Parthoens, A., Prieels, L., Embrechts, J.-J., Detandt, Y., Pecceu, S., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2020). Multi-objective design of single room ventilation units with heat and water recovery. International Journal of Ventilation. doi:10.1080/14733315.2020.1777006 |
Duthoit, F., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2020). Description of the research project CIMEDE for the industrial construction of evolutionary, sustainable and economic houses. In Proceedings of the Euronoise 2015 Congress (pp. 961-966). |
Parthoens, A., Prieels, L., Embrechts, J.-J., Detandt, Y., Pecceu, S., Gendebien, S., & Lemort, V. (2019). Multi-objective design of single room ventilation units with heat and water recovery. In From energy crisis to sustainable indoor climate – 40 years of AIVC (pp. 605-614). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2019). Pertinence of a simplified plane wave model for reverberation energy decays in rooms with a pair of parallel surfaces. In Proceedings of the ICA 2019. |
Lesoinne, S., Embrechts, J.-J., Vatin, G., Ganty, B., & Detandt, Y. (2019). Numerical acoustic modelling of a ventilation unit by 3D FEM and application to the design of an ANC feedforward system. In Proceedings of the ICA 2019. |
Vatin, G., Ganty, B., Detandt, Y., Lesoinne, S., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2019). Numerical modelling and characterization of a heat exchanger. In INTER-NOISE 2019 MADRID - 48th International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering. |
Nguyen, N. L., Embrechts, J.-J., & Teller, J. (2019). Colour in the city: a chromatic typology for the quantitative analysis of spatial coherence. Landscape Research. doi:10.1080/01426397.2019.1589437 |
Embrechts, J.-J. (April 2019). An analytical model for reverberation energy decays in rooms with specular and diffuse reflections. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145 (4), 2724-2732. doi:10.1121/1.5095873 |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (20 March 2019). Objective and subjective comparison of several machine learning techniques applied to the real-time emulation of the guitar amplifier nonlinear behavior [Poster presentation]. 146th International Pro-audio Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Dublin, Ireland. |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2018). Introducing a Dataset of Guitar Amplifier Sounds for Nonlinear Emulation Benchmarking. AES E-Library. |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (14 May 2018). Nonlinear Real-Time Emulation of a Tube Amplifier with a Long Short Term Memory Neural-Network [Poster presentation]. 144th convention of the audio engineering society, Milan, Italy. |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2018). Real Time Emulation of Parametric Guitar Tube Amplifier with Long Short Term Memory Neural Network. In 4th International Conference on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (IPPR 2018), Copenhagen, Denmark, April 28~29, 2018. |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (September 2017). Hammerstein kernels identification by means of a sine sweep technique applied to nonlinear audio devices emulation. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 65 (9), 696-710. doi:10.17743/jaes.2017.0025 |
Kaiser, X., Brandt, S., Meys, B., Plom, N., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2017). Attenuation measurements inside and at the output of a passive silencer equipped with parallel absorbing baffles. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 30 (030006). doi:10.1121/2.0000600 |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2016). A new toolbox for the identification of diagonal Volterra kernels allowing the emulation of nonlinear audio devices. In T. Schmitz, International Congress on Acoustics : ICA, Argentine 5-9 Septembre 2016. |
Osmalsky, J., Van Droogenbroeck, M., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2016). Enhancing Cover Song Identification with Hierarchical Rank Aggregation. In Proceedings of the 17th International for Music Information Retrieval Conference (pp. 136-142). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2016). Review on the applications of directional impulse responses in room acoustics. In Actes du CFA 2016. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2016). Combining beamforming methods and antenna rotation for sound sources localization with a spherical microphone array. ULg - Université de Liège. |
Osmalsky, J., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2016). Effects of acoustic degradations on cover song identification systems. In International Congress on Acoustics: ICA 2016. |
Osmalsky, J., Embrechts, J.-J. (Other coll.), Foster, P. (Other coll.), & Dixon, S. (Other coll.). (2015). Combining Features for Cover Song Identification. In 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2015). Measurement of 3D Room Impulse Responses with a Spherical Microphone Array. In Proceedings of the Euronoise 2015 Congress (pp. 143-148). |
Lesoinne, S., Barth, A., Kaiser, X., Embrechts, J.-J., Gillet, A., & Moelans, R. (2015). Evaluation of the impact of uncertainties on environmental data for far-field propagation in shallow water with Split-step Padé PE. In Proceedings of the Euronoise 2015 Congress (pp. 629-634). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (September 2014). A Geometrical Acoustics Approach Linking Surface Scattering and Reverberation in Room Acoustics. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 100 (5), 864-879. doi:10.3813/AAA.918766 |
Feron, H., & Embrechts, J.-J. (28 May 2014). Design of a spherical array of microphones for room acoustics applications [Paper presentation]. Journée scientifique de l'ABAV, Bruges, Belgium. |
Osmalsky, J., Van Droogenbroeck, M., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2014). Performances of low-level audio classifiers for large-scale music similarity. In International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (pp. 91-94). |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2014). Improvement in non-linear guitar loudspeaker sound reproduction. In International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing. |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (21 February 2014). Modeling and analysis of nonlinear systems applied to a guitar chain signal [Paper presentation]. PhD and young acousticians day, ABAV 2014, Liège, Belgium. |
André, C., Corteel, E., Embrechts, J.-J., Verly, J., & Katz, B. F. G. (January 2014). Subjective Evaluation of the Audiovisual Spatial Congruence in the Case of Stereoscopic-3D Video and Wave Field Synthesis. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 72 (1), 23-32. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2013.09.004 |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2014). Acoustique du bâtiment. (ULiège - Université de Liège). |
Feron, H., & Embrechts, J.-J. (05 December 2013). Capture of 3D sound with a spherical microphone array [Paper presentation]. 3D Stereo Media, Liège, Belgium. |
André, C., Corteel, E., Embrechts, J.-J., Verly, J., & Katz, B. F. G. (2013). A New Validated Method for Improving the Audiovisual Spatial Congruence in the Case of Stereoscopic-3D Video and Wave Field Synthesis. In 3D Imaging (IC3D), 2013 International Conference on. doi:10.1109/IC3D.2013.6732081 |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2013). The contributions of pairs of parallel surfaces in a simple analytical model of room reverberation. In I.C.A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2013 ICA Congress. |
Schmich-Yamane, I., Embrechts, J.-J., Müller-Trapet, M., Rougier, C., & Vorländer, M. (2013). Prediction and measurement of the random incidence scattering coefficient of periodic reflective rectangular diffuser profiles. In Proceedings of the 2013 ICA Congress. |
Osmalsky, J., Pierard, S., Van Droogenbroeck, M., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2013). Efficient database pruning for large-scale cover song recognition. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE. |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2013). Nonlinear guitar loudspeaker simulation. In Proceedings of the AES 134 th convention. |
Billon, A., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2013). A Diffraction Model for Acoustical Ray-Tracing Based on the Energy Flow Lines Concept. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 99, 260-267. doi:10.3813/AAA.918608 |
André, C., Embrechts, J.-J., Verly, J., Rébillat, M., & Katz, B. F. G. (2012). Sound for 3D Cinema and the Sense of Presence. In M. A. Nees, B. N. Walker, ... J. Freeman (Eds.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Auditory Display. |
Schmitz, T., & Embrechts, J.-J. (06 June 2012). Non-linear loudspeaker simulation. Guitar loudspeaker [Paper presentation]. Journée ABAV de communications libres, Leuven, Belgium. |
Minard, A., Robin, B., Fournier, F., Embrechts, J.-J., Billon, A., Goujard, B., & Sakout, A. (2012). Evaluation of the acoustic comfort of air-treatment systems with a multi-task procedure. In E.A.A. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2012 Euronoise Congress. |
Osmalsky, J., Embrechts, J.-J., Van Droogenbroeck, M., & Pierard, S. (2012). Neural networks for musical chords recognition. In Journées d'informatique musicale (pp. 39-46). |
Billon, A., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2012). Ray-tracing modelling of the diffraction by half-planes and slits based on the energy flow lines concept. In Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes conference (pp. 2385-2390). |
Billon, A., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2012). Discrimination thresholds of the reverberation in large volumes by naïve listeners. In Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes conference (pp. 399-403). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2012). Searching for a theoretical relation between reverberation and the scattering coefficients of surface in a room. In Proceedings of the Acoustics 2012 Nantes conference (pp. 2397-2402). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2012). Les haut-parleurs électrodynamiques. (ULiège - Université de Liège). |
Minard, A., Billon, A., Goujard, B., Robin, B., Fournier, F., Embrechts, J.-J., & Sakout, A. (April 2012). Timbre description of the sound of air-treatment systems for predicting acoustic confort [Poster presentation]. Acoustics 2012, Nantes, France. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (December 2011). AURALIAS: an audio-immersive system for auralizing room acoustics projects [Paper presentation]. 3D Stereo Media, Liège, Belgium. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (23 November 2011). Microphone arrays fundamentals [Paper presentation]. Journée ABAV "Multiple microphones systems", Liège, Belgium. |
Evrard, M., André, C., Verly, J., Embrechts, J.-J., & Katz, B. F. G. (20 October 2011). Object-Based Sound Re-Mix for Spatially Coherent Audio Rendering of an Existing Stereoscopic-3D Animation Movie [Paper presentation]. 131th AES Convention, New York, NY, United States. |
Billon, A., & Embrechts, J.-J. (September 2011). Numerical evidence of mixing in rooms using the free path temporal distribution. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 130 (3), 1381–1389. doi:10.1121/1.3623747 |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2011). The random-incidence scattering coefficient of infinite periodic surfaces with rectangular and sine-shaped roughness profiles. In Proceedings of Forum Acusticum 2011. |
Minard, A., Goujard, B., Sakout, A., Billon, A., & Embrechts, J.-J. (30 June 2011). Acoustic comfort of air-treatment systems: influence of factors related to room acoustics [Paper presentation]. Forum Acusticum 2011, Aalborg, Denmark. |
Billon, A., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2011). Ray-tracing modelling of the diffraction by half-planes based on the energy flow lines concept. In Proceedings of the Forum Acusticum 2011 Congress. |
Evrard, M., André, C., Embrechts, J.-J., & Verly, J. (23 February 2011). 3D Audio Acquisition and Reproduction Systems [Paper presentation]. Journée ABAV : « Qui fait quoi dans la recherche acoustique en Belgique ? », Neder-over-Heembeek, Belgium. |
Embrechts, J.-J., & Billon, A. (2011). Theoretical Determination of the Random-Incidence Scattering Coefficients of Infinite Rigid Surfaces with a Periodic Rectangular Roughness Profile. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 97, 607-617. doi:10.3813/AAA.918441 |
Embrechts, J.-J. (December 2010). Research activities in 3D sound and Auralization (in Intelsig) [Poster presentation]. 3D Stereo Media, Liège, Belgium. |
André, C., Embrechts, J.-J., & Verly, J. (2010). Adding 3D Sound to 3D Cinema: Identification and Evaluation of Different Reproduction Techniques. In Audio Language and Image Processing (ICALIP), 2010 International Conference on. doi:10.1109/ICALIP.2010.5684993 |
André, C., Embrechts, J.-J., & Verly, J. (18 May 2010). Adding 3D sound to 3D cinema: new challenges and perspectives [Poster presentation]. URSI Forum 2010, Bruxelles, Belgium. |
Billon, A., Nemerlin, J., & Embrechts, J.-J. (29 April 2010). Effect of ground scattering on noise barriers efficiency [Paper presentation]. Noise in built environment, Ghent, Belgium. |
Billon, A., Dirix, S., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2010). Evaluation du temps de mélange à partir de la distribution temporelle du libre parcours dans une salle. In Actes du 10ème Congrès Français d'Acoustique (pp. 6). |
Embrechts, J.-J., & Bos, L. (2010). Real-time auralization of industrial noise. In Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics & Belgian Acoustical Society (pp. 277-284). |
Lesoinne, S., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2010). Recherche des intersections rayon-surfaces par classement préférentiel dans un logiciel d'acoustique des salles. In Actes du 10è Congrès Français d'Acoustique (pp. 6). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2010). Introduction to colorimetry. (ULiège - Université de Liège). |
André, C., Embrechts, J.-J., & Verly, J. (03 December 2009). Adding sound to movies: Historical trends and new challenges of 3D cinema [Paper presentation]. 3D Stereo Media, Liège, Belgium. |
Bos, L., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2009). An interactive and real-time 3D auralization system for room acoustics (the AURALIAS project). In Proceedings of the 3D Stereo Media congress, Liege 2010 (pp. 4). |
Billon, A., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2009). Objective study of spatial attributes in the room impulse response's late part and their relevance for auralization. In Proceedings of the Euronoise 2009 Congress (pp. 10). |
Billon, A., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2009). Real time auralization: a low cost updating of ray-tracing results induced by modifications of the acoustical space [Paper presentation]. Journée ABAV, Leuven, Belgium. |
Bos, L., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2009). An interactive and real-time based auralization sytem for room acoustics, implementing directional impulse responses and multiple audio reproduction modules for spatialization (the AURALIAS project) [Paper presentation]. NAG/DAGA 2009, Rotterdam, Netherlands. |
Embrechts, J.-J., & Duthoit, F. (2009). Acoustical design of a listening studio for auralization sessions [Paper presentation]. Journée ABAV (Association Belge des Acousticiens), Leuven, Belgium. |
Lesoinne, S., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2008). Size-adaptive spherical receptor acceleration method for acoustical ray tracing. In Proceedings of the 5th Forum Acusticum "Acoustics '08" (pp. 5). |
Debergh, N., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2008). Mathematical modelization of reduced luminance coefficients for dry road surfaces. Lighting Research and Technology, 40, 243-256. doi:10.1177/147715350095129 |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2008). Acoustique du bâtiment. (ULiège - Université de Liège, ELEN0077, ELEN0009, ELEN0443). Centrale des Cours de l'AEES. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2008). Acoustique appliquée: fondements et lutte contre le bruit. (ULiège - Université de Liège, ELEN 0077, ELEN 0009). centrale des cours de l'AEES. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2007). Computation and applications of directional echograms in room and concert hall acoustics [Paper presentation]. 19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid, Spain. |
Embrechts, J.-J., Lesoinne, S., & Werner, N. (2007). A moving listener in a virtual audio environment with particularly irregular reverberation decay. In Proceedings of the 28th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux (pp. 205-210). |
Embrechts, J.-J., Werner, N., & Duthoit, F. (2007). Les réponses impulsionnelles directionnelles: évaluation et application dans le cadre de l'acoustique des salles [Paper presentation]. Journée des acousticiens belges, Brugge, Belgium. |
Kaiser, X., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2007). Analysis of different approaches to the management of motor sports noise and application to an international racing track. In Proceedings of the Inter-Noise 2007 Congress (pp. 8). |
Dardenne, R., Embrechts, J.-J., Van Droogenbroeck, M., & Werner, N. (2006). A video-based human-computer interaction system for audio-visual immersion. In Proceedings of SPS-DARTS (pp. 23-26). |
Cox, T. J., Dalenback, B.-I., D'Antonio, P., Embrechts, J.-J., Jeon, J. Y., Mommertz, E., & Vorländer, M. (2006). A tutorial on scattering and diffusion coefficients for room acoustic surfaces. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 92 (1, JAN-FEB), 1-15. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2006). Introduction aux techniques audio et vidéo. (ULiège - Université de Liège, ELEN 0002). Liège, Belgium: Centrale des cours de l'AEES. |
Embrechts, J.-J., De Geetere, L., Vermeir, G., Vorlander, M., & Sakuma, T. (2006). Calculation of the random-incidence scattering coefficients of a sine-shaped surface. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 92 (4, JUL-AUG), 593-603. |
Lesoinne, S., Werner, N., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2006). 3D real-time auralization with separate rendering of direct sound, reflections and directional late reverberation. In Proceedings of the 2006 international Conference on Auditory Display (pp. 4). |
Verly, J., Piater, J., Van Droogenbroeck, M., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2006). Research Unit in Signal and Image Exploitation (INTELSIG). |
Werner, N., Embrechts, J.-J., & Lesoinne, S. (2006). Présentation d'un système d'auralisation reproduisant de manière fidèle toutes les caractéristiques spatiales [Poster presentation]. Journées des acousticiens belges, Liège, Belgium. |
Dardenne, R., Embrechts, J.-J., Van Droogenbroeck, M., & Werner, N. (July 2005). The CINEMA Project: A Video-Based Human-Computer Interaction System for Audio-Visual Immersion. ERCIM News, 62, 45-46. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2005). Random-incidence scattering coefficients of infinite sine-shaped surfaces. In Proceedings of the 4th Forum Acusticum Congress (pp. 2151-2154). |
Embrechts, J.-J., Werner, N., & Lesoinne, S. (2005). Computation of Directional Impulse Responses in Rooms for Better Auralization. In Proceedings of the 118th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society (Convention paper nb. 6498, pp. 5). |
Embrechts, J.-J., Werner, N., & Lesoinne, S. (2005). Auralization in Room Acoustics using Directional Impulse Responses Computed by Sound Ray Techniques. In Proceedings of the 4th Forum Acusticum Congress (pp. 2535-2538). |
Tamaz, P., Caule, P., Nemerlin, J., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2005). Active noise control in frontages of buildings. In Proceedings of SPS-DARTS 2005 (pp. 49-52). |
Tamaz, P., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2005). Expériences de contrôle actif du bruit dans le bâtiment. Approches globales et locales [Paper presentation]. Journée des acousticiens belges, Gent, Belgium. |
Werner, N., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2005). Reproduction d'un espace sonore 3D dans le cadre du projet CINEMA: une expérience interactive dans un monde virtuel [Paper presentation]. Journée des acousticiens belges, Gent, Belgium. |
Brasseur, M., De Boe, P., Golinval, J.-C., Tamaz, P., Caule, P., Embrechts, J.-J., & Nemerlin, J. (2004). Placement of Piezoelectric Laminate Actuator for Active Structural Acoustic Control [Paper presentation]. ISMA 2004, Leuven, Belgium. |
Caule, P., Tamaz, P., Brasseur, M., De Boe, P., Golinval, J.-C., Nemerlin, J., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2004). Active noise insulation in frontages of buildings [Paper presentation]. 33rd Inter-Noise Congress, Prague, Czechia. |
Verly, J., Piater, J., Van Droogenbroeck, M., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2004). Signal and Image Exploitation at the University of Liège: Strategic Plan and Some Applications [Paper presentation]. Journées d’étude et exposition Optique et Vision Industrielle, Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL), Belgium. |
Vorländer, M., Embrechts, J.-J., De Geetere, L., Vermeir, G., & de Avelar Gomes, M. H. (2004). Case studies in measurement of random incidence scattering coefficients. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 90 (5, SEP-OCT), 858-867. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (November 2003). Notions d'acoustique [Paper presentation]. Journée AILg sur les Nuisances sonores, Liège, Belgium. |
De Geetere, L., Embrechts, J.-J., & Vermeir, G. (2003). Calculation of the scattering coefficient of a sine-shaped surface by using the BEM method. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 25 (5), 75-83. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2003). Optimal design of outdoor lighting systems by genetic algorithms - Discussion. Lighting Research and Technology, 35 (3), 278-280. |
Embrechts, J.-J., De Geetere, L., & Vermeir, G. (2003). Calculation of the scattering coefficient of a sine-shaped surface by solving the Helmholtz integral. Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics, 25 (5), 67-74. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (June 2002). Introduction aux techniques de l'éclairage [Paper presentation]. Journée de l'Eclairage AILg - CNBE, Liege, Belgium. |
Stan, G.-B., Embrechts, J.-J., & Archambeau, D. (April 2002). Comparison of different impulse response measurement techniques. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 50 (4), 249-262. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2002). Practical aspects of the ISO procedure for measuring the scattering coefficient in a real-scale experiment [Paper presentation]. 3rd Convention Forum Acusticum, Sevilla, Spain. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2002). Modélisation des réflexions diffuses en acoustique des salles: état de la question. In Actes du 6è Congrès Français d'Acoustique (pp. 666-669). Paris, France: SFA. |
Embrechts, J.-J., Caule, P., Tamaz, P., & Nemerlin, J. (2002). Active insulation in dwellings. NAG journaal, 162, 57-62. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2001). Determination of the scattering coefficient of statistical rough surfaces [Paper presentation]. 17th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA), Rome, Italy. |
Embrechts, J.-J., Archambeau, D., & Stan, G.-B. (2001). Determination of the scattering coefficient of random rough diffusing surfaces for room acoustics applications. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 87, 482-494. |
Frankinet, M., Gillet, M., Duthoit, F., Maghe, L., Prevot, M., Blochouse, A., Marville, C., & Embrechts, J.-J. (2001). Study of the influence of coloured road surfaces on the efficiency of road lighting installations. In Proceedings of the 9th Lux Europa Congress (pp. 62-65). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (April 2000). Broad Spectrum Diffusion Model for Room Acoustics Ray-Tracing Algorithms. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 107 (4), 2068-81. doi:10.1121/1.428489 |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2000). Simulation of first and second order scattering by rough surfaces with a sound ray formalism. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 229(1), 65-87. doi:10.1006/jsvi.1999.2479 |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2000). Présentation de la nouvelle chaire des "techniques du son et de l'image" de l'université de Liège. Revue AIM (Association des Ingénieurs sortis de l'Institut Montefiore), 3, p. 16-22. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (2000). Modelling sound diffusion in ray tracing programs. In Proceedings of Acustica 2000-TecniAcustica Congress (pp. 7). |
Eugène, C., Rombauts, P., Embrechts, J.-J., & Renglet, M. (2000). L'éclairage : à nouveaux critères, nouveaux outils de mesure, de calcul et de simulation. REE: Revue de l'Électricité et de l'Électronique, 7, 6-11. |
Dindart, J.-F., Embrechts, J.-J., & Sémidor, C. (1999). Use of bidirectional reflectance distribution function in a particle tracing method. In Proceedings of the 2nd Convention Forum Acusticum (pp. 4). |
Dijon, J.-M., Embrechts, J.-J., & Brusten, S. (1999). Measurements and modelization of light reflection on road pavement samples. In CIE Publication n°133 - Part 2 (pp. 179-181). Vienna, Austria: CIE. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1999). Progress in the modelization of light reflection for lighting calculations. In Proceedings of the 24th Session of the C.I.E. , CIE Publication n°133-Part 1 (pp. 194-196). Vienna, Austria: C.I.E. |
Embrechts, J.-J., Renglet, M., Eugène, C., & Rombauts, P. (1999). L'éclairage : une technique en évolution. Les méthodes de calcul et de simulation. Revue E: Revue d'Electricité et d'Electronique Industrielle, 115è année, 3/4, 53-59. |
Eugène, C., Rombauts, P., Embrechts, J.-J., & Renglet, M. (1999). L'éclairage : une technique en évolution. De la performance visuelle à l'émotion. Revue E: Revue d'Electricité et d'Electronique Industrielle, 115è année, 3/4, 8-17. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (06 May 1998). La photométrie des revêtements routiers: approche classique et nouvelles tendances [Paper presentation]. Journée SRBE sur l'Eclairage des routes et des cités, Mons, Belgium. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1998). Numerical processing of calculated echograms to derive stable room acoustics parameters. In Proceedings of the 104th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Convention paper nb. 4656 (pp. 2). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1998). Modelization of Kirchhoff scattering by a sound ray algorithm. In Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) and 135th meeting of the Acoustical Soc. of America (ASA) - Volume 4 (pp. 2329-2330). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1998). Calcul de la répartition angulaire de l'énergie acoustique diffusée par une surface gaussienne. Bulletin d'Acoustique, 24, 35-52. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1998). Analytical solution of a simple artificial lighting scheme to test any lighting software. Computer Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, 3(3), 197-204. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1998). Analytical solution of a simple artificial lighting scheme to test any lighting software. Light and Engineering, 6(4), 35-47. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1998). A safe method of truncating an echogram calculated by a sound ray technique. In Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA) and 135th meeting of the Acoustical Soc. of America (ASA) - Volume 1 (pp. 361-362). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1996). Sound diffusion by a layout of parallel suspended absorbing baffles. Acustica united with Acta acustica, 82 Suppl. 1, 148. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1996). Colour rendering under the combination of daylight and artificial light. In Proceedings of the A.I.C. Interim meeting '96 (Association Internationale de la Couleur) (pp. 2). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1995). Light reflection model for lighting applications. Lighting Research and Technology, 27(4), 231-241. doi:10.1177/14771535950270040201 |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1995). Calcul des échogrammes et de leurs paramètres associés par une méthode de rayons sonores. Bulletin d'Acoustique, 19, 9-34. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1994). Development of a model of light reflection for lighting applications [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1994). Un formalisme unique peut-il décrire les phénomènes acoustiques et lumineux ? Bulletin d'Acoustique, 16, 9-23. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1993). Implementation of the finite element method for non-lambertian indoor surfaces. In Proceedings of the 7th "Lux Europa" congress (Edinburgh 1993) - Volume 2 (pp. 750-753). |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1993). Etude et modélisation de la réflexion lumineuse dans le cadre de l'Eclairage Prévisionnel [Post doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1992). Light scattering by rough surfaces: Electromagnetic model for lighting simulations. Lighting Research and Technology, 24(4), 243-254. doi:10.1177/096032719202400408 |
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Embrechts, J.-J. (1992). Facteurs d'absorption équivalents des structures de baffles parallèles suspendus. Résolution des équations de propagation à l'intérieur de la structure. Bulletin d'Acoustique, 12, 9-38. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1992). Colour rendering of supplementary artificial lighting. Color Research and Application, 17(3), 197-204. doi:10.1002/col.5080170307 |
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Embrechts, J.-J., & Nemerlin, J. (1989). Facteurs d'absorption équivalents des structures de baffles parallèles suspendus. Approche géométrique considérant la direction des ondes sonores incidentes. Bulletin d'Acoustique, 7, 7-36. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1988). The combination of illuminants and its effect on colour rendering. In Proceedings of the Colour Dynamics '88 Congress (pp. 5). |
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Embrechts, J.-J. (1987). Développement d'une nouvelle approche paramétrique du rendu des couleurs. Application à l'analyse et à la conception d'ambiances colorées [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1987). Analyse de la précision d'une méthode prévisionnelle utilisant le concept de rayon sonore. Bulletin d'Acoustique, 2, 35-55. |
Embrechts, J.-J., & Leclerc, J. (1987). Acoustique prévisionnelle extérieure et intérieure en milieu industriel. Méthodes de simulation mathématique [Paper presentation]. Journée d'étude sur l'Acoustique prévisionnelle, Liège, Belgium. |
Embrechts, J.-J. (1986). A parametric approach to colour rendering. Farbe (Die), 32/33, 416-423. |
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Embrechts, J.-J. (1985). Modèle de l'influence des parois sur la chromaticité du rayonnement lumineux en espace clos. Lux, 133, 5-11. |
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Embrechts, J.-J. (1984). Colour rendering and spectral power distribution: a new parametric approach. Lighting Research and Technology, 16 (3), 119-130. doi:10.1177/14771535840160030101 |
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