Publications and communications of Christina Schmidt

Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (January 2025). The Circadian Brain and Cognition. Annual Review of Psychology, 76 (1), 115 - 141. doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-022824-043825

Ronat, L., Hanganu, A., Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., & Bastin, C. (19 December 2024). Prediction of cognitive decline in healthy aging based on neuropsychiatric symptoms and PET-biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Neurology, 271 (4), 2067-2077. doi:10.1007/s00415-023-12131-0

Schmidt, C. (15 September 2024). Circadian rapid eye movement sleep expression is associated with brain microstructural integrity in older adults [Paper presentation]. Sleep Europe 2024.

de Haan, S., Dourte, M., Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Baillet, M., Berthomier, C., Muto, V., Hammad, G., Cajochen, C., Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Schmidt, C., & Postnova, S. (September 2024). Impact of varying sleep pressure levels on sleep propensity in healthy young and older adults [Poster presentation]. ESRS 2024, Seville, Spain.

Boulakis, P., Simos, N.-I., Zoi, S., Mortaheb, S., Schmidt, C., Raimondo, F., & Demertzi, A. (03 July 2024). Variations of autonomic arousal mediate the reportability of mind-blanking occurrences [Paper presentation]. The Association for Scientific Study of Consciousness.

Scouvemont, M., Tannoia, V., Schaff, G., Schmidt, C., Elsen, C., & Bruyère, O. (July 2024). Stimulation scale of the living environment: validation by experts in ageing [Poster presentation]. The 4th European Conference on Aging & Gerontology (EGen2024), Londres, United Kingdom.

Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Dourte, M., de Haan, S., Lesoinne, A., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., Berthomier, C., Maquet, P., Muto, V., Hammad, G., Schmidt, C., & Baillet, M. (22 June 2024). Circadian rapid eye movement sleep expression is associated with brain microstructural integrity in older adults. Communications Biology, 7 (1), 758. doi:10.1038/s42003-024-06415-y

Schmidt, C. (05 June 2024). Sleep, circadian rhythms & the ageing brain [Paper presentation]. SHZ seminar series, Zürich, Switzerland.

Boulakis, P., Simos, N.-I., Zoi, S., Mortaheb, S., Schmidt, C., Raimondo, F., & Demertzi, A. (31 May 2024). Autonomic arousal states alters mind-blanking report frequency [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences.

Boulakis, P., Simos, N.-I., Zoi, S., Mortaheb, S., Schmidt, C., Raimondo, F., & Demertzi, A. (23 May 2024). Low autonomic arousal alters frequency of mind blanking reports [Paper presentation]. European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience.

Boulakis, P., Simos, N.-I., Zoi, S., Mortaheb, S., Schmidt, C., Raimondo, F., & Demertzi, A. (2024). Variations of autonomic arousal mediate the reportability of mind-blanking occurrences. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2024.03.26.586648

Meyer, N., Lok, R., Schmidt, C., Kyle, S. D., McClung, C. A., Cajochen, C., Scheer, F. A. J. L., Jones, M. W., & Chellappa, S. L. (27 February 2024). The sleep-circadian interface: A window into mental disorders. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121 (9), 2214756121. doi:10.1073/pnas.2214756121

Tannoia, V.* , Scouvemont, M.* , Schaff, G., Beliy, N., Schmidt, C., Bruyère, O., Elsen, C., & Adam, S. (27 February 2024). HABITAGE project - An integrative approach of habitat and health for older people [Paper presentation]. Netwerk Ageing Well in Place Vlaanderen, Hasselt, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Koroma, M., Beck, J., Schmidt, C., Rasch, B., & Demertzi, A. (15 February 2024). Probing the embodiment of sleep functions: Insights from cardiac responses to word-induced relaxation during sleep. Journal of Sleep Research, 33 (5), 14160. doi:10.1111/jsr.14160

Cajochen, C., Reichert, C. F., Münch, M., Gabel, V., Stefani, O., Chellappa, S. L., & Schmidt, C. (February 2024). Ultradian sleep cycles: Frequency, duration, and associations with individual and environmental factors-A retrospective study. Sleep Health, 10 (1S), 52 - S62. doi:10.1016/j.sleh.2023.09.002

Charonitis, M., Requier, F., Guillemin, C., Reyt, M., Folville, A., Geurten, M., Bastin, C., Willems, S., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., & Collette, F. (2024). The Influence of Changes in Daily Life Habits and Well-Being on Fatigue Level During COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychologica Belgica, 64 (1), 85 - 107. doi:10.5334/pb.1259

Tannoia, V., Scouvemont, M., Schaff, G., Schmidt, C., Bruyère, O., Adam, S., Beliy, N., & Elsen, C. (2024). Housing Assessment Tools for Older People: A Systematic Mapping Study [Poster presentation]. The 4th European Conference on Aging & Gerontology (EGen2024), London, United Kingdom.

Schmidt, C. (2023). Boulot, dodo, métro: Introduction à la chronobiologie [Paper presentation]. Cycle de séminaires de la Clinique Psychiatrique des Frères Alexiens, Henry-Chapelle, Belgium.

Schmidt, C. (2023). Le sommeil, l'allié de mon blocus ! [Paper presentation]. Séminaires du Service Qualité de Vie des étudiants, Liège, Belgium.

Read, J., Charonitis, M., Requier, F., Guillemin, C., Reyt, M., Folville, A., Geurten, M., Bastin, C., Willems, S., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., & Collette, F. (07 December 2023). Random Forest as a promising tool to investigate links between factors leading to mental fatigue build-up [Poster presentation]. FENS-Hertie Winter School: "Neuroscience of Mental Health", Austria. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/2JK5V

Talwar, P., Deantoni, M., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., Koshmanova, E., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Collette, F., Dijk, D.-J., Schmidt, C., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Sherif, S., & Vandewalle, G. (27 November 2023). In vivo marker of brainstem myelin is associated to quantitative sleep parameters in healthy young men. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 20873. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-47753-x

Boulakis, P., Raimondo, F., Mortaheb, S., Schmidt, C., & Demertzi, A. (23 November 2023). Variations of autonomic arousal mediate mind-blanking report occurrences [Poster presentation]. NeuroCog2023.

Deantoni, M.* , Reyt, M.* , Baillet, M., Dourte, M., de Haan, S., Lesoinne, A., Vandewalle, G., Maquet, P., Berthomier, C., Muto, V., Hammad, G.* , & Schmidt, C.*. (2023). Napping and circadian sleep-wake regulation during healthy aging. Sleep. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsad287
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Schmidt, C. (2023). Mieux dormir pour mieux vivre [Paper presentation]. Conférence EsP’R, Perbais, Belgium.

Schmidt, C. (2023). Impact of light pollution on human health Non-visual impact of light on human physiology & behavior [Paper presentation]. Workshop Pollution lumineuse LIFE B4B Kick-off Event, Bruxelles, Belgium.

de Haan, S., Dourte, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Baillet, M., Muto, V., Hammad, G., Berthomier, C., Cajochen, C., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Schmidt, C., & Svetlana, P. (04 September 2023). Modelling of daytime sleep under a napping protocol [Poster presentation]. GIGA Day, Liège, Belgium.

Schmidt, C. (23 June 2023). Eat–Sleep–Work–Repeat” Introduction to Chronobiology [Paper presentation]. National Day "Why we sleep", Bruxelles, Belgium.

Meyer, F., Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Bahri, M. A., Koshmanova, E., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., Bastin, C., & Salmon, E. (16 June 2023). In vivo brainstem tau pathology is related to entorhinal amyloid pathology in middle‐aged healthy participants. Alzheimer's and Dementia: the Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 19 (S3). doi:10.1002/alz.064891

Dourte, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Baillet, M., de Haan, S., Muto, V., Christian, B., Peigneux, P., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (01 June 2023). Effect of daytime napping on skin-temperature regulation and sleep in healthy older adults [Paper presentation]. 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR), Lausanne, Switzerland.

Schmidt, C. (23 May 2023). Physiologie du sommeil et des rythmes circadiens chez l’homme [Paper presentation]. Atelier Sommeil Sommeil et Rythmes: de la clinique à la recherche fondamentale, Lyon, France.

Schmidt, C. (24 April 2023). Sleep, circadian rhythms & the aging brain [Paper presentation]. Current Topics in Sleep & Circadian Health Spring/Summer 2023, Munch, Germany.

Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Berthomier, C., Muto, V., Hammad, G., de Haan, S., Dourte, M., Taillard, J., Lambot, E., Cajochen, C., Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Baillet, M.* , & Schmidt, C.*. (2023). Association between circadian sleep regulation and cortical gyrification in young and older adults. Sleep. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsad094
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Deantoni, M.* , Baillet, M.* , Hammad, G.* , Berthomier, C., Reyt, M., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Van Egroo, M., Talwar, P., Lambot, E., Chellappa, S. L., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Dijk, D.-J., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., ... Schmidt, C.*. (29 March 2023). Association between sleep slow-wave activity and in-vivo estimates of myelin in healthy young men. NeuroImage, 272, 120045. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120045
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Schmidt, C. (2023). Cycle de veille/sommeil et vieillissement [Paper presentation]. Liens entre Sommeil & Alzheimer: Risques et prévention - un Webinaire pour comprendre, Webinaire, France.

Schmidt, C. (2023). La question du sommeil [Paper presentation]. Journée d'études sur les déterminants de l'institutionalisation, Gembloux, Belgium.

Schmidt, C. (2023). Facteurs d'institutionalisation: la question du sommeil? [Paper presentation]. Journées d'études sur les déterminants de l'institutionalisation des personnes de plus de 65 ans et des personnes en situation de handicap.

Dourte, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Baillet, M., de Haan, S., Lesoinne, A., Christian, B., Muto, V., Peigneux, P., & Schmidt, C. (11 February 2023). Chronic napping and modulation of body temperature in aging [Paper presentation]. WinterSymposium Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness, Werfenweng, Austria.

Folville, A.* , Willems, S.* , Cheriet, N., Geurten, M., Guillemin, C., Muto, V., Requier, F., Reyt, M., Collette, F., Schmidt, C., & Bastin, C. (2023). Well-being during COVID-19-related first lockdown: Relationship with autobiographical memory and experiential diversity. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37, 1059-1070. doi:10.1002/acp.4104
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Dourte, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Baillet, M., de Haan, S., Lesoinne, A., Berthomier, C., Muto, V., Peigneux, P., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (24 November 2022). Siestes chroniques et modulation de la température corporelle dans le vieillissement [Paper presentation]. Congrès du Sommeil, Lille, France.

Schmidt, C. (28 September 2022). Impact of daytime napping on circadian markers, cognition and brain integrity in the aged [Paper presentation]. Sleep Europe, Athens, Greece.

de Haan, S., Baillet, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Dourte, M., Muto, V., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Berthomier, C., Postnova, S., Schmidt, C., & Hammad, G. (27 September 2022). Modelling age-related changes in human sleep across the 24h-cycle: impact of circadian amplitude and wake-promoting inputs to the monoaminergic system [Poster presentation]. Sleep Europe 2022, Athens, Greece.

Dourte, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Lesoinne, A., Muto, V., Baillet, M., de Haan, S., Peigneux, P., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (27 September 2022). Thermoregulation, sleep efficiency and napping in the elderly [Poster presentation]. SLEEP EUROPE 2022, Athènes, Greece.

Mortazavi, N., Koshmanova, E., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Sharifpour, R., Berger, A., Paparella, I., Campbell, I., Beckers, E., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Dijk, D., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Talwar, P., & Vandewalle, G. (27 September 2022). Association of Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk and EEG features of the awake brain in healthy young men [Paper presentation]. The 26th Conference of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS).

Dourte, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Muto, V., Baillet, M., de Haan, S., Peigneux, P., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (07 September 2022). Napping and daily modulation in body temperature and sleep efficiency during healthy aging [Poster presentation]. GIGA Day, Liège, Belgium.

de Haan, S., Baillet, M., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Dourte, M., Muto, V., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Berthomier, C., Postnova, S., Schmidt, C.* , & Hammad, G.*. (06 September 2022). Modelling age-related changes in human sleep across the 24h-cycle: impact of circadian amplitude and wake-promoting inputs to the monoaminergic system [Poster presentation]. GIGA Day, Liège, Belgium.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Baillet, M., Lesoinne, A., Laloux, S., Collette, F., Muto, V., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (September 2022). Chronic napping alters cognitive performance in healthy older adults [Paper presentation]. The 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Athènes, Greece.

Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Baillet, M., Lesoinne, A., Laloux, S., Lambot, E., Demeuse, J., Calaprice, C., Le Goff, C., Collette, F., Vandewalle, G., Maquet, P., Muto, V., Hammad, G.* , & Schmidt, C.*. (September 2022). Daytime rest, circadian timing and cognitive performance in healthy older adults [Poster presentation]. The 26th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Athènes, Greece.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Baillet, M., Lesoinne, A., Laloux, S., Lambot, E., Demeuse, J., Calaprice, C., Le Goff, C., Collette, F., Vandewalle, G., Maquet, P., Muto, V., Hammad, G.* , & Schmidt, C.*. (29 July 2022). Daytime rest: Association with 24-h rest-activity cycles, circadian timing and cognition in older adults. Journal of Pineal Research, e12820, 1-11. doi:10.1111/jpi.12820
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Schmidt, C. (26 July 2022). Contribution from sleep & circadian research to the understanding of cognition and brain ageing [Paper presentation]. EBRS 2022 congress.

Hammad, G., Reyt, M., Baillet, M., Deantoni, M., de Haan, S., Lesoinne, A., Laloux, S., Lambot, E., Muto, V., & Schmidt, C. (July 2022). Fractal regulation of human motor activity, hypothalamic integrity and napping during ageing [Poster presentation]. European Biological Rhythms Society (EBRS) Congress, Zürich, Switzerland.

Charonitis, M., Requier, F., Guillemin, C., Reyt, M., Folville, A., Geurten, M., Bastin, C., Willems, S., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., & Collette, F. (03 June 2022). Factors associated with the evolution of fatigue one year after the lockdown period [Poster presentation]. BAPS 2022, Leuven, Belgium.

Dourte, M., Grignard, M., Hammad, G., Schmidt, C., & Peigneux, P. (03 June 2022). Circadian rhythm of temperature and visuospatial working memory in aging [Poster presentation]. BAPS Annual Meeting 2022, Leuven, Belgium.

Schmidt, C. (18 March 2022). Sleep, cognitive performance and their underlying neural correlates [Paper presentation]. Gordon Research Conference on Sleep Regulation, Barga(Lucca), Italy.

Mortazavi, N., Koshmanova, E., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Sharifpour, R., Berger, A., Paparella, I., Campbell, I., Beckers, E., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Dijk, D.-J., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Talwar, P., & Vandewalle, G. (2022). Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk and electroencephalography signals during wakefulness: Insights into the possible disease correlation [Paper presentation]. The 26th Conference of the European Sleep Research Society, Athens, Greece.

Schmidt, C. (2022). Modulation circadienne de la propension au sommeil au cours du vieillissement: impact sur la cognition et ses corrélats cérébraux [Paper presentation]. Le Congrès du Sommeil, Lilles, France.

Schmidt, C. (21 October 2021). Impact of sleep-wake regulation & age on brain structure and function [Paper presentation]. Basel Seminar Series on Circadian Rhythms and Sleep.

Hammad, G., Reyt, M., Beliy, N., Baillet, M., Deantoni, M., Lesoinne, A., Muto, V., & Schmidt, C. (19 October 2021). pyActigraphy: Open-source python package for actigraphy data visualization and analysis. PLoS Computational Biology, 17 (10), 1009514. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009514

Schmidt, C. (13 October 2021). Cognition et processus homéostatique et circadien [Paper presentation]. 47ème Congrès de la Société Francophone de Chronobiologie, Bordeaux, France.

Muto, V.* , Koshmanova, E.* , Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P.* , Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Elansary, M., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Mouraux, C., Schmidt, C., Hammad, G., Coppieters, W., Ahariz, N., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Phillips, C., ... Vandewalle, G. (16 July 2021). Alzheimer’s disease genetic risk and sleep phenotypes: association with more slow-waves and daytime sleepiness. Sleep, 44 (1), 137. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsaa137
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Collette, F., & Schmidt, C. (2021). Impact of COVID-induced lockdown on daily life, sleep, fatigue and mental load. A reorganization of daily routines.

Dourte, M., Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Lesoinne, A., Muto, V., Baillet, M., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (21 May 2021). Repos diurne, perturbation circadienne et mémoire chez les personnes âgées [Poster presentation]. Journées d'Etude du Vieillissement, Lyon, France.

Requier, F., Guillemin, C., Reyt, M., Folville, A., Geurten, M., Bastin, C., Willems, S., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., & Collette, F. (10 May 2021). L'impact du confinement dû à la pandémie de COVID-19 sur la fatigue [Paper presentation]. 45ème Journée de Printemps 2021 de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française (SNLF), Congrès virtuel, France.

Deantoni, M., Villemonteix, T., Balteau, E., Schmidt, C., & Peigneux, P. (09 April 2021). Post-Training Sleep Modulates Topographical Relearning-Dependent Resting State Activity. Brain Sciences, 11 (4), 476. doi:10.3390/brainsci11040476

Tahmasian, M., Aleman, A., Andreassen, O. A., Arab, Z., Baillet, M., Benedetti, F., Bresser, T., Bright, J., Chee, M. W. L., Chylinski, D., Cheng, W., Deantoni, M., Dresler, M., Eickhoff, S. B., Eickhoff, C. R., Elvsåshagen, T., Feng, J., Foster-Dingley, J. C., Ganjgahi, H., ... Zarei, M. (April 2021). ENIGMA-Sleep: Challenges, opportunities, and the road map. Journal of Sleep Research, e13347. doi:10.1111/jsr.13347

Collette, F., & Schmidt, C. (26 March 2021). Modification de nos activités quotidiennes suite au confinement : quel impact sur notre qualité de vie ? [Paper presentation]. 17ème Université d’été numérique de l’AEMTC.

Schmidt, C. (03 March 2021). Temporal constraints on sleep and cognition [Paper presentation]. Seminars at the Center for Sleep and Cognition.

Cellini, N., Conte, F., De Rosa, O., Giganti, F., Malloggi, S., Reyt, M., Guillemin, C., Schmidt, C., Muto, V.* , & Ficca, G.*. (2021). Changes in sleep timing and subjective sleep quality during the COVID-19 lockdown in Italy and Belgium: age, gender and working status as modulating factors. Sleep Medicine. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2020.11.027
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Bahri, M. A., Koshmanova, E., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Luxen, A., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Salmon, E., Vandewalle, G., Bastin, C., & Collette, F. (2021). Positive Effect of Cognitive Reserve on Episodic Memory, Executive and Attentional Functions Taking Into Account Amyloid-Beta, Tau, and Apolipoprotein E Status. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 13, 666181. (European Research Council starting grant (CS; ERC-StG 757763)). doi:10.3389/fnagi.2021.666181

Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Bahri, M. A., Koshmanova, E., Talwar, P., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Luxen, A., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., MAQUET, P., Salmon, E., Bastin, C., Vandewalle, G., & Collette, F. (2021). Associations between cognitive complaints, memory performance, mood and amyloid-β accumulation in healthy amyloid negative late-midlife individuals. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 83, 127-141. doi:10.3233/JAD-210332

Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Marzoli, D., Cardone, P., Vandeleene, N., Grignard, M., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Lambert, C., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Maquet, P., Bahri, M. A., Balteau, E., & Vandewalle, G. (2021). Early brainstem [18F]THK5351 uptake is linked to cortical hyperexcitability in healthy aging. JCI Insight, 6 (2), 142514. doi:10.1172/jci.insight.142514

Hammad, G., Reyt, M., Beliy, N., Baillet, M., Deantoni, M., Lesoinne, A., Muto, V., & Schmidt, C. (2020). pyActigraphy: open-source python package for actigraphy data visualisation and analysis. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/2020.12.03.400226

Muto, V., Frasso, G., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Chellappa, S. L., LY, J., Gaggioni, G., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Phillips, C., Collette, F., Archer, S., Dijk, D.-J., MAQUET, P., Vandewalle, G., Schmidt, C., & Hammad, G. (23 September 2020). Impact of the PER3 VNTR polymorphism on delta power across different sleep contexts [Paper presentation]. 25th congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Schmidt, C., & Collette, F. (23 September 2020). Contributions of sleep to daytime functioning, well-beingand cognitive fatigue [Paper presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Chylinski, D., Berthomier, C., Lambot, E., Frenette, S., Schmidt, C., Brandewinder, M., Carrier, J., Vandewalle, G., & Muto, V. (22 September 2020). Variability of visual and automated sleep stage scoring in the elderly [Poster presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Chylinski, D., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Muto, V., & Vandewalle, G. (22 September 2020). Arousals during sleep are associated with cortical amyloid-β burden and cognition in healthy older adults [Paper presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Deantoni, M., Muto, V., Hammad, G., Berthomier, C., Baillet, M., Reyt, M., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Vanegroo, M., Lambot, E., Chellappa, S. L., Brandewinder, M., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Balteau, E., Collette, F., Dijk, D.-J., ... Schmidt, C. (22 September 2020). Association between sleep regulation and neuroimaging-derived myelin markers [Paper presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society ESRS.

Koshmanova, E., Muto, V., Jaspar, M., Meyer, F., Grignard, M., Hammad, G., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., Salmon, E., Phillips, C., Posthuma, D., Georges, M., Schmidt, C., Maquet, P., van Someren, E., & Vandewalle, G. (22 September 2020). Higher polygenic risk for insomnia is associated with lower delta power during habitual sleep in young individuals without sleep disorders [Poster presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) 2020.

Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Vandeleene, N., Grignard, M., Deantoni, M., Cardone, P., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Koshmanova, E., Mouraux, C., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Collette, F., Bastin, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (22 September 2020). Sleep slow waves generation and medial prefrontal microstructure in healthy older individuals [Paper presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Hammad, G., Reyt, M., Baillet, M., Deantoni, M., Lesoinne, A., Laloux, S., Lambot, E., Muto, V., & Schmidt, C. (September 2020). Fractal regulation of human motor activity and its manifestation at circadian and ultradian time scales [Poster presentation]. European Sleep Research Society.

Hammad, G., Reyt, M., Beliy, N., Baillet, M., Deantoni, M., Lesoinne, A., Muto, V., & Schmidt, C. (September 2020). pyActigraphy, an open-source python package for actigraphy data visualisation and analysis [Poster presentation]. European Sleep Research Society.

Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Lesoinne, A., Baillet, M., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Muto, V., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (September 2020). It's about time: resting during daytime alters attention in the aged [Poster presentation]. European Sleep Research Society.

Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Narbutas, J., Besson, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Lambert, C., Salmon, E., Bastin, C., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., Maquet, P., Balteau, E., & Vandewalle, G. (28 July 2020). Brainstem tau protein burden and neuroinflammation are associated with cortical hyper-excitability in healthy aging [Poster presentation]. Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) 2020.

Schmidt, C. (28 February 2020). Sleep-wake regulation, brain function, structure & cognition [Paper presentation]. Wintersymposium "Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness", Gmunden, Austria.

Baillet, M., Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Lesoinne, A., Laloux, S., Lambot, E., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Bastin, C., Muto, V., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (2020). Association between daytime rest, night-time sleep and hippocampal integrity in healthy older adults [Poster presentation]. European Sleep Research Society.

Baillet, M., & Schmidt, C. (2020). Sleep,rest-activity fragmentation and structural brain changes related to the ageing process. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 33, 8-16. doi:10.1016/j.cobeha.2019.11.003

Berthomier, C.* , Muto, V.* , Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Jaspar, M., Devillers, J., Gaggioni, G., Chellappa, S. L., Meyer, C., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., Berthomier, P., Prado, J., Benoit, O., Bouet, R., Brandewinder, M., Mattout, J., & Maquet, P. (2020). Exploring scoring methods for research studies: Accuracy and variability of visual and automated sleep scoring. Journal of Sleep Research. doi:10.1111/jsr.12994
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Lesoinne, A., Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Baillet, M., Laloux, S., Lambot, E., Hammad, G., Muto, V., & Schmidt, C. (2020). Impact of napping and sleep-education on daytime functioning in older adults [Poster presentation]. 25th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society.

Muto, V., Koshmanova, E., Ghaemmaghami, P., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Elansary, M., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Berthomier, C., Brandewinder, M., Mouraux, C., Schmidt, C., Hammad, G., Coppieters, W., Ahariz, N., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Phillips, C., ... Vandewalle, G. (2020). Alzheimer s disease genetic risk and sleep phenotypes: association with more slow-waves and daytime sleepiness. ORBi-University of Liège.

Reyt, M., Deantoni, M., Collette, F., Lesoinne, A., Baillet, M., Laloux, S., Lambot, E., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., Muto, V., Hammad, G., & Schmidt, C. (2020). Impact of wake fragmentation on working memory performance and associated cerebral correlates in the aged [Paper presentation]. European Sleep Research Society.

Cajochen, C., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Schlagen, L. J. M., Schmidt, C., Viola, A. U., & Gabel, V. (2019). Evidence That Homeostatic Sleep Regulation Depends on Ambient Lighting Conditions during Wakefulness. Clocks and Sleep. doi:10.3390/clockssleep1040040

Schmidt, C. (2019). Sommeil et cognition: une approche chronobiologique.

Schmidt, C. (24 September 2019). A time to think: Impact of sleep-wake regulation on cognitive and brain ageing [Paper presentation]. Brain and Mind Symposium, Helsinki, Finland.

Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Phillips, C., Berthomier, C., Borgwardt, S., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (August 2019). Author Correction: Human brain patterns underlying vigilant attention: impact of sleep debt, circadian phase and attentional engagement (Scientific Reports, (2018), 8, 1, (970), 10.1038/s41598-017-17022-9). Scientific Reports, 9 (12379). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48856-0

Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Garcia Jimenez, C., Hagelstein, C., Lambot, E., Besson, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Hammad, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Bastin, C., Vandewalle, G., & Collette, F. (14 May 2019). Cognitive efficiency in late midlife is linked to cognitive reserve and allostatic load [Poster presentation]. BAPS 2019, Liège, Belgium.

Schmidt, C. (14 May 2019). Impact of sleep-wake regulation on cognitive performance and its cerebral correlates [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences (BAPS), Liège, Belgium.

Schmidt, C. (03 May 2019). Impact of sleep-wake regulation on cognitive and brain ageing [Paper presentation]. Jahrestagung der Östereichischen Gesellschaft für Schlafmedizin (ÖGSM), Gmunden, Austria.

Schmidt, C. (01 May 2019). A time to think: Impact of sleep-wake regulation on cognitive and brain ageing [Paper presentation]. Symposium on Sleep, Aging and Brain Health Inauguration of the Sleep and Brain Research Unit, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom.

Vandewalle, G., Muto, V., & Schmidt, C. (2019). Communiqué de presse 15 MARS : JOURNEE MONDIAL DU SOMMEIL : LE MAUVAIS SOMMEIL N’EST PAS UNE FATALITE !

Muto, V., Berthomier, C., Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Jaspar, M., Devillers, J., Gaggioni, G., Chellappa, S. L., Meyer, C., Phillips, C., Salmon, E., Berthomier, P., Prado, J., Benoit, O., Brandewinder, M., Mattout, J., & MAQUET, P. (2019). Looking for a reference for large datasets: relative reliability of visual and automatic sleep scoring. ORBi-University of Liège. doi:10.1101/576090

Cardone, P., Gaggioni, G., Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Muto, V., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Besson, G., Koshmanova, E., LY, J., Schmidt, C., & Vandewalle, G. (2019). Cortical excitability transiently increases during attentional lapses [Poster presentation]. RAW 2019, Rovereto Attention Workshop.

Chellappa, S. L., Bromundt, V., Frey, S., Steinemann, A., Schmidt, C., Schlote, T., Goldblum, D., & Cajochen, C. (2019). Association of Intraocular Cataract Lens Replacement with Circadian Rhythms, Cognitive Function, and Sleep in Older Adults. JAMA Ophthalmology. doi:10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2019.1406

Gaggioni, G., Ly, J., Muto, V., Chellappa, S., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Delfosse, T., Vanvinckenroye, A., Dumont, R., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Collette, F., Phillips, C., Schmidt, C., & Vandewalle, G. (2019). Age-related decrease in cortical excitability circadian variations during sleep loss and its links with cognition. Neurobiology of Aging, 78, 52-63. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2019.02.004

Hammad, G., Reyt, M., & Schmidt, C. (2019). pyActigraphy. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2537921

Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Garcia Jimenez, C., Besson, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Hammad, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Bastin, C., Vandewalle, G., & Collette, F. (2019). Cognitive efficiency in late midlife is linked to lifestyle characteristics and allostatic load. Aging, 11, 7169-7186. doi:10.18632/aging.102243

Steinemann, A., Bromundt, V., Chellappa, S. L., Frey, S., Schmidt, C., Schlote, T., Goldblum, D., & Cajochen, C. (2019). Evaluation of Visual Comfort and Mental Effort under Different Light Conditions for Ultraviolet-Absorbing and Additional Blue-Filtering Intraocular Lenses for Cataract Surgery. Klinische Monatsblatter für Augenheilkunde, 236 (4), 398-404. doi:10.1055/a-0810-0302

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Gaggioni, G., Besson, G., Pepin, X., Tezel, E., Marzoli, D., Le Goff, C., Cavalier, E., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Bahri, M. A., Phillips, C., ... Vandewalle, G. (2019). Preserved wake-dependent cortical excitability dynamics predict cognitive fitness beyond age-related brain alterations. Communications Biology, 2, 449. doi:10.1038/s42003-019-0693-y

Reyt, M., Latteur, A., Schmidt, C., Muto, V., & Hammad, G. (23 November 2018). La sieste comme indice de fragmentation du cycle de veille-sommeil : impact sur la cognition [Paper presentation]. Le Congrès du Sommeil, Lille, France.

Schmidt, C. (2018). Les horloges biologiques [Paper presentation]. Exposé donné dans le cadre d'un cours à l'Université du 3e Âge, Liège, Belgium.

Chylinski, D., Rudzik, F., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Narbutas, J., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (09 November 2018). Sleep fragmentation is associated with brain tau but not amyloid-β burden in healthy older adults [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Sleep research and Sleep medicine.

Chylinski, D., Rudzik, F., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Narbutas, J., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (19 October 2018). Arousals during sleep are associated with brain tau burden in healthy older individuals [Poster presentation]. Belgian Brain Congress.

Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Hagelstein, C., Lambot, E., Besson, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Hammad, G., Gaggioni, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Bastin, C., Vandewalle, G., & Collette, F. (19 October 2018). Cognitive efficiency in late midlife is linked to cognitive reserve and heart rate variability [Poster presentation]. Belgian Brain Congress 2018, Liège, Belgium.

Schmidt, C., & Vandewalle, G. (2018). Dernier passage à l’heure d’hiver ? De l’intérêt de garder l’heure standard, ou heure d’hiver, au-delà de mars 2019.

Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Boraita-Amador, G., Muto, V., Hammad, G., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Degueldre, C., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Bahri, M. A., Bastin, C., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (27 September 2018). Sleep-wake fragmentation is linked to amyloid beta brain deposition in healthy ageing [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Basel, Switzerland.

Hammad, G., Muto, V., Gaggioni, G., Jaspar, M., Meyer, C., Maquet, P., Schmidt, C., Phillips, C., & Coppieters't Wallant, D. (26 September 2018). New spectral analysis method to identify trait-like features in NREM sleep power spectra [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland.

Reyt, M., Latteur, A., Maire, M., Reichert, C., Cajochen, C., Schmidt, C., Muto, V., & Hammad, G. (26 September 2018). Impact of age and napping on actimetry-derived sleep and 24-h rest-activity indices [Poster presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland.

Schmidt, C. (26 September 2018). Temporal constraints on sleep and cognition: importance for brain health during ageing [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland.

Schmidt, C., Reichert, C., Deantoni, M., Reyt, M., Maire, M., Gaggioni, G., Vandewalle, G., Collette, F., Cajochen, C., Hammad, G., & Muto, V. (26 September 2018). Age-related changes in circadian sleep-wake regulation: Impact on cognitive performance and cerebral correlates. Journal of Sleep Research. Supplement, Volume 27 (S1).

Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Hagelstein, C., Lambot, E., Besson, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Hammad, G., Gaggioni, G., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Salmon, E., Maquet, P., Bastin, C., Vandewalle, G., & Collette, F. (14 September 2018). Cognitive efficiency in late midlife is linked to cognitive reserve and heart rate variability [Paper presentation]. 20th EURON PhD days, Brussels, Belgium.

Muto, V., Berthomier, C., Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Devillers, J., Chellappa, S., Meyer, C., Phillips, C., Berthomier, P., Prado, J. P., Benoit, O., Brandewinder, M., Mattout, J., & Maquet, P. (11 September 2018). Inter- and intra-expert variability in sleep scoring: comparison between visual and automatic analysis. Journal of Sleep Research. Supplement, 27 (S1).

Chylinski, D., Rudzik, F., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Narbutas, J., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (September 2018). Sleep fragmentationis associated with brain Tau but not Amyloid-beta burden in healthy older adults [Poster presentation]. 20th EURON PhD days.

Chylinski, D., Rudzik, F., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Van Egroo, M., Muto, V., Narbutas, J., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Degueldre, C., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., Brandewinder, M., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (September 2018). Arousals during sleep are associated with brain tau and amyloid-β burden in healthy older adults [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Basel, Switzerland.

Deantoni, M., Hammad, G., Maire, M., Ali Bahri, M., Berthomier, C., Cajochen, C., Reichert, C., & Schmidt, C. (September 2018). Association of circadian sleep-wake regulation and brain structure in older adults: a multi-modal approach [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society (ESRS), Basel, Switzerland.

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Besson, G., Muto, V., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Gaggioni, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Pepin, X., Cerasuolo, M., Blanpain, M., Tezel, E., LE GOFF, C., CAVALIER, E., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., ... Vandewalle, G. (September 2018). Preserved Neuron Reactivity Dynamics during Prolonged Wakefulness is Linked to Cognitive Fitness in Aging, Independently of Tau and Amyloid Beta Burden [Paper presentation]. 24th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Basel, Switzerland.

Muto, V., Schmidt, C., & Hammad, G. (2018). Atelier sur le sommeil pour enfants [Paper presentation]. Atelier de sommeil dans le cadre d'un stage d'été pour enfants, Malmedy, Belgium.

Schmidt, C. (2018). Cycle de veille-sommeil et cognition [Paper presentation]. Cycle de Conférence de l'Hôpital Psychiatrique du Beau Vallon, Saint-Servais, Belgium.

Schmidt, C., Xhrouet, M., Hamacher, M., Delloye, E., Le Goff, C., Cavalier, E., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (June 2018). Light exposure via a head-mounted device suppresses melatonin and improves vigilant attention without affecting cortisol and comfort. PsyCh Journal, 7. doi:10.1002/pchj.215

Gaggioni, G., LY, J., Chellappa, S., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Rosanova, M., Sarasso, S., Luxen, A., Salmon, E., Middleton, B., Massimini, M., Schmidt, C., Casali, A., Phillips, C., & Vandewalle, G. (2018). Human fronto-parietal response scattering subserves vigilance at night. NeuroImage. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.03.055

Schmidt, C., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Berthomier, C., Collette, F., & Cajochen, C. (22 March 2018). Association between circadian sleep-wake regulation and working memory performance at older age [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference on Sleep Regulation and Function, Galveston - Texas, United States.

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Muto, V., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Pepin, X., Cerasuolo, M., Blanpain, M., Degueldre, C., Schmidt, C., MAQUET, P., SALMON, E., Phillips, C., Bastin, C., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (22 March 2018). Neuron Reactivity during Prolonged Wakefulness is Linked to Cognitive Fitness in Healthy Older Individuals [Poster presentation]. Gordon Research Conference on Sleep Regulation and Function - Novel Controversies on the "How and Why" of Sleep.

Schmidt, C. (2018). Cycle de veille-sommeil et cognition [Paper presentation]. Cycle de Conférence "Vieillissons", Liège, Belgium.

Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Phillips, C., Berthomier, C., Borgwardt, S., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (January 2018). Human brain patterns underlying vigilant attention: impact of sleep debt, circadian phase and attentional engagement. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 970. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-17022-9

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Muto, V., Gaggioni, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., LE GOFF, C., Cavalier, E., Bahri, M. A., MAQUET, P., Salmon, E., Schmidt, C., Phillips, C., Bastin, C., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (2018). Preserved neuron reactivity dynamics during prolonged wakefulness is linked to cognitive fitness in aging, independently of amyloid-beta burden, tau burden, and cortical atrophy [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Sleep Research and Sleep Medicine - Autumn Meeting - Sleep: a truly pluridisciplinary field.

Van Egroo, M., Narbutas, J., Chylinski, D., Villar Gonzalez, P., Besson, G., Muto, V., Gaggioni, G., Ghaemmaghami Tabrizi, P., Tezel, E., LE GOFF, C., Cavalier, E., Lambot, E., Laloux, S., Hagelstein, C., Luxen, A., Degueldre, C., Bahri, M. A., Maquet, P., Salmon, E., ... Vandewalle, G. (2018). Preserved Neuron Reactivity Dynamics during Prolonged Wakefulness is Linked to Cognitive Fitness in Aging, Independently of Tau Burden, Amyloid Beta Burden, and Cortical Atrophy [Paper presentation]. 20th EURON PhD Days.

Narbutas, J., Van Egroo, M., Besson, G., Schmidt, C., Gaggioni, G., Muto, V., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Vandewalle, G., Bastin, C., & Collette, F. (24 November 2017). Intellectual and social enrichement linked to larger hippocampal volume in healthy aging [Poster presentation]. The 1st International Conference on Cognitive Reserve in the Dementias (ResDem), Munich, Germany.

Archer, S., Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., & Dijk, D.-J. (November 2017). Phenotyping of PER3 variants reveals widespread effects on circadian preference, sleep regulation, and health. Sleep Medicine Reviews, Epub ahead of print. doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2017.10.008

Schmidt, C., Xhrouet, M., Hamacher, M., Delloye, E., LE GOFF, C., CAVALIER, E., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (October 2017). Light exposure via head-mounted devices suppresses melatonin and improves vigilant attention without affecting cortisol and comfort [Poster presentation]. World Sleep Congress, Prague, Czechia.

Schmidt, C. (03 August 2017). Circadian and sleep-wake dependent modulations in cognitive brain responses [Paper presentation]. XVth European Biological Rhythms Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Schmidt, C., Xhrouet, M., Hamacher, M., Delloye, E., LE GOFF, C., CAVALIER, E., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (30 July 2017). Light exposure via head-mounted devices suppresses melatonin and improves vigilant attention without affecting cortisol and comfort [Poster presentation]. European Biological Rhythms Society (EBRL) XV Congress, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Götz, T., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Christian, B., Phillips, C., SALMON, E., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (July 2017). Cognitive brain responses during circadian wake-promotion: evidence for sleep- pressure-dependent hypothalamic activations. Scientific Reports, 7 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-05695-1

Schmidt, C., Xhrouet, M., Hamacher, M., Delloye, E., LE GOFF, C., CAVALIER, E., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (25 June 2017). Light exposure via head-mounted devices suppresses melatonin and improves vigilant attention without affecting cortisol and subjective comfort [Paper presentation]. Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR) Meeting, Berlin, Germany.

Schmidt, C., Xhrouet, M., Hamacher, M., Delloye, E., LE GOFF, C., Cavalier, E., Collette, F., & Vandewalle, G. (25 June 2017). Blue light exposure via head-mounted devices suppresses melatonin and improves vigilant attention without affecting cortisol and subjective comfort [Paper presentation]. Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms.

Narbutas, J., Blanpain, M., Van Egroo, M., Besson, G., Schmidt, C., Gaggioni, G., Muto, V., Salmon, E., Vandewalle, G., Bastin, C., & Collette, F. (31 May 2017). Recognition memory is associated with hippocampal volume in aging population: new evidence from brain imaging study [Poster presentation]. BAPS 2017, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Narbutas, J., Blanpain, M., Van Egroo, M., Besson, G., Schmidt, C., Gaggioni, G., Muto, V., Salmon, E., Vandewalle, G., Bastin, C., & Collette, F. (19 May 2017). Recognition memory is associated with hippocampal volume in aging population: new evidence from brain imaging study [Poster presentation]. Congrès scientifique de jubilé de 50 ans de la Faculté de Psychologie, Logopédie et Sciences de l’Education de l’ULg, Liège, Belgium.

Schmidt, C., Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Collette, F., & Cajochen, C. (19 May 2017). Association entre régulation circadienne du cycle de veille-sommeil et performance de mémoire de travail chez les personnes âgées [Paper presentation]. Jubilé de la Faculté de Psychologie, Logopédie et Sciences de l’Education, Liège, Belgium.

Schmidt, C., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Collette, F., & Cajochen, C. (11 May 2017). Cerebral correlates underlying the impact of circadian and sleep homeostatic processes on cognition [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting Swiss Society for Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology, Lugano, Switzerland.

Narbutas, J., Blanpain, M., Van Egroo, M., Besson, G., Schmidt, C., Gaggioni, G., Muto, V., Salmon, E., Vandewalle, G., Bastin, C., & Collette, F. (23 March 2017). Recognition memory is associated with hippocampal volume in aging population: new evidence from brain imaging study [Poster presentation]. Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory: The Recollection, Familiarity, and Novelty Detection workshop, Liège, Belgium.

Gabel, V., Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Schmidt, C., Schlangen, L. J. M., Kolodyazhniy, V., Garbazza, C., Cajochen, C., & Viola, A. U. (2017). Differential impact in young and older individuals of blue-enriched white light on circadian physiology and alertness during sustained wakefulness. Scientific Reports, 7 (1). doi:10.1038/s41598-017-07060-8

Schmidt, C., & Bao, Y. (2017). Chronobiological research for cognitive science: A multifaceted view. PsyCh Journal, 6, 249–252. doi:10.1002/pchj.203

Schmidt, C. (2016). Rythmes biologiques, écrans LED et adolescence Influence sur le cycle veille - sommeil et les performances cognitives [Paper presentation]. Midi-Conférence: le sommeil et les écrans, Namur, Belgium.

Albouy, G., King, B., Schmidt, C., Desseilles, M., Dang-Vu, T. T., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Orban, P., Benali, H., Peigneux, P., Luxen, A., Karni, A., Doyon, J., Maquet, P., & Korman, M. (11 October 2016). Cerebral Activity Associated with Transient Sleep-Facilitated Reduction in Motor Memory Vulnerability to Interference. Scientific Reports, 6. doi:10.1038/srep34948

Gaggioni, G., Chelllappa, S., Ly, J., Coppieters't Wallant, D., Jaspar, M., Muto, V., Meyer, C., Delfosse, T., Dumont, R., Vanvinckenroye, A., Collette, F., Maquet, P., Phillips, C., Schmidt, C., & Vandewalle, G. (September 2016). Age-related differences in the dynamics of cortical excitability and cognitive inhibition during prolongedwakefulness [Paper presentation]. 23rd Congress of ESRS.

Maierova, L., Borisuit, A., Scartezzini, L., Jaeggi, S., Schmidt, C., & Münch, M. (2016). Diurnal variations of hormonal secretion, alertness and cognition in extreme chronotypes under different lighting conditions. Scientific Reports. doi:10.1038/srep33591

Schmidt, C., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Collette, F., & Cajochen, C. (2016). Age-related changes in the modulation of attentional brain responses to sleep pressure at night. Journal of Sleep Research.

Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Schmidt, C., & Cajochen, C. (05 February 2016). Sleep-Wake Regulation and Its Impact on Working Memory Performance: The Role of Adenosine. Biology, 5 (1). doi:10.3390/biology5010011

Schmidt, C., & Collette, F. (2016). Impact du moment de la journée et du rythme de veille-sommeil sur les performances cognitives. Revue de Neuropsychologie, 8 (3), 173-81. doi:10.1684/nrp.2016.0391

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Phillips, C., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (September 2015). Circadian and homeostatic modulation of cerebral correlates of vigilance under high and low sleep pressure [Paper presentation]. Sleep and aging : perks for longevity, Liège, Belgium.

Reichert, C., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (June 2015). Circadian and sleep homeostatic regulation of cerebral correlates of working memory: time of day matters [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology, Interlaken, Switzerland.

Gabel, V., Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Chellappa, S. L., Schmidt, C., Hommes, V., Cajochen, C., & Viola, A. U. (2015). Dawn simulation light impacts on different cognitive domains under sleep restriction. Behavioural Brain Research, 281, 258-66. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2014.12.043

Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Phillips, C., Krebs, J., Scheffler, K., Klarhofer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2015). Fighting Sleep at Night: Brain Correlates and Vulnerability to Sleep Loss. Annals of Neurology, 78 (2), 235-47. doi:10.1002/ana.24434

Reichert, C., Maire, M., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2015). Sleep-wake and time-of-day dependent modulations of working memory [Paper presentation]. 19th Congress of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCOP), Cyprus.

Schmidt, C. (2015). Impact of circadian phase and prior wakefulness on cognition-related cerebral activity in humans [Paper presentation]. Wintersymposium on Sleep, Cognition and Consciousness, Kaprun, Austria.

Schmidt, C. (2015). Impact de l'horloge biologique et du cycle de veille-sommeil sur les capacités de vigilance [Paper presentation]. Cycle de Conférence Clinique Psychologique et Logopédique Universitaire (CPLU), Liège, Belgium.

Schmidt, C. (2015). Impact de l’horloge biologique et du cycle de veille-sommeil sur les capacités cognitives [Paper presentation]. 18e journée Neurobiologie des rythmes, Nouzilly, France.

Schmidt, C. (2015). How the brain copes to sustain attention at night-time: Impact of sleep pressure and genetic vulnerability to sleep loss [Paper presentation]. GIGA Day: current advances in Medical Genetics and Genomics, Liège, Belgium.

Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Vandewalle, G., Peigneux, P., & Cajochen, C. (2015). Pushing the Limits: Chronotype and Time of Day Modulate Working Memory-Dependent Cerebral Activity. Frontiers in Neurology, 6, 199. doi:10.3389/fneur.2015.00199

Schmidt, C., Maire, M., Reichert, C., Peigneux, P., Collette, F., & Cajochen, C. (2015). Inter-individual differences in sleep-wake regulation: impact on attention-related cerebral correlates [Paper presentation]. 19th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Paphos, Cyprus.

van der Lely, S., Frey, S., Garbazza, C., Wirz-Justice, A., Jenni, O. G., Steiner, R., Wolf, S., Cajochen, C., Bromundt, V., & Schmidt, C. (2015). Blue blocker glasses as a countermeasure for alerting effects of evening light-emitting diode screen exposure in male teenagers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56 (1), 113-9. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2014.08.002

Viola, A. U., Gabel, V., Chellappa, S. L., Schmidt, C., Hommes, V., Tobaldini, E., Montano, N., & Cajochen, C. (2015). Dawn simulation light: a potential cardiac events protector. Sleep Medicine, 16 (4), 457-61. doi:10.1016/j.sleep.2014.12.016

Chellappa, S. L., Viola, A., Schmidt, C., Bachmann, V., Gabel, V., Maire, M., Reichert, C., Valomon, A., Landolt, H. P., & Cajochen, C. (2014). Individual differences in the non-image frroming effects of light on human sleep. Journal of Sleep Research.

Gabel, V., Maire, M., Reichert, C., Schmidt, C., Renz, C., Garbazza, C., Cajochen, C., & Viola, A. (September 2014). Age-dependent non-visual effects of a moderately bright light exposure during 40 hours of extended wakefulness. Journal of Sleep Research, Volume 23 (Suppl.1), 174-175.

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (September 2014). Sleep-loss related decrements in night-time vigilance performance: Cerebral correlates and the impact of genetic vulnerability. Journal of Sleep Research, 23 (Suppl.1), 10.

Reichert, C., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (September 2014). Impact of sleep pressure, circadian phase and the ADA polymorphism on cerebral correlates underlying working memory performance. Journal of Sleep Research, 23 (Suppl.1), 10.

Van der Lely, S., Frey, S., Wirz-Justice, A., Garbazza, C., Jenni, O., Cajochen, C., Schmidt, C., & Bromundt, V. (September 2014). Blue blocker glasses as a countermeasure for alerting effects of evening LED - screen exposure in teenagers. Journal of Sleep Research, 23 (Suppl.1), 178.

Cajochen, C., Schmidt, C., & Chellappa, S. L. (2014). Two time pieces for sleep regulation: the circadian clock and the homeostatic hourglass. In S. Garbarino (Ed.), Sleepiness and Human Impact Assessment. Springer Science.

Chellappa, S. L., Schmidt, C., & Cajochen, C. (2014). Neurophysiological basis of sleep and wakefulness. In S. Garbarino (Ed.), Sleepiness and Human Impact Assessment. Springer Science.

Chellappa, S. L., Viola, A. U., Schmidt, C., Bachmann, V., Gabel, V., Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Valomon, A., Landolt, H.-P., & Cajochen, C. (2014). Light modulation of human sleep depends on a polymorphism in the clock gene Period3. Behavioural Brain Research, 271, 23-29. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2014.05.050

Gabel, V., Maire, M., Reichert, C., Schmidt, C., Renz, C., Garbazza, C., Cajochen, C., & Viola, A. (2014). Extended light exposure acts differently on young and older participants [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology.

Gaggioni, G., Maquet, P., Schmidt, C., Dijk, D.-J., & Vandewalle, G. (2014). Neuroimaging, cognition, light and circadian rhythms. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience. doi:10.3389/fnsys.2014.00126

Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Krebs, J., Strobel, W., Landolt, H.-P., Bachmann, V., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Time-on-task decrement in vigilance is modulated by inter-individual vulnerability to homeostatic sleep pressure manipulation. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 8, 59. doi:10.3389/fnbeh.2014.00059

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Cerebral correlates of vigilance during night time: Impact of sleep pressure level and inter-individual vulnerability [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology.

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Wach in der Nacht – Einfluss eines PER3-Polymorphismus auf die zerebralen Korrelate der Vigilanzleistung unter hohem und tiefem Schlafdruck [Paper presentation]. 21. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, Cologne, Germany.

Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Strobel, W., Krebs, J., Landolt, H. P., Bachmann, V., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Sleep ability mediates individual differences in the vulnerability to sleep loss: evidence from a PER3 polymorphism. Cortex: A Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior, 52, 47-59. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2013.11.008

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Phillips, C., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Inter-individual differences in night-time cerebral responses to high and low sleep pressure conditions [Poster presentation]. 14th Society for Research in Biological Rhythms, Montana, United States.

Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Hofstetter, M., Viola, A. U., Kolodyazhniy, V., Strobel, W., Goetz, T., Bachmann, V., Landolt, H.-P., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). The circadian regulation of sleep: impact of a functional ADA-polymorphism and its association to working memory improvements. PLoS ONE, 9 (12), 113734. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0113734

Reichert, C. F., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Viola, A. U., Kolodyazhniy, V., Strobel, W., Gotz, T., Bachmann, V., Landolt, H.-P., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Insights into behavioral vulnerability to differential sleep pressure and circadian phase from a functional ADA polymorphism. Journal of Biological Rhythms, 29 (2), 119-30. doi:10.1177/0748730414524898

Reichert, C., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Impact of circadian phase and prior wakefulness on cognition-related cerebral activity in humans. Journal of Sleep Research, 23 (Suppl.1), 29.

Reichert, C., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2014). Impact of circadian phase and prior wakefulness on cognition-related cerebral activity in humans [Paper presentation]. 22th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Tallinn, Estonia.

Schmidt, C. (2014). Circadian and homeostatic regulation of sleep [Paper presentation]. 2-day master class on sleep and circadian rhythms, Lyon, France.

Schmidt, C., Cajochen, C., & Chellappa, S. L. (2014). Circadian and homeostatic regulation of sleepiness and cognition and its neuronal underpinnings. In S. Garbarino (Ed.), Sleepiness and Human Impact Assessment. Springer Science. doi:10.1007/978-88-470-5388-5_4

Sterpenich, V., Schmidt, C., Albouy, G., Matarazzo, L., VANHAUDENHUYSE, A., BOVEROUX, P., Degueldre, C., Leclercq, Y., Balteau, E., Collette, F., Luxen, A., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (2014). Memory reactivation during rapid eye movement sleep promotes its generalization and integration in cortical stores. Sleep, 37 (6), 1061-75, 1075A-1075. doi:10.5665/sleep.3762

Valomon, A., Holst, S. C., Bachmann, V., Viola, A. U., Schmidt, C., Zurcher, J., Berger, W., Cajochen, C., & Landolt, H.-P. (2014). Genetic polymorphisms of DAT1 and COMT differentially associate with actigraphy-derived sleep-wake cycles in young adults. Chronobiology International, 31 (5), 705-14. doi:10.3109/07420528.2014.896376

Schmidt, C., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Berthomier, C., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Strobel, W., Bachmann, V., Holst, S., Landolt, H., & Cajochen, C. (May 2013). Inter-individual variability in the circadian modulation of sleep spindle duration: a candidate gene approach [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting Swiss Society for Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology, Aarau, Switzerland.

Gabel, V., Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Chellappa, S. L., Schmidt, C., Hommes, V., Viola, A. U., & Cajochen, C. (2013). Effects of Artificial Dawn and Morning Blue Light on Daytime Cognitive Performance, Well-being, Cortisol and Melatonin Levels. Chronobiology International, 30 (8), 988-97. doi:10.3109/07420528.2013.793196

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Gabel, V., Valomon, A., Krebs, J., Viola, A., Strobel, W., Bachmann, V., Landolt, H. P., Holst, S., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2013). State instability in sustained attention is modulated by a PER3 polymorphism during sleep deprivation [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology.

Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., & Schmidt, C. (2013). Sleep-Wake Rhythms and Cognition. Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies, 13, 133-177.

Reichert, C., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Hofstetter, M., Viola, A., Kolodyazhniy, V., Strobel, W., Götz, T., Bachmann, V., Landolt, H., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2013). Schlaf-Wach-Regulation und Arbeitsgedächtnisleistung – Einfluss eines funktionalen ADA-Polymorphismus und der zirkadianen Phase [Paper presentation]. 21. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, Cologne, Germany.

Schmidt, C. (2013). Human sleep-wake regulation over the 24-hour cycle: a behavioral, electrophysiological and functional neuroimaging approach [Paper presentation]. Seminars of the Institute of Medical Psychology, Munich, Germany.

Schmidt, C. (2013). Circadian and homeostatic regulation of sleep [Paper presentation]. 2-day master class on sleep and circadian rhythms, Lyon, France.

Schmidt, C. (2013). Circadian and homeostatic modulation of cognition-related cerebral activity in humans [Paper presentation]. Forschungskonferenz UPK, Basel, Switzerland.

Schmidt, C. (2013). Biologische Rhythmen: Einfluss auf Schlaf-Wachverhalten, Leistungsfähigkeit und Gemütszustand [Paper presentation]. Vortragsreihe ECOLO-Fraktion, Thema Schulrhythmen, Eupen, Belgium.

Schmidt, C., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Berthomier, C., Gabel, V., Viola, A., Strobel, W., Bachmann, V., Holst, S., Landolt, H., & Cajochen, C. (2013). Inter-inidividual variavility in the circadian modulation of sleep spindle duration: a candidate gene approach [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology.

Urbain, C., Schmitz, R., Schmidt, C., Cleeremans, A., Van Bogaert, P., Maquet, P., & Peigneux, P. (2013). Sleep-dependent neurophysiological processes in implicit sequence learning. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 25 (11), 2003-14. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_00439

Vandewalle, G., & Schmidt, C. (2013). Neuroimaging of the interaction between circadian and homeostatic processes. In Neuroimaging of Sleep and Sleep Disorders. Cambridge University Press.

Viola, A., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Valomon, A., Bachmann, V., Landolt, H., Schmidt, C., & Cajochen, C. (September 2012). Sleep pressure and a PER3 polymorphism affect blood pressure in healthy young people. Journal of Sleep Research, 21 (Suppl.1), 81.

Chellappa, S. L., Viola, A. U., Schmidt, C., Bachmann, V., Gabel, V., Maire, M., Reichert, C. F., Valomon, A., Gotz, T., Landolt, H.-P., & Cajochen, C. (2012). Human melatonin and alerting response to blue-enriched light depend on a polymorphism in the clock gene PER3. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 97 (3), 433-7. doi:10.1210/jc.2011-2391

Dallmann, R., Schmidt, C., Tarokh, L., Viola, A., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Cajochen, C., & Brown, S. (2012). Sleepy metabolites: sleep-related changes in the human Metabolome. Journal of Sleep Research, 21 (Suppl.1), 38.

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Gabel, V., Krebs, J., Viola, A., Strobel, W., Landolt, H., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2012). Einfluss eines PER3 Polymorphismus auf die zirkadiane und schlafhomöostatische Regulation von Aufmerksamkeit, subjektiver Müdigkeit und Nickerchen [Paper presentation]. 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, Berlin, Germany.

Maire, M., Reichert, C., Gabel, V., Valomon, A., Krebs, J., Viola, A., Strobel, W., Bachmann, V., Landoldt, H., Holst, S., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2012). The interaction of homeostatic and circadian regulation of sleepiness depends on a PER3 polymorphism. Journal of Sleep Research, 21 (Suppl.1), 79.

Reichert, C., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Krebs, J., Strobel, W., Viola, A., Bachmann, V., Landolt, H., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2012). Der Einfluss einer genetischen Variation der Adenosin Desaminase auf die Anfälligkeit für Schlafdruck ist tageszeitabhängig [Paper presentation]. 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, Berlin, Germany.

Reichert, C., Maire, M., Gabel, V., Valomon, A., Krebs, J., Viola, A., Strobel, W., Bachmann, V., Holst, S., Cajochen, C., & Schmidt, C. (2012). Influence of a genetic variation of adenosine deaminase on individual susceptibility to variations in sleep pressure. Journal of Sleep Research, 21 (Suppl.1), 80.

Schabus, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Heib, D. P. J., Boly, M., Desseilles, M., Vandewalle, G., Schmidt, C., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (2012). The fate of incoming stimuli during NREM sleep is determined by spindles and the phase of the slow oscillation. Frontiers in Neurology, 3 (40), 1-11. doi:10.3389/fneur.2012.00040

Schmidt, C. (2012). Test-timing and sleep-wake schedule [Paper presentation]. Current and Future Perspectives in Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Research. School of Advanced Studies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Schmidt, C. (2012). Modulations in the cerebral correlates underlying cognitive performance [Paper presentation]. Current and Future Perspectives in Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Research. School of Advanced Studies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Schmidt, C. (2012). Circadian and homeostatic regulation of sleep [Paper presentation]. 2-day master class on sleep and circadian rhythms, Lyon, France.

Schmidt, C. (2012). A time to think: Circadian rhythms in human cognition [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Sleep Research, Sleep Medicine and Chronobiology, Zürich, Switzerland.

Schmidt, C., Maire, M., Reichert, C., & Cajochen, C. (2012). The interaction of homeostatic and circadian regulation of sleepiness depends on a PER3 polymorphism [Paper presentation]. 22th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Paris, France.

Schmidt, C., Maire, M., Reichert, C., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Krebs, J., Berthomier, C., Berthomier, P., & Cajochen, C. (2012). Circadian and homeostatic modulation of cognition-related cerebral activity in humans [Paper presentation]. 22th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Paris, France.

Schmidt, C., Maire, M., Reichert, C., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Krebs, J., Berthomier, P., Berthomier, C., & Cajochen, C. (2012). Circadian and homeostatic modulation of cognition-related cerebral activity in humans. Journal of Sleep Research, 21 (Suppl.1), 13.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., & Cajochen, C. (2012). Age-related changes in sleep and circadian rhythms: impact on cognitive performance and underlying neuroanatomical networks. Frontiers in Neurology, 3, 118. doi:10.3389/fneur.2012.00118

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Cajochen, C., & Collette, F. (2012). Adaptating test timing to the sleep-wake schedule: effects on diurnal neurobehavioral performance changes in young evening and older morning chronotypes. Chronobiology International, 29 (4), 482-490. doi:10.3109/07420528.2012.658984

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Leclercq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., Berthomier, P., Berthomier, C., Tinguely, G., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Salmon, E., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Cajochen, C., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (2012). Circadian preference modulates the neural substrate of conflict processing across the day. PLoS ONE, 7 (1), 29658. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029658

Schmidt, C., Reichert, C., Maire, M., Viola, A., Gabel, V., Scheffler, K., Klarhöfer, M., Strobel, W., Krebs, J., & Cajochen, C. (2012). Einfluss des Schlaf-Wachverhaltens auf die zerebralen Korrelate kognitiver Leistungsfähigkeit: interindividuelle Unterschiede [Paper presentation]. 20. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Schlafforschung und Schlafmedizin, Berlin, Germany.

Schmitz, R., Gabel, V., Peigneux, P., Maire, M., Reichert, C., Cajochen, C., Schmidt, C., & Viola, A. (2012). Sleep pressure and circadian process do not modulate pseudoneglect effects. Journal of Sleep Research, 21 (Suppl.1), 327.

Viola, A., Gabel, V., Maire, M., Reichert, C., Schmidt, C., Hommes, V., & Cajochen, C. (2012). Light effect on sleep homeostasis, cognitive performance and mood. Journal of Sleep Research, 21 (Suppl.1), 60.

Desseilles, M., Phillips, C., Matthews, Dang-Vu, T. T., Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Darsaud, A., Salmon, E., Vandewalle, G., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., ANSSEAU, M., Schwartz, S., & Maquet, P. (June 2011). Locus-coeruleus activation in patients with major depression and suicidal ideations. Abstract book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 17th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), Quebec, Canada.

Darsaud, A., Dehon, H., Lahl, O., Sterpenich, V., Boly, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Desseilles, M., Gais, S., Matarazzo, L., Peters, F., Schabus, M., Schmidt, C., Tinguely, G., Vandewalle, G., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (January 2011). Does sleep promote false memories? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23 (1), 26-40. doi:10.1162/jocn.2010.21448

Schmidt, C. (2011). Neueste Forschungsergebnisse des Schlaf/Wachrhythmus [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de l'association Suisse de Diagnostic Neurophysiologique.

Schmidt, C. (2011). It’s about time: circadian and sleep-dependent modulations in cognitive performance [Paper presentation]. Colloquium on Current Themes on Sleep Research and Chronobiology, Zürich, Switzerland.

Schmidt, C. (2011). Homeostatic and Circadian Regulation of Sleep in Humans [Paper presentation]. 2-day master class on sleep and circadian rhythms, Lyon, France.

Schmidt, C. (2011). Circadian and sleep homeostatic interaction patterns on human cognition-related cerebral activity [Paper presentation]. World Association of Sleep Medicine & Canadian Sleep Society Congress, Quebec City, Canada.

Schmidt, C. (2011). Circadian and homeostatic regulation of sleep [Paper presentation]. Master course on sleep and circadian rhythms, Lyon, France.

Schmidt, C. (2011). Chronotype and time-of-day influences on cognition: a behavioral and functional neuroimaging approach [Paper presentation]. Cognitive Neurosciences Seminar, Geneva, Switzerland.

Schmidt, C., & Frey, S. (2011). A time to think: circadian rhythms in human cognition [Paper presentation]. 9ème journée romande de neuropsychologie, Sion, Switzerland.

Albouy, G., Matarazzo, L., Schmidt, C., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Desseilles, M., Dang-Vu, T., Sterpenich, V., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Habib, B., Karni, A., Doyon, J., Korman, M., & Maquet, P. (June 2010). Daytime Sleep Protects Motor Sequence Memory from Interference: An fMRI Study. Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 16th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), Barcelona, Spain.

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (June 2010). Cognitive modulation of fronto-striatal networks in obsessivecompulsive disorder patients. Abstract Book of the congress [Paper presentation]. World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (WCBCT), Boston, United States.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Leclercq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., Tinguely, G., Gais, S., Shabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang-Vu, T., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Cajochen, C., Maquet, P., & Collette, F. (June 2010). Working memory load modulates time-of-day and chronotype effects on task-related BOLD activity. Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 16th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), Barcelona, Spain.

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (May 2010). Cognitive modulation of fronto-striatal networks in obsessivecompulsive disorder patients.Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 163rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), New- Orleans J, United States.

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Sterpenich, V., Dang Vu, T. T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (April 2010). Cognitive modulation of fronto-striatal networks in obsessivecompulsive disorder patients. Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. 17th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Montreal, Canada.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2010). Response to Comment on “Homeostatic Sleep Pressure and Responses to Sustained Attention in the Suprachiasmatic Area”. Science. doi:10.1126/science.1177949

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T., Schmidt, C., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (March 2010). Cognitive modulation of fronto-striatal networks in obsessivecompulsive disorder patients. Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. Swiss Society of Neurosciences (SSN) Annual Meeting 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Schmidt, C. (March 2010). Chronotype and time-of-day influences on cognition : a behavioral and functional neuroimaging approach [Paper presentation]. Current Topics on Chronobiology and Neurobiology, Basel, Switzerland.

Balteau, E., Schmidt, C., Maquet, P., & Phillips, C. (2010). Brainstem specific warping improves locus coeruleus functional imaging in humans. Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine ... Scientific Meeting and Exhibition. International Society For Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Scientific Meeting and Exhibition.

Cajochen, C., Chellappa, S. L., & Schmidt, C. (2010). What keeps us awake? The role of clocks and hourglasses, light, and melatonin. International Review of Neurobiology, 93, 57-90. doi:10.1016/S0074-7742(10)93003-1

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T., Schmidt, C., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz. (January 2010). Cognitive modulation of fronto-striatal networks in obsessivecompulsive disorder patients [Paper presentation]. Alpine Brain Imaging Meeting, Champéry, Switzerland.

Matarazzo, L., Albouy, G., Foret, A., Mascetti, L., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., Sterpenich, V., Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., Vogel, R., & Maquet, P. (2010). When a nap is not enough: sleep-related offline improvement of perceptual visual learning as assessed by fMRI. Journal of Sleep Research, 19 (s2).

Schmidt, C. (2010). Time of day and chronotype modulations in the cerebral correlates underlying cognitive performance [Paper presentation]. Neurex workshop, Basel, Switzerland.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Leclercq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., Berthomier, P., Berthomier, C., Tinguely, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T., Salmon, E., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Cajochen, C., ... Collette, F. (2010). Working memory load modulates time-of-day and chronotype effects on task-related BOLD activity. NeuroImage, 51 (Suppl. 1).

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Leclercq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Phillips, C., Berthomier, P., Berthomier, C., Tinguely, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Salmon, E., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Cajochen, C., ... Collette, F. (2010). Working memory load affects chronotype- and time-of-day dependent cerebral activity modulations. Journal of Sleep Research, 19 (Suppl. 2).

Schmidt, C. (2009). Chronotype and time-of-day influences on cognition in young and elderly subjects : a behavioral and functional neuroimaging approach [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T. T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Matarazzo, L., Mascetti, L., Foret, A., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (July 2009). Increased filtering of irrelevant information in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patient. Abstract Book [Paper presentation]. 1st Congress of International College of Affective Neurosciences, Florence, Italy.

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T. T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Matarazzo, L., Mascetti, L., Foret, A., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., Schwartz, S., & Phillips, C. (June 2009). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant information in depressed patients [Poster presentation]. 15th Annual Meeting of the OHBM (Organization for Human Brain Mapping), San Francisco, United States.

Collette, F., Schmidt, C., Scherrer, C., Adam, S., & Salmon, E. (26 April 2009). Specificity of Inhibitory Deficits in Normal Aging and Alzheimer's Disease. Neurobiology of Aging, 30, 875-889. doi:10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2007.09.007

Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Dang Vu, T. T., Desseilles, M., Phillips, C., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Collette, F., Luxen, A., & Maquet, P. (April 2009). Sleep promotes the neural reorganization of remote emotional memory. Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (16), 5143-52. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0561-09.2009

Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang Vu, T., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Peters, F., Schmidt, C., Schabus, M., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (2009). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant visual information in depression. NeuroImage, 45 (Suppl. 1).

Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang Vu, T. T., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Peters, F., Schmidt, C., Schabus, M., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (2009). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant visual information in depression. Journal of Neuroscience, 29 (5), 1395-403. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3341-08.2009

Desseilles, M., Muselle, A., Devue, C., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang Vu, T. T., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Matarazzo, L., Mascetti, L., Foret, A., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (2009). Increased filtering of irrelevant information in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patient [Poster presentation]. First Congress of International College of Affective Neurosciences, Firenza, Italy.

Desseilles, M., Scwartz, S., Dang Vu, T., Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Schmidt, C., Salmon, E., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., & Maquet, P. (2009). Neurobiological bases of suicidality in major depression. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 9 (Suppl. 1).

Lopez, U., Habre, W., Laurencon, M., Willems, S., Schmidt, C., Van der Linden, M., & Iselin-Chaves, I. (2009). Does implicit memory during anaesthesia persist in children? British Journal of Anaesthesia, 102 (3), 379–84. doi:10.1093/bja/aen404

Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Leclercq, Y., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Berthomier, P., Berthomier, C., Phillips, C., Tinguely, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T. T., Salmon, E., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., ... Peigneux, P. (2009). Homeostatic sleep pressure and responses to sustained attention in the suprachiasmatic area. Science, 324 (5926), 516-9. doi:10.1126/science.1167337

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Fadista, A., & Collette, F. (2009). The influence of time of day and age on Stroop performance: a comparison of two temporal aspects [Poster presentation]. Cognitive Aging: Research and Practice, Toronto, Canada.

Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T. T., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Peters, F., Schmidt, C., Schabus, M., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (11 July 2008). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant information in depressed patients Abstract Book of the conference [Paper presentation]. Symposium of the International Master in Affective Neuroscience, Florence, Italy.

Desseilles, M., Balteau, E., Sterpenich, V., Dang-Vu, T. T., Darsaud, A., Vandewalle, G., Albouy, G., Salmon, E., Peters, F., Schmidt, C., Schabus, M., Gais, S., Degueldre, C., Phillips, C., Luxen, A., Ansseau, M., Maquet, P., & Schwartz, S. (15 March 2008). Abnormal neural filtering of irrelevant information in depressed patients. Abstract Book of the congress [Paper presentation]. 1ère Journée de l'Ecole Doctorale en Médecine Clinique et Expérimentale FRS-FNRS, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Rauchs, G., Orban, P., Balteau, E., Schmidt, C., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., & Peigneux, P. (31 January 2008). Partially Segregated Neural Networks for Spatial and Contextual Memory in Virtual Navigation. Hippocampus, 18 (5), 503-518. doi:10.1002/hipo.20411

Majerus, S., Belayachi, S., De Smedt, B., Leclercq, A.-L., Martinez Perez, T., Schmidt, C., Weekes, B., & Maquet, P. (2008). Neural networks for short-term memory for order differentiate high and low proficiency bilinguals. NeuroImage, 42, 1698-1713. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2008.06.003

Rauchs, G., Orban, P., Schmidt, C., Albouy, G., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Schnakers, C., Sterpenich, V., Tinguerly, G., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., & Peigneux, P. (2008). Sleep modulates the neural substrates of both spatial and contextual memory consolidation. PLoS ONE, 3 (8), 2949. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002949

Schmidt, C. (2008). Encoding difficulty promotes post-learning changes in spindle activity during learning [Paper presentation]. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Linz, Austria.

Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Tinguely, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T., Hogge, M., Salmon, E., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Cajochen, C., & Peigneux, P. (2008). Owl or lark? Stroop-related cerebral activity is modulated by time of day and chronotype. Journal of Sleep Research, 17 (Suppl. 1).

Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Sterpenich, V., Vandewalle, G., Tinguely, G., Darsaud, A., Gais, S., Schabus, M., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T., Salmon, E., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., Cajochen, C., & Peigneux, P. (2008). Chronotype-dependent performance modulation according to time of day : a functional neuroimaging approach. NeuroImage, 41 (Suppl. 1).

Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Cajochen, C., & Peigneux, P. (October 2007). A Time to Think: Circadian Rhythms in Human Cognition. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 24 (7), 755-89. doi:10.1080/02643290701754158

Ruby, P., Schmidt, C., Hogge, M., D'Argembeau, A., Collette, F., & Salmon, E. (April 2007). Social mind representation: Where does it fail in frontotemporal dementia? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19 (4), 671-683. doi:10.1162/jocn.2007.19.4.671

Schmidt, C. (2007). Influence of Chronotype and Time of Day in Cognitive Performance and Cerebral Activity [Paper presentation]. Annual forum of the Lundbeck-BCNBP organization, Gent, Belgium.

Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Cajochen, C., & Peigneux, P. (2007). The influences of time of day and circadian preference on cognitive functions : a comparison of two temporal aspects [Poster presentation]. ESRS workshop, Barcelona, Spain.

Schmidt, C., Collette, F., Cajochen, C., & Peigneux, P. (2007). Influence du moment de la journée et de la préférence circadienne sur le fonctionnement cognitif: Comparaison de deux aspects temporels [Paper presentation]. 39ème Congrès de la Société Francophone de Chronobiologie, Paris, France.

Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T. T., & Maquet, P. (2007). Sleep deprivation on the post-encoding night modifies the neural correlates of retrieval of emotional memories 6 months later. Journal of Neuroscience, 27 (Suppl. 1).

Sterpenich, V., Albouy, G., Darsaud, A., Schmidt, C., Vandewalle, G., Desseilles, M., DangVu, T. T., & MAQUET, P. (2007). Sleep deprivation on the post-encoding night modifies the neural correlates of retrieval of emotional memories 6 months later [Poster presentation]. ESRS workshop, Barcelona, Spain.

Vandewalle, G., Schmidt, C., Albouy, G., Sterpenich, V., Darsaud, A., Rauchs, G., Berken, P.-Y., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., & Dijk, D.-J. (2007). Brain responses to violet, blue, and green monochromatic light exposures in humans: prominent role of blue light and the brainstem. PLoS ONE, 2 (11), 1247. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001247

Rauchs, G., Orban, P., Schmidt, C., Balteau, E., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., & Peigneux, P. (September 2006). Sleep-dependent changes in brain activity subserving human navigation. Journal of Sleep Research, 15 (Suppl. 1), 189-190.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Muto, V., Schenkel, M., Knoblauch, V., Münch, M., de Quervain, D. J.-F., Wirz-Justice, A., & Cajochen, C. (30 August 2006). Encoding Difficulty Promotes Postlearning Changes in Sleep. Journal of Neuroscience, 26 (35), 8976-8982. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2464-06.2006

Schmidt, C. (2006). Encoding difficulty promotes post-learning changes in sleep spindle activity during napping [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Schmidt, C. (2006). Encoding difficulty promotes post-learning changes in spindle activity during napping [Paper presentation]. Belgian Association for Studies on Sleep (BASS).

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Muto, V., Schenkel, M., deQuervain, D., Knoblauch, V., Wirz-Justice, A., & Cajochen, C. (2006). Learning-Related Changes in Daytime Sleep EEG Paramters Depends on the Nature of the Word-Pair Associates [Poster presentation]. Tenth Meeting of the Society for Research in Biological Rhythms, Sandestin-Florida, United States.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Muto, V., Schenkel, M., deQuervain, D., Knoblauch, V., Wirz-Justice, A., & Cajochen, C. (2006). Encoding difficulty promotes postlearning changes in sleep spindle activity during Napping [Poster presentation]. 18th Congress of the European Sleep Research Society, Innsbruck, Austria.

Schmidt, C., Peigneux, P., Muto, V., Schenkel, M., Knoblauch, V., deQuervain, D., Wirz-Justice, A., & Cajochen, C. (January 2006). The increase in sleep spindle activity after word-learning depends on the Nature of word-pair associates [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Neursosciene, Basel, Switzerland.

Orban, P., Schmidt, C., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Maquet, P., & Peigneux, P. (June 2005). Post-training sleep promotes long-term cerebral reorganization of topographical learning related networks. A fMRI study [Poster presentation]. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, United States - California.

Peigneux, P., Orban, P., Schmidt, C., Balteau, E., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Collette, F., & MAQUET, P. (June 2005). Long-term persistent neuronal activity and information maintenance in learning-dependent cerebral networks [Poster presentation]. 11th Annual Meeting of the Organisation of Human Brain Mapping, Toronto, Canada.

Schmidt, C., Dang Vu, T. T., Orban, P., Perrin, F., Vandewalle, G., Dijk, D.-J., Collette, F., & Peigneux, P. (2005). Time-of-day modulations of regional cerebral blood flow response in functional brain imaging studies : a meta-analysis. NeuroImage, 26 (Suppl.).

Schmidt, C., Dang Vu, T., Orban, P., Vandewalle, G., Destrebecqz, A., D'Argembeau, A., Garraux, G., Laureys, S., LEKEU, F., Majerus, S., Salmon, E., Perrin, F., Dijk, D.-J., Maquet, P., Collette, F., & Peigneux, P. (2005). Time-of-day modulations of rCBF response in functional brain imaging studies: a meta-analysis. NeuroImage, 26 (Suppl. 1).

Vandewalle, G., Balteau, E., Moreau, V., Albouy, G., Sterpenich, V., Darsaud, A., Desseilles, M., Dang Vu, T., Schmidt, C., Degueldre, C., Luxen, A., Peigneux, P., Dijk, D.-J., & Maquet, P. (2005). Neural Correlates of a Non-Image-Forming Response to Light Exposure During the Daytime: a fMRI Study. NeuroImage, 26 (Suppl. 1).

Schmidt, C. (2004). Étude de l’effet de simple exposition pour les voix et les mots dans le vieillissement [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Ruby, P., Schmidt, C., Hogge, M., D'Argembeau, A., Collette, F., & SALMON, E. (June 2004). Conceptual perspective taking in patients with fronto-temporal dementia [Poster presentation]. 8th Annual Conference of the Association for Scientific Study of Consciousness, Antwerpen, Belgium.

Schmidt, C., Willems, S., Meulemans, T., & Van der Linden, M. (June 2004). Etude de l’effet de simple exposition pour les voix et les mots dans le vieillissement [Poster presentation]. Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Angers, France.

Ruby, P., Schmidt, C., Hogge, M., D'Argembeau, A., Collette, F., & SALMON, E. (April 2004). Perspective taking in patients with fronto-temporal dementia [Poster presentation]. 11th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, United States.

Peigneux, P., Melchior, G., Schmidt, C., Dang Vu, T. T., Boly, M., Laureys, S., & Maquet, P. (2004). Memory processing during sleep: mechanisms and evidence from neuroimaging studies. Psychologica Belgica, 44 (1-2), 121-142.