Publications and communications of Pablo Padilla

Articles accepted in reviewed journal

Padilla, P., Herrel, A., & Denoël, M. (2024). Invading new climates at what cost? Ontogenetic differences in the thermal dependence of metabolic rate in an invasive amphibian. Journal of Thermal Biology, 121, 103836. doi:10.1016/j.jtherbio.2024.103836

Padilla, P., Herrel, A., & Denoël, M. (December 2023). What makes a great invader? Anatomical traits as predictors of locomotor performance and metabolic rate in an invasive frog. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226 (24), 246717. doi:10.1242/jeb.246717

Padilla, P., Herrel, A., & Denoël, M. (June 2023). May future climate change promote the invasion of the marsh frog? An integrative thermo-physiological study. Oecologia, 202 (2), 227-238. doi:10.1007/s00442-023-05402-0

Denoël, M., Duret, C., Lorrain-Soligon, L., Padilla, P., Pavis, J., Pille, F., Tendron, P., Ficetola, G. F., & Falaschi, M. (November 2022). High habitat invasibility unveils the invasiveness potential of water frogs. Biological Invasions, 24 (11), 3447-3459. doi:10.1007/s10530-022-02849-9

Padilla, P., Tallis, J., Hurst, J., Courant, J., James, R., & Herrel, A. (2020). Do muscle contractile properties drive differences in locomotor performance in invasive populations of Xenopus laevis in France? Journal of Comparative Physiology. B, Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology. doi:10.1007/s00360-020-01310-4

Padilla, P., Ducret, V., Bonneaud, C., Courant, J., & Herrel, A. (2019). Acclimation temperature effects on locomotor traits in adult aquatic anurans (X. tropicalis and X. laevis) from different lattitudes: possible implications for climate change. Conservation Physiology.

Oral presentations in conferences with scientific selection committee

Padilla, P., Herrel, A., & Denoël, M. (16 January 2023). Warmer is better for an invasive frog species [Paper presentation]. SICB+ 2023.