Publications and communications of Kim Hendrickx

Hendrickx, K. (2023). De constructie van Latour. Tijdschrift Sociologie, 4, 51-56. doi:10.38139/ts.2023.07

Thiry, A., Hendrickx, K., Ozer, P., Brunet, S., & Fallon, C. (2022). Covid-19: A crisis that puts our model of crisis management to the test. Social Sciences and Humanities Open, 100372. doi:10.1016/j.ssaho.2022.100372

Hendrickx, K. (2022). Keep biology weird. EMBO Reports. doi:10.15252/embr.202255608

Hendrickx, K. (2022). On monsters and other matters of housekeeping. Reading Jeff VanderMeer with Donna Haraway and Ursula K. Le Guin. In M. Oziewicz, B. Attebery, ... T. Dedinova (Eds.), Fantasy and Myth in the Anthropocene: Imagining Futures and Dreaming Hope in Literature and Media. Bloomsbury.

Hendrickx, K., & Dooms, M. (2021). Orphan Drugs, Compounded Medication and Pharmaceutical Commons. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12, 738458. doi:10.3389/fphar.2021.738458

Hendrickx, K. (2020). Contagion and memory. Social anthropology : the journal of the European Association of Social Anthropologists = Anthropologie sociale. doi:10.1111/1469-8676.12798

Hendrickx, K., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (2020). Solidarity after nature: From biopolitics to cosmopolitics. Health (London, England : 1997), 24 (2), 203-219. doi:10.1177/1363459318800149

Hendrickx, K. (2019). The Political Space between Words and Things: Health Claims as Referential Displacement. Science as Culture, 28 (4), 427-448. doi:10.1080/09505431.2018.1557629

Hendrickx, K. (2018). Hoe zie je het Antropoceen? Podium voor Bio-Ethiek, 25 (4), p. 39-41.

Hendrickx, K., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (2018). An Epigenetic Prism to Norms and Values. Frontiers in Genetics, 9, 63. doi:10.3389/fgene.2018.00063

De Cauwer, S., & Hendrickx, K. (2017). Introduction: Immunity, society, and the arts. Configurations, 25 (3), 265-277. doi:10.1353/con.2017.0019

Hendrickx, K. (2017). Speculation. In de Bloois J, S. De Cauwer, ... A. Masschelein (Eds.), 50 Key Terms in Contemporary Cultural Theory. Anvers, Belgium: Peckmans.

Hendrickx, K. (January 2017). Betreft: De vraag hoe we een oorlog moeten vermijden. Yang: Tijdschrift voor Literatuur en Kommunikatie, 32.

Hendrickx, K. (2014). Bodies of Evidence: An Anthropology of the Health Claim [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Hendrickx, K. (2014). The Silence of the Labs. LIMN, (4).

Hendrickx, K. (December 2013). Rivaling Evidence-Bases and Politics in Regulatory Science. Food Science and Law, 4.

Delvenne, P., & Hendrickx, K. (Eds.). (2013). Biotechnology, Controversy, and Policy: Challenges of the Bioeconomy in Latin America. Pergamon Press - An Imprint of Elsevier Science.

Maeseele, P., Hendrickx, K., Pavone, V., & Van Hoyweghen, I. (April 2013). Bio-Objects' Political Capacity: A Research Agenda. Croatian Medical Journal, 54, 206-211. doi:10.3325/cmj.2013.54.206

Hendrickx, K. (2012). Het Licht van Vlaanderen. De Wereldmorgen.

Hendrickx, K. (20 April 2012). Reflections on the notion of 'consumer behaviour' [Paper presentation]. 3rd annual congres of the Belgian Nutrition Society (BNS) 'Nutrition and Behaviour'. New insights for better solutions?".

Valgaeren, E., Hendrickx, K., de Biolley, I., Reymenants, G., & Van Hove, H. (2008). Femmes au sommet. Bruxelles, Belgium: Institut pour l'égalité des femmes et des hommes.