Publications and communications of Robin Crunenberg

Crunenberg, R., Charles, C., Buret, L., Philippe, G., Lallemand, A., & Ethgen, O. (2024). Interpretative phenomenological analysis of the collaboration among healthcare professionals in the nursing home setting. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 100424. doi:10.1016/j.rcsop.2024.100424

Gaspar, A., Lecomte, F., Delwaide, A.-L., Crunenberg, R., Louis, F., & Philippe, G. (2024). Prévention et promotion de la santé : quels rôles pour le pharmacien d'officine ? Revue Médicale de Liège.

Crunenberg, R., Simon Claire, & Ethgen, O. (01 October 2023). Current Practice in Weekly Pillbox Preparation and Perceived Added Value of Future Collaboration between Community Pharmacists and Home Care Nurses in Belgium. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Research, 7 (4), 251-260. doi:10.21608/aprh.2023.222438.1228

Crunenberg, R., Philippe, G., & Ethgen, O. (25 August 2023). Preferences and perceptions of pharmacy students on the sectoral development of community pharmacy in Belgium [Paper presentation]. FIP Pharmacy Practice Research summer meeting for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and supervisors.

Crunenberg, R. (03 July 2023). Preferences and perceptions of Pharmacy Master students on the possibilities of sectoral evolution in Belgium [Paper presentation]. FIP Pharmacy Practice Research summer meeting, Grenade, Spain.

Delwaide, A.-L., Lallemand, A., Gaspar, A., Belche, J. L., Buret, L., Cardos, B., Crunenberg, R., De Bleye, C., D'Orio, V., Giet, D., Ghuysen, A., Herné, P., Lecomte, F., Lenoir, A.-L., Piazza, J., Tubes, R., Henrard, G., & Philippe, G. (27 April 2023). Implementation of a simulation-based vaccination training course for master’s degree students in pharmacy (PPT) [Paper presentation]. Congrès eSafe - sécurité des soins de santé, Belgium.

Delwaide, A.-L., Lallemand, A., Gaspar, A., Belche, J. L., Buret, L., Cardos, B., Crunenberg, R., De Bleye, C., D'Orio, V., Giet, D., Ghuysen, A., Herné, P., Lecomte, F., Lenoir, A.-L., Piazza, J., Tubes, R., Henrard, G., & Philippe, G. (27 April 2023). Implementation of a simulation-based vaccination training course for master’s degree students in pharmacy [Paper presentation]. Congrès eSafe - sécurité des soins de santé, Belgium.

Crunenberg, R., HODY, P., Ethgen, O., Hody, L., & Delille, B. (01 April 2023). Public Health Interest of Vaccination Through Community Pharmacies: A Literature Review. Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Research, 7 (2), 77-86. doi:10.21608/aprh.2023.189159.1210

Crunenberg, R., Simon, C., & Ethgen, O. (04 November 2022). Public health interest of community pharmacist and home care nurses collaboration in the realisation of weekly pillboxes: A quantitative observational cross-sectional study. Pharmacy practice research summer meeting for PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and supervisors conference abstracts 2022. Pharmacy Education, 22 (5), 7-8. doi:10.46542/pe.2022.225.148

Crunenberg, R. (September 2022). Expérience belge : pharmacien acteur de première ligne [Paper presentation]. Forum de l'officine, Tunis, Tunisia.

Crunenberg, R., Simon, C., & Ethgen, O. (04 July 2022). Public health interest of community pharmacist and home care nurses collaboration in the realization of weekly pillboxes: A quantitative observational cross-sectional study [Paper presentation]. FIP Pharmacy Practice Research Summer meeting 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Crunenberg, R., & LENOIR, A.-L. (Other coll.). (01 June 2022). Intérêt pour la santé publique de la communication médecin - pharmacien [Paper presentation]. Conférence Internationale des Doyens des facultés de PHARMacie d'Expression Française.

Crunenberg, R. (2022). LE PHARMACIEN D’OFFICINE EN PREMIÈRE LIGNE : Expérience belge (vaccination, dépistage, éducation thérapeutique) [Paper presentation]. Forum de l'officine, Tunis, Tunisia.

Crunenberg, R. (10 March 2021). Perspectives et leviers de performance de l'officine [Paper presentation]. Seminaire HEC LIège tax institute, Liège, Belgium.

Crunenberg, R. (10 March 2021). L'évaluation des pharmacies en Belgique : comment réconcilier valeur et rentabilité ? [Paper presentation]. Séminaires Institute for Tax Advisors and Accountants - ITAA, Liège, Belgium.

Crunenberg, R., & Ben Brahim, M. (21 November 2016). COMPOSITION.

Crunenberg, R. (2016). Strategic analysis of the Belgian public pharmaceutical sector and future perspectives [Master’s dissertation, ULiège - Université de Liège]. ORBi-University of Liège.

Crunenberg, R. (2011). Population pharmacokinetic modelling of an investigational prodrug [Master’s dissertation, Université d'Uppsala]. ORBi-University of Liège.