Publications and communications of Florian Poulain

Lejeune, N. M., Mathieu, S., Decloux, A., Poulain, F., Blockx, Z., Raymond, K., Willemart, K. V., Vartanian, J.-P., Suspène, R., & Gillet, N. (February 2023). The APOBEC3B cytidine deaminase is an adenovirus restriction factor. PLoS Pathogens, 19 (2), 1011156. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1011156

Lejeune, N. M., Poulain, F., Willemart, K. V., Blockx, Z., Mathieu, S., & Gillet, N. (June 2021). Infection of Bronchial Epithelial Cells by the Human Adenoviruses A12, B3, and C2 Differently Regulates the Innate Antiviral Effector APOBEC3B. Journal of Virology, 95 (13). doi:10.1128/jvi.02413-20

Bielarz, V. R., Willemart, K. V., Avalosse, N. M., Swert, K., Lotfi, R., Lejeune, N. M., Poulain, F., Ninanne, N., Gilloteaux, J., Gillet, N., & Nicaise, C. (May 2021). Susceptibility of neuroblastoma and glioblastoma cell lines to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Brain Research, 1758, 147344. doi:10.1016/j.brainres.2021.147344

Coupeau, D., Burton, N., Lejeune, N. M., Loret, S., Petit, A., Pejakovic, S., Poulain, F., Bonil, L., Trozzi, G., Wiggers, L., Willemart, K. V., André, E., Laenen, L., Cuypers, L., Ranst, M., Bogaerts, P., Muylkens, B., & Gillet, N. (August 2020). SARS-CoV-2 Detection for Diagnosis Purposes in the Setting of a Molecular Biology Research Lab. Methods and Protocols, 3 (3), 59. doi:10.3390/mps3030059

Poulain, F., Lejeune, N. M., Willemart, K. V., & Gillet, N. (August 2020). Footprint of the host restriction factors APOBEC3 on the genome of human viruses. PLoS Pathogens, 16 (8), 1008718. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1008718

Benyelles, M., Episkopou, H., O\textquotesingleDonohue, M.-F. O., Kermasson, L., Frange, P., Poulain, F., Belen, F., Polat, M., Bole-Feysot, C., Langa-Vives, F., Gleizes, P.-E., Villartay, J.-P., Callebaut, I., Decottignies, A., & Revy, P. (June 2019). Impaired telomere integrity and rRNA biogenesis in PARN-deficient patients and knock-out models. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 11 (7). doi:10.15252/emmm.201810201

Diman, A. L., Boros, J., Poulain, F., Rodriguez, J., Purnelle, M., Episkopou, H., Bertrand, L., Francaux, M., Deldicque, L., & Decottignies, A. (July 2016). Nuclear respiratory factor 1 and endurance exercise promote human telomere transcription. Science Advances, 2 (7). doi:10.1126/sciadv.1600031