Publications and communications of Sara Moline

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Oral communications or posters

Moline, S., Heitz, P.-H., Geoffroy, L., Huot, C., Harrington, K., & Henderson, M. (February 2022). Diabetic ketoacidosis associated with severe hypertriglyceridemia and acute pancreatitis in type 1 diabetes: 4 pediatric cases [Poster presentation]. Congrès du Groupe canadien d'endocrinologie pédiatrique, Montréal, Canada.

Moline, S., Yazdanpanah, M., Yazdanpanah, N., Ong, K., Perry, J., & Manousaki, D. (February 2022). Nature versus nurture of the puberty: a combined clinical and polygenic risk score to predict pubertal timing in girls [Paper presentation]. Congrès du Groupe canadien d'endocrinologie pédiatrique, Montréal, Canada.

Yazdanpanah, M., Yazdanpanah, N., Moline, S., Ong, K., Perry, J., & Manousaki, D. (February 2022). Nature versus nurture of the puberty: a combined clinical and polygenic risk score to predict pubertal timing in girls [Poster presentation]. Congrès des étudiants en recherche du CHU Sainte-Justine, Montréal, Canada.

Moline, S., BARREA, C., RAMAEKERS, V., & SEGHAYE, M.-C. (2018). Neuroborreliosis presenting as Guillain-Barre syndrome: a case report [Poster presentation]. Société Européenne de Neurologie Pédiatrique.

Moline, S., Beckers Albert, & Parent, A.-S. (26 November 2016). Congenital pituitary hypoplasia in two brothers : a new genetic form of combined pituitary hormone deficiency [Poster presentation]. Congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie.

Other publications and communications

Articles in scientific journals without peer reviewing

LEBRETHON, M.-C., FUDVOYE, J., PARENT, A.-S., SEGHAYE, M.-C., Moline, S., WAXWEILER, C., DEWANDRE, A.-C., & LAGASSE, C. (December 2020). Interdisciplinary overweight outpatient management in pediatrics. Belgian Journal of Paediatrics, 22 (4), 240 - 242.