Publications and communications of Laura Vandries

de Bournonville, M.-P., de Bournonville, C., Vandries, L., Nys, G., Fillet, M., Ball, G., Balthazart, J., & Cornil, C. (2021). Rapid changes in brain estrogen concentration during male sexual behavior are site and stimulus specific. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 20130. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-99497-1

Vandries, L., Ghorbanpoor, S., Cornez, G., Shevchouk, O., Ball, G., Cornil, C., & Balthazart, J. (2019). Testosterone or estradiol when implanted in the medial preoptic nucleus trigger short low-amplitude songs in female canaries. eNeuro, 6 (2), 0502-18.2019. doi:10.1523/ENEURO.0502-18.2019