Publications and communications of Veerle Rots

Asryan, L., & Rots, V. (2024). Exploring Basalt: A Methodological Framework for Analysing Wear Traces on Basalt Tools. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. doi:10.1007/s10816-024-09663-8

Cnuts, D., & Rots, V. (04 April 2024). Demonstrating the Potential of Stone Tool Residues in Reconstructing Palaeolithic Stone Tool Technologies [Paper presentation]. 65th Annual Meeting of the Hugo Obermaier Society, Weimar, Germany.

Touzé, O., Coppe, J., Taipale, N., & Rots, V. (2024). A morphometric and functional dataset on the lithic points from the Upper Palaeolithic site of Maisières-Canal (Province of Hainaut, Belgium). doi:10.58119/ULG/LAFHVF

Conard, N. J., & Rots, V. (02 February 2024). Rope making in the Aurignacian of Central Europe more than 35,000 years ago. Science Advances, 10 (5), 5217. doi:10.1126/sciadv.adh5217

Lokker, A., Stefanuto, P.-H., Cnuts, D., Rots, V., & Focant, J.-F. (2024). A novel non-destructive identification method of prehistoric hafting adhesives with DHS-GC×GC- TOFMS [Paper presentation]. HTC-18.

Coppe, J., Taipale, N., & Rots, V. (25 October 2023). Terminal ballistic analysis of impact fractures reveals the use of spearthrower 31 ky ago at Maisières-Canal, Belgium. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), 18305. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-45554-w

Barham, L., Duller, G. A. T., Candy, I., Scott, C., Cartwright, C. R., Peterson, J. R., Kabukcu, C., Chapot, M. S., Melia, F., Rots, V., George, N., Taipale, N., Gethin, P., & Nkombwe, P. (2023). Evidence for the earliest structural use of wood at least 476,000 years ago. Nature. doi:10.1038/s41586-023-06557-9

Baumann, M., Plisson, H., Maury, S., Renou, S., Coqueugniot, H., Vanderesse, N., Kolobova, K., Shnaider, S., Rots, V., Guérin, G., & Rendu, W. (2023). On the Quina side: A Neanderthal bone industry at Chez-Pinaud site, France. PLoS ONE, 18 (6), 0284081. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0284081

Lokker, A., Stefanuto, P.-H., Oberholzer, R., Cnuts, D., Perrault, K., Dubois, L., Zanella, D., Reifarth, N., Rots, V., & Focant, J.-F. (2023). GC×GC-TOFMS for Archeological Artefact Volalolomics [Paper presentation]. Journée club Lyonais chromato.

Noiret, P., & Rots, V. (2023). Avant-propos. In D. Cliquet & J.-P. Coutard, Les environnements des occupations humaines pléistocènes de Normandie (France) et des îles anglo-normandes dans leur cadre chronologique. Des milieux et des hommes (pp. 13). Liège, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Liège.

Taipale, N., Lepers, C., & Rots, V. (2023). Blind-testing the quartz microwear method. In J. Apel & L. Sundström (Eds.), Stones. Current Stone Age research in northern Europe. Uppsala, Sweden: Uppsala University.

Coppe, J., & Rots, V. (27 October 2022). A referential framework for the identification of projectile points and propulsion modes built at the TraceoLab [Paper presentation]. 6ème CONEXP: Congrès International d'Archéologie Expérimentale, Pézénas, France.

Lokker, A., Stefanuto, P.-H., Oberholzer, R., Cnuts, D., Focant, J.-F., & Rots, V. (29 September 2022). Non-destructive identification of prehistoric adhesives by HS-GCxGC-TOFMS: preliminary study [Poster presentation]. MaSC 10th meeting, Bordeaux, France.

Tydgadt, L., & Rots, V. (2022). Stick to it! Mechanical performance tests to explore the resilience of prehistoric glues in hafting. Archaeometry. doi:10.1111/arcm.12779

Tydgadt, L., & Rots, V. (07 April 2022). Mechanical performance tests to explore the resilience of prehistoric glues in hafting [Paper presentation]. AWRANA 2022, Barcelone, Spain.

Coppe, J., & Rots, V. (05 April 2022). Towards a referential framework for the identification of projectile points and propulsion modes [Paper presentation]. Awrana.

Asryan, L., & Rots, V. (April 2022). Wear traces of basalt tools - an experimental case for archaeological interpretation (BATEX): a new project on micro-wear studies of basalt tools [Poster presentation]. Awrana conference, Barcelona, Spain.

Baumann, M., Vanderesse, N., Plisson, H., Maury, S., Coqueugniot, H., Kolobova, K., Shnaider, S., Rots, V., & Rendu, W. (April 2022). Neanderthal bone tools from inside, at Jonzac, Quina level, France [Poster presentation]. Awrana conference, Barcelona, Spain.

Taipale, N., Chiotti, L., & Rots, V. (2022). Why did hunting weapon design change at Abri Pataud? Lithic use-wear data on armature use and hafting around 24,000–22,000 BP. PLoS ONE, 17 (1), 0262185. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0262185

Tomasso, S., Cnuts, D., Coppe, J., Van gils, M., Geerts, F., De Bie, M., & Rots, V. (2022). Gone with the wind? Evaluating the functional potential of a federmessergruppen assemblage from the eroded dune landscape of Lommel Maatheide [Paper presentation]. 3th Conference of the Association of Archaeological Wear and Residue Analysts, Barcelona, Spain.

Tomasso, S., Cnuts, D., Coppe, J., Geerts, F., Van Gils, M., De Bie, M., & Rots, V. (2021). A closer look at an eroded dune landscape: first functional insights into the Federmessergruppen site of Lommel-Maatheide. Peer Community Journal. doi:10.24072/pcjournal.67

Coppe, J., Taipale, N., & Rots, V. (07 October 2021). Fracture mechanics and the identification of projectiles: what is the influence of raw material? [Paper presentation]. Rock and Roll: 13th International Symposium on Knappable Materials, Tarragona (held on-line), Spain.

Coppe, J., & Rots, V. (07 September 2021). How does a projectile fly? Using Ballistics and Fracture mechanics to try and recognise Palaeolithic weapon systems [Paper presentation]. European Association of Archaeologists, Kiel, Germany.

Coppe, J., Taipale, N., & Rots, V. (26 August 2021). The importance of understanding the influence of raw material on fracture mechanics when searching for projectiles [Paper presentation]. SAfA 2021 - Society of Africanist Archaeologists (SAfA) 25th Biennial Meeting, Oxford, United Kingdom.

Cnuts, D., Tomasso, S., Coppe, J., & Rots, V. (2021). Functioneel onderzoek van Laat-Paleolithische en Vroeg-Mesolithische sites in Vlaanderen. Belgium: Agentschap Onroerend Erfgoed.

Cnuts, D., Tomasso, S., & Rots, V. (2021). Time to shine The effect of metal traces on the functional analysis of lithic artefacts. Notae Praehistoricae, 41, 81-92.

Rots, V. (2021). TRAIL - An Experimental Trace and Residue Reference Library for the functional analysis of stone tools in Liège. ORBi-University of Liège.

Touzé, O., Bodu, P., Coppe, J., & Rots, V. (2021). The site of Ormesson – Les Bossats (Seine-et-Marne, France) around 31 ka cal. BP: Contribution of the Lithic Industry to the Understanding of Site Function and Occupation of the Paris Basin during the Early Gravettian. In O. Touzé, N. Goutas, H. Salomon, ... P. Noiret (Eds.), Les sociétés gravettiennes du Nord-Ouest européen : nouveaux sites, nouvelles données, nouvelles lectures (pp. 155-181). Liège - Bruxelles, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Liège - Société royale belge d'Anthropologie et de Préhistoire.

Rots, V., Hayes, E., Akerman, K., Green, P., Clarkson, C., Lepers, C., Bordes, L., McAdams, C., Foley, E., & Fullagar, R. (January 2020). Hafted Tool-use Experiments with Australian Aboriginal Plant Adhesives: Triodia Spinifex, Xanthorrhoea Grass Tree and Lechenaultia divaricata Mindrie. EXARC Journal, 1.

Taipale, N., & Rots, V. (2020). Revisiting Maisières-Canal (Hainaut, BE): New results on tool use and hafting. Notae Praehistoricae, 40, 105-127.

Taipale, N., Chiotti, L., Conard, N., & Rots, V. (September 2019). Diverse means to an end: domestic tool hafting in the European Upper Palaeolithic [Paper presentation]. 9th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, Liège, Belgium.

Ruta, G., Rots, V., & Mussi, M. (June 2018). Finding a standard procedure in impact-fractures analysis: the case of Grotta di Pozzo (L’Aquila – Italy) [Paper presentation]. UISPP Conference, Paris, France.

Tomasso, S., Cnuts, D., & Rots, V. (28 May 2018). Around the Fire: Understanding the effect of heat exposure on hafting adhesives [Paper presentation]. AWRANA, Nice, France.

Cnuts, D., Tomasso, S., & Rots, V. (16 December 2017). Understanding the transformation of stone tool residues around the fire place: an experimental approach [Paper presentation]. Journée de contact FNRS “Préhistoire – Prehistorie”, Flemalle, Belgium.

Goffette, Q., Rots, V., Polet, C., Cauwe, N., Smith, R., & Smith, T. (December 2017). The worked bone industry and intrusive fauna associated with the prehistoric cave burials of Abri des Autours (Belgium). Anthropozoologica, 52 (2), 185-201. doi:10.5252/az2017n2a4

Tomasso, S., & Rots, V. (November 2017). Apport de l’analyse tracéologique à la compréhension de l’assemblage lithique atérien d’Ifri n’Ammar [Paper presentation]. RQM 9 - Quaternaire des plaines et plateaux côtiers atlantiques marocains : géomorphologie, préhistoire, paléo-environnements, Safi, Morocco.

Taipale, N., Coppe, J., Touzé, O., & Rots, V. (23 September 2017). The weapon system behind the point: Early Gravettian hunting technologies at Maisières-Canal [Paper presentation]. 7th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, Leiden, Netherlands.

Aleo, A., Duches, R., Rots, V., & Peresani, M. (September 2017). A technological and functional examination of the Aurignacian end-scrapers from Grotta di Fumane [Poster presentation]. ESHE conference, Leiden, Netherlands.

Rots, V., Lentfer, C., Schmid, V. C., Porraz, G., & Conard, N. J. (26 April 2017). Pressure flaking to serrate bifacial points for the hunt during the MIS5 at Sibudu Cave (South Africa). PLoS ONE, 12 (4), 0175151. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0175151

Coppe, J., Clarenne, V., Pirlot, M., & Rots, V. (30 March 2017). The ballistic performance of prehistoric weapons: first results of a comparative study [Paper presentation]. Society for American Archaeology, Vancouvert, Canada.

Taipale, N., & Rots, V. (30 March 2017). Emmanchement des outils du Paléolithique supérieur [Paper presentation]. ASLIRA (Association Scientifique Liégeoise pour la Recherche Archéologique), Liège, Belgium.

Coppe, J., & Rots, V. (2017). Focus on the target. The importance of a transparent fracture terminology for understanding projectile points and projecting modes. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 12, 109-123. doi:10.1016/j.jasrep.2017.01.010

Tomasso, S., & Rots, V. (16 September 2016). What’s the difference? Results of a functional study of Aterian and Mousterian tools from the site of Ifri n’Ammar (Morocco) [Paper presentation]. 6th Annual ESHE Meeting.

Taipale, N., Conard, N. J., & Rots, V. (14 September 2016). Domestic tools, hafting, and the evolution of technology: The Upper Palaeolithic of Hohle Fels as a case study [Poster presentation]. 6th Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution, Alcalá de Henares, Spain.

Cnuts, D., Perrault, K., Dubois, L., Stefanuto, P.-H., Focant, J.-F., & Rots, V. (September 2016). A new method for identifying experimental and Palaeolithic hafting adhesives using GC×GC-HRTOFMS [Poster presentation]. 6th ESHE Annual Meeting, Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain.

Conard, N., & Rots, V. (September 2016). Fiber technology, rope-making, textiles and the Lochstäbe from the Aurignacian of the Swabian Jura [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, Madrid, Spain.

Rots, V., Lentfer, C., Schmid, V., Porraz, G., & Conard, N. (September 2016). There is more to life than subsistence: use-wear and residue analyses on pre-Still Bay stone tools at Sibudu [Paper presentation]. Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution, Madrid, Spain.

Perrault, K., Dubois, L., Stefanuto, P.-H., Cnuts, D., Rots, V., & Focant, J.-F. (30 May 2016). Characterization of organic residues from archaeological artefacts using GC×GC-TOFMS [Paper presentation]. 40th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & 13th GC×GC Symposium, Riva Del Garda, Italy.

Perrault, K., Dubois, L., Stefanuto, P.-H., L'Homme, B., Cnuts, D., Rots, V., & Focant, J.-F. (30 May 2016). Examination of hafting adhesives on paleolithic stone tools using GC×GC-QTOFMS [Poster presentation]. 40th International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography & 13th GC×GC Symposium, Riva Del Garda, Italy.

Perrault, K., Stefanuto, P.-H., Dubois, L., Cnuts, D., Rots, V., & Focant, J.-F. (18 May 2016). A New Approach for the Characterization of Organic Residues from Stone Tools Using GC×GC-TOFMS. Separations, 3 (2), 16. doi:10.3390/separations3020016

Rots, V., Hayes, E., Cnuts, D., Lepers, C., & Fullagar, R. (2016). Making sense of residues on flaked stone artefacts: learning from blind tests. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150437

Noiret, P., & Rots, V. (2016). Histoire de l'Art et Archéologie de la Préhisoire. Art & Fact, 35, 88-89.

Tomasso, S., Rots, V., Perdaen, Y., Crombé, P., & Meylemans, E. (December 2015). Hunting with trapezes at Bazel-Sluis: the results of a functional analysis. Notae Praehistoricae, 35.

Val, A., Backwell, L., Brugal, J.-P., Cnuts, D., Dayet, L., de la Peña, P., Douze, K., Feyant, L., Grenet, M., Igreja, M., Kloos, P., Mentzer, S., Mercier, N., Miller, C., Murungi, M., Rots, V., Schmid, V., Sievers, C., Théry-Parisot, I., ... Porraz, G. (01 July 2015). New excavations of the Later and Middle Stone Age layers at Bushman Rock Shelter, Limpopo Province, South Africa [Paper presentation]. Association of Southern African Professional Archaeologists (ASAPA) Biennial Conference, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Rots, V. (June 2015). Introduction: vegetal, animal and mineral residues [Paper presentation]. Workshop on residue analysis and hafting, Liège, Belgium.

Rots, V. (June 2015). Introduction: Palaeolithic stone tool hafting [Paper presentation]. Workshop on residue analysis and hafting, Liège, Belgium.

Cnuts, D., & Rots, V. (29 May 2015). Towards an experiment based protocol for extracting and identifying residues [Paper presentation]. AWRANA Meeting 2015: Connecting people and technologies, Leiden, Netherlands.

Coppe, J., & Rots, V. (29 May 2015). Toward a more precise terminology for impact damage and an improved understanding of hunting weapons: First results from a large scale systematic experiment [Paper presentation]. AWRANA Meeting Connecting people a nd technologies, Leiden, Netherlands.

Lentfer, C., Stephenson, B., Cnuts, D., & Rots, V. (28 May 2015). The more you know...........various approaches in the analysis of tools from Liang Bua, Flores Indonesia [Paper presentation]. AWRANA 2015 Connecting people and technologies, Leiden, Netherlands.

Taipale, N., & Rots, V. (28 May 2015). Stone tool hafting and use in the European Upper Palaeolithic: the first results of the analysis of Gravettian tools from Hohle Fels [Paper presentation]. AWRANA 2015: Connecting people and technologies, Leiden, Netherlands.

Tomasso, S., & Rots, V. (28 May 2015). Tool use and hafting in the Middle Palaeolithic of Northern Africa An on-going use-wear analysis on the Mousterian/Aterian assemblages of Ifri n’Ammar (Morocco) [Paper presentation]. AWRANA Meeting 2015: Connecting people and technologies, Leiden, Netherlands.

Fullagar, R., & Rots, V. (May 2015). Stone tool use and hominin evolution [Paper presentation]. Awrana meeting. Connecting People and technologies, Leiden, Netherlands.

Rots, V., Hayes, E., Cnuts, D., & Fullagar, R. (May 2015). Learning from blind tests: residues on grinding stones and flaked stone tools [Paper presentation]. Awrana meeting. Connecting People and technologies, Leiden, Netherlands.

Sorensen, A., & Rots, V. (May 2015). Searching for early traces of fire production on flint tools [Paper presentation]. Awrana meeting. Connecting People and technologies, Leiden, Netherlands.

Taipale, N., & Rots, V. (07 April 2015). Stone tool hafting and use in the European Upper Palaeolithic: first results from Hohle Fels [Poster presentation]. 57th Annual Meeting of Hugo Obermaier Society, Heidenheim, Germany.

Coppe, J., Tomasso, S., & Rots, V. (2015). Le TraceoLab de l'université de Liège: regarder les traces pour mieux comprendre l'outil. In Rapports. Archéologie. Belgium: Région Wallonne.

Tomasso, S., Rots, V., & Eiwanger, J. (02 September 2014). Tool use and hafting in the Middle Palaeolithic of North Africa: preliminary results of an on-going use-wear analysis on the Mousterian/Aterian assemblages of Ifri n’Ammar (Morocco) [Paper presentation]. 17th World UISPP conference, Burgos, Spain.

Coppe, J., & Rots, V. (September 2014). Ambiguity in the terminologies used to document impact wear on projectile points : towards an improved descriptive framework [Paper presentation]. XVII Union internationale des sciences préhistoriques et protohistoriques, Burgos, Spain.

Rots, V., Cnuts, D., Coppe, J., Taipale, N., & Tomasso, S. (07 December 2013). Functional studies at Liège [Poster presentation]. Journée de contact FNRS “Préhistoire – Prehistorie” 2013, Eupen, Belgium.

Caspar, J.-P., Delye, E., Rots, V., & Rochus, N. (1999). Villers-le-Bouillet/Vaux-et-Borset: campagne de fouilles “A la Croix Marie-Jeanne”. Chronique de l'Archéologie Wallonne, 7, 79.