Publications and communications of Pierre Pestieau

Onder, H., Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (In press). Equivalent income versus equivalent lifetime: does the metric matter? Journal of Demographic Economics.

Perelman, S., & Pestieau, P. (April 2024). Comment gérer la fin de vie ? Les dispositions adoptées dans les pays industrialisés. Futuribles, Mai-Juin 2024 (460), 45-59.

Pestieau, P. (2023). The Economics of Social Protection. Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781009295475

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (June 2023). Mobilité sociale et populisme. Regards Economiques, 179.

Canta, C., Pestieau, P., & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2023). Blood and gender bias in informal care within the family. Review of Economics of the Household. doi:10.1007/s11150-023-09669-3

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2023). Counting the Missing Poor in Pre-Industrial Societies . Cliometrica, 17, 155-183. doi:10.1007/s11698-022-00243-y

Leroux, M.-L., & Pestieau, P. (2023). Age and health related non-linear inheritance taxation. Canadian Journal of Economics, 56. doi:10.1111/caje.12673

Nishimura, Y., & Pestieau, P. (2023). Old age or dependence. Which social insurance? Journal of Public Economic Theory. doi:10.1111/jpet.12571

Pestieau, P. (2023). The public economics of changing longevity. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2023). An age differentiated tax on bequests. In Age Policies - Normative Theory and Proposals. Greg Bognar and Axel Gosseries Eds.

Flawinne, X., Lefebvre, M., Perelman, S., Pestieau, P., & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2022). Nursing homes and mortality in Europe: Uncertain causality. Health Economics. doi:10.1002/hec.4613

Pestieau, P., & Flawinne, X. (2022). Vivre heureux longtemps. Combien ça coûte? Paris, France: Presses Universitaires de France.

Canta, C.* , Pestieau, P.* , & Schoenmaeckers, J.*. (16 March 2022). Blood and Gender Bias in Informal Care within the Family [Paper presentation]. Aide informelle et vies de famille : une analyse des différences de genre, Strasbourg, France.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Boadway, R., & Pestieau, P. (2022). The Wealth Tax and the Tax Mix. Canadian Tax Journal, 70 (Supp), 185-208. doi:10.32721/ctj.2022.70.supp.boadway

Flawinne, X.* , Lefebvre, M.* , Perelman, S.* , Pestieau, P.* , & Schoenmaeckers, J.*. (2022). Nursing Homes and Mortality in Europe: Uncertain Causality. CESifo Working papers.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Fleurbaey, M., Leroux, M.-L., Pestieau, P., Ponthiere, G., & Zuber, S. (2022). Premature deaths, accidental bequests, and fairness*. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 124. doi:10.1111/sjoe.12478

Leroux, M.-L., & Pestieau, P. (2022). Age-related taxation of bequests in the presence of a dependency risk. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 24, 98-119. doi:10.1111/jpet.12539

Pestieau, P., Fan, S., & Pang, Y. (2022). Nature versus Nurture in Social Mobility under Private and Public Education Systems. Public Finance Review. doi:10.1177/10911421221134727

Pestieau, P., & Klimaviciute, J. (2022). The economics of long-term care. An overview. Journal of Economic Surveys. doi:10.1111/joes.12538

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2022). Optimal lockdown and social welfare. Journal of Population Economics, 35, 241-268. doi:10.1007/s00148-021-00867-w

Pestieau, P., & Ponthière, G. (2022). An age differentiated tax on bequests. In Greg Bognar and Axel Gosseries (Ed.), Ageing without Ageism. Oxford University Press.

Pestieau, P. (November 2021). La panne de l’ascenseur social. Commentaire, 176, 207-212.

Cremer, H., Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (2021). A political economy of loose means-testing in targeted social programs. Economics Letters, 202. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2021.109810

Leroux, M.-L., Pestieau, P., & Ponthière, G. (2021). Fair Long-Term Care Insurance. Social Choice and Welfare, 57, 503-533. doi:10.1007/s00355-021-01324-z

Leroux, M.-L., Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2021). Childlessness, childfreeness and compensation. Social Choice and Welfare. doi:10.1007/s00355-021-01379-y

Perelman, S., Pestieau, P., & Ginsburgh, V. (2021). Populism and Social Polarization in European Democracies. CESifo Economic Studies. doi:10.1093/cesifo/ifab006

Pestieau, P., & Boadway, R. (2021). An Annual Wealth Tax: Pros and Cons. Finanz-Archiv. doi:10.1628/fa-2021-0019

Pestieau, P., Pang, Y., & Fan, S. (2021). Investment in Children, Social Security, and Intragenerational Risk Sharing. International Tax and Public Finance. doi:10.1007/s10797-021-09664-3

Pestieau, P., & Ponthière, G. (2021). Le confinement optimal. Quelques calculs exploratoires. Revue Française d'Economie, 35 (4).

Schoenmaeckers, J., Pestieau, P., & Canta, C. (2021). Blood and Gender Bias in Informal Care within the Family? ORBi-University of Liège.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (2020). The performance of public enterprises. In Routledge Handbook on State-Owned Enterprises. Luc Bernier, Philippe Bance and Massimo Florio, Routledge eds.

Fan, S., Pang, Y., & Pestieau, P. (2020). A model of the optimal allocation of government expenditures. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 22 (4), 845-876. doi:10.1111/jpet.12416

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (2020). Insurance with a deductible. A way out of the long term care insurance puzzle. Journal of Economics, 130 (3), 297–307. doi:10.1007/s00712-020-00700-0

Klimaviciute, J., Pestieau, P., & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2020). Long-Term Care Insurance with Family Altruism: Theory and Empirics. Journal of Risk and Insurance, 87, 895-918. doi:10.1111/jori.12284

Pestieau, P., & Lefebvre, M. (October 2019). État providence et fractures sociales. Nouveaux défis. Regards Economiques, 152.

Klimaviciute, J., Pestieau, P., & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2019). Family altruism and long-term care insurance. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice, 1-15. doi:10.1057/s41288-018-00117-3

Klimaciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (2019). The Inherited Inequality: How Demographic Aging and Pension Reforms can Change the Intergenerational Transmission of Wealth. German Economic Review, 1-20. doi:10.1111/geer.12193

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2019). Premature mortality and poverty measurement in an OLG economy. Journal of Population Economics, 1-44. doi:10.1007/s00148-018-0688-x

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2019). Missing poor and income mobility. Journal of Comparative Economics, 47, 330-366. doi:10.1016/j.jce.2018.12.002

Pestieau, P., & Boadway, R. (2019). Over the top: Why an annual wealth tax for Canada is unnecessary. C.D. Howe Institue Commentary, 546.

Pestieau, P., & Klimaviciute, J. (2019). Dépendance et franchise. Revue d'Economie Financière, 133, 147-153.

Pestieau, P., Leroux, M. L., & Maldonado, D. (2019). The political economy of contributive pensions in developing countries. European Journal of Political Economy, 58 (c), 262-275. doi:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2019.01.002

Pestieau, P., & Ponthière, G. (2019). Espérance de vie et prévention des risques liés au vieillissement. Risques : les Cahiers de l'Assurance, 116.

Pestieau, P., & Lefebvre, M. (2018). The Welfare State in Europe. Economic and Social Perspectives. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford 
University Press.

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2018). The Public Economics Long Term Care, in Martin Guzman, ed., Towards a Just Society: Joseph Stiglitz and 21st Century Economics. In Towards a Just Society: Joseph Stiglitz and 21st Century Economics (Columbia University Press). Columbia.

Pestieau, P., & Broadway, R. (February 2018). The Dubious Case for Annual Wealth Taxation. CESifo DICE Report, 16, 3-7.

Boadway, R., & Pestieau, P. (2018). The dubious case for annual wealth taxation. CESifo DICE Report, 16 (2), 3-7.

Cremer, H., & Pestieau, P. (2018). Means-Tested Long-Term Care and Family Transfers. German Economic Review, 19 (3), 351-364. doi:10.1111/geer.12132

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (2018). THE PUBLIC ECONOMICS OF LONG-TERM CARE. A SURVEY OF RECENT CONTRIBUTIONS. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 89 (1), 49-63. doi:10.1111/apce.12199

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (2018). Social insurance for long-term care with deductible and linear contributions. Finanz-Archiv, 74 (1), 88-108. doi:10.1628/001522118X15084133837809

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (2018). Long-term care social insurance: How to avoid big losses? International Tax and Public Finance, 25 (1), 99-139. doi:10.1007/s10797-017-9445-4

Lefebvre, M., Perelman, S., & Pestieau, P. (2018). Productivity and Welfare Performance in the Public Sector. In K. C. A. Lovell, R. C. Sickles, ... E. Grifell-Tatjé (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Productivity Analysis (pp. 557-591). Oxford University Press.

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & ponthiere, G. (2018). FGT Old-Age Poverty Measures and the Mortality Paradox: Theory and Evidence. Review of Income and Wealth, 64 (2), 428-458. doi:10.1111/roiw.12277

Pestieau, P., & Cremer, H. (2018). Means-Tested Long-Term Care and FamilyTransfers. German Economic Review, 19, 351-364.

Pestieau, P., Nishimura, Y., & Ponthiere, G. (2018). Education choices, longevity and optimal policy in a Ben-Porath economy. Mathematical Social Sciences, 94, 65-81. doi:10.1016/j.mathsocsci.2017.10.003

Pestieau, P., & Lefebvre, M. (2017). L'Etat-providence. Défense et illustration. Paris, France: PUF.

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (11 July 2017). Social insurance for long-term care with deductible and linear contributions [Paper presentation]. PET 2017 Conference, Paris, France.

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (12 June 2017). Social insurance for long-term care with deductible and linear contributions [Paper presentation]. 16th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Aix–en-Provence, France.

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (18 April 2017). Social insurance for long-term care with deductible and linear contributions [Paper presentation]. Seminar at Université Paris Nanterre, Paris, France.

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (09 March 2017). Long-term care social insurance. How to avoid big losses? [Paper presentation]. Seminar at Erudite, Université Paris Est Créteil, Paris, France.

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (10 February 2017). Long-term care social insurance. How to avoid big losses? [Paper presentation]. Cournot Seminar at BETA, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.

Cremer, H., Gahvari, F., & Pestieau, P. (2017). Uncertain altruism and the provision of long term care. Journal of Public Economics, 151, 12-24. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2017.05.001

Dedry, A., Onder, H., & Pestieau, P. (2017). Aging, social security design, and capital accumulation. Journal of the Economics of Ageing, 9, 145-155. doi:10.1016/j.jeoa.2016.10.003

Klimaviciute, J., Perelman, S., Pestieau, P., & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2017). Caring for dependent parents: Altruism, exchange or family norm? Journal of Population Economics, 30 (3), 835-873. doi:10.1007/s00148-017-0635-2

Klimaviciute, J., Pestieau, P., Perelman, S., & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2017). Pourquoi s'occupe-t-on de ses vieux parents? In A. Vandenhooft, S. Carbonnelle, T. Eggerickx, V. Flohimont, ... S. Perelman (Eds.), Vieillissement et entraide. Quelles méthodes pour décrire et mesurer les enjeux? (pp. 159-183). Namur, Belgium: PUN.

Pestieau, P. (2017). Economie publique de la dépendance. Vieillissement et entraide : Quelles méthodes pour décrire et en mesurer les enjeux?.

Pestieau, P., & Dedonder, P. (2017). Private, social and self-insurance for long-term care in the presence of family help. A political economy analysis. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19, 18–37. doi:10.1111/jpet.12163

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2017). Optimal fertility under age-dependent labor productivity. Journal of Population Economics, 30, 621-646. doi:10.1007/s00148-016-0627-7

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (15 November 2016). Long-term care social insurance. How to avoid big losses? [Paper presentation]. Seminar at LEM, University of Lille 1, Lille, France.

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (10 November 2016). Long-term care social insurance. How to avoid big losses? [Paper presentation]. Seminar at the University of Valenciennes, Valenciennes, France.

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (13 June 2016). Long-term care social insurance. How to avoid big losses? [Paper presentation]. 15th Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Aix–en-Provence, France.

Cremer, H., Pestieau, P., & Roeder, K. (2016). Social long-term care insurance with two-sided altruism. Research in Economics, 70 (1), 101-109. doi:10.1016/j.rie.2015.10.003

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (2016). Long-term care social insurance. How to avoid big losses? ORBi-University of Liège.

Nishimura, Y., & Pestieau, P. (2016). Efficient taxation with differential risks of dependence and mortality. Economics Bulletin, 36 (1), 52-57.

Onder, H., & Pestieau, P. (2016). Aging and the inherited wealth of nations. CESifo DICE Report, 14 (1), 30-36.

Pestieau, P., Canta, C., & Thibault, E. (2016). Long-term care and capital accumulation: the impact of the State, the market and the family. Economic Theory, 61, 755–785. doi:10.1007/s00199-016-0957-4

Pestieau, P., Cremer, H., & Lozachmeur, J.-M. (2016). The design of long term care insurance contracts. Journal of Health Economics, 50, 330-339. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2016.08.008

Pestieau, P., Cremer, H., & Roeder, K. (2016). LTC social insurance with two-sided altruism. Research in Economics, 70, 101–109.

Pestieau, P., Dreze, J. H., & Schokkaert, E. (2016). Arrow’s theorem of the deductible and long-term care insurance. Economics Letters, 148, 103-105. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2016.08.042

Pestieau, P., Fleurbaey, M., Leroux, M.-L., & Ponthiere, G. (2016). Fair retirement under risky lifetime. International Economic Review, 57, 177-210. doi:10.1111/iere.12152

Pestieau, P., & Nishimura, Y. (2016). Efficient taxation with differential risks of dependence and mortality. Economics Bulletin, 36.

Pestieau, P., & Onder, H. (2016). Aging and the Inherited Wealth of Nations. CESifo DICE Report, 14 (1), 30-36.

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2016). Longevity variations and the welfare state. Journal of Demographic Economics, 82, 207-239. doi:10.1017/dem.2016.4

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2016). Long-term care and births timing. Journal of Health Economics, 50, 340–357. doi:10.1016/j.jhealeco.2016.08.009

Pestieau, P., & Racionero, M. (2016). Harsh occupations, life expectancy and social security. Economic Modelling, 58, 194-202. doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2016.05.030

Pestieau, P., & Racionero, M. (2016). Harsh occupations, health status and social security. Journal of Economics, 117 (3), 239-257. doi:10.1007/s00712-015-0449-1

Artige, L., & Pestieau, P. (05 June 2015). Public education, PAYG pension and economic growth in an a geing s ociety [Paper presentation]. BEL - Ageing Workshop: Labor market, pensions, and debt in Europe: live long, retire late or die poor?, Ghent, Belgium.

Artige, L., & Pestieau, P. (13 April 2015). Pensions, education and growth with declining fertility and increasing longevity [Paper presentation]. Human Capital & Aging Workshop, Boston, United States.

Cremer, H., Pestieau, P., & Roeder, K. (2015). United but (un)equal: human capital, probability of divorce, and the marriage contract. Journal of Population Economics, 28, 195-217. doi:10.1007/s00148-014-0504-1

Klimaviciute, J., & Pestieau, P. (2015). Long-term care social insurance. How to avoid big losses? [Paper presentation]. Welfare Economics Seminar at CORE, Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., Riedl, A., & Villeval, M.-C. (2015). Tax evasion and social information. International Tax and Public Finance, 22, 401-425.

Lefebvre, M., Villeval, M. C., Pestieau, P., & Riedl, A. (2015). Tax Evasion and Social Information: an Experiment in Belgium, France and The Netherlands. International Tax and Public Finance, 22, 401–425. doi:10.1007/s10797-014-9318-z

Pestieau, P., & De Donder, P. (2015). Lobbying, family concerns and the lack of political support for estate taxation. Economics and Politics, 27, 389–403. doi:10.1111/ecpo.12062

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2015). Optimal life-cycle fertility in a Barro-Becker economy. Journal of Population Economics, 28, 45-87. doi:10.1007/s00148-014-0511-2

Pestieau, P., & Racionero, M. (2015). Tagging with leisure needs. Social Choice and Welfare. doi:10.1007/s00355-015-0875-6

Artige, L., Dedry, A., & Pestieau, P. (June 2014). Social Security and Economic Integration. Economics Letters, 123 (June), 318-322. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2014.02.027

Artige, L., Cavenaile, L., & Pestieau, P. (2014). The Macroeconomics of PAYG Pension Schemes in an Aging Society. ORBi-University of Liège.

Leroux, M. L., & Pestieau, P. (2014). Social Security and Family Support. Canadian Journal of Economics, 47 (1), 115-143. doi:10.1111/caje.12068

Pestieau, P., & Canta, C. (2014). Long-Term Care Insurance and Family. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy. doi:10.1515/bejeap-2012-0022

Pestieau, P., & Cremer, H. (2014). Social long-term care insurance and redistribution. International Tax and Public Finance, 21, 955–974. doi:10.1007/s10797-013-9289-5

Pestieau, P., Cremer, H., & Gahvari, F. (2014). Endogenous Altruism, Redistribution, and Long Term Care. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 14 (2), 499-524. doi:10.1515/bejeap-2012-0065

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2014). Optimal fertility along the lifecycle. Economic Theory, 55, 185=224.

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2014). On the policy implications of changing longevity. CESifo Ecoonmic Studies, 60, 178-213.

Artige, L., Cavenaile, & Pestieau, P. (18 June 2013). The Shift from Defined Benefit to Defined Contribution in an Ageing Society [Paper presentation]. Beldebt meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Artige, L., Dedry, A., & Pestieau, P. (03 June 2013). Social Security and Economic Integration [Paper presentation]. Beldebt meeting, Brussels, Belgium.

Artige, L., Dedry, A., & Pestieau, P. (2013). Social Security and Economic Integration. ORBi-University of Liège.

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (January 2013). Measuring poverty without the Mortality Paradox. Social Choice and Welfare, 40 (1), 285-316. doi:10.1007/s00355-012-0710-2

Michel, P., & Pestieau, P. (2013). Social Security and Early Retirement in an Overlapping-Generations Growth Model. Annals of Economics and Finance, 14, 705–719.

Pestieau, P., & Canta, C. (2013). Long-Term Care Insurance and Family Norms. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 14 (1), 1-28.

Pestieau, P., Lefebvre, M., Riedl, A., & Villeval, M. C. (2013). Les comportements vis-à-vis de la fraude fiscale et de la fraude sociale diffèrent-ils ? Une expérience menée en Belgique, en France et aux Pays-Bas. Économie et Prévision, 202-203. doi:10.3406/ecop.2013.8136

Pestieau, P., & Ponthière, G. (2013). Policy Implications of Changing Longevity. CESifo Economic Studies, 59 (4).

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2013). Optimal Fertility along the Lifecycle. Economic Theory.

Pestieau, P., & Ponthière, G. (2013). Child bearing age, family allowances and social security. Southern Economic Journal, 80, 385-413.

Artige, L., Cavenaile, L., & Pestieau, P. (29 November 2012). Debt, Pension and Demographics [Paper presentation]. Beldebt meeting, Liège, Belgium.

Artige, L., Dedry, A., & Pestieau, P. (2012). Social Security, Ageing and Economic Integration. ORBi-University of Liège.

Artige, L., Cavenaile, L., & Pestieau, P. (15 February 2012). Debt and Pension [Paper presentation]. Beldebt meeting, Leuven, Belgium.

Lefebvre, M., & Pestieau, P. (2012). L'État-providence en Europe. Performance et dumping social. Paris, France: Editions rue d'Ulm.

Pestieau, P., Casamatta, G., & Cremer, H. (2012). Charities and the political support for estate taxation. Economics Letters, 115, 423–426. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2011.12.101

Pestieau, P., Cremer, H., De Donder, P., & Maldonado, D. (2012). Taxing Sin Goods and Subsidizing Health Care. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114 (1), 101-123. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9442.2011.01666.x

Pestieau, P., Cremer, H., & Gahvari, F. (2012). Accidental bequests. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114, 1435-1459. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9442.2012.01728.x

Pestieau, P., Cremer, H., & Ponthiere, G. (2012). The economics of long-term care: A survey. Nordic Economic Policy Review, (2), 108-148.

Pestieau, P., de la Croix, D., & Ponthiere, G. (2012). How powerful is demography? The Serendipity Theorem revisited. Journal of Population Economics, 25, 899-922. doi:10.1007/s00148-011-0362-z

Pestieau, P., & Leroux, M. L. (2012). The political economy of derived pension rights. International Tax and Public Finance, 19, 753–776. doi:10.1007/s10797-011-9205-9

Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2012). The public economics of increasing longevity. Hacienda Pública Española / Revista de Economía Pública, 200 (1/2012), 35-68.

Pestieau, P., & Pontiere, G. (2012). Myopia, regrets, and risky behaviors. International Tax and Public Finance, 19, 288-317. doi:10.1007/s10797-011-9188-6

Pestieau, P., & Thibault, E. (2012). Love thy children or money - Reflections on debt neutrality and estate taxation. Economic Theory, 50, 31–57. doi:10.1007/s00199-010-0578-2

Lefebvre, M., Perelman, S., & Pestieau, P. (December 2011). La performance de l’Etat-providence européen. Quel enseignement pour la Belgique? Regards Economiques, 93.

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2011). Measuring poverty without the mortality paradox. ORBi-University of Liège.

Pestieau, P., & Casamatta, G., C. H. (2011). Charities and the political support for estate taxation. Economics Letters.

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & ponthiere, G. (2011). Pauvreté et mortalité différentielle chez les personnes âgées. ORBi-University of Liège.

Cremer, H., Dedonder, P., Maldonado, D., & Pestieau, P. (2011). Travailler moins pour travailler plus longtemps. Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2 (101/102), 257-270.

Cremer, H., Gahvari, F., & Pestieau, P. (2011). Stochastic Fertility, Moral Hazard, and the Design of Pay-As-You-Go Pension Plans. CESifo Economic Studies, 57 (2), 332–348. doi:10.1093/cesifo/ifr009

Cremer, H., Lozachmeur, J.-M., & Pestieau, P. (2011). Income taxation of couples and the tax unit choice. Journal of Population Economics.

Cremer, H., Pestieau, P., & Racionero, M. (2011). Unequal wages for equal utilities. International Tax and Public Finance, 18, 383–398. doi:10.1007/s10797-011-9163-2

Lambert, P., Perelman, S., Pestieau, P., & Schoenmaeckers, J. (2011). Health insurance coverage and adverse selection. In A. Börsch-Supan, M. Brandt, K. Hank, ... M. Schröder (Eds.), The Individual and the Welfare State: Life Histories in Europe (pp. 225-231). Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & Ponthiere, G. (2011). Pauvreté et mortalité différentielle chez les personnes âgées. Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, L (4), 45-54. doi:10.3917/rpve.504.0045

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., Riedl, A., & Villeval, M. C. (2011). Tax Evasion, Welfare Fraud, and "The Broken Windows" Effect: An Experiment in Belgium, France and the Netherlands. ORBi-University of Liège.

Pestieau, P. (2011). Fertility, human capital accumulation, and the pension system. Journal of Public Economics, 95, 1237-1238. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2010.09.014

Pestieau, P., & Cremer, H. (2011). The Tax Treatment of Intergenerational Wealth Transfers. CESifo Economic Studies. doi:10.1093/cesifo/ifr014

Pestieau, P., & Cremer, H. (2011). Myopia, redistribution and pensions. European Economic Review, 55, 165-175. doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2010.07.002

Pestieau, P., Dethier, J. J., & Ali, R. (2011). The impact of a minimum pension on old age poverty and its budgetary cost. Evidence from Latin Am. Revista de Economıa del Rosario, 14 (2), 135-163.

Pestieau, P., Dethier, J.-J., & Rabia, A. (2011). The impact of a minimum pension on old age poverty and its budgetary cost. Evidence from Latin America. Revista de Economía del Rosario, 14 (2), 37-65.

Pestieau, P., Leroux, M., & Ponthiere, G. (2011). Optimal linear taxation under endogenous longevity. Journal of Population Economics, 24, 213-237. doi:10.1007/s00148-010-0304-1

Pestieau, P., Leroux, M. L., & Racionero, M. D. M. (2011). Voting on pensions: Sex and marriage. European Journal of Political Economy, 27 (1), 281-296. doi:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2010.10.001

Cremer, H., Lozachmeur, J.-M., & Pestieau, P. (2010). Collective Annuities and Redistribution. Journal of Public Economic Theory, (12), 23-41. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9779.2009.01445.x

Cremer, H., & Pestieau, P. (2010). Longevity and annuities: an introduction. Journal of Public Economic Theory, (12), 1-5. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9779.2009.01443.x

Jousten, A., Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (2010). The effects of early retirement on youth unemployment: the case of Belgium. In J. Gruber & D. Wise (Eds.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: The Relationship to Youth Employment. NBER.

Lefebvre, M., Coelli, T., & Pestieau, P. (2010). On the Convergence of Social Protection Performance in the European Union. CESifo Economic Studies, 56 (2), 300-322. doi:10.1093/cesifo/ifp030

Pestieau, P. (18 December 2009). Myopia, redistribution and pensions.

Pestieau, P. (06 November 2009). Social and private LTC insurance with variable altruism.

Pestieau, P. (09 October 2009). Unequal wages for equal utilities.

Pestieau, P. (08 October 2009). Unequal wages for equal utilities.

Pestieau, P. (17 September 2009). Social and private LTC insurance with variable altruism [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Risques, Paris, France.

Pestieau, P. (09 September 2009). Wealth Taxation: a survey [Paper presentation]. Conference on Tax Systems: Whence and Whither, Malaga, Spain.

Pestieau, P. (18 June 2009). Myopia, redistribution and pensions.

Pestieau, P. (17 June 2009). Unequal wages for equal utilities [Paper presentation]. FEDEA Seminar, Madrid, Spain.

Pestieau, P. (15 June 2009). Myopia, redistribution and pensions [Paper presentation]. Journées Luois-André Gérard-Varet, Marseille, France.

Pestieau, P. (11 June 2009). Unequal wages for equal utilities.

Pestieau, P. (15 May 2009). The design of pension plans with endogenously determined fertility, education and ability types [Paper presentation]. Robin Boadway Conference, Kingston, Canada.

Pestieau, P. (14 May 2009). Tagging with leisure needs [Paper presentation]. Robin Boadway Conference, Kingston, Canada.

Pestieau, P. (14 May 2009). Social and private LTC insurance with variable altruism [Paper presentation]. Robin Boadway Conference, Kingston, Canada.

Pestieau, P. (25 April 2009). Comment on “The skill composition of migration and the generosity of the welfare state [Paper presentation]. CESIfo Public Economics Workshop, Munich, Germany.

Pestieau, P. (31 March 2009). Social insurance and redistribution.

Pestieau, P. (20 March 2009). Comment on “Determinants of Risk Behaviors in Early Adulthood: Interplay of Cognitive Ability, Noncognitive Skills, and Health” [Paper presentation]. IZA Conference on Risky Behavior, Washington D.C., United States.

Atta, C., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (2009). Belgian Social Protection Portrait. Bruxelles, Belgium: SPF Sécurité Sociale, DG Strategy and Research.

Cremer, H., De Donder, P., Maldonado, D., & Pestieau, P. (2009). Forced Saving, Redistribution, and Nonlinear Social Security Schemes. Southern Economic Journal, (76), 86-98. doi:10.4284/sej.2009.76.1.86

Cremer, H., De Donder, P., & Pestieau, P. (2009). Providing sustainable long term care: a looming challenge. Toulouse School of Economics, (3).

Cremer, H., & Pestieau, P. (2009). Piracy prevention and the pricing of information goods. Information Economics and Policy, (21), 34-42. doi:10.1016/j.infoecopol.2008.09.003

Racionero, M., & Pestieau, P. (2009). Optimal redistribution with unobservable disability:Welfarist versus non-welfarist social objectives. European Economic Review, (53), 636-644. doi:10.1016/j.euroecorev.2008.12.002

Cremer, H., Lozachmeur, J.-M., & Pestieau, P. (2008). Use and misuse of unemployment benefits for early retirement. European Journal of Political Economy, (25), 174-185. doi:10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2008.09.009

Cremer, H., Lozachmeur, J.-M., & Pestieau, P. (2008). Social Desirability of Earnings Tests. German Economic Review, 9 (2), 114-134. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0475.2008.00427.x

Docquier, F., Faye, O., & Pestieau, P. (2008). Is migration a good substitute for education subsidies? Journal of Development Economics, (86), 263-276. doi:10.1016/j.jdeveco.2007.12.007

Eeckhoudt, L., & Pestieau, P. (2008). A note on longevity enhancing investment. Economics Letters. doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2008.04.010

Motohiro, S., & Pestieau, P. (2008). Long-Term Care: the State, the Market and the Family. Economica, (75), 435-454. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0335.2007.00615.x

Pacolet, J., Pestieau, P., Baeyens, K., & Perelman, S. (2008). Un indicateur de l'étendue et de l'évolution du travail au noir en Belgique. Revue Belge de Sécurité Sociale, (4), 437-462.

Pestieau, P. (2008). The base for direct taxation: commentary. In J. Banks, P. Diamond, ... J. Mirrlees, The tax base for direct taxation. Oxford University Press.

Possen, U., & Pestieau, P. (2008). Prodigality and Myopia - Two Rationales for Social Security. Manchester School, 76 (6), 629-652. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9957.2008.01086.x

Possen, U. M., & Pestieau, P. (2008). Interaction of Defined Benefit Pension Plans and Social Security. Pensions, 1-17. doi:10.1057/pm.2008.6

Cremer, H., De Donder, P., Maldonado, D., & Pestieau, P. (November 2007). Voting over type and generosity of a pension system when some individuals are myopic. Journal of Public Economics, 91 (10), 2041-2061. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2007.06.001

Boadway, R., & Pestieau, P. (2007). Tagging and redistributive taxation. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, (83/84).

Cremer, H., De Donder, P., Maldonado, D., & Pestieau, P. (2007). Designing a linear pension scheme with forced savings and wage heterogeneity. International Tax and Public Finance.

Cremer, H., Lozachmeur, J.-M., & Pestieau, P. (2007). Retirement age and health expenditures. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, (83/84).

Cremer, H., Lozachmeur, J.-M., & Pestieau, P. (2007). Disability Testing and Retirement. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy.

de la Croix, D., & Pestieau, P. (2007). Réformer le système des retraites belge. Regards Economiques, (51), 1-12.

Grammenos, S., Atta, C., Pestieau, P., Vanhatalo, R., & Perelman, S. (2007). Exploring the synergy between promoting active participation in work and in society and social, health and long-term care strategies. (VC/2006/0340). Bruxelles, Belgium: CESEP-BBJ-CREPP.

Jousten, A., Desmet, R., Perelman, S., & Pestieau, P. (2007). Micro-simulation of Social Security reforms in Belgium. In J. Gruber & D. Wise (Eds.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World: Fiscal Implications of Reform. Chicago, United States: University of Chicago Press and NBER.

Lefebvre, M., & Pestieau, P. (2007). The Social Protection of the Elderly : Comparison of Two Indicators of Generosity. In B. Marin & A. Zaidi (Eds.), Mainstreaming Ageing. Indicators to Monitor Sustainable Policies.

Pacolet, J., Pestieau, P., Baeyens, K., & Perelman, S. (2007). Développement d'un indicateur portant sur l'évolution du travail au noir en Belgique. (AP/01/14A). Bruxelles, Belgium: Service Public fédéral de Programmation Politique Scientifique et Service Public fédéral Emploi, Travail et Concertation Sociale.

Boadway, R., Leite-Monteiro, M., Pestieau, P., & Marchand, M. (2006). Social Insurance and Redistribution with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 108 (2), 279-298. doi:10.1111/j.1467-9442.2006.00446.x

Cremer, H., Gahvari, F., & Pestieau, P. (2006). Pensions with heterogenous individuals and endogenous fertility. Journal of Population Economics, (21), 961-981. doi:10.1007/s00148-006-0114-7

Cremer, H., Gahvari, F., & Pestieau, P. (2006). Pensions with endogenous and stochastic fertility. Journal of Public Economics, 90 (12), 2303-2321. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2006.03.007

Cremer, H., & Pestieau, P. (2006). Wealth Transfer Taxation: A Survey of the Theoretical Litterature. In S.-C. Kolm & J. Mercier Ythier (Eds.), Handbook of the Economics of Giving, Altruism and Reciprocity. Volume 2 (pp. 1108-1132). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/S1574-0714(06)02016-1

Docquier, F., Paddison, O., & Pestieau, P. (2006). Optimal accumulation in an endogenous growth setting with human capital. Journal of Economic Theory, 134 (1), 361-378.

Grammenos, S., Lefèbvre, M., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (2006). Litterature review on the redistributive effects of pension systems. (VC/2005/0233). Bruxelles, Belgium: CESEP and European Commission.

Lefebvre, M., & Pestieau, P. (2006). The Generosity of the Welfare State Towards the Elderly. Empirica. doi:10.1007/s10663-006-9021-0

Casamatta, G., Cremer, H., & Pestieau, P. (January 2005). Voting on pensions with endogenous retirement age. International Tax and Public Finance, 12 (1), 7-28. doi:10.1007/s10797-005-6392-2

Hamilton, J., & Pestieau, P. (January 2005). Optimal income taxation and the ability distribution: Implications for migration equilibria. International Tax and Public Finance, 12 (1), 29-45. doi:10.1007/s10797-005-6391-3

Jousten, A., Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (2005). Social Security in Belgium: Distributive Outcomes. (1486). Bonn, Germany: IZA.

Jousten, A., Lipszyc, B., Marchand, M., & Pestieau, P. (2005). Long-term care insurance and optimal taxation for altruistic children. Finanz-Archiv, 61 (1), 1-18. doi:10.1628/0015221053722514

Lefebvre, M., Perelman, S., & Pestieau, P. (2005). Faut-il un ou plusieurs indicateurs d'exclusion sociale? Revue Belge de Sécurité Sociale, (1), 59-76.

Lefebvre, M., Pestieau, P., Vidal, J.-P., & Perelman, S. (2005). Raising the age of retirement: an example of political ratchet effect. Mimeo.

Perelman, S., & Pestieau, P. (2005). Pourquoi SHARE? In Les Finances publiques: Défis à moyen et long termes (pp. 407-414). CIFoP.

Cremer, H., Lozachmeur, J.-M., & Pestieau, P. (September 2004). Social security, retirement age and optimal income taxation. Journal of Public Economics, 88 (11), 2259-2281. doi:10.1016/j.jpubeco.2003.10.003

Cremer, H., & Pestieau, P. (2004). Factor Mobility and Redistribution. In J. V. Henderson & J. F. Thisse (Eds.), Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics. Volume 4 (pp. 2530-2558). Elsevier. doi:10.1016/S0169-7218(04)07057-1

Michel, P., & Pestieau, P. (2004). Fiscal policy in an ovrelapping generations model with bequest-as-consumption. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 397-407.

Cremer, H., Pestieau, P., & Rochet, J.-C. (October 2003). Capital income taxation when inherited wealth is not observable. Journal of Public Economics, 87 (11), 2475-2490. doi:10.1016/S0047-2727(02)00050-6

Cremer, H., & Pestieau, P. (August 2003). The double dividend of postponing retirement. International Tax and Public Finance, 10 (4), 419-434. doi:10.1023/A:1024671130647

Cremer, H., & Pestieau, P. (July 2003). Social insurance competition between Bismarck and Beveridge. Journal of Urban Economics, 54 (1), 181-196. doi:10.1016/S0094-1190(03)00042-1

Cremer, H., Dellis, A., & Pestieau, P. (February 2003). Family size and optimal income taxation. Journal of Population Economics, 16 (1), 37-54. doi:10.1007/s001480100113

Delhausse, B., Perelman, S., Pestieau, P., & Sluse, M. (2002). Un nouveau portrait social de la Wallonie. Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, XLI (3), 7-22. doi:10.3917/rpve.413.0007

Jousten, A., & Pestieau, P. (2002). Labor-mobility, Redistribution and Pension Reform in the European Union. In M. Feldstein & H. Siebert (Ed.), Social Security Pension Reform in Europe. Chicago, United States: University of Chicago Press and NBER.

Desmet, R., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (2001). Le revenu des personnes âgées. La fin de l'âge d'or? (DP 2001/09). CREPP.

Jurion, B., & Pestieau, P. (2000). Finances publiques, finances privées. Les éditions de l'Université de Liège.

Delhausse, B., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1999). Portrait social de la Wallonie. Une mise à jour. (DP 99/05).

Pestieau, P., Sluse, M., Stévart, M., & Perelman, S. (1999). Droits d'inscription et bourses d'études dans l'enseignement supérieur de la Communauté Française. Bruxelles, Belgium: Communauté Française de Belgique.

Pestieau, P., Stévart, M., & Perelman, S. (1997). Droits d'inscription, bourses d'études et démocratisation dans l'enseignement universitaire. Bruxelles, Belgium: Communauté Française de Belgique.

Gathon, H.-J., & Pestieau, P. (1996). La performance des entreprises publiques. Une question de propriété ou de concurrence? In O. Bouin & C. Morrisson (Eds.), Les prvatisations: Un état des lieux (pp. 1225-1238). Presses de Sciences Po.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., & Pestieau, P. (1996). Efficacité de l'enseignement dans les pays de l'OCDE. In Rapport préparatoire du 12è Congrès des économistes belges de langue française. CIFOP.

Gathon, H.-J., & Pestieau, P. (1996). Etat-providence et efficacité économique. Revue Française d'Economie, XI, 2 (Printemps), 29-44.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1996). Marché du travail et enjeux inter-générationnels [Paper presentation]. 12ème Congrès des Economistes Belges de Langue Française.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1996). Bequest motives and the level and composition of wealth in Belgium. A survey based analysis. Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, (149), 31-53.

Compagnie, P., Pestieau, P., Sluse, M., & Perelman, S. (1995). Départ à la retraite et conditions de vie parmi la population âgée de 50 à 64 ans. Fondation Roi Baudouin.

Faudemer, S., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1995). Vol de voitures, assurance et fraude à l'assurance. L'exemple Français. (DP 95/15). CREPP.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., & Pestieau, P. (1995). Productivité et efficacité dans l'assurance. Risques : les Cahiers de l'Assurance, 22 (Avril-juin 1995), 65-71.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., Pestieau, P., Perelman, S., & Delhausse, B. (1995). Measuring productive performance in the non-life insurance industry: the case of French and Belgian markets. Tijdschrift voor Economie en Management, (40), 47-69.

Foidart, F., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1995). Le portrait social de la Wallonie. Bruxelles, Belgium: Fondation Roi Baudoin.

Gathon, H.-J., & Pestieau, P. (1995). La performance des entreprises publiques: Une question de propriété ou de concurrence? ORBi-University of Liège.

Gathon, H.-J., & Pestieau, P. (1995). Decomposing efficiency into its managerial and its regulatory components: The case of European railways. European Journal of Operational Research, 80, 500-507. doi:10.1016/0377-2217(94)00133-W

Arrondel, L., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1994). The effect of bequest motives on the composition and distribution of assets in France. In T. Tachibanaki (Ed.), Saving and Bequest. University of Michigan Press.

Delhausse, B., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1994). Retraite et vieillissement: quelle logique de protection? In L. apRoberts, G. Hugues, ... E. Reynaud (Eds.), Retraites Complémentaires. Acteurs, Enjeux et Perspectives (pp. 211-221).

Delhausse, B., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1994). Retirement and growing old: which model of protection? (107). LIS Working Paper.

Faudemer, S., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1994). Le prix de la vie: une approche ex post. Risques : les Cahiers de l'Assurance, (19), 117-132.

Gathon, H.-J., Pestieau, P., & Distexhe, V. (1994). Les implications de l'Union européenne sur la performance des services publics locaux. In G. Terny (Ed.), La gestion des services publics locaux dans l'Europe de demain (pp. 205-225). Paris, France: Litec.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1994). Comparative performance study of postal services: a productive efficiency approach. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, (33), 187-202.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1994). Aspects redistributifs de l'endettement public. La dette publique en Belgique, 57-68.

Delhausse, B., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1993). The distributive effects of shifting from public to private provision of retirement income. In J. Berghman & B. Cantillon (Eds.), The European Face of Social Security (pp. 145-156).

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., Kessler, D., Perelman, S., & Pestieau, P. (1993). Productive Performance of the French Insurance Industry. Journal of Productivity Analysis, (4), 77-93. doi:10.1007/BF01073467

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., & Pestieau, P. (1993). Efficiency and competition in OECD financial services. In H. Fried, K. Lovell, ... S. Schmidt (Eds.), The measurement of productive efficiency: techniques and applications. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., & Pestieau, P. (1993). Efficiency and competition in financial services. (1057). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Université Catholique de Louvain.

Gathon, H.-J., & Pestieau, P. (1993). The Implications of European Union for the Performance of Public Enterprises. Administration: Journal of the Institute of Public Administration of Ireland, 41 (Summer), 149-165.

Kessler, D., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1993). Saving behavior in 17 OECD countries. Review of Income and Wealth, (39), 37-50. doi:10.1111/j.1475-4991.1993.tb00436.x

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1993). The determinants of the Ricardian equivalence in the OECD nations. In H. Verbon & F. Van Winden (Eds.), The Political Economy of Pubic Debt (pp. 181-195).

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1993). Existe-t'il une Europe de l'épargne? Reflets et Perspectives de la Vie Economique, (32), 37-59.

Gathon, H.-J., Pestieau, P., & Distexhe, V. (26 February 1992). L'efficacité des services communaux: le cas de la collecte des déchets ménagers en Wallonie [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études sur les Services Publics Communaux, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Delhausse, B., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1992). Incidence redistributive de la privatisation des retraites. Revue d'Economie Financière, (23), 65-79.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., Delhausse, B., Perelman, S., & Pestieau, P. (1992). Measuring productive performance in the non-life insurance industry: the case of French and Belgian markets. (1141). CORE.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., & Pestieau, P. (1992). Efficiency and competition in financial services. (1057). CORE.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., & Pestieau, P. (1992). Efficiency and competition in financial services. ORBi-University of Liège.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., Pestieau, P., Perelman, S., & Delhausse Bernard. (1992). Measuring productive performance in the non-life insurance industry. ORBi-University of Liège.

Gathon, H.-J., & Pestieau, P. (1992). Faut-il encore mesurer la performance des entreprises publiques? Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 63 (4), 621-644. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8292.1992.tb02110.x

Gathon, H.-J., & Pestieau, P. (1992). Decomposing efficiency into its managerial and its regulatory components: The case of European railways. ORBi-University of Liège.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1992). Inheritance and wealth composition. Journal of Population Economics, (5), 305-318. doi:10.1007/BF00163063

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Fecher-Bourgeois, F., Kessler, D., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1991). Scale economies and performances in the French Insurance Industry. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice, (60).

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1991). Les legs volontaires en France: évaluation et explication. Économie et Prévision, (100-101), 129-135.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1990). Social allowances and household saving. In G. Terny & A. J. Culyer (Eds.), Public Finance and Social Policy (pp. 123-142). Wayne State University Press.

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Lahaye, J. M., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1989). Les économies de dimension dans l'assurance française. In B. Jollivet & D. Kessler (Eds.), L'assurance européenne (pp. 105-111). Association d'Economie Financière.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., & Pestieau, P. (1988). Productivité, progrès technique et emploi. Une étude comparative de l'industrie manufacturière belge. Bruxelles, Belgium: Services de programmation de la politique scientifique.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1988). Technical performance in public enterprises: A comparative study of railways and postal services. European Economic Review, (32), 432-411. doi:10.1016/0014-2921(88)90188-2

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1988). Les déterminants de l'offre de travail au noir en Belgique. In Gestion de l'économie et de l'entreprise: approche quantitative (pp. 72-92). De Boeck.

Fecher-Bourgeois, F., & Pestieau, P. (1987). Faut-il subventionner les technologies nouvelles? ULg - Université de Liège.

Ginsburgh, V., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1987). Le travail bénévole. In V. Ginsburgh & P. Pestieau (Eds.), L'économie informelle (pp. 71-84). Bruxelles, Belgium: Labor Nathan.

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Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1987). The performance of public enterprises: a comparative efficiency study of railways and postal services. In M. Neumann & W. Roskamp (Eds.), Public Finance and Performance of enterprises (pp. 365-382). Wayne State University Press.

Ginsburgh, V., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1986). Les prestations des salariés en heures supplémentaires. Résultats d'une enquête. Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, (112), 109-125.

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Kessler, D., Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1986). L'hypothèse d'équivalence entre impôt et emprunt: un test sur les pays de l'O.C.D.E. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, (2), 141-149.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1985). Social allowances and household saving. In G. Terny & A.-J. Culyer (Eds.), Public Finance and Social Policy (pp. 123-142). Wayne State University Press.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1985). Epargne, vieillissement et prestations sociales. In D. Kessler & A. Masson (Eds.), Cycles de vie et générations. Paris, France: Economica.

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1984). The effect of social security on saving: the case of Belgium with a particular emphasis on the behaviour of the aged. Empirical Economics, (9), 15-26. doi:10.1007/BF01972174

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Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1983). Déficit budgétaire et épargne nationale. Cahiers Economiques de Bruxelles, (97), 194-207.

Crama, Y., & Pestieau, P. (1982). Transmission and distribution of wealth with a variable number of children. Economics Letters, 10 (1-2), 193-196. doi:10.1016/0165-1765(82)90136-7

Pestieau, P., & Perelman, S. (1980). Pensions publiques et épargne privée. L'exemple belge. Revue Economique, (31), 1178-1188.