Publications and communications of Eric Defo Tamgno

Defo Tamgno, E., Tiotsa Tsapi, A., Fossi, M., Djeunang Dongho, G. B., Kah Fossah Achu, D., Ekoyol Ekobé, G., Russo, G., Ethgen, O., & Sanou Sobze, M. (12 March 2021). Malaria in West Cameroon: An Assessment of the Populations’ Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices. Central African Journal of Public Health, 7 (2), 47-52. doi:10.11648/j.cajph.20210702.11

Tiotsia Tsapi, A., Defo Tamgno, E., Zogning Makemjio, E., Ngoufack Jagni Semengue, E., Djeunang Dongho, G. B., Efeutmecheh Sangong, R., Tongue Kamga, H. D., Nguefack-Tsague, G., Russo, G., & Sanou Sobze, M. (15 February 2021). Determinants of adherence to ARVs in HIV+ women enrolled in the PMTCT program in the West and North Regions of Cameroon. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics, 11 (1), 62-70.

Zogning Makemjio, E., Tiotsia Tsapi, A., Defo Tamgno, E., Djeunang Dongho, G. B., Nguefack-Tsague, G., Montesano, C., Colizzi, V., Gianluca, R., & Sanou Sobze, M. (June 2020). Knowledge and Attitudes of Population Living in Rural and Semi-Rural Areas towards Covid-19 :Case of the Menoua Division, Cameroon. Igiene e Sanita Pubblica, 76 (3), 159-172.

Defo Tamgno, E. (2018). Evaluation de la propension à payer des patients pour le vaccin antipaludique RTS,S/AS01 (MOSQUIRIX) au Cameroun [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Tiotsa Tsapi, A., Djeunang Dongho, G. B., Efeutmecheh Sangong, R., Zogning Makemjio, E., Ngoufack Jagni Semengue, E., Bell Pallawo, I., Defo Tamgno, E., Bita Izaca, A. G., Azeufack Ngueko, Y., Ercoli, L., Pana, A., Vincenzo, C., Ndoungue, M., Russo, G., & Sanou Sobz, M. (2018). Knowledge on STIs / HIV / AIDS, Stigma-Discrimination and sexual behaviors AMONG students of the University of Dschang, in Cameroon. Igiene e Sanita Pubblica.