Publications and communications of Hélène Amory

Amory, H., Cesarini Latorre, C., De Maré, L., Loublier, C., Moula, N., Detilleux, J., Saulmont, M., Garigliany, M.-M.* , & Lecoq, L.*. (30 July 2023). Relationship between the Cycle Threshold Value (Ct) of a Salmonella spp. qPCR Performed on Feces and Clinical Signs and Outcome in Horses. Microorganisms, 11 (8), 1950. doi:10.3390/microorganisms11081950
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Loublier, C., Taminiau, B., Heinen, J., Lecoq, L., Amory, H., Daube, G., & Cesarini, C. (17 January 2023). Evaluation of Bacterial Composition and Viability of Equine Feces after Processing for Transplantation. Microorganisms, 11 (2), 231. doi:10.3390/microorganisms11020231

De Maré, L., Loublier, C., Amory, H., Lecoq, L., & Cesarini Latorre, C. (2023). Reversible congenital bilateral laryngeal paralysis (grade IV) in a foal [Poster presentation]. Farah Day, Liege, Belgium.

Wimmer-Scherr, C., Taminiau, B., Renaud, B., van loon, G., Palmers, K., Votion, D., Amory, H., Daube, G., & Cesarini Latorre, C. (15 February 2021). Comparison of Fecal Microbiota of Horses Suffering from Atypical Myopathy and Healthy Co-Grazers. Animals, 11 (506). doi:10.3390/ani11020506

Drábková, Z., Amory, H., Kabeš, R., Melková, P., & van Loon, G. (October 2020). Partial atrioventricular septal defect in an adult sport horse. Journal of Veterinary Cardiology, 31, 8-14. doi:10.1016/j.jvc.2020.06.003

Cerri, S., Taminiau, B., Haché-Carré de Lusancay, A., Lecoq, L., Amory, H., Daube, G., & Cesarini Latorre, C. (2020). Effect of oral administration of omeprazole on the microbiota of the gastric glandular mucosa and feces of healthy horses. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 34, 2727–2737. doi:10.1111/jvim.15937

Leroux, A. A., Moonen, M., Farnir, F., Deleuze, S., Sandersen, C., & Amory, H. (2020). Two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography in goats: Repeatability, variability, and validation of the technique using an exercise test and an experimentally induced acute ischemic cardiomyopathy. BMC Veterinary Research, 16 (1). doi:10.1186/s12917-020-02277-8

Votion, D., François, A.-C., Renaud, B., Wouters, C., Farinelle, A., BOEMER, F., CELLO, C., Amory, H., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Richard, E., & Gustin, P. (2019). La myopathie atypique : le top 10 des dernières nouvelles. In C. Mespoulhès, Proceeding Journée AVEF (Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français) (pp. 102-104). France: Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français.

Salciccia, A., Lopez Arevalo, D., Maes, A., Croubels, S., Busoni, V., Detilleux, J., Sandersen, C., & Amory, H. (2019). Cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal and behavioral effects of intravenous lidocaine in healthy, conscious horses and evaluation of their relationship with lidocaine and monoethylglycinexylidide serum concentrations. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 88 (2), 67-76.

Saegerman, C., Leinartz, L., Amory, H., Bolen, G., Busoni, V., Cassart, D., Claeys, S., Dufrasne, I., Duprez, J.-N., Gabriel, A., Gommeren, K., Grulke, S., Guyot, H., Korsak Koulagenko, N., Laitat, M., Losson, B., Mainil, J., Marlier, D., Rollin, F., ... Humblet, M.-F. (01 June 2018). Teaching biosecurity standard operating procedures in the Veterinary Faculty, University of Liege, using eCampus learning platform [Poster presentation]. EAEVE General Assembly, Hannover, Germany.

Toppets, V., Schaffer, P., Lecomte, B., Jérôme, F., Amory, H., & Antoine, N. (01 June 2018). Introducing e-learning and imaging technology into histology practical classes in veterinary medicine: Effects on student motivation and learning quality [Poster presentation]. EAEVE General Assembly 2018, Hannover, Germany.

Cerri, S., Taminiau, B., Votion, D., Amory, H., Daube, G., & Cesarini Latorre, C. (02 November 2017). Comparison of faecal microbiota of horses suffering from atypical myopathy and healthy co-grazers [Poster presentation]. 10th annual congress of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine (ECEIM), Budapest, Hungary.

BOEMER, F., Detilleux, J., CELLO, C., Amory, H., Marcillaud-Pitel, C., Richard, E., Van Galen, G., van Loon, G., Lefère, L., & Votion, D. (2017). Acylcarnitines profile best predicts survival in horses with atypical myopathy. PLoS ONE, 1-16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0182761

Cesarini Latorre, C., Cerri, S., Leroux, A., Lecoq, L., Grulke, S., Salciccia, A., & Amory, H. (2017). Use of a commercial high-fibre equine liquid diet for enteral tube feeding in horses: clinical experience in 9 cases. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 31, 612.

Van Galen, G., Rijckaert, J., Mair, T., Amory, H., Armengou, L., Bezdekova, B., Durie, I., Findshoj Delany, R., Fouche, N., Haley, L., Hewetson, M., van den Hoven, R., Kendall, A., Malalana, F., Muller Cavalleri, J., Picavet, T., Roscher, K., Verwilghen, D., Westermann, C., & Saegerman, C. (2017). Retrospective evaluation of 155 adult equids and 21 foals with tetanus from Western, Northern, and Central Europe (2000-2014). Part 2: Prognostic assessment. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. doi:10.1111/vec.12669

Van Galen, G., Saegerman, C., Rijckaert, J., Amory, H., Armengou, L., Bezdekova, B., Durie, I., Findshoj Delany, R., Fouche, N., Haley, L., Hewetson, M., van den Hoven, R., Kendall, A., Malalana, F., Muller Cavalleri, J., Picavet, T., Roscher, K., Verwilghen, D., Wehrli Eser, M., ... Mair, T. (2017). Retrospective evaluation of 155 adult equids and 21 foals with tetanus in Western, Northern, and Central Europe (2000-2014). Part 1: Description of history and clinical evolution. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. doi:10.1111/vec.12668

Meersschaert, C., Cerri, S., Houben rosa, R., Pitel, P.-H., De Waele, V., Hendrickx, G., & Amory, H. (08 September 2016). Seroprevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi in horses in the southern part of Belgium: a “one health” driven study [Paper presentation]. AESA congress, Liège, Belgium.

Broux, B., Gryspeerdt, A., Amory, H., Frippiat, T., Pardon, B., Gasthuys, F., Legrand, L., & Deprez, P. (2016). Prevalence of respiratory pathogens in nasal swabs from horses with acute respiratory disease in Belgium. Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 85 (4), 221-224. doi:10.21825/vdt.v85i4.16332

Rodriguez Diaz, C., Taminiau, B., Brévers, B., Avesani, V., Van Broeck, J., Leroux, A., Gallot, M., Bruwier, A., Amory, H., Delmée, M., & Daube, G. (16 September 2015). Faecal microbiota characterisation of horses using 16 rdna barcoded pyrosequencing, and carriage rate of clostridium difficile at hospital admission. BMC Microbiology, 15, 181. doi:10.1186/s12866-015-0514-5


Lecoq, L., Leroux, A., Brihoum, M., Rollin, F., Salciccia, A., de la Rebière de Pouyade, G., Moula, N., & Amory, H. (2015). EVALUATION OF THE CARDIOMYOTOXIC EFFECTS OF DOXYCYCLINE OVERDOSE IN CALVES USING 2-DIMENSIONAL SPECKLE TRACKING. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 29 (4), 1254.

Amory, H., Houben, R., Pitel, P.-H., & Meersschaert, C. (15 November 2014). Borréliose: mythe ou réalité ? [Paper presentation]. 31th annual congress of the Belgian Equine Practitioners Society (BEPS), Leuven, Belgium.

Borde, L., Amory, H., Grulke, S., Leroux, A., HOUBEN, R., Detilleux, J., & Sandersen, C. (2014). Prognostic value of echocardiographic and Doppler parameters in horses admitted for colic complicated by systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 24 (3), 302-310. doi:10.1111/vec.12177

Al Haidar, A., Leroux, A., & Amory, H. (September 2013). L’insuffisance mitrale chez le cheval : revue de la littérature et comparaison avec la pathologie chez l’homme et chez le chien. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 157 (1), 52-68.

Caron, Y., Borde, L., Losson, B., & Amory, H. (2013). La vermifugation régulière systématique des chevaux est-elle vraiment nécessaire ? Veterinaria: Bulletin d'Information de l'Union Syndicale Vétérinaire Belge.

Leroux, A., Farnir, F., Moonen, M., Sandersen, C., Deleuze, S., & Amory, H. (October 2012). Repeatability, variability and reference values of pulsed wave Doppler echocardiographic measurements in healthy Saanen goats. BMC Veterinary Research, 8, 190. doi:10.1186/1746-6148-8-190

Leroux, A., Moonen, M., Farnir, F., Sandersen, C., Deleuze, S., Salciccia, A., & Amory, H. (February 2012). Two-dimensional and M-mode echocardiographic reference values in healthy adult Saanen goats. Veterinary Record, 170 (6), 154. doi:10.1136/vr.100192

Amory, H. (2011). Tétanos chez le cheval: quand y penser et que faire ? In In Proceedings of the 39ème journées annuelles de l'Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français (AVEF).

Amory, H. (2011). Quelle importance accorder à une arythmie lors d'une visite d'achat ? In In Proceedings of the 39ème journées annuelles de l'Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français (AVEF).

Amory, H. (2011). Peut-on traiter l'insuffisance cardiaque chez le cheval ? In In Proceedings of the 39ème journées annuelles de l'Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français (AVEF).

Amory, H. (2011). Botulisme: réalité ou fiction ? In In Proceedings of the 39ème journées annuelles de l'Association des Vétérinaires Equins Français (AVEF).

Amory, H. (2011). How to perform the diagnosis in a case with icterus ? In In proceedings of the II Encontro de Formação da Ordem dos Médicos Veterinários.

Amory, H. (2011). How to perform the diagnosis in a case with anemia ? In H. Amory (Ed.), In proceedings of the II Encontro de Formação da Ordem dos Médicos Veterinários.

Al Haidar, A., Sandersen, C., Farnir, F., & Amory, H. (18 March 2011). Effects of age on echocardiographic measurements in healthy horses of the half-blood breed [Poster presentation]. First Benelux Congress on Physiology and Pharmacology (PHYSPHAR), Liège, Belgium.

Amory, H., Votion, D., Fraipont, A., Farnir, F., Goachet, A. G., Robert, C., Al Haidar, A., & Van Erck, E. (2011). Altered diastolic and systolic left ventricular function in horses completing a long distance endurance race. In In Proccedings of the First Benelux Congress of Physiology and Pharmacology (PHYSPHAR).

pequito, M., Amory, H., Peters, F., de Moffarts, B., Busoni, V., Serteyn, D., & Sandersen, C. (18 March 2011). Reversal of acepromazine-induced hemodynamic alterations by norepinephrine in standing horses [Poster presentation]. First Benelux Congress on Physiology and Pharmacology (PHYSPHAR), Liège, Belgium.

Amory, H. (2011). Propédeutique dans l’espèce équine. (ULiège - Université de Liège, VETE0447-C-a).

Brihoum, M., Rollin, F., Desmecht, D., Detilleux, J., & Amory, H. (2011). Clinical evaluation of cardiac effects of experimental doxycycline overdosing in healthy calves. BMC Veterinary Research, 7, 40-45. doi:10.1186/1746-6148-7-40

Amory, H. (2010). Echography in the equine athlete. Cardio & Sport 2010, 24, 19-23.

Brihoum, M., Amory, H., Desmecht, D., Cassart, D., Deleuze, S., & Rollin, F. (2010). Descriptive study of 32 cases of doxycycline-overdosed calves. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 24 (5), 1203-10. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2010.0560.x

Brihoum, M., Rollin, F., & Amory, H. (2009). Les cardiomyopathies dans l’espèce bovine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 153 (3), 156-163.

Sandersen, C., Mc Entee, K., Deleuze, S., Detilleux, J., & Amory, H. (2009). Cardiac Power Output during Dobutamine Stress. Journal of Equine Veterinary Science. doi:10.1016/j.jevs.2009.02.005

Guyot, H., Sartelet, A., Leidinger, K., Vandeputte, S., Rollin, F., Amory, H., & Sandersen, C. (10 July 2008). Serum cardiac troponin I concentrations as a diagnostic aid of pericarditis in cattle [Poster presentation]. XXVth World Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary.

Sandersen, C., Dringenberg, B., Vandeputte, S., Sartelet, A., Amory, H., & Guyot, H. (10 July 2008). Whole blood viscosity and viscoelasticity in healthy dairy cows [Poster presentation]. XXVth Wolrd Buiatrics Congress, Budapest, Hungary.

Delguste, C., Amory, H., Guyonnet, J., Thibaud, D., Garnero, P., Detilleux, J., Lepage, O. M., & Doucet, M. (April 2008). Comparative Pharmacokinetics of Two Intravenous Administration Regimens of Tiludronate in Healthy Adult Horses and Effects on the Bone Resorption Marker Ctx-1. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 31 (2), 108-16. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2885.2007.00936.x

Amory, H., Lopez Arevaldo, D., Maes, A., Croubels, S., Busoni, V., Salciccia, A., & Sandersen, C. (January 2008). Effects of intravenous lidocaïne in healthy adult horses [Poster presentation]. 10th International Congress of World Equine Veterinary Association, Moscow, Russia.

Porter, S. R., Saegerman, C., van Galen, G., Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2008). Vegetative endocarditis in equids (1994--2006). Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 22 (6), 1411-6. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2008.0192.x

Sandersen, C., Remy, B., Olejnik, D., & Amory, H. (2008). Intérêt de la troponine sérique en tant que marqueur d’une atteinte du myocarde en médecine vétérinaire. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire.

Delguste, C., Lepage, O. M., Amory, H., & Doucet, M. (2007). Pharmacologie clinique des bisphosphonates : revue de littérature axée sur le tiludronate chez le cheval. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 151, 269-280.

Sandersen, C., & Amory, H. (2007). Diagnostic differentiel du syndrome "piro-like" chez les équidés. In Bulletin des Journées Nationales des GTV.

Sandersen, C., & Amory, H. (2007). Approche cliniques de la fièvre inconnue chez le cheval. In Bulletin des journées nationales des GTV.

Sandersen, C., & Amory, H. (2006). Stress echocardiography in horses - a review. Pferdeheilkunde. doi:10.21836/pem20060514

Janda, J., Guyot, H., Sandersen, C., Amory, H., & Rollin, F. (May 2006). Fully automated heart rate variability assessment in dairy cows. Acta Physiologica, 187 (Suppl 651), 16.

Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., De Moffarts, B., Van Loon, G., & Amory, H. (2006). Effect of atropine-dobutamine stress test on left ventricular echocardio graphic parameters in untrained warmblood horses. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. doi:10.1111/j.1939-1676.2006.tb02899.x

Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., Delguste, C., Pierard, L., Van Loon, G., & Amory, H. (2005). Atropine reduces dobutamine-induced side effects in ponies undergoing a pharmacological stress protocol. Equine Veterinary Journal. doi:10.2746/0425164054223868

Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., Delguste, C., Guyot, H., Gaciu, F., Van Loon, G., & Amory, H. (2003). Stress echocardiography in horses: comparison of cardiac output during incremental dobutamine infusion in atropinised and non-atropinised ponies. In Proceedings of the 42d Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinairy Association.

Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Cassart, D., Grulke, S., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2003). Overo lethal white syndrome - two case reports and a review of the litterature. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 147 (5, OCT-NOV), 359-364.

Sandersen, C., Detilleux, J., Delguste, C., Gaciu, F., Mc Entee, K., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2003). Use of atropine to inhibit vagally mediated baroreceptor reflex in horses undergoing dobutamine stress test. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 446 (5), 4.

Sandersen, C., Guyot, H., Vandeputte, S., Carstanjen, B., Amory, H., & Rollin, F. (2003). Speed of sound measurements in the evaluation of bone properties in Holstein-Friesian cows: a preliminary study. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica. Supplementum, (Suppl 97), 149.

Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Debrue, M., Becker, M., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2002). Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac performance during stimulation with dobutamine in conscious horses: a preliminary study. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinairy Association.

Cambier, C., Clerbaux, T., Amory, H., Detry, B., Florquin, S., Marville, V., Frans, A., & Gustin, P. (2002). Mechanisms controlling the oxygen consumption in experimentally induced hypochloremic alkalosis in calves. Veterinary Research, 33, 697-708. doi:10.1051/vetres:2002050

Carstanjen, B., Sulon, J., Banga-Mboko, H., Wattiez, R., Amory, H., Lepage, O., & Remy, B. (2002). Isolation and Radioimmunoassay Formation of Equine Osteocalcin- Preliminary Results. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement, 6 (1), 8-9.

Carstanjen, B., Wattiez, R., Amory, H., Lepage, O. M., & Remy, B. (2002). Isolement et caractérisation de l'ostéocalcine équine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 146, 31-38.

Delguste, C., Cassart, D., Baise, E., Linden, A., Schwarzwald, C., Feige, K., Sandersen, C., Rollin, F., & Amory, H. (2002). Myopathies atypiques chez les chevaux au pré: une série de cas en Belgique. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 146 (4, AUG-SEP), 235-247.

Delguste, C., de Moffarts, B., Sandersen, C., Debrue, M., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2002). Serum vitamin E concentrations in a group of horses, with a high incidence of equine motor neurone disease. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 444 (1-2), 3.

Delguste, C., de Moffarts, B., Sandersen, C., Debrue, M., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2002). Evolution of serum vitamine E concentration in horses living in a stable affected by equine motor neurone disease (EMND). In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Congress of the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA).

Sandersen, C., Delguste, C., Becker, M., Debrue, M., Guyot, H., & Amory, H. (2002). Echocardiographic evaluation of cardiac performance during stimulation with dobutamine in conscious horses: a preliminary study. Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of Physiology, 444 (1-2), 4.

Sandersen, C., Guyot, H., Vandeputte, S., Detilleux, J., Carstanjen, B., Amory, H., & Rollin, F. (2002). Speed of sound measurements in the evaluation of bone properties in Holstein. In Proceedings of the XXII World Buiatrics Congress.

Amory, H., Beco, L., Desmecht, D., Jacquinet, E., Vandenput, S., & Lomba, F. (1997). Pemphigus foliacé dans l'espèce équine : synthèse et description de 2 cas. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 141, 139-148.

Art, T., Votion, D., Mc Entee, K., Amory, H., Linden, A., Close, R., & Lekeux, P. (1994). Cardio-respiratory, haematological and biochemical parameter adjustments to exercise: effect of a probiotic in horses during training. Veterinary Research, 25 (4), 361-370.

Linden, A., Massart-Leen, M., Art, T., Amory, H., Desmecht, D., Rollin, F., & Lekeux, P. (1990). Characterization of the physiological work by measurement of plasma cortisol values in horses competing in 5 different sports disciplines. In Archives Internationales de Physiologie et de Biochimie (pp. 56).

Amory, H., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1988). Techniques d'investigation de la fonction cardiaque chez les animaux domestiques. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 132, 651-665.

Amory, H., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1988). Effects de l'entraînement sur la fonction cardio-respiratoire et sur la température rectale chez le poney. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 132, 201-216.

Amory, H., Art, T., & Lekeux, P. (1988). Adaptation cardio-respiratoire et thermorégulatrice à l'effort et à l'entraînement dans l'espèce équine. Annales de Médecine Vétérinaire, 132, 181-199.