Publications and communications of Marie Herbillon

Theses and dissertations

Doctoral thesis

Herbillon, M. (2016). Beyond the Line: Murray Bail's Spatial Poetics [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Master dissertations

Herbillon, M. (2005). Between the Lines: Unravelling the Cult(ure) of Linearity in Murray Bail's Holden's Performance [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Herbillon, M. (2000). "Vision et solitude" - Traduction de trois chapitres extraits de The Orchard, Drusilla Modjeska [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Herbillon, M. (1999). In and Out of the Labyrinth: Why Owls Do Cry in Janet Frame's Worlds [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.



Direction and/or edition of collective works (including proceedings of scientific meetings, special issues of journals)

Herbillon, M., Mirza, M., & Belleflamme, V.-A. (Eds.). (2017). Australia-South Asia: Contestations and Remonstrances. JEASA: Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia, 8 (2).

Articles and book chapters

Articles in journals with peer reviewing

Herbillon, M. (2019). Rewriting Dostoevsky: J.M. Coetzee's The Master of Petersburg and the perverted truths of biographical fiction. Journal of Commonwealth Literature. doi:10.1177/0021989418823829

Herbillon, M. (October 2018). Absent Others: Asian-Australian Discontinuities in Michelle de Kretser's The Lost Dog. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 41 (1), 43-52.

Herbillon, M. (April 2018). Remapping Australia: Murray Bail's New Topographies of the Self in the Notebooks. Commonwealth Essays and Studies, 40 (2), 9-22.

Herbillon, M. (February 2018). Twisting the Australian realist short story: Murray Bail's "Camouflage". Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 54 (1), 83-94. doi:10.1080/17449855.2017.1417762

Herbillon, M. (December 2017). A Piano Made in Australia: Reinventing an Emblem of Cultural Wealth in Murray Bail's The Voyage. Antipodes: A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature, 31 (2), 361-373.

Herbillon, M. (2016). Writing Space in the Plural: New Australian Geographies in Murray Bail's Fiction. JEASA: Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia, 7 (2), 41-57.

Herbillon, M. (2008). La linéarité comme métadiscours dans l’oeuvre de Murray Bail. MethIS: Méthodes et Interdisciplinarité en Sciences Humaines, 1, 141-158.

Herbillon, M., Pons, X. (Crit. Ed.), & Birgy, P. (Crit. Ed.). (2007). Linearity as Metadiscourse in Murray Bail’s Fiction. Anglophonia: French Journal of English Studies, 21, 225-237.

Book chapters

Herbillon, M., Heyden, B., & Pirard, M. (2020). Traduire pour l'Europe, ou la production d'un discours multilingue. In C. Chauvin & C. Sabiron, Textuality and Translation (pp. 55-77). Nancy, France: Presses Universitaires de Lorraine (PUN).

Herbillon, M. (2019). Twisting the Australian realist short story: Murray Bail's "Camouflage". In D. Munos & B. Ledent, Minor Genres in Postcolonial Literatures. Routledge.

Herbillon, M. (2017). Towards an Australian Philosophy: Constructive Appropriation of Enlightenment Thinking in Murray Bail's The Pages. In D. Tunca & J. Wilson (Eds.), Postcolonial Gateways and Walls: Under Construction (pp. 87-106). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.

Herbillon, M. (2017). Murray Bail's Eucalyptus: An Australian Fairy-Tale? In G. Collier, G. V. Davis, M. Delrez, ... B. Ledent (Eds.), The Cross-Cultural Legacy: Critical and Creative Writings in Memory of Hena Maes-Jelinek (pp. 245-253). Leiden, Netherlands: Brill.

Herbillon, M. (2014). À l'orée du soi. Poétique de l'extime dans les carnets autobiographiques de Murray Bail. In J. Lambert & A. Lerousseau (Eds.), Esthétique et Spiritualité III. À l'école de la vie intérieure, approches interdisciplinaires (pp. 179-192). Fernelmont, Belgium: EME (Éditions Modulaires Européennes) & CEI (Collectif des Éditeurs Indépendants).

Herbillon, M. (2009). Spatial Linearity and Post-Colonial Parody in Murray Bail’s Holden’s Performance. In S. Borg-Barthet (Ed.), A Sea for Encounters. Essays Towards a Postcolonial Commonwealth (pp. 149-164). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi.

Book reviews

Herbillon, M. (October 2019). Review of The Bloomsbury Introduction to Postcolonial Writing: New Contexts, New Narratives, New Debates, edited by Jenni Ramone. Recherche Littéraire, 35, 257-62.

Herbillon, M. (July 2018). Review of Postcolonial Justice, edited by Anke Bartels, Lars Eckstein, Nicole Waller, and Dirk Wiemann. Recherche Littéraire, 34, 153-158.

Scientific popularization and diffusion for general audience

Articles in magazines or newspapers

Herbillon, M. (2019). Chronique littéraire : Bertrand Belin, Grands carnivores. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Herbillon, M. (2018). Chronique littéraire : Didier Blonde, Le Figurant. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Herbillon, M. (2016). Chroniques littéraires (rubrique Romans, nouvelles et récits fictifs du dossier de lectures) : J.M. Coetzee, Une Enfance de Jésus; Bertrand Belin, Requin et Thomas Bernhard, Des Arbres à abattre. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Herbillon, M. (2014). Chroniques littéraires : Murray Bail, La Traversée et Eugène Green, Le Lac de cendres (rubriques Romans et Poésie du dossier de lectures). Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Herbillon, M. (2010). Voyage en terre méconnue : l’Au(s)tralie de Murray Bail. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège.

Herbillon, M., & Heyden, B. (2002). Traduction d'un extrait de Finnegans Wake, James Joyce. Journal de BabeLg, 14.


Bada, V., Herbillon, M., & Robaux, P. (2024). Entretien avec Stéphane Laporte: Table ronde "Traduire la comédie musicale".

Bada, V., Herbillon, M., & Robaux, P. (2024). Entretien avec Reinhardt Wagner et Maritsa Ney.

Unpublished conferences and communications

Communications to congresses and symposiums

Códina, N., Herbillon, M., Gonne, M., Walburg, M.-N., Meylaerts, R., & Delabastita, D. (27 October 2023). Co-organization of Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts [Paper presentation]. Literary Self-Translation and its Metadiscourse: Power Relations in Postcolonial Contexts.

Herbillon, M. (18 September 2019). Michelle de Kretser's Multicultural Australia in The Life to Come: A Genuinely Alter/Native Space? [Paper presentation]. "Alter/Native Spaces", Toulon, France.

Herbillon, M. (15 July 2019). Questioning Cosmopolitanism and Australian Multiculturalism: Michelle de Kretser's Questions of Travel [Paper presentation]. 18th Triennial ACLALS Conference: "The Uncommon Commonwealth", Auckland, New Zealand.

Herbillon, M. (16 February 2018). Subjugating the Female Body: Patriarchal Violence in J.M. Coetzee's The Schooldays of Jesus [Paper presentation]. "Violence in the Postcolonial and Neocolonial World: An Interdisciplinary Conference", Liège, Belgium.

Herbillon, M. (2017). Traduire le roman philosophique : le cas des Pages, de Murray Bail [Paper presentation]. Colloque international "Traduction et philosophie" / "Translation and Philosophy", Liège, Belgium.

Herbillon, M. (2017). Rewriting Dostoevsky: J.M. Coetzee's The Master of Petersburg and the Perverted Truths of Biographical Fiction [Paper presentation]. "Illuminating Lives: The Biographical Impulse in Postcolonial Literatures", Liège, Belgium.

Herbillon, M. (2017). Dancing Against Oblivion: Performance as an Antidote to Spatial and Historical Erasure in J.M. Coetzee's The Schooldays of Jesus [Paper presentation]. 16th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Performing the Urban: Embodiments, Inventories, Rhythms", Oviedo, Spain.

Herbillon, M. (2017). Absent Others: Asian-Australian Discontinuities in Michelle de Kretser's The Lost Dog [Paper presentation]. "Australia-South Asia: Contestations and Remonstrances", Liège, Belgium.

Herbillon, M. (2016). Sowing the Seeds of Change: Women in J.M. Coetzee's Late Fiction [Paper presentation]. "Reading Coetzee's Women", Prato, Italy.

Herbillon, M. (2016). Men Without a Past: Exile and the Erasure of History in J.M. Coetzee's The Childhood of Jesus [Paper presentation]. 17th Triennial ACLALS Conference: "'Stories that Float from Afar' - The Idea of Postcolonial Culture: Inclusions and Exclusions", Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Herbillon, M. (2016). Coetzee and Photography: The Case of Slow Man [Paper presentation]. "Coetzee's Other Arts", Western Cape, South Africa.

Herbillon, M. (2014). A Piano Made in Australia: Reinventing an Emblem of Cultural Wealth in Murray Bail's The Voyage [Paper presentation]. 15th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Uncommon Wealths: Riches and Realities", Innsbruck, Austria.

Herbillon, M. (2013). Decentralising the Australian Short Story: Murray Bail's "Camouflage" [Paper presentation]. 12th Biennial EASA Conference: "On the Margins", Bordeaux, France.

Herbillon, M. (2010). Remapping Australia: Murray Bail's New Topographies of the Self in the Notebooks [Paper presentation]. 15th Triennial ACLALS Conference: "Strokes Across Cultures", Nicosie, Cyprus.

Herbillon, M. (2008). Writing Oneself in the Plural: The Case of Murray Bail's Notebooks [Paper presentation]. 13th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Try Freedom: Rewriting Rights in/through Postcolonial Cultures", Venise, Italy.

Herbillon, M. (2005). Historical Linearity and Post-Colonial Parody in Murray Bail's Holden's Performance [Paper presentation]. 8th Biennial EASA Conference: "ReVisions of Australia: Histories, Images, Identities", Debrecen, Hungary.

Conferences in universities or research centers

Herbillon, M. (02 May 2019). Littératures postcoloniales et écoféminisme [Paper presentation]. Séminaire "Matérialités (Post)Coloniales", Liège, Belgium.

Herbillon, M. (2014). Vers une philosophie australienne? Errances et illuminations dans Les Pages de Murray Bail: du mythe colonial au rationalisme éclairé [Paper presentation]. Séminaire de Philosophie sociale: "La bêtise dans la philosophie (II)", Liège, Belgium.

Herbillon, M. (2012). "Tall Trees Breed Even Taller Stories": The Garden Metaphor and its Narrative Corollaries in Murray Bail's Eucalyptus [Paper presentation]. 5th EASLCE Conference: "Natura Loquens: Eruptive Dialogues, Disruptive Discourses".

Herbillon, M. (2012). Poétique de l'extériorité dans les carnets autobiographiques de Murray Bail [Paper presentation]. "Esthétique et Spiritualité", Louvain-la-Neuve, Ireland.

Herbillon, M. (2011). Towards an Australian Philosophy: Constructive Appropriation of Enlightenment Thinking in Murray Bail's The Pages [Paper presentation]. 14th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Under Construction: Gateways and Walls", Istanbul, Turkey.

Herbillon, M. (2009). Dissolving Archetypes: Murray Bail's Pragmatic Approach to Australian Philosophy in The Pages [Paper presentation]. 10th Biennial EASA Conference: "Dis / solutions: the Future of the Past in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific", Palma de Majorque, Spain.

Herbillon, M. (2008). Murray Bail's Eucalyptus: An Australian Fairy-Tale? [Paper presentation]. "Aesopic Voices: Reframing Truth in Twentieth-Century Folklore, Fairy Tales and Fables", Melbourne, Australia.

Herbillon, M. (2007). Translating Fairy-Tales: Textual Intersections and Cross-Culturalism in Murray Bail's Eucalyptus [Paper presentation]. 9th Biennial EASA Conference: "Translating Cultures: Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific", Roskilde, Denmark.

Herbillon, M. (2007). La linéarité comme métadiscours dans l'oeuvre de Murray Bail [Paper presentation]. "Réalité et représentation", Liège, Belgium.

Herbillon, M. (2006). Linearity as Metadiscourse in Murray Bail's Fiction [Paper presentation]. "Divergences and Convergences", Toulouse, France.

Herbillon, M. (2005). Spatial Linearity and Post-Colonial Parody in Murray Bail's Holden's Performance [Paper presentation]. 12th Triennial EACLALS Conference: "Sharing Places: Searching for Common Ground in a World of Continuing Exclusion", Sliema, Malta.

Conferences given outside the academic context

Herbillon, M. (2009). Entretiens (bilingues anglais-français et publics) avec l'auteure américaine Hannah Tinti [Paper presentation]. Festival "Belles étrangères", Bruxelles et Liège, Belgium.

Herbillon, M. (2008). Entretiens (bilingues anglais-français et publics) avec les auteurs canadiens Neil Bissoondath et Zoe Whittall [Paper presentation]. Festival "Belles étrangères", Liège et Bruxelles, Belgium.