Publications and communications of Farah Jeelani Shaik

Shaik, F. J. (27 May 2023). L’université en tant qu’organisation genrée : Analyse des critères de recrutement académique et des biais de genre qu’ils induisent/présentation d’un outil de mentoring [Paper presentation]. UNIC Superdiversity school Diversity in higher education: issues and challenges, Liège, Belgium.

Shaik, F. J. (23 May 2023). Quelle place pour la sociologie de l’éducation dans la formation initiale des enseignants ? Quels liens avec les inégalités dans les apprentissages en classe ? Approches et débats relatifs aux inégalités scolaires [Paper presentation]. Ecole Doctorale des Sciences Sociales: Séminaire de Recherche Formation Initiale des Enseignants, Liège, Belgium.

Shaik, F. J., Draelents, H., & Peters, S. (23 May 2023). Quelle place pour la sociologie de l’éducation dans la formation initiale des enseignants ? Quels liens avec les inégalités dans les apprentissages en classe ? Approches et débats relatifs aux inégalités scolaires [Paper presentation]. Séminaire Ecole Doctorale des Sciences Sociales, Liège, Belgium.

Shaik, F. J. (2023). La place des femmes dans les sciences à l'ULiège; Podcast Femmes et Sciences. FM48.

Shaik, F. J. (2023). Teacher training reform in French- speaking Belgium: A controversial translation process. European Educational Research Journal. doi:10.1177/14749041221141739

Shaik, F. J. (November 2022). Translating inclusion for students with visual impairment and special educational needs in French-speaking Belgian school organizations. International Journal of Special Education, 37 (2), 67-81. doi:10.52291/ijse.2022.37.41

Shaik, F. J. (2022). Teacher Training Reform in French-speaking Belgium: Data. ORBi-University of Liège.

Shaik, F. J. (2022). La Réforme de la Formation Initiale des Enseignants en FWB: une politique de crises ou une politique en crise? [Paper presentation]. Séminaire IRSS (Institut de Recherche en Sciences Sociales FaSS, Uliège) sur « Pensée des crises ou crises de la pensée », Liège, United Kingdom.

Shaik, F. J., & Dubois, C. (2022). Ethics as Enacted Knowledge in Public Sector Organizations. A Sociological account of Academics’ and Prison governors’ work in complex and ambiguous situations [Paper presentation]. European Group for Public Administration Annual Conference, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Shaik, F. J. (2021). Femmes au foyer et fières de l’être : féministes ou « réac » ? Liège, Belgium: The Conversation.

Shaik, F. J. (2021). Teacher Training Reform in French-speaking Belgium – A Controversial Translation Process, Sub-theme 28: Inequality, Institutions, and Organizations. European Educational Research Journal.

Shaik, F. J. (2021). Reforming Teacher Education in French-speaking Belgium: a crises policy or a policy in crisis? [Paper presentation]. ECER 2021, Geneva, Switzerland.

Shaik, F. J., & Verhoeven, M. (2021). Rhétorique inclusive et discrimination dans “Education et diversité. Les fondamentaux de l’action". In F. Lorcerie, A. Manzo, M. Potvin, ... M. Sanchez-Mazas, Education et diversité. Les fondamentaux de l’action. Rennes, France: Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

Shaik, F. J., & Dubois, C. (July 2020). Organizing in the Shadow of Academic Entrepreneurship, Excellence and Omnipresence. Advances in Sciences and Humanities, 6 (2), 70-81. doi:10.11648/j.ash.20200602.13

Shaik, F. J. (June 2020). Translating inclusion in French-speaking Belgian school organizations [Paper presentation]. European Group for Organization Studies Annual Conference 2020, Hamburg, Germany.

Shaik, F. J., Fusulier, B., & Lits, G. (2019). L’excellence académique entre « nomination » et « compétition ». Analyse des critères de recrutement académique dans deux instituts de l’Université catholique de Louvain. SociologieS.

Shaik, F. J. (2019). Changing organisational culture: Leaky pipeline and interrelated phenomena. In A. Murgia, B. Poggio, F. J. Shaik, B. Fusulier, ... C. Vincke, The Leaky Pipeline and Interrelated Phenomena in Six European Countries. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Shaik, F. J., Fusulier, B., & Vincke, C. (2018). The Leaky Pipeline and Interrelated Phenomena in Six European Countries. In A. Murgia & B. Poggio, Gender and Precarious Research Careers: A Comparative Analysis. London, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Shaik, F. J., & Fusulier, B. (May 2017). Understanding gender inequality and the role of work/family interface in contemporary academia: an introduction. European Educational Research Journal, 16 (2-3), 99 - 105. doi:10.1177/1474904117701143

Shaik, F. J. (2017). Forum de Midi, RTBF, “Femmes de Sciences”. Liège, Unknown/unspecified: RTBF.

Fusulier, B., Barbier, P., & Shaik, F. J. (2017). “Navigating” through a scientific career: a question of private and professional configurational supports. European Educational Research Journal. doi:10.1177/1474904117691983

Shaik, F. J., Gurnet, N., & Fusulier, B. (2017). Être jeune chercheur-e aujourd’hui. Emulations: Revue des Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences Sociales, 21.

Shaik, F. J. (2016). Gender practices in the construction of excellence. (10, University of Trento).

Shaik, F. J. (2016). Experiences of Early Career Researchers/Academics: a Qualitative Research on the Leaky Pipeline and Interrelated Phenomena in six European Countries. (11, University of Trento). Trento, Italy: University of Trento.

Shaik, F. J., & Adams, H. V. C. (2016). Gender sensitive mentoring programme in Academia: a design process. (13, University of Trento). Trento, Italy: University of Trento.

Shaik, F. J., & Fusulier, B. (2016). Gendering the Pipeline: A meta-analysis and typology of the leaky pipeline and interrelated phenomena in seven European Countries. (5). Trento, Italy: University of Trento.

Krilić Sanja Cukut, Rapetti, E., Shaik, F. J., Fusulier, B., & Vincke, C. (2015). Mapping organisational work-life policies and practices. Trento, Italy: University of Trento.

Le Feuvre, N., Shaik, F. J., Fusulier, B., & Vincke, C. (2015). Contextualizing Women’s Academic Careers: Comparative Perspectives on Gender, Care and Employment Regimes in Seven European Countries. Trento, Unknown/unspecified: University of Trento.

Shaik, F. J. (2015). Journée d’études, Paris Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales « Etre jeune chercheur ou chercheure aujourd’hui : Quelles réalités ? [Paper presentation]. Journée d’études, Paris Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales « Etre jeune chercheur ou chercheure aujourd’hui : Quelles réalités ?, Paris, France.

Shaik, F. J. (2015). Gender and Work/Life Interferences in Scientific Careers [Paper presentation]. Panel : SASE Society for the Advancement of Socio- Economics« Inequality in the 21st Century, London, United Kingdom.

Shaik, F. J., Barbier, P., & Fusulier, B. (2015). Chercheur-e-s parents en cours d’insertion dans la carrière scientifique : quelles inégalités ? [Paper presentation]. Colloque international Communauté d’Universités Sorbonne Paris Cité, « Les femmes dans le monde académique, Paris, France.

Shaik, F. J., & Fusulier, B. (2015). Researching discursive ressources in gendered research institutions: new approaches to studying the articulation of science and gender in the making. In A. Murgia & B. Poggio, Gender and Precarious Research Careers A Comparative Analysis. London, United Kingdom: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.

Shaik, F. J., & Fusulier, B. (2015). Panel « "Gender and Work/Life Interferences in Scientific Careers". European Educational Research Journal.

Shaik, F. J., & Ozga, J. (2015). Referencing Europe:usages of Europe in National Identity Projects’ in Governing Europe’s Spaces: European Union Re-imagined. In M. Lawn & C. Carter, Governing Europe’s Spaces: European Union Re-imagined Manchester, Manchester University Press. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester university Press.

Shaik, F. J., & Ozga, J. (2015). Europe as a Discursive Device, In Approaching Europe and the European Union: Europe’s Spaces and their Government. In F. R. L. M. Carter Catriona, Approaching Europe and the European Union: Europe’s Spaces and their Government. Manchester, United Kingdom: Manchester University Press.

Steinthorsdottir Finnborg S., Heijstra, T. M., Einarsdottir, T., Shaik, F. J., & Fusulier, B. (2015). Gender budgeting in academia. Trento, Italy: University of Trento.

Shaik, F. J. (2014). Nationalism and Education [Paper presentation]. ASEN Seminar Series « Nationalism and Education » ASEN: The Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism, London, United Kingdom.

Shaik, F. J. (2014). « Gestion de l’hétérogénéité au milieu scolaire » [Paper presentation]. Collloque du GIRSEF, Louvain, Belgium.

Shaik, F. J. (2014). Analysing 'migrant' membership frames through education policy discourse: An example of restrictive 'integration' policy within Europe. European Educational Research Journal, 13 (6), 715 - 730. doi:10.2304/eerj.2014.13.6.715

Shaik, F. J., & Verhoeven, M. (2014). Etudier des categories de differentiation des élèves: une approche analytique intersectionnelle sur les discours et les processus d’inscription institutionnelle, en: "Diversité / Education et formation : Enjeux, pratiques et perspectives dans différents pays [Paper presentation]. Réseau International Education et Diversité (RIED), Marseille, France.

Shaik, F. J., & Dupriez, V. (2013). Analyse critique des conceptions de l’hétérogénéité scolaire. Revue Suisse des Sciences de l'Education, 1.

Shaik, F. J. (11 April 2012). Teachers as gatekeepers between in-and exclusion of students [Paper presentation]. British Sociology Association, Annual Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Shaik, F. J. (2012). Integration discourses: education policy and migrant integration [Paper presentation]. Discourse Power and Resistance Conference, Plymouth, United Kingdom.

Shaik, F. J. (2012). 'Inclusion' as an Educational Reform Project: fragmented policy discourses on 'difference' and limitations for realties of education? [Paper presentation]. British Sociology Association, Annual Conference, Leeds, United Kingdom.

Shaik, F. J. (2011). Education, governance and frames of political membership: migrant `integration` policy as discourse in the Swiss case within Europe [Doctoral thesis, University of Edinburgh]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Shaik, F. J. (2010). Political membership frames in integration policy discourses [Paper presentation]. ECER Conference; Education and Cultural Change, Helsinki, Finland.

Shaik, F. J. (2010). « L’intégration des enfants issus de migration : étude de cas Zurich, Suisse » [Paper presentation]. Forschungsseminar Schulpedagogik und Lehrerforschung, Basel, Switzerland.

Shaik, F. J. (2009). The Swiss migrants' `Integration` agenda and the myth of a depoliticized education: Switzerland and its efforts to join the `European Space of Education. European Educational Research Journal.

Shaik, F. J. (2009). The myth of a depoliticized education: Switzerland and its efforts to join the `European Space of Education [Paper presentation]. European Conference for Education Research ECER Annual Conference: Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research, Vienna, Austria.

Shaik, F. J. (2009). Swisss migrants' `Integration` agenda and the myth of a depoliticized education: Switzerland and its efforts to join the `European Space of Education [Paper presentation]. ESA 9th European Sociological Association Conference (ESA) : European sociology or European sociologies?, Lisbon, Portugal.

Shaik, F. J. (2009). Europa Institute Seminar Series: Practicing EU Government: Problematisation, Mobilisation and Legitimation [Paper presentation]. Europa Institute Seminar Series, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Shaik, F. J., Croxford, L., & Grek, S. (2009). Quality assurance and evaluation (QAE) in Scotland: Promoting self-evaluation within and beyond the country. Journal of Education Policy, 24 (2). doi:10.1080/02680930902734095

Croxford, L., Grek, S., & Shaik, F. J. (September 2008). The Tortoise and the Hare? The views of English and Scottish Teachers about QAE [Paper presentation]. European Conference for Education REsearch: Goteborg, From Teaching to Learning?, Gothenborg, Sweden.

Shaik, F. J. (September 2008). PISA effects on Integration Policy: How PISA is seen to have contributed to Integration Policy of Migrants in the Swiss Education System, European Conference for Education Research [Paper presentation]. European Conference on Education Research; Gothenborg, Gothenborg, Sweden.

Shaik, F. J. (2008). Scotland in Europe: Promoting self-evaluation [Paper presentation]. European Confernce for Education Research 2008.

Shaik, F. J., Issakyen, I., & Ozga, J. (2008). The social and cognitive mapping of policy, Knowledge and Policy, The education sector in Scotland. Edinburgh, United Kingdom: European Commission.