Publications and communications of Michael Renard

Ancion, M., Luyckx, M., Renard, M., Reynders, C., Lerho, T., Bruyère, D., Hendrick, E., Pilard, C., RONCARATI, P., Herfs, M., & Hubert, P. (12 June 2023). Approach using "second generation" immune checkpoint inhibitors for the treatment of triple-negative breast cancer [Poster presentation]. EACR 2023, Turin, Italy.

Reynders, C., RONCARATI, P., Ancion, M., Lerho, T., Luyckx, M., Renard, M., Delvenne, P., Hubert, P., & Herfs, M. (02 February 2023). Histopathological characterization of esophageal tumors and potential involvement of high-risk HPV in carcinogenesis [Poster presentation]. Séminaire des chercheurs Télévie 2023.

Bruyere, D., RONCARATI, P., Lebeau, A., Lerho, T., Poulain, F., Hendrick, E., Pilard, C., Reynders, C., Ancion, M., Luyckx, M., Renard, M., Jacob, Y., Twizere, J.-C., Peiffer, R., Peulen, O., Delvenne, P., Hubert, P., McBride, A., Gillet, N., ... Herfs, M. (2023). Human papillomavirus E6/E7 oncoproteins promote radiotherapy-mediated tumor suppression by globally hijacking host DNA damage repair. Theranostics, 13 (3), 1130 - 1149. doi:10.7150/thno.78091