C. Opitom, E. Jehin, J. Manfroid, and M. Gillon, Liège University report that they obtained on September 11 and 12, with the robotic TRAPPIST 0.6-m telescope at ESO La Silla Observatory, one set of narrowband photometry on the long period comet C/2013 V2 (LINEAR) and on the newly discovered comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy). Both comets display gaseous comae and are now visible in the morning sky from the Southern hemisphere. The following production rates (Haser model with Vp=Vd=1km/s) were obtained for C/2013 V2 (r=1.50 AU post perihelion): log Q(OH) = 28.4; log Q(NH) = 26.4; log Q(CN) = 25.9; log Q(C_3) = 25.6; log Q(C_2) = 26.2; and Af(rho) (526.0 nm) = 2600 cm at 10.000km. A set of narrowband photometry was also collected on the new comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) (r=1.94 AU pre-perihelion), resulting in the following production rates: log Q(OH) = 27.9; log Q(CN) = 25.5; log Q(C_3) = 24.9; log Q(C_2) = 25.5; and Af(rho) (526.0 nm) = 160 cm. These values indicate that both comets have "typical" composition and that C/Lovejoy has a low dust-to-gaz ratio.