Publications and communications of Guillaume Derval

Miftari, B., Derval, G., Louveaux, Q., & Ernst, D. (08 February 2024). Parametric upper and lower bounds of linear variations of a linear problem’s LHS [Paper presentation]. ORBEL 38, Anvers, Belgium.

Aittahar, S., Bolland, A., Derval, G., & Ernst, D. (2024). Optimal control of renewable energy communities subject to network peak fees with model predictive control and reinforcement learning algorithms. ORBi-University of Liège.

Benzerga, A., Bahmanyar, A., Derval, G., & Ernst, D. (2024). A unified definition of hosting capacity, applications and review. ORBi-University of Liège.

Mbenoun, J., Benzerga, A., Miftari, B., Detienne, G., Deschuyteneer, T., Vazquez, J., Derval, G., & Ernst, D. (2024). Integration of offshore energy into national energy system: a case study on Belgium. ORBi-University of Liège.

Dachet, V., Miftari, B., Derval, G., & Ernst, D. (2023). Hydrogen as the basis of Remote Renewable Energy Hubs [Paper presentation]. Club Industrie-Université 22/09/23.

Miftari, B., Berger, M., Derval, G., Louveaux, Q., & Ernst, D. (2023). GBOML: A Structure-exploiting Optimization Modelling Language in Python. Optimization Methods and Software. doi:10.1080/10556788.2023.2246169

Miftari, B., Derval, G., Berger, M., & Ernst, D. (13 July 2023). GBOML: A modelling tool for structured MILPs [Paper presentation]. The 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, Santiago, Chile.

Derval, G. (2023). Le partage d’énergie en copropriété [Paper presentation]. Université d'été Climactes 2023, Liège, Belgium.

Miftari, B., Derval, G., & Ernst, D. (2023). Sizing and Operations of Energy Systems Using GBOML [Paper presentation]. Company meetings.

Miftari, B., Berger, M., Derval, G., & Ernst, D. (2023). Exploiting structure in MILP: a modeler’s perspective [Paper presentation]. SIAM OP23, Seattle, United States.

Miftari, B., Derval, G., & Ernst, D. (2023). Tutorial: “An Introduction To Sizing And Operations of Energy Systems with GBOML” [Paper presentation]. 2nd International workshop on "Open Source Modeling and Simulation of Energy Systems" OSMSES 2023, Aachen, Germany.

Aittahar, S., Manuel de Villena Millan, M., Derval, G., Castronovo, M., Boukas, I., Gemine, Q., & Ernst, D. (2023). Optimal Control of Renewable Energy Communities with Controllable Assets. Frontiers in Energy Research. doi:10.3389/fenrg.2023.879041

Miftari, B., Derval, G., & Ernst, D. (2023). Optimal Sizing and Operations Of Energy Systems Using GBOML.

Dachet, V., Dubois, A., Miftari, B., Derval, G., Fonteneau, R., & Ernst, D. (2023). Remote Renewable Energy Hubs: a Taxonomy.

Derval, G., & Ernst, D. (2023). Symbolism for modelling, reformulations, and parallelism: MaxiCP-Modelling [Paper presentation]. ModRef 2023, Canada.