Publications and communications of Nathalie SARLET

ROUSSEAU, A.-F., DEROISY, R., LECART, M.-P., MASSENET, V., SARLET, N., Misset, B., CAVALIER, E., & KAUX, J.-F. (2022). Bone health in survivors of a prolonged ICU stay. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 34 (S1), 332.

Reginster, J.-Y., NEUPREZ, A., LECART, M.-P., Sarlet, N., Distèche, S., & Bruyère, O. (2014). Traitement de l'osteoporose post-menopausique: quoi de neuf en 2014? Revue Médicale de Liège, 69 (7-8), 441-53.

Reginster, J.-Y., & Sarlet, N. (2006). The Treatment of Severe Postmenopausal Osteoporosis : A Review of Current and Emerging Therapeutic Options. Treatments in Endocrinology, 5 (1), 15-23. doi:10.2165/00024677-200605010-00003

Reginster, J.-Y., Lecart, M.-P., Sarlet, N., & Halkin, V. (2003). Prevention de la fracture de la hanche chez le sujet age: ou en sommes-nous en 2003? Revue Médicale de Liège, 58 (4), 183-90.