Publications and communications of Audrey Gonzalez Léon

Wagener, A., Leclercq, A.-L., Willems, S., Belmont, A., Bogdanowicz, E., Sambon, C., Tilkin, C., Schepers, N., Baert, A., Gonzalez Léon, A., Halbart, E., Leroy, S., Leyder, L., Masson, J., Moyse, A., & Etienne, A.-M. (19 November 2020). La télépra)que comme ou)l clinique : Enjeux et perspectives [Paper presentation]. Webinaire.

Barbu, C., Gonzalez Léon, A., Gillet, S., & Poncelet, M. (2019). Cognitive Advantage in Children Enrolled in a Second-Language Immersion Elementary School Program for One Year. Psychologica Belgica. doi:10.5334/pb.469

Gillet, S., Barbu, C., Nkiani, B., Gonzalez Léon, A., & Poncelet, M. (19 May 2016). The effect of one year of second-language immersion school program on cognitive development [Poster presentation]. Cognitive and Neural Mechanisms of Human Memory, Cluj Napoca, Romania.