyroiditis: from autoimmune gastritis to enterochomafi n cells hyperplasia. In European Neuroendocrine Association - Liège, 22-25 septembre 2010.

Valdes Socin, H. G., Lutteri, L., Latta, K., Vroonen, L., Betea, D., Petrossians, P., Geenen, V., & Beckers, A. (2010). Hypergastrinemia, parietal cell antibodies and vitamine B12 deficiency in a prospective series of 240 patients with autoimmune thyroiditis : from autoimmune gastritis to enterochomafin celles hyperplasia. In European Neuroendocrine Association - Liège, 22-25 septembre 2010.

Geenen, V. (June 2010). The thymus as an obligatory intersection between the immune and neuroendocrine systems: pharmacological implications. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 10. doi:10.1016/j.coph.2010.05.011

Tsampalas, M., Berndt, S., Gridelet, V., Hagelstein, M.-T., CHARLET-RENARD, J. D. C., Munaut, C., Foidart, J.-M., Geenen, V., & PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S. (04 March 2010). The endometrial hCG/LH receptor: quantification throughout the menstrual cycle [Paper presentation]. 14th World Congress of Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE), Florence, Italy.

Duy Vo, T. K., Godard, P., de Saint-Hubert, M., Morrhaye, G., Bauwens, E., Debacq-Chainiaux, F., Glupczynski, Y., Swine, C., Geenen, V., Martens, H., & Toussaint, O. (2010). Transcriptomic biomarkers of human ageing in peripheral blood mononuclear cell total RNA. Experimental Gerontology, 45, 188-194. doi:10.1016/j.exger.2009.12.001

Duy Vo, T. K., Godard, P., de Saint-Hubert, M., Morrhaye, G., Swine, C., Geenen, V., Martens, H., Debacq-Chainiaux, F., & Toussaint, O. (2010). Transcriptomic biomarkers of the response of hospitalized geriatric patients with infectious diseases. Immunity and Ageing, 17, 7-9. doi:10.1186/1742-4933-7-9

Geenen, V. (2010). Immunological principles relevant for immune-mediated inflammatory diseases and pregnancy [Paper presentation]. AIC Symposium, Liege and Leuven, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (2010). Euro-Thymaide - Final publishable report. Brussels, Belgium: European Commission.

Geenen, V. (Ed.). (2010). Current Opinion in Pharmacology, Volume 10, Issue 4, Section Immunomodulation. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 10 (Issue 4), 405-504.

Geenen, V., Mottet, M., Dardenne, O., Kermani, H., Martens, H., François, J.-M., Galleni, M., Hober, D., Rahmouni, S., & Moutschen, M. (2010). Thymic self-antigens for the design of a negative/tolerogenic self-vaccination against type 1 diabetes. Current Opinion in Pharmacology, 10, 461-472. doi:10.1016/j.coph.2010.04.005

Hannon, M., Castermans, E., Cheynier, R., Seidel, L., Humblet-Baron, S., Willems, E., Gothot, A., Geenen, V., Sandmaier, B., Storb, R., Beguin, Y., & Baron, F. (2010). Thymic Recovery after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation with non-Myeloablative Conditioning might Be Limited to Patients Younger than 60 Years of Age [Paper presentation]. 26th General Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society.

Scantamburlo, G., Ansseau, M., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (2010). Intranasal oxytocin as an antidepressant/anxiolytic hormone in the treatment of major depression: a case report.

Tsampalas, M., Gridelet, V., Berndt, S., Foidart, J.-M., Geenen, V., & PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S. (2010). Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: a hormone with immunological and angiogenic properties. Journal of Reproductive Immunology, 85 (1), 93-8. doi:10.1016/j.jri.2009.11.008

VALDES SOCIN, H. G., VROONEN, L., Latta, A., BETEA, D., PETROSSIANS, P., Geenen, V., & Beckers, A. (2010). Le tabac et ses effets sur le système endocrinien. Revue Médicale de Liège, 65 (9), 498-501.

Castermans, E., Hannon, M., Cheynier, R., Seidel, L., Humblet-Baron, S., WILLEMS, E., Corbier, S., Gothot, A., Geenen, V., Sandmaier, B. M., Storb, R. F., Beguin, Y., & Baron, F. (2009). Thymic Recovery After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation with Nonmyeloablative Conditioning Might Be Limited to Patients Younger Than 60 Years of Age. Blood, 114 (22), 1149.

Castermans, E., Hannon, M., Drion, P., Geenen, V., Beguin, Y., & Baron, F. (2009). Reconstitution du système immunitaire après allogreffe de cellules souches hématopoïétiques. Revue Médicale de Liège, 64 (S1), 2-8.

Geenen, V., & Dardenne Olivier. (2009). Thymus dysfunction in the development of type 1 diabetes and endocrine autoimmune diseases. European Endocrinology, 5, 24-26.

Hansenne, I., Louis, C., Martens, H., Dorban, G., Renard, C., Peterson, P., & Geenen, V. (2009). Aire and Foxp3 expression in a particular microenvironment for T-cell differentiation. Neuroimmunomodulation, 16, 35-44. doi:10.1159/000179665

Morrhaye, G., Kermani, H., Cheynier, R., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (2009). Integrity of the somatotrope GH/IGF-1 axis is required for normal thymus function: a clinical study in patients with adult GH deficiency. In The Endocrine Society, Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (pp. 0R35-1).

Morrhaye, G., Kermani, H., Legros, J.-J., Baron, F., Beguin, Y., Moutschen, M., Cheynier, R., Martens, H., & Geenen, V. (2009). Impact of growth hormone (GH) deficiency and GH replacement upon thymus function in adult patients. PLoS ONE, 4 (5), 5668. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0005668

Scantamburlo, G., Ansseau, M., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (2009). Oxytocin: From milk ejection to maladaptation in stress response and psychiatric disorders. A psychoneuroendocrine perspective. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 70 (6), 449-54. doi:10.1016/j.ando.2009.09.002

Geenen, V. (2008). Les glucocorticoïdes, de puissants immunomodulateurs naturels [Paper presentation]. Academy of Immunology for Clinicians (Belgium), Liege et Louvain, Belgium.

Brilot, F., Jaidane, H., Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (April 2008). Coxsackievirus B4 Infection of Murine Foetal Thymus Organ Cultures. Journal of Medical Virology, 80 (4), 659-66. doi:10.1002/jmv.21016

Geenen, V. (April 2008). The essential role of the thymus for a pacific coevolution of the immune and neuroendocrine systems [Paper presentation]. 7th Congress of the International Society of Neuroimmunomodulation (ISNIM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Castermans, E.* , Baron, F.* , Willems, E., Schaaf-Lafontaine, N., Meuris, N., Gothot, A., Vanbellinghen, J.-F., Herens, C., Seidel, L., Geenen, V., Cheynier, R., & Beguin, Y. (2008). Evidence for neo-generation of T cells by the thymus after non-myeloablative conditioning. Haematologica, 93 (2), 240-7. doi:10.3324/haematol.11708
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Geenen, V. (2008). Les cibles hormonales de la réponse auto-immune. Annales d'Endocrinologie, 69, 107-111. doi:10.1016/j.ando.2008.02.006

Geenen, V. (2008). HLA genetics in 'latent' autoimmune diabetes of adults (LADA). International Diabetes Monitor, 20, 144-145.

Hansenne, I., Louis, C., & Geenen, V. (2008). A defect of thymus-dependent self-tolerance to insulin-secreting ß cells in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. In E. B. Pontell (Ed.), Immune Tolerance Research Developments (pp. 167-185). San Francisco, United States: Nova Press.

Geenen, V. (2007). Histoire de la recherche biomédicale. (ULiège - Université de Liège, MEDE0430-1).

Hansenne, I., Renard, C., & Geenen, V. (July 2007). Igf2 expression is required for complete immunological tolerance to insulin [Poster presentation]. 94th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists (AAI), Miami, United States.

Geenen, V. (February 2007). The central role of thymus-dependent tolerance to islet ß cells: a way for the development of a negative self-vaccine against type 1 diabetes [Paper presentation]. Seminar at the Department of Immunology, Rotterdam University Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Castermans, E., Morrhaye, G., Marchand, S., Martens, H., Moutschen, M., Baron, F., Beguin, Y., & Geenen, V. (2007). Evaluation clinique de la fonction du thymus. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 (11), 675-8.

Castermans, E., Morrhaye, G., Marchand, S., Martens, H., Moutschen, M., Geenen, V., Beguin, Y., & Baron, F. (2007). Evaluation de la thymopoiese: applications cliniques. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 (12), 725-9.

Geenen, V. (2007). Cellules souches embryonnaires, clonage reproductif, clonage thérapeutique: discussion et discernement bioéthiques. Science and Culture.

PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Berndt, S., Tsampalas, M., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Dubois, M., Bourgain, C., Hazout, A., Foidart, J.-M., & Geenen, V. (2007). Dialogue between Blastocyst hCG and Endometrial LH/hCG Receptor: Which Role in Implantation? Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 64 (3), 156-60. doi:10.1159/000101740

Geenen, V. (05 December 2006). Le rôle des virus dans la pathogénie du diabète de type 1.

Berndt, S., PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Blacher, S., Pequeux, C., Lorquet, S., Munaut, C., Applanat, M., Herve, M. A., Lamande, N., Corvol, P., van den Brule, F., Frankenne, F., Poutanen, M., Huhtaniemi, I., Geenen, V., Noël, A., & Foidart, J.-M. (December 2006). Angiogenic activity of human chorionic gonadotropin through LH receptor activation on endothelial and epithelial cells of the endometrium. FASEB Journal, 20 (14), 2630-2632. doi:10.1096/fj.06-5885fje

Geenen, V. (December 2006). La voie du thymus et de la tolérance centrale au soi dans le développement d'une self-vaccination négative contre le diabète de type 1 [Paper presentation]. Séminaire à l'Institut de Pharmacologie Cellulaire et Moléculaire (IPCM), Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France.

Geenen, V. (November 2006). Thymus-dependent T cell tolerance of neuroendocrine functions - Principles, reflections, and implications for tolerogenic/negative self-vaccination. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1088, 284-296. doi:10.1196/annals.1366.009

Hansenne, I., Renard-Charlet, C., Greimers, R., & Geenen, V. (15 April 2006). Dendritic cell differentiation and immune tolerance to insulin-related peptides in Igf2-deficient mice. Journal of Immunology, 176 (8), 4651-4657. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.176.8.4651

Castermans, E., Baron, F., Willems, E., Meuris, N., Schaaf-Lafontaine, N., Reynier, R., Geenen, V., & Beguin, Y. (2006). Immune reconstitution after CD8-depleted or unmanipulated peripheral blood stem cells transplantation with nonmyeloablative conditioning. Acta Clinica Belgica, 61 (2), 113.

Geenen, V. (2006). Type 1 diabetes susceptibility loci from genome scans in multiplex families. International Diabetes Monitor, 18, 32-33.

Geenen, V. (2006). Antiviral diabetes susceptibility gene. International Diabetes Monitor, 18, 30-31.

Jaidane, H., Gharbi, J., Lobert, P. E., Lucas, B., Hiar, R., Ben M'Hadheb, M., Brilot, F., Geenen, V., Aouni, M., & Hober, D. (2006). Prolonged viral RNA detection in blood and lymphoid tissues from Coxsackievirus B4 E2 orally-inoculated Swiss mice. Microbiology and Immunology, 50 (12), 971-974. doi:10.1111/j.1348-0421.2006.tb03874.x

PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Dubois, M., Foidart, J.-M., & Geenen, V. (2006). Du nouveau à l'interface materno-foetale: rôle du couple hCG/récepteur LH-hCG dans l'implantation embryonnaire. Revue Médicale de Liège, 61 (10), 705-12.

Geenen, V. (November 2005). Novel perspectives in the pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes [Paper presentation]. Symposium of Diabetes India, Jaipur, India.

Pequeux, C., Breton, C., Hagelstein, M. T., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (November 2005). Oxytocin receptor pattern of expression in primary lung cancer and in normal human lung. Lung Cancer, 50 (2), 177-188. doi:10.1016/j.lungcan.2005.05.027

Brilot, F., & Geenen, V. (2005). Le role des virus dans la pathogenie du diabete de type 1. Revue Médicale de Liège, 60 (5-6, May-Jun), 297-302.

Brilot, F., Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (2005). Coxsackievirus B4 and type 1 diabetes. In S. Thebault (Ed.), Progress in Virus Research (pp. 169-190). San Francisco, United States: Nova Press.

Geenen, V. (2005). Thymus self-antigens as a way for restoring self-tolerance in type 1 diabetes. Journal of NeuroImmunoModulation.

Geenen, V., Brilot, F., Louis, C., Hansenne, I., Renard, C., & Martens, H. (2005). Nouvelles donnees sur la pathogenie du diabete de type 1. Revue Médicale de Liège, 60 (5-6, May-Jun), 291-6.

Hansenne, I., Rasier, G., Pequeux, C., Brilot, F., Renard, C., Breton, C., Greimers, R., Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. J. (January 2005). Ontogenesis and functional aspects of oxytocin and vasopressin gene expression in the thymus network. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 158 (1-2), 67-75. doi:10.1016/j.jneuroim.2004.08.007

Perrier d'Hauterive, S., Charlet-Renard, C., Dubois, M., Berndt, S., Goffin, F., Foidart, J.-M., & Geenen, V. (2005). Human endometrial leukemia inhibitory factor and interleukin-6: control of secretion by transforming growth factor-beta-related members. Neuroimmunomodulation, 12 (3), 157 - 163. doi:10.1159/000084848

Geenen, V., Louis, C., & Martens, H. (December 2004). An insulin-like growth factor 2-derived self-antigen inducing a regulatory cytokine profile after presentation to peripheral blood mononuclear cells from DQ8(+) type 1 diabetic adolescents - Preliminary design of a thymus-based tolerogenic self-vaccination. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1037, 59-64. doi:10.1196/annals.1337.008

Pequeux, C., Keegan, B. P., Hagelstein, M. T., Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., & North, W. G. (December 2004). Oxytocin- and vasopressin-induced growth of human small-cell lung cancer is mediated by the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. Endocrine-Related Cancer, 11 (4), 871-885. doi:10.1677/erc.1.00803

PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Berndt, S., Dubois, M., Munaut, C., Goffin, F., Hagelstein, M.-T., Noël, A., Hazout, Foidart, J.-M., & Geenen, V. (November 2004). Human chorionic gonadotropin and growth factors at the embryonic-endometrial interface control leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) secretion by human endometrial epithelium. Human Reproduction, 19 (11), 2633-2643. doi:10.1093/humrep/deh450

Geenen, V. (September 2004). The presentation of self in the thymus network: a novel way for prevention and cure of autoimmune diseases. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 154, 17 (IS51.

Geenen, V. (2004). Euro-Thymaide website and EDTSA, the European Database of Thymus Self-Antigens. Bruxelles, Belgium: EuroTop.

Hansenne, I., Rasier, G., Charlet-Renard, C., Defresne, M.-P., Greimers, R., Breton, C., Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., & Martens, H. (March 2004). Neurohypophysial Receptor Gene Expression by Thymic T Cell Subsets and Thymic T Cell Lymphoma Cell Lines. Clinical and Developmental Immunology, 11 (1), 45-51. doi:10.1080/10446670410001670481

Brilot, F., Geenen, V., Hober, D., & Stoddart, C. (2004). Coxsackievirus B4 infection of human fetal thymus cells. Journal of Virology, 78 (18), 9854-9861. doi:10.1128/JVI.78.18.9854-9861.2004

Geenen, V. (2004). Nouvelles approches du diagnostic et de la pathogénie du diabète de type 1. Louvain Medical, 123, 253-259.

Geenen, V., Brilot, F., Hansenne, I., Louis, C., & Martens, H. (2004). Presentation of neuroendocrine self in the thymus: toward a novel type of vaccine/immunotherapy. Drug Design Reviews - Online, 1, 37-42.

Geenen, V., Brilot, F., Hansenne, I., Louis, C., Renard, C., & Martens, H. (2004). The central role of the thymus in the development of self-tolerance and autoimmunity in the neuroendocrine system. In V. Geenen & G. P. Chrousos (Eds.), Immunoendocrinology in Health and Disease (pp. 337-355). New York, United States: Marcel Dekker.

Geenen, V., Brilot, F., Hansenne, I., Renard, C., & Martens, H. (2004). Thymus and T cells. In B. H. Smith & G. Adelman (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 3rd Edition. New York, United States: Elsevier Science.

Geenen, V., & Chrousos, G. (Eds.). (2004). Immunoendocrinology in Health and Disease. New York, United States: Marcel Dekker.

Geenen, V. (September 2003). L'implantation: premier dialogue entre la mère et l'embryon [Paper presentation]. Symposium Implantation Today, Versailles, France.

Geenen, V. (May 2003). The role of the thymus in the development of organ-specific autoimmunity: a way to novel vaccines ? [Paper presentation]. 2nd Congress of Recent Advances in Prenatal Diagnosis and Neonatology, Ankara, Turkey.

Geenen, V., & Brilot, F. (May 2003). Role of the thymus in the development of tolerance and autoimmunity towards the neuroendocrine system. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 992, 186-195. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2003.tb03149.x

Geenen, V. (March 2003). Thymic IGF-2 and central self-tolerance of the insulin family: a basis for the development of a negative vaccine against type 1 diabetes [Paper presentation]. Gordon Research Conference on IGFs in physiology and pathology, United States.

Brilot, F., & Geenen, V. (2003). Virus infections in pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. International Diabetes Monitor, 14, 21-24.

Brilot, F., Hansenne, I., Martens, H., Wücherpfennig, K., & Geenen, V. (2003). Thymic IGF-2 and central self-tolerance of the insulin family: a basis for the development of a negative vaccine against type 1 diabetes [Paper presentation]. 18th International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Congress, Paris, France. doi:10.1007/s00125-003-1190-9

Geenen, V. (2003). The thymic insulin-like growth factor axis: Involvement in physiology and disease. Hormone and Metabolic Research, 35 (11-12, Nov-Dec), 656-663. doi:10.1055/s-2004-814161

Geenen, V., Poulin, J. F., Dion, M. L., Martens, H., Castermans, E., Hansenne, I., Moutschen, M., Sekaly, R. P., & Cheynier, R. (2003). Quantification of T cell receptor rearrangement excision circles to estimate thymic function: an important new tool for endocrine-immune physiology. Journal of Endocrinology, 176 (3), 305-311. doi:10.1677/joe.0.1760305

Pequeux, C., Keegan, B. P., Hagelstein, M.-T., Geenen, V., North, W. G., & Legros, J.-J. (2003). Oxytocin and vasopressin autocrine/paracrine signaling in small cell lung carcinoma. International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 12/S1, 72.

Geenen, V. (October 2002). Thymic pathways to the central T cell self-tolerance of neuroendocrine principles: Implications for a tolerogenic approach of autoimmunity [Paper presentation]. Euroconference, San Feliu de Guixols, Spain.

Perrier D'Hauterive, S., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Goffin, F., Foidart, J.-M., & Geenen, V. (September 2002). La fenetre implantatoire. Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 31 (5), 440-55.

Pequeux, C., Breton, C., Hendrick, J.-C., Hagelstein, M.-T., Martens, H., Winkler, R., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (15 August 2002). Oxytocin synthesis and oxytocin receptor expression by cell lines of human small cell carcinoma of the lung stimulate tumor growth through autocrine/paracrine signaling. Cancer Research, 62 (16), 4623-4629.

Brilot, F., Chehadeh, W., Charlet-Renard, C., Martens, H., Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (May 2002). Persistent infection of human thymic epithelial cells by coxsackievirus B4. Journal of Virology, 76 (10), 5260-5265. doi:10.1128/JVI.76.10.5260-5265.2002

Franchimont, D., Galon, J., Vacchio, M. S., Fan, S., Visconti, R., Frucht, D. R., Geenen, V., Chrousos, G. P., Ashwell, J. D., & O'Shea, J. J. (2002). Positive effects of glucocorticoids on T cell function by upregulation of interleukin-7 receptor alpha. Journal of Immunology, 168, 2212-2218.

Geenen, V. (2002). Thymus, central T cell self-tolerance and type 1 diabetes. International Diabetes Monitor, 14, 15-18.

Geenen, V., PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Puit, M., Hazout, A., Goffin, F., Frankenne, F., Moutschen, M., & Foidart, J.-M. (2002). Autoimmunity and pregnancy: Theory and practice. Acta Clinica Belgica, 57 (6), 317-324. doi:10.1179/acb.2002.059

Goffin, F., Frankenne, F., Beliard, A., Perrier d'Hauterive, S., Pignon, M.-R., Geenen, V., & Foidart, J.-M. (2002). Human endometrial epithelial cells modulate the activation of gelatinase a by stromal cells. Gynecologic and Obstetric Investigation, 53 (2), 105 - 111. doi:10.1159/000053003

Geenen, V. (2001). Absence of protective effect of oral insulin on residual ß-cell function in type 1 diabetes. International Diabetes Monitor, 13, 17-19.

Geenen, V., Kecha, O., Brilot, F., Hansenne, I., Renard, C., & Martens, H. (2001). Thymic T-cell tolerance of neuroendocrine functions: physiology and pathophysiology. In Y. Kinoshita & K.-J. Halbhuber (Eds.), Recent Advances in the Immunobiology of the Thymus (pp. 179-188). Noisy-le Grand, France: CMB Association.

Geenen, V., Kecha, O., Lefebvre, P., & Greiner, D. L. (2001). The role of the thymus in T cell self-tolerance of neuroendocrine principles and in development of neuroendocrine autoimmunity. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 118, 166.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., & Hansenne, I. (2001). Thymic neurohypophysial peptide-mediated signaling and T-cell differentiation. FASEB Journal, 15, 313.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Hansenne, I., Brilot, F., & Kecha, O. (2001). Central self-tolerance by thymic presentation of self-antigens and autoimmunity. Current Medicinal Chemistry - Immunology, Endocrine and Metabolic Agents, 1, 47-60.

Geenen, V., Warzee, E., & Legros, J.-J. (2001). Les thyroïdites auto-immunes. Revue Médicale de Liège, 56, 72-78.

Kecha-Kamoun, O., Achour, I., Martens, H., Collette, J., Lefebvre, P. J., Greiner, D. L., & Geenen, V. (2001). Thymic Expression of Insulin-Related Genes in an Animal Model of Autoimmune Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes/Metabolism Research and Reviews, 17 (2, Mar-Apr), 146-52. doi:10.1002/dmrr.182

Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., & Delmotte, P. (2001). Est-il raisonnable de prescrire de l'hormone de croissance aux personnes âgées ? Revue Médicale de Liège, 56, 17-24.

Pequeux, C., Hagelstein, M.-T., Hendrick, J.-C., Geenen, V., North, W., & Legros, J.-J. (2001). Expression membranaire et signalisation autocrine par l'ocytocine et la vasopressine dans les cancers pulmonaires à petites cellules. Annales d'Endocrinologie.

Pequeux, C., Hendrick, J.-C., Hagelstein, M.-T., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (2001). Novel plasma extraction procedure and development of a specific enzyme immunoassay of oxytocin: application to biological and clinical investigations of small-cell carcinoma of the lung. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation, 61 (5), 407-415. doi:10.1080/003655101316911468

Brilot, F., Hober, D., & Geenen, V. (July 2000). Human thymic epithelial cells are potential targets for the diabetogenic coxsackievirus B4 [Poster presentation]. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Toronto, Canada.

PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., & Geenen, V. (July 2000). The materno-fetal interface: embryonic factors (hCG, IGF-2) regulate the expression of endometrial cytokines, and TGF-beta related peptides contribute to maternal tolerance of the fetal graft [Poster presentation]. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society, Toronto, Canada.

Geenen, V. (April 2000). Central self-tolerance by thymic presentation of self-antigens and autoimmunity [Paper presentation]. 14th European Histocompatibility Conference, Montpellier, France.

Kecha, O., Brilot, F., Martens, H., Franchimont, N., Renard, C., Greimers, R., Defresne, M.-P., Winkler, R., & Geenen, V. (March 2000). Involvement of Insulin-Like Growth Factors in Early T Cell Development: A Study Using Fetal Thymic Organ Cultures. Endocrinology, 141 (3), 1209-17. doi:10.1210/endo.141.3.7360

Brilot, F., Chehadeh, W., Renard, C., Geenen, V., & Hober, D. (2000). Diabetogenic coxsackievirus B4 modifies cytokine secretion by human thymic epithelial cells. Diabetologia, 43 (Suppl. 1), 99.

Geenen, V. (2000). Le rôle du thymus dans la physiopathologie du diabète de type 1. Bulletin et Mémoires de l'Académie Royale de Médecine de Belgique, 155, 237-244.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Brilot, F., Renard, C., Franchimont, D., & Kecha, O. (2000). Thymic neuroendocrine self-antigens. Role in T-cell development and central T-cell self-tolerance. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 917, 710-723. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.2000.tb05435.x

Geenen, V., & PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S. (2000). Les marqueurs endométriaux de l'implantation : un nouveau dialogue paracrine. Revue du Praticien.

Kecha, O., Martens, H., Brilot, F., Renard, C., Lefebvre, P., Greiner, D. L., & Geenen, V. (2000). Thymic insulin-related genes: role in T-lymphocyte development and self-tolerance of the insulin family. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 440, 224.

Martens, H., Hansenne, I., Kecha, O., Brilot, F., Renard, C., & Geenen, V. (2000). Thymic neurohypophysial peptide-mediated signalling in T-cell differentiation. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 440, 226.

Martens, R., & Geenen, V. (2000). Focal adhesion-related kinases: Implications in immunoendocrinology, developmental biology and cancer. Endocrine, 13, 233-242. doi:10.1385/ENDO:13:3:233

Toussaint, O., Baret, P. V., Brion, J.-P., Cras, P., Collette, F., De Deyn, P., Geenen, V., Kienlen-Campard, P., Labeur, C., Legros, J.-J., Nève, J., Octave, J.-N., Pierard, G., Salmon, E., van den Bosch de Aguilar, P., Van der Linden, M., Leuven, F., & Vanfleteren, J. (2000). Experimental gerontology in Belgium: from model organisms to age-related pathologies. Experimental Gerontology, 35 (8), 901-916. doi:10.1016/S0531-5565(00)00177-7

Verbecke, V., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (2000). Le cas clinique du mois : association entre un cancer médullaire thyroïdien et une thyroïdite auto-immune de type 2. Revue Médicale de Liège, 55, 803-805.

Franchimont, D., Martens, H., Hagelstein, M.-T., Louis, E., Dewé, W., Chrousos, G. P., Belaiche, J., & Geenen, V. (August 1999). Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha Decreases, and Interleukin-10 Increases, the Sensitivity of Human Monocytes to Dexamethasone: Potential Regulation of the Glucocorticoid Receptor. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 84 (8), 2834-9. doi:10.1210/jcem.84.8.5931

Kecha, O., Martens, H., Franchimont, N., Achour, I., Hazee-Hagelstein, M.-T., Charlet-Renard, C., Geenen, V., & Winkler, R. (June 1999). Characterization of the Insulin-Like Growth Factor Axis in the Human Thymus. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 11 (6), 435-40. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2826.1999.00343.x

Chapelle, J.-P., Geenen, V., Malaise, M., Franchimont, N., Legrand, V., & Damas, P. (13 March 1999). Cytokines et nouveaux marqueurs inflammatoires [Paper presentation]. Séance de Formation continue du Département de Biologie clinique, CHU Liège, Liège, Belgium.

Franchimont, D., Louis, E., Dupont, P., Vrindts-Gevaert, Y., Dewé, W., Chrousos, G., Geenen, V., & Belaiche, J. (1999). Decreased Corticosensitivity in Quiescent Crohn's Disease: An Ex Vivo Study Using Whole Blood Cell Cultures. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 44 (6), 1208-15. doi:10.1023/A:1026644711530

Geenen, V., & Kecha, O. (1999). Thymic neuroendocrine self-antigens. Role in T-cell development and central T-cell self-tolerance. Neuroimmunomodulation, 6, 420 (A89.

Geenen, V., Kecha, O., Brilot, F., Renard, C., & Martens, H. (1999). The thymic repertoire of neuroendocrine-related self-antigens: Biological role in T-cell selection and pharmacological implications. In W. Savino (Ed.), Neuroendocrine Control of the Thymus (pp. 115-125). Basel, Switzerland: Karger. doi:10.1159/000026371

Geenen, V., Wiemann, M., & Martens, H. (1999). Thymus gland, Neuroendocrine-Immunology. In G. Adelman & B. H. Smith (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2nd enlarged and revised edition (pp. 2039-2042). New York, United States: Elsevier Science.

Kecha, O., Brilot, F., Martens, H., Greimers, R., Defresne, M.-P., Winkler, R., Greiner, D. L., & Geenen, V. (1999). Thymic insulin-related polypeptides: role in T cell selection and in central self-tolerance of the insulin family. In The Endocrine Society, Proceedings of the 81st Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society.

Kecha, O., Winkler, R., Martens, H., Collette, J., Lefebvre, P., Greiner, D. L., & Geenen, V. (1999). Thymic insulin-related polypeptides in diabetes-prone Bio-Breeding rats. Diabetologia, 42 (Suppl. 1), 29.

Pequeux, C., Brilot, F., Martens, H., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1999). De nouveaux acteurs dans la physiopathologie du metabolisme de l'eau: les aquaporines. Revue Médicale de Liège, 54 (11), 867-74.

Geenen, V. (September 1998). Paracrine control of cytokine secretion by human endometrial epithelium [Paper presentation]. Conférence Européenne Philippe Laudat-INSERM, Aix-les-Bains, France.

Geenen, V. (September 1998). Evidence for a dialogue between human endometrium and embryological signals in implantation and tolerance of the fetal allograft [Paper presentation]. European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE) Campus Symposium, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Geenen, V. (September 1998). Cytokines in the feto-maternal relationship [Paper presentation]. European Conference Philippe Laudat/Inserm, Aix-les-Bains, France.

Geenen, V., & Lefebvre, P. J. (March 1998). The Intrathymic Expression of Insulin-Related Genes: Implications for Pathophysiology and Prevention of Type 1 Diabetes. Diabetes/Metabolism Reviews, 14 (1), 95-103. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1099-0895(199803)14:1<95::AID-DMR200>3.0.CO;2-W

Franchimont, D., Louis, E., Dewé, W., Martens, H., Vrindts-Gevaert, Y., De Groote, D., Belaiche, J., & Geenen, V. (02 January 1998). Effects of Dexamethasone on the Profile of Cytokine Secretion in Human Whole Blood Cell Cultures. Regulatory Peptides, 73 (1), 59-65. doi:10.1016/S0167-0115(97)01063-X

Franchimont, D., Louis, E., Belaiche, J., & Geenen, V. (1998). Corticosensibilité, corticodépendance et corticorésistance dans les affections inflammatoires et dysimmunitaires. Revue physiopathologique. Revue Médicale de Liège, 53, 33-37.

Geenen, V., Kecha, O., & Martens, H. (1998). Thymic expression of neuroendocrine self-peptide precursors: role in T-cell survival and self-tolerance. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 10, 811-822. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2826.1998.00269.x

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Vandersmissen, E., Achour, I., Kecha, O., & Franchimont, D. (1998). Cellular and molecular aspects of thymic T-cell education in neuroendocrine self principles implications for autoimmunity. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 840, 328-337. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1998.tb09572.x

Martens, H., Kecha, O., Brilot, F., Renard, C., Defresne, M.-P., & Geenen, V. (1998). Phosphorylation of proteins induced in a murine pre-T cell line by neurohypophysial peptides. In H. H. Zingg, C. W. Bourque, ... D. Bichet (Eds.), Vasopressin and Oxytocin: Molecular, Cellular, and Clinical Advances (pp. 247-250). New York, United States: Plenum Press.

Martens, H., Kecha, O., Charlet-Renard, C., Defresne, M.-P., & Geenen, V. (1998). Phosphorylation of Proteins Induced in a Murine Pre-T Cell Line by Neurohypophysial Peptides. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 449, 247-9. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-4871-3_33

Martens, H., Kecha, O., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Defresne, M.-P., & Geenen, V. (1998). Neurohypophysial peptides stimulate the phosphorylation of pre-T cell focal adhesion kinases. Neuroendocrinology, 67 (4), 282-289. doi:10.1159/000054324

PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S., Foidart, J.-M., & Geenen, V. (1998). Paracrine control of cytokine (LIF, IL-6 and TNFa) production in cultures of human endometrial epithelium. Fertility and Sterility, 70 (suppl. 1), 166.

Louis, E., Belaiche, J., Van Kemseke, C., Franchimont, D., de Groote, D., Geenen, V., & Mary, J. Y. (October 1997). A High Serum Concentration of Interleukin-6 Is Predictive of Relapse in Quiescent Crohn's Disease. European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 9 (10), 939-44. doi:10.1097/00042737-199710000-00004

Geenen, V. (June 1997). Developmental role of thymic neuroendocrine-related self-peptides [Paper presentation]. 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany.

Bassleer, C., Magotteaux, J., Geenen, V., & Malaise, M. (1997). Effects of meloxicam compared to acetylsalicylic acid in human articular chondrocytes. Pharmacology, 54, 49-56. doi:10.1159/000139469

Geenen, V. (1997). Une hyperparathyroïdie, vous êtes certain ? Actualité Médicale Belge, 541, 11.

Geenen, V. (January 1997). The role of the thymus in T cell self-tolerance of neuroendocrine principles and in development of neuroendocrine autoimmunity [Paper presentation]. 3rd Gordon Research Conference on Neuroendocrin-Immunology, Ventura, CA, United States.

Geenen, V., Kecha, O., Achour, I., Goxe, B., Winkler, R., & Lefèbvre, P. (1997). Molecular dissection of the insulin-like growth factor axis in the human thymus. Diabetologia, 40, 23.

Geenen, V., & Lefebvre, P. (1997). Expression of insulin-related peptides in the human thymus. International Diabetes Monitor, 9, 13-14.

Geenen, V., & PERRIER d'HAUTERIVE, S. (1997). Apparition tardive d'une infertilité masculine. Actualité Médicale Belge, 565, 12-13.

Kecha, O., Achour, I., Martens, H., Winkler, R., Lefebvre, P., & Geenen, V. (1997). Characterization of the insulin-like growth (IGF) axis in the human thymus. In The Endocrine Society, Proceedings of the 77th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (pp. 150 (P3-259).

Vanneste, Y., Ntodou-Thomé, A., Vandersmissen, E., Charlet-Renard, J. D. C., Franchimont, D., Martens, H., Lhiaubet, A.-M., Schimpff, R.-M., Rostène, W., & Geenen, V. (1997). Identification of neurotensin-related peptides in human thymic epithelial cell membranes and relationship with MHC class I molecules. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 76, 161-166. doi:10.1016/S0165-5728(97)00052-0

Zheng, S. X., Vrindts-Gevaert, Y., Lopez, M.-J., De Groote, D., Zangerlé, P.-F., Collette, J., Franchimont, N., Geenen, V., Albert, A., & Reginster, J.-Y. (January 1997). Increase in Cytokine Production (Il-1 Beta, Il-6, Tnf-Alpha but Not Ifn-Gamma, Gm-Csf or Lif) by Stimulated Whole Blood Cells in Postmenopausal Osteoporosis. Maturitas, 26 (1), 63-71. doi:10.1016/S0378-5122(96)01080-8

Martens, H., Malgrange, B., Robert, F., Charlet, C., De Groote, D., Heymann, D., Godard, A., Soulillou, J. P., Moonen, G., & Geenen, V. (14 November 1996). Cytokine Production by Human Thymic Epithelial Cells: Control by the Immune Recognition of the Neurohypophysial Self-Antigen. Regulatory Peptides, 67 (1), 39-45. doi:10.1016/S0167-0115(96)00105-X

Geenen, V. (November 1996). The role of thymic neuroendocrine self-antigens in T cell life and death: implications in autoimmunity. Neuroimmunomodulation, 3, 166.

Geenen, V. (November 1996). Le diabète insulinodépendant. Revue Médicale de Liège, 51 (11), 684-94.

Martens, H., Goxe, B., & Geenen, V. (July 1996). The Thymic Repertoire of Neuroendocrine Self-Antigens: Physiological Implications in T-Cell Life and Death. Immunology Today, 17 (7), 312-7. doi:10.1016/0167-5699(96)10023-2

Geenen, V., Foidart, J., & Krzesinski, J.-M. (20 June 1996). Un syndrome de Cushing d'origine inexpliquée. Actualité Médicale Belge, 513, 8.

Geenen, V. (June 1996). Infection, inflammation et implantation embryonnaire [Paper presentation]. Symposium 'Implantation embryonnaire: aspects fondamentaux et pratiques', Paris, France.

Bassleer, C., Franchimont, P., Henrotin, Y., Franchimont, N., Geenen, V., & Reginster, J.-Y. (March 1996). Effects of Ipriflavone and Its Metabolites on Human Articular Chondrocytes Cultivated in Clusters. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 4, 1-8. doi:10.1016/S1063-4584(96)80002-1

Bassleer, C., Jaspar, J.-M., Reginster, J.-Y., & Geenen, V. (1996). Effets de l'interleukine 1 sur les chondrocytes humains cultivés en agrégats. Revue du Praticien, 46 (6 Spec No), 31-S34.

De Groote, D., Vrindts-Gevaert, Y., Lopez Y Cadenas, M., Gathy, R., Marchal, F., Detrooz, B., Jacquet, N., & Geenen, V. (1996). Ex-vivo cytokine production by whole blood cells from cancer patients. Cancer Detection and Prevention, 20, 207-213.

Geenen, V. (1996). Developmental and evolutionary aspects of thymic T-cell education to neuroendocrine self. In N. G. Abraham (Ed.), Molecular biology of hematopoiesis. New York, United States: Plenum Press.

Geenen, V. (1996). A propos d'un syndrome de Cushing d'origine indéterminée. Actualité Médicale Belge, 513, 8.

Geenen, V., Achour, I., Kecha, O., Greiner, D. L., Rossini, A. A., & Lefebvre, P. (1996). Thymic insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in man and in an animal model of autoimmune IDDM. Diabetologia, 39, 15.

Geenen, V., Benhida, A., Kecha, O., Achour, I., Vandersmissen, E., Vanneste, Y., Goxe, B., & Martens, H. (1996). Developmental and evolutionary aspects of thymic T-cell education to neuroendocrine self. Acta Haematologica, 95, 263-267. doi:10.1159/000203894

Henrotin, Y., De Groote, D. D., Labasse, A. H., Gaspar, S. E., Zheng, S. X., Geenen, V., & Reginster, J.-Y. (1996). Effects of exogenous IL-1 beta, TNF alpha, IL-6, IL-8 and LIF on cytokine production by human articular chondrocytes. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 4 (3), 163-73. doi:10.1016/S1063-4584(96)80012-4

Lambrigts, D., Franssen, C., Martens, H., Van Calster, P., Meurisse, M., Geenen, V., Renard, C., Dewaele, A., Coignoul, F., Lamy, M., & Alexandre, G. P. J. (1996). Development of thymus autografts under the kidney capsule in the pig: a new 'organ' for xenotransplantation. Xenotransplantation, 3, 296-303. doi:10.1111/j.1399-3089.1996.tb00151.x

Legros, J.-J., & Geenen, V. (1996). Neurophysins in central diabetes insipidus. Hormone Research, 45, 182-186. doi:10.1159/000184784

Plachot, M., Godard, A., & Geenen, V. (1996). Secretion of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) by human endometrium alone. Human Reproduction, 11, 185.

Zheng, S., Geenen, V., Vrindts, Y., Lopez, M., De Groote, D., Zangerlé, P.-F., COLLETTE, J., & Reginster, J.-Y. (1996). Increase in IL-1bêta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha production in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Osteoporosis International, 6 (S1), 101.

Geenen, V. (1995). La communication cryptocrine intrathymique et la tolérance immunitaire centrale au soi neuroendocrine [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Geenen, V. (November 1995). Interactions between the immune, endocrine and nervous systems [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Immunological Society (BIS), Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (November 1995). Cellular and molecular aspects of thymic T cell education to neuroendocrine self antigens [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Immunological Society (BIS), Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (September 1995). The continuum of cytokine involvement in the reproductive process [Paper presentation]. 15th World Congress on Fertility and Sterility, Montpellier, France.

Geenen, V. (September 1995). Production de cytokines par les cellules épithéliales du thymus: contribution de la reconnaissance immunologique de l'ocytocine membranaire thymique [Paper presentation]. 1"e Congrès de la Société Française d'Endocrinologie, Nancy, France.

Geenen, V. (June 1995). Developmental and evolutionary aspects of thymic T-cell education to neuroendocrine self [Paper presentation]. 9th Symposium on Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis, Genova, Italy.

Geenen, V. (May 1995). Intrathymic presentation of oxytocin as the self-antigen of the neurohypophysial peptide family [Paper presentation]. Hanseatic Endocrine Conference: Oxytocin: cellular and molecular approaches in medicine and research, Stade, Germany.

Geenen, V. (1995). Een geval van hypocalciëmie. Belgische Medische Actualiteiten, 472, 14-15.

Geenen, V., Goxe, B., Martens, H., Vandersmissen, E., Vanneste, Y., Achour, I., Kecha, O., & Lefebvre, P. (1995). Cryptocrine Signaling in the Thymus Network and T Cell Education to Neuroendocrine Self-Antigens. Journal of Molecular Medicine, 73 (9), 449-55. doi:10.1007/BF00202263

Geenen, V., Hazee, M.-T., Goxe, B., De Groote, D., Godard, A., Menezo, Y., & Hazout, A. (1995). The continuum of cytokine involvement in the physiology of reproduction. GENESIS, 14, 14-18.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Vandersmissen, E., Kecha, O., Benhida, A., Legros, J.-J., Rentier-Delrue, F., & Martial, J. (1995). Cellular and molecular aspects of thymic T-cell education to neurohypophysial peptides. Excerpta Medica, 1098, 309-319.

Geenen, V., Vandersmissen, E., Martens, H., Goxe, B., Kecha, O., Legros, J.-J., Lefebvre, P., Benhida, A., Rentier-Delrue, F., & Martial, J. (1995). Cellular and molecular aspects of thymic T-cell education to neurohypophysial peptides. In S. Yoshida, T. Saito (Ed.), ... K. Kurokawa (Ed.), Neurohypophysis - Recent Progress of Vasopressin and Oxytocin Research (pp. 309-319). New York, United States: Elsevier Science.

Henrotin, Y., De Groote, D., Labasse, A., Deby, C., Geenen, V., & Reginster, J.-Y. (1995). Cytokines and cartilage degradation. Mediators of Inflammation, 4, 229-230.

Kaiser, M.-J., Achour, I., Kecha, O., Goxe, B., De Groote, D., Lefebvre, P., & Geenen, V. (1995). Vieillissement, défenses immunitaires at axe somatotrope-facteurs de croissance apparentés à l'insuline. Médecine et Hygiène, 53, 1608-1610.

Kelly, P., Blalock, J. E., Chrousos, G. P., Yu-Lee, L., & Geenen, V. (1995). Neuroendocrine hormones and the immune system. In A. C. Cuello & B. Collier (Eds.), Pharmacological Sciences: Perspectives for Research and Therapy in the Late 1990s (pp. 365-372). Boston, United States: Birkhäuser Verlag.

Paschke, R., & Geenen, V. (1995). Messenger RNA expression for a TSH receptor variant in the thymus of a two-year old child. Journal of Molecular Medicine, 73, 577-580. doi:10.1007/BF00195143

Geenen, V., Cormann-Goffin, N., Vandersmissen, E., Martens, H., Benhida, A., Martial, J., & Franchimont, P. (25 November 1994). Cryptocrine Signaling in the Thymus Network. Implications for Central T-Cell Tolerance of Neuroendocrine Functions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 741, 85-99. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1994.tb23089.x

Geenen, V. (1994). Cellular and molecular evidence for an evolutionary continuum of neuroendocrine-immune interactions [Paper presentation]. 2nd Gordon Conference on Neuroendocrin-Immunology, Hanover, NH, United States.

Geenen, V. (March 1994). Le répertoire thymique des antigènes du Soi neuroendocrine: implications physiologiques, dans l'auto-immunité pathologique et en pharmacologie [Paper presentation]. Séminaire à l'Institut du Cancer Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France.

Geenen, V. (March 1994). Insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF-2) is the dominant thymic peptide of the insulin family [Paper presentation]. Antigen-specific therapies in the prevention of type 1 diabetes, San Francisco, United States.

Geenen, V. (1994). The thymic repertoire of neuroendocrine-related self peptides in T cell life and death. Neuroendocrinology, 60 (Suppl. 1), 19.

Geenen, V. (1994). The immunological 'self' of neuroendocrine protein families. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 54, 162.

Geenen, V. (1994). Le diabète insipide central : l'étiologie n'est pas toujours évidente. Actualité Médicale Belge, 444, 14-15.

Geenen, V., & Franchimont, P. (1994). The education of developing T cells in neuroendocrine self principles: Evidence for an evolutionary continuum of immunoendocrine interactions. In M. O. Savage, J.-P. Bourguignon, ... A. B. Grossman (Eds.), Frontiers in Pediatric Neuroendocrinology (pp. 106-112). Oxford, United Kingdom: Blackwell.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Kecha, O., Achour, I., Lefebvre, P., Franchimont, P., & Goxe, B. (1994). Les choix stratégiques actuels dans la prévention du processus diabétogène auto-immun. Médecine et Hygiène, 52, 1655-1658.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Vandersmissen, E., Kecha, O., Benhida, A., Cormann-Goffin, N., Lefebvre, P., & Franchimont, P. (1994). Thymic neuroendocrine self peptides and T-cell selection. In E. Heinen, M.-P. Defresne, J. Boniver, ... V. Geenen (Eds.), In Vivo Immunology - Regulatory Processes during Lymphopoiesis and Immunopoiesis. New York, United States: Plenum. doi:10.1007/978-1-4615-2492-2_4

Heinen, E., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., & Geenen, V. (1994). In Vivo Immunology: Regulatory Processes during Lymphopoiesis and Immunopoiesis. New York, United States: Plenum Press.

Geenen, V. (September 1993). Cryptocrine signaling in the thymus network: Implications for central T cell self-tolerance of neuroendocrine functions [Paper presentation]. 2nd International Congress of Neuroimmunomodulation, Naples, Italy.

Geenen, V., Vandersmissen, E., Cormann-Goffin, N., Martens, H., Legros, J.-J., Degiovanni, G., Benhida, A., Martial, J., & Franchimont, P. (August 1993). Membrane Translocation and Relationship with MHC Class I of a Human Thymic Neurophysin-Like Protein. Thymus, 22 (1), 55-66.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Robert, F., Benhida, A., Cormann-Goffin, N., Legros, J.-J., Martial, J., & Franchimont, P. (22 July 1993). The Dual Role of Thymic Neurohypophysial-Related Self Peptides in T Cell Selection. Physiological and Pharmacological Implications. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 689, 320-9. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1993.tb55557.x

Geenen, V. (1993). The immune recognition and central self-tolerance of neuroendocrine functions [Paper presentation]. Seminar at the University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.

Geenen, V. (1993). The education of developing T cells in neuroendocrine self principles: Evidence for an evolutionary continuum of immunoendocrine interactions [Paper presentation]. Symposium Frontiers in Paediatric Neuroendocrinology, London, United Kingdom.

Geenen, V. (1993). The role of the thymus in the education of T cells in neuroendocrine principles [Paper presentation]. 8th General Meeting of the Belgian Hematological Society, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (1993). Le rôle central du thymus dans l'éducation des cellules T aux principes neuroendocrines. Verhandelingen - Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Geneeskunde van Belgie, LV, 79-87.

Geenen, V., Achour, I., Martens, H., Lefebvre, P., & Franchimont, P. (1993). Evidence that insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) is the dominant thymic peptide of the insulin superfamily. In The Endocrine Society, Proceedings of the 75th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society (pp. 879).

Geenen, V., Achour, I., Robert, F., Vandersmissen, E., Sodoyez, J.-C., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Lefebvre, P., & Franchimont, P. (1993). Evidence that insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) is the dominant thymic peptide of the insulin superfamily. Thymus, 21 (2), 115-127.

Geenen, V., Cormann-Goffin, N., Martens, H., Vandersmissen, E., Robert, F., Benhida, A., Legros, J.-J., Martial, J., & Franchimont, P. (1993). Thymic neurohypophysial-related peptides and T cell selection. Regulatory Peptides, 45 (1-2), 273-278. doi:10.1016/0167-0115(93)90219-X

Geenen, V., & Kroemer, G. (1993). The multiple ways to cellular immunological tolerance. Immunology Today, 14, 573-576. doi:10.1016/0167-5699(93)90195-Q

Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1993). Proceedings of 'The Neurohypophysial Peptide Systems', Satellite symposium, Spa-Liège 6-11 September 1992.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Cormann-Goffin, N., Vandersmissen, E., Legros, J.-J., De Groote, D., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., & Franchimont, P. (1993). La fonction centrale du thymus dans la reconnaissance des fonctions neuroendocrines par les lymphocytes T au cours de leur développement. Archives Internationales de Physiologie, de Biochimie et de Biophysique, 101 (4, Jul-Aug), 19-22. doi:10.3109/13813459309008889

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Cormann-Goffin, N., Vandersmissen, E., Legros, J.-J., De Groote, D., & Franchimont, P. (1993). The central role of the thymus in the education of T cells to neuroendocrine self principles. Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie, 101, 19-A22.

Geenen, V., Vandersmissen, E., Martens, H., Degiovanni, G., & Franchimont, P. (1993). Evidence for the association between human thymic MHC class I molecules and a dominant neurohypophysial thymic peptide. Journal of Immunology, 150, 39.

Geenen, V. (1992). The dual role of thymic neurohypophysial-related peptides in T cell selection: Pathophysiological and pharmacological implications [Paper presentation]. Conference of the New York Academy of Sciences 'The neurohypophysis: a window on brain functions', Dartmouth, NH, United States.

Geenen, V. (1992). The model of thymic cryptocrine cell-to-cell signaling in developmental immunology [Paper presentation]. 1st Gordon Conference on Neuroendocrin-Immunology, Ventura, CA, United States.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Legros, J.-J., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Martial, J., & Franchimont, P. (March 1992). Le langage universel de la communication cellulaire et sa pathologie. Les chemins communs du langage intercellulaire. Revue Médicale de Liège, 47 (3), 109-114.

Geenen, V. (1992). The role of thymic cryptocrine signals in developmental immunology and neuroimmunomodulation [Paper presentation]. 2nd Course of the Federation of the European Pharmacological Societies 'Neuroimmunomodulation in pharmacology', Paris, France.

Geenen, V. (1992). Vieillissement et système immunitaire. In P. van den Bosch de Aguilar (Ed.), Le vieillissement : ressources et potentialités (pp. 77-84). Bruxelles, Belgium: Pierre Mardaga.

Geenen, V. (1992). Report of the activities of the European Science Foundation (ESF) Network Neuroimmunomodualtion.

Geenen, V., Cormann, N., Robert, F., Martens, H., Achour, I., Defresne, M.-P., & Robert, F. (1992). The thymic repertoire of neuroendocrine self antigens and the central immune tolerance of neuroendocrine functions. European Journal of Medicine, 1 (3), 158-165.

Geenen, V., Franchimont, N., Louis, E., Robert, F., De Groote, D., & Franchimont, P. (1992). Nouvelles approches pharmacologiques basées sur les interactions neuroendocrino-immunitaires. Médecine et Hygiène, 50, 2076-2077.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Robert, F., Vrindts-Gevaert, Y., De Groote, D., & Franchimont, P. (1992). Immunomodulatory properties of cyclic hexapeptide oxytocin antagonists. Thymus, 20, 217-226.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Ericsson, A., & Persson, H. (1992). Thymus Gland, Neuroendocrinology. In B. Smith & G. Adelman (Eds.), The Neuroscience Year, Supplement 2 to the Encyclopedia of Neuroscience (pp. 149-150). Boston, United States: Birkhäuser Verlag.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Martens, H., Achour, I., De Groote, D., Lefebvre, P., Legros, J.-J., & Franchimont, P. (1992). La communication cryptocrine et la reconnaissance des fonctions neuroendocrines par les cellules T au cours de leur différenciation. Revue Française d'Endocrinologie Clinique, Nutrition, et Métabolisme, 33, 143-148.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Martens, H., De Groote, D., & Franchimont, P. (1992). The thymic education of developing T cells in self neuroendocrine principles. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 15, 621-629. doi:10.1007/BF03344936

Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., Gazzotti, C., Timsit-Berthier, M., & ANSSEAU, M. (1992). Peptides neurohypophysaires et psychopathologie. Revue Française d'Endocrinologie Clinique, Nutrition, et Métabolisme, 33 (2), 115-120.

Martens, H., Robert, F., Geenen, V., & Franchimont, P. (1992). Expression of functional neurohypophysial peptide receptors by murine immature and cytotoxic T-cell lines. Progress in NeuroEndocrinImmunology, 5, 31-39.

Robert, F., & Geenen, V. (1992). Thymic neuropeptides and T-cell selection. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 650, 99-104.

Robert, F. R., Martens, H., Cormann, N., Benhida, A., Schoenen, J., & Geenen, V. (1992). The Recognition of Hypothalamo-Neurohypophysial Functions by Developing T Cells. Developmental Immunology, 2 (2), 131-40. doi:10.1155/1992/98671

Geenen, V. (1991). Thymic cryptocrine signaling: Implications for T cell positive selection and immune tolerance of self neuroendocrine functions [Paper presentation]. Roussel Symposium on Ageing, Roma, Italy.

Geenen, V. (1991). Thymic cryptocrine signaling and immune tolerance of self neuroendocrine functions [Paper presentation]. Conférence Européenne Philippe Laudat-INSERM The variable gene repertoire of B and T cells, Obernai, France.

Geenen, V. (1991). The immune recognition of hypothalamic magnocellular functions [Paper presentation]. Seminar at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Martens, H., Benhida, A., De Giovanni, G., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Legros, J.-J., Martial, J., & Franchimont, P. (April 1991). At the Cutting Edge. Biosynthesis and Paracrine/Cryptocrine Actions of 'Self' Neurohypophysial-Related Peptides in the Thymus. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 76 (1-3), 27-31. doi:10.1016/0303-7207(91)90277-Y

Burgeon, E., Chapleur, M., Schoenen, J., Remichius, D., Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., & Robert, F. (1991). Monoclonal antibodies to oxytocin: production and characterization. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 31, 235-244. doi:10.1016/0165-5728(91)90045-9

Geenen, V., & Maggi, M. (1991). Horizons in Endocrinology, Volume II. New York, United States: Raven Press.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Benhida, A., & Robert, F. (1991). Thymic cryptocrine signalling and the immune recognition of neuroendocrine functions. In Proceedings of the Joint Meeting.

Geenen, V., Martens, H., Robert Françoise, Legros, J.-J., Degiovanni, G., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Martial, J., Lefèbvre, P., & Franchimont, P. (1991). Thymic cryptocrine signaling and the immune recognition of self neuroendocrine functions. Progress in Neuroendocrinimmunology, 4, 135-142.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Legros, J.-J., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Martial, J., Lefebvre, P., & Franchimont, P. (1991). Neuroendocrine-Immunology: from systemic interactions to the immune tolerance of self neuroendocrine functions. Acta Clinica Belgica, 46, 135-141. doi:10.1080/17843286.1991.11718156

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Legros, J.-J., & Franchimont, P. (1991). Neuropeptide signals and receptors in the thymus. In N. Plotnikoff, A. Murgo, R. Faith, ... J. Wybran (Eds.), Stress and Immunity (pp. 481-489). Boca-Raton, FL, United States: CRC Press.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Martens, H., Benhida, A., De Giovanni, G., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Legros, J.-J., Martial, J., & Franchimont, P. (1991). Neuroendocrinology of the thymus. In V. Geenen & M. Maggi (Ed.), Horizons in Endocrinology, Volume 2 (pp. 121-134). New York, United States: Raven Press.

Robert, F., Geenen, V., Schoenen, J., Burgeon, E., De Groote, D., Defresne, M.-P., & Franchimont, P. (1991). Colocalization of immunoreactive oxytocin, vasopressin and interleukin-1 in human thymic epithelial neuroendocrine cells. Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 5, 102-115. doi:10.1016/0889-1591(91)90010-8

Geenen, V. (1990). Neuropeptides and the thymus [Paper presentation]. 2nd European Congress of Endocrinology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Geenen, V. (1990). Presentation of neurohypophysial-related peptides in the thymus: the questions remaining [Paper presentation]. Seminar at the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Scaife Hall, United States.

Ericsson, A., Geenen, V., Robert, F., Legros, J.-J., Vrindts-Gevaert, Y., Franchimont, P., Brene, S., & Persson, H. (1990). Expression of preprotachykinin-A and neuropeptide-Y messenger RNA in the thymus. Molecular Endocrinology, 4, 1211-1218. doi:10.1210/mend-4-8-1211

Geenen, V. (1990). Tne neuroendocrine-immune dialogue in T cell differentiation. Neuroendocrinology, 52 (Suppl. 1), 3.2.

Geenen, V. (1990). Communication signals between the immune and nervous systems [Paper presentation]. 33rd Winter Conference on Brain research, Snowmass, CO, United States.

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., & Franchimont, P. (1990). Interactions neuroendocrino-immunitaires. In H. Bazin, P.-P. Pastoret (Ed.), ... A. Govaerts (Ed.), Immunologie Animale (pp. 123-129). Paris, France: Flammarion.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Martens, H., Fatemi, M., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Legros, J.-J., & Franchimont, P. (1990). Cellular and molecular aspects of the neuroendocrine-immune dialogue in T-cell differentiation. In E. E. Müller & R. MacLeod (Eds.), Neuroendocrine Perspectives, Volume 8 (pp. 77-92). New York, United States: Springer-Verlag.

Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., Carvelli, T., Martens, H., Andre, M., CORHAY, J.-L., Radermecker, M., Zangerlé, P.-F., Sassolas, G., Gharib, C., Vanthygem, M., & Lefèbvre, J. (1990). Neurophysins as markers of vasopressin and oxytocin release. A study in carcinoma of the lung. Hormone Research, 34 (3-4), 151-155. doi:10.1159/000181815

Geenen, V. (1989). Thymic neuropeptides and their putative role in T cell ontogeny [Paper presentation]. Conférence Européenne Philippe Laudat-INSERM, Obernai, France.

Geenen, V. (1989). Expression of tachykinins and peptide growth factors in the thymus: another example of neuroendocrine-immune interactions in T cell ontogeny [Paper presentation]. Séminaire au karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

Geenen, V. (April 1989). Neuroendocrinology of the thymus [Paper presentation]. International Symposium of Psychoneuroimmunology, Maestricht, Netherlands.

Geenen, V. (1989). A role for neuropeptides in T cell ontogeny ? [Paper presentation]. Thymus Workshop 'Histophysiology and dynamics in the immune system', Kerkrade (Rolduc), Netherlands.

Dantzer, R., Dardenne, M., Haour, F., Heijnen, C., Geenen, V., & Kordon, C. (1989). Interactions Neuro-Immuno-Endocriniennes : Aspects moléculaires. Paris, France: INSERM.

Geenen, V. (1989). Thymic neuropeptides and T-cell differentiation [Paper presentation]. European Conference Philippe Laudat/Inserm, Strasbourg-Obernai, France.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Legros, J.-J., & Franchimont, P. (1989). Neuroendocrinology of the thymus. Hormone Research, 31 (1-2), 81-84. doi:10.1159/000181092

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Fatemi, M., Martens, H., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Legros, J.-J., & Franchimont, P. (1989). Neuroendocrine-Immune Interactions in T Cell Ontogeny. Thymus, 13 (3-4), 131-140.

Legros, J.-J., & Geenen, V. (1989). Neuroendocrine control of the immune response. In L. J. Whalley & M. L. Page (Eds.), Stress, immunity and disease (pp. 1-9). Southampton, United Kingdom: Duphar Laboratories Ltd.

Geenen, V. (1988). Les interactions neuroendocrino-immunitaires [Paper presentation]. 8e Congrès Français d'Endocrinologie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (1988). Vasopressin and oxytocin: Thymic signals and receptors in T-cell ontogeny [Paper presentation]. 8th International Congress of Endocrinology - Satellite Symposium on Posterior Pituitary Hormones, Hakone, Japan.

Geenen, V. (1988). Thymic oxytocin and vasopressin: a role in T cell ontogeny ? [Paper presentation]. Congress of the European Society of Neurochemistry, Göteborg, Sweden.

Geenen, V. (1988). Neuroendocrinology of the thymus [Paper presentation]. 35èmes Journées Internationales d'Endocrinologie H-P. Klotz, Paris, France.

Geenen, V. (1988). Neuroendocrine aspects of the thymus [Paper presentation]. First Ares-Serono Symposium "Endocrinology under 35", Florence, Italy.

Geenen, V., Defresne, M.-P., Robert, F., Legros, J.-J., Franchimont, P., & Boniver, J. (April 1988). The neurohormonal thymic microenvironment: immunocytochemical evidence that thymic nurse cells are neuroendocrine cells. Neuroendocrinology, 47 (4), 365 - 368. doi:10.1159/000124938

Geenen, V. (1988). Synthesis of classical neuropeptides in the thymus [Paper presentation]. European Winter Conference on Brain Research, Tignes, France.

Geenen, V. (1988). Intervention of neuroendocrine microenvironments in T cell differentiation [Paper presentation]. UCLA Symposium on Molecular and Cell Biology, Lake tahoe, United States.

Ansseau, M., von Frenckell, R., Cerfontaine, J.-L., Papart, P., Franck, G., Timsit-Berthier, M., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1988). Blunted response of growth hormone to clonidine and apomorphine in endogenous depression. British Journal of Psychiatry, 153 (1), 65-71. doi:10.1192/bjp.153.1.65

Geenen, V. (1988). Neuroendocrine microenvironments in the immune system [Paper presentation]. European Training Programme Winter School "Brain, behaviour and the immune system", Zuoz, Switzerland.

Geenen, V. (1988). Neuroendocrine aspects of the thymus. In M. Maggi & C. A. Johnston (Eds.), Horizons in Endocrinology (pp. 191-196). New York, United States: Raven Press.

Geenen, V. (1988). Neuroendocrine aspects of the thymus. In M. Maggi & C. A. Jonhston (Eds.), Horizons in Endocrinology (pp. 191-196). New York, United States: Raven Press.

Geenen, V., Adam, F., Baro, V., Mantanus, H., Ansseau, M., Timsit-Berthier, M., & Legros, J.-J. (1988). Inhibitory influence of oxytocin infusion on contingent negative variation and some memory tasks in normal men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 13 (5), 367-375. doi:10.1016/0306-4530(88)90043-1

Geenen, V., Robert, F., Fatemi, M., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Legros, J.-J., & Franchimont, P. (1988). Vasopressin and oxytocin: Thymic signals and receptors in T-cell ontogeny. In S. Yoshida & L. Share (Eds.), Recent Progress in Posterior Pituitary Hormones 1988 (pp. 303-310). New York, United States: Elsevier Science.

Geenen, V., Robert, F., & Legros, J.-J. (1988). Thymic oxytocin and vasopressin: a role in T cell ontogeny ? Neurochemistry International, 13, 13.

Honore, P., Meurisse, M., Jacquet, N., Defraigne, J.-O., Larbuisson, R., Cayet-Honore, A.-M., Stockman, D., Canivet, J.-L., Damas, P., Philippart, C., Geenen, V., Schurgers, P., Pirotte, J., Mazy, V., Beaujean, A.-M., Beaumariage, M.-L., Henrivaux, P., & Bury, J. (1988). Un cas de maladie métabolique hépatique de Wilson traité radicalement par une transplantation de foie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 43, 526-529.

Moll, U. M., Lane, B. L., Robert, F., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1988). The neuroendocrine thymus. Abundant occurrence of oxytocin-, vasopressin-, and neurophysin-like peptides in the thymus. Histochemistry, 89, 385-390. doi:10.1007/BF00500641

Timsit-Berthier, M., Mantanus, H., Geenen, V., Adam, F., & Legros, J.-J. (1988). Modifications of negative contingent variation (CNV) induced by oxytocin infusion. Neurophysiologie Clinique, 18, 501-511. doi:10.1016/S0987-7053(88)80067-4

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., & Franchimont, P. (22 June 1987). Neuroendocrinology of the thymus [Paper presentation]. First European Congress of Endocrinology, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Geenen, V. (1987). Neuroanatomie chimique du thymus et des organes lymphoïdes [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du laboratoire d'Anatomie Pathologique et du laboratoire de Neuropathologie et de Recherches sur les Peptides du Système Nerveux, Bruxelles - Hôpital Erasme, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (1987). Tne neuroendocrine thymo-lymphoid axis [Paper presentation]. 28ste Federative Vergadering van Medisch Wetenschapelijk Verenigingen in Nederand, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Ansseau, M., Legros, J.-J., Mormont, C., Cerfontaine, J.-L., Papart, P., Geenen, V., & Franck, G. (1987). Intranasal oxytocin in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 12, 231-236. doi:10.1016/0306-4530(87)90009-6

Ansseau, M., von Frenckell, R., Cerfontaine, J.-L., Papart, P., Franck, G., Timsit-Berthier, M., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1987). Neuroendocrine evaluation of catecholaminergic neurotransmission in mania. Psychiatry Research, 22 (3), 193-206. doi:10.1016/0165-1781(87)90034-5

Demey-Ponsart, E., Ansseau, M., Sulon, J., von Frenckell, R., Cerfontaine, J.-L., Papart, P., Franck, G., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1987). Diagnostic performance of basal free cortisol/18-hydroxy-11-deoxy-corticosterone (18-OH-DOC) ratio in endogenous depression: comparison with the dexamethasone suppression test. Biological Psychiatry, 22 (8), 947-956. doi:10.1016/0006-3223(87)90004-7

Geenen, V. (1987). L'ocytocine : du neuropeptide à la cybernine [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., Franchimont, P., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., Ivell, R., & Richter, D. (1987). The thymus as a neuroendocrine organ: Synthesis of vasopressin and oxytocin in human thymic epithelium. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 496, 56-66. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1987.tb35746.x

Legros, J.-J., Chiodera, P., Geenen, V., & von Frenckell, R. (1987). Confirmation of the inhibitory influence of exogenous oxytocin on cortisol and ACTH in man: Evidence of reproducibility. Acta Endocrinologica, 14, 345-349. doi:10.1530/acta.0.1140345

Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., & Ansseau, M. (1987). Le point actuel sur l'utilisation de la vasopressine et de l'ocytocine en psychiatrie. Médecine et Hygiène, 45, 2169-2177.

Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., & Franchimont, P. (1987). Influence of estrogens on oxytocinergic function in the human: implications in aging. In R. Rolland (Ed.), Neuroendocrinology of reproduction (pp. 257-270). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier North Holland.

Geenen, V. (1986). The thymus as a neuroendocrine organ [Paper presentation]. First International Symposium of Neuroendocrine-Immunology, Liège, Belgium.

Geenen, V. (1986). Système nerveux, hormones et immunité [Paper presentation]. Colloque INSERM "Modèles intégrés de communication cellulaire", La Londe-les-Maures, France.

Geenen, V. (1986). La fonction neuroendocrine du thymus [Paper presentation]. Séminaire du Département d'Immunologie & Hématologie, Bruxelles - Hôpital Erasme, Belgium.

Ansseau, M., Geenen, V., Franck, G., & Legros, J.-J. (1986). Dexamethasone suppression test and MMPI scales. Neuropsychobiology, 16 (2-3), 68-71. doi:10.1159/000118300

Ansseau, M., von Frenckell, R., Franck, G., Timsit-Berthier, M., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1986). Blunted growth hormone response to clonidine and apomorphine challenges in endogenous depression. In C. Shagass (Ed.), Biological psychiatry : proceedings of the IVth world congress of biological psychiatry, September 8th through 13th, 1985 in Philadelphia (pp. 793-795). New York, United States: Elsevier.

Geenen, V. (1986). La fonction neuroendocrinienne du thymus. Revue Médicale de Liège, XLI, 566-574.

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., Adam, F., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., & Franchimont, P. (1986). The neuroendocrine thymic microenvironment. Journal of Endocrinology, 111 (Suppl.), 95.

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., Defresne, M.-P., Boniver, J., & Franchimont, P. (1986). The thymus as a neuroendocrine organ. Neuroendocrinology.

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., Franchimont, P., Baudrihaye, M., Defresne, M.-P., & Boniver, J. (1986). The neuroendocrine thymus: Coexistence of oxytocin and neurophysin in the human thymus. Science, 232, 508-511. doi:10.1126/science.3961493

Timsit-Berthier, M., Mantanus, H., Marissiaux, P., Ansseau, M., Doumont, A., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1986). CNV and dopamine receptor reactivity: correlations with the apomorphine test. In W. C. McCallum (Ed.), Cerebral psychophysiology: Studies in event-related potentials (pp. 403-405). New York, United States: Elsevier.

Ansseau, M., Doumont, A., Cerfontaine, J.-L., Sulon, J., Demey-Ponsart, E., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1985). Diagnostic performance of the thirty-four hour dexamethasone suppression test. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 10, 215-219. doi:10.1016/0306-4530(85)90060-5

Ansseau, M., Reynolds, C. F. I., Kupfer, D., Doumont, A., Geenen, V., Dresse, A., & Juorio, A. (1985). Extrapyramidal signs following zimelidine overdose. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 5 (6), 347-348. doi:10.1097/00004714-198512000-00010

Geenen, V., Langer, G., Koïnig, G., Schönbeck, G., Ansseau, M., von Frenckell, R., & Legros, J.-J. (1985). Release of human neurophysin I during insulin-induced hypoglycemia is abolished after recovery with clomipramine treatment. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 10 (1), 61-69. doi:10.1016/0306-4530(85)90039-3

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., Hagelstein, M.-T., Louis-Kohn, F., Lecomte-Yerna, M.-J., Demoulin, A., & Franchimont, P. (1985). Release of immunoreactive oxytocin and neurophysin I by cultured luteinizing bovine granulosa cells. Acta Endocrinologica, 110, 263-270. doi:10.1530/acta.0.1100263

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., Hustin, J., Demoulin, A., & Franchimont, P. (1985). Oxytocin secretion by bovine granulosa cells: regulation and interactions with steroidogenesis. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 8, 116.

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., Hustin, J., Demoulin, A., & Franchimont, P. (1985). Oxytocin secretion by bovine granulosa cells: regulation and interactions with steroidogenesis. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 8 (Suppl. 3), 117.

Chiodera, P., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1984). Effect of oxytocin on growth hormone secretion in response to arginine-vasopressin in normal men. Neuro Endocrinology Letters, 6, 137-143.

Franchimont, P., Lecomte-Yerna, M.-J., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1984). Parahormones or cybernins ? In C. Bizollon (Ed.), Monoclonal antibodies and new trends in immunoassays (pp. 1-11). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier North Holland.

Geenen, V., Legros, J.-J., Hagelstein, M.-T., Louis-Kohn, F., Lecomte-Yerna, M.-J., & Franchimont, P. (1984). Oxytocin and neurophysin in cultures of bovine granulosa cells. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, 20, 1508.

Legros, J.-J., Chiodera, P., Geenen, V., Smitz, S., & von Frenckell, R. (1984). Dose-response relationship between plasma oxytocin and ACTH concentrations during oxytocin infusion in normal men. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 58, 105-109.

Linkowski, P., Geenen, V., Kerkhofs, M., Mendlewicz, J., & Legros, J.-J. (1984). Cerebrospinal fluid neurophysins in affective illness and schizophrenia. European Archives of Psychiatry and Neurological Sciences, 234, 162-165. doi:10.1007/BF00461555

Ansseau, M., Doumont, A., Thiry, D., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1983). Interest of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) test as a neuroendocrine marker of depressive illness. Acta Psychiatrica Belgica, 83 (1), 50-56.

Legros, J.-J., Ansseau, M., Doumont, A., Geenen, V., & van Wimersma-Greidanus, T. (1983). Relationship between vasopressin, neurophysin and ACTH, cortisol plasma levels in non suppressor patients during dexamethasone suppression tests. Neuro Endocrinology Letters, 5 (5), 297-302.

Legros, J.-J., Geenen, V., Linkowski, P., & Mendlewicz, J. (1983). Increased neurophysin I and II cerebrospinal fluid concentrations from bipolar versus unipolar depressed patients. Neuro Endocrinology Letters, 5, 201-205.

Born, J., Geenen, V., & Legros, J.-J. (1982). Neurophysin II - but not neurophysin I - concentrations are higher in lumbar than in ventricular cerebrospinal fluid in neurological patients. Neuro Endocrinology Letters, 4, 31-35.

Geenen, V., Adam, A., Godfroi, M., & Legros, J.-J. (1982). Lack of inhibitory influence of naloxone infusion on water load excretion in female patients with subjective feeling of water retention. Neuro Endocrinology Letters, 4, 25-29.

Christophe, J., Geenen, V., & Demoulin, J.-C. (1981). Pathologie de la cardiomyopathie obstructive : à propos d'un cas. Revue Médicale de Liège, 36, 481-485.