Publications and communications of Jérôme De Cooman

De Cooman, J. (08 November 2024). The Standardization of Artificial Intelligence: What Objectives, What Legitimacy? [Paper presentation]. Colloque Final de l’IFRIS et du LabEx SITES : Troubles dans les transitions, Paris, France.

De Cooman, J. (02 October 2024). La construction du Règlement UE sur l'intelligence artificielle : fruit de négociations et rapports de force [Paper presentation]. Journées du CIS 2024, Paris, France.

De Cooman, J. (2024). The AI Act as a regulatory framework for technology: the rationales for regulation at the EU level revisited [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

De Cooman, J. (2024). Game of Trust : vers un inéluctable renforcement des pratiques collusives au moyen des blockchains ? In Antoine Vandenbulke, Les aspects juridiques de la Blockchain et de ses applications: Analyse du règlement MiCA et autres questions choisies. Limal, Unknown/unspecified: Anthemis.

De Cooman, J. (25 January 2024). Droit de la concurrence et pratique (anti)concurrentielles algorithmiques : tempête dans un verre d'eau ? [Paper presentation]. Intelligence artificielle et droit : guide pour l'utilisation des applications de l'IA (générative) et des données à l'épreuve de la pratique juridique et des risques, Bruxelles, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (24 November 2023). When AI goes fishing: On the importance of complete and representative training of AI-driven competition law enforcement [Paper presentation]. Workshop @ Comète on Ethical AI, Palaiseau, Paris, France.

De Cooman, J. (15 October 2023). Nomos et Paideia : Promesses et périls de la détection algorithmique des ententes anticoncurrentielles. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 2023 (2), 179-198.

De Cooman, J. (2023). La réglementation de l'intelligence artificielle en Europe : entre (im)prévisibilité et (in)cohérence.

De Cooman, J. (12 September 2023). Fighting Fire with Fire: A Technological Solution Proposal to the Data Issue of Bid-Rigging Detection through Artificial Intelligence [Paper presentation]. Fourth International Conference on Public Procurement Africa, Cape Town, South Africa.

De Cooman, J. (2023). The Economic Consequences of Generative AI on the Art Market.

Grozdanovski, L., & De Cooman, J. (September 2023). Forget the Facts, Aim for the Rights! On the Obsolescence of Empirical Knowledge in Defining the Risk/Rights-Based Approach to AI Regulation in the European Union. Rutgers Computer and Technology Law Journal, 49 (2), 207-330.

De Cooman, J. (17 August 2023). When Artificial Intelligence Goes Fishing: Promises and Perils of AI-Driven Competition Law Enforcement [Paper presentation]. Workshop in European Legal Studies 2023, Stockholm, Sweden.

De Cooman, J. (12 July 2023). Whose agency is it, anyway? Of philosophy of technology and its impact on artificial intelligence regulation [Paper presentation]. Biennial Conference of the Standing Group on Regulatory Governance - Regulatory governance in times of turbulence, disruptive technologies and crises of trust, Anvers, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (06 July 2023). Unnatural Selection? A Darwinian Reading of the Economic Consequences of Generative AI on the Art Market [Paper presentation]. Workshop on Generative AI and the Law, Berlin, Germany.

De Cooman, J. (01 July 2023). A Scandal in the Data: A Semi-Supervised Learning Solution to Data-Issue of Machine Learning Cartel Screening [Paper presentation]. 18th ASCOLA 2023 Conference, Athènes, Greece.

De Cooman, J. (20 June 2023). Promises and perils of algorithmic cartel detection [Paper presentation]. Research seminar, European University Institute, Florence (Fiesole), Italy.

De Cooman, J. (2023). Outsmarting Pac-Man with Artificial Intelligence, or Why AI-Driven Cartel Screening is not a Silver Bullet. Journal of European Competition Law and Practice. doi:10.1093/jeclap/lpad017

De Cooman, J. (11 May 2023). Dangers et périls de la détection algorithmique des ententes anticoncurrentielles [Paper presentation]. Echos du passé, perspectives d'avenir : 60 ans d'études juridiques européennes à Liège, Liège, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (May 2023). When Art Becomes a Lemon: The Economics of Machine-Enabled Artworks and the Need for a Rule of Origin. Law, Technology and Humans, 5 (1). doi:10.5204/lthj.2787

De Cooman, J. (27 April 2023). Public Procurement and the Artificial Intelligence Act: Addressing Bid-Rigging Through the Back Door [Paper presentation]. PhD Conference in Public Procurement & Competition Law, Copenhagen, Denmark.

De Cooman, J. (2023). The Digital Markets Act: A Bird’s- Eye View of a Competition Law Lost Child.

De Cooman, J. (30 March 2023). Artificial Intelligence & Detection of Anticompetitive Behaviours [Paper presentation]. Research Group on Data, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Law & Society (DRAILS) Workshop, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (24 March 2023). Whose Bias Is It, Anyway? The Need for a Four-Eyes Principle in AI-Driven Competition Law Proceedings [Paper presentation]. EULEN Conference onArtificial Intelligence Systems and EU Law Enforcement – Between Effectiveness and the Rule of Law, Toledo, Spain.

De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (09 February 2023). Asimov for Lawmakers. Journal of Business and Technology Law, 18 (1), 1-34.

De Cooman, J., Brassine, N., Doffiny, V., Gangi, O., Gérard, N., Geron, L., Jadot, C., Schmitz, C., & Silan, M.-S. (01 December 2022). Editorial - Actes du colloque "Dépasser les bornes ! Regards croisés des sciences juridique, politique et criminologique" organisé à l'Université de Liège les 6 et 7 octobre 2022. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 2022 (3), 395-399.

De Cooman, J. (15 November 2022). Asimov for Lawyers... In the Metaverse [Paper presentation]. Constitutionalisation in the Digital Age, Florence, Italy.

De Cooman, J. (30 September 2022). In search of the silver bullet: The impact of algorithmic screening tools on competition law proceedings and the right to a fair trial [Paper presentation]. Lawtomation Days 2022, Madrid, Spain.

De Cooman, J. (29 August 2022). Télémédecine et systèmes de recommandation au regard du Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) et de la proposition européenne de législation sur l’intelligence artificielle (AI Act). Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, 2022 (2), 233-273.

Grozdanovski, L., & De Cooman, J. (25 August 2022). Of Hypothesis and Facts: The Curious Origins of the EU's Regulation of High-Risk AI. European Journal of Law Reform, 24 (1), 122-133.

De Cooman, J. (30 June 2022). New Tool and Old Friend: Updating Cartel Screening with AI Systems [Paper presentation]. 17th Annual ASCOLA Conference, Porto, Portugal.

De Cooman, J. (13 June 2022). Without Any Prejudice? The Antitrust Implication of the AI Act [Paper presentation]. IAIL2022: Imagining the AI Landscape after the AI Act, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

De Cooman, J. (25 May 2022). Humpty Dumpty and High-Risk AI Systems: The Ratione Materiae Dimension of the Proposal for an EU Artificial Intelligence Act. Market and Competition Law Review, VI (1), 49-88. doi:10.34632/mclawreview.2022.11304

Grozdanovski, L.* , & De Cooman, J.*. (20 May 2022). Of Hypothesis and Facts: The Curious Origins of the EU's Regulation of High-Risk AI [Paper presentation]. Second Seminar of the EURA Center of Excellence, Pisa, Italy.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

De Cooman, J. (13 May 2022). Le droit de la concurrence à l'épreuve du filtrage algorithmique : une application détournée de la proposition de Règlement européen relatif à l'intelligence artificielle ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de l'Ecole Doctorale, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (2021). Télémédecine, données personnelles et intelligence artificielle [Paper presentation]. Télémédecine, données personnelles et intelligence artificielle, Liege, Belgium.

De Cooman, J. (03 December 2021). Something Old, Something New: Addressing Technological Innovation Through the Lens of Time [Poster presentation]. 3rd Interdisciplinary PhD Conference: Pushing Boundaries, Trier, Germany.

De Cooman, J. (18 November 2021). From the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence by Society to the Regulation of Society by Artificial Intelligence: All Along the Watchtower [Paper presentation]. International conference celebrating the 40th(+1) anniversary of the CRIDS: Time to reshape the digital society.

De Cooman, J. (2021). From the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence by Society to the Regulation of Society by Artificial Intelligence: All Along the Watchtower. In H. Jacquemin (Ed.), Time to Reshape the Digital Society: 40th anniversary of the CRIDS (pp. 441-483). Bruxelles, Belgium: Larcier.

De Cooman, J. (2021). Protection des données personnelles et cybersécurité : étude du cas de la voiture autonome [Paper presentation]. La conduite autonome et la mobilité en tant que service. Les défis de l’industrie automobile, Liege, Belgium.

Petit, N., & De Cooman, J. (2021). Models of Law and Regulation for AI. In A. Elliott, The Routledge Social Science Handbook of AI. Routledge.

De Cooman, J. (07 June 2021). The EU’s AI proposal – addressing algorithmic collusion through the back door? [Paper presentation]. Algorithmic Collusion and the EU's AI Regulation proposal: living apart together.

De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (2020). Models of Law and Regulation for AI. ORBi-University of Liège.

De Cooman, J. (2020). Ethique et intelligence artificielle : l'exemple européen. Revue de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université de Liège, I, 79-123.

De Cooman, J. (2019). Electrochoc Numérique - Compte-rendu de la journée. ORBi-University of Liège.

De Cooman, J., & Petit, N. (2018). Les données personnelles : Mythes et réalités. In La vie privée à l'ère des big data: Dangers & opportunités de la révolution numérique. Centre Jean Gol.

De Cooman, J. (2017). Electrochoc Numérique 2 - Réflexions sur le transformation de l'avocat. ORBi-University of Liège.

De Cooman, J. (2017). L'Electrochoc Numérique - Assurons notre avenir. ORBi-University of Liège.