PMID- 7957242 OWN - NLM STAT- MEDLINE DA - 19941228 DCOM- 19941228 LR - 20070723 IS - 0014-2956 (Print) IS - 0014-2956 (Linking) VI - 226 IP - 1 DP - 1994 Nov 15 TI - A common system controls the induction of very different genes. The class-A beta-lactamase of Proteus vulgaris and the enterobacterial class-C beta-lactamase. PG - 149-57 AB - Among the Enterobacteriaceae, Proteus vulgaris is exceptional in the inducible production of a 29-kDa beta-lactamase (cefuroximase) with an unusually high activity towards the beta-lactamase-stable oximino-cephalosporins (e.g. cefuroxime and cefotaxime). Sequencing of the corresponding gene, cumA, showed that the derived CumA beta-lactamase belonged to the molecular class A. The structural gene was under the direct control of gene cumR, which was transcribed backwards and whose initiation codon was 165 bp away from that of the beta-lactamase gene. This resembled the arrangement of structural and regulator genes ampC and ampR of the 39-kDa molecular-class-C beta-lactamase AmpC present in many enterobacteria. Moreover, cloned genes ampD and ampG for negative modulation and signal transduction of AmpC beta-lactamase induction, respectively, were also able to restore constitutively CumA overproducing and non-inducible P. vulgaris mutants to the inducible, wild-type phenotype. The results indicate that controls of the induction phenomena are equivalent for the CumA and AmpC beta-lactamase. Very different structural genes can thus be under the control of identical systems. AD - Laboratoire d'Enzymologie, Universite de Liege, Sart Tilman, Belgium. FAU - Datz, M AU - Datz M FAU - Joris, B AU - Joris B FAU - Azab, E A AU - Azab EA FAU - Galleni, M AU - Galleni M FAU - Van Beeumen, J AU - Van Beeumen J FAU - Frere, J M AU - Frere JM FAU - Martin, H H AU - Martin HH LA - eng SI - GENBANK/X80128 PT - Journal Article PT - Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't PL - GERMANY TA - Eur J Biochem JT - European journal of biochemistry / FEBS JID - 0107600 RN - 0 (DNA, Bacterial) RN - EC (beta-Lactamases) SB - IM GS - ampD GS - ampG GS - cumA GS - cumR MH - Amino Acid Sequence MH - Base Sequence MH - Cloning, Molecular MH - DNA, Bacterial MH - Enzyme Induction MH - Escherichia coli/genetics MH - Genes, Bacterial MH - Genetic Complementation Test MH - Molecular Sequence Data MH - Proteus vulgaris/*enzymology/genetics MH - Sequence Homology, Nucleic Acid MH - Signal Transduction MH - Transcription, Genetic MH - beta-Lactamases/*biosynthesis/genetics/metabolism EDAT- 1994/11/15 MHDA- 1994/11/15 00:01 CRDT- 1994/11/15 00:00 PST - ppublish SO - Eur J Biochem. 1994 Nov 15;226(1):149-57.