Lombard, A.* , Isci, D.* , Reuter, G., Di Valentin, E., Hego, A., Martin, D., Rogister, B., & Neirinckx, V. (28 September 2024). Development of an intraventricular Adeno-Associated Virus-based labelling strategy for glioblastoma cells nested in the subventricular zone. Neuro-Oncology Advances. Neuro-Oncology Advances, vdae161. doi:10.1093/noajnl/vdae161 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Colinet, M.* , Chiver, I.* , Bonafina, A., Masset, G., Almansa Amores, D., Di Valentin, E., Twizere, J.-C., Nguyen, L.* , & Espuny Camacho, I. M.*. (2024). SARS-CoV2 infection triggers reactive astrocyte states and inflammatory conditions in long-term Human Cortical Organoids. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/316470. * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Jassin, M., Chloé Onkelinx, E Silva, B., Bocuzzi, V., Marcion, G., Ehx, G., Baron, F., Di Valentin, E., Caers, J., & Nguyen, T. T. (15 February 2024). CAR-T and nanoCAR-T for multiple myeloma: Does smaller mean smarter ? [Poster presentation]. EBMT - EHA 6th European CAR T-cell Meeting, Valence, Spain. |
Jassin, M., Chloé Onkelinx, E Silva, B., Bocuzzi, V., Marcion, G., Ehx, G., Baron, F., Di Valentin, E., Caers, J., & Nguyen, T. T. (06 February 2024). CAR-T and nanoCAR-T for multiple myeloma: Does smaller mean smarter ? [Poster presentation]. Séminaire Télévie 2024. |
Bou Malham, V., Benzoubir, N., Vaquero, J., Desterke, C., Agnetti, J., Song, P. X., Gonzalez-Sanchez, E., Arbelaiz, A., Jacques, S., Di Valentin, E., Rahmouni, S., Tan, T. Z., Samuel, D., Thiery, J. P., Sebagh, M., Fouassier, L., & Gassama-Diagne, A. (2023). Intrinsic cancer cell phosphoinositide 3-kinase δ regulates fibrosis and vascular development in cholangiocarcinoma. Liver International. doi:10.1111/liv.15751 |
Beauvois, A.* , Gazon, H.* , Chauhan, P. S., Jamakhani, M., Jacques, J.-R., Thiry, M., Dejardin, E., Di Valentin, E., Twizere, J.-C., Péloponèse, J.-M., Njock, M.-S., Yasunaga, J.-I., Matsuoka, M., Hamaïdia, M.* , & Willems, L.*. (2023). The helicase-like transcription factor redirects the autophagic flux and restricts human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120 (31), 2216127120. doi:10.1073/pnas.2216127120 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
BOEMER, F., JOSSE, C., LUIS, G., Di Valentin, E., Thiry, J., CELLO, C., CABERG, J.-H., DADOUMONT, C., HARVENGT, J., Lumaka, A., BOURS, V., & DEBRAY, F.-G. (18 February 2022). Novel Loss of Function Variant in BCKDK Causes a Treatable Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (4), 2253. doi:10.3390/ijms23042253 |
Agnetti, J.* , Vanessa Bou Malham* , Christophe Desterke* , Nassima Benzoubir, Juan Peng Wang, Sophie Jacques, Rahmouni, S., Di Valentin, E., Tuan Zea Tan, Didier Samuel, Jean Paul Thiery, & Ama Gassama-Diagne. (2022). PI3Kδ activity controls 1 plasticity and discriminates between EMT and stemness based on distinct TGF signalling. Communications Biology, 5, 740. doi:10.1038/s42003-022-03637-w * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Chiavarina, B., Costanza, B., Ronca, R., Blomme, A., Rezzola, S., Chiodelli, P., Giguelay, A., Belthier, G., Doumont, G., Van Simaeys, G., Lacroix, S., Yokobori, T., Erkhem-Ochir, B., Balaguer, P., Cavailles, V., Fabbrizio, E., Di Valentin, E., Gofflot, S., Detry, O., ... Turtoi, A. (January 2021). Metastatic colorectal cancer cells maintain the TGFβ program and use TGFBI to fuel angiogenesis. Theranostics, 11 (4), 1626-1640. doi:10.7150/thno.51507 |
Jacques, S., Arjomand, A., Perée, H., COLLINS, P., Mayer, A., Lavergne, A., Wéry, M., Mni, M., Hego, A., Thuillier, V., Becker, G., Bahri, M. A., Plenevaux, A., Di Valentin, E., Oury, C., MOUTSCHEN, M., Delvenne, P., Paquot, N., & Rahmouni, S. (2021). Dual‑specificity phosphatase 3 deletion promotes obesity, non‑alcoholic steatohepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Scientific Reports, 11, 5817. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-85089-6 |
Niemi, M., Gazon, H., JUSZCZAK, D., FADEUR, M., CAMBY, S., MEURIS, C., THYS, M., JACQUES, J., HENKET, M., BEGUIN, Y., Rahmouni, S., Lebrun, M., MOUTSCHEN, M., Misset, B., DARCIS, G., GUIOT, J., AZARZAR, S., DELLOT, P., GOFFLOT, S., ... HUYNEN, P. (Other coll.). (2021). Mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19. Nature, 600, 472-477. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03767-x |
Dedobbeleer, M., Willems, E., Lambert, J., LOMBARD, A., Di Gregorio, M., Lumapat, P. N., Di Valentin, E., Freeman, S., Goffart, N., Scholtes, F., & Rogister, B. (2020). MKP1 phosphatase is recruited by CXCL12 in glioblastoma cells and plays a role in DNA strand breaks repair. Carcinogenesis. doi:10.1093/carcin/bgz151 |
Lombard, A., Di Gregorio, M., COPPIETERS, N., Di Valentin, E., Hego, A., Martin, D., & Rogister, B. (2020). Communicating hydrocephalus associated to ventral leptomeningeal invasion leads to precocious death in a glioblastoma orthotopic xenograft model. Neuro-Oncology Advances. |
Rademaker, G., Costanza, B., Anania, S., Agirman, F., Maloujahmoum, N., Di Valentin, E., Goval, J.-J., Bellahcene, A., Castronovo, V., & Peulen, O. (June 2019). Myoferlin contributes to the metastatic phenotype of pancreatic cancer cells by enhancing their migratory capacity through the control of oxidative phosphorylation. Cancers, 11 (6). doi:10.3390/cancers11060853 |
LOMBARD, A., Dedobbeleer, M., DEWANDRE, Q., REUTER, G., Freeman, S., Di Valentin, E., MARTIN, D., & ROGISTER, B. (November 2018). Deciphering the response of subventricular zone-nested glioblastoma cells after surgery [Poster presentation]. Society for NeuroOncology (SNO), New Orleans, United States - Louisiana. |
Trussart, C., Pirlot, C., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., & Habraken, Y. (2018). Melanoma antigen-D2 controls cell cycle progression and modulates the DNA damage response. Biochemical Pharmacology. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2018.01.035 |
Fettweis, G., Di Valentin, E., L'homme, L., Lassence, C., Dequiedt, F., Fillet, M., Coupienne, I., & Piette, J. (2017). RIP3 antagonizes a TSC2-mediated pro-survival pathway in glioblastoma cell death. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. doi:10.1016/j.bbamcr.2016.10.014 |
Goffart, N.* , LOMBARD, A.* , Lallemand, F., Kroonen, J., Nassen, J., Di Valentin, E., Berendsen, S., Dedobbeleer, M., Willems, E., Robe, P., Bours, V., Martin, D., Martinive, P., Maquet, P., & Rogister, B. (2017). CXCL12 mediates glioblastoma resistance to radiotherapy in the subventricular zone. Neuro-Oncology, 19 (1), 66-77. doi:10.1093/neuonc/now136 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Blomme, A., Costanza, B., De Tullio, P., Thiry, M., Van Simaeys, G., Boutry, S., Doumont, G., Di Valentin, E., Hirano, T., Yokobori, T., GOFFLOT, S., Peulen, O., Bellahcene, A., Sherer, F., Le Goff, C., Cavalier, E., Mouithys-Mickalad, A., Jouret, F., CUSUMANO, G., ... Turtoi, A. (2016). Myoferlin regulates cellular lipid metabolism and promotes metastases in triple-negative breast cancer. Oncogene. doi:10.1038/onc.2016.369 |
Peixoto, P.* , Blomme, A.* , Costanza, B.* , Ronca, R., Rezzola, S., Palacios, A., SCHOYSMAN, L., Boutry, S., Goffart, N., Peulen, O., Maris, P., Di Valentin, E., Hennequière, V., BIANCHI, E., Henry, A., Meunier, P., Rogister, B., MULLER, R., Delvenne, P., ... Turtoi, A. (2016). HDAC7 inhibition resets STAT3 tumorigenic activity in human glioblastoma independently of EGFR and PTEN: new opportunities for selected targeted therapies. Oncogene. doi:10.1038/onc.2015.506 * These authors have contributed equally to this work. |
Pirlot, C., Thiry, M., Trussart, C., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., & Habraken, Y. (2016). Melanoma antigen-D2: a nucleolar protein undergoing delocalization during cell cycle and after cellular stress. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Cell Research, 1853 (3), 581-595. doi:10.1016/j.bbamcr.2015.12.010 |
Pirlot, C., Thiry, M., Trussart, C., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., & Habraken, Y. (03 November 2015). Melanoma antigen D2, a substrate of ATM, is a nucleolar protein that shuttles with cell cycle and cellular stress [Poster presentation]. PI3K-like protein kinases, Milan, Italy. |
Trussart, C., Orban, T., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., & Habraken, Y. (06 February 2015). The phosphorylation of RelA on Ser547 does not modulate NF-kB activation after TNFa treatment like after a genotoxic stress [Poster presentation]. DISCOLBEL meeting in KUL, Louvain, Belgium. |
Goffart, N., KROONEN, J., Di Valentin, E., Dedobbeleer, M., Denne, A., Martinive, P., & Rogister, B. (2015). Adult mouse subventricular zones stimulate glioblastoma stem cells specific invasion through CXCL12/CXCR4 signaling. Neuro-Oncology, 17 (1), 81-94. doi:10.1093/neuonc/nou144 |
Maris, P., Blomme, A., Palacios, A. P., Costanza, B., Bellahcene, A., BIANCHI, E., GOFFLOT, S., Drion, P., Trombino, G. E., Di Valentin, E., CUSUMANO, G., MAWEJA, S., JERUSALEM, G., Delvenne, P., LIFRANGE, E., Castronovo, V., & Turtoi, A. (2015). Asporin Is a Fibroblast-Derived TGF-beta1 Inhibitor and a Tumor Suppressor Associated with Good Prognosis in Breast Cancer. PLoS Medicine, 12 (9), 1001871. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001871 |
Fettweis, G., Coupienne, I., Fillet, M., Lassence, C., Di Valentin, E., & Piette, J. (October 2014). TSC2 and 14-3-3 proteins down-regulate a RIP3 dependent PDT-induced Necroptosis in Glioblastoma [Poster presentation]. Keystone Symposia : "Cell death Signaling in Cancer and the Immune System". |
Trussart, C., Orban, T., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., & Habraken, Y. (29 August 2014). Promoter specific regulation of NF-kappaB by RelA phosphorylation on Ser547 [Poster presentation]. Discobel meeting. |
Turtoi, A., Blomme, A., Debois, D., SOMJA, J., Delvaux, D., Patsos, G., Di Valentin, E., Peulen, O., MUTIJIMA NZARAMBA, E., De Pauw, E., Delvenne, P., DETRY, O., & Castronovo, V. (March 2014). Organized Proteomic Heterogeneity in Colorectal Cancer Liver Metastases and Implications for Therapies. Hepatology, 59 (3), 924-934. doi:10.1002/hep.26608 |
Lebrun, M., Thelen, N., Thiry, M., Riva, L., Ote, I., Condé, C., Vandevenne, P., Di Valentin, E., BONTEMS, S., & Sadzot-Delvaux, C. (2014). Varicella-zoster virus induces the formation of dynamic nuclear capsid aggregates. Virology, 454-455, 311-27. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2014.02.023 |
Trussart, C., Orban, T., Sabatel, H., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., & Habraken, Y. (January 2014). Promotor specific regulation of NF-kappaB mediated transcription by the phosphorylation of p65 on Ser547 [Poster presentation]. Metabolism 2014: Alterations of metabolic pathways as therapeutic targets, Esh-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. |
Condé, C., Rambout, X., Lebrun, M., Lecat, A., Di Valentin, E., Dequiedt, F., Piette, J., Gloire, G., & Legrand, S. (2012). The inositol phosphatase SHIP-1 inhibits NOD2-induced NF-κB activation by disturbing the interaction of XIAP with RIP2. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0041005 |
Lebrun, M., Riva, L., Ote, I., Vandevenne, P., Di Valentin, E., Thiry, M., BONTEMS, S., & Sadzot-Delvaux, C. (2012). Varicella-Zoster virus (VZV) capsids trapped in PML-bodies: antiviral defense or stress response? [Poster presentation]. GIGA-DAY. |
Lecat, A., Di Valentin, E., Somja, J., Jourdan, S., Fillet, M., Kufer, T., Habraken, Y., Sadzot-Delvaux, C., Louis, E., Delvenne, P., Piette, J., & Legrand-Poels, S. (2012). The c-jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK)-binding Protein (JNKBP1) Acts as a Negative Regulator of NOD2 Protein Signaling by Inhibiting Its Oligomerization Process. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (35), 29213-26. doi:10.1074/jbc.M112.355545 |
Rubio, N., Coupienne, I., Di Valentin, E., Heirman, I., Grooten, J., Piette, J., & Agostinis, P. (2012). Spatiotemporal autophagic degradation of oxidatively damaged organelles after photodynamic stress is amplified by mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. Autophagy, 8 (9), 1312-24. doi:10.4161/auto.20763 |
Sabatel, H., Di Valentin, E., Gloire, G., Dequiedt, F., Piette, J., & Habraken, Y. (2012). Phosphorylation of p65(RelA) on Ser547 by ATM represses NF-κB-dependent transcription of specific genes after genotoxic stress. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038246 |
Riva, L., Lebrun, M., BONTEMS, S., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., & Sadzot-Delvaux, C. (July 2011). Determination of the biological function of the Varicella Zoster Virus ORF9p [Poster presentation]. 36th Annual International Herpesvirus Workshop / Varicella Zoster Virus satellite meeting, Gdansk, Poland. |
Vandevenne, P., Lebrun, M., El Mjiyad, N., Ote, I., Di Valentin, E., Habraken, Y., Dortu, E., Piette, J., & Sadzot-Delvaux, C. (February 2011). The varicella-zoster virus ORF47 kinase interferes with host innate immune response by inhibiting the activation of IRF3. PLoS ONE, 9 (2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016870 |
Lecat, A., Di Valentin, E., Fillet, M., Piette, J., & Legrand-Poels, S. (27 January 2011). identification of new parterns of the NOD2 protein [Poster presentation]. cell signalomics 2011, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Bogaert, P., Naessens, T., De Koker, S., Hennuy, B., Hacha, J., Smet, M., Cataldo, D., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., Tournoy, K. G., & Grooten, J.-M. (2011). Inflammatory signatures for eosinophilic versus neutrophilic allergic pulmonary inflammation reveal critical regulatory checkpoints. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, sous presse. doi:10.1152/ajplung.00202.2010 |
Garbacki, N., Di Valentin, E., Huynh-Thu, V. A., Geurts, P., Irrthum, A., Crahay, C., Arnould, T., Deroanne, C., Piette, J., Cataldo, D., & Colige, A. (2011). MicroRNAs Profiling in Murine Models of Acute and Chronic Asthma: A Relationship with mRNAs Targets. PLoS ONE. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0016509 |
Lecat, A., Di Valentin, E., Fillet, M., Rambout, X., Twizere, J.-C., Dequiedt, F., Piette, J., & Legrand-Poels, S. (28 January 2010). NOD2 interactome [Poster presentation]. inflammation 2010, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Charlier, E., Condé, C., Zhang, J., Deneubourg, L., Di Valentin, E., Rahmouni, S., Chariot, A., Agostinis, P., Pang, P.-C., Haslam, S., Dell, A., Penninger, J., Erneux, C., Piette, J., & Gloire, G. (2010). SHIP-1 inhibits CD95/APO-1/Fas-induced apoptosis in primary T lymphocytes and T leukemic cells by promoting CD95 glycosylation independently of its phosphatase activity. Leukemia. doi:10.1038/leu.2010.9 |
Lecat, A., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., & Legrand-Poels, S. (April 2009). identification of new parterns of the NOD2 protein in an invasion model of intestinal epithelial cells by salmonella typhimurium [Poster presentation]. Biomedica, Liège, Belgium. |
Di Valentin, E., Crahay, C., Garbacki, N., Hennuy, B., Guéders, M., Noël, A., Foidart, J.-M., Grooten, J., Colige, A., Piette, J., & Cataldo, D. (February 2009). New asthma biomarkers: lessons from murine models of acute and chronic asthma. American Journal of Physiology - Lung Cellular and Molecular Physiology, 296 (2), 185-97. doi:10.1152/ajplung.90367.2008 |
Garbacki, N., Di Valentin, E., Piette, J., Cataldo, D., Crahay, C., & Colige, A. (2009). Matrix metalloproteinase 12 silencing: A therapeutic approach to treat pathological lung tissue remodeling? Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 22 (4), 267-278. doi:10.1016/j.pupt.2009.03.001 |
Habran, L., El Mjiyad, N., Di Valentin, E., Sadzot-Delvaux, C., Bontems, S., & Piette, J. (October 2007). The varicella-zoster virus immediate-early 63 protein affects chromatin-controlled gene transcription in a cell-type dependent manner. BMC Molecular Biology, 8, 99. doi:10.1186/1471-2199-8-99 |
Vandevenne, P., El Mjiyad, N., Ote, I., Joris-Gerards, A., Di Valentin, E., Bontems, S., Piette, J., & Sadzot-Delvaux, C. (2007). Caractérisation de la réponse immunitaire unnée au virus de la varicelle et du zona (VZV): implication du Toll-like récepteur 3 [Poster presentation]. IXème Journées Francophones de Virologie, Paris, France. |
Sadzot-Delvaux, C., Di Valentin, E., & Bontems, S. (2006). Le virus de la varicelle et du zona : un alphaherpesvirus pas vraiment comme les autres. Virologie, 10 (3), 219-232. |
Di Valentin, E., Bontems, S., Habran, L., Jolois, O., Markine-Goriaynoff, N., Vanderplasschen, A., Sadzot-Delvaux, C., & Piette, J. (March 2005). Varicella-zoster virus IE63 protein represses the basal transcription machinery by disorganizing the pre-initiation complex. Biological Chemistry, 386 (3), 255-267. doi:10.1515/BC.2005.031 |
Habran, L., Bontems, S., Di Valentin, E., Sadzot-Delvaux, C., & Piette, J. (2005). Varicella-zoster virus IE63 protein phosphorylation by roscovitine-sensitive cyclin-dependent kinases modulates its cellular localization and activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 (32), 29135-43. doi:10.1074/jbc.M503312200 |
Bontems, S., Di Valentin, E., Baudoux, L., Rentier, B., Sadzot-Delvaux, C., & Piette, J. (07 June 2002). Phosphorylation of varicella-zoster virus IE63 protein by casein kinases influences its cellular localization and gene regulation activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277 (23), 21050-21060. doi:10.1074/jbc.M111872200 |
Bontems, S., Di Valentin, E., Baudoux, L., Sadzot-Delvaux, C., Rentier, B., & Piette, J. (2002). Phosphorylation of varicella-zoster virus IE63 protein by casein kinases influences its cellular localization and gene regulation activity [Poster presentation]. Cell signaling, transcription and translation as therapeutic targets, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. |
Hamers, C., Di Valentin, E., Dumont, C., Lambot, M., Joris, E., Genicot, B., & Pastoret, P.-P. (January 2002). Virus neutralising antibodies against 22 bovine viral diarrhoea virus isolates in vaccinated calves. Veterinary Journal, 163 (1), 61-67. doi:10.1053/tvjl.2001.0638 |
BONTEMS, S., Di Valentin, E., Baudoux, L., Sadzot-Delvaux, C., Rentier, B., & Piette, J. (July 2001). Role of phosphorylation of varicella)zoster virus (VZV) IE63 protein on its cellular localization and activity [Poster presentation]. 26th International Herpesvirus workshop, Regensburg, Germany. |
Di Valentin, E., Bontems, S., Baudoux, L., Sadzot-Delvaux, C., Rentier, B., & Piette, J. (July 2001). Cellular localization and regulatory properties of VZV Immediate early proteins in neuronal and non-neuronal cells [Poster presentation]. 26th International Herpesvirus workshop, Regensburg, Germany. |
Bontems, S., Di Valentin, E., Baudoux, L., Sadzot-Delvaux, C., Rentier, B., & Piette, J. (2001). Importance de la phosphorylation de la protéine IE63 du virus de la varicelle et di zona (VZV) sur sa localisation et son activité [Poster presentation]. Bioforum, Liège, Belgium. |
Hamers, C., Di Valentin, E., Dumont, C., Lambot, M., Joris, E., Genicot, B., & Pastoret, P.-P. (December 2000). Virus Neutralizing Antibodies against a Panel of 18 Bvdv Isolates in Calves Vaccinated with Rispoval Rs-Bvd. Journal of Veterinary Medicine. B, Infectious Diseases and Veterinary Public Health, 47 (10), 721-6. doi:10.1046/j.1439-0450.2000.00405.x |