Publications and communications of Constance Uyttebrouck

Wilmotte, P.-F., & Uyttebrouck, C. (2024). L'essor du travail à domicile à la suite de la crise sanitaire. ORBi-University of Liège.

Uyttebrouck, C. (2023). Mixité fonctionnelle à Amsterdam, Bruxelles et Stockholm [Paper presentation]. LAB2051.

Uyttebrouck, C., & Newton, C. (23 August 2023). Good Living in Brussels Post-Pandemic [Paper presentation]. ISQOLS 2023, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Uyttebrouck, C., Newton, C., & De Decker, P. (30 June 2023). Conceptualising the Covid-19 shock to understand how we live and work in cities [Paper presentation]. ENHR Conference.

Uyttebrouck, C., & Teller, J. (28 June 2023). Shared housing for students and young adults and the urban- regeneration process of second-tier cities [Paper presentation]. ENHR Conference.

Uyttebrouck, C. (25 January 2023). Mixité fonctionnelle et nouveaux lieux de vie et de travail : quel potentiel pour Bruxelles face à l’expansion du travail hybride ? Netcom, 1 (1).

Uyttebrouck, C. (2022). Live-work mix in Brussels in the context of urban commodification [Paper presentation]. Urban Geography course, Delft, Netherlands.

Bianchet, B., Gathon, H.-J., Maldague, H., Malherbe, A., Massart, F., Veys, M., & Uyttebrouck, C. (2022). Recherche N°2: Dynamiques économiques émergentes et nouveaux enjeux territoriaux - Rapport scientifique final.

Uyttebrouck, C. (25 February 2022). Shared housing for students and young professionals in Amsterdam, Brussels and Stockholm [Paper presentation]. Youth housing transitions: Pathways, opportunities & lived experiences, Milan, Italy.

Uyttebrouck, C. (2021). Mixité fonctionnelle à Amsterdam, Bruxelles et Stockholm [Paper presentation]. La mixité fonctionnelle, vecteur d'innovation pour le développement urbain.

Uyttebrouck, C. (2021). Mixité logement-travail à Amsterdam, Bruxelles et Stockholm: perspective historique et cas concrets [Paper presentation]. Archilab, Genval, Belgium.

Uyttebrouck, C. (April 2021). Le logement partagé : une réponse aux aspirations des jeunes professionnels ? Echos du Logement, 128, 14-19.

Uyttebrouck, C., Remøy, H., & Teller, J. (March 2021). The governance of live-work mix: actors and instruments in Amsterdam and Brussels development projects. Cities, 113 (June 2021), 11. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2021.103161

Hanin, Y., Godart, M.-F., Strale, M., Bianchet, B., Bottieau, V., Grandjean, M., Berger, C., Courtois, X., Haine, M., Goffin, F., Cawoy, V., Wilmotte, P.-F., Maldague, H., Uyttebrouck, C., & Lambotte, J.-M. (2021). Expertise - Quelles perspectives pour les territoires wallons dans l'ère post-covid? (E.1). Namur, Belgium: Conférence Permanente du Développement Territorial.

Uyttebrouck, C. (2020). New ways of working, new ways of living...What housing and planning implications? Ontologies and governance of live-work mix. A comparison of Amsterdam, Brussels and Stockholm [Doctoral thesis, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Uyttebrouck, C., van Bueren, E., & Teller, J. (2020). Shared housing for students and young professionals: evolution of a market in need of regulation. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. doi:10.1007/s10901-020-09778-w

Uyttebrouck, C., Remoy, H., & Teller, J. (27 June 2018). Working – living mix: from urban development strategy to market initiatives [Paper presentation]. ENHR Conference, Uppsala, Sweden.

Uyttebrouck, C., van Bueren, E., & Teller, J. (18 May 2018). Mixing working and living spaces in buildings: implementation and upscaling [Paper presentation]. Workshop on young urban singles and shared housing, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Uyttebrouck, C., & Teller, J. (04 September 2017). Spatial hybridization and its implications on housing in Brussels and Amsterdam [Paper presentation]. ENHR Conference 2017, Tirana, Albania.

Dethier, P., Quintart, A., Uyttebrouck, C., & Xhignesse, G. (2017). Home Sweet Home : Quatre fenêtres ouvertes sur le logement [Paper presentation]. Doc'Café, Liège, Belgium.

Uyttebrouck, C. (11 May 2017). Les lieux hybrides dans la ville : essai de cartographie [Paper presentation]. Journée des doctorants en urbanisme-aménagement de l'APERAU, Aix-en-Provence, France.