Publications and communications of Marie Geurten

Billet, M., Geurten, M.* , & Willems, S.*. (04 July 2024). Does a new assessment paradigm exploring everyday memories better reflect subjective memory complaints? [Poster presentation]. Global Neuropsychology Congress, Porto, Portugal.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Balthasart, E., Servais, A., Coppalle, R., Geurten, M., & Bastin, C. (31 May 2024). Exploring the effect of music and metacognition on memory enhancement in amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment [Poster presentation]. Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Servais, A., Balthasart, E., Coppalle, R., Geurten, M., & Bastin, C. (29 May 2024). Est-ce que la musique améliore les performances de mémoire chez des patients atteints de trouble cognitif léger de type amnésiques ? [Poster presentation]. Journées de printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de la Langue Française (SNLF), Montréal, Canada.

Balthasart, E., Servais, A., Coppalle, R., Geurten, M., & Bastin, C. (25 April 2024). La musique, combinée à un jugement métacognitif, améliore-t-elle la mémoire des personnes avec un trouble cognitif léger amnésique (aMCI) ? [Poster presentation]. RUCHE : Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie - Regards transdisciplinaires au service de la qualité de vie, Liège, Belgium.

Chrifi, N., Geurten, M., & Maillart, C. (25 April 2024). Métacognition et langage : Quel style métacognitif des enseignants pour soutenir les habiletés langagières des jeunes enfants en milieu préscolaire ? [Poster presentation]. Congrès RUCHE - Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie : Regards transdisciplinaires au service de la qualité de vie, Liège, Belgium.

Rousselle, L., Geurten, M., & Neveu, M. (25 April 2024). Soutenir le développement des compétences arithmétiques chez l’enfant avec troubles moteurs: une étude de cas unique [Paper presentation]. Colloque Santé et éducation à tous les âges de la vie, Liege, Belgium.

Gardier, M., & Geurten, M. (2024). The Developmental Path of Metacognition from Toddlerhood to Early Childhood and its Influence on Later Memory Performance. Developmental Psychology. doi:10.1037/dev0001752

Gardier, M., Léonard, C., & Geurten, M. (04 January 2024). Reminiscing or playing? The power of early parent-child metacognitive interactions across contexts [Poster presentation]. CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.

Charonitis, M., Requier, F., Guillemin, C., Reyt, M., Folville, A., Geurten, M., Bastin, C., Willems, S., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., & Collette, F. (2024). The Influence of Changes in Daily Life Habits and Well-Being on Fatigue Level During COVID-19 Pandemic. Psychologica Belgica, 64 (1), 85 - 107. doi:10.5334/pb.1259

Léonard, C., Geurten, M.* , & Willems, S.*. (2024). When the past serves the future: Exploration of episodic future thinking among preschoolers [Poster presentation]. Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary.
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Read, J., Charonitis, M., Requier, F., Guillemin, C., Reyt, M., Folville, A., Geurten, M., Bastin, C., Willems, S., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., & Collette, F. (07 December 2023). Random Forest as a promising tool to investigate links between factors leading to mental fatigue build-up [Poster presentation]. FENS-Hertie Winter School: "Neuroscience of Mental Health", Austria. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/2JK5V

Gardier, M., & Geurten, M. (September 2023). Study of early metacognition and its influence on the use of the memorability heuristic [Poster presentation]. 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Porto, Portugal.

Billet, M., Willems, S., & Geurten, M. (23 August 2023). The experience sampling method as a new way to explore autobiographical memories. Brain and Cognition, 170, 106036. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2023.106036

Gardier, M., & Geurten, M. (August 2023). Study of early metacognition and its influence on memory performance. Brain and Cognition, 170. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2023.106041

Colson, C., Billet, M., Geurten, M., Meulemans, T., & Willems, S. (23 June 2023). Evaluation de la mémoire épisodique à l’aide d’évènements standardisés [Poster presentation]. Journée de la CPLU.

Folville, A.* , Willems, S.* , Cheriet, N., Geurten, M., Guillemin, C., Muto, V., Requier, F., Reyt, M., Collette, F., Schmidt, C., & Bastin, C. (2023). Well-being during COVID-19-related first lockdown: Relationship with autobiographical memory and experiential diversity. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 37, 1059-1070. doi:10.1002/acp.4104
* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Geurten, M., & Gardier, M. (2023). Age-related differences in metacognitive control in toddlerhood: A pilot study [Poster presentation]. ESCOP 2023 - 23rd Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Porto, Portugal.

Neveu, M., Geurten, M., & Rousselle, L. (January 2023). Training arithmetical skills when finger counting and working memory cannot be used: A single case study in a child with cerebral palsy. Applied Neuropsychology: Child, 12 (4), 367-379. doi:10.1080/21622965.2023.2170798

Billet, M., Geurten, M., & Willems, S. (02 December 2022). Validation de la version française de l’Autobiographical Recollection Test (ART) [Poster presentation]. Journée d'hiver de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française, Paris, France.

Rousselle, L., Geurten, M., & Neveu, M. (22 September 2022). Entrainement des compétences arithmétiques chez un enfant atteint d’infirmité motrice cérébrale : une étude de cas unique [Paper presentation]. Symposium de neurologie pédiatrique, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Krings, A., Geurten, M., Lazari, E., & Blairy, S. (21 July 2022). Is the combination of behavioral activation and attention training technique effective to reduce depressive symptomatology? A multiple case study. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 914094. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.914094

Charonitis, M., Requier, F., Guillemin, C., Reyt, M., Folville, A., Geurten, M., Bastin, C., Willems, S., Muto, V., Schmidt, C., & Collette, F. (03 June 2022). Factors associated with the evolution of fatigue one year after the lockdown period [Poster presentation]. BAPS 2022, Leuven, Belgium.

Gardier, M., & Geurten, M. (2022). Développement précoce de la métacognition: une étude longitudinale [Poster presentation]. SNLF - Journées de printemps 2022, Evian, France.

Gardier, M., & Geurten, M. (2022). Development of early metacognition: A longitudinal study [Poster presentation]. 2022 Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association of Psychological Sciences, Leuven, Belgium.

Geurten, M., Bastin, C., & Willems, S. (2022). Feeling the ease: how the use of oral motor fluency changes in amnesia. Journal of Neuropsychology, 16, 373-388. doi:10.1111/jnp.12266

Krings, A., Geurten, M., Lazari, E., & Blairy, S. (2022). La combinaison de l'activation comportementale et de la technique d’entrainement attentionnel est-elle efficace pour réduire la symptomatologie dépressive ? Une étude de cas multiples [Paper presentation]. 3e Colloque francophone de pratiques en TCC, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Léonard, C., Willems, S., Billet, M., & Geurten, M. (December 2021). Monitoring et régulation métacognitive chez les enfants d'âge préscolaire : Influence du style de réminiscence parentale [Poster presentation]. Journée d'Hiver de la Société de Neuropsychologie de la Langue Française, Paris, France.

Geurten, M., Catale, C., Gay, P., Deplus, S., & Billieux, J. (2021). Measuring impulsivity in Children: Adaptation and Validation of a Short Version of the UPPS-P Impulsive Behaviors Scale in Children and Investigation of Its Links with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 25 (1), 105-114. doi:10.1177/1087054718775831

Geurten, M., Salmon, E., & Bastin, C. (2021). Impaired explicit self-awareness but preserved behavioral regulation in patients with Alzheimer Disease. Aging and Mental Health, 25 (1), 142-148. doi:10.1080/13607863.2019.1675142

Léonard, C., Geurten, M., & Willems, S. (2021). "Raconte-moi un peu, qu'as-tu fait à l'école ?" : Proposition d'une intervention de type guidance parentale ciblant le style de réminiscence [Poster presentation]. Congrès National de Neuropsychologie Clinique, Rennes, France.

Martinez Perez, T., Geurten, M., & Willems, S. (2021). Collecter des données sur l’évolution du patient pour augmenter son efficacité thérapeutique en orthophonie. ANAE: Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant, 173.

Léonard, C., Geurten, M., & Willems, S. (May 2020). Les discussions parent-enfant à propos du passé : un moyen de stimuler la performance en mémoire épisodique des enfants d'âge préscolaire [Poster presentation]. 44ème Journée de Printemps de la Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française.

Brédart, S., & Geurten, M. (2020). Strategies to resolve recall failures for proper names: New data. Memory and Cognition, 48 (8), 1417-1428. doi:10.3758/s13421-020-01057-x

Geurten, M., Bastin, C., Salmon, E., & Willems, S. (2020). Hunting down the source: how amnesic patients avoid fluency-based memory errors. Neuropsychology, 34 (1), 15-23. doi:10.1037/neu0000566

Geurten, M., Willems, S., Salmon, E., & Bastin, C. (2020). Fluency-Based Memory Decisions in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Matter of Source Detection? Neuropsychology, 34 (2), 176-185. doi:10.1037/neu0000605

Léonard, C., Geurten, M., & Willems, S. (December 2019). Talking about the past: a way to stimulate episodic memory development in preschoolers. Brain and Cognition, 137. doi:10.1016/j.bandc.2019.10.022

Marinelli, V., Geurten, M., & Meulemans, T. (14 May 2019). Concurrent learning of explicit and implicit sequences [Poster presentation]. Annual Meeting of the Belgian Association for Psychological Sciences, Liège, Belgium.

Bastin, C., Besson, G., Delhaye, E., Folville, A., Geurten, M., Simon, J., Willems, S., & Salmon, E. (2019). Interactions with the Integrative Memory model. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42 (e304), 40-60. doi:10.1017/S0140525X19002024

Bastin, C., Besson, G., Simon, J., Delhaye, E., Geurten, M., Willems, S., & Salmon, E. (2019). An Integrative Memory model of recollection and familiarity to understand memory deficits. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42 (e281), 1-60. doi:10.1017/S0140525X19000621

Brédart, S., & Geurten, M. (2019). Spontaneous strategies to resolve face naming failures [Poster presentation]. 42nd European Conference on Visual Perception, Leuven, Belgium.

Geurten, M., & Lemaire, P. (2019). Metacognition for strategy selection during arithmetic problem-solving in young and older adults. Neuropsychology, Development, and Cognition. Section B, Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition, 26 (3), 424-446. doi:10.1080/13825585.2018.1464114

Leclercq, A.-L., Moyse, A., & Geurten, M. (06 October 2018). Travail avec les parents dans la prise en charge précoce du bégaiement [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique : Guidance parentale logopédique de qualité - Quelles pratiques en 2018 ?, Liège, Belgium.

Geurten, M. (2018). Les études de cas en psychologie clinique, neuropsychologie et logopédie : les principes des lignes de base [Paper presentation]. 3ème Journée recherche-clinique.

Geurten, M. (2018). Is Metacognition Domain-Specific or Domain-General : Insight from study in memory and arithmetic [Paper presentation]. Public Seminar of the Psychology and Neuroscience of Cognition Unit.

Geurten, M., Meulemans, T., & Lemaire, P. (2018). From domain-specific to domain-general? The developmental path of metacognition for strategy selection. Cognitive Development, 48, 62-81. doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2018.08.002

Geurten, M., Meulemans, T., & Seron, X. (2018). Propriétés psychométriques d’un questionnaire de validation de symptômes [Paper presentation]. Club expertise - Société de neuropsychologie de langue française.

Geurten, M., Meulemans, T., & Willems, S. (2018). A closer look at children’s metacognitive skills: The case of the distinctiveness heuristic. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 172, 130-148. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2018.03.007

Geurten, C., Geurten, M., Hoyoux, C., & Lebrethon, M.-C. (2017). Endocrine late effects of childhood neuroblastoma therapy The 20 years’ experience of a single center [Poster presentation]. 45ème congrès de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie.

Geurten, M., Chevignard, M., Kerrouche, B., Tiberghien, A., & Meulemans, T. (2017). Metamemory Following Childhood Brain Injury: A Consequence of Executive Impairment. Child Neuropsychology: A Journal on Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence, 23 (1), 67-82. doi:10.1080/09297049.2015.1077945

Geurten, M., Lloyd, M., & Willems, S. (2017). Hearing “quack” and remembering a duck: Evidence for fluency attribution in young children. Child Development, 88 (2), 514-522. doi:10.1111/cdev.12614

Geurten, M., & Meulemans, T. (2017). The effect of feedback on children’s metacognitive judgments: a heuristic account. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 29 (2), 184-201. doi:10.1080/20445911.2016.1229669

Geurten, M., & Willems, S. (2017). The learned reinterpretation of fluency in amnesia. Neuropsychologia, 101, 10-16. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2017.05.012

Geurten, M., & Willems, S. (2017). Attribution and recognition: The fluency heuristic in amnesia [Poster presentation]. 6th scientific meeting of the Federation of the European Societies of Neuropsychology (FESN).

Geurten, C., Hoyoux, C., Piette, C., & Geurten, M. (March 2016). Validation of the French version of a quality of life instrument designed for teenagers with cancer [Poster presentation]. 44ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Belge de Pédiatrie.

Geurten, M., Catale, C., Geurten, C., Wansard, M., & Meulemans, T. (2016). Studying Self-Awareness in Children: Validation of the Questionnaire of Executive Functioning (QEF). Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30 (4), 558-578. doi:10.1080/13854046.2016.1178331

Geurten, M., Catale, C., Geurten, C., Wansard, M., & Meulemans, T. (2016). Psychometric properties of the Questionnaire of Executive Self-Awareness (QESA) for Children. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.

Geurten, M., Catale, C., & Meulemans, T. (2016). Involvement of Executive Functions in Children’s Metamemory. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 30 (1), 70-80. doi:10.1002/acp.3168

Geurten, M., Lejeune, C., & Meulemans, T. (2016). Time’s Up! Involvement of Metamemory Knowledge, Executive Functions, and Time Monitoring in Children’s Prospective Memory Performance. Child Neuropsychology: A Journal on Normal and Abnormal Development in Childhood and Adolescence, 22 (4), 443-457. doi:10.1080/09297049.2014.998642

Geurten, M., Vincent, E., Van der Linden, M., Coyette, F., & Meulemans, T. (2016). Working Memory Assessment: Construct Validity of the Brown-Peterson Test. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 48 (4), 328-336. doi:10.1037/cbs0000057

Geurten, M., Catale, C., & Meulemans, T. (2015). When Children’s Knowledge of Memory Improves Children’s Performance in Memory. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 29, 244-252. doi:10.1002/acp.3102

Geurten, M., Meulemans, T., & Willems, S. (2015). The Influence of Context on Children’s Use of the Memorability Heuristic [Poster presentation]. 32nd BPS Cognitive Psychology Section Annual Conference.

Geurten, M., Meulemans, T., & Willems, S. (2015). Memorability in context: An heuristic story. Experimental Psychology, 62 (5), 306-319. doi:10.1027/1618-3169/a000300

Geurten, M., Willems, S., Germain, S., & Meulemans, T. (2015). Less is more: The availability heuristic in early childhood. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33 (4), 405-410. doi:10.1111/bjdp.12114

Geurten, M., Willems, S., & Meulemans, T. (2015). Beyond the Experience: Detection of Metamemorial Regularities. Consciousness and Cognition, 33, 16-23. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2014.11.009

Geurten, M., Willems, S., & Meulemans, T. (2015). Are Children Conservative, Liberal or Metacognitive? Preliminary Evidence for the Involvement of the Distinctiveness Heuristic in Decision Making. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 132, 230-239. doi:10.1016/j.jecp.2014.12.010

Wansard, M., Bartolomeo, P., Geurten, M., & Meulemans, T. (2015). Can the exploration of left space be induced implicitly in unilateral neglect? Consciousness and Cognition, 31, 115-123. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2014.11.004

Catale, C., Geurten, M., Lejeune, C., & Meulemans, T. (2014). The Conners Parent Rating Scale: Psychometric properties in typically developing 4- to 12-year-old Belgian French-speaking children. European Review of Applied Psychology, 64, 221-227. doi:10.1016/j.erap.2014.07.001

Geurten, M., Lejeune, C., Leriche, C., & Meulemans, T. (2014). When children’s metamemory knowledge and strategic time monitoring predict prospective memory performance [Poster presentation]. Developmental and Social Sections Annual Conference 2014.

Geurten, M., Willems, S., & Meulemans, T. (2014). When children stop trusting what they have perceived [Poster presentation]. 11th Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Special Intesrest Group of the WFNR, Limassol, Cyprus.