Publications and communications of Gilles Reuter

Cornu, E., Reuter, G., Pintiaux, A., NECHIFOR - POTORAC, I., Pétrossians, P., & Kridelka, F. (July 2023). Meningioma under progestin treatment, what attitude to adopt? Maturitas, 173, 95. doi:10.1016/j.maturitas.2023.04.203

Kalywis, A. L., Samuel, R., Scholtes, F., Reuter, G., Stienen, M. N., Seifritz, E., & Surbeck, W. (2023). Distribution of Psychological Instability Among Surgeons. World Neurosurgery. doi:10.1016/j.wneu.2023.03.137

Ancion, A., Poirrier, A.-L., Dessard Laura, Detrembleur, N., Bouquegneau, A., Lepage Pierre, Duran, U., Reuter, G., Lefèbvre, P., & Rogister, F. (2023). Rhino-Sinusal Mucormycosis: About the Management of 2 Clinical Cases. B-ENT. doi:10.5152/B-ENT.2023.22942

Baussart, B., Venier, A., Jouinot, A., Reuter, G., & Gaillard, S. (2022). Closure strategy for endoscopic pituitary surgery: Experience from 3015 patients. Frontiers in Oncology, 12, 1067312. doi:10.3389/fonc.2022.1067312

Spille, D. C., Vorona, E., Catalino, M. P., Reuter, G., Beckers, A., Holling, M., Fava, A., Stummer, W., Laws, E. R., & Suero-Molina, E. (2022). Vascular anomalies in patients with growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenomas: illustrative case report and systematic review of the literature. Pituitary. doi:10.1007/s11102-022-01291-3

LOMMERS, E., Guillemin, C., REUTER, G., FOUARGE, E., DELRUE, G., Collette, F., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., MAQUET, P., & Phillips, C. (March 2021). Voxel-Based quantitative MRI reveals spatial patterns of grey matter alteration in multiple sclerosis. Human Brain Mapping, 42 (4), 1003-1012. doi:10.1002/hbm.25274

REUTER, G., Lommers, E., Balteau, E., Simon, J., Phillips, C., Scholtes, F., MARTIN, D., LOMBARD, A., & MAQUET, P. (2020). Multiparameter quantitative histological MRI values in high-grade gliomas: a potential biomarker of tumor progression. Neuro-Oncology Practice. doi:10.1093/nop/npaa047

Reuter, G., BOUCHAIN, O., & Martin, D. (27 November 2019). Abord transmaxillaire par incision de sinus lift dans la chirurgie endoscopique de la base du crâne [Paper presentation]. Réunion annuelle de la SNCLF, PARIS, France.

LOMMERS, E., REUTER, G., Simon, J., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., & Maquet, P. (June 2019). Multiparameter MR quantification of microstructural tissue alterations in multiple sclerosis [Poster presentation]. 2019 OHBM Annual Meeting, LIEGE, Belgium.

LOMMERS, E., Simon, J., REUTER, G., DELRUE, G., DIVE, D., Degueldre, C., Balteau, E., Phillips, C., & MAQUET, P. (June 2019). Multiparameter MRI quantification of microstructural tissue alterations in multiple sclerosis. NeuroImage: Clinical, 23. doi:10.1016/j.nicl.2019.101879

Reuter, G., BOUCHAIN, O., Demanez, L., Scholtes, F., & Martin, D. (2018). Skull base reconstruction with pedicled nasoseptal flap: Technique, indications, and limitations. Journal of Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. doi:10.1016/j.jcms.2018.11.012

LOMMERS, E., DELRUE, G., REUTER, G., CALAY, P., DELVAUX, V., HANSEN, I., DIVE, D., MAQUET, P., & Phillips, C. (October 2015). Improved probabilistic segmentation of white matter lesions in multiple sclerosis [Poster presentation]. 31st congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis.