Phase diagrams for the competition between chiral and diquark condensations.

The following movie is the result of a random matrix model which describes both chiral condensation and quark Cooper pairing. This work is summarized in Phys. Rev. D61, 076004 (2000) [hep-ph/9910295] and Phys. Rev. D62 (2000) 094010 [hep-ph/0003150].  The animation shows the evolution of the phase structure with the balance between chiral and diquark condensations. The first frame corresponds to a ratio of coupling constants, B/A,  which favors chiral over diquark condensation. The following frames show the phase diagram for ratios increasingly in favor of diquark condensation.

Legend: T is the temperature and mu the chemical potential in scaled units. Continous lines are second-order and dotted lines are first-order. The chiral phase is delimited by red lines, the diquark phase appears below the blue line and the green lines delimitate the mixed broken symmetry phase. The key on the right shows the ratio B/A for each frame. B/A = 0.75 is the ratio assumed for single-gluon exchange; B/A =1.5 is the maximum value that can be reached with Hermitean interactions.

(The movie is best viewed with  Quick Time  which respects the time delay between frames. First save the gif file on your local disk by pointing with the mouse to the movie area and then clicking on the right button.)

Click here for a slower movie (5 frames per sec. instead of 10).