Publications and communications of Marie Denef

BRICHANT, G., Denef, M., TEBACHE, L., POISMANS, G., PINZAUTI, S., DECHENNE, V., & NISOLLE, M. (2018). Chronic pelvic pain and the role of exploratory laparoscopy as diagnostic and therapeutic tool: a retrospective observational study. Gynecological Surgery, 15 (13). doi:10.1186/s10397-018-1045-5

Denef, M., Capelle, X., Van Linthout, C., LEPAGE, S., & Emonts, P. (2015). LE CAS CLINIQUE DU MOIS. Mort foetale in utero due à une hémorragie foeto-maternelle massive. Revue Médicale de Liège, 70 (7-8), 355 - 359.