Publications and communications of Marine Corhay

Corhay, M., & Franssen, V. (2025). Digital Evidence Gathering by US Authorities and Cross-Border Cooperation with US-Based Service Providers. In V. Franssen & S. Tosza, The Cambridge Handbook of Digital Evidence in Criminal Investigations (pp. 569-586). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

Franssen, V., & Corhay, M. (2024). Commentary on Article 18 LED. In E. Kosta & F. Boehm (Eds.), Commentary on the Law Enforcement Directive (pp. 321-330). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Franssen, V., & Corhay, M. (2024). Commentary on Article 17 LED. In F. Boehm & E. Kosta (Ed.), Commentary on the Law Enforcement Directive (pp. 309-320). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

Franssen, V., & Corhay, M. (May 2023). Illegal content: The case of hate speech [Paper presentation]. The implementation of the Digital Services Act : responsibilities, new due diligence obligations and enforcement issues, Brussels, Belgium.

Corhay, M. (2023). It is a Long Way to… E-Evidence: EU Reforms in the Collection of Electronic Evidence Part 2 – The Role of Service Providers. ORBi-University of Liège.

Corhay, M. (2023). It is a long way to...E-Evidence: EU reforms in the Collection of Electronic Evidence - Part 1. ORBi-University of Liège.

Corhay, M. (June 2021). Private Life, Personal Data Protection and the Role of Service Providers: The EU e-Evidence Proposal. European Papers- A Journal on Law and Integration, 6 (1), 441 - 471. doi:10.15166/2499-8249/477

Franssen, V., & Corhay, M. (2021). Interpretation of the EPPO Regulation in View of the EPPO's Supervision by the EDPS. EDPS.

Corhay, M. (2020). Extradition (hors mandat d'arrêt européen). Postal Memorialis, 220 / 01.

Corhay, M. (2020). L'extension de la recherche dans un système informatique : du droit belge à la Convention de Budapest sur la cybercriminalité. Journal des Tribunaux, 133-141.

Corhay, M. (07 February 2020). Direct Cooperation with Service Providers : Can the EU Prevent a Privacy Protection Race to the Bottom ? [Paper presentation]. Towards European Criminal Procedural Law, Nantes, France.

Corhay, M. (26 November 2019). Service providers as Law Enforcers ? [Paper presentation]. Digital Evidence and Cooperation of Service Providers: Toward European Global Solutions.

Franssen, V., Berrendorf, A., & Corhay, M. (2019). La collecte transfrontière de preuves numériques en matière pénale. Enjeux et perspectives européennes. Revue Internationale de Droit Pénal, (A-02), 1-15.

Franssen, V., & Corhay, M. (2019). La fin de la saga Skype: les fournisseurs de services étrangers obligés de collaborer avec la justice belge en dépit des possibilités techniques et de leurs obligations en droit étranger, Note sous Cass. 19 février 2019. Revue de Droit Commercial Belge, (8), 1014-1022.

Franssen, V., Berrendorf, A., & Corhay, M. (June 2019). La collecte transfrontière de preuves numériques en matière pénale – Enjeux et perspectives européennes. Justice actualités, 21, 32-47.

Franssen, V., Berrendorf, A., & Corhay, M. (June 2019). La collecte transfrontière de preuves numériques en matière pénale - Enjeux et perspective européennes. Justice actualités, 21, 32-47.