Pierre, D., Sébastien, P., Gobert, S., Boulenger, A., Michèle, L., Gwenaelle, D., Adèle, B., Guilhem, M., Florian, H., & Julie, D. (April 2025). Seagrass sod transplantation: A relevant tool for preventing the destruction of meadows in coastal construction projects. Environmental Challenges, 18, 101087. doi:10.1016/j.envc.2025.101087 |
Iborra, L., Marengo, M., Valleteau, C., Patrissi, M., Lejeune, P., Gobert, S., & Cuny, P. (December 2024). A multimethod approach to assess marine recreational fishing activity in a Mediterranean area: A case study of the Balagne region (Corsica, France). Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 16 (6), 1-22. doi:10.1002/mcf2.10313 |
Watson, G. J., White, S., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Sturaro, N., & Richir, J. (12 October 2024). Trace element contamination biomonitoring: a comparative study between the polychaetes Alitta virens and Hediste diversicolor. Environmental Pollution, 363, 125116. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2024.125116 |
Boulenger, A., Roberty, S., Lopez Velosa, M. M., Marengo, M., & Gobert, S. (14 June 2024). The Use of Photo-Biological Parameters to Assess the Establishment Success of Posidonia oceanica Cuttings after Transplantation. Water, 16 (12), 1702. doi:10.3390/w16121702 |
Dossou, A. W., Seko Orou, B. M. T., Komagbe, G., Sessou, P., Youssao, A. K. I., Farougou, S., Hounhouigan, J. D., Mahillon, J., Mongbo, R., Poncelet, M., Boutaleb, S., Gobert, S., Madode, Y. E., Azokpota, P., Clinquart, A., Scippo, M.-L., & Douny, C. (June 2024). Nutritional Composition and Chemical Safety of Wagashi Gassirè Cheese Sold in the Southern Benin Markets. Dairy, 5 (2), 271 - 286. doi:10.3390/dairy5020022 |
Delacuvellerie, A., Brusselman, A., Cyriaque, V., Benali, S., Moins, S., Raquez, J.-M., Gobert, S., & Wattiez, R. (04 February 2023). Long-term immersion of compostable plastics in marine aquarium: Microbial biofilm evolution and polymer degradation. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 189, 114711. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114711 |
Castrec, J., Pillet, M., Receveur, J., Fontaine, Q., Le Floch, S., Churlaud, C., Lejeune, P., Gobert, S., Thomas, H., & Marengo, M. (February 2023). Active and passive biomonitoring of trace elements, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and polychlorinated biphenyls in small Mediterranean harbours. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 187, 114578. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2023.114578 |
Lefebvre, L., Compère, P., & Gobert, S. (06 January 2023). The formation of aegagropiles from the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile (1813): plant tissue sources and colonisation by melanised fungal mycelium. Marine Biology, 170 (2). doi:10.1007/s00227-022-04166-0 |
El Idrissi, O., Ternengo, S., Monnier, B., Lepoint, G., Aiello, A., Bastien, R., Lourkisti, R., Bonnin, M., Santini, J., Pasqualini, V., & Gobert, S. (2023). Assessment of trace element contamination and effects on Paracentrotus lividus using several approaches: Pollution indices, accumulation factors and biochemical tools. Science of the Total Environment, 161686. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.161686 |
Ghribi, F., Bejaoui, S., Chetoui, I., Marengo, M., Bouaziz, M., Soudani, N., Gobert, S., & El Cafsi, M. H. (2023). Effect of Freezing Process on the Chemical Properties of Blue Swimming Crab Portunus segnis: Storage Stability and Acceptability. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, 32 (5), 528-541. doi:10.1080/10498850.2023.2249477 |
Leduc, M., Abadie, A., Viala, C., Bouchard, A., Iborra, L., Fontaine, Q., Lepoint, G., Marengo, M., Pergent, G., Gobert, S., Lejeune, P., & Monnier, B. (2023). A multi-approach inventory of the blue carbon stocks of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows: Large scale application in Calvi Bay (Corsica, NW Mediterranean). Marine Environmental Research, 183, 105847. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2022.105847 |
Marengo, M., Fullgrabe, L., Fontaine, Q., Boissery, P., Cancemi, M., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (25 November 2022). Ecological and human health risk assessment of potentially toxic element contamination in waters of a former asbestos mine (Canari, Mediterranean Sea): implications for management. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 195 (1), 150. doi:10.1007/s10661-022-10737-x |
Iborra, L., Leduc, M., Fullgrabe, L., Cuny, P., & Gobert, S. (2022). Temporal trends of two iconic Mediterranean gorgonians (Paramuricea clavata and Eunicella cavolini) in the climate change context. Journal of Sea Research, 102241. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2022.102241 |
El Idrissi, O., Gobert, S., Delmas, A., Demolliens, M., Aiello, A., Pasqualini, V., & Ternengo, S. (May 2022). Effects of trace elements contaminations on the larval development of Paracentrotus lividus using an innovative experimental approach. Aquatic Toxicology, 246, 106152. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2022.106152 |
Soltani, N., Keshavarzi, B., Moore, F., Busquets, R., Nematollahi, M. J., Javid, R., & Gobert, S. (2022). Effect of land use on microplastic pollution in a major boundary waterway: The Arvand River. Science of the Total Environment, 154728. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.154728 |
Amoussou, N., Marengo, M., Iko Afe, O. H., Lejeune, P., Durieux, É. D. H., Douny, C., Scippo, M.-L., & Gobert, S. (2022). Comparison of fatty acid profiles of two cultivated and wild marine fish from Mediterranean Sea. Aquaculture International. doi:10.1007/s10499-022-00861-3 |
Delacuvellerie, A., Géron, A., Gobert, S., & Wattiez, R. (2022). New insights into the functioning and structure of the PE and PP plastispheres from the Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Pollution, 295 (118678), 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2021.118678 |
El Idrissi, O., Santini, J., Bonnin, M., Demolliens, M., Aiello, A., Gobert, S., Pasqualini, V., & Ternengo, S. (2022). Stress response to trace elements mixture of different embryo-larval stages of Paracentrotus lividus. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 183, 114092. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2022.114092 |
Amini, S., Arsova, B., Gobert, S., Carnol, M., Bosman, B., Motte, P., Watt, M., & Hanikenne, M. (2021). Transcriptional regulation of ZIP genes is independent of local zinc status in Brachypodium shoots upon zinc deficiency and resupply. Plant, Cell and Environment, 44, 3376-3397. doi:10.1111/pce.14151 |
Delacuvellerie, A., Benali, S., Cyriaque, V., Moins, S., Raquez, J.-M., Gobert, S., & Wattiez, R. (2021). Microbial biofilm composition and polymer degradation of compostable and non-compostable plastics immersed in the marine environment. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 419 (126526). doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126526 |
Lefebvre, L., Compère, P., Léonard, A., Plougonven, E., Vandewalle, N., & Gobert, S. (2021). Mediterranean aegagropiles from Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile (1813): a first complete description from macroscopic to microscopic structure. Marine Biology, 168:37, 1-17. doi:10.1007/s00227-021-03833-y |
Marengo, M., Iborra, L., Leduc, M., Lejeune, P., Boissery, P., & Gobert, S. (2021). Assessing Spatial and Temporal Trends in a Mediterranean Fish Assemblage Structure. Diversity, 13 (368), 1-13. doi:10.3390/d13080368 |
Soltani, N., Marengo, M., Keshavarzi, B., Moore, F., Hooda, P. S., Mahmoudi, M. R., & Gobert, S. (2021). Occurrence of trace elements (TEs) in seafood from the North Persian Gulf: Implications for human health. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 97. doi:10.1016/j.jfca.2020.103754 |
Richir, J., Bouillon, S., Gobert, S., Skov, M., & Borges, A. (2020). Editorial: Structure, Functioning and Conservation of Coastal Vegetated Wetlands. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi:10.3389/fevo.2020.00134 |
Fullgrabe, L., Grosjean, P., Gobert, S., Lejeune, P., Leduc, M., Engels, G., Dauby, P., Boissery, P., & Richir, J. (31 March 2020). Zooplankton dynamics in a changing environment: A 13-year survey in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Environmental Research, 159. doi:10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104962 |
Ghribi, F., Richir, J., Bejaoui, S., Boussoufa, D., Marengo, M., El Cafsi, M. H., & Gobert, S. (2020). Trace elements and oxidative stress in the Ark shell Arca noae from a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Bizerte lagoon, Tunisia): are there health risks associated with their consumption? Environmental Science and Pollution Research. doi:10.1007/s11356-020-07967-2 |
Richir, J., Champenois, W., Engels, G., Abadie, A., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Silva, J., Santos, R., Sirjacobs, D., & Borges, A. (31 January 2020). A 15-Month Survey of Dimethylsulfoniopropionate and Dimethylsulfoxide Content in Posidonia oceanica. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7 (510), 1-15. doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00510 |
Boutahar, L., Espinosa, F., Richir, J., Lepoint, G., Gobert, S., Maanan, M., & Bazairi, H. (2020). Deep-water Zostera marina meadows in the Mediterranean. Aquatic Botany, 166, 103269. doi:10.1016/j.aquabot.2020.103269 |
El Idrissi, O., Marengo, M., Aiello, A., Gobert, S., Pasqualini, V., & Ternengo, S. (2020). Seasonal change in trace element concentrations of Paracentrotus lividus: Its use as a bioindicator. Ecological Indicators, 112, 1-8. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.106063 |
Gobert, S., Lefebvre, L., Boissery, P., & Richir, J. (2020). A non-destructive method to assess the status of Posidonia oceanica meadows. Ecological Indicators, 119. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106838 |
Marengo, M., Theuerkauff, D., Patrissi, M., Doutreloux, N., Leduc, M., Dijoux, J., Duchaud, C., Picot, C., Agnel, R., Culioli, J.-M., Santoni, M.-C., Gobert, S., Berrebi, P., Quillichini, Y., Ternengo, S., Durieux, E. D. H., & Pierre, L. (2020). A Typical Mediterranean Fishery and an Iconic Species: focus on the common Spiny Lobster (Palinurus elephas, Fabricius, 1787) in Corsica. Oceanography and Fisheries Open Access Journal, 12 (1). doi:10.19080/OFOAJ.2020.12.555827 |
Abadie, A., Richir, J., Lejeune, P., Leduc, M., & Gobert, S. (31 May 2019). Structural Changes of Seagrass Seascapes Driven by Natural and Anthropogenic Factors: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7. doi:10.3389/fevo.2019.00190 |
Falaise, C., Cormier, P., Tremblay, R., Audet, C., Deschênes, J.-S., Turcotte, F., François, C., Seger, A., Hallegraeff, G., Linquist, N., Sirjacobs, D., Gobert, S., Lejeune, P., & Mouget, J.-L. (21 January 2019). Harmful or harmless: Biological effects of marennine on marine organisms. Aquatic Toxicology, 209, 13-25. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2019.01.016 |
Amoussou, N., Marengo, M., Durieux, E. D. H., Douny, C., Scippo, M.-L., & Gobert, S. (2019). Trace Elements and Fatty Acid Profile of Argyrosomus regius (Asso, 1801) from Mediterranean Aquaculture. Biological Trace Element Research, 1-11. doi:10.1007/s12011-019-01925-x |
Bolgan, M., Soulard, J., Di Iorio, L., Gervaise, C., Lejeune, P., Gobert, S., & Parmentier, E. (2019). Sea chordophones make the mysterious /Kwa/ sound: identification of the emitter of the dominant fish sound in Mediterranean seagrass meadows. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222. doi:10.1242/jeb.196931 |
Boutahar, L., Maanan, M., Bououarour, O., Richir, J., Pouzet, P., Gobert, S., Maanan, M., Zourarah, B., Benhoussa, A., & Bazairi, H. (2019). Biomonitoring environmental status in semi-enclosed coastal ecosystems using Zostera noltei meadows. Ecological Indicators. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.04.039 |
Delacuvellerie, A., Cyriaque, V., Gobert, S., Benali, S., & Wattiez, R. (2019). The plastisphere in marine ecosystem hosts potential specific microbial degraders including Alcanivorax borkumensis as a key player for the low-density polyethylene degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 380. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2019.120899 |
Gobert, S., & Richir, J. (2019). Des indices pour la définition de l’état des masses d’eau en milieu marin : mises au point, applications et aide à la gestion. Geo-Eco-Trop: Revue Internationale de Géologie, de Géographie et d'Écologie Tropicales, 43 (3), 353-364. |
Abadie, A., Pace, M., Gobert, S., & Borg, J. (2018). Seascape ecology in Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows: Linking structure and ecological processes for management. Ecological Indicators, 87, 1-13. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.12.029 |
Marengo, M., Durieux, E. D. H., Ternengo, S., Lejeune, P., Degrange, E., & Gobert, S. (2018). Comparison of elemental composition in two wild and cultured marine fish and potential risks to human health. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. doi:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2018.04.034 |
MARISSIAUX, L., Scippo, M.-L., Daube, G., Botteldoorn, N., Gobert, S., GHUYSEN, A., Denayer, S., & Scholtes, B. (2018). An awkward fishing expedition. Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, 69 (2). |
Ternengo, S., Marengo, M., El Idrissi, O., Yepka, J., Pasqualini, V., & Gobert, S. (2018). Spatial variations in trace element concentrations of the sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, a first reference study in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 129, 293-298. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.02.049 |
Abadie, A., Borges, A., Champenois, W., & Gobert, S. (20 July 2017). Natural patches in Posidonia oceanica meadows: the seasonal biogeochemical pore water characteristics of two edge types. Marine Biology, 164:166, 13. doi:10.1007/s00227-017-3199-5 |
Remy, F., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (14 July 2017). Effects of an experimental resource pulse on the macrofaunal assemblage inhabiting seagrass macrophytodetritus. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 147 (1), 1-15. doi:10.26496/bjz.2017.1 |
Gobert, S., Pasqualini, V., Dijoux, J., Lejeune, P., Durieux, E. D. H., & Marengo, M. (2017). Trace element concentrations in the apex predator swordfish (Xiphias gladius) from a Mediterranean fishery and risk assessment for consumers. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 120, 364-369. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.05.029 |
Procaccini, G., Ruocco, M., Marin-Guirao, L., Dattolo, E., Brunet, C., Esposito, D., lauritano, C., Mazzuca, S., Serra, I. A., Bernardo, L., Piro, A., Beer, S., Bjork, M., Gullstrom, M., Buapet, P., Rasmusson, L., Feliberto, P., Gobert, S., Runcie, J., ... Santos, R. (2017). Depth-speci c Fluctuations of gene expression and protein abundance modulate the photophysiology in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Scientific Reports, 7 (42890), 1-14. doi:10.1038/srep42890 |
Lepoint, G., Laurent, B., Gobert, S., & Michel, L. (July 2016). Trophic interactions between two neustonic organisms: insights from Bayesian stable isotope data analysis tools. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 146 (2), 123-133. |
Velimirov, B., Lejeune, P., Kirschner, A., Jousseaume, M., Abadie, A., Pete, D., Dauby, P., Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (20 March 2016). Estimating carbon fluxes in a Posidonia oceanica system: Paradox of the bacterial carbon demand. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 171, 23-34. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.008 |
Abadie, A., Lejeune, P., Pergent, G., & Gobert, S. (2016). From mechanical to chemical impact of anchoring in seagrasses: the premises of anthropogenic patch generation in Posidonia oceanica meadows. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 109 (1), 61-71. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2016.06.022 |
de los santos, C., Vicencio, B., Lepoint, G., Remy, F., Bouma, T., & Gobert, S. (2016). Ontogenic variation and effect of collection procedure on leaf biomechanical properties of Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile. Marine Ecology. doi:10.1111/maec.12340 |
Gazeau, F., Sallon, A., Maugendre, L., Louis, J., Dellisanti, W., Gaubert, M., Lejeune, P., Gobert, S., Borges, A., Harlay, J., Champenois, W., Alliouane, S., Taillandier, Louis, F., Obolensky, G., Grisoni, J., & Gieu, C. (2016). First mesocosm experiments to study the impacts of ocean acidification on plankton communities in the NW Mediterranean Sea (MedSeA project). Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 1-19. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2016.05.014 |
Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Pelaprat, C., Remy, F., Lejeune, P., Richir, J., & Abadie, A. (2016). Temporal evolution of sand corridors in a Posidonia oceanica seascape: a 15-years study. Mediterranean Marine Science, 17 (3), 777-784. doi:10.12681/mms.1816 |
Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (2016). Trace Elements in Marine Environments : Occurrence, Threats and Monitoring with Special Focus on the Costal Mediterranean. Journal of Environmental and Analytical Toxicology, 6:1. doi:10.4172/2161-0525.1000349 |
Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (2016). An ecophysiological discussion of trace element bioaccumulation in cultured Mytilus galloprovincialis. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 145 (1), 53-61. |
Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Pérez-Perera, A., Caut, S., Panzalis, P. A., Navone, A., & Lepoint, G. (2016). Effects of fish predation on Posidonia oceanica amphipod assemblages. Marine Biology, 163, 58. doi:10.1007/s00227-016-2830-1 |
Michel, L., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., Graeve, M., Nyssen, F., Thelen, N., & Lepoint, G. (December 2015). Dominant amphipods of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows display considerable trophic diversity. Marine Ecology, 36 (4), 969-981. doi:10.1111/maec.12194 |
Michel, L., Dauby, P., Dupont, A., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (July 2015). Selective top-down control of epiphytic biomass by amphipods from Posidonia oceanica meadows: implications for ecosystem functioning. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 145 (2), 83-93. |
Richir, J., Salivas-Decaux, M., Lafabrie, C., Lopez y Royo, C., Gobert, S., Pergent, G., & Pergent-Martini, C. (15 March 2015). Bioassessment of trace element contamination of Mediterranean coastal waters using the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Journal of Environmental Management, 150, 486-499. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.11.015 |
Abadie, A., Gobert, S., Bonacorsi, M., Lejeune, P., Pergent, G., & Pergent-Martini, C. (2015). Marine space ecology and seagrasses. Does patch type matter in Posidonia oceanica seascapes? Ecological Indicators, 57. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2015.05.020 |
Felisberto, P., Jesus, S. M., Zabel, F., Santos, R., Silva, J., Gobert, S., Beer, S., Björk, M., Mazzuca, S., Procaccini, G., Runcie, J. W., Champenois, W., & Borges, A. (2015). Acoustic monitoring of O2 production of a seagrass meadow. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 464 (0), 75 - 87. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2014.12.013 |
Giakoumi, S., Halpern, B. S., Michel, L., Gobert, S., Sini, M., Boudouresque, C.-F., Gambi, M.-C., Katsanevakis, S., Lejeune, P., Montefalcone, M., Pergent, G., Pergent-Martini, C., Sanchez-Jerez, P., Velimirov, B., Vizzini, S., Abadie, A., Coll, M., Guidetti, P., Micheli, F., & Possingham, H. P. (2015). Towards a framework for assessment and management of cumulative human impacts on marine food webs. Conservation Biology, 29 (4), 1228-1234. doi:10.1111/cobi.12468 |
Pete, D., Lepoint, G., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (January 2015). Early colonization on Artificial Seagrass Units and on Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile leaves. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 145 (1), 59-68. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Vermeulen, S., & Gobert, S. (2015). Multiscale variability of amphipod assemblages in Posidonia oceanica meadows. Journal of Sea Research, 95, 258-271. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2014.04.011 |
LEFÈVRE, I., VOGEL‐MIKUŠ, K., JEROMEL, L., VAVPETIČ, P., PLANCHON, S., ARČON, I., VAN ELTEREN, O. T., Lepoint, G., Gobert, S., Renaut, J., Pelicon, P., & Lutts, S. (2014). Differential cadmium and zinc distribution in relation to their physiological impact in the leaves of the accumulating Zygophyllum fabago L. Plant, Cell and Environment, 37 (6), 1299-1320. doi:10.1111/pce.12234 |
Lepoint, G., Balancier, B., & Gobert, S. (2014). Seasonal and depth-related biodiversity of leaf epiphytic Cheilostome Bryozoa in a Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica meadow. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 55 (1). |
Lepoint, G., Mouchette, O., Pelaprat, C., & Gobert, S. (January 2014). An ecological study of Electra posidoniae Gautier, 1954 (Cheilostomata, Anasca), a bryozoan epiphyte solely found on the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, 1813. Belgian Journal of Zoology, 144 (1), 51-63. |
Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (2014). The effect of size, weight, body compartment, sex and reproductive status on the bioaccumulation of 19 trace elements in rope-grown Mytilus galloprovincialis. Ecological Indicators, 36, 33-47. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.06.021 |
Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (2014). A reassessment of the use of Posidonia oceanica and Mytilus galloprovincialis to biomonitor the coastal pollution of trace elements: New tools and tips. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 89, 390-406. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2014.08.030 |
ROBERT, T., JOHNSON, M., FROSTICK, L., DANIEL, P., Bouma, T., DIJKSTRA, J., Gobert, S., EIFF, O., HENRY, P.-Y., KEMP, P., MCLELLAND,, S., MOULIN, F., DAG, M., NEYTS, A., MAIKE, P., PENNING, E., PUIJALON, S., RICE, S., STANICA, A., ... VOUSDOUKAS, M. (2014). Physical modelling of water, fauna and flora: knowledge gaps, avenues for future research and infrastructural needs. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 52, 173-188. doi:10.1080/00221686.2013.876453 |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., Vermeulen, S., Pieraugusto, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (2014). Seagrass amphipod assemblages in a Mediterranean marine protected area: a multiscale approach. Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 506, 175–192. doi:10.3354/meps10776 |
Donnay, A., Pelaprat, C., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (2013). An adapted staining-destaining method to sort soft-bottom macrobenthos mixed with Posidonia oceanica fibers. Mediterranean Marine Science, 14 (1), 92-94. doi:10.12681/mms.370 |
Mazzuca, S., Bjork, M., Beer, S., Felisberto, P., Gobert, S., Procaccini, G., Runcie, J., Silva J, Borges, A., Brunet, C., Buapet, P., Champenois, W., Costa, M., D'esposito, D., Gullstrom, M., Lejeune, P., Lepoint, G., Olivé, I., Rasmusson, L., ... Santos, R. (2013). Establishing research strategies, methodologies and technologies to link genomics and proteomics to seagrass productivity, community metabolism, and ecosystem carbon fluxes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4 (38), 1-19. doi:10.3389/fpls.2013.00038 |
Richir, J., Luy, N., Lepoint, G., Rozet, E., Alvera Azcarate, A., & Gobert, S. (2013). Experimental in situ exposure of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile to 15 trace elements. Aquatic Toxicology, 140-141, 157-173. doi:10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.05.018 |
Luy, N., Gobert, S., Sartoretto, S., Biondo, R., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Richir, J. (2012). Chemical contamination along the Mediterranean French coast using Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile above-ground tissues: a multiple trace element study. Ecological Indicators, 18, 269-277. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2011.11.005 |
Richir, J., Velimirov, B., Poulicek, M., & Gobert, S. (2012). Use of semi-quantitative kit methods to study the heterotrophic bacterial community of Posidonia oceanica meadows: Limits and possible applications. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 109, 20-29. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2012.05.013 |
Vermeulen, S., Lepoint, G., & Gobert, S. (2012). Processing samples of benthic marine diatoms from Mediterranean oligotrophic areas. Journal of Applied Phycology, 24, 1253-1260. doi:10.1007/s10811-011-9770-4 |
Crévecoeur, S., Debacker, V., Joaquim-Justo, C., Gobert, S., Scippo, M.-L., Dejonghe, W., Martin, P., & Thomé, J.-P. (August 2011). Groundwater quality assessment of one former industrial site in Belgium using a TRIAD-like approach. Environmental Pollution, 159 (10), 2461-2466. doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2011.06.026 |
Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., & Guerra-García, J. M. (2011). Distribution patterns of Caprella tavolarensis (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 18 (1), 290-291. |
Vermeulen, S., Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Lepoint, G. (January 2011). Potential early indicators of anthropogenically derived nutrients : a multiscale stable isotope analysis. Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 422, 9-22. doi:10.3354/meps08919 |
Sturaro, N., Caut, S., Gobert, S., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Lepoint, G. (February 2010). Trophic diversity of idoteids (Crustacea, Isopoda) inhabiting the Posidonia oceanica litter. Marine Biology, 157 (2), 237-247. doi:10.1007/s00227-009-1311-1 |
Boscher, A., Gobert, S., Guignard, C., Ziebel, J., L'Hoste, L., Gutleb, A. C., Cauchie, H.-M., Hoffman, L., & Schmidt, G. (January 2010). Chemical contamination in fish species from rivers in the North of Luxembourg: Potential impact on the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra). Chemosphere, 78, 785-792. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2009.12.024 |
Balestri, E., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., & Lardicci, C. (2009). Seed nutrient content and nutritional status of Posidonia oceanica seedlings in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 388, 99-109. doi:10.3354/meps08104 |
Gobert, S., Sartoretto, S., Rico-Raimondino, V., Andral, B., Chery, A., Lejeune, P., & Boissery, P. (2009). Assessment of the ecological status of Mediterranean French coastal waters as required by the Water Framework Directive using the Posidonia oceanica Rapid Easy Index: PREI. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 58, 1727-1733. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2009.06.012 |
Lepoint, G., Frederich, B., Gobert, S., & Parmentier, E. (2008). Isotopic ratios and elemental contents as indicators of seagrass C processing and sewage influence in a tropical macrotidal ecosystem (Madagascar, Mozambic channel). Scientia Marina, 72 (1), 109-117. |
Lepoint, G., Jacquemart, J., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Demoulin, V., & Gobert, S. (April 2007). Field measurements of inorganic nitrogen uptake by epiflora components of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (Monocotyledons, Posidoniaceae). Journal of Phycology, 43 (2), 208-218. doi:10.1111/j.1529-8817.2007.00322.x |
Fontaine, M., Tolley, K. A., Siebert, U., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Das, K. (2007). Long-Term Feeding Ecology and Habitat Use in Harbour Porpoises Phocoena Phocoena from Scandinavian Waters Inferred from Trace Elements and Stable Isotopes. BMC Ecology, 7. doi:10.1186/1472-6785-7-1 |
Lepoint, G., Cox, A.-S., Dauby, P., Poulicek, M., & Gobert, S. (October 2006). Food sources of two detritivore amphipods associated with the seagrass Posidonia oceanica leaf litter. Marine Biology Research, 2 (5), 355-365. doi:10.1080/17451000600962797 |
Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Biondo, R., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2006). In situ sampling of pore waters from seagrass meadows. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 13, 230-234. |
Gosselin, M., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Lefèbvre, F., Lepoint, G., Pergent, G., Pergent-Martini, C., & Gobert, S. (2006). Trace Metal Concentrations in Posidonia Oceanica of North Corsica (Northwestern Mediterranean Sea): Use as a Biological Monitor? BMC Ecology, 6, 12. doi:10.1186/1472-6785-6-12 |
Gosselin, M., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Pergent, G., Pergent-Martini, C., & Gobert, S. (2006). Use of Posidonia oceanica sheaths as a biomonitor of metal pollution. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 13, 235-239. |
Pergent-Martini, C., Leoni, V., Pasqualini, V., Ardizzone, G. D., Balestri, E., Bedini, R., Belluscio, A., Belsher, T., Borg, J., Boudouresque, C. F., Boumaza, S., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Buia, M. C., Calvo, S., Cebrian, J., Charbonnel, E., Cinelli, F., Cossu, A., Di Maida, G., ... Velimirov, B. (August 2005). Descriptors of Posidonia oceanica meadows: Use and application. Ecological Indicators, 5 (3), 213-230. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2005.02.004 |
Gobert, S., Lejeune, P., Lepoint, G., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2005). C, N, P concentrations and requirements of flowering Posidonia oceanica shoots. Hydrobiologia, 533, 253-259. doi:10.1007/s10750-004-2487-5 |
Lepoint, G., Dauby, P., & Gobert, S. (December 2004). Applications of C and N stable isotopes to ecological and environmental studies in seagrass ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 49 (11-12), 887-891. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2004.07.005 |
Vangeluwe, D., Lepoint, G., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (December 2004). Effect of transplantation on Posidonia oceanica shoots. Vie et Milieu, 54 (4), 223-230. |
Lepoint, G., Gobert, S., Dauby, P., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (29 April 2004). Contributions of benthic and planktonic primary producers to nitrate and ammonium uptake fluxes in a nutrient-poor shallow coastal area (Corsica, NW Mediterranean). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 302 (1), 107-122. doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2003.10.005 |
Lepoint, G., Vangeluwe, D., Eisinger, M., Paster, M., van Treeck, P., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (March 2004). Nitrogen dynamics in Posidonia oceanica cuttings: implications for transplantation experiments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48 (5-6), 465-470. doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2003.08.023 |
Elkalay, K., Frangoulis, C., Skliris, N., Goffart, A., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., & Hecq, J.-H. (2003). A model of the seasonal dynamics of biomass and production of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica in the Bay of Calvi (Northwestern Mediterranean). Ecological Modelling, 167 (1-2), 1-18. doi:10.1016/S0304-3800(03)00074-7 |
Gobert, S., Kyramarios, M., Lepoint, G., Pergent-Martini, C., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2003). Variations at different spatial scales of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile beds; effects on the physico-chemical parameters of the sediment. Oceanologica Acta, 26 (2), 199-207. doi:10.1016/S0399-1784(02)00009-9 |
Lepoint, G., Dauby, P., Fontaine, M., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (2003). Carbon and nitrogen isotopic ratios of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica: Depth-related variations. Botanica Marina, 46 (6), 555-561. doi:10.1515/BOT.2003.058 |
Lepoint, G., Defawe, O., Gobert, S., Dauby, P., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (November 2002). Experimental evidence for N recycling in the leaves of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Journal of Sea Research, 48 (3), 173-179. doi:10.1016/S1385-1101(02)00164-8 |
Lepoint, G., Millet, S., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (18 July 2002). Annual nitrogen budget of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica as determined by in situ uptake experiments. Marine Ecology. Progress Series, 237, 87-96. doi:10.3354/meps237087 |
Gobert, S., Laumont, N., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2002). Posidonia Oceanica Meadow: A Low Nutrient High Chlorophyll (LNHC) System? BMC Ecology, 2, 9. doi:10.1186/1472-6785-2-9 |
Gobert, S., Defawe, O., Lepoint, G., Demoulin, V., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2001). Anthesis effects on Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile phenology in the Bay of Calvi (Corsica, Mediterranean Sea). Hydrobiologia, 455, 121-125. doi:10.1023/A:1011973518958 |
Lepoint, G., Nyssen, F., Gobert, S., Dauby, P., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2000). Relative impact of a seagrass bed and its adjacent epilithic algal community in consumer diets. Marine Biology, 136, 513-518. doi:10.1007/s002270050711 |
Hoolsbeek, L., Joiris, C. R., Debacker, V., Rosse, P., Nellissen, J. P., Gobert, S., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Bossicart, M. (1999). Heavy metals, organochlorines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in sperm whales stranded in Southern North sea during the 1994/1995 winter. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 38, 304-313. |
Lepoint, G., Havelange, S., Gobert, S., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (1999). Fauna vs flora contribution to the leaf epiphytes biomass in a Posidonia oceanica seagrass bed (Revellata Bay, Corsica). Hydrobiologia, 394, 63-67. doi:10.1023/A:1003557303904 |
Bouquegneau, J.-M., Debacker, V., Gobert, S., & Nellissen, J. (1997). Toxicological investigations on four sperm whales stranded on the Belgian coast: inoganic contaminants. Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Sciences de la Terre, 67, 75-78. |
Debacker, V., Holsbeek, L., Tapia, G., Gobert, S., Joiris, C., Jauniaux, T., Coignoul, F., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (1997). Ecotoxicological and pathological studies of common guillemots Uria aalge beached on the Belgian coast during six successive wintering periods (1989-90 to 1994-95). Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 29 (3), 159-168. doi:10.3354/dao029159 |
Bouquegneau, J.-M., Debacker, V., Gobert, S., & Havelange, S. (1996). Role of the metallothioneins in metal regulation by the guillemot Uria aalge. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. C, Comparative Pharmacology and Toxicology, 113C (2), 135-139. doi:10.1016/0742-8413(95)02079-9 |
Dauby, P., Frankignoulle, M., Gobert, S., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (1994). Distribution of POC, PON and particulate Al, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ti, Zn and deltaC13 in the English Channel and adjacent areas. Oceanologica Acta, 17 (6), 643-657. |
Gobert, S., Langer, A., Daemers-Lambert, C., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (1994). Utilisation des moules comme bioindicateurs de la pollution en métaux lourds du littoral belge. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 63 (1-2), 203-210. |
Boulenger, A., Michel Marengo, Quentin Fontaine, Lovina Fullgrabe, Pierre Lejeune, Pierre Boissery, & Gobert, S. (13 December 2022). Restoration of anthropogenic patches in Posidonia oceanica meadows [Paper presentation]. FOCUS Early Career Scientists day, Liege, Belgium. |
Boulenger, A., Michel Marengo, Quentin Fontaine, Pierre Lejeune, & Gobert, S. (27 October 2022). Restauration des patchs anthropiques dans l’herbier de Posidonie [Paper presentation]. Atelier DRIVER - Evaluer, améliorer et restaurer la qualité des fonds marins de Méditerranée, Montpellier, France. |
Boulenger, A., Michel Marengo, Quentin Fontaine, Pierre Lejeune, & Gobert, S. (31 March 2022). Restoration of anthropogenic patches in Posidonia oceanica meadows [Paper presentation]. Global Seagrass Nursery Network kick-off seminar. |
Marengo, M., Fulgrabe, L., Fontaine, Q., Donnay, A., Boissery, P., Richir, J., Gobert, S., & Lejeune, P. (17 June 2021). STARECAPMED - 10 ans de recherches et résultats pour la gestion [Paper presentation]. WEBINARS MEHmed. |
Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (17 June 2021). Biomonitoring des métaux via l'utilisation de l'item Posidonia oceanica comme espèce indicatrice [Paper presentation]. WEBINARS MEHmed. |
Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (26 November 2018). Changement climatique en milieu marin Milieu physique Exemples et conséquences [Paper presentation]. Journée de restitution du projet Report Card 2018, Corte, France. |
Richir, J., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Chou, L., Descy, J.-P., Leduc, M., Lepoint, G., Walz, S., & Gobert, S. (11 October 2018). Experimental shading effects on the photosynthetic activity of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica [Paper presentation]. CIBIM, Liège, Belgium. |
Richir, J., Abadie, A., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Lepoint, G., Santos, R., Joao, S., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (26 July 2018). Etude de la photosynthèse de Posidonia oceanica par fluorimétrie modulée [Paper presentation]. CorSeaCare, Calvi, France. |
Richir, J., Abadie, A., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Lepoint, G., Santos, R., Silva, J., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (26 April 2018). PAM fluorometry research in Posidonia oceanica [Paper presentation]. FOCUS Young Scientists Day, Liège, Belgium. |
Gobert, S. (29 November 2016). Importance de l’océan pour la régulation du climat de nos régions [Paper presentation]. Premier Colloque du Plan Climat, La Reid Theux, Belgium. |
Richir, J., Gobert, S., Lejeune, P., Watson, G., & Grosjean, P. (13 April 2016). Environmental monitoring: between science and decision-making [Paper presentation]. CIBIM, Mons, Belgium. |
Gobert, S. (24 March 2016). Des indices scientifiques pour la gestion et la protection de milieu marin [Paper presentation]. Les jeudis de l'Aquapôle, Liege, Belgium. |
Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Richir, J., Borges, A., & Lejeune, P. (09 October 2012). Seagrass productivity, from genes to ecosystem management - benthic incubations [Paper presentation]. COST Action Meeting, Berlin, Germany. |
Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Richir, J., Borges, A., & Lejeune, P. (07 May 2012). Seagrass productivity, from genes to ecosystem management [Paper presentation]. COST Action Meeting, Nottingham, United Kingdom. |
Richir, J., Biondo, R., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (02 December 2011). Posidonia oceanica, a usefull tool to biomonitor the pollution of Mediterranean coastal areas by trace elements [Paper presentation]. Journée UNITER, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Gobert, S., & Richir, J. (25 November 2011). Contamination of the Marine Environment by trace metals: old and emergent elements, case studies and perspectives [Paper presentation]. Ecotoxicologie-Wallonie, Namur, Belgium. |
Richir, J., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (12 December 2008). Recent threats on costal ecosystems by new pollutants: a multiple trace elements study [Paper presentation]. MARE Meeting, Liège, Belgium. |
Richir, J., Champenois, W., Engels, G., Abadie, A., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Silva, J., Santos, R., & Borges, A. (2019). Posidonia oceanica, a top producer of dimethylsulfoniopropionate and dimethylsulfoxide. In CIESM WORKSHOP MONOGRAPHS. |
Gobert, S., Fullgrabe, L., Quentin, F., Leduc, M., Marengo, M., Patrissi, M., Donnay, A., Iborra, L., Richir, J., Garrido, M., & Lejeune, P. (2019). Climate Change Impact on Water Column in Corsica. In Ozhan E, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Medcoast Congress on coastal and Marine Sciences, engineering, management and Conservatio (2 volumes). Ortaca, Mugla, Turkey: Beskopru Mah.274.Sok. N 2/B. |
Sirjacobs, D., Aguera Garcia, A., Pelaprat, C., Leduc, M., Volpon, A., Danis, B., Gobert, S., & Lejeune, P. (2017). Caractérisation des habitats et communautés benthiques en baie de Calvi (Corse) : évaluation du potentiel de l’imagerie ROV. In T. Bajjouk, M. Mahier, S. Piel, J. Populus, ... J. Tourolle, Carhambar, 2017. Cartographie des habitats marins benthiques : de l’acquisition à la restitution. Actes de colloque. Édition Ifremer‐AFB. 161 p. Brest, France: Édition Ifremer‐AFB. |
Lapeyra Martin, J., Abadie, A., Richir, J., Michel, L., Lejeune, P., Sturaro, N., & Gobert, S. (2017). From seascape level to functional ecology: A case study over P. oceanica seagrass meadows in Calvi, Corsica. In Cartographie des habitats marins benthiques : de l’acquisition à la restitution (pp. 119-122). France: Édition Ifremer‐AFB. |
Leduc, M., Abadie, A., Donnay, A., Pelaprat, C., Gervaise, C., Ruitton, S., Parmentier, E., Richir, J., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (2017). STARECAPMED, des indices pour La Méditerranée. In Cartographie des habitats marins benthiques : de l’acquisition à la restitution (pp. 124-127). France: Édition Ifremer‐AFB. |
Pete, D., Alvera Azcarate, A., & Gobert, S. (2016). Relationships between environmental parameters and the microbenthic loop of Posidonia oceanica meadows at small spatial scale. In Zoology 2016: 23rd Congress of Zoology (pp. 81). |
Ghribi, F., Richir, J., Boussafa, D., El Cafsi, M. H., & Gobert, S. (2016). Trace metals in soft tissue of marine bivalve Noah's ark (Arca noao) from Bizerte lagoon (Northern Tunisia). Rapports et Procès Verbaux des Réunions - Commission Internationale pour l'Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Mediterranée, 41, 241. |
Gobert, S., & Richir, J. (2014). Trace element bioaccumulation and compartmentalization in the invasive algae Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea from the Calvi Bay, Corsica. In H. Langar, C. Bouafif, ... A. Ouerghi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation (pp. 212-213). Tunis, Tunisia: RAC/SPA publ. |
Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (2014). The conceptualization of trace element flows within Posidonia oceanica meadows: a collaborative proposal to fill knowledge gaps. In H. Langar, C. Bouafif, ... A. Ouerghi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation. Tunis, Tunisia: RAC/SPA publ. |
Pete, D., & Gobert, S. (2014). Impact of shading on meiofauna in a Posidonia oceanica meadow. In G. Lepoint, L. Michel, J. Schnitzler, ... N. Sturaro (Eds.), Zoology 2014 (pp. 216). |
Gobert, S., & Richir, J. (2013). Recent advances in the biomonitoring of trace elements using P. oceanica (L.) Delile. In G. J. de Lange, M. Gacic, A. Romaña, M. da Costa, F. Boero, C. Turan, ... E. Sala (Eds.), 40th CIESM Congress Proceedings. Marseille, France: CIESM. |
Cariou, N., Chery, A., Jousseaume, M., Richir, J., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (2013). L’indice paysager Caulerpa racemosa “I.Ca.r”. In Ifremer (Ed.), CARtographie des HAbitats Marins Benthiques : de l'Acquisition à la Restitution. |
Donnay, A., Pelaprat, C., Fréjefond, C., Gobert, S., & Lejeune, P. (2013). Soft-bottom macrobenthos monitoring in the framework of the STARE-CAPMED program. In CIESM Congress Proceedings n*40. |
Pete, D., Quattrocchi, L., Velimirov, B., Lepoint, G., & Gobert, S. (2012). An overview of the microbenthic loop in Posidonia oceanica meadows: the good, the bad and the ugly. In J. C. Creed & S. S. Oigman-Pszczol (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th International Seagrass Biology Workshop (ISBW10), 25- 30 November 2012, Armação dos Búzios, Brazil (pp. 39). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Instituto Biodiversidade Marinha. |
Pete, D., Mannard, J., Velimirov, B., & Gobert, S. (2010). Fish farm impacts on meiofauna and the microbenthic loop in Posidonia oceanica meadows. In G. Hendrik, T. Nara Bezerra, C. Cnudde, T. Deprez, S. Derycke, M. De Troch, J. Ingels, B. Merckx, T. Moens, E. Pape, J. Vanaverbeke, A. Vanreusel, ... M. Vincx (Eds.), Fourteenth International Meiofauna Conference, Aula Academia, Ghent, 11-16 July 2010 (pp. 172). Ghent, Belgium: VLIZ. |
Richir, J., Gobert, S., Sartoretto, S., Biondo, R., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Luy, N. (2010). Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile, a usefull tool for the biomonitoring of chemical contamination along the Mediterranean coast: a multiple trace element study. In 4th Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation. |
Pete, D., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Poulicek, M., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2007). Early colonization of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile by epiphytes: Comparison between natural and artificial seagrass leaves. In C. Pergent-Martini, S. El Asmi, ... C. Le Ravallec (Eds.), Proceedings of the third Mediterranean symposium on marine vegetation (pp. 151-157). |
Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Vangeluwe, D., Eisinger, M., Paster, M., Shuuhmaker, H., & van, T. (2005). Restoration of Posidonia oceanica meadows : means and limitations. In Proceedings of the seventh international conference on the Mediterranean coastal environment. Medcoast 05 (Ozhan, E (Editor), pp. 461-471). |
Gobert, S., Vangeluwe, D., Lepoint, G., van Treeck, P., Eisinger, M., Schuhmacher, H., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2001). Survey of health status of a P oceanica meadow since 1975: perfecting of a method for the meadow rehabilitation and restoration. In Proceeding of the 5th meeting of the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (pp. 215). |
Bouquegneau, J.-M., Dauby, P., Debacker, V., Gobert, S., Havelange, S., Janosi, A., & Nellissen, J.-P. (1996). The health status of the North Sea: ecotoxicological approach. In Dialogue between Scientists and Users of the Sea (pp. 125-132). Brussels, Belgium: Belgian Science Policy Office. |
Boulenger, A., Frémal, M., Vaz, M., Wilmotte, A., Lepoint, G., Marengo, M., & Gobert, S. (2023). Diversity of endophytic nitrogen-fixing bacteria in the roots of Posidonia oceanica: Implications for restoration [Poster presentation]. 11e congrès de l'Association Francophone d'Ecologie Microbienne (AFEM). |
Boulenger, A., Michel Marengo, Quentin Fontaine, Lovina Fullgrabe, Pierre Lejeune, Pierre Boissery, & Gobert, S. (12 October 2022). Restauration des patchs anthropiques dans l’herbier de Posidonie [Paper presentation]. 5e Journées Internationales de Limnologie et d’Océanographie, Corte, France. |
Boulenger, A., Michel Marengo, Quentin Fontaine, Pierre Lejeune, & Gobert, S. (06 January 2022). Projet REPAIR: Restauration des patchs anthropiques dans l’herbier de Posidonie [Paper presentation]. Présentation des principaux travaux en faveur des herbiers de Posidonie. |
Ghribi, F., Bejaoui, S., Marengo, M., Richir, J., Chetoui, I., El Cafsi, M. H., & Gobert, S. (24 December 2021). Metal toxicity and health problems linked to the consumption of ark shells (Arca noae l.) from a Tunisian coastal lagoon [Paper presentation]. ISPEC 8th International Conference on Agriculture, Animal Sciences and Rural Development, Bingol, Turkey. |
Richir, J., Luyckx, A., Champenois, W., Chou, L., Corato, A., Descy, J.-P., Gobert, S., Leduc, M., Lutts, S., Pfündel, E., Walz, S., & Borges, A. (18 May 2021). Experimental assessment of light decrease on the biology of Posidonia oceanica [Paper presentation]. 52nd Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liège, Belgium. |
Sévéno, J., Sirjacobs, D., Witkowski, A., Gastineau, Baurain, D., Lejeune, P., Gobert, S., Badawi, M., Leignel, V., & Mouget, J.-L. (14 May 2021). Comparison of epiphytic diatom communities on turf and Padina sp. during blue Haslea blooms in the Ligurian Sea and the Adriatic Sea [Paper presentation]. 7th Conference of the International Society for Applied Phycology, virtual platform, Japan. |
Iborra, L., Leduc, M., Cuny, P., & Gobert, S. (March 2021). Diving impact: Frequentation, diver behavior and consequences on the mediterranenan fish community [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Marine Science Day. |
Gobert, S., Fullgrabe, L., Fontaine, Q., Marengo, M., Leduc, M., Garrrido, M., & Lejeune, P. (26 October 2019). Climate change on seawater colmun: physical and biological consequences [Paper presentation]. Medcooast 19, Marmaris, Turkey. |
Lefebvre, L., & Gobert, S. (10 October 2019). Effects of Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile (1813) Flowering on elemental components and on trace elements concentrations [Poster presentation]. CIESM 42ème congrès de la commission internationale pour l'exploration scientifique de la mer Mediterranée, Cascais, Portugal. |
Sirjacobs, D., Le Carrer, J., Katz, L., Agüera, A., Donnay, A., Carré, C., Leduc, M., Danis, B., Gobert, S., & Lejeune, P. (26 August 2019). Completing forty years of investigation on macroalgal distributions in Calvi Bay (Corsica, France) [Poster presentation]. 7th European Phycology Congress - EPC7, Zagreb, Croatia. |
Sévéno, J., Sirjacobs, D., Lejeune, P., Baurain, D., Gobert, S., Badawi, M., Leignel, V., & Mouget, J.-L. (August 2019). Blue Haslea blooms in natural environment First investigations in Revellata bay, Corsica, France [Poster presentation]. EPC7 - 7th European Phycological Congress, Zagreb, Croatia. |
Lefebvre, L., Gobert, S., Compère, P., Vandewalle, N., Léonard, A., & Plougonven, E. (10 December 2018). How does endophytic fungi transform the Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile (1813) meadow into the aegagropiles? [Poster presentation]. CAREM, Liège, Belgium. |
Lefebvre, L., & Gobert, S. (11 October 2018). Phenology of the Posidonia meadow : biotic and abiotic constraints of short, medium and long term variations [Poster presentation]. CIBIM, Liège, Belgium. |
Lefebvre, L., & Gobert, S. (11 October 2018). How does the endophytic fungal transform the Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile (1813) meadow into the aegagropiles ? [Paper presentation]. CIBIM, Liège, Belgium. |
Ghribi, F., Richir, J., Bejaoui, S., Boussoufa, D., El Cafsi, M. H., & Gobert, S. (05 July 2018). Effects of increasing temperatures on biomarker responses and accumulation of trace elements in the Ark shell (Arca noae) from Bizerte lagoon [Poster presentation]. International Meeting on Marine Research 2018 IMMR'18, Peniche, Portugal. doi:10.3389/conf.FMARS.2018.06.00149 |
Lefebvre, L., Gobert, S., Compère, P., Vandewalle, N., Léonard, A., & Plougonven, E. (11 April 2018). Structures macroscopique et microscopique et formation des aegagropiles de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile (1813) [Poster presentation]. Laurence Lefebvre, Calvi, France. |
Gobert, S., Durieux, E. D. H., El Idrissi, O., Lefebvre, L., Lejeune, P., Pasqualini, V., Richir, J., Ternengo, S., & Marengo, M. (10 April 2018). Contamination par les éléments traces en Méditerranée occidentale, focus sur la baie de Calvi et la Corse. Bilan et perspectives [Paper presentation]. Workshop STARECAPMED, Calvi, France. |
Richir, J., Abadie, A., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Lepoint, G., Santos, R., Silva, J., Walz, S., Lejeune, P., Engels, G., & Gobert, S. (10 April 2018). Etude de la photosynthèse de Posidonia oceanica par fluorimétrie modulée [Paper presentation]. Workshop STARECAPMED, Calvi, France. |
Richir, J., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Leduc, M., Binard, M., Fettweis, X., Lejeune, P., Boissery, P., & Gobert, S. (10 April 2018). Etude des séries temporelles : exemple de la température de l’eau [Paper presentation]. Workshop STARECAPMED, Calvi, France. |
Sturaro, N., Damseaux, F., Das, K., Dauby, P., Frederich, B., Gobert, S., Le Bourg, B., Lejeune, B., Mascart, T., Michel, L., Pinzone, M., Remy, F., & Lepoint, G. (29 March 2018). Applications of isotope ratio mass spectrometry in aquatic ecosystems at the University of Liège [Poster presentation]. XXI Meeting of the Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry, Liège, Belgium. |
Sirjacobs, D., Pelaprat, C., Leduc, M., Volpon, A., Chery, A., Gobert, S., & Lejeune, P. (21 March 2018). Seaweed distribution in Calvi bay : from 35 years of temporal changes towards R modelling of distribution maps [Poster presentation]. Climate Change Biogeography - International Biogeographical Society Meeting: 20-24 March 2018, Evora, Portugal, Evora, Portugal. |
Sturaro, N., Paillet, C., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (21 March 2018). Ecological effects of marine protected areas: the case of seagrass macrofaunal assemblages [Paper presentation]. VLIZ Marine Science Day 2018, Bredene, Belgium. |
Marengo, M., Patrissi, M., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (2018). Utilisation d'indicateurs biologiques pour évaluer l'état des stocks d’espèces d’intérêt halieutique [Paper presentation]. Worskop MOONFISH, Cargèse, France. |
Ghribi, F., Aouini, F., Bejaoudi, S., Bossoufa, D., Richir, J., El Cafsi, M. H., & Gobert, S. (December 2017). Metal bioaccumulation and Oxydatif stress in A. noae [Paper presentation]. 18ème Journées Tunisiennes des Sciences de la Mer (ATSMer), Kerkennah, Tunisia. |
Gobert, S., & Richir, J. (29 March 2017). Des indices pour la définition de l'état des masses d'eau en milieu marin, mises au point, applications et aide à la gestion [Paper presentation]. L'eau pour le développement: Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau dans les pays en Développement, Arlon, Belgium. |
Fullgrabe, L., Richir, J., Batigny, A., Leduc, M., Dauby, P., Lejeune, P., Grosjean, P., & Gobert, S. (16 December 2016). Exploring a Mediterranean mesozooplankton 13 year time-series [Poster presentation]. 23rd Congress of Zoology, Antwerp, Belgium. |
Georges, N., Richir, J., Batigny, A., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Gobert, S., Roberty, S., & Grosjean, P. (16 December 2016). Copper toxicity on coral holobiont photosynthetic processes [Poster presentation]. Zoology 2016, Antwerp, Belgium. |
Lapeyra, J., Abadie, A., Lejeune, P., Sturaro, N., Michel, L., Lepoint, G., Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (December 2016). Assessing edge-effects in Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows: A multidisciplinary approach [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2016, Antwerp, Belgium. |
Richir, J., Batigny, A., Georges, N., Fullgrabe, L., Suvarov, P., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Franck, F., Roberty, S., Lejeune, P., Abadie, A., Leduc, M., Boissery, P., Rigaud, V., Andral, B., Lefebvre, A., Belin, C., ... Grosjean, P. (27 October 2016). EcoNum, a research unit devoted to marine environment monitoring [Paper presentation]. 2ème workshop "Environnement Marin et Développement Durable: Quels enjeux pour demain?", Essaouira, Morocco. |
Lepoint, G., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Darchambeau, F., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., Mascart, T., Michel, L., Remy, F., Sturaro, N., & De Troch, M. (18 October 2016). Diversity, dynamics and trophic ecology of animal communities associated to Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile macrophytodetrital accumulations: synthesis of a 10 year study [Poster presentation]. 12th International Seagrass Biology Workshop, Nant Gwrtheyrn, United Kingdom. |
Richir, J., Abadie, A., Grosjean, P., Franck, F., Lepoint, G., Lejeune, P., Silva, J., Santos, R., & Gobert, S. (18 October 2016). A one year survey of seagrass primary productivity using the diving-PAM technique [Poster presentation]. 12th International Seagrass Biology Workshop, Nant Gwrtheyrn, United Kingdom. |
Lepoint, G., Borges, A., Champenois, W., Darchambeau, F., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., Mascart, T., Michel, L., Remy, F., Sturaro, N., & De Troch, M. (17 October 2016). Diversity, dynamics and trophic ecology of animal communities associated to Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile macrophytodetrital accumulation: synthesis of a ten year study [Poster presentation]. International Seagrass Biology Workshop (ISBW 12), Nant Gwrtheyrn, United Kingdom. |
Abadie, A., Richir, J., Pieraccini, R., Velimirov, B., Leduc, M., Lepoint, G., & Gobert, S. (October 2016). Investigating the potential of Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson as a coastal carbon sink coupling marine habitat cartographies and in situ nondestructive sampling [Poster presentation]. International Seagrass Biology Workshop, Nant Gwrtheyrn, United Kingdom. |
Lepoint, G., Bernard, L., Gobert, S., & Michel, L. (April 2016). Trophic interactions between a neustonic gastropod and its hydrozoan prey: insights from Bayesian stable isotope data analysis tools [Poster presentation]. 10th International Conference on the Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol 2016), Tokyo, Japan. |
Das, K., Sarkar, S., Thomé, J.-P., Gobert, S., & Mitra, S. (17 February 2016). Distribution of inorganic and organic contaminants in the intertidal surface sediments along the Hugli River Estuary, eastern part of India [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Aquatic Resources & Sustainable Management, Kolkata, India. |
Ghribi, F., Aouini, F., Bejaoui, S., Boussoufa, Richir, J., El Cafsi, M. H., & Gobert, S. (2016). Seasonal variability in metallothioneins and tissue contaminant levels in the Ark shell Arca noae sampled from Bizerte lagoon (Tunisia, Western Mediterranean Sea) [Poster presentation]. 10ème Congrès Maghrébin des Sciences de la Mer & Le 5ème Congrès Franco-Maghrébin de Zoologie et d'Ichtyologie, Fez, Morocco. |
Richir, J., Abadie, A., Binard, M., Biondo, R., Boissery, P., Borges, A., Cimiterra, N., Collignon, A., Champenois, W., Donnay, A., Fréjefond, C., Goffart, A., Hecq, J.-H., Lejeune, P., Lepoint, G., Michel, L., Pelaprat, C., Pere, A., Sirjacobs, D., ... Gobert, S. (08 November 2015). STAtion of Reference and rEsearch on Change of local and global Anthropogenic Pressures on Mediterranean Ecosystems Drifts: The STARECAPMED project [Paper presentation]. 5th Annual World Congress of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Qingdao, China. |
Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (07 November 2015). The trace element contamination of coastal waters: A holistic approach to environmental monitoring surveys [Paper presentation]. 4th Annual International Congress of Ocean (WCO), Qingdao, China. |
Richir, J., Lejeune, L., Lepoint, G., Das, K., & Gobert, S. (07 November 2015). The spatial variability of trace element bioaccumulation processes: Tools to environmental management [Paper presentation]. 5th Annual World Congress of Marine Biotechnology (WCMB), Qingdao, China. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Micha, C., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (09 October 2015). Untangling natural variability of macrofaunal populations from protection effects [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Richir, J., Lepoint, G., Donnay, A., Lejeune, P., Das, K., & Gobert, S. (01 October 2015). DGTs, a complementary tool towards more efficient biomonitoring practices [Paper presentation]. DGT Conference 2015, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. |
Richir, J., Lepoint, G., Donnay, A., Lejeune, P., Gonzalez, J.-L., Bouchoucha, M., Chiffoleau, J.-F., Andral, B., & Gobert, S. (29 September 2015). Trace metal speciation? An essential aspect of biomonitoring to avoid wrong conclusions [Poster presentation]. DGT Conference 2015, Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain. |
Remy, F., Mascart, T., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (20 May 2015). Changes of macrofauna stable isotope compositions in a very inconstant seagrass detritic habitat: actual diet modification or baseline shift? [Paper presentation]. 4th Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop, Oristano, Italy. |
Abadie, A., Bonacorsi, M., Gobert, S., Lejeune, P., Pergent, G., & Pergent-Martini, C. (May 2015). Patch types in Posidonia oceanica meadows around Corsica. How can we use them in seascape ecology? [Paper presentation]. 4th Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop, Oristano, Italy. |
Abadie, A., Jousseaume, M., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (May 2015). Mapping Posidonia oceanica meadows through time A story of precision, evaluation and fragmentation [Poster presentation]. Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop 2015, Oristano, Italy. |
Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Silva, J., Santos, R., Lejeune, P., du Jardin, P., Delvaux, B., Cornelis, J.-T., & Richir, J. (May 2015). A consensual Diving-PAM protocol to monitor Posidonia oceanica photosynthesis [Paper presentation]. 4th Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop - MSW ’15. doi:10.7287/peerj.preprints.1067v1 |
Richir, J., Galgani, F., Benedicto, J., Andral, B., Lejeune, P., Salivas-Decaux, M., Lafabrie, C., Lopez y Royo, C., Pergent, G., Pergent-Martini, C., & Gobert, S. (May 2015). Seagrasses or caged mussels to bioassess the contamination rate of Mediterranean coastal waters? That is the question [Paper presentation]. The 4th Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop - MSW ’15, Oristano, Italy. |
Richir, J., Salivas-Decaux, M., Lafabrie, C., Lopez y Royo, C., Lejeune, P., Pergent, G., Pergent-Martini, C., & Gobert, S. (May 2015). Trace element contamination severity of coastal waters: A first bioassessment at the scale of the whole Mediterranean Sea [Paper presentation]. The 4th Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop - MSW ’15, Oristano, Italy. |
Remy, F., Darchambeau, F., Dauby, P., Melchior, A., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (02 April 2015). Application of stable isotopes in trophic ecology: importance of TEF and seasonal baseline for robust interpretations [Paper presentation]. BASIS 2015 Meeting, Utrecht, Netherlands. |
Sturaro, N., Borges, A., Das, K., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., Mascart, T., Michel, L., Remy, F., & Lepoint, G. (26 March 2015). Applications of stable isotopes in environmental studies at the University of Liege [Poster presentation]. BASIS symposium 2015, Utrecht, Netherlands. |
Remy, F., Mascart, T., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (12 December 2014). Seasonal sampling and stable isotopes use to delineate seagrass phytodetritus macrofauna trophic ecology: baseline variation or actual diet change? [Paper presentation]. ZOOLOGY 2014 (21th Benelux Congress of Zoology), Liège, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Michel, L., & Gobert, S. (12 December 2014). Are amphipods influenced by Posidonia oceanica seagrass features? [Poster presentation]. ZOOLOGY 2014 - 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liege, Belgium. |
Donnay, A., Pelaprat, C., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (December 2014). Taxonomic sufficiency for soft-bottom macrozoobenthos long term study - A case study in corsica [Poster presentation]. Zoology 2014, Liège, Belgium. |
Pete, D., & Gobert, S. (December 2014). Impact of shading on meiofauna in a Posidonia oceanica meadow [Poster presentation]. Zoology 2014, 21st Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liege, Belgium. |
Richir, J., Lepoint, G., Donnay, A., & Gobert, S. (December 2014). Trace element kinetics in caged Mytilus galloprovincialis [Poster presentation]. Zoology 2014, Liège, Belgium. |
Richir, J., Lepoint, G., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (December 2014). Ecology of 20 trace elements in Mytilus galloprovincialis [Paper presentation]. Zoology 2014, Liège, Belgium. |
Giakoumi, S., Possingham, H., Gobert, S., Boudouresque, C., Gambi, M., Katsanevakis, S., Lejeune, P., Michel, L., Montefalcone, M., Pergent, G., Pergent-Martini, C., Sanchez-Jerez, P., Sini, M., Velimirov, B., Vizzini, S., Abadie, A., Coll, M., Guidetti, P., Micheli, F., & Halpern, B. (17 August 2014). Vulnerability assessment of ecosystem components to human stressors: the case of a seagrass ecosystem [Paper presentation]. 3rd International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, United Kingdom. |
Abadie, A., Gobert, S., & Lejeune, P. (05 July 2014). Islands as reference stations for environmental studies: the case of Calvi Bay in Corsica [Paper presentation]. RETI conference 2014, Charlottetown, Canada. |
Richir, J., & Gobert, S. (12 May 2014). Trace element bioaccumulation in rope-grown Mytilus galloprovincialis: knowledge update [Poster presentation]. SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, Bâle, Switzerland. |
Remy, F., Mascart, T., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (06 May 2014). Has oxygen depletion an impact on nutrients and macrofauna in a highly dynamic macrophytodetritus accumulation? [Poster presentation]. 46th GHER Liège International Colloquium 2014, Liège, Belgium. |
Mascart, T., De Troch, M., Gobert, S., Biondo, R., Remy, F., & Lepoint, G. (05 May 2014). Hypoxia in macrophytodetritus accumulation: Species specific harpacticoid copepod adaptation? [Poster presentation]. 46th International GHER Colloquium, Liège, Belgium. |
Abadie, A., Lejeune, P., Pergent, G., & Gobert, S. (May 2014). Sediments oxidation by seagrasses: influence on the S cycle in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile intermatte dynamics [Poster presentation]. The 46th International Liege colloquium - Low oxygen environments in marine, estuarine and fresh waters, Liège, Belgium. |
Mascart, T., Lepoint, G., Remy, F., Gobert, S., Dauby, P., & De Troch, M. (07 March 2014). Corsican seagrass detritus: An opportune shelter or a copepod Eldorado? [Poster presentation]. 14th VLIZ Young Marine Scientist Day, Brugge, Belgium. |
Richir, J., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (March 2014). New insights for an old topic: seagrasses as bioindicators of coastal trace element pollution [Paper presentation]. Seagrasses in Europe: Threats, responses and management, Olhoa, Portugal. |
Richir, J., Sartoretto, S., & Gobert, S. (December 2013). The underestimation of seagrass biological cycle in the biomonitoring of coastal trace element pollution [Poster presentation]. 9th SETAC Europe Special Science Symposium, Brussels, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (October 2013). Protection effects or natural variability? The case of seagrass amphipods [Paper presentation]. The International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC) 3, Marseille & Corsica, France. |
Lepoint, G., Mouchette, O., Pelaprat, C., & Gobert, S. (26 November 2012). A study of Electra posidoniae Gautier (Cheleistomata, Anasca), a bryozoan strictly found as epiphyte of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile [Poster presentation]. 10th International Seagrass Biology Workshop (25-30 November, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Buzos (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (November 2012). Multiscale variability of amphipod assemblages in Posidonia oceanica meadows: a comparison between different protection levels [Poster presentation]. The 2012 Forum of Marine Protected Areas in the Mediterranean, Antalya, Turkey. |
Michel, L., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., Graeve, M., Thelen, N., & Lepoint, G. (20 August 2012). Trophic tracers reveal considerable diversity among diets of dominant amphipods from Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows [Poster presentation]. 8th International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies (IsoEcol), Brest, France. |
Lepoint, G., Balancier, B., & Gobert, S. (31 May 2012). Seasonal and depth-related distributions of epiphytic Bryozoa in a Mediterranean seagrass meadow [Poster presentation]. 3rd Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop (MSW2012), Essaouira, Morocco. |
Gobert, S., Lejeune, P., Chéry, A., Boissery, P., Sartoretto, S., Andral, B., Lepoint, G., & Richir, J. (29 May 2012). Assessment of the ecological status of P. oceanica meadow with a no destructive shoot method [Paper presentation]. 3rd Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop, Essaouira, Morocco. |
Richir, J., Luy, N., Lepoint, G., Biondo, R., & Gobert, S. (29 May 2012). Trace element kinetics in contaminated Posidonia oceanica meadow [Paper presentation]. 3rd Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop, Essaouira, Morocco. |
Michel, L., Champenois, W., Borges, A., Chery, A., Donnay, A., Gobert, S., Goffart, A., Hecq, J.-H., Pélaprat, C., Pere, A., Thomé, J.-P., Volpon, A., Collignon, A., & Lejeune, P. (16 May 2012). Stare-Capmed : Présentation générale du projet et exemple d'une action : "Impact de l'ancrage sur la dynamique des herbiers de posidonies" [Paper presentation]. Séminaire sur le milieu marin 2012 - DREAL, Calvi, France. |
Richir, J., Vermeulen, S., Biondo, R., Deraikem, A., Fassin, M., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (08 December 2011). Assessment of Mytilus galloprovincialis to monitor 19 trace elements in the Calvi Bay [Poster presentation]. Annual Beltox Congress, Mechelen, Belgium. |
Gobert, S. (September 2011). Posidonia meadow: an ecosytem engineer from living plant to dead leaf accumlation [Paper presentation]. Hydralab more than water, Tronheim, Norway. |
Richir, J., Luy, N., Lepoint, G., Biondo, R., Vermeulen, S., & Gobert, S. (September 2011). Seagrass response to in situ trace element contaminations [Poster presentation]. 12éme Congrès de la Fédération Européenne d'Ecologie, Avilà, Spain. |
Pete, D., Velimirov, B., & Gobert, S. (17 June 2011). The use of Eco-Exergy in Oceanology: Application to Posidonia oceanica meadows [Paper presentation]. International Conference on Exergy: Exergy to define structure and quality of materials, energy, and ecosystems, Paris, France. |
Richir, J., Luy, N., Serpe, P., Lefèbvre, L., Deraikem, A., Lepoint, G., Biondo, R., & Gobert, S. (03 May 2011). Combined utilization of DGTs and bioindicators to trace chemical contamination threats on coastal ecosystems [Paper presentation]. 43rd Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics, Liège, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Pérez-Perera, A., & Guerra-García, J. M. (May 2011). Distribution patterns of Caprella tavolarensis (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in the Tavolara-Punta Coda Cavallo Marine Protected Area [Poster presentation]. 42° Congresso della Societá Italiana di Biologia Marina, Olbia, Italy. |
Gobert, S., Chéry, A., Volpon, A., Pelaprat, C., & Lejeune, P. (March 2011). The seascape as an indicator of environmental interest and quality of the Mediterranean benthos: the in situ development of a description index: the LIMA [Paper presentation]. Carhamb'ar : CARtographie des HAbitats Marins Benthiques, Brest, France. |
Michel, L., Schnitzler, J., Dupont, A., Gobert, S., Nyssen, F., Dauby, P., & Lepoint, G. (25 February 2011). Organisms as ecosystems engineers: the case of amphipod grazers from Posidonia oceanica meadows [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Young Scientist Day 2011, Brugge, Belgium. |
Pete, D., Velimirov, B., Lepoint, G., & Gobert, S. (24 November 2010). Effects of shading and sediment alterations on Posidonia oceanica meadows: in situ experiments [Paper presentation]. 2010 World Seagrass Conference, Patong, Phuket, Thailand. |
Michel, L., Dupont, A., Gobert, S., Dauby, P., & Lepoint, G. (22 October 2010). Impact of grazing by amphipods on the epiphytic cover of the Posidonia oceanica leaves: an in situ experiment [Poster presentation]. 17th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Gent, Belgium. |
Pete, D., Velimirov, B., Lepoint, G., & Gobert, S. (October 2010). Shading and alterations of the sediment: in situ experiments to mimic impacts of fish farms on a Mediterranean coastal ecosystem [Poster presentation]. 17th Benelux Congress of Zoology-Classic Biology in Modern Times, Gent, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (October 2010). Top-down role of fish predators in structuring amphipod community associated to Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows [Poster presentation]. 17th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Ghent, Belgium. |
Michel, L., Gobert, S., Dauby, P., & Lepoint, G. (17 September 2010). Impact of grazing by amphipods on the dynamics of the epiphytic cover of the Posidonia oceanica leaves : an in vitro experiment [Paper presentation]. XIVth International Colloquium on Amphipoda, Séville, Spain. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Panzalis, P., Navone, A., & Gobert, S. (September 2010). The role of fish predation in the structure of amphipod community associated with Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows [Paper presentation]. XIVth International Colloquium on Amphipoda, Seville, Spain. |
Gobert, S., Alvera Azcarate, A., Barth, A., Beckers, J.-M., Binard, M., Borges, A., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Chery, A., Demoulin, V., Djenidi, S., Hecq, J.-H., Lejeune, P., Lepoint, G., Pelaprat, C., Poulicek, M., & Goffart, A. (May 2010). Multiparametric observations and analysis in the Bay of Calvi (Corsica), an ideal site for studying the human activity effects and climate changes in the Mediterranean Sea; STARESO [Paper presentation]. The 42nd International Liege Colloquim on Ocean Dynamic, Liege, Belgium. |
Remy, F., Borges, A., Darchambeau, F., Dauby, P., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (2010). Trophic structure and diversity of macro organisms associated with Posidonia oceanica litter in the bay of Calvi [Paper presentation]. 17th Benelux Congress of Zoology (GENT 22-23 October 2010), Gent, Belgium. |
Michel, L., Lepoint, G., Gobert, S., & Dauby, P. (27 November 2009). Multidisciplinary study of the trophic diversity and functional role of amphipod crustaceans associated to Posidonia oceanica meadows [Poster presentation]. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Ostende, Belgium. |
Pete, D., Lenartz, F., Velimirov, B., & Gobert, S. (27 November 2009). Can we use exergy index and the microbenthic loop as indicators of perturbations in Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadows? [Poster presentation]. 10th VLIZ Young Scientists'Day, Ostende, Belgium. |
Michel, L., Lepoint, G., Nyssen, F., Gobert, S., & Dauby, P. (27 January 2009). Use of C & N stable isotopes to evaluate interspecific trophic diversity among amphipods from Posidonia oceanica meadows [Poster presentation]. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009, Nice, France. |
Pete, D., Velimirov, B., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (January 2009). Fish farm impacts on Posidonia oceanica meadows: interest of the microbenthic loop [Poster presentation]. ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting 2009, Nice, France. |
Richir, J., Gobert, S., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (January 2009). Recent threats on coastal ecosystems by new pollutants: a multiple trace element study [Poster presentation]. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009, Nice, France. |
Vermeulen, S., Lepoint, G., & Gobert, S. (January 2009). Evidence for wastewater influence in a low impacted area throughout stable isotope analyses of the limpet Patella caerulea and epilithic biofilms [Poster presentation]. Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Nice, France. |
Michel, L., Lepoint, G., Gobert, S., & Dauby, P. (31 October 2008). Trophic diversity among amphipod crustaceans from Posidonia oceanica meadows : A stable isotope assessment [Paper presentation]. 15th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium. |
Pete, D., Lenartz, F., Velimirov, B., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (October 2008). Spatial heterogeneity at small scale in the microbenthic loop of Posidonia oceanica meadows [Paper presentation]. 15th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium. |
Richir, J., Gobert, S., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (October 2008). Potential use of Paracentrotus lividus as bioindicator for recent trace element pollution monitoring [Poster presentation]. 15th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium. |
Sirjacobs, D., Tempera, F., Cardigos, F., Gobert, S., Serrão Santos, R., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (October 2008). Underwater Imagery, a Measuring Tool to Extend the Spatio-Temporal Understanding of Benthic Organisms Dynamics: Case Study of Codium elisabethae in the Azores [Poster presentation]. Ocean Optics 2008, Braga, Italy. |
Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Michel, L., & Gobert, S. (October 2008). Multi-scale spatial variability of amphipod assemblages from the foliar stratum of the Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadow [Paper presentation]. 15th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Liège, Belgium. |
Pete, D., Lenartz, F., Velimirov, B., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (August 2008). Small scale variations in the microbenthic loop of Posidonia oceanica meadows: an experimental interpolation design [Poster presentation]. 8th International Seagrass Biology Workshop, Bamfield, Canada. |
Pete, D., Velimirov, B., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (August 2008). Importance of the microbenthic loop of Posidonia oceanica meadows to detect anthropogenic perturbations early: first results [Paper presentation]. 8th International Seagrass Biology Workshop, Bamfield, Canada. |
Michel, L., Sturaro, N., Lepoint, G., Gobert, S., & Dauby, P. (November 2007). Nocturnal vertical migrations by amphipods of the Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile foliar stratum : Importance of the litter cover [Poster presentation]. 14th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Pete, D., Bouquegneau, J.-M., & Gobert, S. (March 2007). Use of exergy to detect and measure perturbations affecting Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile meadows: Characterization in the sedimentary compartment [Poster presentation]. Third Mediterranean symposium on marine vegetation (Marseilles, 27-29 March 2007), Marseille, France. |
Sirjacobs, D., Tempera, F., Cardigos, F., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Biondo, R., Santos, R. S., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (2007). 2 years-long monitoring of Codium elisabethae population dynamics in the Azorian reef ecosystem (Faial Island) with seabed imagery [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day, Bruges, Belgium. |
Sturaro, N., Gobert, S., Cox, A.-S., & Lepoint, G. (June 2006). Trophic diversity and potential role of detritivorous crustaceans in Posidonia oceanica litter [Paper presentation]. Mediterranean Seagrass Workshop 2006, Marsascala, Malta. |
Sirjacobs, D., Tempera, F., Cardigos, F., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Biondo, R., Santos, R. S., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (31 March 2006). Study of the structure, distribution and dynamics of Codium elisabethae populations in the reef ecosystem of Faial Island (Azores), use of submarine image analysis [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Young Scientists’ Day, Brugges, Belgium. |
Sirjacobs, D., Tempera, F., Cardigos, F., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Santos, R. S., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (August 2004). Study of the structure, distribution and dynamics of Codium elisabethae populations in the reef ecosystem of Faial Island (Azores), use of submarine image analysis [Poster presentation]. 5th International Symposium on Fauna & Flora of Atlantic Islands, Dublin, Ireland. |
Sirjacobs, D., Tempera, F., Cardigos, F., Gobert, S., Lepoint, G., Santos, R., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (March 2004). Study of the structure, distribution and dynamics of Codium elisabethae populations in the Azorian reef ecosystem, use of submarine image analysis [Poster presentation]. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugges, Belgium. |
Bouquegneau, J.-M., Das, K., Gobert, S., & Lepoint, G. (13 June 2000). Apport des isotopes stables du carbone et de l’azote dans l’étude des réseaux trophiques [Paper presentation]. Congrès “Environnement et Identité en Méditerranée”, Corte, France. |
Das, K., Debacker, V., Lepoint, G., Gobert, S., Holsbeek, L., Joiris, C. R., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (April 2000). Marine mammals stranded on the Belgian and Dutch coasts: Approach of their feeding ecology by stable isotope and heavy metal measurements [Poster presentation]. Fourteenth Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cork, Ireland. |
Lepoint, G., Gobert, S., Dauby, P., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (July 1999). In situ measurements of NO3- and NH4+ uptake by primary producers in the Revellata Bay (Corsica), using 15N tracer method [Poster presentation]. MAST Advance Study Course "Mediterranean Marine Systems", Barcelona, Spain. |
Nélissen, J.-P., Gobert, S., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Machiroux, R., Dauby, P., & Soullard, M. (January 1994). Heavy meatal dynamics in the Calvi Bay seagrass bed [Paper presentation]. Posidonia'94 CEC Workshop "Element Stocks and Fluxes in the Posidonia oceanica ecosystem in the Mediterranean", Brussels, Belgium. |
Soullard, M., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Dauby, P., Frankignoulle, M., Gobert, S., Havelange, S., & Nélissen, J.-P. (January 1994). Long term evolution of the seagrass bed in Calvi, and carbon cycling in the ecosystem [Paper presentation]. Posidonia'94 CEC Workshop "Element Stocks and Fluxes in the Posidonia oceanica ecosystem in the Mediterranean", Brussels, Belgium. |
Gobert, S., Belkhiria, S., Soullard, M., Dauby, P., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (January 1993). Long-term variation of the standing crop and other biometric aspects of Posidonia oceanica in Calvi Bay [Paper presentation]. Posidonia '93 CEC Workshop "Element Stocks and Fluxes in the Posidonia oceanica Ecosystem of the Mediterranean", Calvi, France. |
Dauby, P., Gobert, S., Frankignoulle, M., Mosora, F., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (September 1992). Origin and heavy metal content of the particulate organic matter of the surface layer in the Channel and adjacent areas [Paper presentation]. Fluxes and Processes within a Macrotidal Sea, Brest, France. |
Gobert, S., & Abadie, A. (2018). La plante de la mer du milieu. La louvière, Belgium: Le livre en papier. |
Richir, J., Bouillon, S., Gobert, S., Skov, M., & Borges, A. (Eds.). (2020). Structure, Functioning and Conservation of Coastal Vegetated Wetlands. Frontiers Media S.A. |
Pillet, M., Marengo, M., Gobert, S., Lejeune, P., Fullgrabe, L., Le Floch, S., & Thomas, H. (2022). Environmental Quality of Coastal Areas in the Mediterranean Sea and Potential Risks to Human Health. In Frédéric Muttin and Hélène Thomas, Marine Environmental Quality (pp. 55-84). London, Unknown/unspecified: ISTE Ltd. |
Gobert, S. (2018). Le Plancton. In D. Laffoley, Changement climatique en Corse (pp. 2-7). Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. |
Gobert, S., Lejeune, P., & Romano, J. (2018). Température de l'Eau de Mer. In D. Laffoley, J. Baxter, C. Pergent-Martini, G. Pergent, ... F. Simard, Changement climatique et miliue marin en Corse. Report Card IUCN (pp. 2: 1-7). Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. |
Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (2018). Courants et vents. In D. Laffoley, J. Baxter, C. Pergent-Martini, G. Pergent, ... F. Simard, Report Card 2018 (pp. 5). Gland, Switzerland: IUCN. |
Descamp, P., Cornu, T., Bougerol, M., Boissery, P., Ferlat, C., Delaruelle, G., Deter, J., Gobert, S., & Ozhan, E. (2017). Experimental transplantation of Posidonia oceanica. In Ozhan E. (editeur scientifique), 13th International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation, MEDCOAST 2017 (Mediterranean Coastal Foundation). Mediterranean Coastal Foundation. |
Gobert, S., Aurélia Chéry, Alexandre Volpon, Corinne Pelaprat, & Pierre Lejeune. (2014). The Seascape as an Indicator of Environmental Interest and Quality of the Mediterranean Benthos: The in Situ Development of a Description Index: The LIMA. In O. Musard (Ed.), Underwater Seascape (pp. 273-287). Switzerland: Springer International. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-03440-9_18 |
Gobert, S. (2013). Indicateur Angiospermes/Herbiers de Posidonies PREI (Facade Mediterranée, Masses d'eaux Côtières. In Guide relatif aux règles d’évaluation de l’état des eaux littorales (eaux côtières et eaux de transition) en vue de la mise à jour de l’état des lieux 2013 (pp. 92-95). Paris, France: Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement durable et de l'Energie. |
Gobert, S., Cambridge, M. L., Velimirov, Pergent, G., Lepoint, G., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Dauby, P., Pergent-Martini, C., & Walker, D. (2006). Biology of Posidonia. In A. W. Larkum, R. J. Orth, ... C. M. Duarte (Eds.), Seagrasses: Biology, Ecology and Conservation (pp. 387-408). Springer. doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-2983-7_17 |
Bouquegneau, J.-M., Debacker, V., & Gobert, S. (1997). Biological oceanography and marine food webs: role of marine mammals and seabirds. In T. Jauniaux, J.-M. Bouquegneau, ... F. Coignoul (Eds.), Marine Mammals, Seabirds and Pollution of Marine Systems (pp. 15-21). Liège, Belgium: Presses de La Faculté de Médecine Vétérinaire de l'Université de Liège. |
Gobert, S. (2002). Variations spatiale et temporelle de l'herbier à Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile (Baie de La Revellata-Calvi-Corse) [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/62892 |
Gobert, S. (1993). Hétérogénéité de la structure de l'herbier de Posidonies de la baie de Calvi: variations à court et à long terme [Specialised master, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/144007 |
Gobert, S. (1991). Etat physiologique et contamination en métaux lourds des moules Mytilus edulis le long du littoral belge [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/143977 |
Marengo, M., Doutreloux Nine, Richir Jonathan, Delforge, C., Seveno Julie, Fullgrabe Lovina, Fontaine Quentin, & Gobert, S. (2023). Caractérisation de la part de contamination naturelle en éléments traces dans les embouchures et panaches fluviaux présents dans le Parc naturel marin du Cap Corse et de l’Agriate / Parcu naturale marinu di u Capicorsu è di l’Agriate. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/300748 |
Marengo, M., Richir, J., Martelli, Borrossi, Fontaine, Fullgrabe, Gobert, S., & Lejeune. (2023). Avis scientifique concernant le renouvellement du moratoire sur le mérou en Corse. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/304756 |
Gobert, S., Personnic, S., Descamp, P., & Devissi, C. (2018). NOTE SUR LA METHODOLOGIE DES COMPTAGES DE DENSITES DE FAISCEAUX DE POSIDONIE EN LIMITE INFERIEURE DE LA RESERVE DU LARVOTTO. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/224349 |
Marengo, M., Patrissi, M., Lejeune, P., & Gobert, S. (2018). Avis scientifique concernant la pêche du Corb en Corse. Calvi-Corse, France: STARESO. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/224029 |
Gobert, S., Descamp, P., Erftemeijer, P., & Devissi, C. (2017). Protocole de test de dragage de nuit. (V6). https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/224346 |
Gobert, S., Descamp, P., & Bougerol, M. (2017). Suivi du Rayonnement Photosynthétiquement Actif (RPA) – Réserve du Larvotto. (OCH, 14/11/2017). https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/224351 |
Gobert, S., Louis, F., Bougerol, M., & Cornu, T. (2017). Rapport de synthèse des essais de transplantation de Posidonie en mer. (NTE_205106_B1). https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/224353 |
Gobert, S. (2017). Protocole Safebent. Monte Carlo, Monaco: Bouygues Travaux Public. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/222504 |
Derolez, V., Sargian, P., Balbi, Y., Bouchoucha, M., Galgani, F., Sartoretto, S., Chery, A., Pelaprat, C., Lejeune, P., Goffart, A., Gobert, S., Andral, B., & Boissery, P. (2013). Réseaux de surveillance DCE – Campagne 2012 – District « Corse ». (RST.ODE/UL/LER-PAC/13-26, Version intermédiaire, diffusion libre). Toulon, France: IFREMER. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/172671 |
Gobert, S., Andral, B., Boissery, P., Chery, A., Lejeune, P., Pelaprat, C., Rico-Raimondino, V., & Sartoretto, S. (2008). Soutien méthodologique à la mise en œuvre de la Directive Cadre Eau item : Herbier de Posidonie : Validation du protocole de calcul de l’EQR. France: Ifremer. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/78035 |
Guillaumont, Gauthier, E., & Gobert, S. (Other coll.). (2005). Recommandations pour un programme de surveillance adapté aux objectifs de la DCE (recommandations concernat le benthos marins). (RST/IFREMER/DYNECO/VIGIES/05-11/REBENT, RST/IFREMER/DYNECO/VIGIES/05-11/REBENT). France: Ifremer. https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/78034 |
Gobert, S., & Abadie, A. (2018). La plante de la mer du milieu- La posidonie. (ULiège - Université de Liège, OCEA0057-7 Marine Ecology). Première Edition. |
Lejeune, P., Pelaprat, C., & Gobert, S. (2014). Folder STARESO Station de Recherches Sous-Marines et Océanographiques. |
Réseau Mer, & Gobert, S. (2007). La Posidonie, Cap Sur. (Méditerranée 2000 et Conseil scientifique des Iles de Lérins). Marseille, France: Réseau Mer "Education à l'environnement". |
Bouquegneau, J.-M., Das, K., Debacker, V., Gobert, S., & Nellissen, J.-P. (1996). Toxicological investigations on the heavy metals contamination of seabirds and marine mammals beached along the Belgian coast. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 65, 31-14. |
Gobert, S., Belkhiria, S., Dauby, P., Havelange, S., Soullard, M., & Bouquegneau, J.-M. (1995). Variations temporelles de la phénologie et de la composition biochimique de la phanérogame marine Posidonia oceanica en baie de Calvi. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 64, 263-284. |
Frankignoulle, M., Biondo, R., Bouquegneau, J.-M., Bourge, I., Canon, C., Dauby, P., Desgain, S., Gobert, S., Machiroux, R., & Théate, J.-M. (1994). Dynamique du carbone inorganique des eaux de surface dans l'embouchure de l'Escaut. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 63 (1-2), 187-194. |
Bouquegneau, J.-M., Gobert, S., Frankignoulle, M., & Dauby, P. (1992). La matière en suspension de la couche de surface du plateau continental nord-ouest européen. II. Teneur en métaux lourds et transfert dans la chaîne trophique. Bulletin de la Société Royale des Sciences de Liège, 61, 155-162. |
Binard, M., Alvera Azcarate, A., Beckers, J.-M., Borges, A., Goffart, A., Lejeune, P., Lepoint, G., Norro, A., Pelaprat, C., & Gobert, S. (2008). RACE Data Base : Rapid Assessment of the Coastal Environment. |
Abadie, A., Gobert, S., & Pergent, G. (March 2017). Posidonies : Lire dans les prairies sous-marines. Espèces, 23. |
Gobert, S., & Piet, G. (2011). Peut on repiquer les posidonies. Culture, le Magazine Culturel de l'Université de Liège. |
Gobert, S. (2018). Double offensive en Méditerranée: changement climatique et pression anthropique. |
Gobert, S. (2018). La vie en Méditerranée. |
Gobert, S. (2012). L'océanographie , c'est quoi? [Paper presentation]. Conférence bio, Calvi, France. |
Boulenger, A., Marengo, M., Lepoint, G., Karin Didderen, Wouter Lengkeek, Pierre Boissery, & Gobert, S. (2024). Assessment of different transplantation methods for Posidonia oceanica meadows restoration by means of morphological and physiological traits [Paper presentation]. 2024 World Seagrass Conference & 15th International Seagrass Biology Workshop, Naples, Italy. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.18793.71523 |
Debois, V., & Gobert, S. (2012). Journée de rencontre entre L'institut des Radio-Elements et L'Université de Liège. |