Publications and communications of Mireille De Graeuwe D'Aoust

De Graeuwe D'Aoust, M., Dumont, B., & Maréchal, K. (06 January 2025). SErious Game for AgroEcology (SEGAE): How much can be delivered with a 4-hour lesson? Agricultural Systems, 224, 104212. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2024.104212

De Graeuwe D'Aoust, M., Dumont, B., & Maréchal, K. (July 2024). Quantifying agroecology learning with the SErious Game for AgroEcology (SEGAE) in a 4-hour lesson [Paper presentation]. 15th IFSA conference.

De Graeuwe D'Aoust, M., & Maréchal, K. (2024). A comparative analysis of Senegalese farm schools: unveiling effective practices for agroecology training. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 1-29. doi:10.1080/21683565.2024.2344716

De Graeuwe D'Aoust, M. (2024). Fermes-Ecoles: Catalyseurs de transition. Bruxelles, Belgium: Humundi.

De Graeuwe D'Aoust, M., & Maréchal, K. (June 2023). Learning agroecology through the serious game SEGAE in an online lesson: unveiling its impact on knowledge articulation [Paper presentation]. 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23), Valence, Spain.

De Graeuwe D'Aoust, M. (2023). Learning agroecology through the serious game SEGAE in an online lesson: unveiling its impact on knowledge articulation [Paper presentation]. 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23), Valence, Spain.

De Graeuwe D'Aoust, M., & Maréchal, K. (2023). SErious Game for AgroEcology (SEGAE): how much can be delivered with a 4-hour lesson? [Paper presentation]. 17èmes journées de recherche en sciences sociales, Paris, France.

De Graeuwe D'Aoust, M. (16 December 2022). Learning from Senegalese school farms in agroecology, which efficient practices can be advocated for newcomers? A comparative analysis [Paper presentation]. Journées de recherche en sciences sociales (JRSS), clermont ferrand, France.

De Graeuwe D'Aoust, M., Jouan, J., Carof, M., Baccar, R., Bareille, N., Bastian, S., Brogna, D., Burgio, G., Couvreur, S., Cupial, M., Dumont, B., Jacquot, A.-L., Magagnoli, S., Makulska, J., Maréchal, K., Pérès, G., Ridier, A., Salou, T., Tombarkiewicz, B., ... Godinot, O. (26 May 2020). Learning Interdisciplinarity and Systems Approaches in Agroecology: Experience with the Serious Game SEGAE. Sustainability, 12 (11), 4351. doi:10.3390/su12114351