Publications and communications of André Preumont

Collette, C., Janssens, S., Fernandez-Carmona, P., Artoos, K., Guinchard, M., HAUVILLER, C., & Preumont, A. (2012). Review: Inertial sensors for low-frequency seismic vibration measurement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102 (4), 1289-1300. doi:10.1785/0120110223

Collette, C., Janssens, S., Fernandez-Carmona, P., Artoos, K., Guinchard, M., HAUVILLER, C., & Preumont, A. (2012). Inertial sensors for low frequency seismic vibration measurement. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 102 (4), 1289-1300.

Preumont, A., Bastaits, R., Surdej, I., & Collette, C. (2012). Challenges in precision and vibration control for physics experiments. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part I, Journal of Systems and Control Engineering, 226 (7), 864-866. doi:10.1177/0959651812439518

Collette, C., & Preumont, A. (2010). High frequency energy transfer in semi-active suspension. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329 (22), 4604-4616. doi:10.1016/j.jsv.2010.05.026

Collette, C., Horodinca, M., & Preumont, A. (2009). Rotational vibration absorber for the mitigation of rail rutting corrugation. Vehicle System Dynamics, 47 (6), 641-659. doi:10.1080/00423110802339792

Collette, C., Kroll, G., Saive, G., Guillemier, V., Avraam, M. T., & Preumont, A. (2009). Isolation and damping properties of Magnetorheologic Elastomers. Journal of Physics. Conference Series, 149, 012091.

Collette, C., & Preumont, A. (2009). Laser measurement of torsional vibrations/ longitudinal creepage of a railway wheel set on a scaled test bench. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 47 (3-4), 385-389. doi:10.1016/j.optlaseng.2008.03.011