Publications and communications of Vincent RIGO

Articles in scientific journals with peer reviewing

Murphy, M. C., Miletin, J., Klingenberg, C., Guthe, H. J., Rigo, V., Plavka, R., Bohlin, K., Barroso Pereira, A., Juren, T., Alih, E., Galligan, M., & O'Donnell, C. P. F. (2023). Prophylactic Oropharyngeal Surfactant for Preterm Newborns at Birth: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatrics. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2023.5082

Abrahamse-Berkeveld, M., Jespers, S. N., Khoo, P. C., Rigo, V., Peeters, S. M., van Beek, R. H., Norbruis, O. F., Schoen, S., Marintcheva-Petrova, M., van der Beek, E. M., Stoelhorst, G. M., Vandenplas, Y., Hokken-Koelega, A. C., & Mercurius Study Group. (2023). Infant Milk Formula with Large, Milk Phospholipid-coated Lipid Droplets Enriched in Dairy Lipids Affects Body Mass Index Trajectories and Blood Pressure at School Age: Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. doi:10.1016/j.ajcnut.2023.10.017

Lumaka Zola, A., Fasquelle, C., Debray, F.-G., Alkan, S., Jacquinet, A., Harvengt, J., Boemer, F., Mulder, A., VAESSEN, S., Viellevoye, R., Palmeira, L., CHARLOTEAUX, B., Brysse, A., BULK, S., Rigo, V., & Bours, V. (16 February 2023). Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing Diagnoses and Guides Treatment in Critically Ill Children in Belgium in Less than 40 Hours. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (4), 4003. doi:10.3390/ijms24044003

Tribolet, S., HENNUY, N., & Rigo, V. (06 January 2023). Ventilation devices for neonatal resuscitation at birth: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Resuscitation, 183, 109681. doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2022.109681

Snyers, D., Tribolet, S., & RIGO, V. (2022). Intranasal Analgosedation for Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Systematic Review. Neonatology, 1-12. doi:10.1159/000521949

Rosimont, M., Tribolet, S., HENNUY, N., VIELLEVOYE, R., Rauw, L., PETIT, P., & RIGO, V. (February 2022). Vacuum delivery: 2 cases of subgaleal haemorrhage. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 24 (2), 116-118.

Tribolet, S., HENNUY, N., Snyers, D., LEFEBVRE, C., & RIGO, V. (2022). Analgosedation before Less-Invasive Surfactant Administration: A Systematic Review. Neonatology. doi:10.1159/000521553

Mérindol, N., Lefèbvre, C., Hennuy, N., Demarche, M., Rausin, L., & Rigo, V. (July 2021). Diagnostic différentiel d’une masse vulvaire en période néonatale. Revue Médicale de Liège, 76 (7-8), 588-591.

Cornette, L., Mulder, A., DeBeer, A., Malfilâtre, G., Rigo, V., Cools, F., & Danhaive, O. (March 2021). Surfactant use in late preterm infants: a survey among Belgian neonatologists. European Journal of Pediatrics, 180 (3), 885-892. doi:10.1007/s00431-020-03806-1

Geurten, C., Geurten, M., Rigo, V., & DRESSE, M.-F. (July 2020). Neonatal Cancer Epidemiology and Outcome: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, 42 (5), 286-e292. doi:10.1097/MPH.0000000000001692

Quiros, A., LEFEBVRE, C., COLLARD, L., Rigo, V., & LOMBET, J. (July 2020). Syndrome néphrotique congénital sévère avec mutation NPH S1. Revue Médicale de Liège, 75 (7-8), 544-547.

HENNUY, N., LEFEBVRE, C., de HALLEUX, V., Snyers, D., Tribolet, S., VIELLEVOYE, R., & Rigo, V. (May 2020). Actualités thérapeutiques en néonatologie. Revue Médicale de Liège, 75 (5-6), 415-419.

Snyers, D., LEFEBVRE, C., VIELLEVOYE, R., & Rigo, V. (February 2020). La prématurité tardive : des nourrissons fragiles malgré les apparences. Revue Médicale de Liège, 75 (2), 105-110.

Tribolet, S., Hoyoux, C., Boon, L., Cheruy, C., Demarche, M., Jamblin, P., Roberti, A., Willemaers, V., VIELLEVOYE, R., Rigo, V., & BROUX, I. (2019). A not so harmless mass: Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma complicated by a Kasabach-Merritt phenomenon. Archives de Pédiatrie. doi:10.1016/j.arcped.2019.06.003

Emonts, P., CAPELLE, X., GRANDFILS, S., PETIT, P., Bucheler, V., & Rigo, V. (June 2019). Alcool, grossesse et allaitement. Revue Médicale de Liège, 74 (5-6), 360-364.

de HALLEUX, V., PIELTAIN, C., SENTERRE, T., Studzinski, F., Kessen, C., Rigo, V., & Rigo, J. (03 April 2019). Growth Benefits of Own Mother's Milk in Preterm Infants Fed Daily Individualized Fortified Human Milk. Nutrients, 11 (4), 772. doi:10.3390/nu11040772

Fabbri, L., Klebermass-Schrehof, K., Aguar, M., Harrison, C., Gulczynska, E., Santoro, D., Di Castri, M., & Rigo, V. (May 2018). Five-country manikin study found that neonatologists preferred using the LISAcath rather than the Angiocath for less invasive surfactant administration. Acta Paediatrica, 107 (5), 780-783. doi:10.1111/apa.14214

Rigo, V., & Fayoux, P. (April 2018). Distances from vocal cords to mid-trachea for optimizing endotracheal tubes depth markers according to gestational age. Paediatric Anaesthesia, 28 (4), 361-366. doi:10.1111/pan.13353

RIGO, V., LEFEBVRE, C., & Kalenga, M. (October 2017). Mathematical bias in assessment of placental residual blood volume [letter to the editor]. Journal of Perinatology, 37 (10), 1166. doi:10.1038/jp.2017.85

RIGO, V., PIELTAIN, C., Schoffeniels, C., Kalenga, M., & Belche, J. L. (May 2017). Première consultation ambulatoire du nouveau-né. Revue Médicale de Liège, 72 (5), 253-259.

RIGO, V., Debauche, C., Maton, P., BROUX, I., & Van Laere, D. (2017). Rigid catheters reduced duration of less invasive surfactant therapy procedures in manikins. Acta Paediatrica. doi:10.1111/apa.13850

RIGO, V., LEFEBVRE, C., & BROUX, I. (December 2016). Surfactant instillation in spontaneously breathing preterm infants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Pediatrics, 175 (12), 1933-1942. doi:10.1007/s00431-016-2789-4

Tribolet, S., Gillard, P., Lefevre, A., & RIGO, V. (March 2016). Conjonctivite neonatale a Neisseria Gonorrhoeae : illustration clinique, prophylaxie et perspectives d'avenir. Archives de Pédiatrie, 23 (3), 297-300. doi:10.1016/j.arcped.2015.12.009

Lagae, D., RIGO, V., Senterre, J.-M., KALENGA, M., & PIERART, J. (February 2016). Infection néonatale précoce à entérovirus: quand faut-il y penser? Revue Médicale de Liège, 71 (2), 78-82.

Tribolet, S., DRESSE, M.-F., Lombet, J., RIGO, V., PIELTAIN, C., & KALENGA, M. (2014). COMMENT J’EXPLORE ET TRAITE UNE THROMBOSE VEINEUSE RÉNALE NÉONATALE : à propos d’un cas. Revue Médicale de Liège, 69 (4), 169-174.

RIGO, V., Graas, E., & Rigo, J. (July 2012). Automated respiratory cycles selection is highly specific and improves respiratory mechanics analysis. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine, 13 (4), 234-9. doi:10.1097/PCC.0b013e318238b162

RIGO, V., Graas, E., & RIGO, J. (April 2012). Precision of continuous neonatal ventilator respiratory mechanics is improved with selected optimal respiratory cycles. European Journal of Pediatrics, 171 (4), 689-96. doi:10.1007/s00431-011-1623-2

De Luca, D., Capoluongo, E., & Rigo, V. (08 November 2011). Secretory phospholipase A2 pathway in various types of lung injury in neonates and infants: a multicentre translational study. BMC Pediatrics, 11 (101). doi:10.1186/1471-2431-11-101

Rigo, V., & Rigo, J. (June 2009). Newborns need another tune: « I will survive » sets neonatal resuscitation rhythm [letter to the editor]. Annals of Emergency Medicine, 53 (6), 837. doi:10.1016/j.annemergmed.2008.11.029

Capelle, X., Syrios, P., Chantraine, F., Rigo, V., Schaaps, J.-P., Kridelka, F., & Foidart, J.-M. (2009). A rare case of placental choriangioma associated with neonatal diffuse hemangomatosis. Journal de Gynécologie, Obstétrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, 38 (3), 246-249. doi:10.1016/j.jgyn.2008.09.013

Limme, B., Dresse, M.-F., Ketelslegers, O., Rigo, V., & Hoyoux, C. (December 2008). La pyknocytose infantile : une anemie neonatale mal connue a propos de 5cas. Archives de Pédiatrie, 15 (12), 1765-8. doi:10.1016/j.arcped.2008.09.012

Viellevoye, R., Rigo, V., & Rigo, J. (May 2007). Actualités thérapeutiques dans l'hypertension arterielle pulmonaire persistante du nouveau-né. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 (5-6, May-Jun), 284-7.

Rigo, V., Beauduin, P., & Rigo, J. (February 2007). Hypotension du grand prematuré. Revue Médicale de Liège, 62 (2), 86-93.

Verloes, A., Raoul, M., Genevieve, D., Sznajer, Y., Demarche, M., Lombet, J., Rigo, V., Misson, J.-P., Collignon, L., Vanwijck, F., & Vanwijck, R. (October 2004). Bony syngnathia, vertebral segmentation defect, coloboma, microcephaly and mental retardation: confirmation of Dobrow syndrome and review of syndromal syngnathias. Clinical Dysmorphology, 13 (4), 205-211. doi:10.1097/00019605-200410000-00002

Scientific congresses and symposiums

Published communications

RIGO, V. (2022). Gémellité: épidémiologie. In Jarreau Pierre-Henri & Roze Jean-Christophe, 41- Progrès en Néonatologie (pp. 171-184). Paris, France: Association de Néonatologie de Port Royal.

Murphy, M., Miletin, J., Guthe, Klingenberg, Rigo, V., Plavka, Bohlin, K., Pereira, A., Juren, & O’Donnell, C. (October 2021). A randomised trial of prophylactic oropharyngeal surfactant for preterm infants. Pediatric Research, 90, 37.

Tribolet, S., HENNUY, N., & RIGO, V. (October 2021). Fixed pressure devices (T-pieces) or hand driven pressure devices (BAGS) for resuscitation at birth: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatric Research, 90, 44–47. doi:10.1038/s41390-021-01764-4

Tribolet, S., HENNUY, N., Snyers, D., & RIGO, V. (October 2021). Premedication before less invasive surfactant administration: a systematic review. Pediatric Research, 90, 39.

Rigo, V. (2019). Prématurité tardive et santé respiratoire post-néonatale. In P.-H. Jarreau & G. Moriette (Eds.), Progrès en néonatologie (pp. 171-179). Paris, France: Association de néonatologie de Port-Royal.

RIGO, V., Debauche, C., Maton, P., BROUX, I., & van Laere, D. (2016). Cathéters pour instillation moins invasive de SURFACTANT : une étude de simulation. In O. Baud & E. Saliba (Eds.), Congrès JFN-JFRN 2016, livre des communications (pp. 32).

RIGO, V., & Fayoux, P. (2016). Ajustement des marqueurs d’insertion des tubes endotrachéaux selon l’âge gestationnel. In O. Baud & E. Saliba, Congrès SFN-JFRN 2016, livre des communications (pp. 101).

RIGO, V., LEFEBVRE, C., & BROUX, I. (2016). Instillation de surfactant chez le prématuré en respiration spontanée : méta-analyse. In O. Baud & E. Saliba (Eds.), Congrès SFN-JFRN 2016, livre des communications (pp. 31).

RIGO, V., Debauche, C., Maton, P., BROUX, I., & van Laere, D. (November 2016). Devices for less invasive surfactant therapy: a manikin study. European Journal of Pediatrics, 175 (11), 1756. doi:10.1007/s00431-016-2785-8

RIGO, V., Kreins, N., EIRAS DA SILVA, S., Marini, T., & KALENGA, M. (2015). Différents manomètres pour améliorer la ventilation au masque et ballon. In O. Baud & E. Saliba (Eds.), Congrès SFN-JFRN 2016, livre des communications (pp. 57).

Tribolet, S., Lefevre, A., Gillard, P., & RIGO, V. (13 March 2015). Conjonctivite néonatale à Neisseria Gonorrhoeae: pas seulement du passé. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 113.

Kreins, N., Kalenga, M., & RIGO, V. (12 March 2015). L'histiocytose de Langerhans, une cause rare de Blueberry Muffin Syndrome. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 72.

Lefebvre, C., MASSON, V., Kalenga, M., & RIGO, V. (12 March 2015). Implementation of placental transfusion protocol. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 72.

Lefebvre, C., MASSON, V., Kalenga, M., & RIGO, V. (March 2015). Benefits of placental transfusion in very preterm infants. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 84.

Blecic, A.-S., Delbos, M., RIGO, V., PIELTAIN, C., BROUX, I., de HALLEUX, V., PIERART, J., VIELLEVOYE, R., Decortis, T., KALENGA, M., & SENTERRE, T. (2015). Is early aggressive feeding dangerous for extremely low birth weight infants? Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 83.

Fontaine, C., RIGO, V., FORGET, P., Florkin, B., DRESSE, M.-F., Piette, C., & Hoyoux, C. (2015). LE CANCER DU TRES JEUNE ENFANT : EPIDEMIOLOGIE LIEGEOISE. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 17 (1), 47.

Counson, F., Decortis, T., Kalenga, M., & RIGO, V. (2014). Prise en charge des enfants à risque de sevrage. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts.

Tribolet, S., DRESSE, M.-F., Lombet, J., RIGO, V., PIELTAIN, C., & Kalenga, M. (2014). Thrombose veineuse rénale : un cas didactique. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts.

Rigo, V., Graas, E., & Rigo, J. (2010). Automated respiratory cycles selection improves the variability of respiratory mechanics monitoring. In P. Rimensberger (Ed.), 10th European Conference on Pediatric and Neonatal Ventilation program (pp. 2/42) p23).

Vervoort, A., Rigo, V., & Viellevoye, R. (2010). Accident vasculaire cérébral en période néonatale: à propos d'un cas. In Y. Vandenplas, 38ème Congrès annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie: Proceedings 2010 (pp. 168). Bruxelles, Belgium: SBP.

Rigo, V., & Rigo, J. (2009). Amélioration de la variabilité des paramètres continus de mécanique ventilatoire en sélectionnant les respirations de bonne qualité. In L. Storme (Ed.), JFRN 2009 (pp. 106). Paris, France: Conseil scientifique JFRN.

Rigo, V., & Rigo, J. (November 2008). On-line respiratory mechanic monitoring in newborns: reproducibility and effect of ventilatory mode. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 93 (suppl II), 483.

Viellevoye, R., Rigo, V., & Rigo, J. (November 2008). Necrotising enterocolitis after administration of intravenous immunoglobulin in very low birth weight preterms: a retrospective study. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 93 (suppl II), 322.

Rigo, V., & Rigo, J. (2008). On-line respiratory mechanics in newborns: stability and effect of ventilatory mode. In T. Berger (Ed.), 9th EPNV Final Program and Abstracts (pp. 10).

Rigo, V., Rondia, G., & Rigo, J. (2008). Left atrial thrombus in a newborn with dilated cardiomyopathy. In Edition Spéciale SBP, Vol 1 (pp. 148-149).

Rigo, V., & Rigo, J. (2008). Neonatal on-line respiratory mechanics: Stability and effect of ventilatory mode. In Edition Spéciale SBP, Vol 1.

Champagne, C., Hoyoux, M., RIGO, V., Schaaps, J.-P., Rigo, J., & Misson, J.-P. (2007). Dandy-Walker. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 87.

Rigo, V., Escoredo, S., Robertson, M., & Phillipos, E. (2004). Regional blood flows of hypoplastic left heart infants ventilated with non conventional PEEPs. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 104.

Rigo, V., Hansoul, S., Rausin, L., & Rigo, J. (2004). Parotidite bactérienne du prématuré. Tijdschrift van de Belgische Kinderarts, 193.

Rigo, V., Escoredo, S., Robertson, M., Campbell, M., & Phillipos, E. (October 2003). Regional flows after balancing circulations in hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 19, suppl A, 716.

Campbell, M., Rigo, V., & Robertson, M. (April 2003). Mesenteric Doppler Blood Flow Velocities in Pre-Operative Infants with Transposition of the Great Arteries. Pediatric Research, 53 (4 Part 2/2), 386.

Campbell, M., Rigo, V., & Robertson, M. (April 2003). Does the Direction of Ductal Blood Flow Affect Regional Circulatory Hemodynamics in Duct Dependent Congenital Heart Disease? Pediatric Research, 53 (4 Part 2/2), 471.

Haase, E., Stevens, J., Rigo, V., Richards, Bigam, D., & Cheung. (April 2003). The Effect on Systemic and Pulmonary Circulations in the Resuscitation of Asphyxiated Newborn Piglets with 21%, 50% or 100% Oxygen. Pediatric Research, 53 (4 Part 2/2), 354.

Haase, E., Stevens, J., Rigo, V., Richards, J., Bigam, D., & Cheung, P.-Y. (April 2003). Improved Carotid and Mesenteric Blood Flows with the Use of 21% Oxygen During Resuscitation of Newborn Piglets with Severe Asphyxia. Pediatric Research, 53 (4 Part 2/2), 377.

Mulder, A., Rigo, V., Lombet, J., & Rigo, J. (1997). Effet de l'administration d'hydrate de chloral sur la fonction respiratoire du nouveau-né. In W. Proesmans, Mini Acta (pp. 77).

Rigo, V., Mulder, A., Lombet, J., & Rigo, J. (1997). Effet du Ventolin sur la capacité résiduelle fonctionnelle du nouveau-né. In W. Proesmans, Mini Acta (pp. 129).

Oral communications or posters

Lounis, Y., Frère, J., HENNUY, N., & Rigo, V. (17 March 2022). Invasive candidiasis and candidemia in neonates: about a case [Poster presentation]. Congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Murphy, Miletin, J., Guthe, Klingenberg, Rigo, V., Plavka, R., Bohlin, K., Periera, Juren, T., & O'Donnell, C. (02 May 2021). A randomised trial of prophylactic oropharyngeal surfactant for preterm infants [Poster presentation]. PAS- Pediatric Academic Societies 2021, on line, United States.

ZAMBELLI, L., Rigo, V., & VIELLEVOYE, R. (March 2021). A spontaneous arterial thrombosis in a preterm infant [Poster presentation]. 49ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie.

Gkogkou, E., VIELLEVOYE, R., BROUX, I., de HALLEUX, V., HENNUY, N., LEFEBVRE, C., & RIGO, V. (21 March 2019). Inherited peroxisomal disorders: a case report of neonatal hypotonia and seizures [Poster presentation]. 47ème Congrès annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Thirion, S., RIGO, V., Snyers, D., Kalenga, M., & PIERART, J. (May 2017). Salmonella thyphimirium early onset neonatal sepsis [Poster presentation]. ESPID 2017, Madrid, Spain.

ZAMBELLI, L., Kalenga, M., BALTHASAR, V., Broux, I., de HALLEUX, V., LEFEBVRE, C., PIELTAIN, C., Rigo, V., Senterre, T., & VIELLEVOYE, R. (March 2017). Management of respiratory distress in patients with Pierre Robin Sequence: illustration by a case of suspected Stickler syndrome [Poster presentation]. 45ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie.

RIGO, V., & KALENGA, M. (October 2015). The Good, the Bad, the Marginal: respiratory management of <29 weeks infants according to subjective assessment of perinatal adaptation [Poster presentation]. 1st Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies (jENS), Budeapest, Hungary.

RIGO, V., Kreins, N., EIRAS DA SILVA, S., Marini, T., & KALENGA, M. (September 2015). Small manometers improve bag and mask ventilation: a manikin study [Poster presentation]. 1st Congress of joint European Neonatal Societies (jENS), Budapest, Hungary.

RIGO, V. (15 July 2015). Respiratory monitoring to improve neonatal support at birth [Paper presentation]. International Perinatal Collegium, Napa, United States.

LEFEBVRE, C., VIELLEVOYE, R., BROUX, I., PIELTAIN, C., de HALLEUX, V., Decortis, T., SENTERRE, T., RIGO, V., PIERART, J., DELBECQUE, K., & KALENGA, M. (12 March 2015). Perinatal inflammation in very preterm delivery: maternal and early neonatal characteristics [Poster presentation]. 43rd Congress of the Belgian Society of Pediatrics.

RIGO, V., BROUX, I., de HALLEUX, V., PIELTAIN, C., PIERART, J., SENTERRE, T., VIELLEVOYE, R., Decortis, T., & Kalenga, M. (12 March 2015). Subjective assessment of perinatal adaptation and respiratory management in <29 weeks infants [Poster presentation]. 43 ème congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Liège, Belgium.

MERINDOL, N., BROUX, I., DECORTIS, T., de HALLEUX, V., PIELTAIN, C., PIERART, J., RIGO, V., SENTERRE, T., KALENGA, M., & VIELLEVOYE, R. (2015). Cerebellar hemorrhage : a rare condition in the term infant [Poster presentation]. 43ème congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Liège, Belgium.

Fontaine, C., GILSON, N., PIELTAIN, C., RIGO, V., Kalenga, M., & Demarche, M. (20 March 2014). Une occlusion digestive inhabituelle chez un prématuré, à propos d’un cas [Poster presentation]. 42 ème congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Bruges, Belgium.

Kalenga, M., Lagae, D., & RIGO, V. (15 March 2013). Le lactobezoar: une cause méconnue d'abdomen aigu [Poster presentation]. 41 ème congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Anvers, Belgium.

PIERART, J., RIGO, V., SENTERRE, T., Kalenga, M., & Senterre, J.-M. (15 March 2013). Utilité de la PCR dans le diagnostic de l'infection néonatale à Streptocoque du groupe B (GBS) [Poster presentation]. 41 ème congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Anvers, Belgium.

Lecomte, L., DEMEZ, P., François, A., Piérart, F., Marguglio, A., Waszak, P., RIGO, V., & Maton, P. (March 2012). Du traumatisme obstétrical à la désinsertion trachéale [Poster presentation]. 41ème congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie, Anvers, Belgium.

Philippos, E., Escoredo, S., Robertson, M., & Rigo, V. (April 2006). The Effect of Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) on the Pulmonary to Systemic Blood Flow Ratio (QP/QS) in Neonates with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) [Poster presentation]. Pediatric Academic Societies 2006 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, United States - California.

Book chapters and contributions to collective works

RIGO, V. (2016). Organisation du post-partum à la sortie- Besoins spéciaux- Suivi des enfants à risque. In P. Barlow, G. Ceysens, P. EMONTS, L. Gilbert, D. Haumont, A. Hernandez, C. Hubinont, P. Jadin, C. Kirkpatrick, ... L. Watkins-Masters, Guide du post-partum (pp. 369-379). Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium: Deboeck Supérieur.

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

RIGO, V. (2012). Contribution à l'étude de la surveillance de la mécanique ventilatoire du nouveau-né ventilé [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Expert reports

Roelens, K., Roberfroid, D., Ahmadzai, N., Ansari, M., Singh, K., Gaudet, L., Alexander, S., Cools, F., De Thysebaert, B., EMONTS, P., Faron, G., Gyselaers, W., Kirkpatrick, C., Lewi, L., Logghe, H., Niset, A., RIGO, V., Tency, I., Van Overmeire, B., & Verleye, L. (2014). Prevention of preterm birth in women at risk: selected topics. Brussels, Belgium: Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE).

Other publications and communications

Articles as other collaborator

van Gerwen, M., Maggen, C., Cardonick, E., Verwaaijen, E. J., van den Heuvel-Eibrink, M., Shmakov, R. G., Boere, I., Gziri, M. M., Ottevanger, P. B., Lok, C. A. R., Halaska, M., Shao, L. T., Struys, I., van Dijk-Lokkart, E. M., Van Calsteren, K., Fruscio, R., Zola, P., Scarfone, G., Amant, F., ... Rigo, V. (Other coll.). (June 2021). Association of Chemotherapy Timing in Pregnancy With Congenital Malformation. JAMA Network Open, 4 (6), 2113180. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.13180

Vandenbroucke, T., Verheecke, M., van Gerwen, M., Van Calsteren, K., Halaska, M. J., Fumagalli, M., Fruscio, R., Gandhi, A., Veening, M., Lagae, L., Ottevanger, P. B., Voigt, J.-U., de Haan, J., Gziri, M. M., Maggen, C., Mertens, L., Naulaers, G., Claes, L., Amant, F., ... Rigo, V. (Other coll.). (October 2020). Child development at 6 years after maternal cancer diagnosis and treatment during pregnancy. European journal of cancer (Oxford, England : 1990), 138, 57-67. doi:10.1016/j.ejca.2020.07.004

Onland, W., Cools, F., Kroon, A., Rademaker, K., Merkus, M., Dijk, P., van Straaten, H., te Pas, A., Mohns, T., Bruneel, E., van Heijst, A., Kramer, B., Debeer, A., Zonnenberg, I., Marechal, Y., Blom, H., Plaskie, K., Offringa, M., van Kaam, A., ... Rigo, V. (Other coll.). (29 January 2019). Effect of Hydrocortisone Therapy Initiated 7 to 14 Days After Birth on Mortality or Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia Among Very Preterm Infants Receiving Mechanical Ventilation: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association, 321 (4), 354-363. doi:10.1001/jama.2018.21443

Onland, W., Merkus, M., Nuytemans, D., Jansen-van der Weide, M., Holman, R., van Kaam, A., SToP-BPD study group, & Rigo, V. (Other coll.). (2018). Systemic Hydrocortisone To Prevent Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia in preterm infants (the SToP-BPD study): statistical analysis plan. Trials. doi:10.1186/s13063-018-2505-y

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